Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Fair; Warmer
VOL XL1I NO. 49.
Executive Committee Votes to Call
Meeting of National Committee
After Congress Adjourns.
Subcommittee Recommends Holding
Session llext Year.
Basis of Representation is Discussed
k Informally.
Zt Saya Majority Will Not Lonir
Allow Minority to Rule, and Pre
aenta Argument for lle
unlon of llepulillcnua.
WASHINGTON, May 24.-After several
hours' dlscUBBlon the executive committee
of the republican national committee to
day tentatively agreed to call a meeting
of the national committee sixty days after
the adjournment of the extra session of
congress to determine whether a national
convention shall be called to consider
changes in basis of representation.
The session of tho cxecutlvo committee
was devoted almost entirely to a dis
cussion of the need for a national con
vention. Committeeman Warren of Michi
gan made the motion to call a meeting
and practically every member Joined In
the debate that followed. Thero was
no expressions of disapproval, the only
questions were those of detail.
Practically unanimous sentiment devel
oped In favor of holding the convention
next year. The executlvo committee" will
recommend that plan to the national com
mittee. While a majority of the execu
tlvo committee expressed the belief that
the national committee could change the
basts of the southern representation mid
change tho party rules, they ugreed that
the weight of a party convention should
be put behind any reorganization plan.
Senator Jones at first urged an Imme
diate convention, but finally agreed with
the others for next year.
Former Senator Sanders, national com
mitteeman from Tennessee, declared tho
republicans should wait until "they heard
the echoes from tho country" on the
achievements of the democratic admin
istration. A policy of co-operatjon between the
republican national committee and repub
lican congressional committee was agreed
on, and It was determined that a cam
paign (headquarters would soon be opened
here. This follows a plan recently adopted
by the democrats.
Cannon and Jonea Attend.
Senator Jones, holding a proxy from
Earn Perkins, national committeeman
from Washington,- sat with the executive
committee and presented the ideas of
Senator Cummins and the progressives
seeking an early national convention.
. Many republicans of prominence, includ
ing former Speaker Cannon and former
Representative McKinley, manager of the
Taft preconvention campaign, lingered
about the room where the committee sat.
The question of choosing delegates by
state primaries was not discussed at
great length. Chairman Utiles and somo
others contended that a congressional dis
trict had been allowed to choose Us
own delegates In any way it saw fit,
notwithstanding provisions for a state
primary. v
"The party has insisted upon right of
congressional districts to select their own
delegates and a reversal of 'that policy
would foist tho unit rule on us," said
Chairman Utiles. "This was the point
at tssuo In the California case in 1912.
The' rlgtit' of a congressional district to
yote In a republican national convention
for tho candidate of its choice has never
been denied. It was affirmed in tho con
vention of 1S76 and again in 1S80. The
latter convention rejected the untt rule.
This is the fundamental question and not
to bo confused with the recognition of
delegates in primary elections."
Communication of Conciliation.
Tho letter from the conciliation com
mittee signed by Senators Cummins,
Jones and Crawford and Representatives
Crampton and Rogers, and Joined In by
v Representative Anderson and. former
Governor Hadley of Missouri, sets forth
a report of the progressive republican"
conference In Chicago nnd asks for "a
meeting of the .republican national com-
mlttee In the near future to act upon
suggestion made .by a great many re
publicans that there be held during the
present year a republican national con
vention." Setting forth the reasons for thte re
quest the committee says:
"We believe that an overwhelming
majority of the republican party have
reached the conclusion that the basts of
representation in our national conven
tions is not only unjust bt contrary to'
the fundamental principle of representa
tive government. Assuming that the will
of the majority in any organization
ought to prevail. It must be a real, not
a. fictitious majority. An actual majority
vrlll not long submit to an actual minor
ity. The present system enables a mi
nority of republicans to control national
conventions, dictate party nominations
and determine party declarations, and
however praiseworthy may have been the
motive for Its original adoption. It is no
(Continued on Page Four.)
The Weather
at Omahi
S a. m
... M
... ta
... 68
... 64
a. m.
7 a. m
8 a. xa
9 a. m..,..,.,
10 a. m
Jl a. m
IS m
1 p. m
2 p. m
S p. m. .........
... C7
... C8
... 70
... 74
Former Allies' Aro in Battle Near
Infantry and Artillery Arc Reported
Knirnirert In a Fierce Ilnttle
Clone to the Disputed
LONDON, May 24.-Severe fighting has
been resumed between the Greek and the
Bulgarian troops In the vicinity of
Saloniki. The Infantry and artillery of
both forces nre hotly engaged near that
city, according to dispatches received
here fiom Athens.
The dispatches refer to tho situation as
having become "extremely grave,"
When the last message was sent Kin?
Constantino of Greece, who had Just ar
rived at SnUinlkl with the general staff
of tho Greek army, was endeavoring to
arrange neutrul rone between the armies.
llttxtlllt li-N Suspended.
SALONIKI. May 24. The losses of the
Greek troops during the fighting agatnst
the Bulgarians aro given today as ono
captain killed and 230 men i killed or
wounded. Hostilities have been Bus
ponded. A mutiny has broken out among the
Bulgurian troops at Serres, tho men de
manding to be disbanded. When their
commanding officer found that ho was
unable to quell the disturbance he com
mitted suicide.
De Wolf Hopper
and Nat Goodwin
Have New Wives
NEW YORK. May 24.-De Wolf Hop
per, the comedian, who was' divorced a
month ago by Nella Bergen, his fourth
wife, was married secretly last Friday
to Elda Curry. The announcement was
made nt tho Lambs' club last night.
Hopper's former wives, besides Nella
Bergen, wero. In order. Ella Gardlener,
Ida Mospher and Edna Wallace.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 21. Nat C.
Goodwin,- the actor, was married today
j for the fifth time. The bride was
Miss Marjorle Moreland, leading woman
I In Goodwin's latest stage venture. The
! wedding ceremony was said at Good
f win's home at Ocean Park. MIbs More
I land was formerly Mrs. Charles Doughty.
Suit brought by her husband against
Goodwin, charging the aetor with aleln
atlng her affections, was dropped re
cently. Theological Student
Who Embezzled is
Given Second Chance
ST. LOUIS. May 24.-Charles Schuls
of Cleveland today told the St. Louis po
lice that his son, William Scliulz, who
was arrestod recently In Denver on a
charge of embezzling J300 from the funds
of the student paper of Concordia semi
nary here, would plead guilty. The father
will repay the amount stcAen and the au
thorities of the seminary where young
Sohulz was a theological student, will
ask that he be paroled.
Mrs. TTiolma Gllllon Schulz, tho actress
bride of tho youiyg student, will be given
twelvo months to evince a sincere de
sire to leave the stago and If after that
time she convinces her . father-in-law of
her sincerity, he has agreed to give his
son employment and set tho son and wife
up in housekeeping.
Inspection Law Will
Keep Chilled Meat
Out Interstate Trade
-NEW TORK, May 24. The Importation
of frozen or chilled meat from Australia
as a. means to break the high cost of
living, as is being tried in California, is
apparently barred hero by federal
statutes, it has been discovered. Local
Jobbers who were considering tho trial
of Australian meats declare that the
federal authorities are enforcing the law
which prohibits all men engaged in Inter
state commerce from selling beef or mut
ton or veal that has not had both an
ante-mortem and a post mortem inspec
tion by government employes. As it
happens that practically all of the New
York jobbers are Interstate dealers tho
obstacle appears to be a formidable one.
Man Takes Mercury
Tablets by Mistake
CHICAGO, May 24. After suffering all
night with pains in his abdomen, W. L.
McCutchcon, an automobile salesman, 23
years old, was horrified to discover to?
day that ha had taken three one-grain
'bichloride of mercury tablets by mistake
for aspirin.
He walked to the office of a doctor,
who rushed him to & hospital. It will
be five days, according to the physicians
before it will be- possible to tell whether
the young man's life can be saved.
McCutcbeon said that he was complain
ing of feeling badly last night at his
boarding house when a friend suggested
that he should take some aspirin tablets.
Ha got hold of the wrong box and took
the mercury tablets without realizing his
Emperor of Japan
is Much Better
TOKIO, May 24. Tho condition of Em
peror Yoshihtto continued to improve to
day. The physicians In attendance de
clare themselves confident that he wUl
recover from the attack of pneumonia.
His majesty Is cheerful. He takes nour
ishment regularly and his heart action la
strong. Count Chlakt Watainabe, the
Imperial master of ceremonies, today read
to the emperor President WJlson's cabled
message of sympathy, which is also
prominently displayed In the newspapers.
The bulletin Issued by the court physi
cians in attendance on Emperor Yoshihlto
at 4 o'clock this afternoon said:
; "His majesty's condition has Improved,
i ma temperature is iv.. degrees ranren-
halt, hla pulse S3 and his respiration U."
Presence of William, Edward and
Nioholas Makes Event Notable.
Marks Burial of Axe Between Han
over and Hohenzollcrn Houses.
llridnl Couple "Will Leave Immedi
ately for Umperor'a Hunting Sent
at Hubertuaatoek, North
of Capital.
BERLIN, May 24. Princess Victoria
Loulso of Prussia, i only daughter of the
German emperor, was married to Prince
Ernest August of Cumberland, .with the
rites of the Lutheran church, at 5 o'clock
this evening.
The ceremony, which took place In the
loyal chapel of the imperial castle, seals
tho reconciliation between between the
dethroned House of Hanover and the
House of Hohenzollern.
The presence of the three most power
ful sovereigns" of Europe the German
emperor, the Russian emperor and i the
British klng-emperor on terms of Inti
mate friendship, made the event a dem
onstration of International peace.
Th civil ceremony was performed hatf
an hour earlier In the Great Electors'
hall, a small room In the most ancient
part of the castle. It was attended by
inly the Immediate families of bride and
In the meantime the guests who were
to attend the religious services had as
sembled in the octagonal chapel at the
Other cnl of tho castle. The room was
richly decorated with flowers.
American Oucsta.
Among the guests were the United
States ambassador, John G. A, Lelsh
man and his daughter; Joseph C. Crew,
secretary of the American embassy, and
his wife; Captain Albert Nlblack, Amer
ican naval attache; Miss Yvete Borup of
New York, who whs a schoolmate of tho
bride at the Empress Augusta institute,
and n dozen excited school girls whom
tho young princess Insisted on Inviting at
tbo last moment In return for a personally
embroidered present.
The bride wore a wonderfully worked
gown of sliver brocade wlih a court train
of tho same material embroidered with a
myrtle and orange flower design and lined
with ermine.
The bride's veil, like her entire toilette,
was of Qermanf manufacture. It was com.
' posed of a two-yard length of lace, cn
which eighty Slleslan girls had worked
day and night for six weeks.
Tho last act In the robing of the brldt
was performed by, the empress, when she
placed on her daughter's head the his
torio crown worn by Prussian princesses
at their weddings.
A choir of men and boys was stationed
in the high gallery encircling tho chapel,
Just below the dome, where they sang
hymns unaccompanied by Instrumental
AVeildlnif Procession Forma,
At the conclusion of the civil ceremony,
the bridal procession was marshalled Into
line by Count August Zu Eulonburg,
grand marshal of the Imperial court, and
then proceeded the whole length of tho
castle through a long series of state
apartments to the royal chapel. It was
led by the bridal , couple, the. princess'
train being borne by four of hor girl
friends. Prince Ernest August of Cum
berland was droised in Prussian Hussar
After' them came Emperor William with
thq duchesB of Cumberland. Then fol
lowed in order the duke of Cumberland
with the German empress, Emperor
Nicholas of Russia with Queen Mary of
England, King George of England, 'with
Crown Princess Cecllle, Emperor Will
iam's sons with their consorts and fifty"
or more other princes and princesses of
the royal blood.
Dr. Ernest Dryander, the grand chap
lain of tho court, who had baptized
Princess Victoria Lulse and prepared her
for her confirmation, performed the cere
mony, which was tho simple Lutheran
rite. He then delivered the customary
address of advice and admonition to the
newly married couple.
As tho rings were exchanged before the
altar, a battery of artillery stationed out
side the castle fired a royal salute.
When the prince and princess with
Emperor William and Empress Augusta
Victoria and the duke and duchess of
Cumberland returned to the white hall of
the castle, where they received the con
gratulations of the guests, while seated
beneath a canopy at small tables, tho
guests defiled past them, making pro
found bows and curtsies.
finrtera na Souvenirs.
A state banquet Is to be given at the
castle this evening, followed by the his
torio "torch dance" and the distribution
to the guests of souvenir "garters." These
aro in the form of silk ribbons bearing
the bride's Initials and the date In gold
letters, which modern delicacy has sub
stituted for the pieces of the bride's
garter, formerly cut up and distributed by
the princes of the royal family on Ate
points of their swords.
The bridal couple will leave Immediately
afterward for the emperor's hunting seat
at Hubertusstock. north of Berlin. hi.
they will pass the first week of their
noneymoon, then going for a fortnight
to the duke of Cumberland's hunting cas
tle, near Gmuenden.
SAN FRANCISCO. May 24,-Mrs. Clam
Bradley, grand president of the Ladles
Auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen, says that transportation com
panies soon may be employing women as
engineers, conductors and even firemen.
"A woman has sufficient strength to
operate the levers of oil burning engines,
which are coming Into general use," said
Mrs. Bradley today "It is not at all im
probable that railroading will come to be
a field of Industry tor the fair sex."
If s
(1-lV I ' ,
A,?, .... W
Drawn for The Bee by Powell.
California Statute Not Satisfactory
to Larger Organizations.
Una Section Referendum,
nellevlne. Present Lavr Should
De Enforced Until An
other la
X8AN FRANCISCO. Cal., May 24.-Res-
olutlons published today by two powct-
ful San Francisco labor organization
make Certain two things with reference
to California's alien land act:
First, that organized laborers will
seek a substitute measure by Invoking
the initiative, on the ground that the so
called Webb bill Is not strong enough.
Reference to the initiative will not, delay
the present act from, going Into effect
cn August 10, Sufficient signatures to
call for an election are easily, available
wlthqut going outside San Francisco.
Second, that another section' of organ-'
lzed laborers will seek not only to In
voke the Initiative, but will circulate pe
titions for a referendum election which,
It called, would prevent the Webb bill
from going Into effect until the election
was decided, wjilch could not be untU
November, 1914.
Objection la to Leases.
Favoring the application of the refer
endum, as well as the initiative, are. the
Asiatla Exclusion league, Olaf Tveltmoe,
president, and the San Francisco Build
ing Trades council, which last Thursday
night adopted resolutions approving tho
stand of the Astatic Exclusion leagde.
Both agree that the present law is' "a
defective piece of legislation, defeating
Its own purposes, becauso It permits
three-year leases Indefinitely of land In
California by aliens."
In opposition to this recommendation
the Ban Francisco Labor council, with
200 delegated from the Building Trades
council iii attendance, unanimously
adopted last night resolutions that the
Initiative be Invoked for a substitute
law, but that the referendum bo not In
voked. This split makes It uncertain what will
be the fate of a referendum petition.
Twenty thousand signatures are needed.
Secretary Yoell of the Exclusion league
said today that his organization had
117,009 members and that he expected to
get 100,000 signatures without difficulty.
If his estimates are correct, the atti
tude of the remainder of organized labor
cannot Influence the result; there wilt be
a referendum election and tho Webb bill
(Continued on Page Two.)
Berger Apologizes to
Governor Hatfield
CHARLESTON, W. Va., May 24.
Eugene V. Debs, socialist leader; former
Congressman Victor Berger and Adolph
Germer of Illinois, accompanied John
Moore, a labor leader, representing Gov
ernor Hatfield, and Paul J. Paulson,
member of the International board of the
United Mine Workers of America, to the
Paint and Cabin Creek ooal fields this
morning. It is said they will return to
morrow night apd visit the New River
Mr. Berger, in a statement this morn
ing, said:
"I have an entirely different Impression
to the one I previously had of West
Virginia's executive and h(s attitude to
ward the working man," while Mr. Debs
told the governor:
'you have been placed in a false light.
I have said some harsh things of you
In print, but now I will correct them."
Much data and Information was laid
before tho leader by the governor,
Lure of the Country Road
' ' ' '
Dr. Shailer Matthews Says General
Creed is Impossible.
Statement that Would He Accept
able to AH Protectant Would
- Hend LlUe'NevF Testa- i
DETROIT, May H-"Doctrnal unity
is a hopeless task in Protwtantlsml the
only doctrinal unity I would stand for
would have to- be on tho basis of tho
doctrinal views I personally hold and so
it Is with most Protestants, I believe."
said Dr. Shailer Matthews, dean of the
school of thoology ot the University of
Chicago and president of the F6deral
Council of Churches of Christ of America,
In an address before tho Northern Bap
tist convention today.
Dr. Matthews was discussing the move
ment towards unification of all Protes
tant denominations. "If the federal coun
cil attempted to compile a creed that
would embrace all denominations," ho
said, "it would. bo u creed so like tho
New testament that It would be a use
less task to compile It"
Previous to Dr. Matthews' address the
convention had received the report of
the executive committee of. the Federal
Council ot Churches of Christ In America
nnd had listened to remarks by Charles
,8. MaoFarland, secretary of the council
who recommended that the convention
adopt resolutions calling upon olvll
authorities of San Francisco, the state
ot California, . and officials of tho
;Panama-PaclfIo exposition to keep th
exposition free from exploitation by- com
mercialized vice. Resolutions to that ef
fect wero adopted.
The report 1 of the federal council
showed- that twenty-eight Proteetnnt de
nominations are now enrolled under Its
Steamship Nevada
Sunk by Mine in
Gulf of Smyrna
LONDON, May 24.-The steamer Ne
vada, with 200 passengers on board, to
day struck a mine in the Gulf ot Smyrna
and sank, according to a dispatch from
Constantinople to the Exchange Tele
graph, company. The Nevada was owned
by the Had J I Daout company and ran
In the eastern Mediterranean.
Senator Lane Again
Attacks Indian Bill
WASinNOTON, May 24, Senator Lane
made another attack upon the Indian ap
propriation bill today, when it was taken
up by the senate committee. He charged
that a man whom he did not name
already "selected for a place on a com
mission to make a roll of Chippewa In
dians in Minnesota, was formerly attor
ney for a lumber company which, holds
contracts upon which the commission
will have to pass.
"The fact that appropriations covering
hundreds of thousands of dollars go mas
querading about In the bill under mis
leading titles would seem to Indicate the
neoeeslty for a reasonably careful scru
tiny ot other of Its provisions," said he.
ATLANTA, da., May J4.-Lto M. Frank
today was Indicted by the grand Jury
for the murder of lt-year-old. Mary
Phagan, whose body was found In the
factory building of whloh Frank waa
superintendent a month ago. No action
was taken by the grand Jury In the caso
at Newt Lee, negro, night watchman at
the factory.
Charges Against Hayne, Brown,
Scales and Thompson- -Faulty.1.
James A, Pnttrn, Who Waa Indicted
vrltli Above Defendants, Pleaded
Guilty and Waa Fined
Four Thonsnntl.
NEW YORK, May 2I.-The department
of Justice has decided to seek 'tho rein
dictment of Frank Hnyne and William
V, Brown of New Orleans, Eugono Scales
of Texas and Colonel Robort M. Thomp
son' of New York on tho charge that they
conspired to corner the cotton crop of
This was learned today when sub.
poenacs were Isstiod by United States
District Attorney Marshall for the np
penranco next weok before the federal
grand Jury of the witnesses upon whose
testimony tho Indictment now against
fpur men was found.
The document contains flaws. It Is un
derstood, which the government feared
might prevent conviction. It charges that,
With Jnmen: A. Patton of Chicago, the
defendants consplrod to create a bull pool
with tho Intention of artificially raising
the .prlco of cotton In order to obtain a
profit of $10,000,000. Patton pleaded guilty
last .February to the sixth count of the
Indictment, known as the, "contract
i . "w. .V,l, .Mitt ktlU UBiOUUWIlB
contracted to buy all raw cotton pro
duced In UK and to hold It out of the
market until November, 1910. He was
fined II.OOO; and by an 'agreement with the
Department of Justice, the other counts
were ' nolled,
Patton announced In entering his plea
that he was "not conscious of any moral
tu'rpftude." Messrs. Hayne, Drown and
Scales professed to be Indignant at his
action and said the would fight to tho
end. Thompson recently sailed for Europe.
' All five defendants originally pleaded
not guilty and, with the exception of
IColonel Thompson, demurred to tho In
dictment. Tho demurrer was defeated It)
tho United States supreme court.
Boy Borrows Stomach
Pump to Empty Boat,
Man Nearly Dies
BROWNSVILLE. Minn., May 24.-The
only stomach pump in this village having
been appropriated by the small son ot
Dr Franols Duffey to pump out his
launch, James P, Colleran, aged 60, who
took by mistake a dosa of medicine In
tended for a horse, had a narrow esoapo
from death early today.
TJie medicine contained a quantity ot
poison and on discovery ot the mistake
the town was scoured for the stomach
pump. Finally "Jimmy" Duffey, aged
10, was found calmly using it to empty
the water out of his boat. The pump was
taken from the youtli and Colleran's life
was saved.
OAKLAND, Cal., May 84., Services
honoring the memory ot Joaquin Miller,
"poet ot the Sierras," will be held tomor
row afternoon at the poet's former home,
The Heights," and from the pyre which
he built, his ashes will be scattered to
the winds.
The ceremony will be conducted by the
Bohemian club ot San Francisco.
The poet de.Mred that his body be cre
mated on the .pyre, but this waa Impos
sible bscause o.f municipal restrictions.
Land End of Double-Decked Standi
Givo Way at Long Beach Em
pire Day Festivities.
Hundreds of Persons Crash on Heads
of Massed People Below.
Multitudo Goes Down Shattered
Shuts to Tidewashed Sands.
Viotims Present or Former Subjcoti
of Great Britain.
All Doctora In City WorUlntr, lie I it
forced by tturo-rona a Nurses
from I.oa A nice Ira TrnKedy
Occurs llcforo Noon,
LONG BEACH, Cal., May 24Too Welti
to uphold the byrdon of nearly 10,000 hu
man beings assembled for the festlvles tit
British "Kmplro day,'' thu land ond ot
tho big double-decked municipal pier In
front ot tlw city auditorium collapsed to
day. Hundreds of persons oh the top
dock were plunged down on the heads Ot
other hundreds crowded on the second
dock. Thfc lower deck then gave way and,
ull wore dropped down a chute of shat
tered woodwork to tho tldo-washed sands
twenty-five feot below.
Thirty persons, mostly women, were
killed by tho shivered tjmbers or crushed
to death by the falling bodies of com
panions and friends. Fifty more were
seriously Injured while hysteria and par
alyzing fright disabled scores of others.
A section of the auditorium went down
In tho crash and tho debris from it wall
added to tho wreckage that tell oil top
of the Injured and dead.
Tho victims were subjects or former
subjects ot Oreat Britain, In southern
The dead, many of whom were still un
Identified tonight, wore laid In the Na
tional Guard armory while the Injurod
were hurled to various hospitals In this
city and Los Angelea,
Partial List of Dead.
Following Is a partial Hit ot the fcadl
DAVID BLACK, aged T years, Long
MRS. U D. BPAIUtON, Lone Beach.
MRS. QlIESaillRE, Los Angeles.
MRS. A. It HILL, Orange.
Fannlo B, MoFee. Long Beach.
Scott Black. 10 years. Qlendale.
Mrs. D. 8. Holmes, Long Beach.
Martha J. Bennett, Long Beach,
D. McSpears, Loiur Beach.
A. J. 11111, Orango.
Mrs. D. J. Lomas, Los Angeles.
Mrs, D. I Wallaoa. Long Beach.
Mrs. C. 11. Lawrence, Los Angelee.
All of the seriously Injured are resi
dents of Los Angelas and vicinity.
All doctora in tho dty are working to
night apd their efforts are reinforced
by surgeons and nurses who came from
Los Angeles, when appeals for aid wero
sent to that city shortly after noon to
day. Orae bto Snnds.
The accident occurred a faw minutes
before 12 o'clock. The Emplro day parade. t
the principal feature of the celebration:
In honor of the lato Queen Victoria's'
birth anniversary, had Just ended and'
the participants, with thousands of othor:
visitors, were crowding up the steps ot
the pier and surging toward .the audi
torium when the pier floor sagged. An
Inttant later the supports gave way, and
the crack and groan of breaking timbers
mingled with the shrieks and cries ot
tho victims oa aU went down into a mass
ot broken wood and writhing human
forms on the sand.
Virtually the entire landing of the pier
was wrecked, and a portion of the auJU
torlum froht fell.
The cause ot the crash waa the over
burdening of the pier. This, according1
to the official statements tonight, -was due
to the fact that the auditorium doors hrrj
been locked after a number of the Scotch",
Harkets of
Advertisers Con
stantly Expanding
The bis city advertiser and
tho email town advertiser all
havo larger and better oppor
tunities lor trade expansion
than over.
The newsoaDer la more notant
than ever, because Its readers de
mand from it more things ot in
terest every day and becauao its
distribution la more quickly
In all parts ot the United Btatea
newspapers nowadays employ
rapid methods of getting Into, cir
culation. And the fast building un ot
rural sections brings buying
trade cloeor to the store that
Fajit-flvlnr trolleys, the tale-
phone, suburban and local train
service, automobiles, steamers
and power boats all annihilate
distance. '
To live five or ten miles from
a store no longer means a Journey
of four or five hours.
Modern transportation meth
ods Blmply wipe the miles oft
the map with amasing speed.
Consequently the wideawake
merchant who advertises tor
the trade living in outlying sec
tions Is doing mishty shrewd
constructive work.