Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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The Omaha daily bee;
Entrd lit Omaha rosufflcs as seond-
class matter.
Sunday Bes one yew.......... J-jy
Brurd.y Be. on year i'JS
golly Boe, without Sunday, one your. .w
ally Pea, and Sunday, one year.... eg
firenliut and Bundar. Pr tn",tl! ,.V5
Evening", without Sunday, per month g
Dally Bee, Incinainff Bunday, Pr mo. go
Daily Bee, without Sunday, Pr nwt:?0
Atfowss alt complaTnU.oJ Irrejfnlrltlei
In delivery to City Circulation Dept.
Remit by rfL cxWMOf t"W eriW
payable to The Bee Pub Islilns; company.
Only t-ont stamps reoelTed In Pome"1
01 vmaii accounts. 1 cl Znt
eept on Omaha and eastern aienaflge, not
Omaha Th Bfbuildlnr.
Bouth Omaha JJU N "lre;t.
Council Bluffs 14 North Main treet-
IJncoln-i IUtle building
Chlrjuro 801 Hearst bullumir. ,
TwoThilloom llV 6 Fifth Av.
Bt. Iuls-MJ New Bank of Commerce.
"Washington 7g Fourteenth Ht.. is. w.
Communications rslattrur to njJ
editorial matter should ba addrsa
Omaha Bee, Editorial department.
APRIL cmcoinoN.
ot The Beo tabuihiM compuiy, beTn
duly sworn. ar that the avra dally
circulation for the month of. AP'Vi"13'
was circulation Manacsr.
Bubsorlbed In mr Pwc and sworn
Notary Pubilo.
Subscribers leavlnsf the
temporarily shoald. 1it Tb BM
walled to them. AMrss wl
chanced as ofcte tut
Now, r. Weather Man, show us
how nice you can bo.
"tauality bofor the Jaw" Is Ne
braska's motto, arid thin. leave no
rooia for lynch- law,' .'
A safe and sane Fourth, of July
must bo ono Item 6a tho municipal
program for Omaha as a progres
sive city.
The dangor Is that the discovery
of that hard clder-clstern on a Kan
sas farm la likely to give some othor
folks an idea.
The lid is being tightened in
South Omaha,. and Jncldontally the.
propB being knocked -from under
another argument against annexation,
Tho naming o Sonator Norrls no
a member of the. rcpufclkan commit
teo oa party reorganisation gives
him another chanca to show his
The physician ef the future has a
lot jt week cut out for hiw, but. la
the Interval tho physician of "the
present has mo excuse for, net keep-,
tag busy.
"Which member of the Water
board is going to have the credit for
making the. motion to lower tho
water rates to 25 cent ft thousand
gallons as bo often promised Y
It Is suggested that Rov. "Billy"
Sunday may yet relent, and come, to
our resouo. We earnestly hope so,
If only to remove the impression
that Omaha has been maligned.
A leading legal light of Lincoln
has made, tho startling discovery
that because of a technical defect no
v&lidC liquor licenses have been, or
can he, issued In Omaha. Thanks
awfully for the Information,
Get Them to Stop Over.
Tho approach iof the season of
transcontinental summer tourist
travel should bo & signal for us to
do something, if wo can, to develop
the stop-over habit for Omaha. This
travel is headed in both directions,
people from tho cast going west to
tho mountains and Pacific coast, and
people from tho West going oast to
tho lakes and Now England resort.
Omaha is precisely the place to
break a long trip, otherwise likely
to be tedious And tiring, and hun
dreds of tourists would unquestion
ably take advantage of an excuse to
stop here If given half-way assur
ance of enjoying reasonable comfort
and spending tho time ploasantly
end profitably. In this respect
Omtha can appeal to visitors at
least as well as any other interior
city, and a little moro attention to
tho entertainment side would en
hance Its reputation with transcon
tinental travelers who now too often
pass ub by.
The Ship of Friendship.
The toast proposed by Mr. Bryan
at the farewell breakfast to tho
visiting foreign peace delegates ex
presses in most follcltous words a
thought, which peace lovers tho
world over will heartily endorse.
Those aro tho words used by Mr.
Ever since the earliest days men hare
been building ships. They aro stilt build
ing them, but the ship wo aro planning
Is different from Uia others. Its com
pos Is the heart; Its shells crry cool
will) Its mlssUes are projects! by the
smokeless powder of love) Its captain
is tho Trine of Poica I ask you all to
drink with m to this new battleship
the ship of friendship. Ko target con
withstand the shots that friendship sends
It Is reassuring to know that tho
nion at tho head of our government,
particularly tho president and his
secretary ot state, who are charged
with the conduct of our foreign re
lations, are so thoroughly lmbuod
with tho spirit of amity toward
othor nations, and oarnesUy bent
upon remaining on frlondly terms
with all. It goes without saying
that It must be peace with honor,
yet the enjoyment of peace must do-
pond upon willingness to accord
Justice as well aa to Insist upon
It Is to be hoped that Mr. Bryan
will achieve his nmbltlbn to Ball tho
Ship of Friendship Bafely through
tho, waters for the term ot his enlist
ment as chief mate.
Looking BackWard
Tills Dm? in Oraatia
MAY 24.
? ooo
Louisville captured ttifr next meot
lag ot the National Association ot
Retail Grocers for -which Omaha and
dedar Rapids were also bidding.
Never mind, we will try again and
fare better soma other time.
Tho Bee is irrevocably against
turning tho public library out ot Ita
present beautiful structure in order
to let the building ba used as a po
lice station, and we bellev that more
than nine-tenths of tho people ot
Omaha are of the same opinion,
Tho state fair management is
playing up its proposed baby show.
Here's a Up fof our Ak-Bar-Ben gov
ernors. The beautiful baby crop In
Nebraska 1b always a record breaker,
and nowhere will the product grado
higher than right here in Omaha
and vicinity.
The women accompanying the
dentists in attendance on tho state
association sessions here publicly
declared- that they never had such
a good time at anyi other meeting
When you feeleet your convention
city next time, dentists, leave the
choice to your wives, daughters and
Enlarging the Veto Power.
One of the hills lntrodnced into
congress by Senator Nolsoa of Minne
sota proposes to enlarge tho presi
dent's veto powor by pormitUng him
to ct oat soparatfl Item afappro-
prfation bills that appear' objootiq
nble to him. Tk4 power, to vetoar-
tloular appropriation Items is vested
in the governor by many ot our state'
constitutions, noticeably in Ne
braska, and It is exercised In this
respect as a rule oven moro frio
quontly than the veto power as ap
plied to goneral legislation.
It tho executive 1b to hayo a
check upon lawmaking, tho argu
ment in favor of permitting him to
treat the appropriation bills ltom by
Item is all ono way, Tho president
has often found It necessary to veto
an entire appropriation moasuro be
cause of some one vicious section or
Undesirable rider, as was dono, for
example, by President Taft when he
Vetoed tho sundry, civil appropria
tion bill Just before ho went out ot
office to which a clause had boon
attached designing to nullify the en
forcement of the Sherman anti-trust
law upon labor unions and farmers'
combines. Again, onactments havo
been smuggled Into tho statutes
which would never have escaped a
veto except tor tho fact that they
were hitched on to appropriation
measures which tho president did
not feel warranted in holding up.
It must not bo supposed, how.
ever, that this enlargement of the
president's veto powor can be easily
or quickly brought about, The only
way it can be accomplished is by
amending tho federal constitution,
which is a slow and cumbersome
process at best It must be remem
bered, too, that there is some senti
ment against vesting tho executlvo
with any check whatever upon the
lawmaking body a sentiment which
has manifested Itself in the com
plete Abolition of tho veto power
In a few states, and many cities. As
suming that the amendment is ap
proved by congress and submitted
for Ratification by the states. It
cannot count with certainty upon
smooth sledding all the way.
Even democrats In moments of
raro candor cannot withhold admir
ation for the superior grade ot glue
which sticks $800,000,000 a year of
Uncle Sam's coin to republican
palms, Olvll service Is a benevolent
institution for those inside, an ob
stacle to efficiency in the minds ot
those eager to break, in.
In addressing tha law students at
Harvard, Former President Taft
facetiously declared that he had re
ceived much of his legal training
at the expenso of the public. But
that Is only a slight variation from
th experience of other lawyers, for
It is the rule rather than the excep
tion that lawyers get their most
Talnahle training st the expanse ot
Tlilrty Years Agi
A notable entertainment was given the
editorial excursion brought In by the
Uurllnxton, including Sty editors and
editors' wives, mostly from eastern and
central states. The party was met at
Council Bluffs by the Omaha reception
committee, consisting of Mayor Chase,
Mr. Eddy, Mr. Baker and Bdward Rose
water, and siren a drive about the city
and a banquet at the Grand Pacific, with
All tM ftlngs Of speeches and responses.
William O. Faint, the New York mer
chant, is here visiting- hla brother, Louis
Faist, the barber.
General Manager Hall of the flloui City
& Pacific, with his party, comprising
John L Blair, James Blair, Oliver Ames,
D. P. Kimball. Horace Williams, J. Van
dervotter and C K. Vail, went east on
their prlvato car.
A reception was given Justice Miller at
tho resldenoe of Uon. John Ij. "Webster.
A large number of prominent people at
tended the reception given at tho resi
dence of Mr. and Mrs. J lax Meyer in
honor of Mr. and Mr. Morlt and Mr.
and Mrs. Adolf Meyerj
The Woman's Missionary society of the
Omaha presbytery Is In session at the
Second Presbyterian church. Rev., Mr.
Williams of Niobrara delivered tho ad
dress last night, telling of missionary life
on the frontier.
The work of paving- Tenth street car
tracks with granite has begun at Far-
Twenty years Ago
Nearly W0 boys and girls from tho
Long school under the chaporcrwra ot
Miss MbCheane, principal, visited the)
Manufacturcra' exposition.
Councilman Prlnco has had prepared
a new ordinary calling -for a viaduct
over Fifteenth- street, which was agi
tated by a lot of property owners nar
lioavenworth and othor south slda
Mrs. John B. Brlgcra, Nebraska's rep
resentative on the Board of Iady Man
ocers for tho World's fair, relumed from
Chicago, where' sho spent nearly a week
looking Into the Affairs ot her office.
ItUs Jessie Allan, librarian. Issued a
pubilo statement to the effect that th
delivery station at Burdotte street and
Military avonuo was accessible to all
persons over 10 years of age, and not
merely children, aa was evidently the
current Impression. '
A subscriber, Bljmlnff himself J."
wroto to The Bee to know whether Allan'
G. Thurman was dead. The . Ba was
happy to inform him that the satro of the
bandanna stilt lived.
Mayor Bemls, William A. Paxton. John
A, Crelghton, James H. Boyd. Oeorgo I
Miller, Henry W. Tates, Euclid Martin,
O, M. Hitchcock and C. B. Austin signed
ft protest addressed to John G, Carlisle,
nocrttary of the treasury, against the
alleged effort ot Senators Vorheoa and
Turplo of Indiana to havo material from
thn Indiana llmefltona auarrlea used In
.the construction of the Omaha federal
Ten Years Ago -
Oraahn. beat Kansas City fl to 2. Man
Vjt: I . . i i-. ti. 1' i '.
nscr iviu jiiuuoia win, tit um lfua. iui ;mo
Kaw pine with Mcssltt receiving- and
Bohafstall and Jock Thomas did the bat
tery work for Omaha. Omaha touched
tip the Kid for eleven hits.
Unity church held a service oommemorr
ativa ot Ralph Waldo Emerson, on the
100th anniversary of Ma birth. Miss
Fawcett sent tv solo, "A Song of Fate;"
Ravi T. J. Mackay ot All- Saints Epis
copal church prayed Miss Wallace read
from the philosopher's essay on Char-
actar," and Mrs. Atderson followed with a
tflbUts. Rov, Newton Mann mads the
A. Ia Nlelds died at his residence, 9008
Mason street, 47 years of, age. He had
been 111 for some time. Prior to his
breakdown he Was M member of the gro
eery firm of IX M. Steel & Co, and later
with M. E. Smith & Co.
IUv. B. II, Jenks at First Presbyterian,
TtcV. T. J. Mackay it All Saints Epis
copal and Hoy. D. K. Tlndall at Trinity
Methodist preached special sermons to
the old soldiers In view- of Decoration
day, groups of the veterans attending
each church.
Wd by the Rev. Thomas Anderson.
their pastor, the people ot Calvary Bap
tist omtrch, adopted resolutions con
denting tho fiendish persecution of Jews
by Russians and appointed I. W, Car
penter to convey their protest to Ne
braska's delegation In congress.
In Other Landp
People Talked About
Tho announced intention of King
Peter of Servia to retire from his
throne Is a delicate trlbuta to Ser
vian precedents. A doion years is
deemed the limit of usefulness ot
Serb rulers. Peter's predecessor
violated tradition and died suddenly.
Voluntary abdication obviates tho
unpleasantness of being handed his
The cable report that England Is
goteg to demand tho extradition of
militant suffragettes may be set
down aa a hoax. John Bull Is not
likely to chase after trouble when
the home supply far exceeds his
needs. .
The persistent frequency of mes
sages from Medicine Hat and Cat
gary renders hopeless the task of re
taining the esteem ot summer re-
Mrs. Blanche Chandler of Boston warns
women against marrying slendw men, all
of whom, she declares, aro cranks.
King Alfonso of Spain wants Pon
jamia or nourDon, pretenaer to tne span'
Ish throne, made king of Albania. The
suggestion Indicates the very acme of
ft Is estimated that Mrs. Susan Eaton"
ot Madison, Me., who cilebrated her
Kth birthday last week, has made ritore
than (00 quIUb. During the last winter
aha has pieced three quilts.
The hooligans of New York, routed
from suburban trolley lines, have become
dance hall raiders. The young ruffians
force th;lr way Into dance halls, fre
quently beating up objectors.
Benjamin Priest of Canaan. Me., Is the
oldest man In Somerset county, having
passed his 101st birthday. Mr. Priest still
does the work around his house and regu
larly leads the parade onMemorlal day.
Mayor Gaynor of New York says th
beat way to end the sutfragstto war in
England la to provide husbands for the
militants. The mayor belivs that des
perate diseases require dperate reme
Alton B. Parker, the legal luminary
of Esopus creek, Is again mentioned for
a place on the supremo bench of New
Tork for the election next fall. Tho
boom for Alton Is not yet strong cnougq
to echo through the dalls around Baga-
more Hill.
The marriage ot an Italian doctor In
Chicago a few days ago was a. stunning
society event. Thre pel tots, fifty po
Uoameo. a score ot detectives, thousands
of spectators, a riot call, and a KO.OCO
breach cf promise notice, lent spectacu
lar local atmosphere to tho function. The
doctor and his bride got away with It
Zr. Anne ST, Rets, a young woman of
Oxden, Utah, was lately chosen as city
physician and quarantine officer. Bha
has done work that qualified her for th
position. For Instance, she one rod
area miles on the covroatcber of an
aaglna. to ovortalce a man who was sup-
poMd to a, aurcarlas Xroax staaupox.
Mcennfil Ontnhlittsr In France,
Gambling Is a licensed institution In
Franc. A tux of is per sent levied by
the government last year yielded a
revenue of nearly $10,003,000. A proposal to
raise the tax to BO per cent, when dis
cussed in the Chamber of Deputies last
week brought forth direct charges of
wide-spread graft, in which deputies and
senators were Involved. In the debat It
was conceded that there wasn't a
"square" game played in France. At the
English Casino, a gambling joint at the
Gates of Paris, the largest Of its class
In France, and commonly patronized by
Americans, "steerers," aro employed and
"fleecing" practiced. This concern not
only splits the rakeoff with tho govern
ment, but makes "loans" to deputies and
senators, sugars the palms of the police,
and Influences every avenue of authority
likely to disturb Its plans for steerlm;
nnd fleecing victims. "Tho bosses of the
Paris gambling hells," declared ono dep
uty, "know exnetly the day and tho ho"ur
when a house will be raided." Immunity
Is purchased by direct bribes and persons
high in authority, directly Interested, pro
cure favors, so that robbery may be per
petrated. The scandal promises to rival
in magnitude the wholesale looting of
the funds derived from tho sale of con
fiscated church property, and reveal the
amazing ramifications ot gambling graft.
Affairs In Portnsnl.
Impartial reports of affairs In Portugal.
with very few exceptions, picture condi
tions in the pseudo republlo a verging
on anarchy. Republican radicals are the
master forces of the government and all
who neglect, to do homage to the powers
that be are treated as onomles. The
duchess ot Bedford, an aetlvo worker In
Dritlsh prison charities, who has Jnat re
turned from Portugal, reports amona
other things!
"The system of espionage practiced
throughout Portugal spreads like a net
work, in th meshes of which many un
suspecting persona are entangled. A
chanco word said to a barber sufficed
for tho arrest., of a doctor wol known
and respected; the boast of a police ser
geant that he had served under three
kings condemned' hlni to a. tlf sentenee
t"i ira una neipicss pnost With his
Sacristan had been hurried awny front
nis poor presbytery without th titt.
tense of an accusation against himi a
count, having supplied his guests at a
dinner party with small royalist flags
for their buttonholes was for this slight
Imprudence arrested and, though eight
months havo elapsed, is still untrl.d
Soma of the prlsonsrs have been await
ing trial for two years, My next visit
was to the Aljube prison (for women),
where seven so-called political offenders
aro detained. Fjve of these wero peas
ant women from the Azores, whose crime
consisted In making some effort to re
sist tne spoliation, by republican order.
of their village church, They were hur
ried from their homes to tho steamer,
and without trial on their arrival, were
consigned to tn Aljube, It Is weltf
known that th repubtiq has abolished
every sign of tho Christian .alth In all
Its Institutions, and -consequently the
chapel has been dismantled, and closed."
tiettlnsr the Xetrspnpers.
English speaking races boastfully claim
supremacy in most things regarded as
essentials to .civilization. Particular em
phasis Is laid on educational facilities
and the dissemination of Intelligence. The
latter claim does not appear imposing
wncn. contrasted with German and Rus
sian mothoda of distributing home and
foreign newspaper carry!ng"tha news of
the day or week. In England, as well
as In the United States, recourse must
be had with nevspaper office or news
dtolers, tho latter being few and tndu
ferently supplied in out of th way places.
A correspondent of tho Manchester (Bni.
land) Guardian states ho had less diffi
culty in seuing: mgiisn papers in a
Bavarian village than at horn. Orders
for home and foreign newspapers are re
ceived at pootofflres, a receipt given for
suDscnptions, ana . without further ado
tho Papers aro procured and dellvard.
The economical German goes-to the post'
office to fetch his. papers, but for a small
tee they can be delivered at subscribers'
houses by th postman, Th Russian
posiomce list oi roreign papers is so
complete that It contains th names and
prlcos of English papers that often can.
not b obtained at British rallwar book.
stalls. 'Even In Lopdqn there do not x
1st the same faollltles for reading th
world's press .which' are provided In Ber
Un, MUnloh and other great German
Co-operative Peawtut Banks.
With th Inception of land reform and
peasant proprietary In Ireland a doxen
years ago, on df the great obstacles
was to procure financial assistance which
would enable farmers to lido over sea
sons between crops and purchaso stock
and equipment, This obstacle was oven
come by th organization ot co-opera tlv
agricultural banks for loaning money on
easy terms to farmers. From this smart
beginning havo sprung a large number
of co-operattvq banks and their steadily
widening operations prompted an official
Investigation to determine their solvency.
ns well as their methods of business. Tho
Investigation has' been completed and.
while tha statistical details have not been
given out, one conclusion made pubilo is
extremely flattering. Whether the bank
examined was situated north or south
In Tlpperary, Donegal or Mayo, the hem
esty or borrowers and managers was
demonstrated. The co -operative banks
were hampered in various parts ot Ire
land, but none of their difficulties aroso
from want of good faith and punctuality
on the part ot tha borrowers. England
Is now seriously considering the organ
isation of peasant banks modeled on the
Irish plan.
. a
Drift of British Kmlfrrants.
One ot the cheering signs of th times
for England Is that while emigration goes
forward steadily thef drift toward the
colonies Is Increasingly marked. Some
Interesting figures on this point were
given by Mr. TlarooUrt In tha Rouse of
Commons recently. In 1506, of 189,000
emigrants, 77,000, or more than half, went
to foreign countries, Last year, of 268,000
emigrants. 120,000, or about SI per cent.
went to the British empire. Only about
one in six ot those leaving the country
Is lost to tho Sag. This tendency Is th
more important because the numbers ot
the English are few tnough at beat for
holding and dcrrelopinc th enormous
areas over which they are sprted.
Taking; n Chanco.
Senator Lee 8. Overman of North
Carolina, when a young man, was
private secretary of Gov. Vance of that
state. Th governor was a candidate
for election to th United States senate,
and his most formidable opponent was
Senator Merrlmon, at that tlm th In
In tha heat of the campaign young
Overman fell In love with Merrlman's
daughter, and prosecuted his suit with
all th ardor of a southern wooer. At
length things reached a stag where ho
felt that he could no ldnger continue
to hold his position as secretary to the
opponent of the father of Ms lady-love.
Bo, In heart-to-heart talk with Gov.
Vance he confided the trua stat of
affairs, setting forth that While his
position a secretary was highly ad
vantageous to him from a sordid,
worldly point of view, it was well sac
rificed on the altar of love, etc., etc
Don t be a fool, son," interrupted th
governor. "It Merrlman can stand rou
for a son-in-law, I reckon I can stand
you for a secretary!"
Overmnn held down both lobs. Wash
ington 'Star,
VTlplnir n Fit-other.
Suddenly tho man with the chin beard.
who was eating his luncheon In a res
taurant, reached across tha table, touched
the button in the lapel of tho coat worn
by th man directly opposite him, and
gave him the grip of the secret order to
which they both belonged.
"Brpther," he sold. "I see you're th
need, and to live up to my sworn duty
am compelled to"
"In need," interrupted the other. In
wide-eyed astonishment, "in need ot
"Of somebody to tell you that a knif
s not tho proper implement to use when
yon are eating corned beef hash." -
By prompt action half a dozen waiters
quieted th disturbance that began lm
medlaUly, but they were too lata to
prevent tho destruction of about t0 worth
of tableware. Cleveland News. ,
Scared Ifnbhy.
"Hnvn you had' your hotiw insured
against fire, madam?" began the Insur
ance agent.
"No. sir," replied the lady of tho hous.
"Ate you not afraid of fires f
"I am not, but my husband Is very
much in awe of them."
That so?"
ys. During th ten years of our mar
ried life he has never one kindled a
flrc'-St Louis Times.
Editorial Sittings
Oat Busy, Kasby,
Kansaa City Times.
The patriot who wanted te b poatma'
ter because th day was nvr too long
nor th night too dark for htm to work
for th. party will now Stick his tongue
In his chcr and, Uara now to writ and
Twice Told Tales
Washington Post: How are the sufi
fraglits and their female opponents ever
to settle the question, seeing that both
sides cannot havo th last word-
Cleveland Plain Dealers. Sixteen million
dollars worth of diamonds hav ben Im
ported Into America this year.. How. many
of those stones shall one expect to soe
clutterlmr up the tax scheduler .
Cleveland, Plain Dealer: Contrary to tho
British law on the subject an unlicensed
aviator flow over London at a height of
,600 Xeet, Just imogtno th lord high
sheriff standing in the highway reading
the riot act to this lawless flier.
Baltimore, American: Already ' demo
cratic spokesmen aro pointing out that
the ono-term plank adopted at the Bal
timore convention cannot, possibly, apply
to Wilson. A few. months ln office seem
to have reversed tho train. of thought.
New York World: Th president's re
ported "inclination to put the consular
representatives ot the government iipflot
the civil service" threatens still further
to reduce, th number of bertha for tha
faithful. Are all tha spoils -of party vic
tory to be abolished?
Baltimore American: Another aviator
has paid the death toll. - but his place
will be -filled by another volunteer, and
so th waiting list of victims will k-ep
on being filled In th never-ceasing bu.
tie between natural force and huna.
Ingenuity struggling for tho master)'.
Chicago Tribune: Our esteemed neigh
bor, th Gary Tribune, advances tm
startling theory that the recent tor
nadoes In Nebraska owe their origin U
the vacuun caused by th removal o
William Jennings Bryan from the state
But why did their wrath fall on Omahc
rather than on LJncolnT
Pittsburgh Dispatch: Reports from
SeatUa Inform us that British Columbia
Indians have unloaded on white pros
pectors a number of salted and worthl"
gold mines. The noble red man seemi
to have got right up In line with lu
acquisitive metnoas or the captains M
New Tork Bun: When the United States
to show Its good will toward Great Brit
ain, conveys to Canada part of Alaska
as Representative Stephens of Texas pro
posed In a resolution Introduced In com
Kress, we might as well bo generous
ana convey the Mississippi vaney to
Franoe, New England to Germany, Tetrn
to Mexico, and, of course, the Pacific
states to Japan.
Widow I wtsh fd have on poor Mr.
Boozer's tombstone the words "Her lies.'
Cutter Will you hare It in the LAtln
form: "Hlc Jaooft
Widow Nd; I don't think Jbhn Would
like tho "hlc" Boston Transcript.
"1 saw a lady 1 knew smoking tho
other day, and she was put out when I
caught her."
"What did yod do?"
"Wrapped a rujr around her and smoth
ered tho fire." Baltimore American.
"Last year. 1 see the churches of Chris
tendom contributed more than PQ,000,OW
to -missionary work."
"Great Scott! What on earth are ihy
feeding the heathens now canvas-baCk
duck and terrapin Staw?" St. Loul9 Re
public Dlrgusted ran Why don't they tak
that fellow out7 II can't pitch, h can't
bat. he cant run-
Itht Little Boy Why. papa, h ought to
run all right. He winds himself up every
time h throws a ball Chicago Tribune.
"Base ball is civilising th Filipinos."
"Good. When It gets through with that
Job I hopo It will come around and civil
ize some of th crowds who threw bottles
at tho umpire." Washington Star.
"This man demands a reduction in his
luncheon check. He puts up a strong
"What If we rsfus7" said th man
ager of tire fashionable New York hotel.
"Then be threatens to take advantage
of the bankruptcy act" Pittsburgh Post
Now. sir." said tha nhotnurnnhur in
Little BInks, "Just try to look pleasant
for a moment"
BInks. "This photograph Is for my
mother, and -she'd never recognlzo hlm it
iie were w iook pieasanc ouuge..
Tabloids of Science
One pint or gasoline will make 300 cubfe
feet of an explosive mixture seven times
more powerful than gunpowder.
By using finely powdered Ingredients
and great pressure cement articles have
been made to resemble porcelain.
More than 4,600 miles of copper wire will
be required for telephones In a big offes
building which Is being built at New
Soft metal, such as cine, lead and tin.
will gradually absorb a plating of copper,
sljver or gold which may ba placed on
Its surface.
Washing with hot soapsuds In which
salt has been dissolved. wUl tighten
can seat in a chair whloh hos-stretched
until It sags.
An English brewery chemist claims to
have perfected a dealoohoUsod beer, free
from Intoxicating properties, but retaining
all tho original flavor.
German scientists claim to have taken
bacteria from tobacco prodtsced in one
part of the world, inoculated another kind
with them and Imitated la th latur the
flavor and aroma ot th former.
Nw Tork Son.
Efficient, honest postmasters now In
oM5ce are to srr their terms. My de
partment wUl b run on business. lines
and not oa politics;" says Postmaster
General Burleson More power to his
elbow and all honor to President Wilson
and himself I Th Pottoffto department
run for boelness, not politics, will b
wonder stsoh as living men hare not seen.
New York Sun.
Brightest of th bright row
..Marching on to fame.
You're my little nltro
aiycerlnotts dame!
Let us to th parson
Eight o'clock tonight!
Can't. I've" got to arson
Some, and. dynamite.
Can't you quit your loadltrg
Bombs an hour, my dove?
I must be exploding.
Or I'm dull, my love!
HE. .
'Heart ot mine, you lean softx.
- RIotwards. I fearl --i
SHE. .
Sure. I'd lov to bean cne
Officer, my dear!
rf'w up nnd marry
Must 1 Join the cause?
Must I bum and harry?
Must: I break the laws?
Sir, there'll bo no wedding
Till the day you stand
in the dock for shedding
Gore about tho land!
Madam, I believe you
Ask a btt too much:
Not that I would peev you-
Oh. I'm in Dutch!
Beat It) I abhor your
Features; what a nc-rrt
Madame, 1 deplore youp
Beat It, Pigeon Toesl
. Ill I N E
Suiriixier "Fours
All Around
The East
and Boston
Sold Daily Juno 1 to September 30 Inctashro
Choice of Routes--All Rail Direct, or
via Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk, Rail and Steamer
via Buffalo Niagara rails. Montreal and other fttw
New York
Atlantic City Cape Rfky;
Long Branch Aibury Park
And other Seashore Resorts
Thsso monyBVttut fares may-be Uksa adraaiag of if travelers ask
W. H. ROWLAND, Tk-vssllng Passenger Agent
aSMa&S City National Bank Bide Omaha, Nob.
C H I. .A. Gr O
Lv. Omaha. 7:40 A. M., 0:00 P. M., O:6o P. M., 7:60 P. M.
Ar. Chicago. .-. . . . . .0:00 P, M., 7:20 A. 8:00 A.M., 0:15 A. M.
Electric lighted trains Bleeping care with "longer, higher
and vrldor berUis'- dlnln? cars serving meals of tho well known
high standard of tho "Milwaukee" road In fact, every comfort of
modern travel enlisted In the effort to maqe your trip a pleasure.
The "Pacific Idiultod" new, steel train leaves Omaha dally at
7:60 P. M.. arrive Chicago 9:15 A. M.
TICKET OFFICES ! 1317 Faninm St. (Phone Douglas SS3)
and Union Passenger Station.
W. t. BOCK
City Passenger Agent, Omaha.
, Tour advortiBiiig space
it irortfe nothing to you or a
great deal, depending entirely
on w&at rou put In it
Give foroo to your ideas
wKh drawings that turn white
spaoa tnto lire messengers.
This drawing would
bavw oost roa but 6.65 and
the cut paly 91.36. Lot us
make yours lor Tou,
fafrariig Department
Xelldlaa;. r&oa Tylr 1000
jtaairt uienu
J I . .