Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 13, Image 13

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    mi 1 ". IN
Slaetrio rang Bunress-Granden Co.
riUtr Storar fc Van Co. Dour. 151.
Xave Boot Print rx Now Beacon
JJr. Elnsltx Brandela Theater Bid..
Kosa and Throat. Phone Douglas 188i.
Colonel Anderson XU Colonel "William
Anderson, chief clerk of the Hotel Rome,
.has been 111 for several days and has
teen unablo to be at his pout.
Wheu you take your vocation leave
your silverware, eta. In Omaha Safe De
posit Co.'s burglar proof vault. 1618 Far
nam St. $1.00 per month tor a good
sized package.
The state Bank of Omaha pnys 4 per
cent on time deposits, 3 per cent on sav
ing accounts. The only bank In Omaha
'whose depositors are protected by the
depositors' guarantee fund of the state
ef Nebraska. 17th and Harney streets.
Hew Up for rorty-flre Cents J. Van
Camp of Cody, Neb., was held up ami
robbed of 45 cents at Thirteenth and
Dodge streets by a negro. The man asked
Van Camp for 10 cents to buy cocaine and
went through the latter's pockets, taklnr
all the money he had.
J. H. Morey Appointed J. H. Morey,
formerly teacher In the Kearney schools,
has been appointed to succeed Mis
Martha Crumpacker, who resigned from
the faculty of the High School of Com
merce on account of Illness. Miss Crunv
packer probably will go to Arizona,
Pined for Speeding- Ed Gaid of Mln
den, Neb., was arrested by Officer
"Wheeler for speeding an automobile on
South Eleventh street. He was fined 15
and costs In police court. Oard Is an
automobllo dealer and was testing onu
of a consignment ot machines which he
had Just received.
Williams Seada Teachers' Committee
R. F. Williams, ono of two democrats no
the Board ot Education, has been ap
pointed by President E. Holovtchlner to
aucceed M. F. Sears, resigned, as chair
man of the committee on teachers and
instructions. A man to succeed Sears on
the board will be appointed later.
So Drive to Deo&wood C. F. Fatter
eon,' Deadwood agent for the Apperson
Jack Babbit auto, spent the entire week
In Omaha and while here sold a 4-45 to W,
H, Bonham, former editor and publisher
of the Pioneer Times at Deadwood. This
Is the second Apperson owned by Mr.
Bonham. They will start overland Sun
day morning.
Bound Over to District Court Den
IF. Conn, charged with the embezzlement
of close on to $1,500 from local concerns
while employed as a collector by them
over a year afro, was brought back, from
Xiouisvllle by Detective John T. Dunn
Thursday, and after refusing preliminary
hearing in police court was bound over
to the district court on bonds placed at
A rreai of nature A f peak of nature
In the way of a calf with two perfectly
formed heads, six legs and two tails was
received at the Max Oelsler warehouse.
Eleventh and Dodge streets, from R. J2.
Carter of Grant. Neb., who wishes the
specimen mounted. The calf was born ten
days ago and lived apparently In goodj
health for nine days. Yesterday the ani
mal was found dead. '
Canal DIffffer Oats ninety Bays "I
helped dig the Panama canal and' col
lecting a little money, I came to Omaha,
hearing It was a good city," was the 'prea
offered by Charles Maloy, vagrant and
professional panhandler, In police court
"f ou helped dig the Panama canal and
only godt a llddle money oudt of tat,"
questioned Judge Alfstod't. "Tes, sir."
replied Maloy. "Ninedy days, take him
Report Zdttls late Birth of a girl
four years ago has. Just been reported to
the city health department, along with
the data concerning the birth of a sister
two years later. A girl was born to Mr.
and Mrs. John Darlo, 2347 Pleroe street,
February 19, 1909, and the physician failed
to make a report. February 17, 1911. an
other daughter was born to' Mr. and Mrs.
Darlo. The physician reported both births
Held as Suspects Will Jones and W.
St. Beard, colored, were arrested by De
tectives Klnnelly and Sullivan, who ore
certain these are the two negroes who
have perpetrated a score or more strong
arm Jobs in the city within the last
two weeks. Descriptions furnished the
police of the two holdups of Thursday
evening, tally with the appearance of
these two men, both of whom are wanted
in Kansas City on similar charges.
Tompkins Discharged Fred Tompkins,
charged with breaking and entering the
Omaha Auto Filling station. Seventeenth
and Dodge streets, and stealing tires and
as tanks, was discharged In police court,
t Judge Altstadt said that within the three
or four days In which the evidence of the
case has been submitted not a single per
Bon asserted that Tompkins had stolen
anything, and from what he had heard
he could not bind the boy over to the
district court.
Blectrlcul Device Shocks
Ginger Oat of Unruly
Now electricity comes to the police
I man's aid. Jeremiah Creedon, a resident
of Philadelphia and an engineer on the
Philadelphia & Reading railroad, has
I perfected and patenteu a device by which
n. policeman can control the most desper
ate and unruly prisoner.
i The Inventor describes It as "an lm-
provea eiecincai uevico lor use oi police
men and others In making arrests, sub
duing unruly persons and resisting at
tacks." It consists chiefly ot a pair of
gloves provided with electrodes, which
may be brought in contact with the per
son grasped by the hand of the wearer.
An electric current, the terminals of
which are formed by the electrodes, sup
plies an electrical shock to the prisoner
" and effectually renders him unable to re
sist arrest.
The power for this Instrument comes
from a battery, worn either In a belt that
Is provided with it or In the pocket of the
policeman's coat Connected with this
devloe also is a small lamp which can be
held in one hand and which receives its
light from the battery. By this means
both force and light la provided.
The belt is so fashioned as to take the
place of the regulation policeman's belt
A compact storage battery Is carried on
' the hip. and is connected in electrie cir
cuit by conductors with the primary
windings of an induction coll. The sec
ondary windings of 'the induction coll are
lng cords pr cables to electrode plates
located In the palms of a pair of gloves.
,the electrode plates being" Insulated from
the gloves and from the hands ot the
wearer y insulating disks Popular Electricity.
Board Gives Another Order to Close
Saloont on Time.
Election Commissioner Take Charge
In Mimic City nnd Prepares to
IlelleTC City Clerk of
Henry Duties.
Close the town, was the resolution
passed by the Board of Fire and Police
Commissioners at Its meeting held yes
terday afternoon in the mayor's office.
Explicit orders were given to the chief
of police to enforce the 8 o'clock olosing
law. For more than several months the
8 o'clock law has been little more than
n Joke. Orders for the elimination of all
houses of ill fame and assignation houses
were also given. The town has given
refuge to a number of these places which
run openly on lower N street and even
on Twenty-fourth street.
It Is not known whether the gambling
Joints wilt be closed. Those who have
been watching the performances of the
South Omaha police boards recently took
the orders with a laugh. Similar ones
have been given before and then for
gotten. It is said, however, that one
of the board members Insisted Upon clos
ing the places. A license to run a liquor
house was denied Ignac Lutwln.
Moorhead Tnkea Chnrsrr.
Election Commissioner Harley O. -Moorhead
paid his first official visit to South
Omaha yesterday, when he relieved City
Clerk Perry "Wheeler of all custody of
election books and supplies. Henceforth
the city clerk will be free of one of the
most onerous duties of his office, that
of election work. Commissioner Moor
head went over the election list of clerks
and Judges with Clerk Wheeler, asking
for Information In regard to many whose
names appeared upon the list. The com
missioner Indicated that he. would not
permit a drinking man to serve as a
judge or clerk. Besides the Judges and
clerks there will be an Inspector In each
precinct who will be the personal rep
resentative of the commissioner.
Registration days will be provided, but
the new law requires that a man shall
not have to be registered, again as long
as" he does not change his place of real
dence. A voter may register at any
time during the year at the county court
Wounded, Man Dies,
John Nocke or Nick, the Roumanian,
who was shot in the' head Wednesday
night at. Twenty-sixth and Q streets,
died yesterday afternoon at S o'clock In
the South Omaha hospital. His slayer
has not been captured. Coroner Crosby
will hold an Inquest today or tomor
row. In the" meantime Sam Strajan. the
brother of Nick Strajan. who la sus
pected of having fired the fatal shot
is being held In prison by the police.
The Strajan captured refuses to discuss
the shooting and answers all queries
with a Bhrug of his shoulders, although
the police say he can speak English If
he will.
Suspected of Other Crimes.
Floyd Coombs, a negro, who was ar
rested yesterday morning at 3 o'clock by
Officer Joe Potach, who caught the negro
looting the barber shop of John Rybln
at Twenty-third and W streets. Is sus
pected of being implicated In a number
of other robberlea,
Coombs broke Into Rybin's place about
3 o'clock yesterday morning. The bark
ing of a dog attracted John Rybln. who
arose and investigated. He called his
brother. Joe Rybln. who, In turn, called
Officer Potach, who lives near by. Po
tach dodged several bullets fired by the
black "and rushed him. He felled the
negro with a blow from his revolver.
Potach and Captain John Dworak, who
arrived on the scene shortly after, took
the negro to the station.
Industrial Workers Arrive.
Preaching the tenets of the Industrial
Workers of the World to the laboring
element of South Omaha, several mem
bers of the Industrial Workers are hold
ing street corner meetings in the Magic
City. The first public appearance of the
"apostles" was made Wednesday night
at Twenty-fourth and N streets, where
a member, of the organization explained
to a crowd of 250 men the meaning, of
strikes and the principles advocated by
the Industrial Workers. The speaker
concluded Ills harangue with the sale
of a book on the .Lawrence strike which
he exploited. The police stood about
while the advocate of strikes talked, but
did not Interfere with' him.
Joint Memorial Services.
Phil Kearney Post No. 3, Grand Army
of the Republic, and' the Womans' Relief
corps will Join with the Lefler Memorial
church In memorial services to be Held
Sunday, May 25. The services will con
stltute the regular Sunday memorial
services. The members of the post and
corps will meet at Twenty-fourth and N
streets at 10:30, when they will take the
cars andgo to the church in a body.
The regular celebration of Memorial
day will be held as usual In Laurel Hill
Sans Bond Club Party.
The Sans Soucl club was entertained
Tuesday evening by Miss Ada Ham.
High five was played and the prizes were
won by Miss Ada Ham, Miss Ruth Dross
and Mlsa Florence Smith.
Those present were Misses Flora Jor
genson Florence Smith, Grace Dross,
Ruth Dross, Adda Long, Luella Bassett
Margaret Burke, Ada Ham, Delia
0Leory, 'Edna Altstadt Mrs. Grieves,
Mrs. Tombrlnk.
Hllladnln narirnln Sale.
Open a savings account by purchasing
one of these fine home sites. Shade trees
have been planted in front ot eaoh lot.
A developed CITY PARK in the center
of the addition.
A large brick school house situated In
A fine CHURCH completed In 1912.
Dozens of satisfied home owners live
here. We have not advanced oUr prices,
but have decided to close out our hold
ings. Prloes range from 1178 to $275.
Terms: $10 CASH, balance $5 per month.
Sal opens at 1 o'clock Saturday,
May 24.
Salesmen on the ground until dark.
Tf you cant coma Saturday, come
Free automobile service from Kopletz's
office, opposite- postofflee. from 1 p. m. to
p. m.. May 24.
Telephone J, IT. Koptets, South NT, for
further intormatlpn. ,
Mnirto City Gossip.
John Hlnchey ts still at Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
Office space for rent In Be office, 2JIS
N St Terms reasonable. Well known
location. A bargain. Tel. 8. 27.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dean Ringer left yes
terday noon to attend the wedding of
Mrs. Ringer's sister at Lincoln.
For a case of .letter's Old Age or Gold
Top beer call So. S6S. Prompt delivery to
all parts of the city. Wm. Jetter.
City Attorney Henry C. Murphy left
yesterday for a business trip through the
The Industrial exhibit opened yesterday
at the Albright Social Institute, Twenty
fifth and M streets. A number ot people
8. L. Winters has returned from Lin
coln, where ho obtained an advancement
of the Injunction suit brought by A. A.
Wrlghth against the city.
Breokenridge Asks
Congress to Make
New Tax Bill Clear
"Without attacking the principle of the
Income tax, which has been accepted and
ratified by the people, the Insurance fea
tures of the Underwood bill should be
changed so as to make It perfectly clear
and understandable," according to Ralph
"W. Breckenrldge, chairman of the insur
ance committee of the American Bar as
sociation. Mr. Breckenrldge has Just returned
from "Washington, where he appeared
with other experts beforo- the senate
committee which ts considering the In
conYe tax law, as it relates to placing a
tax on Insurance companies. He has
been In conference with Nebraska Insur
ance men, and with several national In
spectors sent to Omaha to look Into the
Insurance business In this state.
"Many provisions ot the Underwood
bill, as It relates to Imposing the Income
tax, and especially as It concerns Insur
ance companies,, are hazy and obscure,"
declared Mr. Breckenrldge In a statement
given out yesterday.
"Thero Is no question but the govern
ment has -the right to tax Insurance
companies under the Income tax provision
of the Underwood bill, but It ts a ques
tion whether It la a wise thing to do so.
To levy a tax upon tho Income of any in
surance company Is to levy that tax upon
the policyholders of that company.
"Most of the poople who carry Insur
ance policies are the very ones whom the
bill would exempt from Its provisions
those who have incomes below 14,000. It
would particularly affect the west and
south where there are many small mu
tual concerns.
"The man whp puts a portion of his
earnings Into life Insurance payable after
his death certainly receives no Income
during his life and should not be foroed
to pay a tax upon that policy. It In
reality Is a tax on his Income.
Mr. Breckenrldge expects to lay these
matters before the next meeting of the
American Bar association.
Circular Bulldlnir Resembling; Ro
man Coliseum Plnnned for
Nevr York.
New York Is to have probably the most
remarkable court house In the world.
The plan was drawn by Guy Lowell of
Boston and chosen unanimously by a
Jury of experts who had twenty-two dif
ferent plans to ohoose from. It shows
that Mr. Lowell has been more daring
than any other architect who has planned
a public building for New York. Ho has
planned an Immense circular building,
the axis of which, if the plan Is strictly
followed, will be the Intersection ot
Worth and Centre streets. The pro
posed civic conter Is to have tho court
house for Its chief feature, so that the
circular form Is particularly appropriate,
in the opinion of the Jury and of the
Court House Board.
The structure will resemble In general
outline the ancient Colosseum at Rome.
Mr. Lowell said that he had obtained
the Idea of building a circular court
house in studying the ancient ruins of
the Eternal City. There he found that
circular buildings had been more or less
common, and that they had Indisputable
Presumably, the building will be built
of white stone whether granite or
marblo will rest with the Court House
Board. Practically the building will
cover tho four city blocks which center!
at Worth and Centre streets. It will
have a diameter of 600 feet The height
from the street to the cornice will be
200 feet. At that point there will be a
terrace, and above will be three stories
devoted to Judges' chambers, law librar
ies, a dining room for the Judges, and
rooms of similar character. The build
ing will cover an area of 120,000 square
feet Estimated oost of building and
ground, 21000,000.
In its general appearance the building
will be typical of many of the buildings
of ancient- Rome. It will have four col
onnaded entrance two opening on Cen
tre street and two on Worth. An ad
vantage' ot the round building Is that lta
appearance will be virtually the same
from any of 'the four points of the com
pass. Below the surface of the street there
will be two stories, called respectively &
basement and a cellar. In the, cellar
will be a subway station at the exact
center of the building. The Bridge Loop
subway will run into the building. From
the platform of the station passenger
elevators will run to. every floor of tho
The basement will be devoted to the
machinery for running the elevators, the
Janitors quarters and rooms for stor
age. The ceiling of this floor will be
slightly above the level of the street.
Entrance to the ground or main floor
will be by a short flight of wide steps
at each of the four points at which ths
building Is approached.
In the .center of the building there Is
to be a court. All entrances will lead
Into a corridor circling about this light
and air well, and; twenty-four elevators
will open upon this corridor. Half way
between this inner circle and the outer
wall there will be a wide lobby, so that
the form of the Interior of the building
actually constitutes three rings, with the
main offices between the two outer rings.
On the ground floor the lobby will be
divided. One quarter section will be de
voted to- publlo purposes; two sections
will be designated "counsel's lobby," and
the fourth section will be the lobby of
the commissioner of Jurors, who will have
his offices on this, the ground floor, as
will the county clerk. In addition, the
floor will accommodate a large lunch
room, reporters' rooms, examination
rooms, consultation rooms, record rooms
and rooms devoted to clerical work.
There are to be no courtrooms on the
ground floor, according to the plans, nor
Is Centre street to run through the build
In, as was oridnalW intended. That
thoroughfare will be blocked off com
pletely by the building, and the surface
oars will have to be deflected and run
north on Baxter street which, under the
plan for a ctvlo center, Is to be extended
south to tne triangular space near
Chambers street which will mark the
actual entrance upon the center.
On the floor of the building next to the
so-called ground floor will be the city
court rooms. One whole floor Is to be
devoted to the use of this court, now en
tirely separated from the supreme court
In the old brown-stone building In City
Hall park.' There are to be twelve city
court rooms on the floor, and in addition
an auditorium capable ot seating 1,600
people, the dimensions ot which will be
80 by W feet This room will be on what
may be termed the south front of the
On the three floors next above will bo
fifty-one courtrooms of the supreme
rnurt rt rl Iff at .... tk
floor plan shows fifteen courtrooms to!
tho floor, one, over the auditorium, be
ing particularly large and, like the audi
torlum, adapted to trials of great publlo
Importance or for Investigations of a
character slmtlar to tho Insurance In
vestigation of several years ago.
All of these courtrooms will bo on the
outer side of the building The Inner
ring on tlwse floors ts given over partly
to Itght and ventilation wells, to witness
rooms, counsel rooms and Jury rooms,
to lobbies, stairways and elevator shafts,
and to publlo galleries. Nearly all ot the
courtrooms will have galleries. This try
Itself Is an Innovation In New York.
It has beon the aim of the architect
to plan everything so that there will be
the greatest possible snvlng of time. The
circular plan. In his opinion, makes the
building compact nnd nt the same time
gives an -exterior ot great beauty, sim
plicity and lmpresslveness. At the en
trances are to be twenty-four Corinthian
columns. The columns shown on the
floor above aro to be Doric There will
be a circle of eighty ot them. There Is
ample room tor statuary above and about
the columns, and Mr. Lowell's Idea Is
that statues of famous justices nnd law
makers shall ornament tho building.
The design submitted by Mr, Lowell
has been approved by the Jury, but the
court house board has still to pass upon
it formally. There Is little doubt that
It will be npproved. New York "World.
Culls from the Wire
After a brief session at Cincinnati yes
terday the convention ot the National
Association of Railway Mall Clerks ad
journed until today, when the election of
officers will take place.
Miss Martha Byles, former postmaster
at Bonne Doon, Cal., arrived from Hono
lulu yesterday In custody of a United
States marshal. Miss Byles Is accused
of having embezzled nostal funds.
Former President Taft told members of
the graduating class ot the Harvard law
school at their banquet last night that
he had received much of his legal train
ing "at the expense of the people."
Brigadier General Joseph Cooke Jack
son, a veteran of tho civil war. died at
his home In New York yesterday. The
funeral services will be held Sunday
morning at St Bartholomew's church.
In an explosion due to a bursting air
tank, which wrecked the plant ot thu
Dlnsmorn Oil company at waverly. W.
Va yesterday, J. M.'Dlttman was fatally
injured ana anomer man received serious
MaJor John M. Glfford. U. S. A., retired.
died at West Point. N. Y., last night at
headquarters of his scn-ln-iaw, Lieuten
ant Cunningham- Major Glfford was 70
years old and was graduated from the
military academy In 1857. being appointed.
tfrom Indiana,
Yesterday's sessions ot the Northern
Baptist convention at Detroit were de
voted largely to routine business and ad
dresses. Thirty-five new missionaries
were appointed for foreign fields and will
sail tor their destinations the coming
summer and winter.
Tlrcrlnar the adoption of a "save the
gas" policy, the annual oonvcntlon of the
National Gas Association of America,
with delesates from all Parts of the
United States and Canada, closed Its an
nual convention at Clevoland, O., yester
day, to reassemble In St Louis In May,
Warden Edmund M. Allen has caused
another Innovation In the handling of the
convicts in the Jouet, ill., penitentiary
by Instituting a dally hour ot recreation
for all prisoners. This Is dono In the be
lief that tne ugm ana air win aecrease
the present nign aeam raie iron, con
Raven of the nine companies which were
taken over by tho United Shoe Machinery
company the first year of Its existence
have ceased to do business, according to
evidence presented by the government
yesterday In the proceedings before the
United States court at Boston for the dis
solution ot the company.
Fine Remedy
For Eczema
AIm for Salt lUwnn, Tetter, PaerUsS. Lupsa,
and All Slrfa Affliction.
J3cn a Microscope Won't Find a
Blemish After S. 0. 8. Gets
All skin troubles should bs attacked
from within by giving- the blood cir
culation a good dally bath. This is
accomplished with & S. R, the best
known and most highly recommended
blood purifier ever discovered. Its
action is very rapid. Its vegetable
nature is such that it naturally goes
right Into the blood, saturates the
entire circulation, bathes the tissues
with an Influence that enables the
skin to heal quickly. Tho action of
S. S. 8. is' that of an antidote, and
this fact has been demonstrated time
and time again In the most oevero
forms of weeping eczema-
Its Influence in .the tissues where
the tiny arteries' transfer the red
blood for the worn out blood to the
veins Is quite remarkable and goes on
constantly with every tick of the
clock the beat of the heart
And new skin is thus caused to form
while the germs of Irritating influ
ences that cause eczema are scattered
and their harmful nature entirely sus
S. S. 8. has a wonderful tonlo In
fluence in the blood because it oon
tains no "dope," ts not a "physic," is
entirely free of any mineral drugs or
any other drugs exoept the remark'
able medicinal effect of the pure vege
table products of which it Is made.
Few people realize how harmful ars
many of the strong", crude ointments
that used to be in favor before they
learned that 8. S. 8. la safe, speedy
and sure. Ask at any drug; store for
a bottle of S. S. a Give It a rood
trial and you will soon see a decided
Improvement in any form of skin
trouble. Write to The Swift Bpeclflo
Co.. 127 Swift Bldg-.. Atlanta, Ga., for
special free advice on eczema and any
other form of skin or blood trouble.
tops falling Hair
Haifa Hair Ranewer certainly stops
falling hair. No doubt about rfc what
grer. Yon Trill Barely be Battened.
Mai.WtKiLoWg Booth i no STsur haa beta
Btcd for over SIXTY YKARS by MIU40N8 of
U tbe bett remedy for DIA&ftlHEA. It it at
olutely harmlesi. Be aure aod atlc for "Mn.
ulsilow'a Soothlojt Syrup." and take bo other
kind. Twcaty-Avc cents a bottle
rnxucittt a mnriul tnn.
i.m rails v? Kuun ontf
Jlilr to Its YMthfal 0UaT
PmenU tuUr fallln
V. nl l 00 t
Before You
T7f7'E honestly believe that we're asking less money for
furniture than any other reliable store in the city.
Hundreds of others think likewise, as is proven by the generous pat
ronage we're now receiving. We urge you, as you value the saving of
money, not to solect anything ANYWHERE without first gottiug Rubel's price on it.
Wtoll mado Drcsaor,
nicoly finished, sot
id Koldon oak; spo-v
daily reduc
ed new to . . .
A Rood bed, made in Vernls Martin,
Gold Hroiuo finish, will never 'tar-
nmn, or ensineiea in col
ors, any width doslred.
nn excellent, bod for tho
money , . ,
Complete with two draw
ers for cutlery, slldlnsr
bread board, flour bin and
meal bin.
Extra spe
cial this
n In nr. .
Other big values this sale
at 99.7S, 810.75, 810.80 and
1,1 II u
rm.: j :.. . 3 i m . i i i j j j:
canes, rubber goods neodfuh of ovory description at prices you will nover bo able to I
duplicate elsewhere. Why not got tho benefit of this remarkable solo. 1
Toilet Goods "Sundries
2Eo Mermen's Talcum, any Qn I
odor Haturday . . . . v
tOO bottles of nailer's Witch I n
Htasel Cream, at 1 til
200 SL.0O Kmerson Safety CQn
Ilozors, at - O.IU
About 1,000 3 60 Whlnk I J -
Brooms, at U
About 800 2(o Chamois I J.
Skins, at I
About 900 tOo Combs, 290
a . . . . y. . jjjjj'jj wttch
ir?..: 140
400 60c bottles 9 En
Bay Ruin, at... &OU
About 1,500 25c Tooth
Ilrushea I Jr.
LPOMPElAKl About 700 bottles
HASSUX f noimes- irroa- 19.
...assaee Cream forua9U
1 i,ro3H bOo Molvlna Cream Qfj
Powders and Pastes, I 2C
20 gross Roman Violet, Carnation,
Trolling Arbutus Talcum, gn
A lanre assortment of Hand Mirror.
at Just M PBIOB
About 3,000 boxes Asst'd Face I fin
Powders. 26c to 60o kinds, at
2 dozen kinds of bulk 60o 9 Eft
Perfumes at, ox, uu
1 gross 60o llalvlna or Cu- OQn
cumber and Bencaln Cream.. jJU
2 gross 26c Espey's Fragrant I A.
Cream, at
200 bottles SOo Oalatoa.Mas- 4Qn
safe Cream, at
200 Jars B0a Dr. Charles' lesh 2fj
800 C0a Hair Brushes for, fQn
eaoh 6U
21.00 Pearson's Ideal Hair CQn
Brush for QVU
This Is the very best quality
nertr goods.
Drugs for Institutional and Family Use
1 lb. Bjrnthotlo Camphor,
12 lbn. Sulphate of Iron, for Cfln
killing dandelions, for
1 lb. Moth CA 1 lb. Purs Cn
Balls for..
uu Sulphur for uu
Omaha's Leading Prescription Stores
Sherman & McConnell's 4 Rexall Drug Stores
traBBacur aiooomniu sbuo
iioraii TC4.kbulux, ioyai hotm
ubels Prices
Our terms of credit payment aro much easier
than those of any other store in Omaha. Smaller
payments and more gonorous treatment.
42-Piece Dinner Set $J ;
English Scmi-Porcolain, Delft 9L:
Rtnr hlo- vnhirt nntA n -
Thcso boautlful dishes must bo
neon to bo appreciated. Thoy
aro of Boml-poroolnln waro, puro
White with dolft blue decor
ations, under glased so as to bo
absolutely permanent. It Is an
excollont set of dishes for tho
monoy tho beat valuo wo havo
over beon ablo to offor for
your consideration.
Smallest Payments Always
Ono - motion Collap
sible Carts, half-inch
rubber tiros, comploto
with hood and ad
justable dash
Price, only. .
Rubber foods
9)1.00 -'-(ii.u.. c lieu ..abhor
Fountain 8yrlni,-en, for , ,
76o Rubber UIovoh,
for ,
6O0 Bulb Family Syringe,
Atomisers, from 11.26
down to
Rubber Ice Bags, $1.26,
and as low as
2-quart Water Bags,
reduced to
Sxpsrlanosd salssladiss in our Bub
bar Ooofla Bapartmsnts,
$25,000 Stock' Reduction Salo
Box 60 El Toro, Porto Illean. . .11.60
JOo HaU Marks, dub IIouss Bo
10a Ia Marco, box of 60 for . .93.60
10a Bl ralenclo, Havana 60
lOo Chancellor Magnolias Bo
Box of 26 Permits to Smoke ...,78o
Box of 60 Little Praferencias 81.00
Box 60 Manila Media Regalias (U9
Box of 2 S Prefereaclas Perfeotos,
160 size axis.
26a 4711 White Rose Soap q
300 or 4,000 oakss Totlst Soaps,
positively lOo to ISa vol- QA
uo. at, pr oaks ' O U
Or $3.00 per 10O oasts.
1 lb. Yellow Ochrs or Vsnetlan Cn
Rod, for 00
1 lb. Bl-Carb. Soda, C.
for OU
60o bottle atyoerlne,
for ,
oo., 10th and Dodr st.
moos, aorta iota st.
urm tlWilffcliii
HnndBOnio, square lino
caso, French bovol
mirror, splendid dress
era, $20 val- f M "JC
uo, now at. . . I ?! v
Solid Oak Dining Tablo
Mado of Solid oak, fumed fin-
milieu nil-
ihii, a neavy, bud
ntantliU tablo.
6 ft. In length.
you Hhauld rco 11.
Credit Tonns $1 per month.
A splendid value. Iced from
tho front, scientific con
struction, perfect air cir
culation, oaor
Iohh, dry and
nan It nry, very
Credit terms $125 per mo.
Some New Prices on
Proprietary or Patent
$1.00 IJBtorlno
, for ....... v. i. .
$1.00 Plnkham's Comp.
ALOO Viator's Saraaparllla
$1.00 Rexall Kidney Cure
. 69c
. 54o
$1.00 Holler's Bars'apartlla
for .
$1.00 Pleroo'a Golden Medical
60a Heulthtoue Special,
out to
60o Laxative Boro Pepsin,
out to .....
$1.00 Urlcsol
101" - s
$1.00 Red Clover Blttors,
for ........
Fellow's Syrup
$1.00 Dr. Cooper's New Dl- OQn
covery for OiJu
.8:...r.f...- 59c
Reslnol Ointment, QQ.
,46o and OoC
26o WestmaTa Mutton Salve,
60a Hoffraelster's Beer Ex- A tin
tract, for 00
Forty Kinds of Molt Extract, 25q
Out-of-town orders filled at these
firicea, If sent promptly, accompan
ed by remittance.
The Harvard Fever Thermometer
Tho one advertised In this week's
Saturday Evening Post Wa ore
agents In Omaha: prices,
each 61.OO ond 81.80
In all the pretty I fin to QQ
colors, can . . I UU 9u
16o Mule Team Borax.
for 0
100 Blaud's Iron Tonlo Tablets OQn
fpr , , ...... .... vQ
iuu nr. itiniUQ'fl pink Tablets,
ior .........
OWl SBUO CO.. 16th and Barnsv Htm.
BUUSVABD PHARMACY, S4th and rarnant Sti.