Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
AOrortlslHK Is tho Voice of Trade.
Talk through Tho Boo to your
customers, to your competitor n
customers and to your possible
fair; Warmer
VOL. XL1I NO. 200.
Senate Subcommittee in Charge of
Agricultural Schedule An
nounoes Its Policy.
.Wheat and Flour, Animals and Meat
on Same Basis.
Senate Subcommittee Will Close
Case Nest Tuesday Evening.
Fall Committee Exyects to llnve It
neatly for the Democratic Cnn
cm by the Follonlns
WASHINGTON, May a. Senator Wll
Hams, chairman of tho finance sub-com-tnlttee,
considering tho agricultural sched
ule, announced today that It had been de
cided to treat beef, cattle, sheep and hogs
and their products, and wheat, flour, oats
and oatmeal on an ouual basis. It a
duty U to be put on the raw material
It wlU likewise be upon the products or
Vlco versa. That the aub-commlttce had
decided to put cattle, wheat, etc., on the
tree list with beef and flour, Senator
'Williams dented, declaring that It had
not been determined on what basis all
such articles would be treated,' whether
dutiable or unduUable.
Senator Owen, after a visit to the
White House, announced that he expected
to Introduce a resolution to amend the
sien&ta rules to prevent dilatory debato
Bad filibustering. Senator Owen Insisted
be did not propose a "close" rule, which
would arbitrarily clone the channels of
discussion at a fixed time, but that It
was bis Intention to present a measure
that would allow the majority to close
debate when It beUeved It dilatory or
being carried on merely for purposes of
Senator Owen declared that he bad not
discussed his resolution with the presi
dent. IlesurtDK Are Limited.
Democratla members of the finance
committee decided today to hear no more
manufacturers on the schedules of the
Underwood hill after next Tuesday, and
then begin actual work of revising the
Chairman Simmons was authorised to
make that announcement and he issued
the following statement:
. "Tho-democratlc members f the finance
committee of the sanaU desire that all'
persons who wish to' confer with the.
subcommittees with reference to tho
schedules referred to them should do so
before the close of next Tuesday. After
then the subcommittee will begin the
work of actually framing the schedules."'
Senator Simmons added that no Indi
vidual members of the commlttoe could
spare any further time listening to Manu
facturers and that all who' vlsb to be
heard must apply to the various sur
commlttees. After next Tuesday the
committee expects to complete tho bill in
four days or In time to report to the fi'll
committee the following Monday, Then
the democratic Caucus will be called.
Chairman Simmons believes now that the
bill will be ready for the senato June 7.
Tho cutting off of hearings will not
stop the filing of briefs which will be
received until the committee completes
tho bill
Former President
Talks to Unitarians
BOSTON, Mass... May 21. The participa
tion of William Howard Taft gave added
Interest to today's program of the Ameri
can Unitarian association. The former
president was assigned to the duty of
making a short address at the annual
meeting of the Laymen's league In
Channtng hall- The general topic of the
session was "Purpose arid methods of
the League."
WASHINGTON, May 21.-6ecretary ot
the Interior Lane indicated emphati
cally today that he would attempt In no
way, to Interfere with appointments to be
made by the governor of Alaska, Major
J, P. A. Strong.
In a letter addressed to a resident ot
the' territory, who asked appointment to
an Important position. Secretary Lane de
fined his position in these words:
"As your know, the position referred to
by you is under the governor, .with whom
J. will In no way Interfere as to his ap
pointments. The governor of. "Alaska
should be an Independent citizen not dic
tated to from Washington."
CHICAGO, May a. There was no
"mass meeting" of witnesses for the
International Harvester company today.
This fact developed as succeeding wit
nesses were asked by 'Edwin I. Gros
venor, representing the government In
the anti-trust suit, If they had attended
auoh a meeting.
A large number of Important dealers
from Indiana, Michigan and Illinois
testified as to the percentage of sales of
International Harvester company ma
chines as compared with other makes.
PEKIN. III.. May Sl Clyde Stratton. I
. r,rnBuuuini es
cape from the United States federal penl
I tentiary at Leavenworth, Kan., last
I March by crawling through an elgjlteen
lncli sewer for half a mile, waa today
taken to I lock Island. 111., to answer tn
an Indictment charging him with thu
murder of Cashier Crowder of the Bllvls,
111., National bank, which was robbed
last December.
Aeries of Omaha and Suburbs Show
v Him Sights.
Also Visits South Oinnha and the
Tornado-Struck District ot
Omaha Went . East Night.
All day ' yesterday Eagles of the aeries
of Omaha, Benson, South Omaha, Flor
ence and Council Bluffs kept their chief,
Grand Worthy President William J. Bren
nan, on the wing. They continued' to
keep him flying until late In the evening,
when he left for Chicago. 1
President Brennan arrived from Denver
at 7. yesterday morning over the Bur
lington. At the station he was met by
a delegation of twenty Eagles from the
Omaha, South Omaha, Benson and Flor
ence aeries and escorted to the Paxton,
where breakfast was served. Then there
was an automobile ride to Florence, the
roU'rn trip being through the tornado
xone. Following the ride a reception was
held at the local aerie, where President
Brennan rriet a large number ot Eagles.
At 1 o'clock, Chief of Police Froora of
Council Bluffs, the mayor, members ot
tho city council and a number of the citi
zens came over the rivor, and when they
returned they took President Brennan
with them. Lunch was served at the
Grand hotel and then he was brought
back to Omaha, Just in time to go to
South Omaha and lunch there as the guest
ot the aerie of that city, The afternoon
was spent In. Omaha and In the even
ing President Brennan was the guest
of the local aerie, finishing In ilme'. to
catch a train for Chicago.
President Brennan la out on a friendly
and official visit to the aeries of the
middle west, and everywhere that he.
has been he' found the Eagles Increasing
In numbers and the organization In .a
healthy condition.
Wickersham Says
Syndicates Have
Alaska by Throat
WASHINGTON, May 21.-elegate
Wickersham of Alaska, startled the sen
ate territories committee today by de
claring that Senator Chamberlain, a mem
ber of the committee had Inadvertently
been tho author of a bill In a previous
congress whtch would have turned over
to the "Guggenhelms" absolute control
of the harbor of Cordova and the en
trance to Bering river coal fields.
"There was a little Inoffensive look
ing bill Introduced in congress, I belfeve
you were the author of it, Senator Cham
berlain," said Wickersham, "giving tha
right-of-way to the Guggenhelms from
Mile Twenty-five on the Copper river
road to Three Tree point. You didn't
know what that bill meant. It passed
the senate, but when it reached the House
I killed It. If it had passed It would
have given the Guggenhelms title In fee
simple to all of Cordova harbor and they
would havo had iy monopoly like that of
Mr. Ryan on Controller bay."
Senator Chamberlain made no reply.
Mr. Wickersham told the committee that
the Morgan-Guggenheim syndicate had
Alaska "by the throat" and that the leg
islation holding up Alaskan development
"has helped the big man and killed the
little man."
Ryan challenged WIckersham's state
ment that the "Guggenhelms'' controlled
the bay In which he is Interested.
"It's jUBt my word against his, so I
ask the committee for permission to call
aNew York banker here to substantiate
my statement," said Ryan.
The committee will hold a session Fri
day to hear, the banker, whose name was
not given.
Suffragettes Explode
Bomb in Observatory
EDINBURO.' Scotland, May 21.-A bomb
exploded. In the west dome, of the. royal
observatory at :S0 this morning. The
astronomical Instruments were badly
damaged, but the building itself escaped
serious' damage. The bomb consisted
of an earthenware vessel filled with gun
Dowder. The police declare that militant
suffragettes committed the1 outrage.
A 32-page book of full page pictures showing the marvelous work of rebuilding is now out. Send
it to your friends and business connections. Show them what Omaha pluck and enterprise have
accomplished in a few short weeks. At The Bee office 17th and Farnam 10c a copy by mail 12c
True Bills Returns Against Clair
voyants Chaosing Fortune-
bilged from Small Amounts Up to
One Thousand Dollars.
"Futurists" Alleged to Have Acted
in Collusion with the Police.
Four of Defendants Previously
Under Indictment for Same Of
fense Only One as Yet
linn Been Arrested.
CHICAGO, May a. Indictments
against five clairvoyants, charged wlht
obtaining, chiefly for women, Bums rang
ing from smalt amounts up to J1.000 for
"revealing the future," were returned by
the county grand Jury today. 'Trof."
Mason, who according to charges, was
one of a gang ot fortune tellers that
harvested fortunes In- Chicago under al
leged collusion with certain police of
ficials, was the only new name mefi
tloned In the Indictments.
All others had tieen previously In
dicted. James Ryan, alias "Prof."
Charles T. Crane, who was arrested In
Wyoming, is the only one who has been
Upon returning the bills, tho Jurrors
considered charges that the police per
sonaUy through "shake down" men, col
lected men from tho "crlmo trust," ot
whioh the clairvoyants are alleged to
have been a part.
O'Hara is Exonerated
by Committee of the
Illinois Senate
SPRINGFIELD, 111., May a.-Iieuten-ant
Governor Barrett O'Hara was exon
erated of charges of Immorality by the
special senate committee, which today
reported, Its findings t6 the senate. Miss
Maudo Robinson , of Springfield, who
signed an affidavit, the substance of
which was that under assumed names
she and the lieutenant governor were
registered in a Chicago hotel as man and
wife, and Sam Da'vls of Springfield, at
whose instance the affidavit was pre
pared, were chargea by the investigating
committee with attempting to obstruct
tho work- of the Antl-Vlco commission,
of which Lieutenant Governor O'HaraUa
Davis feared that he would be sub
jected to severe examination- if -called
before the White Slave commission, the
committee found, and caused the affida
vit to be -prepared to deter the lieutenant
governor and the other commissioners
from "closely questioning him.
The committee reported that O'Hara
was Innocent of all the charges Insinu
ated against him.
Eloping Couple
From Paris to Go
Back on Same Boat
NEW YORK, May a. Carlos Domln
guez, a young Mexican, and Lucienne
Loprlnce, his 17-year-old Parisian Bweet
heart, must go back to France, whence
they eloped, They cannot land here and
they cannot go to Mexico City as they
planned. This was the decision of a
special board of Inquiry at Ellis Island
this afternoon. The pair arrived here
yesterday on the Kaiser Wilhelm' II.
The girl pleaded tearfully today that
they bo allowed to marry and como
ashore, but the Immigration authorities
said no. Both will be detained at Ellis
Island, pending the departure of the
Kaiser Wilhelm II on Tuesday next.
Carlos Domlnguez, an attache of
the Mextcan consulate at Paris during
the Diaz administration, and a pretty
young woman companion, who were de
tained in their state room when the
steamship Kaiser Wilhelm II docked late
yesterday. They were on the ship's
manifest as man and wife, but on the
xtrength of a cablegram from Paris say
ing that the young woman was the
daughter ot a Parisian banker and had
eloped, they were not permitted to land.
D. E. Thompson of Lincoln, formerly
ambassador of the United States to Mex
ico, was married at Birmingham, Ala.,
on Wednesday to Miss Nora Truesdale.
Brief telegrams to this effect were re
ceived by Lincoln friends of Mr, Thomp
son. The event had been expected, as
announcement of the engagement had
been made some time ago, although It
was not then confirmed by Mr. Thomp
son. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Thompson left for New York, . from
whence they will sail on May 31 for 'Eu
rope to spend the summer. In Septem
ber the Thompsons are expected In Lin
coln for a short stay. Mr. Thompson
having Invited about a dozen of his local
friends to accompany him on a tour of
tho world, to start In the fall. The
friends who received Invitations to tho
wedding are not acquainted with tho
bride, but know that until the engage
ment was announced she was a student
at Mount Vernon academy-
Let the world know what we are doing
'-Sift I.
Drawn for The Bee by Powoll.
Falls City Firm Leaving Because
Work is Getting Scarce.
Reconstruction Committee linn go
Fr Handled That Mjvny Coaea,
Wblle 80O More Are Wow
Being; Taken Cars Of.
The Sperry 'houae moving concern of
Falls City, which movod Into Omaha to
help In the house moving made necessary
by the Easter tornado, has now gone
back to Falls "City, leaving the Kansas
City firm- and the local firm to do the
rest of the moving necessary. For a
while there was all the moving the thrao
firms could do, but as time goes on there
Is less and less of It. The work has
gone on rapidly, not only in moving
houses, but in completing the reconstruc
tion work when the houses were moved
Into place.
To date. 192 cases have been closed by
the reconstruction committee. That tr,
the work has all been done and tho
houses are now In good shaft. Some
thing over 800 more are at present in
process of construction under the direc
tion of tho reconstruction committee.
Other cases are still to bo considered by
the committee,
Slnkea Good HhoTvlnir.
The restoration committee Is also mak
ing a good showing. To date $30,000 has
been loaned' out of the restoration fund.
This has been absorbed by seventy sep
arate cases. There are as many mors
cases before the 'committee at present,
but many ot those Have Indicated that
they would" be able . to wait until the
$20,000 bonds are voted by tha county
to get their loan. They have so estab
lished themselves that they can wait for
this as the election Is to take place in
A. F. Rasmussen, who has had entire
charge of the restoration In the absence
of John W. Towle, will leave the desk
June 1. He says he absolutely mukt
get back to his business at that time.
Mr. Towle will probably place some one
else In charge then, so that tho recon-
struction work will bo by no means
closed within that length pf time.
San Francisco Police
Are Vindicated
SAN FRANCISCO; Cal., May a.-San
Francisco's -police scandal which has
been engaging the attention of the city
authorities for several weeks, came to
an abrupt end last night when tho grand
jury completed Its examination by vot
ing a resolution of confidence tn the
personnel ot the department, the polio?
commissioners. Chief White and Captain
of Detectives Mooncy.
It had been charged tha't a largo part
ot the police force had been protecting
a bunco game, and recently eight officers
had been Indicted for conspiracy In that
connection. They are to appear for trial
next Monday.
At the grand Jury hearing yesterday
Chief White attacked District Attornoy
Fiokel for causing a needless investigation.
Abnegation of Saint Sunday
tow w jm
Nine Drown When
Barge is Beached
at Katalla, Alaska
CORDOVA, Alaska, May 21. Nino mon
were drowned Sunday night when . a
storm blew a pile driver and a bargo
ashore near Katalla; Five of the men
resided at Cordova,
Tho men were building a fish trap for
tho Northwestern Fisheries company at
the mouth of Martin river, near Katalla.
A. furious storm carn?L upaun3ayntght
and broke six anchors with whioH"'tbV
pile driver and barge wero mado fost
They were driven eighteen miles along
the shore where they struck on tho
beaoh. ,
Southern Presbyterians' Assembly
Goes There Next Year.
He Sitys Cltr la One of Moat Im
moral In Country and Needs
Good Influence of
ATLANTA, Ga., May a. Kansas City
today was selected aa tho meeting place
ot tho 1911 general assembly of tho
Southern Presbyterian church bv the
commissioner's attending tho 1913 assem
bly here.
In advocating the selection of Kansas
City as tha" 19M meeting place of tho
Southern Presbytorlan assembly, former
Judge W. H. Wallace declared tho dty
Is one of the most immoral In the coun
try and that It needs tho mooting to
arouse tho people to further realization
of what was happening tn religious
circles. Other places In tho central con
test for tho next assembly wore Waco,
Tex., Newport News, and Rock Hill.
S. C. ,
Today'sybeaslon of tho Northern Pres
byterian assembly largely was devoted
to tho adoption of routine committee
reports. Vigorous opposition was' voiced,
however, to a resolution recommending
that "during or following each sermon,
pastors should make an appeal for the
Immediate acceptance of Christ as tho
sinner's personal savior."
Tho opposition to1 tho resolution de
claring the evangelistic note must be
placed on the pastor's Hps by tho holy
spirit and not by the resolution of the
general assembly, was adopted by a
close vote.
White Girl Becomes
Wife of a Japanese
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 21-Kozo
IC Maihori, a Japanese, was married yes
terday to Miss Bertha Royan, a Mlnneap.
oils girl, by. Rev. G. L. Morrill, who In
a sermon recently criticised the California
alien land bill.
Rev. Mr. Morrill last night sent a tele
gram to GoVernor Johnson of California
In which he said. "I have Just married
a Japanese to an alien and done more''
for God and Uncle. Bam than your alien
land bill will do tn a thousand years."
Man Who Planted Dynamite Says
Ho Was Paid by Capitalist.
Says' Builder Who Committed Sui
cide When Subpoenaed Agreed
to Furnish Drnamlts After
Talk with Attcaax.
"TJree'n said h'md .conversation with
Atteaux after the dynamite had been
placed. "I asked htm," said the witness,
"if Mr, Wood knew anything about the
matter and he sold that he did not"
BOSTON, May 2L-Frederlok E. At
teaux, a dye manufacturer and co-de
fondant with President William M. Wood
of tho American Woolen company In the
dynamite consplraty trial, hired John J,
Brocn, Lawrence undertaker, to "plant"
explosives in buildings occupied by strik
log textile operatives according to Breon,
who testified for the state today.
Atteaux, the witness said, gave him
$500 before the dynomito was placed and
made a second payment of $300 later.
Breen testified that ho said to At
teaux, "If I wero fighting those fellows,
(moaning tho strikers) I'd fight them
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Mexico Will Float
Hundred Million
Loan in France
MEXICO CITr, May a.-The Mexican
congress early today gave its sanction
to an agreement for a loan of $100,000,090
at 6 per cent Interest. Tha amount la
guaranteed by S8 per cent of tho customa
receipts. The Mexican National bank Is
named as the representative of the bank,
ers In the supervision of disbursements.
The debate on the loan was a lone one.
lasting until midnight. The minister ot
flnanco was charged with failure to take
better offers which had been made. lis
replied that provisional Provident Huerta
arid the other members of the Mexican
cabinet had urged on him the Immediate
acceptance ot this loan, as the. other of
fers received necessitated more delay,
It Is still necessary for congress to dis
cuss and vote upon the four articles of
the' financial measure, but Its approval
of the general terms ot tho bill makea it
very certain that it will also approve the
Tho loan has been placed with French
bankers, but It Is certain that British
interests are participating. Tho name
or tne bankers have not been announced.
'Chinese Loan -
is Oversubscribed
LONDON, May H.-fio great was the
rush of the public to secure a portion ot
the new Chinese loan which was. opened
for subscription today that tho Issuing
banks closed their lists at 11 o'clock this
morning. It was then announced that
the loan had been largely oversubscribed.
It was quoted at 1 per cent premium by
Senate Committee in Charrre of
Motion Demanding Strike Pifibe
Will Report Today.
Hearings May Be Held in Washing
ton or Paint Creek Region.
Questions of Alleged Peonage Will
Be Considered Among Others.
Steuilicra of Upper llody Interested
In -Movement Hope to Secure
Action Before Kiul of
Present Neaalun.
WASHINGTON, May SI. -Federal In
vustlgatlon ot the strtko trt coal miners
In tho Paint Creek region in Vunt Vlr
glnla practloully was.assured today when
tho soiiutu education and labor commit
tee agreed to report tomorrow with
amendments to Sonator Kern's rtuolu
tlon authorizing an Inquiry. The resolu
tion redrafted by a subcommittee with
the understanding Unit It bo laid beforu
tho senate with tho Indorsement ut thy
other members would allow a thorough
and eompleto Inquiry Into conditions In
the Paint Croek region, preceding, dur
ing and after tho strike,
Tho committee would be authorized to
conduct hearings an a whole or by sub
committee either In Washington or West
Virginia and to subpoena any witness It
Probe Wide In Hcope,
It would Investigate questions of alleged
peonage; Interference with the malls,
violation ot the Immigration laws; viola
tion of tho laws for thetrial of accused
persons; violation ot the Sherman act by
tho coal operators and the causes that
led up to tho conditions existing In Paint
Although an amendment, proposed by
Senator Works for the Investigation of
ventilation, sanitation, wages, condition
of labor and kindred subjects was
adopted, the scope ot the resolution Is o
broad that the committee can ask about
practically anything concerning tho
miners, operators or mine.
Peace Delegates
Start for Home
. .
NEW TOIUC, May ZL-The flrttlsb. Au,
trallan and Qelgtan delegates, who sailed
for Europe early tohiy,,after.a, fllteoiuday
Visit to thhi country and Canada, plan
ning the celebration of tile centonnary
of peace among English speaking peo
pies, were given an excellent opportunity
to experience at first hand America's reT
puted dash and swiftness.
In tho fifteen days they traveled 4,004
mllea and were guests at fifty-five for
mat breakfasts, luncheons and dinners.
This is an average of 8 format meals
and 2CCH miles a day. One thousand
miles of the trip was, made by automobile,
Northern Baptists
Meet in Detroit
DETTIOIT, Mich., May Sl.-Tbo largest
gathering of Baptists ever held n tho
United States Is assembled In Detroit for-'
conventions which probably will cover s
period of moro than a week.
Tho principal convention Is that of thai
northern Baptist conforence, consisting;
of pastors .from churches north of the
Mason and Dixon line. The Woman's
Baptist Homo Mlssldn society and the
American Baptist Foreign mission, an
addition to participating in the main con
ventton, will, hold meetings ot their own
during the week.
Edgar M. Gibson, a resident of Omaha
twenty years ago, died at Douglas, Wyo.j
May 12, aged 68 years. Ho had been 11!
nearly a year. For years Mr. Otbson
had been at the head of the Gibson
Live Stock company of Douglas, s. con
cern that had for its purpose tho breed
lng of high grade horses and cattle.
Mr, Gibson is survived by threo married
daughters, one of whom Is Mrs. L. O, '
Perley of this city,
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