V THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1D13. HTHK-e o o i e HiVe lb7 fi By MELLIFIOIA. Tuesday, May 20,. 1913. A PROMINENT young society matron, residing In the West Farnam neighborhood, who has been suffering moro or less from nervous ncss since the Easter tornado, Is proving that she Is Bomewhat Ingenious. Every time "any old cloud" appoars the young matron rushes for the basement and Insists on the rest of the family accompany ing her. If there are guests in the house thoy, too, must rush for the basement. Until recently tho underground floor has been used only as a laundry, furnace room and store room; now, however, one corner has been arranged with all of the luxuries arid necessities for a cyclone aprtmcnt. "There are sofa pillows to protect your hoad," sho explained to mo." "You noticed that everyone got plaster and mud In his or her hair." Another comfort is the porch furniture which has beon placed In the "protectod corner," as she calls it. Among the necessities are axes and hatchets, "so we can how our own way out," sho confided to mo. "I have spent so many evenings in my new comer during tho last few weoks that I am going to have a reading lamp Installed down there and all the comforts that I can think of," sho said la absolute earnestness. At the Country Club. A B. Warren was hont at a dinner Tarty at the Country club Monday even ing In honor of Miss Mabel Balcombe and P W. Leonhardt, whoee wedding will take place Wednesday evening. Thofeo present were: Misses Katherine Morse, Meadames 1). II. Wheeler, Jr. Messrs. Dr. Ienoy C rummer A. R Warren. Missis- Mabel Balcombe, Mesdames Elisabeth Wlldman, Messrs. P. W. Leonhardt, Randall Brown. Mr. ana Mrs. George I'rlnx. Mrs. Casper E. Yost and Mr. Charles Offutt entertained delightfully at- lunch eon at the Country club In honor of two nieces of Mrs. Yost Miss Donna Mathews and her 'sister, Mrs. McMath of Spring field, Mass., who Is visiting here. '(Those Misses Violet Joslyn, Bertha Dickey, Dorothy Morgan, Mildred Itogers, Gladys Peters, Daphne Feters. Mesdames Bernard Capen, Charles Offutt present were: Misses Donna Mathews, Katherine arable, Nannie Page, Lucy Updike, Helen Smith. Mabel Hicks. Mesdames McMath of Spring field, Mass.; Myles Standlsh, Flower Mission Luncheon. Mrs. George A. Hoagland entertained at a beautifully appointed luncheon today at her home, when her guests were the young women who are active In the Kmma Flower mission, and who distri bute flowers each Thursday to the hos pitals. Those present were: Misses Hazel Kvens, Rose Coffman, Carol Howard, Helen Bllsh. Gretchen Williamson, Gertrude Brandt, Florence Power, Grace Clarke, Edith ThomiB. Mesdames Crosby Wyman, W. W. Hoagland. Misses Ethel Tukey, Maria McHhane. Hazel Howard, Marie Hodge, Ruth Gould, Helen Chesney, Gertrude Schermer- horn, Marjorle, Benson, Jennie Vetera. Mesdanus J. E. Bummers, raul Hoagland, George A. iioagiano, Concert at Brandcis Theater, A fund of over 600 was raised last evening at the concert given by Max Landow, assisted by Martin Bush, for the benoflt of the Sacred Ifeart academy. A large number attended In eplte of the storm and were repaid. Vy an cnJoyaV. evening of music. One of tho larger box parties wis given by "Mr. and Mrs. C. Will Hamilton, who had as theirs guests: Miss Stella Hamil ton, Miss Mae Louise Hamilton, Mrs. John Bourke, Miss Pauline Bourke, Mr. and Mr. Frank Hamilton, Earl Gannett. Luther Drake and Charles Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Gothwood of Philadelphia were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamilton. In one of the lines parties were Miss Beatrice Coad. Miss Irene Coad, Miss Marsuerite Stowltts. Ralph Ralney, Joe Rlngwolt and Roger MoKentle. Another party included Mrs. Georgo Keellne, Miss Etla Mae Brown, Mr. and Mr. Arthur Keellne and Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Lake. Afternoon iridge for Guest. Mr. T. (Jordan Sander entertained a,t bridge Monday afternoon for Mrs. Now. ton" V, Bandera of Denver. Tho gueata : were; Meadames S Mesdames iJiWXOn OWIU6IS. A. Iimivii w Paul W. Balrd. Lewis Bradley. -Frank Prinslow. Richard Schnoum&n. Ernest Treuke. Frank Creeaen. Katherino Stewart. Walter Johnson. Miss Froncea Bandera. lor Wyoming Quest Mr. N, H. Nelson entertained at bridgo-luncheon Monday for Mrs. C. II Film of Harms, Wyo. 'Covers were laid far: Mesdamec Mesdames 0. 11. Film. It. V. Cole. O. W, Hayes. R. E. McKelvy, E. ;M. Syfert. John O. Yelser. C, H. Marley, N. H. Nelson. At the Field Club. Tho Omaha dentists entertained at a dinner dance at the Field club Monday evening for the Nebraska State Dental society. About 1(0 guests wero present. At Fort Omaha. Major and Mrs. Cnrl F. Hartmann wens at home to their friends this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at their quarters at Fort Omaha. Miss Grare Baxter was hostess' at'-a luncheon and shower this nfternrfon at her home In Fort Omaha In honor of Miss Knld Valentine, who will b'q a ,June bride. Twolvo guests wore present. Personal Gossip. A daughter was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. Abe Stromberg of Elk Creek, Neb. Mrs. Strombcrg was formurly Miss Lena Newman. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. and Mrs C. E. Yost have as their- guest their niece. Mrs. McMath. of Springfield, Mass. Mrs. Thomas Philip Jones and Mrs. W. H. Mornn of Cedar Rapids, la., are visiting their mother, Mrs. Ella Encell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Perry of Marshall- town, la., have arrived to visit Mrs, Porry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haney, Mm. W. L. Sucha of Orleans, Neb., Is tho guest of her" parents, Mr, and Mrs, Muldoon, and will make a visit of two weeks. Mn, and Mrs. Morris Levy will leave Wednesday evening for the cast and will 'aall shortly' for 'Europe for a stay of several weexs. . Mrs, Nancy' J. Moore and sons, spent the.' .week end In Lincoln as the guests of -Dr. and' Mrs. a. K. Condra and Mr. and .Mrs. n, Newman and returned thjs m,ornlng. DENTISTS BREAK RECORDS Enrollment is the Largest in History of the Association. WALLACE MAY BE PRESIDENT If Cnstom Is Fotlorreil of Resrnlnr Sncceftnlon Ttro Omnhn Men Will Follow Ench Other In Office. The enrollment of Nebraska dentists for the thirty-seventh annual convention of the state society continued yester day, until by noon 34." f had registered. Although this wos tho enrollment at noon of the second day of tho session, It far exceeded the enrollment of tha. entlro session of last year, which was but 312. The dentists arc greatly pleased with the Increased attendance, and especially with the fact that so large a number of thoso attending aro new members. Although the election of officers Is scheduled to take place Wednesday aft ernoon at 1:30, the dentists arc not to talk politics yet, at least not openly. "Wo havo no politics," they say. "We never slate a ticket. The president usually works MP through the secretaryshlp"and through the vice presidency, and then makes the Jump to the chief office of the society." In that case Dr. J. H. Wallace of Omaha Is In line for tho presidency for tho' coming year; that Is, If tho regu lar line of succession Is followed, for he Is now vice president and has been sec retary In former years. This wodld glvo Omaha the presidency two successive years, but the dentists from out In the state do not seem to caro about this so long as the customary succession of the society Is observed In tho choice of officers. The dentists spent the forenoon at the Crelghton Dental college In clinical work and In viewing the large exhibit of dental apparatus that Is shown there by vatloUs manufacturers of dental supplies. The afternoon sessions were held at the Hotel Rome, In tho convention hall. The reading and discussion of technical papers took up the afternoon session. The reports of committees were heard last evonlng. after which four papers were read and dldscusped. MARBLE EYE WITH STONEY STARE GETS SIXTY DAYS A gentleman by the name of Marble Eye, posrrsscil -of .a stony stare and othor equally damaging, attributes, was sen tensed to sixty days' confinement In the unty Jail. Mr. Eye and II. Harris Could not agree on some vital subject. probably the Income tax, with the result that Eyo armed himself with a butcher knife and chased Harris into the rest dence of W. E. Curtis, 109 North Ninth street. Mr, Curtis, aroused rudely from his slumbers, snatched a revolver from beneath his pillow and with the Mutt of the weapon poceeded to quietly waft the Eyo person to tha land of dreams. Harris and Curtis both appeared against him in court. MISSING MINISTER HAS BEEN LOCATED Rev. 8. JohnBon, aged 77 years, who has been missing from his home for the lost three days, was heard of yesterday at Mead, Neb., where he Is reported safe and sound. Mr. Johnson has mude his home for the last year with his son, J. E. Johnson, 4103 Grand avenue, and several times has expressed his Intention of going to California, Jup, Pluv. Plays a Sieve-Like Trick at Police Station Jupiter Pluvlus, In substantiation of The Bee's successful campaign for lower water rates. Is flooding the market with aqua pura, which leaves no loophole for the opposition to cUlm the scarcity of water, for holding Ifor the exorbitant tax. But be this as It may, he Is also flooding that beautiful, modern and highly classic structure, the Omaha police station, to such an extent that the menials who are forced to enact their dally semblance of toll within Its four walls are busily engaged In "dnlng" the tide. Tom O'Connor, court clerk;' encased In rubber boots and slicker, sat at his desk yeetorday, and turned out complaints, Interspersed with numerous highly punctured ejaculations and dew, whtlo the bald spot which tops his head waa undergoing that excruciating Chinese torture of "dripping the drip," which con sists of the persistent maneuvers of, drops of water successively striking tho same spot. It Is feftrcd by Judge Cooley that Tom will never look the same after his harrowing experience. Judge Al stadt's administration of Ironclad Justice was noticeably softened by the tearful persistence of the slcve-Uke celling, and In most of the hearings his rulings were emitted In liquid tones which comprised, 'Go home, bo goodt." Steve Moloney's gold encrusted badge has lost all Its gold- sh luster through the gentle leaklngs and now resembles an emblem of the town marshal. It. Is rumored that a com mittee Is to be sent from the station to the city council to plead for a new bulld- ng. The victims are confident their re quest will be granted In the near future say probably In the spring .of 2013. Woman's Auxiliary of Episcopal Church is Now in Session The twenty-seventh annual meeting of the Nebraska branch of tho woman s auxiliaries of the Episcopal church was called to order shortly after 10 o'clock Tuesday morning at Jacobs. haU by Mrs, A. K. Gault, president of the society. The annual reports wero read. It was stated that the Rrowncll Hall Junior auxiliary had maintained a scholarship at St Mary's school at Shan Hat, China, and the young women of Urownell Hall were deserving of much credit. Notwlth standing the rainy Weather tho hall was tilled with delegates and visitors to the number of about 200. The response to the roll call was answered as follows: Delegates from Ashland, three! All Saints', Omaha, twenty-seven ; Rlalr, three; Auburn, one; Central City, two Columbus, one; Fremont, four; Falls City, ono', Florence, one', Lincoln, six; Nebraska City, six; Trinity cathedral Omaha, twenty-eight; St.'' .Barnabas, Omaha, twelve; Good Shepard, Omaha, seven; St. Philips tho Deacon, three; St, Andrew's, Omaha, nine; St. Paul's, Omaha, nine; 8t -Martin's, South Omaha, seven; Plattsmouth, ten; Schyler, two Wymore, two; St. Mark's, South Omaha, three. There wero three visitors from Council Bluffs In attendance. Following the morning meeting luncheon waa served In the gymnasium of the hall to the guests. Tho business of the afternoon session Includes the election of officers and changing the constitution so It may head that the officers be elected for term of two years. It Is rumored that Mrs. Philip Potter will be the next presl dent, as Mrs.. Grant has refused to stand for re-election. A Shooting Scriipe with both parties wounded, demands Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo. Heals wounds, sores, hums, bolls, cuts or piles. Only 25c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Ad vertlsement. Dtmdee Luncheon Club Meets. The members of the Dundee Luncheon club wero entertained by Mrs. Frank Carmlchael Monday. Mrs. W. C. Good now of Minneapolis, Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mr X D. Upland and Mrs. Edward Feekenpaugh were guesta of the club. South Side Progressive Club. The South Bide Progressive club will give a card party and social at Ita hall, Fourteenth and Catsellar streets, Wednes day evening at 8:30 o'clock. The host eases are Miss May Hast and Meadames II Humbert, a. Harding. E. Hoffman. M, Hannahan and L. Hugg. 1613 Birthday Club. The 1S11 Birthday club was entertained by Mrs, W. Johnston Monday afternoon Mrs. C. a lUtekln will be the next hostess. At the last meeting high five was played and prizes awarded to Meg dames. U J. Pinttl. Frank Snyder, I. C. HynsUr. C. Breen, C. a lUtekln and J. Novak. Kay Breakfast. At tha May beaakfast given by the ,' women of St Mary's Avenue Congrega- tlonal church a musical program wilt be given by Miss Alice Kennard and Mrs. Harvey Mllllken. The affair Is In oharge or Mrs, w. It Wood. Mr. E. P. Boyer Mrs. Charles Richards, Mrs. Harvey Mil iaen ana Miss Ida Smith. Asilstlng uosteaes win be; Meadamea- Mesdames- frentlss Lord. W. C. Dean. Harry O. Kelly. Fred Loomls, S!?S0S2 H.aywan3- " Freeman. JUlpta Vst j. w. Griffith. harjw Dundey. Ed. P. Smith. Pleasures Past. The Triangle club gave a danet Monady , (evening at Chambers. Fifty couples wtre present. Watct the Folks Rush Tonight's Spaghetti Night You never served a dish more welcome more appetizing more nutritious than Faust Spaghetti. There's practically no end to the ways Faust Spaghetti can be served all savory, relishable and satisfy ing. Far cheaper than meat much more strengthening; and easier digested, xou should give the children a whole lunch of BrLlIS JL at least twice a week it's a mus cle, bone and flesh builder. Ask your doctor. Faust Spaghetti is made from Durum wheat, which is extremely rich in gluten the food content that makes for strength and growth. Write for free recipe book and learn how many dishes you can make of Faust Spaghetti. At all grocers 5c and 10c packages. MAULL BROS. St. Louis, Mo. OHIO SOCIETY WILL HAVE PICNIC INSTEAD OF BANQUET During the twenty-three years the Ohio society has been In existence In Omaha tho members havo gathered annually at a local hotel and feasted at a sumptuous banquet nnd refreshed their memories with stories about their native state. This year the club will not hold a ban quet, but wilt picnic at ono of the parka. to bo decided by a committee of five, In whose charge tho arrangements of the social affair have been left. The committed Is composed of A. L. Havens, chairman; H. W, Morrow, G, W. tmrr, Mrs. O. W. Tracy nnd another woman member of the society to bo chosen by Mrs. Tracy. The picnic will bo held some time during the next month. Iltirniiintlsm flnlckty Cared. "My sister's husband had an attack of rhcumutism In his arm," writes a well known resident of Newton, la. "I gave him a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment. which he applied to his arm, and on the next morning tho rheumatism was gone, rur curomc muscular rneumatlsm you win una nothing better than Chamber lain's Liniment. For sale by all dealers, Advertisement. CONTROLLING SYMP TOMS IN DIABETES A tochnlcal medical friend said. 'You don t euro diabetics; you make them think they are better' and prolong their Uves.fgr a while." Suppose that Is true and suppose Mra. KHno of San Francisco, a nleco of the late U. S. Supreme Justice Stephen J. Field, was not cured when sho had gan grenous nails and was given but alx months to live when she went on Fulton's Diabetic Compound sixteen years agoT Suppose that a test would still show some sugar and that sho has even now to takti the compound occasionally to koep well? And suppose that a professor In one of the Universities of Virginia who was f riven up with Diabetes In 1S89 was still Ivlng at lost advices In 1912 and had. been performing his duties these twenty years and over as the result of this treat ment? Aro there not thousands of dia betics In the United States who would be delighted to have the samo experience' and It they can havo It don't they owe It to their families? If you have Diabetes and are middle aged or over you owe It to yourself and family to try Fulton's Diabetic Com pound before giving up. It can be had at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge. Cor. lth and Harney, Cor. 24th and Farnam and 207-9 No, 16th street. - Ask for parnphlet or write John J. Ful ton Company, San Francisco. Yes! That 44 Sunshiny" Weather Is going to stay The rainy weather wo have been having left a lot of wrinkles in your clothes didn't it? And you would feol bet tor nil around if your toga wero clenned up nicely, wouldn't yout Step to tho phono, call Tyler 345 and say you want some of that clean ing work we are bragging about. Dresher Brothers 2211-2213 Farnam Stop Using a Truss tnurt Kami mis in dutareat tram Ut truM, E4n B4lctn spUctor BUM HIHIUMM DU powlr to hU UM put M- f cunir la pUc. M S kMUaa rtae-cuuM w tup, m uami uu prats azalam tfe paua eanfiiUi tiuaUd IStnutlTta OWm4 Fi-U!a tt komt wUboqt hladrenc Ty mjj" (ram work, in 4 couqutK ino moat veiuuii wn. tttms . M mm haal mmmv t SMlTMtaalv. AWtTdd Oold Utdal tad uraad rtix. rroeaaetrtcoTryUnlu- Writ utiaa oa Coupon tn4 iced TTOOAV. A7MCE Plipso Uboraloriai, Block. 379 St. Louis, Mo. Bakes Bread to Perfection Oil Cook-stove Cleaner than coal or wood. Cheaper than gas. 1 Smokeless Odorless Perfection Oil gives the best results Standard Oil, Company tNaaruveKA) OMAJHiV r (Hoitib FurniturG Co. omaill 20 Below Omaha Price Wot One Day But Every Pay Special Sale of Hugs We have made a great purchase of high grade rugs and offer them at bargain jnices., See our large line of Body Brussels, and Wilton Rugs much below Omaha prices. 36x76 Axminster $3.00 6x9 Seamless Brussels, $5.50 9x12 Seamless Velvet $15.50 9x12 Axminster 17.50 SAVE ONE-THIRD ON YOUR ICE BILL 27x 54 Velvet Rugs 95c 27x54 Axminster S1.45 36x72 Velvet .$1.75 Lineleum at the Prin Kan Art J rata.. Rature UaJl wOl crtnf Tn Txtil TUgt.. ................ mm eiith Good grade, 2 yards wide 38c Extra heavy grade, 2 yds. wide ..48c Extra heavy grade, 4 yds. wide 58c COMPLETE LINE OP PORCH FURNITURE NOW ON SALE With n Famous LEONARD GKAND RAPIDS Refrigerator 20 Styles $5.75 to $35.00 Pull carload of then Just recelnxl ti ono siitfflo paid, printing big enough, to semont in a newspaper couldn't be made out the papers One advertisement in itself is only a step up the stairway of success. Ad vertising does it work by repeating what you want known until everybody knows it, wheth er they want to or not. Upward progress in busi ness can only bo made by a con tinued climb. the Omaha Bee noes ftTery dy to prac ucUr every one of your possible customer. People like to buy from firms they know. They have confidence in firms that make themselves known. They become ifamiliar with stocky and store policies of stores into which they havo sever stepped. The day comes when they want your goods and you have a customer. It was the continued advertising of months, or perhaps years that brougkt them in. That's why a list like that reached by The Bee is so very valu able. Our subsoriDers read The Bee every day, year after year. Our adver tisements oan keep on talking to the same homes and make friends of peo ' pie they neVer saw. You can't do that with any kind of advertising except newspaper, ad vertising. Furthermore, a paper that is delivered to the homes is the one that gives you a chance to talk each day to thejsame people and at last you have them" as customers. It's continuous advertising that pays