Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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    rmrxr Tinrrn. rwrATTA inumjonAv on mm
Bemis Park District
$500 DOWN ; $50 PER MO.
Will buy an S-roora, 2story house; oak
and maple (loon: large cellar and fruit
room; fine Bleeping porohes; garage and
cement driveways; beautiful yard; paved
streets: storm and tureen windows; ab
solutely all modern. Ask to see It.
Phone Douglas 4015. 1513 Douglas St
Beautiful House, in
On Easy Terms
This beautiful ne.. house, Just (lmshed,
has every desirable convenience, and Is
beautifully located In the most desirable
part of Dundee, lias vestibule, reception
i hall, living room, dining room, kitchen,
pantry and back entry ou first floor; 3
S large, airy, well lighted bed rooms, sun
porch and bath room onl second Iloor; 2
House eleeantlv finished throughout
with all oak finish on first floor with ex
ception of kitchen; beam ceilings In din
ing room, living room and vestibule, fire
place, built-in bookcase and window
seats and plenty of large closets.
House situated on paved street and
the entire lot is Just newly sodded and
within is block of car line.
Reasonable price and excellent terms.
Call Desk B.A.
4M-410 City Nafl. Bank Bldg.
Phone D. 8318.
FA 113 1 fc HANOI! LANDS Foil SAJUO.
FOR CHEAP land on a new rallroao.
Just being built In southwest Arkansas
from Ashdown to Hot Springs, write
Southern Realty & Trust Co., Nashville,
Southern Pacific and Santa Fe main
lines traverse our absolutely level tract.
only lo leei to water; hjbo ariesiu.ii wens.
Five hours' run to either Ban Francisco
or Lob Angeles, with a combined popula
tion of far over 1,000,000.
Join our half-rate excursion to
June 3d. See the
located on the electric line from Los
Angeles to Riverside.
Make your reservations early and let us
show you the "GOLDEN STATE" from
San Francisco to San Diego.
For free handsomely illustrated book
lets on all matters Callfornlan, see or
write .
catalogue. Prpperties In all counties.
Valuable, reliable information. C M.
Wooster Co., Phelan Bldg., Son Fran
cisco. FOR BALE Farm land in the Antelope
valley, the milk bottle of Los Angeles.
Land Jn the suburbs of Los Angeles Is
becoming so valuable for subdivision pur
poses that the dairyman is being crowded
out. Just recently it has been discovered
that water can be had in large quanti
ties in the Antelope Valley. As this
promising valley is only 70 miles from the
rapidly growing city or. aos Angeles,
land because land can still be had at a
low price, farmers and 'dairymen ara
.buying thousands of acres of this fine
rich land. Wo can sell you 24 acres or
more for $100 per acre, on easy terms,
located one mile from a good town. This
is choice alfalfa and pear land.
For further particulars wrlto tto Cen
tinela Land Company, 1003 Title Insur
ance Building, Los Angeles. .California. ,
CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and
Bd Tues. W. T. Smith CO. 815 City Nat. Bk.
A CANADIAN half section In famous
Goose Lake district near two rood towns,
perfectly choice land at n. bargain if
sold soon. H. L. Archer, 311 Security
Bonk Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn.
FOR SALE 118 per acre1 will buy two
quarter sections of smooth rich land In
Cheyenne county, Kansas, near Benkel
man, Neb., on Burlington road. Part
cash, part time. A snape. Homer N.
Bates. P. O. Box 76 Fresno, Cal.
SIXTY THOUSAND acres Carey Ian
open to entry at Valler, Mont; fifteen
annual payments; section famous for
grains, grasses, vegetables; well , adapted
to diversified farming. For particulars
write Valler Farm Sales company, Box
10 vaner. jsaont.
1 Nebraska.
FOR SALE lCO-acre farm. 5 miles from
Pierce; good Improvements j 5 acre al
falfa; 120 In cultivation. Quick sale, $75
er acre. W. E. Powers. Pierce. Neb.
New Mexico.
FOR SALE In tha Rio Grande valley,
fcO-acro alfalfa ranch. 1,000 bearing fruit
trees, remainder in alfalfa. Best of Im
provements, hi mile from town, two
I miles from railroad. Other farms im
proved and unimproved under govorn-
'inent Irrigation. The best climate, mar
kets and land to be had In the United
tatea. O. D. Williams. La Mesa. N. M.
Month Dakota,
320 acres located 6 miles northeast of
Columbia, Brown county, South Dakota,
and on the east of the river (Jim River
Valley). All under cultivation except 20
acres pasture, which rents for ISO cash
rent. Balance rents for one-third deliv
ered to market Buildings good, consist
ing of a 6-room house, born, granary, hog
and henhouse, good well, windmill and
tank. Good roads to town. This farm hat
paid the owner as high as $2,200 as bis
share of the crop for one year. Adjoining
lend no better has sold for $70 per acre.
Price for quick sale $62.60 per acre and
would consider clear Omaha property as
part payment
This Is worth Investigating.
See, call or write.
L. B. Scott & Son,
1126 City Nat Bank Bldg.
: J. H. Mitheri Co.,
DOUGLAS 1271 .
MONEY on band at lowest rates tor
loons on Nebraska, farms and Omaha
city property In any amounts.
823 City Nations! Bank Bldg.
MONEY To loan on business or resi
dence properties, $1,000 to $00,000.
W. H- THOMAS. 228 State Bank Bldg.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms,
1016 Omaha National, Douglas Xte.
LOANS on farms and Improved city
property, 6, Stt and per cent; no delay.
J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1601 Parnaro St
wanted City loans and warrants.
W, yarnam ano et ia., -jj. tunuun ou
riOO to $10,000 made promptly. F. IX
Wood. Wead Bids., ISth and Farnam.
aof CITY IvOANB, Bemla-Cariberg Co.,
o 210-313 Brand els Theater Bldg.
y.iWngl gar apccUltT. Stall IlTO.
Rains in Southwest Wheat Country
Reduce Price Half Cent
We Weather" Throng-boat Western
lorra and llutora Nebraska
Has DUqnletlnic Influ
ence on Market.
OMAHA, May a, 1911
Rains In sections of the southwest
overbalanced all else In the wheat mar
ket yesterday and caused prices to drop
about Vic. There were muttorlngs of de
terioration In the southern part of Kan
sas and northern counties of Oklahoma
One message from a representative of a
Chicago house said thera were three
counties In Kansas where conditions on
May 1 were at M per cent whloh aro
now not over SO per cent. Thire Were
other scattered reports which, however,
were not as highly colored as the fore
going, and all the unfavorable reports
railed to creato any enthusiasm what
ever. Sentiment was more bearish and
the bears made the most of the condi
tions to put out additional short lines,
possibly with one desire to co.ver their
outstanding contracts at as low a figure
and as good a profit as possible. Accord
ing to advioes received from the sea
board, foreigners were again bidding con
siderably lower for the Yankee wheat
and the cash trade at Chicago was ab
normally slow at only 23,000 bushels to
Interior millers.
Those who are not anxious to take In ft
round lot of wheat and pay for It were
cautious about making largo commit
ments oi the buying side of the May fu
ture, as that month sold to a lower level.
The fact that the Chicago housos are
preparing to bring down more Duluth
wheat and 'that Increased purchases will
likely be made If prloea are advanced
any higher In Chicago shows that the
May option cannot be manipulated unless
muoh later in the month.
There were complaints from western
Canada of continued cold, dry weather.
It will be necessary to have made to or
der weather from this time forward In
order to mature the wheat In western
Canada before the arrtvfcl of frost, whloh
has been known to make its Appearance
as early as the later part of August
Cosh wheat, ViilHo higher.
There was considerable uneasiness In
the ranks of corn shorts yesterday be
cause of wet weather throughout the
state of Iowa, coupled with many reports
from Nebraska, of muoh needed sunshlno
In order to finish up the seeding of the
yellow cereal. Cash corn was unchanged
to Vic up,
Oats suffered slight recessions yester
day, the market falling to manitaln tho
top points, which were a little higher
than the closings of Monday. Cash oats
were unchanged to Via up.
Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to
624,000 bushels; corn, 6,000 bushels; oats,
Liverpool closer Wheat, unchanged to
V4d lower: corn, unchanged.
Primary wheat receipts wero 316,000
bushels and shipments 400,000 bushels,
against receipts of 276.000 bushels and
shipments of 896,000 bushels last year.
Primary corn receipts wero 303,000 bush-
LIST your house with us. We have buy
ers. Osborne Real Estate Co. Doug. 1474.
CLIENT wlnhca six-room. mod. house.
near car; cash customer. What have
you? O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago.
Ball every Saturday to and from
Ocean passage 7V4 days. Moderate rates.
For book of tours, rates, etc., apply to
den. Acts., 36 W. Randolph St. Chicago,
Dolgof f 2d-hanU store pays highest prices
for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607.
WOULD like to buy a five or six-room
house to be moved on a lot. One in the
neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred.
Telephone Red 430L
D. 8055. Quick buyers or furniture.
BEST prices for furniture. Call D. 7802.
LIST your house with us. We have
buyers. Osborne R. E. Co. Doug. 1474.
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Save
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
Live Stock Commission Merchant.
BYER8 BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co., 222 Exchange Bldg.
MARTIN BROS. St CO.. Exchange Bldg.
ldan coai company tm noiaers or
bonds of The Sheridan Coal Company orb
hereby notified that the undersigned
trustee, under trust deed of The Sheridan
Coal Company, dated June 11, 1903, and
recorded June zv, iko, in book s or
morttraare records, on page 428. in tha
office of the county clerk of the county
of Sheridan and stato of Wyoming, has
received notice from Tha Sheridan Coal
Company that it will, on or before June
JO, 1913, remit to the undersigned $24,000,
to take up ana retire it Donas, as pro
vided In said trust deed. Notice Is
given that the undersigned has drawn
nnrt delected by lot the following twenty.
four numbers of twenty-four of the bonds
outstanding, nouurcu uy uu iruoi aeea,
I. . : S3. 93. 132. 126. 138. 142. 161. 179. 1S7. 191.
204, 210, 236. 218, 220, 238. 412, 451, Eld, 133,
664, 676, 678, 684, for payment from the
sinking fund to be- so paid to it by said
The Sheridan Coal Company under sold
trust deed, and upon such payment of
said $34,000 to the undersigned on or bei
fore June SO, 1913, the undersigned win, at
Its office, at the corner of Dearborn and
Madison Bts., in the city of Chicago,
Illinois, on wie mm uajr pi juty, a. v.
1913. nay to the holders or rirltr.r.i
owners of said bonds numbered as afore
said the principal and accumulated. Inter
est thereon, upon the surrender and de
livery thereof to the undersigned uncan
celed and accompanied by all unpaid
coupons thereto belonging. Interest on
each of said bonds, numbered aa aforesaid,
will cease after said first day of July,
A, D. ,191$. whether presented on said
day or thereafter,
By ROFTJ3 F. CHAPIN. Secretary.
Bids wlU be received at the office of
tbe secretary of state, Lincoln, Nebraska,
untl 11 o'clock a. tn. May 28, 1913, for
the erection 't a brick, steel and con
crete agricultural hall at the state fair
grounds. Lincoln, Nebraska, according
to the plans and ipeUficatlons, which
may be had upon application to Secretary
W. II. Mellor. state capltol. secretary of
state, or Architect Burd F. Miller, 731
Brandels theater building, Omaha, Neb.
All applications fcr plans must be ac
companied by cerUfle4 check for $28.00,
nayoble to tl'O secretary of state.
v . AilDIAlN L WAIT.
Secretary of the B, P. U & B.
Brandeis Stores
Will Announce taa Big.
geat Money Saving Sale
in Western History.
els and shipments $94,000 bushels, against
receipts of 326,000 bushels and shipments
of 472,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 868,000 bush
els and shipments COS, 000 bushels, against
rSce.L5,.L.of SVJOO bushels and shipments
of 460,000 bushels last year.
, Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 30 9 276
Mlnneapoll U ... ...
Omaha 21 29 26
Kansas city 16 15 8
6t Louis is 61 26
Winnipeg jsi
Omaha Cash PricesWheat! No. 2
hard. S&HWHc; No. I hard. 8&ftS6c; No.
4 hard, 8lQ64V4ot No. 3 spring, S4V4BSV4o;
No, 4 spring, SOttQeMc, No. 2 durum. &MJ
MVsOiNo. s durum. 87trS7Vic. Corn; No.
2 white, 57067UC: No. S white, 66XC57C;
No. 4 white. telirfWU' Kn 3 v11aw
66HS66H0,' No, i yellow, 6U6V4c: No.H
i-iTV.' aoo; x. 66VitrHo; no, .
6666(ic. No. 4, 6666c. Oats: No. 2
white, SSV405Ho; Standard. 36c; No. 2
white, $6W!35c; jja 4 white, SSa35V4c
Barley: Malting; 060c; No. 1" feed. 418
43c. Rye; No. 2, 6V467o; No. , Kiff
The following cash sales were reported
ISJ. Wheat-No. S hard winter: 1 car,
H. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. S4Vlc No grade
spring: H car, 80V4a Corn No. 2 white: 3
cars, 67Uc No. 3 whlto: 4 cars. 67a No. 2
J'llow: 1 car, 68Hc. No. 3 yellow: 1 car,
tGVio. No. 2 mixed: 6 cars, 66V4c No. 2
mixed: 1 car, 66V4o; 4 cars, 66Wc No. 4
mixed; 1 car. 66o; 1 car, 65V4c Oats
Standards 1 car, SCO, No. 8 white; t cars,
85c; car, S6V4a No. 4 white. 2 cars,
$5V4o; 4 cars, ffiVio, No grade: 1 car, 84cj
I car, 84Mct 1 car, 34Vic
Intnr of the Trndlntc and Clonlnjr
Prices on Board of Trade,
CHICAGO. Mav 2L Morn llf ind
strength developed In tho wheat mar
ket today than at any previous time
for weeks. The chlot reason was the
receipt of many Unfavorable cr.op re
ports from Oklahoma and from south
ern and western Kansas. Closing prices
were buoyant. Tie to lHo over last night.
Corn made a net gain of Vo to 4aVio;
oats in the end were up Ho to lo
and provisions at a decline of 2ac.
Bullish news from the southwest came
first In Kansas City dispatches assert
ing that Kansas prospectB for wheat
were noming iiko as rosy OS had been
painted. Tho crop In that state was said
to bo deteriorating In many sections.
Recent dry weather had unruu-ftntlv h,n
rtora Injurious than was generally sup
posed. Chinch bug complaints, too, have
uean growing in numoers. Humors of
export sales, although denied, were In
fluential against wheat buyers. The
latter in the early session hod every
thing their own way because of plenti
ful moisture in the spring wheat belt
There Was a lively nhaklnar un nf th
short Interests, especially In the last
fifteen minutes, Export clearanaeo of
wheat and flour today equaled 624,000
uusneis. xrimary receipts ot wneat were
316,000 bushels; a year ago, 274,000 bushels.
Corn rallied with wheat and as. a re
sult of curtailment of offerings from
Iowa and Nebraska. Trade was not
Oats, closed at the highest of tho ses
sion, except for May. Tho rise was
largely .due to the action of wheat, but
also because Illinois rains were said not
to bo helping much.
Liquidating sales by longs weakened
provisions. Steady prices for hogs served
only aB a temporary prop.
Futures ranged as follows:
Artlole.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. I Close.) Yes"y.
66 '
37 Vi
19 90
19 00
19 90
19 70
19 70
19 70
19 40
19 82VS
19 R2V4
19 65-67
! Sept
19 60
11 15
19 00
19 82-35
19 47-50
11 16
11 02V4
11 03H
10 85
11 02-06
11 06-071
11 10
11 27
11 10
11 30
11 IS
11 30-32
11 22Vi
11 SO
ii mi
11 16
11 05
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red.
$l.O51.08; No, 3, 95c$1.03; No, 3 hard,
,92fi94c; No. 3 hard, 90Q93o; No. 1 north
ern, 9294c; No. 2 northern, 91(3'92o; No.
3 riorthern, 88S92c; No. 2 spring, 91092c;'
No. 3 spring, S800c; No, 4 spring, 80
87c; velvet chaff, 8894c; durum, 90
96c. Corn: No. 2, 67S68q! No. 2 white,
6061c; No. 2 yellow. 67S68o; No. 8,
67ffi67c; No. 3 white, C0Clo; No. 3 yel
low. 67U67V4oi No. 4. 6666c; No. 4
white, 69e69V4c: No. 4 yellow, 6&956c.
Oats: No. 2 white, 40o; No. S white, 28
S9c; No. 4 white, 87633c; standard, 40
40V4c. Rye: No. 2, 63c. Barley: 45S8c.
Timothy: 2.8&2C.CS. Clover: Nominii.
Provisions: Pork, $19.70; lard, iiimlnal;
nun, tu.uv.ww
BUTTER Easier; receipts. 11.129 tuba:
creamery, 2528c.
EGGS Weak; receipts, 25.0S9 cases; at
mark, cases Included, 16l8o; ordinary
firsts. 16617c; firsts, 1SH1Eo.
CHEESE-Mlgher; dalsfes, 1414V4c;
twins, lS13ic; young Americas, l4Vi
14o: long horns, 1414Mo.
POTATOES Higher: receipts. 41 un!
Michigan, 6066a; Minnesota, 63o; Wis-
POULTRY Higher: chickens, alive. i7of
springs, olive, 17c.
notations of tbe Day on Various
and without quotable change: spring pat
ents, $4.6034.S3: winter straights, $4.40
4.50; winter patents, $t,75W.10; spring
clears, M.004.20; extra No. 1 winter, $3.80
04.10; extra No. 2 winter, $3,7060.80; Kan
sas straights, $4.164.2u; ranoy spring
tents, $5.405.95. Rye flour, steady;
fair to good, $3.60(83.85; choice to fancy.
WHEAT SDOt market firm! Nil 2 r1
nominal; No. 1 northern Duluth. 91V4o, f.
o b. afloat. Futures market was Irregu
lar early, but turned strong In tho after-
wv( wa vHia sssvv uba b V'S kUUJ
99o; July, 98 B-l6o; September, 96Vic.
i-unn-opot, jmaraei sieany; export
64c, nominal, 'f. o. b. afloat
OATS Spot market firm: standard
white, 45c, elevator; No. 2, 45c; No. 3,
44Vio: No, 4, 43o; ordinary clipped whlto,
4444o; fancy clipped white, 4&c.
itiiii Bteaay; no. z western, (Jfto,
a 1. f. New York.
BARLEY Steady ; malting. &J06c,
c 1, f. Buffalo; feeding, 64o, nominal,
a i. t New York.
CORNMEALr-Steady; fine white and
yellow. J1.33O1.40; coarse, $lJCn3a.a6; kiln
dried, $3.85.
HAY Firm! No. 1. $11.00(211.06; No. 2,
$10.00; No. 3. $8.0030.00.
HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice,
1912. l22o; 1911, 914c; Paclflo coast, 1912,
1520c; 1911. 1114C,
HIDES Steady; Bogota, 2S99c:
Central America, 2Sc.
PETROLEUM Steady; refined New
York, bulk. $6.00; New York, barrels, $8.70;
cases, $11,00. '
WOOL-Qulet; domestlo fleece, XX
Ohio, 276C80.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 28
?29o; seconds, 2728c,
PROVISIONS Pork, etesdy; mess,
$21.7503.25; family, J24.0O3C5.0O; packed.
$20.?622.2S. Berf. steady: mess. 219.00ft
20.00; family, $23.00024.00. Cut meats.
steaay; picKiea Denies, iu to i lbs., J14.7S
16.&Q; pickled hams, $15.60. Lard, asy;
middle west prime, $11.1011.20; refined,
easy; continent, $11.75; South America,
$12.35: compound, quiet $8.37S.62.
BUTTER-Steady; receipts. 3.022 tubs;
creamery, extras. 28c; firsts, 27K&
28Uc: seconds, 26$27c; state dairy fin
est 2288o: process extra, 27c; fjrsta,
27G27o; imitation creamery firsts, 27o;
factory, current make firsts, 36o; packing
stock, current make firsts, 26c; packing
stock, current make, No. 2. 23a.
. CHEESE Firm; receipts, 3,318 boxes;
state, whole milk, fresh colored specials,
13V4c; white specials. iSVic; skims, 2?13c
EOGS Steady; receipts, SS.211 cases;
fresh gathered extras, 2223o; fresh
gathered storage packed firsts, 21022c;
fresh gathered regular packed extra
tints, 2121c; firsts, S0COc; Pennsyl
vanla and nearby hennery whites, 230240
western gathered whites, 90023c
12 vapormtrd Apples and Dried Fmlts
DRIED FRUIT Prune and apricots,
Arm; peaches) and ralstsa, steady.
Union Pacific, Reading and Steel
Hove Within Range of Point,
Bears Reek Early in 8eslon to In
auarnmto null Movement on
Strength of New York and
Chinese Bond Issues,
NEW YORK. May 21. Union Pacific,
Reading and Steel, tho stock market
leaders, moved within a rtUiga of a point
or loss today. Tho unusually nnrrow
fluctuations of thoso speculative favor
ites navo tho measuro of the market In
general, which was a dull and spiritless
affair. The bears sought early In the
session to Inaugurate a bull movement
on tho strength of the flotation ot Now
York City and Chinese bond .Issues.
While tho cables reported some Im
provement In sentiment abroad on ac
count of the heavy oversubscription ot
the Chlneso loan and London bougttt
stocks In this market there was no cor
responding change of feeling here, lit
torts to put up tho market wero cut
short by the decline In tho Now York
City bonds below tho averaffe prioo of
100.169, obtained by the city, hravy sales,
being made at 100 and a few at 90. A
small gain was lost and the day oame
to a oloaa with most of thu prominent
shares under yesterday's final prices.
Whilo the city bond solo domonstrntta
that capital Is available whon tho high
rato of Interest and tho credit of the. bor
rower make tho offerlnu unusually at
tractive, doubt was expressed that tho
offering would tend to stimulate tho In
vestment market as hud been hoped.
Tho need of new financing by railroads
and other corporations Is heavier than
for many years post
An unfavorable feature ot the day's
trading was renewed liquidation in cer
tain quarters of tho list The petroleum
shares wero especially heavy. Pressure
was again applied to St Louis and San
Francisco bonds. , . .,
The 5s broke nearly 6 points to 67,
selling lowor than tho 4s.
The bond market was under pressure.
Total sales par value were $3,335,000, of
which $1,600,000 was new city bonds.
United States bonds wore unchanged
on CtXll
Number of sales and leading quotations
on stocks were as follows:
SlU. HI, tow. CIom.
llnjwn , ?, ., S'L
Amliiaitl CbPtwr 1.709 75 TSli 1J
American AsricultnrU .. .!. JJ
Amerlctnr Bt Busar.... .. "
Anrlcn Old S.M9 "ft
American Cn pfd. n WVi J I
American CV A roundry.. ..... ..... H
Amtrlcui Cotton Oil J. MO U SI
Asxrican Ie Semrlttfti .. 4011 U UH U
Aisartcan Uuet4 ' ;!-
Acrlcn Looomotlrs .... ICO l M
Amr. BmelUnji A lUrns 1,100 J7tt S M
ADiw. SmH. lUf. Pfd. 100 101 101 101
American Burar running.. ..... JOSVI
Amtrlcan Tl. A Tel 400 lfl 11JH U
American ToUaeoo 1 JTJ4 m 7
Atchlioa tt SOW 0
Atchlion. ttd. i eV4
AtHntlo Caul Line 132
Oiltlmore ft OMo 100 n S tt
Uellilthfm BtMl t .
Drooklyn IUtIO Transit .. M00 It 91 II
Canadian Pacific 6,100 S in 137
Central Leather 100 Vi S3 221
Chcsaixak & Ohio 1.W0 45 lH un
Chlcino Great Weatem i 1J
Chicago. Mil. a BU PauL 1,400 101 107H 101
Chlcaxo ft North Weattrn 100 130 ISO 119 Vi
Colorado Fual & Iron.... 100 91U llti JOH
Ocnaolldated Oaa 100 131H 181H IS 1(4
Ctra TrodueU .., ,.. 100 lou. lovi 10H
D. & It. a 100 IS It 17 H
D. ft It O. pfd.. II
Dlitlllftra' SecurltlM ., 1614
Kris , 100 2S14 it ii
Erie lit TvM , 42
Erl Id prd ,. liU
aentral blectrlo 00 119 118
Great Nbrthara pfd 1.200 1UK ltH lt
Crftt Northern Ore ctfa. 200 I1U 11 31
Illtnnli Central too 1H ll 1U
Interbooroujh-Mrt. too Hi 14 14
Interborouch-Mt. pfd.., 400 C0 10 Myi
International Ilarreater. . , ,, lpl
International Marine.,.., l&U
International Paper 100 1 1 t
International Pump 7
K. C. Southern , 13
tacleda Gaa ti
Ihljh Valley 1.W0 lt 1(4 Ui'
lAUliTllle & NtahTlIla. , 1S1
M., St. P. & 8. Bte. M. no
M K. & T 100 21 21 22
Mlwourl racirio 1,200 IS IS l
National DUeult , 11SU
National eLad. 47
m rtj. of ar. id ptd... 1,700 11 tya 10
New Torfc Central...... 1,200 100 9fi mv
n. r.. a & w. too tl 21 J8
Ktorfollc A Western wxt
North American 71
N0"" 100 114 114 ,
Pacific Mall , ji7
rtrnaylvanlr I.eoo n0 110 110
Peopla'a Oaa io
PltU.. C D. 4 81, L at
Plttaburjh Coal ... ' " ' u
Preeeed Steel Car jjil
Pullman Palace Car ujif
r "i"a':.v.r.
Republle I. & A. pfd.... 400 12 H( tit?
Jjock Iiland Co 1,100 17 lrU
Ttock Idand Cb. pfd.... 1,100 10 29 S ijtt
Bt. U ft B. K M pfd. lGW 3 M liaZ
board Air Una ?. ., "T ili!
Seaboard Air Un pfd '.. JJi
Bloaa-Sheffleld S. I.. ..... J?'
Southern Paclflo t,4O0 17 l(U mm !
Southern IUIlway , ..... u
Bouthern lUllwar pfd.. 200 76 71 1
SHis M pM.-::::::V:f?? j? g
United State Itealtr .. ... ... 1,2
United State Bteel m8 liS m2
United Stale Bteel pfd.. 600 lOja? jm
Utah Copper 1 too M2
VI r4nt a-Carolina Chem. M0 26 S8U m
Wabaah ,,r,,, , ,
Wiafcaah pM K) W "iil ?S
Weatern Aaryland ..... ..." J5J
Wertern Union "...
Wetln(houe Electrto... 100 3 iu
Wheellns A Ik Brl ..... . . iU
ToUl tale for tho day. it,10O ehara.
London Stoolc aiarket, '
LON'DON, May 21. American securities
opened about unchanged today. Prices
advanced durlntr the early tradinir under
the lead of Canadian Pacific. At nbon the
tono was steady and values ranged from
to higher than yesterday's New Tork
London closing stock quotations:
Goneol. money ..74 1511 Loularlll A Kah.l2
do aooount 75 Mo., Kan. A Tex . 22
Amal, fJopper ...... 7Nw york Central.. lot
Atchlaon 102 Penntjrlranl ...... 5614
Canadian Paolfte . -4Redlns
Chi. Oraat Weatera 14 Southern taclft ..I00S
Ch.. Mil. ft St P.liOli Union Pacific .... .1M
Denrer A Rio 0... U. ff. ate.
Erie ,, 2lWbaah 3
da 1st pfd .,.., 44 D Ileem -u
Orand Trunk ....... 2lIUad Mint 6U
Illlnol Central ,...11 wi
SILVER Bar, easy at 27 15-lCd per
MONEY S3V per cent.
DISCOUNT RATES Short bills, 3 1$-1
per cent; three months' bills. 81523 im
per cont
New York Money Market.
NEW TOP.K. May 21.-MONHT On call,
steady, 283 per centj ruling rates, 2
per cent: closing bid, 2 per cent, of
fered at 2 per cent Time loans: Steady:
sixty days, SV42H per cent! ninety days,
$Q4 per cent; six months, 4U per cant.
EH Per cent.
oTn.IU.INO EXCHANOB-Steady, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 X303
for sixty-day bills and at $4.8880 for de
mand. Commercial bills, $4.80H.
SILVER Bar, OOHc; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Oovernment steady; railroad,
Metal Market,
P.1"11' P10' t0 July $-i-87l6.00; lake,
116-W; castings, $16.92. Tin. firm; spot
and May. $4S.1S48.: June, $48.iafli48.37;
July. $47.40047.75. Lead, steady; $4.aL bid.
Bpelter, weak; tiSs.ts. Antimony, dull;
Cookson's, $8.7539.00. Iron, dull and un
changed. Exports of copper this month, 26,148
tons. London metal markets closed as
follows: Tin, quiet; spot, 220 10s, fu.
tures, 216 6s.
Copper, oulet; spot. 68 ins 3d; futures,
61 10s. Lead, 10 7s 6d. Spelter, 24
10s Iron, Cleveland warrants, 63s 6d
ST. LOUIS. May 21. METALS Lead,
firmer, $4.20g-i.22H. Spelteri Steady, $S.J0,
Oils and Doin,
NEW YORK, May 21.-OIL8-Cotton-sed,
firm: prime and summer yellow,
$7.06(8.10; May. $7.09; July, $7.04; Septem
ber, $7.11.
TURPENTINE Easy; machine barrels,
Treasury Statement.
WASinNTON, May ZL-Tho condition
of the Vnlted States treasury at tbe be
ginning ot business today was- Working
balance, J M, 412,628 in banks and Philip
pine treasury, $4C40U45; total of general
fund. $131,WC710; receipts yesterday,
$2,S8,6N; disbursements. $t,4M.4ll. The
surplus this fiscal year Is $t,W7,4S as
against a deficit ot 12,1!,17 Inst year
The figure for receipts, disbursements,
surplus and deficit exclude Panama canal
and public debt transactions.
BUTTKR No. 1. 1-It. carton. SOc; No.
J, 60-lb. tubs. 30-tO, No. 2, SOo.
FRUITS Strawberries:. Arkansas, nla.,
per case, $2.60; Tennessee Klondike, qts.,
per case, $2.75. Pineapples: Florida, It,
24, $0, It or 42 site, per crate, $3.00. KTtr
fancy California navels: Nlncty-slx, $1.00;
1I. 14.M: 1HL 176. 200 nnd 216 tlses. IS.C0:
2W. $1.60; 8 and 334, $ Valenolau; One
hundred and twenty-six, per pox. a.ou;
160, 176, 200, 216, per box, $4.00. Applt-u:
Utah Wlnrsnn. tier box. $1.76: Utah Uanos
and Ben Davis, per box. $1.60; oxtnv fancy
Oano, circle brand, per bbl., $4.(0; extra
ranoy Ken Davis, per ddi,, itry, extra
fancy Winceap, jr bbl., $3.60: extra
ranoy Missouri Plppen, per bbl, 13.25!
Oanos, small, per bbl., $2.25. Grapefruit;
Florida, Indian River, 64 and 80 alses,
$J.00; 64 site. $4.60; 46 else, $4.U; 36 Ue.
$3.78. Lemons: Extra fancy Southland
Beautlos, 300s and 36CB, per box., $7.50;
extra choice Justrlto, per box. $7.00; ox
cellent brand, SOO size, per box, $7.26; extra
fancy Messina, SOO or 300 slse, $6.60; Pun
side brand, SOO size, per box, $6.75; extra
cholco Messina, 300 or 380 slio, $0.00.
VKQETABLES Minneapolis Rod River
Valley Ohio potatoes: Colorado Rural
Potatoes, per bu., 65o; Rod VUver osrly
Ohio, per bu., 6O0. Onions: Large Red
Globe, per sack, $1.00; California Crystal
Wax, per crate, $2.00; Texas Uornada, pet
orate, Jl.OC-ffl.20. Plants i Tomatoes pl.nt,
per 100, 65o; cabbago plants, per 100, fife;
pepper plants, per ICO, 76o; caullflowor
plants, per 1W, 75c; eggplant plants, per
100. $1.00. Tomatoes: Fancy Florida, per
C-basket crate, 41.00; choice 6-baskeU
crntu. $3.60.
MISCELLANEOUS Red new potatoes,
per hamper, $2.6; Cillltornla Jumbo
culery, per dos., $2.00; older Mott's, per
keg, $3.60; older Nehawka, por keg, $3.25;
asparagus, por dos., 60c; rhubarb, per
dos., 30c; onions, per dQE., 20o; new boets,
carrots, turnips, per dos., 60c; parsley, per
dos., 40o'; radish, per dos., 40o: headlettuoo,
per dos., $1.00; homegrown leaf lettueo,
per dos., 40a; green peppers, per baskot,
60c; wax or green beans, per hamper,
$4.00; hot houso cucumbers, per dos., $l0itfj
2.00! cauliflower, per crate, $3.60; Venetian
garlic, per lb , l2Ho; TcJtas new cabbage,
per lb., 2c, eggplant per dos., JI.MKU2O0,
horseradish, 2 dos bottles In cae, per
caso, $1.80: dromedary brand dates, pkg.,
$3.00; anchor brand dates, pkg,, $2.2&;
walnuts No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 20c;
medium pecans, per lb., l3Uc; pecans
Jumbo, per lb.. 16c; giant pecans, Louisi
ana paper sholl, pr lb., 2Cc: filberts, per
lb., lEo; Drake almonds, per lb., l5o; paper
shell, 18c; Braslls, per lb., 10o large
washed, per lb., 12c; black walnuts, per
lb., 2Ho; raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., Cftc;
Jumbo peanuts, per lb., 80; roast peanuts,
fior lb., 8Ho shell bark hickory nuts, per
b., 4o; large hickory nuts., per lb., Tc;
whlto rice popcorn, per lb., 60 j checkers,
per 100 pkg. case, $3.60: cheokors, per W
pkg. case, $1.75; Leslie Berry boxes, qts.,
per 1.000. $3.75.
Knnina City Grain and Provisions.
Cash: mo. z naru, siiywo; xso. a, oxissmo;
No. 2 red, 9397o; No. 3, S&fOic.
CO UN-No. 2 white. 69Wo; No. S, 6m
OATS-No. 2 white, SStJflSVic.
Closing prices of futures:
WHEAT May. SBc; July, S3Ho; Sep
tember. s.Tastc.
CORN May, 67ic; July, R6Tlc; Septem
ber. 66VtT56ttO. ,
OATS-July, !6Ho; September, teftGasttc.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, $12.76g
'8BUTTER Creamery, 27Mc; firsts, 26Vio;
seconds, 26V40! packing, lie,
EOS Firsts, 18Vio; seconds, 14O150.
POULTRY Broilers, 2&S46CI hens, lSo;
roosters, 10a, ducks, 15c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu .1COOO 36,000
Corn, buu 15,000 10,000
Oats, bu 8,00) 15,0)0
, Minneapolis Grain Market.
May, S9o; July, &0l4c; September, 80!c;
cnah. No. 1 hard. 02V.c: No. 1 northern.
914W92Wc! No. 2 northern, 6400Vio; No.
2 hard Montana. SKttc: Uo. 3. S7V4SSrS8S4c
BRAN Unchanged.
BARLEY Unchanged.
CORN No. 3 yellow, 61o.
OATS-No. 3 white, SSHo.
RYE-No. 2, 66a7V,o.
Omnbn Ifay Market.
1 to cholco midland, $11.0O11.5O; No. 2,
$8.00ffll0.00; No. 3, $6.0008.00! No. 1 to
choice lowland, $?JW10.00; No. 2, $7.0033)
9.00: No. 3, $5.00(37.00; No. 1 to choice
midland, $10.6011.00; No. I, $8.00010.00;
No. 3. $8.0OS8.00. Straw: None on the
market; cholco wheat straw quotable at
$5.60fifl.OO; oholoc oat or ryo. $.C06.60.
Alfalfa: No. 1. $12.0013.00; No. 2, $5,000
MIlTrankee Grain Market.
,iTnfmrwm HTv St WTTKAT No.
1 northern. B3V464Hc; No, 2 1 norUijrn,
9U3U:; No. 2 hard winter, 92Q93o; May,
TORN-No. 3 yellow. BSHo; No. 8 white.
60o; No. 3. 67r68o; May. lao; July, 67ttc.
oatb saifc
RYE 63c.
Liverpool Grain Market.
-rtrtpioTnrT. Maw 41. WHRAT Boot.
easy; No. 2 Manitoba, 7s 6d; No. 3 Mani
toba, 7s 4d. Futures, steady; May, 7s 6d;
July, 7s4d; October. 7s2Tid.
CORN aPOt Bteaay; American hiiacu,
new, 6s d; American mixed, new kiln
. ! itLA. AmnrlpAn tnlvd. nM. via
UIIDU, , D - I' . -, ' j
Oalveston, 6s 8d. Futures, steady; July
La Plata, cs
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, May 21. CORN No, 2 yel
low. K7Uc: No. 2 yellow. 674?57Uo: No. 4
yellow, &6c.
OATB NO. i wmte, M74C, ,iu. a wnue,
Cotton Market.
Vf.W vnrttf. Mnv fl. COTTON SDOt
closed steady; middling uplands, 12o; mid
dling guir, 13.S5C: saies, z.uoo paios,
Futures closed steady, May. . 11. Wc;
June. 11.61c; July, U.60c; August. 11.45c;
September, 11.16c; Oceober, 11.69c; De
cember, 11.09a; January, lL09o; March,
Cotton closed steady and within a
point or two ot the top, at an advance
of E to 7 points as compared with yes
terday. ST. LOUIS. May 21.-COTTON-Qulet:
middling. lZVic; sales, none; receipts, .978
bales; shipments, 1,267 bales; stock,
27,00? bales.
qulot unchanged; middling, 12 6-lCc
Sales on the spot 1,460 bales, to arrive
439 bales, Rccolpta, 2,477 bales; stock,
74,675 bales.
Coffee Market.
Futures opened barely steady at a decline
of 9 to 13 points on more disappointing
European cables, predictions of increased
Brazilian receipts and reports of a dis
appointing spot demand. There was not
more support in evidence and prices sold
off to a net loss of 20 to 26 points during
the middle of the day and rallied very
slightly on the late trade on realizing by
sellers or a little support from bullish
sources. The close was steady. Sales,
C6.7&0 bags; May, lO.JOo; July, 1094c; Sep
tember, ll.lJc; October, lL13o; December,
11.16c; January, 11.66c; March. ll.lio.
Spot quiet and easy; Rio No. T, HHo;
Santos No. 4, UHo. Mild, steady,
Dry Goods Market.
Cotton goods markets are steady with
trading in gray goods fairly active.
Worsted yarns have been reduced E
cents per pound by some large spinners.
Men's wear light weight fabrics are
being sold at low prices.
Sugar Market.
muscovado, 2.T7t!.80o; centrifugal. 3.27fJ
j30c; molasses, S.62Q2.E6o; refined, quiet
St. Joseph Live Stock Market,
Receipt. -.100 head: market strong- to
10o higher; steers, $7.0Oy.&0: cows and
heifers. $4.00dJ&10; calves. $6.6069.20,
HOGS Receipts, 4,800 head; market
steady to 6o lower; top, $8.65; bulk ot
ales, $8.4038.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts. 2,600
head, market slow; lambs. $7-60g8.26.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Cattle Aotivo and Strong to a Simo
Uest Lambs nnd Mnttona Active and
Ten to Fifteen HUher, vrltk
Lena Desirable Kinds fllotv
nnd No More Than Htraily.
, SOUTH OMAHA. May 11, 11S.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 6,114 6,972 9.M8
Of tidal Tuni1uv k-r itrr.i 6.1S0
(Estimate Wednesday!. 2,300 7!wo 3,000
u.coi aays tms week. 10,939 i.v
Same daj-s last week,, 7.459 31,590 23,193
fame day 2 wks ago. .14,924 2R.921 17,288
Same day 3 Wks ago.. 12.792 27,667 27,763
Same day 4 w'ks ago,, 12.236 23,901 29.T&
Same day last year..,. 10,732 37,663 16,931
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hogs and sheep at Soutli Omaha
for the year to data as compared with
lat year: wis. 1813. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 343,005 363,067 H.062
"0S 1,120,8 1.460.240 82S,b7
Sheep 841.335 806,374 34,961
'The following tablo shows tho range of
prices for hogs at South Omaha for tho
insi rew aays, with comparisons:
Date. 1913. a:u.inLi8tm.iw9.iwa.i?oi.
Msv 9
8 10U1
5 49j
May 16
May 11.
Kfi... 11
S 14M,
May 13.
8 llV)
May ll,
May 15.
Xlay 16.
May 17.
Mnv Ifi
g a
8 23
8 21
8 294JI
7 06
7 02
5 SO
5 81
8 38
5 3S
May 19.
I SSI 6 92
Aiay 20.
May 21.
7 601
391 6 93
6 23
6 24
7 41
i 41 7 01
Receipts and disposition ot live stock
at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha,
for twenty-four hours ending at t o'clock
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C, M. & 8t P. Ry.... 2 1..
Wabash R. R a
Mo. Pac. Ry; 2 11
Union Faclflo R. R 23 2
CAN. W. Ry., east.. 1 6
C. A N. W. Ry., west.. 27 43
C, Bt P.. M. & O. Ry.... 14 3
C. D. & Q. Ry.. east.... 8 7..
C. B. ft Q. Ry., west.... 13 16
C, It. I. P., oast.... T 8 ..
C R., I. & r.. west.... .. 1
Illinois Central Ry 4 ,.
C. G. W. Ry 3 2.
Total receipts 69 117 1
Cattle. Hogs, tihoep.
Morris & Co SH 1.223
Swift St Co i 003 1.647 1,297
Cudahy Packing Co.... 359 3,001 6S8
Armour & Co. , 647 X134
Schwartz & Co. 292
Morrell It .....
8, O. P. Co. ............ 6 ..... .....
Saint Clair 37 ,
L. It Co 2S
Cudahy Pkg. Co., K. C. 242
Hill & Son, 1
V. B. Lewis 1 ..... , ."i.
J. B. Root & Co
J, H. Bulla ............. 2 .....
K F. Huss 26
Rosenstock Bros. ....... It .....
Mo. & Kans.-Calf Co. .. 42 .....
Cllno & Christie ,. 3
Other buyers 289 793
Totals -VK3 7V07 2.869
CATTLE There was a fair run of cat
tle for a Wednesday, but tho quality was
hardly as good as on Monday or Tues
day. Receipts for tho throe days have
boen very nearly 11,000 head, or some 3,600
moro than for the first half ot next week,
but the moderate supply on saltr today
served to check the decltntng tendency
of prices and the tono to the trade was
better, prices ranging from strong to a
dime higher than yesterday. As usual
of late, tho light and handy cattle wero
favorites and sold to the best advantage
but choice heavy cattle also found a very
fair outlet and commanded strong figures.
Tho best cattlo here, both heavy and
light, sold around $3.15.
Tho market tor oows and heifers also
showed quite a little Improvement, par
ticularly on tho helfory stook. These in
many cases sold as much ns a dime better
than yesterday, while tho big heavy cows
were slow sale and In pretty much tho
same notches as on yesterday. Veal
calves were In active reauest and auot-
tibla steady, and there was no material
change In tho marxet lor duiib, stags,
Business 'in stock era and feeders was
very quiet and prices showed no pro
nounced tendency either way. Desirable
thin and green stock finds a very fine
outlet right along at good prices, but the
fleshy And heavier kinds are very slow
quotations on Cattle: Good to choice
beef steers, $8.0058.40; fair to good beef
steers, $7.758.00; common to fair best
steers, I7.W7.76; good o choice heifers,
$7.00477.76; good to choice cows, $4.76(ff7.2S;
fair to good grades, $3.7600.00; good to
choice stockers and feeders, WfiftiM;
fair to good ttockers and fedis. $7,000
7.60; common to fair stockers and feeders.
$6.2507.031 stook cows and heifers, $3,009
7.J5; veal calves, $7.00'Oll.00; bulls, stags,
etc., $5.75417,35.
Representative sales:
Ke. At. Pr. Ho. At. Pf.
1 tit 1 25 2. ...a 1200 7 10
17...........I&U 7 24 9 1271 7 (4
10 lltl 7 SS
1 1U4 T SO
i 11:0 7 10
t2, 144 7 H
It 1103 7 40
7 210 T 40
4 ,.,..1024 7 40
14 Ill T 40
...iai 7 u
T,.,. 1H1 7 (0
2 44 1 SO
17, .,1111 7 60
IS 101t 7 SO
20.., 1W4 1 S3
10,... , HIT 7 10
It HI7 7 to
10 Ml 1 M
11, ...ltTt 7 M
2 ,.12S7 1
SI ,.)! T n
11 nTjTlO ,M
It S 7 15 1 1020 S 00
SO Ull 7 11 19........... So I W)
4 140 7 60 IT , lit I 00
U tCt 7 SO 1 1U0 I 00
I ,,,...1172 7 (0 1 1142 t 00
II ,..,..1014 7 U II ...1110 I 00
tf 1011 T U 1 ..1114 S 10
U 7 SO 7 SS SS 1140 S 10
tt.t vll 7 t S ,...1415 S 10
11,,..,.,...11 7 70 II it: 110
IS.......... .1071 7 70 27 12.14 S 10
11 ...1141 7 70 12 1070 S IS
17...... 1111 7 TS 14 ItM S It
t , 1I2S 7 78 SI 1442 I IS
14 T22 7 71
7,., 644 7 26 10 720 7 41
14 141 7 H
14 H7 7 24
J ISO 7 26
17 711 7 24
144 7 2S
S 112 7 40
t CIS 7 40
44 117 7 40
10 ,...1102 1 SO
21 Sll 7 SO
4...,'. 470 7 SO
2 711 7 SS
21 124 7 75
IS StS 7 M
7 ,.1147 7 SS
1 1110 S SO 22..
.. M2 I SO
,..., w
1 1011 S 00
2 1224 4 00
1 1(0 S IS
2 1200 SO
4., ,,.1011 4 65
4 1000 SO
.,.., MS S 44
1... 1410 4 75
I ...1270 SO
1 1110 I SS
1 1110 S5
1..... Mt IM
2 ..1141 S SO
4.,.., 120 7 00
2..,.. 1108 7 10
1. 4 ts
,,,,.1110 S 26
,..,.1104 I 24
,.,.,1171 (25
1120 41
1100 SO
1110 S SO
420 4 SO
llto N
,. til II II 1071 7 It
14 7 00 .
.. 420 4 19 1 220 7 10
.. 770 4 76 4 727 7 10
.. tlO 75 4 , lit 7 IS
.. 112 I 14 22 440 7 IS
HD N I.., Bt 7 25
lit I 90 11 til 7 29
S71 7 04 I M 7 2S
600 7 00 14 tti 7 25
... 614 7 00 1 104S 7 20
... 104 7 00 1 711 7 23
... 425 7 00 1 40 7 45
... 425 7 00 2...... 410 7 SO
...tit 7 00 2 420 7 SO
... 117 1 00 1 60S 7 SO
t 1210 I 24 1 1U4 94
1 1140 ( ZO 1. .ISO 4 K
1 W 6 25
1 7S0 7 00
4 , S40 7 00
1 1640 7 00
1 ,.... ISO 7 04
t 884 7 10
1 10 7 2
1...... HID I 50
1 11W 60
2 lilt 45
1., 1270 I SO
J 740 0
a... ,1120 M
I.,..,.-.,,. 400 7 IS
2 471 7 04 1 ..,.114 t Co
4 Ill 2 00 1 310 I 75
1 SOO I It 2........... 204 t IS
2 SOO 00 4 1U in
1 tt t tO 1 170 10 00
I....,..,,.. 557 7 25 2 402 7 40
14 742 7 2J 4 1st 7 45
Jl .. 5 7 40 t 431 1 to
11 Ml 7 40 S. .. . 4M 7 M
HOGS While the run was moderate to
day, advices from other markets were
not of an encouraging nature, and tho
lcml trade was more or less of a drag
During tho early rounds buyers plekrnl
up a few loads ot the best nogs' In the
yards at figures that looked to be Hint,
about steady with Tuesday's average,
but after the first tow sales had beon
made, values slumped off, and trom thn
on tha market was Just about a nickel
lowor. As soon ns bids began to weaken
tho trade came to a standstill and prac
tically nothing was done for nearly an
hour, It finally bcame apparent, how
ever, that buyers were determined to
purchase their droves at lower prices or
not buy at all. and when the balanco ol
the offerings were sold tt wns at figures
that were about 60 lower. The mnvem-mt
was slow at nit times, but owing to the
small proportions of tho supply every
thing had been sold In fair season.
Towanls tho close the trade weakened
still more, somo salesmen being of the
opinion that values were ns much as 610c
lowr at this time.
Tho most of the hogs sold at S8.3O3M0
and some good lights reached $t.45, the
same as yesterday's high price. The
three days' trade has resulted In a .let
advance ot abottt 60. Bulk Saturday was
$3.0418.35, aa compared with $1$OJ,8.40 to
day, and today's top Is Jut a nttkel
above tho best prlco at the olose ot last
Receipts today numbered about 117 bars,
or 7,900 head, making the total for the
wok 20,923. This Is a shortage ot lf.609
head, as compared with the same days
last week, and Is nearly 17,000 smaller
than for the same period a year ago.
Representative sales:
rt. at. Sh. Tt. its. At. Sli. rr,
to 211 80 I 19 113 254 20 I IS
II Ill 40 t St 271 ... .1 3S
41 ,.SI0 ... Ill 40 174 ... SIS
It..'. ...Ill ... t 24 74 201 124 2 25
41 207 144 I 20 SO. ...... 222 224 t 25
SI 101 ... t 10 44 117 ... 8 14
44 520 ... t 10 SI 271 ... I IS
tl Ill 220 S 10 12 2S ... S 23
44. .. . , ..209 110 8 10 It. ......31 84 8 IS
SI ,.2M Si) S 20 79 220 240 I 24
41 Ill ... 124 II 221 ... 124
II.. .....Ill ... 120 . ......Ml SO 2 M
44 310 10 8 24 4S 2SS 84 2 25
42 Ml S4 I 20 71 215 ... 8 25
40 , 172 110 8 20 IS., 28 120 1 33
tl 215 it ISO II., ,..,.231 ,.. 8 22
II) 171 ... 8 li 81 221 44 8 25
41 ,.l4 ... S 31H 81 248 44 8 25
II.. 2S7 124 8 S1H M.......22! 40 S IS
19 5S4 40 I 2IVI St 217 10 8 21U
It 212 84 8 22V4 14 1S ... I
41 ..Ill 204 8 22H 71 ill ... 8 1TH
48 241 119 8 I1H 24 225 20 I 27H
It..... ..171 240 8 S4 II 122 290 I 27
14 IM ... t 22tt II Hi SI7U
41 271 89 I 32U 75 211 40 I 4,4
St 244 4$ 8 22H 10 22 80 t 44
41 Ill 10 I S2H 71 Ill 80 8 44
II 260 10 I I2H
12 114 ... I 49
it. ...... jii ... iitt
CO,, 241 ,,. 8 IHt
27 IM ... 121
48 122 10 I 25
11 242 40 2 25
St 217 lit I IS
IS 2SI 89 I 35
17 2S4 144 8 25
14 214 80 8 25
ft, 184 844 I IS
10 238 19 8 25
It 141 59 t IS
II I5 19 I 88
II.. 265 19 t 23
17 tSl 89 I SI
18. MS 120 8 IS
II 242 119 8 25
II 245 49 I IS
77..,.. .215 119 I 23
4..,,...T .., 140
71 SW ... 8 44
80 248 80 8 40
85 .,241 ... 8 40
10 248 40 8 44
14 112 ... 8 44
71 215 ... 8 44
7t.....222 84 I 44
72 259 ... t 40
9 199 49 8 44
64 217 80 8 49
21. ... 140
II 290 100 t 49
0 117 80 I 40
81 149 ... 8 49
71.. tit ... I 44
71 212 89 8 44
84 112 ... I 41
t7 Ill 49 8 45
IS 894 200 8 2$ 1
SHEEP There being another very mod
erate supply, cholco lamb and sheep of
ferlngsa wore again in keen demand. Tha
market opened with a rush for the best
grades and the result was that priceu
showed an advance of 10m6o over those
paid yesterday. Among the early sales
were two loads of Mexican wooled lmbs
fed In Mhmlrn Cfvnrt dnoush to reach
$8.60, as against a top yesterday ot $8.45,
Another bunch ot lambs on the fed Mex
ican order brought $8.60 as compared with
$8.30 for practically the samo lambs on
the day previous, snorn ottering oiso
felt tho Improvement, aa some of that
kind sold at $7.30, being a dlmo higher
than the way tho same stuff sold on the
day before. A clearance ot the good
lambs of handy weight was effected at a
comparatively early hour.
Buyers continue to fight the heavy
lambs and in consequence trad on such
kinds was rather slow with prices being
no hotter than steady. Today's receipts
were pretty evenly divided as to the good
and undesirable grades ot lambs and after
all of the former kind had been disposed,
of tho general marked slowed down on a
basis as already noted. All ot the poorer
Class of stuff did not change hands until
well along toward midday.
Tho supply of aged sheep was again
limited, tor only one bunch of clipped,
wethers showed up In this division. Tha
wethers brought $C70, being a straight
cut of those at $6.65 yesterday.
In all some thirteen cars, or 3,097 head,
comprised the receipts, being in the
neighborhood of 1,333' bead less than a
woek ago and less than one-half pfwhat
arrived on the same day one year ago.
Quotations on sheep nnd lambs: Good
to oholce Mexican lambs, $8.60gp8.60; fair
to good Mexican lambs, $8.26Q80; fair
to cholco western lambs, 1S.OOS8.15; fair
to good western lambs, $7.86118.00: shorn
lambs, good to choice, $7.00117.60; year
lings, light, $7.0007.25: yearlings, heavy,
$S.G&7.00; wethers, good to cliplce, $3.60
0.C5; wethers, fair to good, $&366.60;
ewes, good to choice, $; awes, fair
to good, t5.76ff0.00; culls and bucks, $3,000
Representative sales:
140 shorn lambs 89 6 68
208 shorn lambs .89 6 65
211 shom wethers , 106 S 70
194 Mexican lambs., 79 8 60
66 Mexican lambs 79 8 60
266 Mexican lambs TT 8 60
257 Moxlcan lambs , 77 8 60
272 California spring lambs.... 65 6 00
ztH California snrinir iambs.... m 8 do
262 feeder lambs 65 6 00
268 shorn lambs , 74 7 30
268 shorn lambs .. , ,,..,, 74 7 30
2C6 shorn lambs 71 7 30
263 Mexican lambs 71 7 39
267 Mexican lambs T7 8 CO
Cattle Generally 3 tend- -.Hobs Are
flhnde lliRhcr Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO. May 21. CATTLE Rocelots.
13,600. Market generally steady: calves,
-CflCOo hlitber! beeves. $7.1038.85: Texas.
steers, $6.76&7.?0; western steers, $7.0Oti
tub; stocxers ana reoaers, .wifs.ou.
oows and heifers, $3.S0Q7.0O; calves, $7.00
HOGS-Receipta, 22,000. Market steady
tn a sluida hlcher: hulk. 18.6Klfi.70: lltrhts.
8.608.75: mixed, $8.40ffi.72Hi; heavy,
$35fi.CTH; rough, $8.16a&30; pigs, $6.60
eHEEP-Recelpts, 18,000. Market gen
erally steady. Native. $5.60f6.1O: west-
cm. $5.6036.10; yearlings, Sa.0Chfii3.63; lambs.
native,; western, 24i.WQ7.Gtv,
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
Receipts, 6,000. Market steady to 10c
higher: dressed beet and export steers.
$7,1168.65; fair to good, $7.257.75; west
ern steers, $0.76$8.36: stockera. $6.6085.15;
OUIIIIIU.II DIGCI. fU.U'l.WV, nuu.lic, wrB.
CM.6oO7.00; native cows and heifers, $4.50
a'g.t; ouus, ta.rag'.xu; caives. 1a.oue3v.1D.
HOGS-Recelpts. 12,000. Market steady
Bulk, $8.4S.G0; heavy, $3.450$.82tt; pack
ers and butchers. $8.6006.00; lights. $8,594?
8.60; pigs. $7.0t3.60t
Biusiii' lteoeipts, o,uuu. Aioruet steaay
to strong. Colorado lambs, $7.0097.70;
yearlings, $S.0Or7.w; wethers, $4.6096.60;
ewes. $1004(0.28.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 2.700. Market steady. Good to
choice, $70e.60; stockers and feeders,
ffi.2iC7.60; cows and heifers, $3.0088.50;
bulls, $5.0007.00: calveo, $O.0Oga75; south
ern steers, $5. 267.75; cows and heifers,
liuuo iteceipts, u,. aultkbi nisner.
Pigs and lights. $7.0038.75; mixed and
butchers. $8.(36,76; good heavy. $8,603
NlHSJSf iteceipts, f,ow. Mantel Bitsoay.
(Shorn stock only). Muttons. tS.OOjn.H)!
- .- ..... ......
yearlings. $6.S&8.76: lambs. $7.0087.60.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Receipts. 8.70O. Market steady. Native
steers $7038.25; cows and heifers, Jf.f
S7.60; canners, $3.75736.00; stockers and
feeders. $6.767.60; calves, $7.00lO.00;
bulls, stags, eta.. $5.6037.60.
HOGS Receipts, 8,000. Market S to 10
cents lower. Heavy, $3.22 85; mixed,
:.i:flvetVi4 i H,x;
$3.8S1?8.37V,: light, $S.37H3.9; bulk of
sales. $8.3088.35.
BHEBP Receiots. 300. Market steady..
Wethers. $5.76Qt3.; ewes, E.&OS'S.&O; lambs.
Llv Stoek In Slight,
RacaIoI of lira stock at the irlr nrin-
alpal western markets yesterday-
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha , 2,300 6,051 6. ISO
Sioux City 3.700 8.000 SOO
St. Joseph U09 4,800 2.600
Chicago 13,600 22,000 1S.0&)
Kansas City ........... 6,000 12,000 S.000
Cl. Jouis .............. f,IW -1,M
Total 36,300 63,531 S7.4si