2 THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, M Y 21, VWl Ribbon Novelties You won't find goods of this character anywhere else in the city. They are made here in the store by an expert, Mrs. David, and can't be compared with the ordinary factory made product sold in most places. Ribbon flowers, ribbon vanity cases, hair ornaments, sashes. Many of them made up. Orders taken fr any kind of work. Bridal veils made to order at a cost of from $4.50 upwards, depending upon how elaborate the design. Embroidered Handkerchiefs All linen hand embroidered, 25c to $5. Dainty designs which make very accept able graduation gifts; a price to please every one. Summer Neckwear New low cut style of lace collars, Swiss embroidered collars, fancy collars with jabots attached, cuff and collar sets, lace chemisettes, lace jabots. A very pleasing display. , Graduation Fans Bone and pearl sticks, hand decorated, all colors, many beautiful designs, $5 to $15. Celluloid Fans, 25c and 50c. . Announcing A Very Special Sale of Beautiful Colored Dress Voiles Thursday Particulars in this paper Wednesday night I HOWARD HENRY . M. FLAGLER IS DEAD Xailroad Magnate Dies at Hii Hoihe in Florida. ELL FOB SEVERAL WEEKS lie Fell Dntrn a Flight of Stairs and Ills Recovery Had Not Detn Kx pected niarhtr-Three Venn Old. WST PALM BEACH, Flo., May 3X Henry M. Flajler, aged S3, capitalist and railroad magnate, died at his winter homo hero this morning alter an Illness of sev eral week. Mr. Flagler recently (ell down a flight of steps at his home and because of bis advanced age hli recovery "had not been anticipated. Henry AI. Flagler was born at Canan datgua, N. V., In UN. Little la known of his early life except that ho waa cleric In a country grocery In Orleans county, Michigan, while In hla teens. Later ho removed to Saginaw, Mich., where he en gaged In the manufacture of salt Becoming Interested In the possibilities of the petroleum Industry, ho removed to Cleveland, Q., where he organised the company or Rockefeller, Androws & Flag ier, engaging In the refining of oil. The Standard Oil company waa the outgrowth of this venture and Mr. Flagler has ro xnalned actively connected with tho man- 6i6d Recipes to Cut Out and Keep The approved recipes will often como In very handy. They are simple and ef fective and should bo kept for emergen clea. To insure Restful Steep 1 glass hot milk, 1 tableapoonful of Duffy's pure molt whiskey. Sweeten to taste. Heat the milk to the boiling point, add the sugar, then the whiskey. Invalid's Egg Nog Beat together the yolk of ono egg and two teaspoonfuls of Du Try's pure malt -whiskey till almost a custard, add very slowly a glass of fresh milk and sweeten to Unto, strain Into a large glass. Put on top of the eggnog the beaten white of tho egg. For faver Patients Take half a tumbler of any good syrup left from canned fruit, aspberry and grape juice are especially good, add three teaspoonfuls of Duffy's pure malt whis key, a few lumps of loo. Fill up tho glasa with plain cold water or with any good mineral water. RUPTURE Made strong and well la a few day without a surgical operation or loss of time. Our work Is guaranteed. Call or writs for particulars. Prs. "Wray & Matb 7, m Bm Sid.. 3?MHROtVY0URTQ w W r sjsssssa. i AND SIXTEENTH STREETS agement of tho great corporation 'since Its Inception. In 1886 Mr. Flagler paid his first visit to Florida and became Impressed with the business possibilities presented there by the railroad field, In connection with the development of winter resorts. FIVE THOUSAND GUARD ST. ANDREWS' GOLF LINKS ST. ANDItEWS, Scotland, May 29. This little town Is almost In a stato of siege as tho result of threats uttered by the militant suffragettes that they will destroy tho putting grounds and thus render play Impossible in tho world's amateur golf championship which Is to be competed for here nest week. The most lntenso excitement prevails among tho townspeople, who depend largely for their prosperity upon the golt links, white tho members of tho Royal and Ancient Oolf club alto are extremely anxious. They and the citizens have or ganised a vigilance committee, whoso members together with 8,000 volunteers will guard the greens nlglit and day. The general anxiety becomes keener every day, as It Is thought that tho mili tant suffragettes may refrain from de livering their attack until tho last mo ment, when It would bo impossible to repair the damage. As It Is understood that tho women will uso vitriol to de stroy tho greens, all the sentries sta tioned there have provided themselves with largo umbrellas to prevent tho cor rosive fluid being thrown into their faces. Tho River Tay routes, by which tho links are reached from Dundee, a hot bed of suffragettes, are closely guarded and to make assurance doubly sure, a powerful searchlight has been mounted on the railroad bridge, the light from which sweeps tho links, tho roads and the river nightly. P0RFIRI0 DIAZ REFUSES TO TALK ABOUT RETURN PARIS, May Sa-deneret Porforlo IMax, former president of Mexico, who li itay. lnr nt a hotel hr. declines to make a Utement In reply to Inquiries aa to the arrival of a delegation from Mexico to offer him the pr!dncy. The report current yeiterd&v in unna, Spain, on thli subject waa founded on statements made by officers of th steamer Yplranga. They said passairea t6 Europe on board that vessel wera en. g-aited as Ion ago as January for a dele. ration vrnicn was to be sent to General Dla In the name of all the factions In Mexico to offer him the presidency. SPOKANE AUT0ISTS TO WORK ON THE ROADS SPOKANE, Wash.. May SX-Flve nun dred Spokane automobile owners will don overalls and Jumpers on Saturday, 'May U, and will spend the day aa common laborers, smoothing- out the rough spots In the highways of Spokane county. Governor Ernest Llter by proclama tion has set apart that day for a state wide observance of good roads principles. Many, public schools will hold exercises In which the benefits of better highways will be told. Cure (or Ntouiarli Disorders. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by these tablets. For tJ bp all Caalam Advertisement TOKIO PAPERS PRINT EXTRAS Newt of Signing of Land Bill it Re ceived Quietly. FRIENDLY SOLUTION EXPECTED Brrrrtnrr of Amrrlcnn Emhnasy Oil la on Ilnron Mnklno nnd Out lines Position of the Unltrd Mtntrs. TOKIO, May 20,-The news that the California alien land ownership bill had been signed by Governor Johnson was received here with regret, although It had been discounted In official and non official circles. It was hoped up to the last moment, however, that Washington's Intervention would prove successful. The newspapers published extrn editions with the announcement that the bill had been signed. Tho efforts of th Japanese govern ment are concentrated at present In pa cifying public opinion, but the task Is regnrded In many quarters as a mom difficult one than at the tlmo of the California school controversy. ' Since the death of tho old Japanese emperor tho authority of the government has steadily diminished, and tho spirit of democracy Is augmenting throughout the empire. Arthur Hallly-Dlnnchanl, secretary of the United States embassy, visited Baron i Mikado, the Japanese foreign minister, to day and reiterated the determination of the United States government to exert an effort In order to find a friendly and satisfactory solution of the question. Ho 1 emphasized the fact that It was a Call- I fornlan and not an American question and thanked the Japanese government for its friendliness and for Its efforts to restrain tho excitable public opinion of Japan. Mny Find .Inltillnn, It Is generally believed -nere that Wash ington will find a solution of tho prob lem, but the more conservative elements In Japan nro now rehearing tho public agitation for equal treatment of the Japanese. They declare that the racial Issue, which it Is contended Is Involved, and the steady recurrenco of antl-Jap-aness' bills In California should receive "baslo curative treatment." A prominent official said today: "The Japanese feel that their national honor Is Involved. The present question will bo solved peaceably, but what Is needed to assure the permanence of our tradi tional ' friendship Is a change of heart In some Americans toward the Japanese." Wonlil TnU- Itln-lit from States, i WA8HINOTON, May M.-Reprcsenta- Uve Barthold of Missouri announced to- ' day that ho purposes to Introduce next , Friday a resolution to empower congress to loglslato exclusively on all questions affecting tho rights of aliens residing In 1 the United States. Tho purpose of the measure would bo to prevent Individual i states from passing laws which might , cause friction with foreign countries. Lack of federal control, ho sold, affect- J Ing tho ability of the government to carry out a treaty In ail Its Integrity was a polpablo defect. WILSON IS URGED TO YETO SUNDRY CIVIL APPROPRIATION BILL (Continued on Page Two.) ment upon the spectacle presented to us In the closing days of the lost congress, whon both tho house nhd senate , passed the sundry civil appropriation bill con taining, tho provision that no funds ap propriated for the use of tho Department of Justice In prosecuting violators of the Sherman act, should he used for the purpose of prosecuting these defiant com binationsa bill which William Howard Taft promptly vetoed, Tho Kmc bill Is pending again, having ben promptly passed by the house In the special ses sion. And this Is the way the party In power starts out to moke good its boasted slogan of "Equal rights for all, privileges to none!" Industrial 'Workers Itoaatcd. Ileferrlng t otho Industrial Workers of the World as being supplemental to tho American Federation of Labor, Mr. Klrby said: "Against these forces of evil, domtstlo nnd alien, we must stand tllnt-llke In our resolve that our government Is and must be a government of law, "If aa a result of radical and Ill-advised tariff legislation we sutfor business de pression and the loss of opportunity to labor," he sold In conclusion, "the after math, like recent floods, will plainly bo visible and the remedy sharp and 6t delve. But this Is not tho caso with re spect to tho Insidious class legislation which is creeping upon us. R-rperlenev teaches us that once such legislation Is Incorporated In statute law, it Is written there to stay." Supreme Court Stands by Order PIERllB, a D., May S0.-(8peclal Tele gram.) The disbarment 6f O. P, Harben of Platte about two years ago waa of more than usual Interest, especially In the southern part of the state, where hu had been prominent aa an attorney and politician for years. The supreme court this morning decldely refused to modify the disbarment order on the application of Harben, the bar of Charles Mix county making a strong protest against any such action. FIFTY-SEVEN ARRESTS MADE AT PATERSON PATEltSON, N. J.. May .-Flfty-seven arrests were made today In the vicinity of Price silk mills, to which the hands returned yesterday In the face of pro tests of the Industrial Workers of the World leaders conducting the strike. Twelve hundred or more strikers and others gathered In the streets near the mill today to Jeer the workers. There, was no actual violence and those arrested were taken In because they refused to "move on." Three of the prisoners taken were women, one with a baby In her arms. She waa Immediately paroled. PASSI0NIST MONK IS MADE A BISHOP HODOKBN, N. J., May M.-Tbo Rev. Paul J. Nussbaum, a monk In the Mon astry of Passlonlsts here, laid aside to day the coarse black habt of his order which he has worn for a quarter of a century and put on the purple of sv Roman Catholic bishop. He has been appointed by the pope to be bishop of the dioces of Corpus Chrlstl, Tex., and he Is tht first of these missionaries to be raised to the purpls with Jurisdiction la this A Fortunate Purchase Enables Us to Offer You Rare Values in Linens Wednesday ON MAIN FLOOR WEST END. Our New York buyer secured these lots from n linen importing house at a price far less than their actual value. Positively tho three biggest bargains in town Wednesday $3.00 BED SPREADS in Beau- tiful Designs, in Mexican Size 72x90-in., plain hem or scalloped edge a special spread that will launder beautifully; a remarkable bargain event. 44 "TURKNIT" and "MESHKNIT" WASH CLOTHS All Perfect Goods Size 12x12 cloths that sell everywhere for 5c. Limit of ten to a ciiBtomer and a wonderful special bargain; at, each Wednesday is Drapery Department 150 Sofa PIIIowb, c'overod with Bilk volour, wool tapestry, damask and other fine drap ery goodti whilo they last, Wednesday at, 5 1 O C each 4&0 Plain Marquisettes nnd Voiles, in white, ivory and Arab col ors, DO plocoe of our 30c and 39c grades; at, tho f p yard IOC 250 Pairs of Scrim Curtains trimmed with C-Inch lace spe cial for Wednesday (j E A at, pair p X sOU 4 Big Special 10 patterns of our regular 7c Wall Papers; at, O roll Ot Untrimmed Japanese Panama Hats Black and White Hemp Hats In tho popular poko shape, S2.50 Pansics for Trimming Light and dark shades, clusters of u to 12. at 75 Women's and Children's Rntino Hat for outing, at 98J SCHWAB CORRECTS HIS STORY Now Says Illinois Company Was Not Competitor of Carnegie. NOT IN STEEL ,RAIL POOL Proportion Did Not Appeal to Hliu There Have Been No Tool Since the Combine Wm OrRnnlaed. NEW YOJVK, May 20.-Ctmrles M. Schwab resumed tho witness stand today for further cross-examination by govern ment counsel In the suit to dissolve tho United States steel corporation. Boforo being questioned by Judge Jacob M. Dickinson, the government attorney, ho asked permission to correct the tes timony ho had given yesterday" to the effect that tho llllaols Steel company and tho Carnegie Bteel company, sub sidiaries of the so-called trust, wero competitors before they were absorbed. He said today that the Illinois company manufactured "only small parts" and was not In reality a competitor of the Carnegie company. The existence of competition between these two concerns Is one oi tne im portant points In the government's case against the corporation. Mot Interested ! Pools. Judge Dickinson asked about certain pool agreements on rails in isfi. ine witness admitted that the Carnegie Steel company, of which he was then presl- dent, had some agreements of that kind. Tho government then read a minute which set forth that English rati manu facturers proposed to allot 100.000 tons of rails to tho Carnegie company In Eng land and Canada. 'You say you never heard of an In ternational steel tall pool. What was that?" he askedv "Oh, that did not appeal to us." Mr. Schwab said. "It was not big enogh. I never considered the proposition. Rus sia, Germany and France all made rails and would have to be dealt with In making such a pool." "There were pools going on all the time, weren't thereT" "Yes, all the time." "Dut when the steel corporation was formed they stopped?" " "They stopped." Another minute read by Judge Dickin son Indicated that the Carnegie com pany had agreed to stay out of the gir der rail market for one year, for a consideration of $130,000. 'We stayed out chiefly because we were not In a condition to compete." said Mr. Schwab, "but we nut un good front and got the iOo.ooa.' COLUMBUS TAKES VOTE TO HAVE SUNDAY BALL COLUMBUS, Neb.. May 20.-8pec!al Telegram.) A light vote was cast at the special election held here today, at whloh four propositions were voted on. The re sults are: Sunday base ball, 4SS for, ISO agalmti majority. XS. Ten thousand-dollar waterworks bonds, 406 for, 147 against. Site of Carnegie library In the city park, U3 for, VX against It Is understood that the city has been offered a free sit for tta lifers? UsUdtma 18x54-inch DRESSER SOARFS of Mexican Lace, Scalloped. . . . Lace, Also 36x36 Bargain Day on Art Needlework Dept. Pure Linen Library Scarfs, Conterploces and Pillow Tops, stamped on natural color linen with hand knotted np fringe; at, each mOC Perl Luster Crochet Cotton in whito and ecru" color equal in luster and finish to D. M. C. all sizes; at, tho i t ball iUC OOc Stamped Pillow Cases In spray, floral and conventional designs; at, tho pair 25c Tree lessons every day, 8 to Si30, la all branches of art needlework Bargains in Wall Paper--3rd Floor 20 patterns of our regular lOo Wall Papers; at, c r611 C Bed Room Papers, all styles grade at, roll Scoros of the Japanese Sun Bleached Panamas of fine qual ity! The newest and most pop ular outing and mid summer shapes, at $5 Daisy Wreaths Ton beautiful satin daiBles in the now wreath effects, now corn shade, wisteria, Saxo bluo, bronzo and new shades of A q greon, worth 75c. at TrlC mmii BRANDEIS STORES HMV&V Blanco Will Attack Brownsville Today RROWNSVII.LE, Tex., May 30,-Gen-eral Luclo Blanco, In command of tho constitutionalists In Tumaullpos, today announced he would make one more re quest of Major EBtcrban Ramos to sur render tho fcdoral garrison at Mata moraB, and In the event of refusal ho would attack tho Mexican border city probably tomorrow at dawn. Ramos has said If tho Insurgent leader sends another request for surrender he will shoot the messenger. Blanco also asked that all non-combatants, espe cially foreigners, retire from Matamoraa. Blanco Is said to have 1,300 men 'at Rio Bravo, while Ramos' forces are believed to number 1,000, H0RSETHIEVES MAKE ESCAPE AFTER STEALING A TEAM PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., May .-(Special.) Saturday night two highwaymen stole a team and buggy from a farmer named Roberts, near Lincoln and drove tho team to within a mile, of Platts n.outh where they hitched It to a tree. While the men slept, It Is supposed tho team broke loose. The horses wero found by Henry Born who neglected to notify the officers In tlmo to apprehend tha criminals. Tho local lodge of tho Tel Jed Sokol society held Us twentieth anniversary at Its hall here Sunday. Mayor Saltier made the address of welcomo to the visiting Sokols which was responded to by Colonel .William Holly, president of the local camp. J. Sterba, athletic director of tho South Omaha lodge, was present and made an Interesting talk on the benefits of the order. Music was fur nished by a vocal quartet from Omaha and Holly's orchestra of this city. HEAD TAX ON CHINESE LABORERS IS PROFITABLE VANCOUVER, B. C. May .-Notwlth-standlng Premier McBrlde's ' repeated declarations for a white British Columbia, the revenues of the province are profiting more than ever by the Immigration of the Chinese. The number coming In during the lost fiscal year was greater than In any preceding year, according to figures published today. Altogether 7,745 Chinese entered, mostly through Vancouver, and nearly .all to ro dents, merchants, etc. The remainder paid tax at J500 per capita, aggregating 53,349.441, half of which Is paid Into the British Columbia treasury. The total Chinese population of Canada Is now 30,000, more than two-thirds of whom are In British Columbia. The Immigration of Japanese Is limited to 400 annually, for which no head tax Is charged. ELECTION FRAUDS ARE ATTEMPTED AT DENVER DENVEQ. Cola, May JO. Sample bal- ' lots, market in the Interest of two candl dates tor commlsstonershlp at today's election, were found wrapped with the offleial supplies sent to the election of ficials at one voting precinct District Attorney John A. Rush announced that he would bring the Incident to the atten tion of the grand Jury, which will be In tfels aXtarMooa for U express 29c and 45x45-inch Mexican lace table covers to match the spreads, sell regularly for 50c. 2c Our Third Floor Rug Department 0x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs floral, Oriental and medallion design an extra good wearing rug, worth up to d o 7tL $20.00, at J 13. ZD" 0x12 Brussels Rugs Good lino of patterns in the moat desir able colors, worth up to $15.00 special $8 75 Axmlnster Rugs 27x60 size in floral and Oriental patterns all the new colorings are m represented at $2,25 30c Gold Papers- 15c suitable for parlor, dining room, 8c etc;, at, roll. "Dust-No" Garment Bags For furs, suits, coata, dresses, etc. Thoy are dust proof, moth proof and moisture proof. Tho "Dust-No" Garmont Bags are made of specially prepared blue paper which protects the garments and will keep whito materials from turing yellow. They open on the eldo. Several garments can bo kept in one bag. Last for years. 2 7x4 0-inch Bags for shirt waists, jackets and children's clothes, OOc 27x60-inch Bags for business, out ing and dress suits, skirts, etc. 75c 27xG0-lnch Bags for dresses, coats, gowns, overcoats, etc., at.... OOc a0x6G-inch Bags for fur coats and largo garments, at $1.00 purpose of hearing charges or fraud, Minor disturbances occurred In various parts of tho city during the forenoon. - Live Chickens Under Boycott NEW YORK, May M.-Twenty car loads of live chickens, 4,000 chickens to, the car, were being held In Jersey City today because angry Jobbers refused' to receive them. Hardly a live chicken was handled by dealers yesterday. The trouble arose over a recent complaint ol Jobbers that receivers wero stuffing chickens' crops with sand and gravel to make up for shrinkage sustained In transit. Until receivers agree to aban don the, practice the dealers sav thv will boycott all live poultry. Ordinarily aDout 1H..W0 live fowls are handled dally. SENTENCED TO FIFTEEN YEARS ON FORGERY CHARGE CEDAR RAPIDS, la., May .-Vac!av Flldar, alleged check forger who was arrested In Chicago, charged with swindling local banks out of hundreds of dollars, pleaded guilty today In dis trict court and was sentenced to fifteen years' Imprisonment. Lndifc Notice. All members of Nebraska lodge No. S5t, I. O. B. B are requested to attend . 7Ln flmfirB, nr nur i,ro,hr . 8enstock( from th8 reeldence Har. tneU Wednesday at 2 o'clock. By ,,,, , ,. ' A. J. MILLER, Secretary. Carrier nnd Postrannters, WASHINGTON, May 20.-(Speclal Tele gram.) James O. McConnell was ap. pointed rural carrier for route 1 at Boradlsh, Neb. ' Inex L. Hanson was appointed post master nt Ellsworth, Hamilton count', la., vice. O. Q. Nelson, resigned. Montana Land Officials. WASHINGTON, May 20.T-(8pedal Tele gram.) President Wilson sentt o the sen ate today the following nominations: To be register of the land ofllca at j Lewlston, Mont, Harry J. Kelly of Mon- To be receiver of publlo moneys at Lew lston, Mont, Abraham Hogeland of Mon tana. Your Blood Needs the purifying effects of Hoods Barsaparllla NOW. Get It today. We Will Save You Money on High Class Furniture We aro out of ttoa high rent district, but not out of High-class Goods. We sell retail or from factory to you. Goods de livered im Omaha without oxtra expense. Ask about our From-Factory-to-You plan. DURFEE FURNITURE CO. 205-207 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Located in J. G. Wood ward Candy Co. Blk. Neal 3 Day Liquor Treatment Is Guardnteed No matter what your opinion or preju dice may be, the fact remains that the NEAL 3-DAY DRINK TREATMENT does the work, thoroughly eliminating every vestige of tho stored up nlcoliolto poison from the system In Just threo days, leaving the patient In the condition he was in before taking the first drink. This result Is guaranteed at the end of threo days. Instead of taking a four to seven weeks' course of hypodermic injections, the worst cases nre entirely restored to mmial condition by the NEAL TREAT MENT In exactly threo days and satis faction guaranteed. This guarantee of satisfaction is backed by a responsible concern with 11,000,000 capital. DRUG ADDICTIONS gwag cessful drug treatment yet known. Like his NEAL 3-DAY LIQUOR CURE, It Is an Internal treatment, composed of harm less vegetable medicine. From 2 to 3 weeks Is generally sufficient to complete ly conquer any case of drug addiction. Consultation, advice nnd Booklet froe no obligation whatever. Address Neal In stitute, 1S02 So. 10th St., Omaha. Neb. A SwtH Affair Toothache Gum STOPS TOOTHACHE Instantly Used by Million! tha Woild Over. All dms stores or by mail. 1 5c C. 8. OCNT A CO.. DETROIT, MICH. Swallow's Nests a la Chinese Recipe: Order in advance from Pekln architect Put In salt over night and let simmer slowly down to nothing. Then call for spring lamb with mint sauce at the Wdodmen Cafeteria 14TB A2TS PABKAK STREETS. AMUSEMENTS The Original "Always Opsn" Theater ceAll Summer Mechanically Fsrfsot Projection of JUST bot'8 MOVIES JSS?rigs Only Show Indorsed by the "Roomy seat and High Celling" Association, noon to 11 Jf. M. Hfll Time OC Cabaret Pao,Aft., Br "WOnxIl CLIMDINTJ THE HILL" Mat., loo , io-aoo Tabloid Musical Comadr A-KNiaitT- FOH-A-DAY DAILT AT to. 7U0 AND 1:00 P. M. Every Say la IToon to 11 p. M. XTewest In MOTION PICTURES and EUI801T8 "TAXiXnSSn Special Today "Votes for Womm" A Talking Picture Presenting Noted Suffragettes. Changes Snnday, Tuesday and Thnrsday. BRANDEIS Theater TcmiQnx Aire wxotnssnAT Mme. Kenny Lipzin ASTS COSCPAMT Tomoirr lovzrro hearts. Wed. A KOTHBS'S BEVENOD BASE BALL OMAHA vs. WICHITA ROUHKE PARK May 20-21-22. Oar XVsaves 18th and rar&aa 2MB. Game Called 8 P. M. empress: . OOHTIKUOUS Cta. ri.r.a.Mbtl VansHU Sluts FMJILy THEATRE VHOToViifs Atwsya OrswastVTasra'a a fuvan Kirl ik-i Ma,ttnVe"lTo'day',a':ao" Wight, 8 130 IHHOOENT UAZOS Beat Burlesque aZTBA Z.A rATTKA 1 t