THE BEEi OMAHA; TfESDAT, MAT 27, 1913. f THE PEOPLES' WEEKLY PAGE OF ELECTRICAL NEWS Published Bach Tuesday Jf Moving, Packing Storage Yon should wony if you dqnJt livean;antGlexlly wired home. We'll .move you into one tnriokly. OJho (Sty Vbosfc service. you'll find on inyestfgatiqn that our prices &nfur niture moving are jib low as can bo jbad anywhere jn Omaha. OUR SERVJOE ;IS mSUASSED. Omaha Ian i Storage 6o. Elaotric Sleep for Those Who Are E&stless in Bed Best Service. 80 ;So. .Wth St. BflUglas .4163. Electrio sleep" for those who isuffer -trow Insomnia or those who wishafew -lnks .when there ts nothing else ,'to do. a :promlsed .by Dr. NagclschmMt. Oer n:an physician, as the result of some .sue. -cessful experiments he has b,en eon duptlnB on animals reoently. The electric sleep which he produced In rabbles anil dogs has been ,so free from harmful .effects that Pr. ogeUchmtdt be )lvw human beings can be subjected to the same treatment without danger or detriment. .By his method of .applying electricity. Dr. Nagelachraldt .asserts he can elimi nate pain In any part of the human body. An anethetlc condltlqn that Is .producd permits the pricking of the flesh with A .pin or an Incision to be made without .Buffering on the jPart of the subject so long as the '.'electrified" state continue. florae young .follows claim to be .Uve .wires when all they Co (i to spark .a little iHa.rard (Kan.) Couiant. wmm for m m -Ileal Tostoffice -to ,Ue Cleaner Sold .by Wolfe EleoWp. SELECTED BY QOVXTONT ,TEST After Trials of Alajiy vJtnoUln.cs, Au thorities Decide ,op TW partic ular Cleaner ,,na Ope Uso In DqlldlnKS. rho government started, .some .years ago, .to install electrio vaquum clewi-. lpg jsy-stems in poateffices throu,ghou,t the country. Hundreds of .tests Titro 'maJe of different makes t vacuum cleaners by the tgovernmnat .engineara at Washington. Several .of these demon strations were successful, but only jfour of .the machines proved satlsfaotorjr for government usa. Out of these four, the Invincible electric vacuum cleaner, won first place on account of Its, strong 'di rect suction, Its noiseless xrunnlrwr. jand Its simple construction. LUto atten tion Is required to Veep this machine n order, and thlu. of course, 4S of great importance for .any .machine jyjhloh has to do service day out and .day in. .After tho first demonstration at the .adminis tration building, the Invincible clearer was p&m to the White HqusT a.tnal teat, and a demonstrator thera before .the authorities proved that the Invin cible cleaner, not pnly tools, .the dirt and dust .out, of tfte surface of the jjig getting also cleaned through the jpig, getting the dust juid dirt vn.dern.eath. Tio last and final test was to take" a clean wet towel and rub the carpet on the ur face. and as the towel after this ru ting showed no trace of dirt, It was iiSdlly proved that the Invincible cleaner was the machine wanted for governrnent use. The 'local agpnt for ,the Invincible vacuum cleaner, The Woife lectfio company, 1810 Farnam atreet, sfyw re cently sold one of these "machines with the complete at.tachnjent for cleaning everything Inside the federal bulldj'n walla to the Omaha postoffloe. ' ' " jiiisipji in pi asiiiiiiji,! wmm 1 SS Baltimore Plajjs to Saye Houses from Fire by ;New Scfeepie The city of Baltimore has put Into practice a clover little electrical scheme that undoubtedly will save considerable house timber In the course of years. A number of tho oiitlylng city fire alarm boxes have been equipped with 25 watt Mazda lamps, enclosed in weather-proof globes, which really mark' the location of the boxes for night emergen cies, i These marker lamps are wired in groups supplied from the regular metered cen tral station service of the nearest fire house. They are switched on at dusk and off at dawn by attendants on duty at the various posts. policemen are also -required to report jany lamp that is turned out or broken. Small renewal stocks are kept at each tire house, and a fireman Is sent put to replace the- ueles- ffnip .aa soon as it 1s reported. ' Ele.otric Autos m ' Great Increase, jas Showii "by EecQr5j3 Vfom mn.(&)fm to POQ,aMiqoo .jf tho value placed by experts on the output of automobiles In the United States during the current year. It U estimated that of the US.600 cars expected to be produced In Michigan; Detroit will' manufactjjrre S30, 000. The output for the entire country, It is believed, will be 400. If these estimates hold good aijd they are based on the orders and jNrospects reported by manufatursiiiTjtbB year's production of electric commercial cars will represent an increase of US per cent over Jhe total fpr he preceding twelve nonths. Tho Increase In the "output of electrio pleasure cars will be M.J pr cent compared wtf l?U. Key to the (SltuatlonBee Advertising. BENNE1T EljqTmC CO 3TOB SAFE AND KEIiIABLE WTROfO it PAYS to PLEASE tOl Omaha Wat. Bank aigg. a SBiai Omaha Eleclrical Works Electric Elevator Repairs Alt Westinghouse Motor? 103-13 JT. llth Bt, Fhona Song, 1181. The ConviRiencd '.How Mi X .answer so .quickly ?u "'By, we've just had an .exten sion ,telephone installed un-stairs. I can sendpr receive calls ifromtfithex floor ,now, jind .there's no rmnm .teuppirgaijp.and down-to anawor." Why Mot Msivt an JSjptensim TfilepJipne $o firing Me palUXo Y,on? NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY light Housekeeping Now Done in Lunch Eooms and Cafes The .afternoon tea rooms and -evening lunch i rooms .In some -cities have .a new attraction In the.fotmtof electrio teaipots una offee percolators placed right on the table, where the guests ra&y super intend -the making of their own hot drinks. .A xterlng shop In Denver, where the electric percolator has been placed on the various tables, has found itself to be a .busy host, especially after tho theater. The pleasure of having the coffee pre pared before their very eyes Is much ap preciated by .the .guests. The novelty of the preparation, the anticipatory pleasure n watching the bubbling, listening to the. cheerful teputterlng and In sniffing tho .fragrant aroma, together with the all around satisfaction of presiding .so closely tver the -entire operation seems to -satisfy more than hunger. 'CMC Gabbleton Edison declares that four hours' sleep per night ts enough for any man. Kldder-iBy Jove! That Is exactly what my baby thinks! Judge. I l illTl o m tin Mm cMmm: Leads in . IUyEfficiericy and JP Durability II Mo More II rpaGaces Si feh leantoy $30 0eraUng Cst, lHc Pets Hour. Prove it satisfaction THE ECLIPSE ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER WITH DOUBLE NOZZLE. OILLESS BEARINGS. Have it Demonstrated in Your Homo. THE ELECTRIC SHOP Wolfe Electric Co. 1 Established 1874 1810 Faraam. Tyler 1414. E1ECTRI6 REPAIRING AND INSTALLATION WORK neatly, quickly and satisfactorily done with the most modern equipment! .and best workmanship. Call by telephone. WOLFE ELECTRIC 00 Tyler 1414 E. 0. BENNETT & 00 Doug. 3816 . OMAHA ELECTRIC WORKS Doug. 1181 H. J. LANKTREE Tyler 10111 BANQUET T0THEIR AUDITOR Electrio Light and Power Company Host to H. L. Martin. GIVEN A FINE TRAVELING BAG . i . Auditor Gaps Into ntir Position -nrttlt Federal iaht and Traction Compnnr of Jfrr Torlc . I.envea Here Jane 1, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT! WHEN YOU BRING YOUR SHOE REPAIRING TO THE STURGES BOOT SHOP INNER KUMP0RT SHOES FOR MEN 1504 Harney Street. Redick Block. Our repair deportment is equipped to give you the quickest and best service obtain able at reasonable prices. WHEN NEXT YOU NEED SHOE REPAIRING REMEMBER OUR LOCATION, THE housewife of today would be shocked if you told her that, be cause she did not have an Electric Vacuum Cleaner, she was not modem. Yet the truth points to the Jtact that she is behind the times, for "modern" means using all the latest labprvsaving inventions and no device of the pres ent day gets rid of so much drudgery as does the Vacuum Cleaner. This little machine keeps your home and place of business clean without labor. It sanitarily cleans floors, walls, curtains, portieres and will brush your clothes. The Diamond Suction Sweeper, sold by W. G. .Colling company, is one of the model cleaners. Vacuum Cleaners from $25 up, may be purchased of any dealer An average sized dwelling can be 'clemned with Sc worth of our current Call our Contract Dept. for .information about our service. Omaha Electric Light Power Company Members of the "family" ot the Omaha Electrio Light and Power com puny gave a banquet In honor of H. 1 Martin, auditor of the company, last week, and as a remombranco presentel him with a handsome traveling bag. All employes and officers of tho company were present. Mr. Martin leave? the firm June 1 to go to New York an general auditor of the Federal Light and Trac tion company. P. A. Nash, head of tho Omaha Jaec trio Light and Power company, made tho presentation Bpeech and spoke of the high regard which he had for Mr. Mar. tin. Ho also said ho was sorry tq have tho swing man leave, but he realised that his going meant much for Mr Martln'a future. He also touched on the fact that lio had taken many young men and de Veloped them in tho business in this city, ajjd that several of these had become prominent In tho electrical world after going from Omaha. He took pride In tho Xoct that men developed by tho local company received recognition la other states, tVhltehorn Presides. W. D. Whltehorn presided as toast master at the banquet. B. E. Schweltter, Mcretary-trcasurer. spoke of the good work which Mr. Martin had done and showed considerable feeling over the de parturo of the young auditor. I. B. Zlmman sold there waa much to be spoken of, but thot he die not feel thot ho could do Justice to tho man or tho subject, expressing his deep feeling at the loss of the auditor. George Kerb ler spoke along the samo lines. A. L. English pointed out that Mr. Martin was going to a higher field and that, though the local company wquld miss him, yet they know he, waa going Into a better work and wero pleased to eeo him rise. Walter Bartlett, who Is tho successor of Mr. Martin, was deeply mord as he paid tribute to the auditor. Jack Barry, the baby of tho "family," made tho real hit of the evening by get ting off several humorous points that put him up high in tho class of good nfter-rtlnnor talkers. "Dad" Tallfers, who has been in tho employ of the company for more than twenty years, paid his compliments to tho guest of the evening and told of the good work that ho had done. In aceptlng the token ot the hosta Mr. Martin told how deeply sorry ho was be cause he had to leave tho company. Ha said he wished that he could remain, but that this was one of those occasions In the llfo of a man when a mov meant a brighter future. H. L. MARTIN. The Diamond Suction Sweeper Two sizes, $35.00 and $65.00. (The kind used, bythe Slfwkjstono and La Salle hotel of Chicago). Ono of the best cleaners made, Is sold in Omaha by the W. G. COLLING CO., imJSm INTERIOR DECORATORS ALL THE FINEST FURNISHINGS, DRAPERIES, RUGS, ETC,, FOR THE BEST HOEMS. ELECTRIC WIRING That Can Bo Depended Upon. Electric Household LANKTREE ELECTRIC CO. Tyler 1011. 308 South 18th Bt. Continued use of this Page nourishes busi ness in the Electrical line. Try it!