Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1913, SEMI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE SECTION, Image 55

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    He looked up. "At her wish, I de
stroyed It."
You did!" I exclaimed, nil the.
journalist In mo on edge. "Well, If
It really was a reproduction ot Delor
mel's I can only say It Is a great pity."
He tossed off another glnss. "No,
Caxton had never seen Delormel's
"Then It was a translation of the
esoteric manuscripts on which Delor
mel's book was founded?"
"No, Caxton had never seen them
"Hut," I protested, "If Caxton's
book was not derived from Delormel's
It must at least have come from the
same source."
"So It did."
"Well, then!"
"Hut that source Is the fourth di
mension." "Nonsense," I was sufllclently un
civil to exclaim. "The fourth dimen
sion Is merely a mathematical hy
pothesis." He blinked at me. "To the mathe
matician, certainly. Hut not to the
mystic. To the latter It is an actual
plane in which any one may function,
only to do so presupposes a develop
ment of the Inner senses which en
ables the percipient to respond to
other vibrations and, in so doing, to
cognize matters to which the rest of
us are blind. That Is what Sweden
borg did, what Delormel did; Caxton
as well. Caxton saw the past and the
future. Hut It was too much for him."
It was too much for me. Steadily
Mores had been drinking, quite as
though the bottle were his own, and,
though I did not in the least object to
that, I wondered could the liquor
have gone to his head.
"Yes," he resumed, "narcosis re
sulted and death ensued."
"You did not advance that at tho
trlnl," I got in at him.
EXCITEDLY', with a gesture, he par
ried the thrust. "It would have
been very foolish of me If I had. What
jury would accept such a story?
Even otherwise I did not know of it.
At tho tlmo I did not know what had
caused Caxton's death. Afterward I
believed that Sherwood was right. I
believed that It was venom that killed
him. In any event I know now that It
was that which killed her, or rather I
know that I was the viper. Yes, for
my eternal perdition, that is tho
truth. A woman gentler than .ludith
never lived. At llrst to be but near
her was rapture to me. Hut, as you
will realize, the trial had put its mark
on her. Vibrant and supersensitive as
she was, what else coald one expect?
The strain of the proceedings, tho hor
ror of them all, were such that when
she put her hand In mine, it was as
though she were a child, beaten and
abused, who turned to any one, even
to a stranger, for protection. Hut I!
I misunderstood. I thought It was
not only her hand but her heart she
was giving me. Y'et what heart could
she havo had save one too battered
and broken to respond to any throbs
of mine? I did not appreciate that.
What I began to appreciate was Sher
wood's arraignment in which he pic
tured her as insatiable of plcasuro
and, in pursuit of It, hesitating at
nothing, even at crime. It seemed to
me that if she did not care for me, she
might treat mo as perhaps she had
treated Caxton. In my cups I said as
much and It was t,ha'tthat killed her.
There are men who in their cups be
come rascals, rascals do you hear me?
And in my cups, my conduct was such
was such my conduct my cups
my "
It trailed away. Mores, his mouth
half open, wjis staring, not at me, but
over and beyond, and In pitying him
the tortures of his unavailing re
morse, I pitied too tho fair and
wretched creature who had been har
ried, and doubly harried, to her death.
"Tho motor has come," some ono
suddenly and sharply called. "Why
are n't you ready?"
I turned. In tho doorway behind
mo was tho woman whom I had seen
earlier that day. She was tall, stout,
veiled as before.
As she spoke, she strode toward us
I stood up, Mores did also.
"I will get my hat," he nbashedly
told her.
Hut the woman must havo noticed
the bottle, for at once sho angrily nd
dressed me. "You havo been enter
taining my husband and I had or
dered, I had given strict Instruc
tions "
"Your husband !" I exclaimed. I
looked about. Mores had sidled away.
"1 thought he told mo "
Sho cut me short. "He has been
romancing as usual I suppose. That
is your fault. Since the panic he has
not been what ho was and, If he
drinks, ho don't know what ho says
and does n't care. Kor that reason I
had arranged that ho was not to have
"I am sorry," I said. "I did not
know. I have not seen him for a long
time, not since a trial in which "
I got no further. She had raised
her veil and at sight of her face I
gasped. It was tho face of a woman
vulgar and obese, a face that time had
coarsened nnd temper had marred, yet
one which none the less instantly I
recognized and It was then that I
There, metamorphosed, I Judged, by
Mores; deteriorated, I could but as
sume, by his atmosphere ; transformed
by association with him from phan
tom into ogress; there, with his own
bulldog look in her eye, before mo
Judith Caxton stood.
A -moment only. Abruptly tho veil
fell. With, a toss of tho head, she
turned, while. I, astoundedly, beneath
my breath, exclaimed:
"O temporal 0 Mores!"
I found but that. Y'et later on, dur
ing tho evening, when I had had a
glass or three of Sham Shoo, slowly
but surely I began to appreciate what
visions may come, not merely from
Hcnares and tho fourth dimension, but
also and particularly from the wines
of Cathay.
- TO THE -
A NEW kind of animal story Is just
about the rarest and most coveted
thing that n magazine can obtain, and
who but Charles G. D. Roberts could
havo made an enraged bull elk nnd an
equally Irato panther so tremendously
funny as.aro the two dueling forest
lords in Hoof and CUixo a thrilling
serlo-humorous feature of the next
SnMi-Mo.NTiii.Y Maoazine? The author
of The Watchers of the Trails and
other animal story classics has fairly
eclipsed himself with this stirring
tale of tho Great North Woods.
MOT so funny, but Just as Interest
ing and full of life, is a blg-busl
ness article, Landing the Via Job, In
which Cromwell Chlldo tells how
?:10,000 to $50,000 Jobs go begging
sometimes and how some of them are
MO matter whether you read the
1 llrst adventure of Claro Kendall,
Woman Detective, entitled A Skir
mish With the Occult, published In
tho Skmi-Moxthi.v two
weeks ago, you will simply revel in
her second adventure, The Pearl Doc
tor, which Arthur H. Heevo contrlb
utes to tho next number. That Is, if
you are fond of reading a real, live,
rousing detective yarn, nnd who Is
A LL tho world loves a lover In a
good love story and Tudor
.Tenks has written for the next Semi
Monthly Maoazink just tho kind of
miniature love story to be appreciated
by any man or woman who has ever
fallen in love. A Semi-Monthly Mac
azine cover Is something original
and distinctive designed to tell a
story after your own heart. And His
Side Line, the cover title of tho next
number, Is no exception to tho rule
Swedish Vibrator.
Can bo
By Anyono
In Town or
ChamplM Wmllir if I to WsrH m It
Sndlib, RWkmlG fibular 4 nr:
'Tot UmtortDf up, karfilnf la aoitlltliiB
and traartnaalt.f Un fmiMlci, llim ll noth
ing that tQuaiaor ttwli Inn UMof tb Htal.
Uh Elaotrl. Wbfalur, I alaays van on. t.
t ttalalaf and 1 certainly Ao4 It a woadtr
fal help. It taanbas lb artl of all atlmula.
UoD and (If, ma a Jrfct alnutatloa. Ill
tiw 1m all lb. rauaelf i alMtlolt;, mabai
ana poanrful, quick anil aotira
"Drlaf a firm UU.Ttr ta Uatnrf tnal
nap, I trUd various aiaknt flf Iliad., but
dli aot ttA on. of .nough afflcUner to alia
taa4 tba UN I put thota to until 1
purcbawd jnurt. You booo, la too opinion,
tho only fwffott Vibrator .a tbo marivt. and
I oaaoouaiitontlj rwotnmoikl It. uoo toa'l
atbloto. aa4 inoa. ba dootr boaltb. and
This ia an opportunity for you to make $5,000 this year
as a high-grade salesman. 1 Ins machine is sold upon ft
five-year cash certificate guarantee and 30 days trial.
, . ! i u
x ou arc not asiceu to risic a single penny, no fiprnince ryi
neceiuiT. iMouciay. wo charge lor territory, no com-
petition. Exclusive field. Success assured. Rftnirlitle offer.
Read every word carefully. Get an appointoncnt and peti
started without delay. Vc are appointing men every uav I
to manacc our business in local territories. We need food.
honest men who art wllllnf to work and wc will give you to
day this opportunity to
- Make $5,000 This Year
It Is the chance of a lifetime. You will bo in business for
Yourself. Von will he roar own Ion Independent, abundant moner.
rlemnt position and your time will be your own. At home
n traveling all or spirt time get an appointment immediately
ana commence earning money next week.
The Swedish Vibrator
Most anuzlns idler ever Invented. A iw BrtptiltWi f" stkimi. Endoned I
by tbc highest authorities of the world. A machine lor home mass ice, ei ere lie
and vibratory treatment. Can be operated br ilmplf attaching to electric
lamp socket, or br orulnary dry batterlet la ritlei, tiwii, Miatrf ay whir,
everywhere. Needed br ererr man, woman and famllr. Aaym eta lit It
Get complete literature FREE and learn the wonders of thli brilliant Inven
tiona machine that elves 50,000 thrilling, Invigorating, penetrating, revlt
ellzlnz vibrations net minute. One-minute demonstration eels the order.
IrresI&tiMe desire to own It. once you feel tlio livinix. puis In u
touch of Its rhythmic vibratory motion. Sold upon five-yeis.
cash certificate guarantee and 30 Days' Trial.
1 1 open to anrona Mho want to mike
moner and ho If willins to work
Wa furnish complete Inatructioni
that enable ?ou to tartlm med la Mf
Nothing difficult. No etperleocA re
quired We wmt applications from
men and women In unoccupied terrl'
torr eter jwhre cletki, teachen,
mechanics, farmers, etc etc alt
can male moot yon this grand, new,
earM.ling plan Act today rut
your nam and add r cm on a poetal
card and mail it atone Find out all
about thii treinendoue opportunity.
Don't Delay
Throw awar the little nortltlej opon whtc5
you have to make ten 01 twentr files a day to
par expenr. Become a rral talesman and make real and quick and biz
moner. 150 prolit. One sale a day means $90 net profit a
week. Many aveiacinE lout, fite and eren ten a day. This is actu
ally tho most brilliant, easy and high-class proposition
mat has aver oevn ouerca 10 ivtac-awane aucnis, gen
eral agents, and managers.
InXGStiPatO Cct ',ee ""ta,a'e ini complete Information at
O once. Send lut rout name and addreti on a
postal card and all will he mailed FREE Immediately Aftat'l sinil fan.
Iibii at wkiltiili erlce. lareitifitt. It costi you nothlne to find out. Tenl-
torr being rapidly assigned, Bat eat ton lllswii la a fatld. Glre the name I
ol your county. Send jour name and address todar This Is a brilliant I
opportunity. Do not neelect. Do not pat It off. Act ImmtiUttlr. AJdicisI
Dept. 89 215-230 Schiller St., Chicago, XII. J
For a 9 ft. x 1 2 ft.
Full Room Size
The biggest sale of Rugs, In the History of the
world n havo 6,000 nf thi-HO Hutia IxMittht nt which o will
furnimh on all onJrra rcrelvetl t oner. Here Is undouMrdly thm Wot Hun tiara-Bin vr
But bfin- lh Amrrlran public Thru ItujfB at fJ.VO ar full rwini aiie, 12 ft X
ft., amt come In an cndlcaa varirtr ot ..ami mm t )rlrntal. Floral and all-otrr iat.
tmi. They ara revrraibltf, one-iics, avamleaa and bit trait liar vain aver uftVreu.
I'uro WnmtiMl l''nc llrst Tjipatry UrtiNt-M Ituie on Q AC
tho market, ono-piece, nenniU'ia, also UzI'J ft Trim 51 sit J
Kitni Finn nml Heavy Quality I'uro Wool Wilton Q nn
Velvet ltiiif. liottxl'.Ift. Trfco il.iJU
Tho Heat ami HeavlpHt Quality llk'li I'llo Aiinlimter CfC 7C
ltiiir.alcoVxli ft. l'rleo 13. 1 3
Theao Ituc can ho furnlahod In an rnillean variety of patterns nl
a n.d In all iliri, at -roportiimata prlrra, rantrinir from an IHiSA Inch to Itila fot
KutTa Our hantJaomi Kum ara ahown In artual rulora In our Mir Ktir amt r urniiurt
UiapUr Ikmlt, which va aeml frint on application, It alo Incliidca ftilliirfcrl.llon of
our Mammoth Stock Cook' Ut Quuitty MiMaf iVial and Inlaid LtnoltumM.
ItINT 1111 VI1 MMH.I'I'MM. lVr untiitnt ttr.l .a Inw a. 049W
TUB HBbT QUAL1TV INLAID LINOLBUMH, per wjuare yard ailowufiOfl
Hamnlraof thPKO Unoleuma nn artllratlon. Ken1 un illnRrnm of
room to cover and wa will quota on atock autUbla for tha tturpoaa, W hava many
rrmnanta that wa ax cloaintc out at low prlcaa no charva fur cutUng and tnaUhlntc.
Carpets In All Grades for Every Purpose. Send us dla
arum of rtwim for estimate, Htnto our ireferenr and will quote )ou
from stock on hand W's ltTcraihl4-('art eta ranririr in nrlca from 18c iar au.rd.un.
linena, tuUary and all hoUMbokl TURK WOH3TKD FACE, TATESTUV IIRUSSELa CAIU'KT. 27 la. wid( iiHo Vl.
Write Today for Our Biff Mammoth Furniture and Household Goods Catalog
The bl eiret liariraln 1-ook oer prodnced. J0.000 llluatratlnnf of household neroattltle, alao nhowa ruga nnd
flmir coerlnffa In actual colon. Iho look la froo. Gut your copy now. hvery article nlTerl la itnar
anteod absolutely perfect, brand now and ilrt-t claaa In every particular. Your money back If not antlaflod,
Big Bargains in Furniture
Wo havo an onormmis atock of Inch
Brads r'urnltur, fnrludina rvarylhlng needed
for Ihahoma.olHrt thacluborhntcK Wtcan
. V I BBV i
DON'Tlan underpaid, over
wirlMl lcrk Get out ol
I the tre-earner a Ut and Into
th I ir lftJ f l utlcrll luu.ttoJj,
It F 1 1 171'. ttia I.MI tl.s.1 U la TMI. tU
Ifc. otld mht leu eftB frl!l dia lln 111
r !. rlatira. 1tMitt rdtr 1-uflcHl it U
rralnlllfU today Ut itt ituBof limlt bum
s atriM OUI Iwr fciniMil. un aui vi ui iut wh
ara fnmtifirtimri tti nuii tnt rtto&Utl pteUl.
i ilualtalr throaifh avr dtaUra. Wa fwraUk itf
W miIil Pahs.ll caMial Nacantualfir HI
rrlMM tmNtrf, flsflR atytxiroaa fcoma. rratHa, Unip
mt'R ontwiiuali. V rlla tit rtiM no fur full wtlaulai I (aoai.
drkadl tUa. a vera iulaaaU ai4 nIUt rroof.
.M. PEASE MFG.C0..810 Pease BIdj.. Main Sl..Bu(Uo.N.Y.
Moth-Proof Cedar Chest
Sent On Approval
f SoulhrnRedCedarCheatpro- I day.
moth. mice, dutnddamp. I'lnestweddlnp, trial
birthday, graduation (rift, Y actory price. Fnlght prepaid.
01, 17 WrlU for &t page dni'ly llluitratwl
OOOK rree catalos and book, "Story of Knl
Caiar," roatpJ fraa to rou. Writ, fur tn.m today,
Post Paid
J- JiiiFwMSx
Guaranteed ,5 Years
Kaiabaaaa vltl Mad ibUtnvoianah bj aall ot I 14 for O N fiO
CENTS OaBtlataaa'lllta.fttllaUaal afiftf alatadeaaa Atitn.i.l ta
caparoaaT iltn wlai aa4 itm Ml a Mrfrtt Ua.akaaH' 't fa f uraaU4
for Sard IblnJf la ua Hb Oda.aad aaiah ai i taaBttr rataia niHI
poull Baili fa4tl-aaiiaraBla4tr maty rtfuadad btb4Vtilatar Addrata
R. E. CIIAlHtRS S CO- 518 So. Dearborn St., CHICAGO
AUrrrllhlns. rommrrrlul activity, Knod literature and Individual bcarflt ure Intrrdcpnndrnt.