Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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The Omaha Daily BEE
yoimnsp bt BPWAnp roskwatbk
Entered at Omaha rostoKke ai second
class matter. i
Bunday Dh one year "
Baturday Bee, one year '
rSl Bee.Uhout Sunday, one year
Pally Bee, and Sunday, one year..,.
Evening and Sunday. Dr n'- :
Kvenlng. without Sunday, per mtntti c
Pally Bee. Including Sunday, per mo. c
Dally Bee, without Sunday, per mo.. c
Address all com plaints of irregularities
in delivery to City Circulation Dept.
Remit by draft, express or l'!'
payable to The Rce rub Ishln comimny.
bnly J-cent sumps receded In P"1.
of small accounts. Personal ehetks. ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaba-The Bee bMf- .
Bouth Omaha-JM N 9tret
Council Bluf(-U North Main street.
Lincoln- Uttle build Inc.
Chicago 001 Hearst building.
Washington 7 Fourtsenth r,.
Communications relating to news and
editorial matter should
Omaha Bee. Editorial department
Btate of, .County of 'D'
Anti-Foreign Fire-Eaters.
The Deo has no sympathy wilt
anti-foreign flro-eaters who seize
upon every possible occasion to (an
tho flames of race prejudice or na
tional hostility. Just now It is an
imaginary foar of Japanoso Invasion
out on the Pacific coast. Just as a
few deendos ago it was tho "hoathon
Chlneo" who roused the iro of the
sand-lotters. Tho riots against tbo
Italians in Now Orleans, against
the Hungarian miners in tho Penn
sylvania coal districts, against the
Greeks in South Omaha, and similar
outbreaks from tlmo to time in this
country aro all of the same warp
and woof.
Anti-foreign fire-eaters horn,
however, resent it whon conditions
aro rovorsod, and Americans abroad
aro discriminated against or made to
suffer ns foreigners. Driving tho
foreign dovllB out of China, or ex
pelling Amorican foreigner from
Mexico, does not strlko us Jn Uio
pamo way. mis wua tain auuui
baiting Japan into a war would bo
dangerous if it did not contain rroru
Instil than substance,
of The Bc Publishing company, being
duly sworn, savs that the average, dally
was W.1W. ""circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my ,nva .",Wi?rn
to before me this M day of Ma
rrntrnT llirNTBH,
Notary Public.
Subscribers lenTlnB the er
temporarily ahould hve The nee
snnlled to them. Addres. will
cbanxecl Ma oflro n renSesleO.
The new archltecturq will havo to
dovoto more attention to the con
struction of the cellar stops.
' Omaha trUBt the visiting tooth
Hectors aro making themselves at
homo despito the wet welcome.
Wonder if the weather man knows
that the commencement soason Is
here, when nature la supposod to no
nothing but sunshine and smiies.
Which reminds ua that Omaha's
Etorm water sowers will require en
largement beforo long and tneir to
building will cost a lot of monoy.
Conrratulatlons to Cincinnati on
'tho termination of Us stroet car
Btrlko, which, as wo know, Is ari at
fllction that cannot bo gotten rid of
too soon, ,
Who will deny tho attractions ot
Omaha as a place of residence whon
nn officeholder gavo up an ji.bou
lob at Lincoln to tako a $1,500
place aeroT
with the Presbyterians In session
at Atlanta the Baptists at 8t. LouIb
and tho Ad lien. at Omaha, the spir
itual uplift is going forward by leaps
and bounds.
If school board resignations bo
come much raoro frequent, U may bo
noccssary boforo' long to Insist on Hltrnlnic a written con
tract to serve out tho full term
It takea an artistic mathematician
with high sense of humor to figure
ul a nroflt for tho small wator con
sumer who was soaked T11.25 for
installing meters wholesaling at $6
Secretary of State BMyan may bo
fa rcformor, but ovon ho does not
daro to take tho public Into his con
fidence in his international corre
spondence: Diplomatic red tapo is
stronger than any othor kind.
A Btlll anothor example of tho
ehortneBS of foresight, It may bo
xnontlonod that whon President Burt
built tbo now Union Paciflo station
he expected it to suffice for Omaha'o
neods for twentyfivo years, whon in
Xact It Is already almost outgrown.
Planning Ahead for Schools.
It seems to us that tho first place
where the city planning ldoa should
find application in Omaha is with
rofcrenco to tho futuro expansion of
our public schools. This suggestion
s not by way of criticism or fault
finding, but of constructive prog
ress. The osBonco oi tne ciiy plan
ning Idea is to look, ahead and map
out in advance what appears to bo
desirable in municipal dovelopmont,
and tc work along in directions that
promise eventual arrival at the land
ing placo.
Looking BacWaid
coo q
MAY 21.
Thirty Years Ago
John Robinson's old-fashtoned circus
reaped a golden harvest wjth Its two per
formance, although tho show Is pro
nounced the poorest ever.
George M. Pullman and party left for
the west, after a conference with Presi
dent Dillon and other Union Paciflo
officials. It la thought that among tho
objects desired is to run through Pullman
sleepers from Omaha to Ban Francisco
without change.
The closing meeting of the Social club
was held at the residence of the Misses
McCheane on Capitol avenue, the enter
tainment being Jointly by tftem and their
next-door neighbor, W. J. Mount
The city council devoted a special meet
ing to the discussion of sewers, paving
bonds and special assessments.
Justice Samuel Miller, of the United
States supreme court, la a guest Of tho
Pax ton.
Ex-Mayor Boyd is back from Chicago.
Superintendent P. J. Nichols of tho
Union Pacific, Is out after a long spell
of sickness.
John McCaffrey left for Heaney, Idaho,
where ho will probably locate.
The crowd at the dry goods store of
A, Crulckahank & Co., for Its bargain
ale, was so great that the proprietors
were compelled to close the doors leading
to the basement until the customers al
ready ln were supplied.
Twice Told Tales
Twenty Years Am
Mrs. Julius Schneider of Marburg, Ger
many, arrived to visit her sister, Mrs.
Julius Festner.
John Latenser received his commission
from Washington, as chief architect of
tho Omaha federal building.
Dr. J. R. Conklln, who spent the win
ter and early spring In Florida, returned
greatly benefited in health.
Colonel Chose returned from Racine,
Mlt Nelllo Hardy went to Chicago to
visit the World's fair and intended to go
from there to Columbus, O., for the sum
Bishop Scannell left the city and Vicar
General Colenarl said ho went to Kansas.
The object of such planning must I wis., where he attctided the golden wed.
bo twofold, to tako caro of Imme- ding of his sister, Mrs. William Bllloway.
diato present demands, and at the
samo time to preparo for the lorgor
needs ot tho futuro. Nowhero Is
this rulo required moro than in tho
nhyalcal cnulnment of the nublib
school system. School facilities must 11 w" unofficially reported his mission
always conform to immediate do- n. nfteum cfI1,n
mands, and, likewise, to changing prleat8 of hIa diocese. and that Bishop
population distribution. While we Scannell might go to Washington before
cannot always foroseo movements of I returning for a conference with Mgr.
residence Boctlons, gonornl tenden- D,0",' iao Pai
cles aro visible and thorn is no good rrn Years Ago
reason wny a plan could not tie a vigorous lightning storm aia somo
drawn up right now to which wo damago to telegraph and telephone poles,
ia ,.i, i h.,1,,, I Interfering with the service.
r""u .V" . . judge Irving F. Baxter returned from
ing ana roDunaing our scnoois tor Oswego, N. Y., where he attended tho
ton or fifteen years to como, A I funeral or Mrs. N. II. Tunniciitf, who died
tremendous saving in cost would be In Boston.
nfrai In )hn nnr rim nf n mnll B-umors from Lincoln slated W. D. Mc
Hugn tor tne uoara oi iro ana x-oucn
Commissioners to fill the vacancy soon to
be created by the resignation of Carl C
MROhlnO Smashine, Wright. The cards were said to have
"Rmnnh ihn mnohlnn" U hn inimn been originally stacked for Jim Dahlman,
.in backed by the prestige of being national
adopted for practically every reform tt but ft Joker wft8 BUppoa
uprising. Not that it Is a now war lnt0 tne deck on jim, lt .eems, and Oov-
cry, nor oven a brow ot modern mix- ernor Mickey was expected to hand the
ing, but "Smash themxhlno" scorns prlxo ttf Mcllurh. Elmer B. Thomas was
to pobsobb tallsraanlc powors for pop- TOi?tta Y ,,no , Vim.
, . , . w a .j I Bush was advanced by oertaln frlenjs.
mar conjuring; iv lumosi nny umo or but RS ht rtM64 )n pUndec, he waa out
piaco. v oXit
Invariably, however, smashing ono Mrs. J. M Edwards Joined Mr. Edwards
machine merely lays tha foundations In Kansas City, whero they went to mako
for another, often moro ruthless, and '."J". , .h. ..,nM
eventually jusi as oqioub. uy wni Mrs. Faur. 420S Farnam stroet
of Illustration let us quoto from the Those present wero Mrs. Miner, Mrs.
San FranclBCO Chrpnlclo, which pays Bacon. Mr. Powell, Mrs. Springmeyer,
its compllmonts to tho "admlnlstra-P'- Nweii. Mrs. urao.ey, rs. woore,
... . . Mrs. Whltmarsh, Mrs. Baxter, Mrt,
uon macnino- in courso oi .construe- ,ritwn. Mra. ryrammanA.
Too 3Inch Tnnale.
A well-dressed man entered a flower
store, threw down a "V" and said he
wanted seme flowers to take home. He
had been out with the boys and was
feeling and looking rather "rock." The
flowers, apparently, were Intended as a
domestlo peace offering.
The florist picked out a doien chrys
anthemums and the customer started to
leave. At the door he hesitated and
called out: 1
"Shay, watsh thesh flowers called V
The man shook his head.
"Gotta have sump'n eashler n' 'at
Olm me a dosen pinks." Judge.
Identlfylnsr the Vote.
Qua J. Karger, a Washington newspaper
man, wrote much of the press stuff fpr
Mr. Taft's campaign, both beforo the
convention and afterward. He la a very
close friend of Mr. Taft.
Karger is from Ohio and served on
the reception commltteo at a dinner given
by the Ohio socloty to Mr, Taft.
"Hello, gust" Jokod tho president, "Are
you one of those Ohio chaps?''
"Surol" replied Karger. "I'm the fel
low who voted for you out there."
IBut," persisted Mr. Taft. "I got two
votee In Ohio." Saturday Evening Post,
The Champion Optimist.
We awnrd the championship diamond
belt for optimism to a resident of one
of the rural districts of Scotland. As
the story goes, an old man waa sitting
on tho roof of his houso during a flood,
watching the waters flow past, when a
neighbor, who possessed a boat, rowed
across to him.
"Hello, Bill," he said. 4
"Hello. 8am," replied the other.
"Are your fowls washed away this
mornln', Bllir'
"Tea. but tho ducks can swim."
"Applo trea gone, too. eh?"
"Well, they said the crop would h &
failure, anyhow."
"I see the river's reached abov vnur
That's all right, Sam I Them nlnrinwa
neeeded washln'l"-Boston Globe.
present outlay,
People Talked About
New York and Boston havo war
rant for being envious of Chicago's
literary eminence. Theso sou-con
scJous ccntero ot divine muses have
never produced an alderman whose
melodious Terses shamed the slashed
skirt out of fashion. Alderman
Coughlln's pootlc laurels are numer
ous enough to decorate a musoum.
tion by Governor Johnson and hla
coterio of professional reformers
We heard last) year a great deal about
the "Southern rncino machine;" we
heard much about the "republican ma
chine;" from one end of the state to the
other for months there was a continuous ) a bill for a two-platoon system In the
roar ot denunciation of the wickedness, j nra department of New York City has
the horror, the Iniquity, the villainy, tne been vetoed by Gov. Suiter,
Infamy, the perfidy and the downright Jud aeorgo of phinjpj, Me,
and horrible rascality ot those maohlnes ... ,, of ,. h-vin i
and political machines In general, and of decUon mado by h,m reverMd by the
ina low-uveu, .orum u.m unoriy ucsmuoui ,,,, ,nurt rtnrln- th fortv-two yeara
fvia as V, a MAfrtftASnt a n n n n v A1 F w mbM I
kind aa to become part ot such a mon- Tho swimming hole and wading creek
,,... of Huck Finn and Tom sawyer in nan
And lot and behold, the administration " - noB oeen xran.iormcu
has created a political engine which beats the main sewer oi me ipwn. oui r.
in a. fraxxls all the machines ever In- "
vented or Imagined by the unregenerate. I book.
The greatest artist In political machln- Captn Dietrich llogemann, alter
try that America ever before produced forty-four years at sea on passenger
never devised any machine which even steamers, has retired In Brooklyn. He
approached that which has been built up I has made HS round voyages on the At
by the state administration and its freaks, lantlo. traveled 2,t87,7 miles and carried
And the taxpayers will foot the.bllls. 760,000 passengsrs. He Is BO yars old.
Of courso, the newly Installed po-l just as her huiband was In the act of
litlcal pilots will Insist that theirs lhanding over hi purse to a stickup man
Is a machine built to operate solely" cmeago. . jame. w. se .w
The federal pie factory continues
working overtime provjdlng fodder
tor famished patriots, but is unable to
supply the demand. Mississippi's two
senators threaten reprUal because
of slack distribution, while Nobraska
patriots are refreshed with wind pud.
ding and promises ot a row. The joy
ot living and looking on la away
ahead of the price.
ted the highwayman In the ear, knocked
Tabloids of Science
In an experimental way a touirh nnnr
suitable for Insulation DurnoP i V.
Ing made ot Boston from the fibre ot
nawanan pineapple leaves.
Near Boston an engineer obtains .in.
trie power for his extensive suburban
estate by means of a windmill which Is
a close copy of the most modern stosm
Time signals sent out by wireless from
Eiffel tower In Paris are received at on
point zso miles away by a strip of wire
neiung supported out about twentv 1
incnes from the ground.
The sixth International congress of
mining metallurgy, applied mechanics
and practical geology will be held at
London In June and will be one of tho
largest scientific gatherings ever known.
To make an earthquake record the ex
act time of Its occurrence an Italian sci
entist has attached to a seismograph a
switch which turns on an electric lt$ht
and photographs a chronometer whn
the seismograph needle moves.
To avoid 'the danger of bicyclists being!
run down from the rear at night by
automobiles, there ' has been tnventod a
concave circular piece of red glasj, to
be fastened on the Tear of a bicycle, to
reflect light from an automobile headlight.
Corrtrt Spelling of "FontenHle."
tJNCOIN, Neb., May 19.-To the Edi
tor of The Bee: Answering your In
quiry there Is no room for doubt that
the correct spelling Is "Fontenclle." This
is the spelling given by Maximilian, and
other early explorers and Is also the spell
ing given by Henry Fontenclle In "Let
ters to Father Hamilton," found In the
first volume of Nebraska Historical so
ciety reports. The fact that the town In
Washington county waa laid out as
Fontanelle" Is undoubtedly what has
caused the error In the spelling of tho
f n . l. , l
11 B inc. oever&i years agu x mui uvi-ttaiuii
to verity this spelling, but the spell ot
CFontanelle, Washington county, was over
me when the book was made.
Itepnbllcnn Ship Always Sen worth jr.
LINCOLN, Neb., May M.-To the Editor
ot The Bee; An Associated Press dis
patch says:
Former Governor Hadley of Missouri
states that a coalition of the republican
party Is not only desired but Is being
sought Mr. Hadley explained that this
end was being sought by the attempt to
retorm tne renubucan party so tnat con
scientious progressives who left the party
last fall may rejoin.
There waa a similar "attempt' to re
form the republican party about '61 to '65
and there are a large number of old vet
erans yet living who took port In the
controversy and the final adjustment of
the admitted difference .ot opinion.
The ground of conduct upon which the
republican party was founded and upon
whloh the party has firmly stood for more
than fifty years has made this country
great and has brought happiness and
prosperity to all the people. So great is
our country and so great are the personal
advantages and privileges to be enjoyed
that emigration from every portion ot
tho world come here to find homes In
the land of the free and the country of
prosperity and has become so extensive
that It Is now deemed necessary to fnd
some way to lessen the flood ot home
Former Governor Hadley would like to
reform the republican party so such In
spired leaders as himself and other con
scientious progressives can remain In tho
party. What would Lincoln say If hi
waa on earth, and whnt would Blaine,
Grant and Harrison say of such expres
sions or reproach upon the republican
The old republican ship will be ready
to begin voyage again at the command of
the people, well arranged and In sea
manlike trim for performance of duty
and managed by a commander-ln-chlet
who has never faltered or defamed by
slander the republican party or the
eminent statesmen who rendered service
Of high value to their country.
Cub He porter I guess I'll have all my
work copyrighted.
uuy isuitor never mind that, just
have the copy right
"I love to hear Maud, when she's In full
song; her articulation Is so distinct."
"So do I: but I hate to sect her In full
dress, for the same reason."
Husband My love, we must tet rid of
that cook. Did you ever see a worse
looking chop than the one I'Ve Just put
on my Plater
Wife Ye, dear: the one you've lust
put on mlnel
Crawfrtrrt Cnnemtiitfltlnn. old man!
I'm going to be married again.
Crabshaw Why. I thought you once
told me that you always profited by your
Farmer Bentover What's vour nenhew.
that's home from college, doln' nowT
narmer Hornbeak No thin': and he's
KOt more original wav nf nrrnmnllshlnr
It than any feller you ever seen.
Mrs. Crabshaw When th wnmnn no-it
door returned after being away a week,
her husband was mean enough to say
that he hadn't missed her.
Crabshaw I don't suppose he did. Ho
had the talking machine going alt the
"My grandfather." said the nld.tlmor.
Used to nut all hl mnn,v In hla .nois
"Wa-OJ.. things hain't chanirail much "
said his old friend. "My grandson, who's
takln' a course In modern deportment at
one o' them eastern colleges, puts most
all his money Into socks." Judge.
Oddities of Life
Senator Clapp of Minnesota has
sponsored a bill prohibiting senators
and representatives from serving on
political committees or soliciting
contributions to campaign funds. It
he will broaden the scope to prohibit
members of political committees and
campaign fund solicitors from being
candidates for senator and represen
tative, the bill will go through with
p. whoop.
Sleuths ot the Chicago city coun
cil are trailing a fund ot (1,170,000,
which was borrowed and disbursed
in IS 07, Just about the time the city
council passed the traction ordi
nances. City auditors have been
ordered to lift tbo lid and scrape
the bottom of the can. Many mem
bers of the present council are nov
ices in the business and naturally
are curious to learn how such funds
tjlfect J&e-pbJccUi aimed at.
tor tuq Deaem. ui mu iuViu, uuuv . f ... n - A h.
tho new machine is always a good ga w,tn only A eye M a BOuvenlr
machine, and tho old machine is ai- 0t the meeting.
trays the bad machine. And so HI Roger Sullivan and John P. H6pkln
will be until the now machine be- political Siamese twins of Chicago, are
comes old and Intrenched and in turn t aut" AmfIc' "1
uan iu uu uioiuuouu u ,n M,u..m,r. Mavnr Harrison
and Montgomery remain on guard and
Crope flutters on the office doors Chicago la sate.
of New England s Investors. Presl- a model of the system ot organized
dont Mellen's celebrated railroad charity prevalent In Chicago Is exhib
combine finds Its resources unequal luJ - ot Mr- Margaret Ustlch
. , . ... .a.j,i who was granted I HI. after sixteen in
to former dividends and a reducUon . n.rn. m
from 8 to 6 per cent has been or- nom(1 vIilts and twelv, url Inquiries
derod. The practlco of waging war cost of organised service, ftOOO,
on competitive enterprise oncour- William Schnarr of st Charles. Mo.,
aged by tho people not only multi-land a younger brother, Carl, met for tha
plies enemlos where friends aro rst time In their lives the other day in
treasury or tne onenoing corpora- ,tay wtln Natives. William left Ger-
tlon. President Motion's defiance many a year before Carl was born.
of public sentiment sharply reacts I Katharine Ward, whose name often
In diminished earnlngB. I appears In newspapers and magazines.
Is Mrs. l). Francis Murpny, wnoae nus-
rr-1,- Ti., woiw.bln rlh nr r.hi. hand la a texttlo manufacturer of Fhlla
"" ll I. . L- nt Pnr.
cago, in a series of high resolves, I. . . ; Althouh Bhe ha. no
supports Prof. Munsterberg's sharp children, she is deeply Interested In the
rebuke ot the Anglo-American peace little ones, and many of her poems are
centennial celebration. With the about them.
namana bi4 iViA Trl i a1 ftntn n tarl
, , , . Prosperity' lllnh Tide.
woo wui supuiy uv yiuiuruonuo I Washington Post.
eciat mai maaos a ceieorauon a uve aven g00d erop, lhu iulumn to be
onor I followed by the stimulus or the new bus
ness whloh will surely follow the opening
The Louisiana senators thrilled of the Panama canal, there Is every rea-
the crowded bleachers at home on or anucipaung tne rge iraoe our
. ... ... ,. ... n , ... merchants have ever known, the greatest
hardly less than Casey at tho bat a . . OUr hav ...
quarter ot a century ago, Dotal centered, tha highest tide ot prosperity
fanned, ui 9t& hxvm w aya.
Because his touring car would not run,
Walter Guertln of Kankakee, III.,
chopped it to pieces with an ax and sold
It as Junk. He got 3 for It.
Hum Is now Imported Into prohibition
Maine In powder form, tha ' consignee
preparing tho drink by the addition ot
During tho absence of her husband one
day last week Mrs. John Burnham of
North Leeds.- Me., together with her
neighbor, Kate York, loaded nearly n
whole carload ot lumber.
Parted when they were children, thirty.
two years ago, neither knowing the other
waa alive, although living little moro
than 100 miles apart, two brothers, Lewis
Stooms ot Philadelphia and Fred Stooms
of Georgetown were reunited recently.
Charles Horbury ot Lewlaton, Me., who
has traveled extensively In the West
Indies,' haa among other prised souvenirs
ot that country some lace which was
taksn from a lace bark tree in Mande-
vltle, Jamaica. This was discovered by
Mrs. Nash, M years old, an J a native ot
that town.
When Elden Harrlman of Searsport,
Me., opened a beehlye this spring he
found that the queen bee had died and
that the oher bees had stood her up
straight on the bottom or 'the hive and
had built a wall of wax around her. All
the bet's had left the hive.
A woman accused by her neighbor with
being a "witch" promptly brings a suit
for substantial damages In North Tona
wanda, N. Y. No witch In theso times
need fear burning at the stake In flames
of neighborhood gossip. The law Is her
broomstick, on which she may fly away
to assured realms of peaca of mind.
While excavating for a new bam at
Ellington, Conn., Leon C Leach unearthed
a large sliver button about the slxe of a
half-dollar, with the Initiate "Q. V " In
large raised letters In the center. Across
the top and extending half-way down on
eaoh side are the words "Long Live the
President." It Is evidently a presidential
button of th time of George Washing
ton, and must be, therefore, about 130
years old.
Editorial Siftings
Boston Transcript: Don't be fooled bv
Secretary Bryan's peace talk he still has
an old Spanish war uniform tucked away
In his closet.
Philadelphia Ledger: The senate Is
handling the tariff bill with all the wild
enthusiasm of a man who -wouldn't do it
If he could put It on somebody else.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat: A strange
part ot the frequent high winds In Ne
braska this year Is that they were less
frequent before Mr. Bryan moved out
New York Post: California's lngratl
tude to Mr. Bryan after the magnificent
advertisement he has given her grapes
only shows what men will sacrifice for
Washington Post: Thore must have
been Just a little Itchy trembling' of the
Index finger for the weak spot when Prof,
Taft touched on the subject of hair-trig
ger government
Pittsburgh Dispatch: James A. Farrell
the president ot the Steel trust, denies
It was organised to squeese out com
petitors. It sounds so much better to call
It benevolent assimilation.
Houston Post: The Omaha newspapers
are complaining of the high price of
water there. The Houston Sons of Rett
will never be able to understand why
anybody can waste good money for mere
Philadelphia Ledger: Death duties play
an Increasing part in government rev
cnues. European countries are using
them more freely all the time. Recently
the estate ot the late Sir James Coats
paid a tax of 11,337,000 to the British
government This Is an Instance. The
total runs far Into the millions for the
year. And It Is to be observed also that
American states are profiting more fiom
their inheritance taxes.
Women's Activities
Martin Schuetxe In the Forum.
And now for reaones oi open roau. .
With sun ana nowers ana inwun.
abroad, ......
With sun and breexes and birds In th
And the year on tho turn in yellow.
sheavrs. .
A road not so new It troubles the mind.
Nor so storied, memories limp behind, .
Where hoof and foot and tire unite
One large lnsepnrate tale to write.
Each bird haa a voice and different alrf
Is It thrush or yellow throat? V hat dr
1 care! , :
The trees tell tales, and the hill streams,
shout; J
I do not trouble to make them out J
I do not strain after clews that fall.
I do not camp on the edges of the tale.
Nor teach my feet to falter and stray, .
But hold to the Immemorial way.
T hnr hut nnft arreat voice abroad.
Singing to the song of the common road.
When the season's trait ic Duroens me
And the sun spreads blessings every
And It's: Ever to keep on an even way
Never to hasten, never to stay.
Nor vainly linger, nor backward yearn
Onward and sunward, and never turn! "
Attuned to the one great voice abroad,
Heeding the call ot the common road. Z
When .the season's traffic burdens tha
And the sun spreads blessings every-"
Stories in Figures
Maryland expects to complete C00 miles
of new State roads system this year.
City of New York owns 6,500 parcels
ot land, valued at U.SOO.ttM.000.
Nearly 30,000 miles ot moving picture
films are annually produced by ten firms
In the United Btates.
More than 90 per cent of California's
orange crop escaped the disastrous frosts
of a few weeks ago.
Morris Balmoason, deoeased olerk In
Chicago, In thirty years of service Is
Mrs. Ida Husted Harper will travel
broad this summer attending the many
conventions In which women will take
Mrs. James Speyer, Mrs. Frederick W.
Vanderbllt Mrs. Russell Sage and other
prominent New York women are heading
a movement for a national anticancer
association, tho object of which will be
to educate the public to recognlxe the
first symptoms ot the disease mat
mav be treated In time for a cure,
Mrs. Jennie Shelley Boyd ot Colorado
Rnrlnrs. who wilt be one of tho commis
sioners ot that city, will be the first
woman in tho country to hav part In
tha Kovernment of a city of that slxe.
Rh wilb second In a race In which
twenty-two were entered for the office.
Tho report of Miss Grace Abbott of
Chicago on the immigrants who have
come to that city within the last year,
is described by the president of the
county board aa a document of "tremend
ous human Interest" Nearly 4.000 girls
were among the arrivals In Chicago from
Europe during the yeaiv
A branch of the women's welfare de
partment of the National Civic Federation
Is soon to be formed at Pittsburgh, tho
Initiative step having already been taken
Conditions of women and children who
work will be the first concern of the
organisation, which wllL be the first
branch west of New York to be estab
lished. Lady Scott, whose husband died In the
recent Antarctic expedition, has written
a letter to thS EnglUh papers full of ex
pressions of thankfulness for the world-
sued marriage licenses to over 1.000, COO wldo sympathy extended to her and the
Japan bought more than (8.000,000 worth
ot electrical machinery and supplies) last
year, most of which oama from the
United StaUa.
courtesy that refrained from asking a
Ingle Interview or for personal In
formation. She says that her husband's
Journal wUl be published In full as soon
as pracUoahtai
Enjoyable Union Suits
Chalmers ''Porotknit" Union Suits
have set a new standard of comfort i
1 They don't "cut" you at the crotch,
because the back is clastic up-and-down
as well as sidewisej and instead of cutting
or binding when you walk or turn or
bend or twist they eive or stretch, and
you never even feel them. Come in with
the million others who wear
50c bJL SueniGujuMP
a - -mzmmwm wn&vmntT
Chalmers "Porosknit" Union
Suits also have the comfortably
closed crotch. ja,
"Porosknit" is light cool, elastic
and durable. You can know tho
genuine by the label and Guarantee
Bond (shown here) with every
garment Made in all styles. Go
to any store where "Porosknit" is
displayed and buy good comfort
able summer underwear.
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knf1 w union sum
Men', DKntrixed (look, like tllk) $149 per
rtnuati $2.H jcr Utioi Suit.
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Upton Sinclair's
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moment, when so-
the "Inside" stcry
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life, and In the unfolding of a character of a
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