Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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Harriman, Lines Have New Soheme
About Ready to Submit.
Will I,ef thr SnMn Fr nnl the Went,
crn Paclflp Itnlln of Central
Pacific from- IlenlcLn
to Onklnml.
"Ward reaches Union PaeifliS headqunr
tars that the tww plan providing for the
dissolution of the mnn?er of the Pacific
l alwiiil nnmnletn ami that within
the next two weeks It will be presented
to the State Hallwar commission of Cal
ifornia. It Is also said that It Is along
the lines susgested by former Attorney
General "Wlckersham, and It Is believed
that It will be acceptable to his aticcca
or, Attorner Oneral Mclteynolds of
the "Wilson administration, as there Is
nothing In It that will conflict with the
rights of the government In the railroad
The now plan of dissolution Is being
prepared In the offices of Chairman
Xovctt of the Union I'aelflO executive
committee, and when entirely complete
will be laid before the California commis
sion, with a demand that It bo approved
and accepted.
It Is said that under the new plans Mr.
Lovett agrees that the tinnta. I'c and the
Western Pacific shall have trackage
right over the old Central Pacific, now
a part of the Southern Pacific system,
from Dcnlcla to Oakland, the charges
to be agreed upon by the roads, This
was one of the stumbling blocks of the
plans formerly submitted in the attempt
to secure a dissolution.
Ilrnaon for Ilejertlon.
Under the terms of the old dissolution
plans rejected by the California commis
sion the Union Paolfle touyht to abso
lutely control the Benlcla cut-off, shut
ting out the other roads seeking an
entrance Into Oakland. The commission
pointed out this ntumpt to control, and
ns the Union Pacific would not amend
at that time the rejection by the cornmls
Id on followed.
While nothing positive Is known here,
there Is a belief that with this change
made in tho dissolution plans they will
be satisfactory to the commission, as the
members will have won a point for which
they originally contended.
Whether or not tho change will meet
with tho approval of Attorney General
Mclteynolds Is not known, but the opin
ion prevails that It will as It Is in line
with what was suggested by former At
torney General Wlckersham as being
ample protection of tho government in
terests. Having made tho concession as to
trackage lights over the Benlcla cut-off,
Mr. Lovctt will insist and demand that
the Union Paclflo company become the
absolute owner of tho old Central Paclflo
from Promontory, Utah, west and that
complete control pass to the company
that ho represents. It la not thought
that the California commission or the
government will object to this, for this
is looked upon as a matter that has to
do entirely with the stockholders of the
two railroad companies.
Cats Upset Price.
There Is one raoro point for which Mr.
Ixrvett will contend. Under the old plans
of dissolution, thcrre was a provision that
In taking over, the old Central Pacific,
the Union Paclflo would pay 1103,900,000 as
an upset price. By reasons of having
made concession as to trackage over a
portion of tho road and having agreed to
let other roads Into the Oakland ter
minals, Mr. Lovett takes the position that
lh property Is not worth as much as It
would have been If tho Union Pacific
could have secured an absolute and com
plete monopoly. On this theory, he will
cut the price t be paid down to 131.000,-
roo. lopping off
It Is thought that the California com
mission, nor the attorney general will
not raise any objection to the reduction
In the offer of the Union Pacific It Is
thought that they will take the position
that this lopijlng oft Is something that Is
no affair of the publlo, but Instead, a
matter to be agreed to among the holders
of stock.
Autos Pay Twice as
Much Toll to Cross
Platte as Wagons
Automobiles have to pay twice as much
toll to cross the Platte river bridge at
Plattsmouth, Asnland and Louisville as
do wagons. Tho toll over these bridges
is M cents tor an automobile and S cents
apiece tor each passenger besides tho
driver. The toll tor team and wagon or
buggy, Including driver, la 25 cents, whllo
for each passenger on additional 6 cents
is charged.
The Douglas street bridge over the Mis
souri river, owned by the Omaha &
Council Bluffs street railway company,
charges a straight toll alike for autos
and wagons, of 15 cents for vehicle and
driver with an additional 6 cents for each
passenger. While the automobile owners
have paid the double rate on the Platte
river bridges for years they have never
made any organised complaint, and are
not yt disposed to do so, although some
of them feel there is no good reason whv
they should pay more than the driver
or a team.
Some of the Platte bridges sn nwnH
by private individuals who fix the tolls
to suit themselves. The Plattsmouth
bridge is owned by Ralph Duff of, Ne
braska City, and Pollook of l'lutt.mmith
The argument at the Plattsmouth bridge
Is that an auto should pay more toll be
cause the bridge must be kept clear
ot horses when tho car is solnir over.
The argument is that thore Is danger
or scaring horses with the autos. Of
recent years the auto drivers are die
poked to smile at this argument In view
or me xact that practically all horses
now-a-days are as much familiar with
automobiles as they are with wagons
ana Buggies, and there is no longer any
canger or their shying off the bridge.
Besides the bridge is well protected bv
good railings that would avoid any
danger of their Jumping Into the river.
Then again, there are aldinira on th
bridge where teams and autos may puss
one anotner.
Cass of the United States government
against William Murray and Louis A
Grossman, charged with white slavery
will probably go to the Jury some time
today Grace Addlngton. who. It is
alleged by the government, was trans,
ported to Memphis for immoral purposes
Was on the Stand yesterday, aa uhj
Vlrsie Burkett Their testimony was
Identical with that given in the prellral
nary hearing before Commissioner Her
fesrt Daniel.
Philip Johnston of Dundee was winner
of first place In the Haskell oratorical
contest, held at ricllevue college Friday
evening. Johnston Is a freshman In the
arts department of the college nnd was
the only member of the freshman class
to make the collego debating teams which
competed In the Intercollegiate debates
with Cotncr nnd Donno early In the
spring. His gratlon Friday even
ing, 'The Strength of Govern
ment," tok first place In tho
npnual freshman-sophomore oratorical,
known as "the Haskell oratorical," after
the donor of the prlxos, Mr. J, D. Has
kell, or wakcrield. Johnston was
awarded the prlxe of J15 provided for
first, and Otto Brandt, a sophomore, was
awarded the prlzo of $10, provided for
winner of second honors.
Ilelatlvcs of Edward J. Williams, 4331
McReo avenue, Bt Iuls, Mo., aro nn-
xlously seeking his whereabouts. A let
ter reaching Omaha says that his "mother
Is seriously 111 over his absence and that
his wife, children and father have all
been looking for his return since he left.
A reward Js offered to anyone who lo
cates the missing man and apprises his
relatives at the above numbers.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Doctors, Nurses
Grocers and ffoutewivM
agree that for dclicloiia flayor and nutritive
' value combined no other food quite equals
Washington CRISPS
QB The DIG Pacbge of Touted Com Fhkce
Missouri Pacific Proves Its Superiority
Through Service Rendered the Philadelphia
Chicago Grand Opera Company
IT IS doubtful if any pasacnKcr movement was ever handled
on any line more successfully tfmn wna tho ChlcoRO-rUHa-delphln
Grand Opera movement from Denver to SU IxmU,
via Wichita and Kaunas City, on the Missouri Pacific during
Tho fact that these Grand Opera stars, who have traveled
extensively, praised Missouri Pacific service very highly, will
serve to convoy to the render tho quality of sendee the Mis
souri l'aclflj renders its patrons.
Tho management received letters complimenting tho
service from a number of thoso most prominently connected
with this Opera Company. Space will permit us to reproduce
tho letter written by the General Manager, Mr. Andreas
Dlppel, only:
Sn Route i April 16th, 1913.
mb. j. a. Ho&iisxaisox,
Oenars.1 Passenger Agent,
Missouri Paclflo Railway, Saint Xiouls.
Bear Bin The service riven the Orand Opera,
Company by ths Missouri XHtoiflo in oonneottou with tha
movement from Denver to Wlohlta and Wlohlta to
Kansas City was so good that Z want to give yon this
word of appreciation. Za every particular this was one
of tha most successful movements ws have aver mads.
Tour new track is oerta: ily fine and your trainman
wars exceptionally polite and aooonuuodaUng.
Ztvary member of tha company was especially
pleased with your dining oar servioe.
In view of this splendid servioe ws have arranged
to use your Una to St. Louis, whar ws will till our
next engagement.
Tours very truly,
Oenaral Managar Ohloago Orand Opera Co.
Almost three hundred people were concerned in this
movement, wldch has handled on two handsomely equipped
rains, .v most einoorme tuning
9 Not i
1 n moveme
a minute was lost In
movement covering more than
9 single complaint was made.
Board of Examiners to Be Created
and Licenses to Be Issued.
Council Decides (lint City Officer
Most 1'ny for Telephones In Use
In Their Hnmea No
"Slotr-l'p" Minna.
C. H. Wlthnell, head of the olty de
partment of fire protection and water
supply, has drafted and Introduced before
the council an ordinance creating a board
of examiners for firemen and providing a
license for firemen to operate plants
where they Rre employed. The ordinance
will be discussed at a meeting of the
committee of tho whole Monday.
if this ordinance passes It will obviate
tho necessity of Janitors now running
boiler plants applying for an engineer's
Jlcense. being first roqulred to take an
examination. Wlthncll's ordinance amends
tho existing ordinances.
The ordinance Is recommended and en
dorsed by the local union of firemen, and
will be of great value to them, they say.
They will urge the council to pass It.
The provisions of tho ordinance wcro not
Notes of t nunell Mertlnsr.
Protests against erection of a flro en
gine house at Nineteenth and Harney
streets were placed on file.
An ordinance providing that bakers may
sell bread In any size loaves If the weight
of each loaf was stamped was placed on
Bids for a motorcycle for Officer Ford,
who Is detailed to Commissioner Kugel's
department, were opened, read and re
ferred. J. L. Kohler's request for license to
operate a Ixiol hall at Twentv.fnllrth mil
Fort streets, was formally denied, after 1
women of the vicinity had protested. I
Mrs. C. W. Hayes of tho Woman's club.!
asked the commission to appropriate ;
money lor ina erociion ot "siow-up" siglib
near the public schools. The communica
tion was placed on file.
Petition for the extonslon of tho boula
vard on Twenty-second street to the
south city limits was placed on file upon
recommendation of Commissioner Hum
mel of the department of parks.
Hocommendatlon of the committee of
tho whole that the chief of police and
the city electrician hereafter pay tho rent
of tho telephones In their homes was
adopted. Commissioner WIthnell's request
for a direct lino telephone In his office
was withdrawn.
The banquet that will be given to Judge
Kennedy will take place on the afternoon
of May 31, and, whllo the Commercial
oluh has not been definitely decided upon,
It la thought that If will be hold there.
Seven Judges of tho district coufts, the
Juvenile, authorities and . tho Social Ser
vice board are tho entertainers.
irity I
Inhia- I
car service was furnished.
the schedule of theso trains in
a thousand miles and not a.
Drs. Mach & Mach
aocassor to Bailey ft Madi
Tn largest and best equipped dental
office in Omaha, Experts in charge of
I1,1.. work. moderate prices. Porcelain
fillings Just like the tooth, All Instru
ments sterilised after using.
3d floor Paxtoa Slock, Omaha, (Tab,
im i
Holdup Foiled by
Concealed Pocket
August Pffefncr, living at the Oxford
hotel. 114 Far nam street, was held up
at Bleventh and Davenport Tuesday
morning ami relieved of an open-faced
watch. The thieves failed to secure IIS)
which Pfeffner had coneealed In a spe
cially constructed pocket of his vest. The
watch was valued at US.
Persistent Advertising Is the Iload to
nig Ileturns.
Too Terrible to Describe. Tortured
by It Since Childhood.
"Washington, D. C, Feb. 12, 1913
"Since early childhood I have suffered
untold mlsory with that terriblo torture,
eczema, on the hacks of my handB and
fingers. I have npont hundreds of dol
lars on treatments and consultations
and bought every known remody, but
could not bo cured. My hands would
crack open, ofttlmes showing the liga
ments, and tho skin would stick to the
Inside of my gloves,
"The Itching was too terrible to de
scribe and sleep was possible only when
In an exhausted condition. This winter
I had given up all hope of ever finding
a cure, when I henrd of lteilnol nnd
purchased some. Tho results were per
fectly marvelous. I used three Jars of
Heslnol Ointment, with Ileslnol Soap,
nnd my hands aro perfectly cured. 1
cannot find words strong enough to
praise Itcslnol and what It has done for
nlo. I wish everyono needing relief
from that stubborn and torturing af
fliction would give Ileslnol a trial. I
shall be pleased to nnswur any In
quiries." (Signed) Mrs. Hurry O. Jor
boe. 621 E. St.. N. W,
You can try Ileslnol free, for skin
eruptions, pimples, dandruff, stubborn
sores, bolls or plies. Sold by practic
ally every druggist, but for trial wrllo
to Dept. 24-S, Ileslnol, Baltimore, Md.
.Over 400 Shi p
in the
World's Urged blp, will mikt hrr
first trip trora 11AMDUIIO Jum 11,
arrtflnf t H Tork Jum It.
Wednesday. .June 35,11
Baturaay...July 18, 10 a. M.
Saturday Aug. 9, la Woon
and every 3 weeks thereafter.
EntbllDi puilDt!i to arrUa lu
LONDON iiH 1ARIS on sixth oa
la IIAMUURO on tenth dr
Booko now open tor tnton.
H'JPMtoria, May 88, 1 p. m.
Sala'n Aug. Vlo, Mayas, l p.m.
pres. Orant, June 0, 9 a. m.
Cleveland.... Juno 7, 11 a.m.
tfVio. Zioulss, June 10, 10 a.m.
Pres. ilnooln, June 14, 3 a. m.
IIMPennsylvania, Jun 17, 0 a.m.
Amerika. . . .June 19, 10 a. m.
tlmperator. . June 85,11 a. m.
ppaturla. . . June 28, 13 noon
hist cabin only. 'Will call at
noulogne. J2d cab. only. tnew.
HSall from new pier, foot ox
33a Bt.. Bonth Brooklyn.
QlbralUr. Xaple and Genoa.
UTAH steamers of this serv
ice lsava from IW PIBB,
33d St., South Brooklyn. Take
Til. MoUkilWOO ton.)
June 3, 8:S0 a. m.
B. B. Hamburg (11,000 tons)
July 1, 8 p. m.
p. s. Moltka, Julv id, a p. m.
B. B. Hambnrg, Aug. 9, 10 a.m.
- an mis.
V, Cfclcso. HI. M$
L. or Infill art .W 47
. BtV 4 (A W 1Ia.tAAirirt HI
Cospapile General. Transailsntiqus
Tho 5J Day Rout
Dlrsot Rents to 0 eminent
Naw, l rre, fast, turbine
a us
drusle and tvvln aarev
man siaamara
Prom Naw York, Thursdays
La Lorraine- Mot t. Jul 10, Auc 7. 0t .
rTinca iroowj jn s, jun II. Jul tl. Aug 11
gT0l Junt li July I, Julr II. Am
La rrovrnc Jn 17 Jul 17 Auc II, Sep I
Haw, la rYovqusdrupla and twin screw,
one class (11), cabin steamers. Sup
erlor aarvle. Popular prices.
Prom Naw York, Saturdays
Kochmbu-Mr 31, Jul t. Au'i '., Sp ft.
NUfira June II Sep 1, ot 11, Nor I
tilco June II. jluf 1. Aug l. Sept 17.
Montreal Quabaa Hftvre
One Class (1!) Osbln Steamers
rwuai tMaaan In Camilla oiMnfhfitVr Mirk
t Tourln-Iun 11.
Ntagin- Julr 1. Aug li
TnctfttlMaaeacawcaaNraf tMa Baa, Wtm
law ttkgrapk. rafcaurlaa boll (trail aa4 mmo
aaiua iaMr ageUtata.
Kaorios VT. Kosmlaski Oaa. Wj
azn AgU 188 W. Dearborn 8V,
qhiolai. any local Ot ,
3414 ST. EAST
At the focal point
crest of Murray Hill,
tha sea, artificially fed
Mney ftraceor
Striate room
Double rooms
Double. bedrooms, boudoir
dretilng-room and bath
Bultea Parlolr, bedroom and bath
Each room with bath
Nicoll System
of Tailoring
'Ever try it?
Suppose you start today?
It means much to the careful
and economical dresser.
Our extensive buy
ing power supply,
inxr n. chrdn nf flfi
busy stores rrives liTS
us first pick ofeach season's
output. ,
It means a big saving in the
fir3t cost. This, we share with
With a skilled force of expert
cutters and tailors to look after
the details of your order
makes this a safe place to se
lect your Spring attire
Tailored at $25, $30, $35 and up.
NICOIX Thelkilor
W Jerrems' Sons
1100-11 South Fifteenth St,
In vlow of the default In payment of
the Interest due April 1, 1913. on the'
above bonds, the undersigned holding a
large amount of the bonds, believe It Is of
Importance that prompt and concerted
action shall be taken and, therefore, have
consented to act as a committee for the
protection of the Interests of all bond
holders. To this end holders aro requested to
deposit their bonds with April 1, 1913, and
all subsequent coupons attached, on or
before May 21, 1913, with Continental and
Commercial Trust and Savings Bank,
Chicago, Illinois, as depositary under an
agreement providing for such deposits,
dated May 7, 1913. Transferable certifi
cates of deposit will bo Issued' therefor.
Copies of the deposit ngrcemtnt may be
obtained- by application to tho depositary
or more detailed Information will be fur
nished by the secretary of the committee.
If desired.
Dated Chicago, May Sth, 1913.
R. U. XANSING, Chairman:
W. B. KOPP, Secretary, 129 So. Clark SL
GEORQE L. AVIRE. Attorney.
You Will Miss
Something if
You Fail to
Read the
Hotel Kupper
Eleventh and McGee Stc
Kansas City. Mo.
A hotel ot quality and refinement
at reasonable prices. European plan
$1 to 1 4 per day. Take elovatad
car at depot marked 27th St, di
rect to hotel.
Comfort Accessibility Moderate Rates
New Weston
Madison AvenuE & 49 Street
One Hock from Fifth Avenue and wlthm eaiy
walking distance ofTheatrei, Shops and Clubs
175 Rooms with Bath. Restaurant
a La Carte with reasonable charges
Single Room .... J1.50
All Outtile Rooms
SinileRoom with Bath .... fr.ooDay
Double Koom with Bath .... lj.ooDy
Parlor. Bedroom with Bath . . J4.ootoJ5.00
Further Reduction! for Weekly Occupancy
8. Q. CLAYTON. Proprietor
Don't iutdr with th beat, come Jol u. Wi'n
out boating, canoeing, (lining, aorchtng tor
Ureenttonea and Thoupaanttai, and brtathlng Na
lure's purcat air at all time, ltijr flier and a
thma dluppcar at one, rack your hear? wrn
and bur roar tlekt to Duluth. Minn,, then Ukc
Ilooth Lln boat Writ, tor (older
Capt. S. B. Smith, Totln'a KarboT, Mich.
at PARK; AVE., N.V
of the terminal zone, on tha
cooled by Southern brcexes from
by chilled sir, 600 sunlit rooms.
per dar-3. . S3, SS
S3, IS, ST, M
W. I0. Ill
110, lit. (IS
Special ratavt for Sumnutr
Our Annual May Clearing Sales Begin Thursday
Highest qual
ity at any
given price
is an assured
fact here.
Sweeping Price Reductions Wednesday
Our 100-Picce White and Gold Dinner Sets
100 Pure White ana Gold Dinner Bets Special for "Wednesday
100-pleco White and Gold Dinner
Seta J10 values, on sale
Wednesday, at
100-pleco G. H. A. Havlland
, White and Gold Hand Dinner
Set, $60 value, on sale Jjo
Wednesday, Bet Pr4&
For the Outdoor
The pleasures of the outdoor season riding,
tennla, golf, walking which cail for oxcosslvrs
bodily activity, have no uncomfortable draw
backs for tho woman who wears C. B, s U
Bpirito Corsets.
For C. B. Corsets, whose skillful design lay
streBB so cleverly on the wearer's shapeliness
never hamper her comfort, whothcr in ac.tlvltj
or repose.
In fact, throughout the ontlro Una of ovei
240 different models, Style is identified, with
Comfort to a degree never tioforo attained i i
any corset.
A C. B. model for every type of figure, f 1
to ?10 per pair. Exam'ne tho light weight
Summer styles today.
0. B. a la Spirite Corset
The Standard Everywhere of the Womnn o
Exceptional Opportunities for
Wednesday's White Goods Specials
Plisse Crepe, now 1 Or
weave, 29c valuo, yd. JLOU
Silk striped Voile, spring's
newest fabric, 3 ?c OCr
value, yard
We Advise Our Customers to
Put Up Pineapples SSow
The prlca Is advancing and the
season will soon cloeo for this de
licious fruit.
Special Oar for Hayden'a Wednesday
Extra largo hIzc, per dozen. .
Large size, per dozen .-. 91.10
Medium largo size, per dozen 90o
Per case, any size $2.75
This, Is extra fancy fruit. Buy now.
S3 lbs. Bast annotated Sugar. .91.00
48-lb. sack best high Diamond
U Flour nothing finer for bread,
pics or cake 91.10
10 bars Beat-'Em-All, Diamond C or
Laundry Queen White Laundry
Soap for 350
4 lb. pkg. Star Naphtha or Pyramid
Washing Powder
Skinner's Elbow or Straight Maca
roni, Vermicelli or Spagnottl. ,7Mo
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn
meal 170
10 lbB. best Rolled Breakfast Oatmeal
for BSo
10 lbs. best Mixed Chick Feed ...SSo
10 lbs. Oyster Shells for chickens
for 17 Wo
16-ounco cans Pet, Columbia, Carna
tion or St. Charles Milk, can.. 80
Grape-Nuts, pkg. 100
K. C Corn Flakes, pkg. So
Try Hayden's First pm
Summertime Needs
A hundred styles of high and low footwear for children
made to fit the little feet properly and they surely
fulfil their mission. Every conceivable leather or fabric.
Our children's department has a state-wide reputation
for quality goods, moderate prices and expert fitting.
1 Full Quart Whiskey FREE
8 Wto
ley u
Is 1
f I iafl
There are all sort of ulalma for inperiorlly amosr dletlllort and Wali Order
JThliaer lloniee. and wh.le we feel inre that our Fell S Star Whleker ean I bl
?ai' J,r.iTa nle,l ,a or " etiU we are not going to aek anyone
to rtek their raonty on onr judgment 1 therefore, w aro going to giro absolutely
'"!? ,L,v.'"rt,bot1e o teet. VTe want you to proTo by drinking It. tha,
role 1 bur Whlikey le pare, wholeepae. rally aged, taelloir can be and aboto
all baa real wtilikey ttrenrtn. We want yon to add half weter to It If you like
Si V that yon will 1 etiU hare itronger and better whiskey than most Wall
"11 .ur price,
end ont bottles otwhlekey
ni J
. rifw. : riLf awi
If you are looking for a house to reut, or a house to buy,
you will find just what you want in the real estate columns of
today's want Want Ad Section. Look and you shall sea
Don't miss
these splendid
specials for
100-Pleco White and Gold Band
Dinner Sote, f 14 value, jQ
inn nnln Wmlnpsdav at . . DI7
100-PlrtOe White and Gold Bund I
Dluner Set. f,0 value
on Bile Wednesday, sev P - Austrian China Dinner
Set, J38 value, on sale
Wednesday, set P
Economy in Our Month End Sales
Fine French Lawns, QQ)
59c values, yard.... Jts
White Piques and Russian
Cordette, 26c values, CQ
yard OIC
3 1-lb. cans Baked Beans 10o
The best Tea Slf tings, lb 10o
Golden Santos Coffee, lb 36o
Tha best Creamery Butter, oarton or
bulk, par lb a.38o
The Dest Country Creamery Butter,
per lb ., 3
The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. aoo
Good Dairy Table Butter, lb 0Bo
Full cream. Wisconsin cream or Y. A.
Cheee, lb 18o
The best strictly fresh No. 1 Country
Eggs, per dozen 30
Xayden'a, the Vegetable Market for
tha People.
Ton Save from 60 to 100
Fresh Bplnach, peck 7Wo
4 bunches fresh Radishes for...... Co
5 bunches fresh Asparagus 100
6 bunches fresh Onions Bo
S head homegrown Leaf Lettuce.. 6o
3 large Soup Bunches 10o
4 large bunches Pieplant 6o
Large Cucumbers, ea., 15o, loo, 7Vo
2 bunches fresh Parsley Bo
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb lOo
Freah Beets, Carrots or Turnips,
per bunch . . . ., 4o
3 large Green Peppers lOo
Fancy Ripe Strawberries, quart , 10o
Extra Special All Plower and Vege
table Seeds, 3 pigs, for So
For Kids
Start tho Children
in the right kind
of Footwear.
At unr Expense
anyone caneaauy nndcritena t&at ihoold wo Inet
fre thatwewonld be Coodcd with reqoeets byiono
aeejere ana jay onreeiTeeopento a reanui on:iaagul.
Tiuiitm,, uiv uoie le im w uohmi people
flow sere i oar propoiniont
We will tend yoa one full quart bottle of relt 1 8tar Whlikey. ab
,,0',i.I? lnr with yonr flret order for 8 full quart bottlee of Fell 3.
f r WhUkey and we pay the eipreee charges. Afer you reoelrs
tn full qnart bottlee. open one of them, test it anyway yoa like and
If sot entirely satisfactory, yon bare the prtrllege of returning te ns the
remaining s bottles and the5 one eit'a bottle yoa may keep free and wo
will lamedlatelr return your .&. Or send ns n.1 for full quart
r'i't ..f ' 'i" Whiskey, eiprees prepaid, and we will lnelude one
u) b.', 'ree. Test the free bottle and If not ubtolutsly satlsfactorr
Ut TbUk.l ,0JL"Ir..t,"tV "'.S'1'!' return to us the
s bottles and keep the free bottle aad we will refund your 2.S without
question or argument. With each order we giro a free Gold Tipped Glass
and Patent Corkscrew. Remember, we say we pay the express chargosi
look close before you permit some of the low prices of Uall Order llousoe
to set your order and make yoa pay the express charges.
We mean to prore superiority la the whiskey buslnessi we mean to
More gl'lng free test bottle, that 'ele J-Star Whiskey
kai no equal. Our quart Bottlea are full aunce quarts and not short
quarts and we guarantee ererr statement we make and back them with
eur paid up capital of MW.008.o5. If you want real whiskey and Kit:
?kiVCiiV,il.VI'A?.,i?nrrn'l,Ul',: 5 oor proposition
FelsDislilliQgCdv 155FeIs BIdg., Kansas City, M.