o ftI IXla snHassssaaenJ ' Annei'son Owners Make Strenuous Trip Through the Mud Regardless of bnd roads and weather conditions, n, party of new Apperson owners left Omaha for Chadron a week ap, covering tho entire 630 miles with out ralthap or trouhlo of an kind. In' the party were: Colonel C. F. Coffee, president First National bank; W. A. C&rmean, prusldont ClUaenn' National tank; II. F. Malka and W. P. Mann, NEN CARS DRIVEN FROM OMAHA TO CHADRON. Alliance- to Chadron the roads were fairly rood and the entire party was highly elated over the wonderful work accomplished by the Apperson "Jack Rabbltf ' both prominent business men of Chadron. Tho first stop was Columbus, a distance of eighty-seven miles, and mud wns axle deep most of tho way. On Friday about 200 miles was covered over the worst roads In this state, arriving In Otkosh without n single motor mlsslnir a shot. From Oskosh, to Alliance tho run was mode through deep sand. From J. T. Powell, salesman with the local offlco, and A. II. Dalke, a factory rep resentative, accompanied the party through to Chadron, returning by train. Along the Gossip Automobile Eow Dentse Barkalow reports that business has been ffood since the Electric Qaraco reopened ten days ago. Two Rauch and Zan electrics were sold last week and thins are generally looking bright for the future. The service atatlon for frasollno cars has been Installed at the Electric srnrato nnd owners can now take advantage of this new feature which was put In since the tornado. Ouy L. Smith has received his first 1913 Peerless. It Is a six-cylinder tour ing car. The body Is a rich dark red, with all fittings nickel plated, This beautiful car goes to Heber Hord of Central City. Ouy I Smith has Justdellvred a Wis Iludsoiftorpedo to Dave Ttosenstock, one ct South Omaha's mont prominent stock men. the "Little Six" fall. chassis wilt appear next n, D. Maxwell has been appointed man ager of tho Studobaker retail house tn Los Angeles, Col. The Omnha Auburn company made a large number of out-of-town deliveries last wk. The Imperial Baker compnny pur chased a Btudcbaker delivery car from the F. R. Wilson Automobile company last week. J. A. Frooland of tho Freoland Auto mobile company has received word that three Mason cars will bo entered In the Indianapolis speedway contest Sidney Bwanion. whose genial smile and capable management has made. thousands of friends for the Calumet restaurant. is driving a new 1915 Hudson which, he . purchased from Ouy U SralOs. The Mclntyr Automobile company sold a Dart truck to It. 0. Farnsa of Lincoln last week. An Oakland "40" wan delivered to C. Richardson of Lincoln. The Stewart-Tooer Motor company has delivered to the Gray Bonnet Taxi company, two more Chalnlers cart, some making a total of fifteen Chalmers cars with this company In service which en ables them to take better care of their trade. The fitewart-Toorer Motor company has sold Chalmers six-cyltndcr cars to N. X Paul of St. Paul, Neb; C. S. An drews, Council Bluffs; N- P. Norcross of Beatrice; D. a. Hopper of Waterloo, Neb; C. V. Tourtclot of Lincoln. Tho have also sold Chalmers "20" to William Cochrane of Red Onk, la, and 8. T. Rhode of Randolph, 'Ja. Eight Michigan "0s" were delivered In this territory last week by the local concern. M. P. Powell of the Powell Supply company has returned from a visit In Iowa. He reports good business In that territory. Guy L. Smith, local dealer in Franklin cars, says a full line of closed bodies on Apperson Jack Babbit Again the Uhoioe After a careful examination and demon stration of eight well known cars, L. F. Seaton of tho, experimental farm at Lin coln purchased an Apperson 'S" last Monday, Mr. Seaton did not consider any assembled cars when making his selection. J. II. De Jong, manager of the Appor- oon Omaha offlco, states that an acourate .record will be kept by Mr. Seaton of the operating expense, and a report Is to be sent to tho Omaha office every thirty days. INTERSTATE MAKES HARD RUN THROUGH THE MUD Immediately after tho extremely heavy, rains last Wednesday an Inter-State seven-passenger car driven by W. W. Miller, salesman for the Inter-State Auto oompany, "poked Ha nose" out of tho garago at Ord, Neb,, headed for Omaha. The route taken was along the Loup river Into St. Paul, to Central City and on Into 'Omaha along the Platte valley route. Over hills, which with their heavy veneer of mud looked like young moun tains, through heavy sand, gumbo and alkali water holes most often up to the hubs, the car pulled steadily without a whimper. When tho car pulled Into Cushlng the wheels had much the same appearanoe as a circus chariot Wheel. No spokes were In sight, the gumbo was packed in solid. Great solid masses of mud rested on the running boards and the fenders looked as though ther was no longer such a thing as gravity. Out of Clarks a few miles a place was found where soft dirt had been dragged Into largo water hole which extended across the width of the road A man standing by with a heavy team volun teered to "hitch on." He was thanked cry kindly and the car went through In answer to the throttle. There seemed to be no hills high enough or no soft grades deep and heavy enough for tho big Inter-State, and when the car was driven Into tho garage It looked the part of having been through a "mud battle." After being washed up and driven out, however, It sailed off as though but an ordinary demonstration had been given. PRACTICAL PURPOSES BACK OF OAKLAND'S BEAUTY "We have often boasted that our car Is the most beautiful on the market." says J. IL Ecclcston, goneral sales man ager of the Oakland Motor Car company, "and we believe that we have a right, to make that claim. But the eauty and distinction of our car, its excluslvo fea tures, are not without their utilitarian value. The esthetto and the practical have been happily united, for In nearly every Instance every Idea of beauty has Its reason for being on the purely prac tical side." I HI Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. I Always Leaves" 1 Impression of v nf I Convenience - xj' 1 Service is assured by the utrjiost factory efficiency in the building of the Inter-State Six. Safety is made positive by including only those essentials that have proven their dependability. Comfort is certain because of. the carefulness in the choice of upholstery and finish of the Inter-State Six. Convenience is expressed in the ease of control the dependability of starting and the including of every added specification that will assist you in driving your car. 6 Cylinder 45 H. P. 1 32-Inch Wheel Base Electrically Started and Lighted $2750 nrrss-aTATE Automobile go., 3U South 18th Street, - Omaha, Nebraska Built by THE INTER-STATE AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, Munclo, Ind. $15 TO $40 PER WEEK PAID Competent Auto Mon Chauffers Repair Men We Teach-You How to Secure Good Positions and Salaries. Our school has had 5 years of successes and our pupils are holding tho best positions. Free information sent upon applica tion, giving our practical in struction plans. Write for it today. . Reference, Colorado St. and Sav. Bank, Denver. Denver AufHb.le Schtol 764 BUS A3) WAY, DBXYBB, OOLO. NON SKID W I ILES -Endure ana liconomlro. Toughness of tread, and extra thickness of high-quality building, have mado thorn the standards tor mileage obtained. Road-iniDDlncr design ot buoyant rubber tread reduces upkeep expense by increasing traction and preventing expensive repairs to car mechanism. Write fa book el rsemu. wfi nui ia lira. nyn-d. fir Mane - i i f Famous Apperson Jack Rabbit" Motor Cars The Standard for Twenty Years The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. "Aaadea'a X.rrt Saclaalve Tire ana Bin acaxera." 220 SraraaxB O 223 alia, Sffeb Soma OZfic asa Jratrtory, Akron, O, BrmoSss In all larare cttlM. VanBr unt Automobile Co. Ovtrliml ISA Fm MftrUonl CcaatU Bin f fa X81 Omaha. Btbe, Marion Automobile Go, Distributors at the Ulrica asa Xaraoa a as Oara and Stand, ara Electrics. K181-JI raraam t ( Touring Car for Five, $1,800.00 v ' "Four-cylinder, Forty-five Horsepower OUR record of twenty years in car build ing has established the Apperson "Jack Rabbit" as the standard motor car for every day of every year. The -Apperson policy is not to make radical changes each season. An Apperson purchased today will be up-to-date two years hence. Me chanically the Apperson cars have been perfected, so why should we recognize yearly moydels. . Let us demonstrate the superiority of this car. erson "J ack Rabbit" Auto Company 1 204 Famam St. A Car for Comfort As Well as Performance Its roomy size and graceful, clean-cut lines made the Midland the most admired car at tho Chicago Show. Its capacity, both front and rear, is exceptional. The rear seat is extra wide and capacious. Tho tonneau is roomy enough for carrying luggage, rugs and robes without orowding. There is ample space in front, af fording comfort to tho driver. Tho lines of tho body round out gracefully, doors aro wider than customary, the fender rolls up smoothly with no beading or rivets to mar its appearance. The running board is clear, lamps aro inserted in dash. Extra tiros are carried behind. No car surpasses the 1913 Midland in Hb trim, beautiful lines, in its comfort and convenience. Nor is it excelled in mechanical con structionin power and performance. Eight years of successful motor oar building have proved to us what is necessary in a superior car. The specifications will tell you they aro all embodied in the now Midland. Model T. 4-40 Five-Passenger $1,685 SPECIFICATIONS T. 4-40 Wheel Base 122 Inches. Motors T-head cylinders In pairs, 4 -Inch boro x 5-inch. stroke. ' Ignition Atwator Kent, 1914 type. Starter Gray & Davis electric. Lighting Gray & Davis elec tric. Suspension Three points. Carburetor S tromberg or Rayfield. Imbrication C lrou latlng splash Bclf contained. Control Lett-hand drive-center. Steering Worm & Sector type. Clutch Multiple dlsco-Raybe-tofi, annular bearings, operat- j Model T. 0-50 Five-Passenger 1 $2,385 ed through H Blot. Rear Axle Full floating. Front Axle I-beam drop forg ed. Wheels Artillery typo, twelve spokes, Detroit, demountable rims. Tires 34x4 straight side. Springs Front semi elliptic 38-lnches, rear elliptic 50- inches, grease cups on bolts and shackles. Brakes Internal and oxternal 14x2 -lnches Rnybestos lino. Body Fore door, metallic, hand buffed leather, deep ourled hair upholstering. Color Dark maroon, black trimmed. Equipmentr Fully equipped. The Midland Instantaneous Service Every automobile owner at somo time or other unexpectedly finds assistance necessary. Through the Midland Instan taneous Service, new parts, repairs, etc., are obtainable within a few hours, instead of having to -wait dayB or .weeks. Lot us explain tho Midland. Instantaneous Service It will interest you. PHONE OK CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION OF NEW MIDLAND Freeland Automobile Co. Liberal Propostion to Dealers. Phono Douglas 2115'-. 1113 Farnnm St, Omaha. No-Rim-Cut Tires 10 Oversize Come See The New Type Tires You who ever have rim-cats You whose tires lack capacity1 We urge you to come and see tires thai1 can't rim-cut the oversize tires. - The tires which far outsell all others, after years and years of tests. You'll See Yon will see at a glance that No -Rim -Cut t'res make rim-cut-tin g forever ImposslbVa. You will see they are larger than clincher tires over the rated sise. In air capacity, they exceed old type tires by an average of 18,7 per cent. You, know that these features must mean big economies. f the tires themselves are the best men make. And the verdict U that Ooodyears are. No Extra No-Rlm-Cut tires now cost toe same as standard clincher tiros. As our output increased, tho saving In coat has been given in full to users. No-Rim -Cut tires are selling today about 11 per ' cent lower than last year. Now there is no extra price to deduct from the savings these new-type tires Insure you. No-Rim-Cut Tires With or Without Non-Skid Treads In 1012 the demand for Oood years was almost ten times larger than in 1009. All because ot this new-type tire. And man today are quitting clincher tires faster than ever before. Come see why. Then make a comparison. Let your mileage t guros. let your tire upkeep win yon to those modern tires. Write for the Goodyear Tiro Book 14th year edition. It tells all known ways to economise on tires. AKRON. OHIO THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio This Company bu no connection whntcrrr with sur other rubber concern which, usee the Goodjear luune. Omaha Branch, 2212 Farnam Street Phone Douglas 4190 The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertit-ii g is the Koad to Business Success.