THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, CINCINNATI STRIKE SETTLED " I Company Agrees to Recognize Union l and Men Return to Work. EMPIiOYES CONCEDE OPEN SHOP Wgi to Be Incrrnaeil, hut the Amount of Itnliip U tn lie De termined by Ilonrd of Arbltrntlon. i CINCINNATI, Slay M.-Conferenccs be tween representatives ot the Cincinnati Traction company and leads of the striking street car men's union ended last night In an agreement by which the strike was declared off. Service -will be resumed tomorrow. The street car men won the vital point tor which they were contending, recog nition of their recently formed union, tout In return conceded the open shop 4 principle, whereby the company will be allowed to employ nonunion .workers. The company also pledges Itself to an In crease of wages to all union and non union employes without discrimination, but the amount ot the Increase Is sub ject to arbitration. Union Winn Point. The union also won the point that all the old employes bo allowed to return to work, It also w.ns decided that all , those who were discharged after tha union was formed and before the strike, began will be reinstated. There aro many other declarations In the document signed by the traction men and the lead ers. There now remains the formality of having It endorsed by the directors of the company and by vote of the union. The strike was declared May 9 and has resulted In a complete tloup of street car transportation wince then. Efforts of the company to move Its cars caused serious rioting, which resulted In Mayor unt making a demand Sunday on Gov ernor Cox for troops to restore order. "nlHiTV Merir of iimirirncrn. The ending of the strike came after a series of conferences which began last week and were resumed today. The final agreement was reached and Mayor Hunt was sent for. After the provisions of the agreement had beert reached and ap proved by him the signatures of the conferees were attached to It. Will Tnkc StrlUe Ilnllol. SAN FRANCISCO, May S-Strlke bal lots provided and a referendum vote will be taken by the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen to determine what action shall follow the refusal of man agers of railroads operating cast of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio rivers to consider a 15 per cent raise In pay for conductors and brakemen. The re sult of the vote will be known by the end of June. This was the substance of a statement given out tonight by President V. O. Lee of the brotherhood, which opened a three weeks' convention In this city to day. Inilnstrlnllntn Mnltt Thrent, PHILADELPHIA. May ax-Throats to tie up shipping all along the Atlantic coast unless the 'longshoremen on strlko hero are granted their demands wero ?iade today by national organizers of the ndustrlal Workers of the World. Three Tlioimnnil .M.'irliliilntK Strike. BUFFALO, N. Y., May 20.-About 3.00C machinists struck today for Increased wages and shorter hours. The men de mand a mtnltnum "of S7V4 cents nn hour. Threaten Still Kiniilojca. PATEItSON. N. J., Mny 20 -Fifteen hundred strikers and sympathizers gath ered near the Price mill at closing tlnm today and threatened to do the employes bodily harm when .they came out. Tho mill owners, however, having anticipated further trouble, excused his workers at 3 o'clock, when only a handful of pickets were In the vicinity. Those the pollco handled without serious disorder, mak ing only one arrest Kern Motion (o Committee. WASHINGTON, May a.--After more than a week of debato the senate re ferred tonight to tho labor committee Senator Kern's resolution for a federal Investigation of conditions In the West Virginia coal fields. Senator Kern an nounced on the floor before the viva voce vote wasaken that an agreement had been reached to refer the resolution and It was understood that the committee would report It out within a few days. It will then i come before the senate for final action. f KNOWN THE' "V WORLD OVER ISN'T it a shame the way a man will cheat his face and his Gillette just for lack of care in lathering! Rub the lather in well. Loosen up your beard. Don't impose on your Gillette just because it is more efficient than any other razor you ever used. Get Gillette Safety Razors and Blades from dealers anywhere in this city. T GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY, BOSTON Broken Bow Wins Ouster Field Meet Notes from Beatrice and Gage County BEATRICE, Neb., May .-(Speclal.) Judge L. M. Pemberton opened the May term of. the district ceurt yesterday by granting a divorce to Cora Cooper of Wy mote from Loewell Cooper, but reserved the decree until satisfied that the service of summons was duly and regularly made. A number of cases were called and dismissed. A detachment of, Company C In com mand of Captain C. L. Brewster and Lieutenant Cruncleton, numbering in all about twenty men, went to Lincoln yes terday for two days' target practice on the state range. The corn growing contests for the boys of Qage county are to be carried on this year by Farm Demonstrator Llebers. One Is for five acres and the other one for one acre. Mrs. C. S. Rife died here yesterday at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. Q. U. Qrltfls. She wa "1 years of age. The body was taken to Red Cloud yesterday afternoon tor Interment. After hanging fire In tho courts for four years the case of James Stewart against Frank and Clydo Crano of Lib erty, two boys charged with setting fire to Stewart's barn, was disposed of In county court yesterday, the defendants being discharged. Three cars attached to Rock Island freight train No. 397 went Into tho ditch between DuBols and Bern, Kan., yester day, blocking traffic for a few hours. Soft track Is Bald to have caused tho accident. Word was received here yesterday from Spokane, Wash., announcing the death of Mrs. J. J. Mead, a former Beatrice resi dent. She Is survived by thrco sons and two daughters. BROKEN BOW, Neb., May .-(Spo-elal.) The Custer count field meet that ooourred here was largely nttended. More Interest seemed to have been taken tn the sports this yoar titan ever boforo and some very creditable records wero made. Broken Bow High school led oft with a total of MH points; Ansley followed with W, Merna F, Callaway 44. Sargent 0, making a grand total ot 7S points. The two students taking th highest number -of points In the meet were Harold Predmore, with lOVi, and Harold England with 10. Both of those belong to Broken Bow. In the evening occurred the declamatory contest, which was given at tho opera house. Prises consisting of gold medals were awarded as follows! Oratorical, Annabel Beal. Broken. Bow. first! Erma, Mayfleld, Merna. second. Dramatic, Earl Varney, Broken Bow, first; Ocealn John son, Callaway, second. Humorous, Mar guerite Harrow, Callaway, first; Helen NeAville, Merna, second. Tho judges ot the contest were Prof. Bwiwn, Miss Keech and R. M. Thompson, all of Ravenna. No body la Too Old to learn that the sure way to cure a cough, cold or soro lungs Is with Dr.. King's Now Discovery. 60c and $1, For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. fip Greatest mileage at lowest battery, tire and pf car expense. All the comfort of the pneu- jffifrafflfjj fk H TXBJCBTOWB TXKB ft ST7BB2TS OO, H VM "A-marlnali XrgMrt Kxclaadva stxa and Kim lZii" EL KB 2X30 rarnam St- Omafca, Sola. M JM pj Bnzaa OlEeat and Tcstory, Akrra, Onlc. Xtsa -e-9 Is AH Imriro CHAD MB DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Catherine rner. MADISON, Neb., May 20.-(Speclal.)-Mrs. Catherine Qejrner died at her home in. this city early Sunday morning. May 18, death resulting from a complication of difficulties. Katherlne Knapp was born in Germany In 1865, and came to Amer ica and settled at Jollet, III., in 1865. In 1874 she was married to Fredrlch Schweit zer and shortly after she and her hus band settled on a homeatead near Mad ison, where they resided until Mr. Schweitzer's death In 1905. October 20, 1910, the deceased was married to Colonol Fred Gcgner of Madison, who survives her. She Is also survived by four daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Felling. Mrs. Katherlne P. Boysen, Mrs. Margaretha C. Schwank and Mrs. Anna Maria Kettlesen, all of Modi (son. Neb. aiorrtlca Pnitnlc. GT5NEVA, Neb., May 20.-(Ppeclal.)-Tho funeral of Monlldca Pangle was held at the family residence west of Geneva Saturday, the Masons being In charge. Rev. C. L. Meyers of the Meth odist Episcopal church officiated'. Mr. Pangle was almost 76 years of age and served through the civil war. Twelve out of fourteen children and his widow sur vive him. , Note, from York. YORK, Neb., May 20. (Special.) The funeral of Mrs. John Heslar was held yesterday. She was 62 years of age. Gottlieb Broehl. an old settler of York countyj died yesterday, aged 87 years. Cadets of the York High school left for Thayer yesterday for a three days enjj campment. They marched to the depot headed by their band. About fifty-five were In line. fluatnraa Chnnire nt Shrlton. SHE3LTON, Neb., May 20. (Special.) A deal was consummatea oaiuraay whereby C. 8. Bailey secured the stock! of Implements of Charles Gumprelcht and the two stocks will at once be con solidated. HartinKton Moit Pay. HARTINGTON, Neb., May 20. (Spe cial.) Hartlngton attorneys received word today that the supreme court naa affirmed the decision of tho district court In the case of Edwin L. Macrlll against tho city of Hartlngton. Macrlll fell on the snow and ice on the streets of Hart lngton In January, 1910. and dislocated his hip. He sued the city for L500 and at the fall term of district court In 1910 he was awarded damages ti the amount of tooo. E. O. miller. E. O. Miller, commercial agent of the Rock Island at Lincoln, v Is dead of Bright's disease, aged w years. The funeral will be held at Lincoln Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'olock and will be at tended by a number of Omaha railroad men. Mr. Miller had been continuously with tho Rock Island for thirty-two years music Without Words Wo havo nbout 25 roflnlshod Pianos on floors this wesk. Ex perience tells us most will bo gono Saturday. Your choice there. Prices bolow Imagination. Terms painless, Talk Is chenp, but call and hear tono volume and note general con dition. Enough eald, FOUR PIANO POINTERS Leavea Money to Chnrchea, FALLS CITY, Neb., May 20. (Special.) George W. Camblln, whq died In this city a few days ago. left an estate worth about ttl.000. He was of a very re ligious nature, and, believing In the tith ing system, left bequests of COO to the Wesleyan Methodist church at Milton- vale, Kan.; the same amount to a sim ilar church at Syracuse, N. Y., and $10) to the Wesleyan Methodist church at Willis, Kan., of which he was a member Leslie Shaw Gets Atlantic Railroad ATLANTIC, la.. May 20.-(SpecUl Tel-egram.)-The bid of 1294.000 for the At lantic, Northern & Southern railway made at the sale May 15 by" the Blakedel company ot St. Louis, with which con cern Leslie M, Shaw Is allied, was this afternoon approved by Judge Arthur of the district court The judge stated that he expected to get more money out of-the road, but he was satisfied that no more could be sf cured, so he' approved the bid. What the Blakedel company will do with the road Is not known here at the present time, but It la thought they will Improve It and build on farther south. The ouster proceedings against the re ceiver wll be taken up tomorrow and It Is hoped that this will be the last of the trouble with this road, which as been In the hands ot the court for the last five year. frrwcavBawavr MaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaW mm NKW ENGLAND Uprtfrht Piano Walnut Cano $65 SnUBEIMP Highly Polished Walnut Case $135 STEINEIt Tills Is Excep tional. Hardly Used at All $156 CRAMER Oak Qaso Splendid Tone $165 We rent pianos for $3.50 per month, this rent applies on pur- cnase. A. Hospe Co. "The Art and Music House of tho West." Douglas Street, Near lflth Street. Your oil must reach all friction points I Correct Lubrication raggifil aw, 1 1 gi,v. 1 1 "an The friction-points in a steam engine are reached with lubricants through special mechanical appliances, and separate oil cups. In the automobile motor, they arc all reached through one lubricating system. Your car,' therefore, requires: An oil whose "body" or thickness is suited to your feed system an oil that will properly feed to all the friction points. If you use an oil whose "body" is unsuited to your feed requirements, or whose lubricating quality will not properly withstand the demands of service, you will get one or more of the following results: (1) Escape of the compression and explosion past the piston rings. (2) Unlubricatctl cylinder walls at the upper end of the piston stroke. (3) Imperfect lubrication of many of the bearings. (4) Excess carbon deposit. (Due to the oil workjng too freely past the piston rings and burning in the combustion chamber.) (5) Excessive oil and fuel consumption. (0) Worn wrist pins. (7; Unduly-rapid deterioration in your motor. (8) Loose bear-, ings. (9) Noisy operation. The average motor has 1500 parts. In different motors, these parts diffcr.both in measurement and construction. No one oil can possibly meet the feed requirements of all motors. To establish a sound guide to correct lubrication wc have therefore taken a step of theutmost importance to 'the motorist. Each season wc carefully analyze the motor of each make of car. Based on this analysis, and on practical experience, we specify in a lubricating chart, printed in part on the right, the grade of Gargoyle Mobiloil wc have found best suited to each of the various models. If you use oil of Uss-correct "body" or of lower lubricating quality than that specified for your car, incomplete or inefficient lubrication is certain to follow. Unnecessary friction, and ulti mate serious damage must result. If your car does not appear in the partial chart on the right, we will mail on request a booklet containing our complete chart together with points on lubrication. Etilnuin ( Jn lS e edtk, tht WnM fffn id. ttr inrfl Cltw lU trnU 0 OirrfU Mobiloil thlt thouM bo Mod. Ff cumH "A" (Mint Oirrorlt Mobiloil A." "Are." nM "Oirrjjl; MoMojl Am." For til tUcirlc Md aw O.fimk Mebtioil A. Th recommcnaUriMM ran both okiws lid rommirclil nUiUt ukM wbttwlM aoted. CAM 'Abbott Uaoit...i,t Afc. AwHea. .... 4 ... AKrton.t Autoou (t 9 Awrjr, Bnuv ATG ...... 1I19O U9U... wu ft. BkklJrtJ " (4rl)... UIMWli - Cool.... Cm., Chbn(......i. dun Col. ....... ColnrabU.,... ...... CoutbOtu.,..!.... Domcq. .......... DoDtoo Km. r. rut PUndVl " (ir0. ... rora. fiukiln .....4. " CeaX O.M.C OrwMn .... OrtmRi'Loffta . A A A B lAnlin IffTTTSDUU. ......... Western representatives for tho Mason & UunUitL, Kranlch & llach, Krakauer, Kimball, Hush & Lnne, Cahlc-Nelson and oUier lending makes. Mobiloil A grade jor each type of motor The various grades, refined and filtered to remove free carbon, are: Gar coylo MoblloH " A," Garftoyle Mobiloil "B," GarAoyle Mobiloil "D," Gargoyle Mobiloil " E," Gargoyle Mobiloil " Arctic." They arc put up in 1 and 5 gallon sealed cans, In half-barrels and barrels. They are sold throughout the world. All aro branded with tho Gargoyle, which is our mark of manufacture. The dealers listed below carry ample Btocks of Gargoyle Mobllotls and are provided with our complete chart of recommendations. This will enable them to select the correct grade for your car. VACUUM OIL CO., Rochester, U. S. A. DETROIT nard EUf. BRANCHES! . BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA 49 rrdeftl St. 29 BrotJwir FliberBldf. h A Cbertnit tu. IndUM Pjlblto BMf. Dhtributinz nvarehouits in thi principal cilia qf tht nutrU llolton HliKbW "".. .H,C(i!r).....'. " (tW)...w UUrMtlond. ....... Irtmtsu,...n.i. I kxu. ....,... luU. ...... jKktOJ ttcni. 4...VI - HW Kilty. KtDr 6rrirM..... Klwl-Ku "' Caal,,.. Kiln. Kir Knot. Kri I....- lincta laeotnobfli... . Lttitt..,.. Muk .)..,,.. Minoni ...... . ...... UtnnoQ. . ......... H(ilbf....... IUiwH(ictI) .... .. . 858::::: pSimfcdiir.':: mntntu. .., Mooas. ...... it. Nufcxul,,.; Ollmolfl,,...;,., OmUM,. ........ Ftdouil i.,.. Ptltt Dotted. Pmhtrd,. , " "KbUM. iSlhtadtr,'. Norton HaroiArmr...., " " Coal, tettHMtferi.... Pnmloi...... ... ISiDmta RunU RipM.... iuVmj fttpl Ronuitt 8uS:v.v.v.v.::: BoMm Corvtn Ctmplei ..fc.. 8vmihQ.,. cunuy...,. GtttTM. " "KnW... SlmnoDunr...,, StVltrd'Dnori , . , . , 'KkIiM' StudtUlnr........ Cloii........ .... Utlur WumDttntt..... WMt(Ou)., WlflVMI. , lAnlAnUn A D Ait. AlAR ArclAre A lAre UrelArc roJAro Bin lArtlAm B S A Art lArcjArt lArolAra AreUnJAreUre relAre E B Arc io ArclAn lAitlAre D A 6 UrcJArblArUr llKlAKUrtlAniArc A A A lArelARlArelAK AkIakIAn. lAreJAn JAftJArt ArtlArc A A ArelAre A A A B A X A A Are (Art hnlAnlArc Ure. IARIAr aV'1aV A A lArclArd LVrelAK aVc' IARIAR toil aTak" Arc lAra lArelArcUrt A lAr. AitUrclAre J A A A A A B A A D A .reJAnhrelAre. lArelArt A lAre lAMlAreUnlAn. B UrelArc UrelArc. A A Ure A A UrelAre B lAre Ure UnlAre Art B A ArelAre lArt ArtlArt UkIAk UrelAre lAre Are, Arc B A UrelAre llAreUrelArcrclAlKUtt UreJ .relArc A lAMJArutre. Ure A A A A Ure. ArelAre, A IAR. ArelAre. ... A A Un. A A Are I Are A Arc I .iArelAi. E A A A A B Am Art Are, Art, lAre. i' Ure. ArelAre. Ure Are ArelAre B Arelre. ArelAfc K ArelAre Ure AN A lAfC UreUniAnlAriUi AM UreiAre Are UrelAre UrelM A A A HreJArel UreUrc A UrelAre A A Are Ure LAreUroJAre. lArtlArclArclAreUn. rtlArtUrelAKlNrtlAro. UreJ ArelArelArtlAre Un. ArelArelArelArelAm LAttl A UreJ 1A UreJAre ... I jAreUrelAtclArclAJfc Pre? A Ure B Art, Ure. A Ure Are, A A Urt Aft (Arc' Arc Act UrelAre. AftiArcl UrelAreiAitt. UrelAre A D A iArelAreUreUm lAraiAre 11 JArcJAre Id Id Art Un. A A Art Arc. Arc. Att. UrelAre. A Ure. Urc A Ure. Ure, A Ure. Arc UtlAre. jAre. E Ure. A Ure. A A A ArelAre Are. UreJAre. Um. IAiC Am A A Aia ArelAre, IAR. cite Motorists in and around Omaha and Lincoln can secure Gargoyle Mobiloils from STANDARD OIL COMPANY hub. Concentrate your advertising in The Bee There is a Bee in almost every home. Ftrtt ChU. Iht Warld Ovtr x Vagrant Saazer Hop Gardens Anheuser-Busch imports more Saazer Hops than all ciKtrhrewm. Its dhisexdurive Saazer Hop flavor that placw! their master brew Budweiser Absolutely ALONE at theTop of the world's bottled beers. The supreme quality and purity of Budweiser come from our brewing arid aging only from the choicest Barley and rarest Saazer Hops. Our plant is the largest and finest ij u j .1 . tu uic www ana our ouipui is me greatest. Bottled only at the home pl ant in St Louis .Anheuser-Busch Brewery St.louis. AnfconMr-Quieh Co. of Ml), joa. E. Boinfm, DUtrlbu Slatrlbutor, Omaha, Web. tor. Council Slnffa, Iowa.