Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Kountze Place
Bungalow Bnrgain
At 1721 Pratt St.
Beautiful S-room bungalow; brand new
never been occupied; nice sodded yard;
full basement; largo living room across
front of house; beamed ceilings; fireplace;
built-in bookcases; plate rail; paneled
walls) oak floors throughout entire house;
nice kitchen; pantry; front and back
stairway; a dandy at a bargain; worth
$3,500. but I need money and will offer
this for a short time at $3,100; $600 cash;
balance to suit purchaser. Call Web. 2620.
for Particulars Phone Douglas JJJS.
BARGAIN Six-room cottage; full lot;
fine location. ISM Madison Ave.
free at our office; two stamps by mail,
Chaa. E. Williamson Co., Real Estate.
Insurance, care of property. Omaha. Also
Omaha Red Dook, vest pocket site.
AH modern except furnace and 1100
cash, balance $20 monthly, will buy It
Bemis Park District
$500 DOWN; $50 PER MO.
Will buy an S-room, 2-story house; oak
and maple floors; large cellar and fruit
room: fine sleeping porches; garage and
cement driveways; beautiful yard; paved
streets; storm and screen windows; ab
solutely all modern. Ask to Bee It
Phono Douglas 4035. 1S23 Douglas St
FOR CHEAP land on a new railroad
just being built In southwest Arkansas
from Ashdown to Hot Springs, write
Southern Realty & Trust Co., Nashville,
Southern Pacific and Santa Fe main
lines traverse our absolutely level tract
Only IS feet to water; also artesian wells.
Five hours' run to either San Francisco
or Los Angeles, with a combined popula
tion oi far over
Join our half-rate excursion to
June 3d. See the
located on the electric line from Lot
Angeles to Riverside.
Make your reseratlons early and let us
ahow you the "GOLDEN STATE" from
ban Francisco to Ban Diego.
For free handsomely Illustrated book'
lets on all matters Collforlan, see or
KARL BREHMD. 615 Bat bldg.
catalogue. Properties in all counties.
Valuable, reliable Information, C. M.
wooater Co., Fhelon Bldg., San Fran
FOR SALE Farm land In the Antelope
valley, the milk bottle of Los Angeles.
Land In the suburbs of Los Angeles is
becoming so valuable for subdivision pur
poses that the dairyman Is being crowded
out. JuM recently It haa been discovered
tl:at water can be had in large quanti
ties In the Antelope valley, as this
promising valley la only 70 miles from the
rapidly -growing city of Los Angeles,
and because land can still be had at a
low price, farmers and dairymen ar
buvlnir thousands of acres of this fine
rich land. We can sell you 3) acres or
more for 1100 per acre, on easy terms,
located one mile from a good town. This
is choice airaira ana pear land.
For further particulars write to Cen
tlnela Land Company. 1009 Title Insur
ance Building, Los Angeles. California.
CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and
Id TUes. W. T. Smith Co. 815 City Nat BK.
A CANADIAN half section In famous
Goose Lake district near two good towns,
perfectly choice land at a bargain if
sold Boon. ii. im Arcner, sit security
name mag.. Minneapolis, juinn.
Kb nails.
FOR SALE 115 per acre will buy two
guorter sections or smootn ricn iana in
heyenne county, Kansas, near Benkel
man, Neb., on Burlington road. Part
casn, pari umc. a. Bnape. xiomer in.
AJates. f. u. vox vez, uresno, uai.
SIXTY THCtJSAND acres Carey land
open to entry at Valler, Mont; fifteen
annual payments; section famous for
grains, grasses, vegetables; well adapted
to diversified farming. For particulars
write Valler Farm Bales, company, Box
1(03. Valler Mont
FOR SALE on easy terms any part of
my 2,600 acres of farm and ranch land
in Wheeler and Garfield counties, Ne
braska. J. S. Harris, CM Pine Ave., or
j, u. Harris, neugn, nea.
FOR SALE 3,000-acre ranch, Beckham
county, Oklahoma. 600 acres bottom land
line cultivation, 160 acres alfalfa, SO miles
4 and E wire fence: S miles hog-wlre
fence: runntng water every pasture; 1
sets improvements; corn yield last year,
30 bu flno prospects for crop this year,
E miles railroad town, great bargain,
$12.60 per acre, will carry back $12,000,
1,000 head stock on farm would sell. No
trades. Hartszog tc Reese. Carter. Okla.
South Dakota.
320 acres located S miles northeast of
Columbia, Brown county, South Dakota,
and on the east of the river (Jim River
Valley). AH under cultivation except 20
acres pasture, which rents for $80 cash
rent Balance rents for one-third deliv
ered to market Buildings good, consist
ing of a S-room house, barn, granary, hog
and henhouse, good well, windmill and
tank. Good roads to town. This farm has
paid the owner as high as $2,200 oa his
share of the crop for one year. Adjoining
land no better has sold for $70 per acre.
Price for quick Bale $62.50 per aero and
would consider clear Omaha property as
part payment
This Is worth Investigating.
See, call or write.
L. B. Scott & Son,
1124 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
J. H. Mithon Co.,
MONEY on hand at lowest rates tor
loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha,
city property In any amounts.
821 City National Bank Bldg.
MONEY To loan on business or resi
dence properties, $1,006 to $500,000.
W. H. THOMAS. 228 BtateaJBank Bldg.
OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms.
1016 Omaha National. Douglas 371S.
LOANS on farms and Improved city
property, E, EH and 0 per cent; no delay.
I. H. Dumont tt Co.. 1G03 Farnam St
WANTED City loans and warrants.
W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1$20 Farnam St
Crop Reporta at Chicago on Wheat
Are Moitly Bearish.
Even Though Nmirn Is to thei Effect
of a La rare AcrrnRn the Sale of
the Yellow Cerent line
Been Enormous.
v OMAHA. Mv SO. 1911
A. D. Thompson, who Is supposed to
Know all the nnnriltlnn altrrnlmrflnir (h.
market at Duluth, reported no demanu
i.ivio mr casn wneat rrom any direction,
although the above bids wera made by
a strong Chicago house, Minneapolis re
ported W0.0 bushels of Nortn Dakota
Jo. 1 northern blue stem wheat as sold
tp arrive thcru at S cents over the July.
.na,J, ths features of the wheat market
. .jeay, outside of the
demand IOr Ihn MaV nrxtln.. .-n Via.
Ine off of spreads between Chicago and
Minneapolis with the buying In Chicago
ociiuiK in me nortnwest.
in looking over thn crnn ni.iv whtah
was received on the Board of Trade It
was mainly bearish, and. in fact, was
" ""uule to me snorts man at any
tlmo on the crop. John T. Mllllken. one
OI tllO larger miprlllntnr. In lh nnfli.
west, says In a message that wheat In
the neighborhood of St Louis Is headed
out, which means that this grain will be
cut the middle of next month. A sensa
tional claim was made that the old
"iieui in mis country will bo swept from
;!i?,f)lns. before another crop Is available.
Whllo the supplies may not be burden
some, thero Will ha mnr. thnn
of the grain to meet all wants, unless a
sensational demand from abroad should
tpnng up.
The cash sales at Chleiurn vestonlav
amounted to only 28.000 bushels and the
bf aboard .reported the advance as cutting
u.i win uemanu across me waters.
uasn wneat was unchanged.
The corn pit waa chock lull of news on
late corn planting, but in the face of this
the purchasea from the Interior were the
largest on any one day for weeks and
woeks past. Some placed the amount of
purcnasea at over bushels. Re
ports from many sections of tho corn
belt told of the nulttine of -.urine- work
for the present and of farmers turning
tiicir attention to the shelling and move
ment of corn. Cash corn was unchanged
at ho nigner.
James Rankin bought oats freely, and
he had many followers. Cash oats were
unchange dat c higher.
Clearances; Wheat and flour, 339,000
bushels; com, 30,000 bushels; oats, 3,000
Liverpool close: Wheat KUKA higher:
corn. Hd higher.
primary wheat receipts were 75,wo
bushels and shipments 463,000 bushels,
against receipts of 360,000 bushels and
snipments or ousneis last year,
Primary corn receipts were 810.000 bush-
els and shipments 418,000 bushels, against
receipts of 315,000 bushels and shipments
of 301,000 bushels last year. Primary oats
receipts were 630,000 bushels and ship
ments S03.000 bushels, against receipts of
6S4.O0O bushels and shipments of 624,000
ousneis last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats
Chicago 35 07 193
Minneapolis 166 .. .
Duluth 12S
Omaha 24 21 19
Kansas City 35 14 13
St Louis 33 45 26
Winnipeg 335
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
S51?S6c; No. 3 hard, 84QS6o; No. 4 hard,
S0Y464c; No. 3 spring, 84S5c; No. 4
Bprtng, S03S3Hc; No. 2 durum, 87V488c;
No. 3 durum, 86V47c. Corn: No. 2 white,
B7o: No. 3 white. EGi067c: No. 4 white.
55Stte: No. 2 yellow. 66W60or No. 3
yeiiow, wsBSVic; No. 4 yeiiow, oospore;
iso. 2, tWffbo; xso. s, wjujuohc; iso. a,
EEigttlHc, Oats: No. 2 white, 364.36tto;
standard, S6c; No. 3 white, 36H35o; No.
4 white. .35e5Mc. Barley: Malting. 0O60a;
No. 1 feed. 41Q43C Rye: No. 2, KttS7o;
No. 3, 65H68c.
The following cash sales were reported
today: Wheat: No sales. Corn: No. 2
white, 4 cars, 6Hc; 3 cars. 67c No. 3
white, 2 cars, 67c No. 2 yellow, 3 cars.
wic; l car. 6044c. no. 3 yeuow, l car,
66Vlo. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 66c. No. 4
mixed, 1 car, 65Hc. Oats: No. S White, 1
car, 3&c; i car, 3&ttc no grade, i car,
Featnres of thn TrndlnR and Cloninic
Prices on Honrd of Trade.
CHICAGO. May 20. Abundance of mols
ture In tho Dakotns and Minnesota took
the snap out of buying power today In
the wheat nit. Although steady at the
close the market was Uc to Hc under
last nignt. uorn was Bteady to 1-lCc up.
oats was down HHc and provisions
strung out from 10c declne to a gain of
a snaae.
Selling of wheat was an Influential
kind and developed considerable volume
on an tno swells. The best support was
any ana nem cnieiiy as basis of un
favorable crop bales from Europe. A
material reduction In tho world's avail,
able supply total furnished some tern
porary additional help to the bull side.
Statements that In the Canadian north.
west wheat was nearly three weeks back
ward in growtn and waa suffering from
dryness and cold failed to attract much
notice, me line conditions on this side
tiw o iiv.wj maae promptly. F. D.
eao, wead mag.. 18th and Farnam.
Q CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,
Yn ui'ti lAJAiso. isemis-caribera
310-3U Brandeis Theater Bldg
LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros.
T.IOT Vnu km, ... nr. l . '
w wm. , umbo niiu ua , , C iittVI DUjr.
ers. Osborne' Real Estate Co. Doug. 1474.
Sail every Saturday to and frnm
Ocean passage 7 days. Moderate rates.
rur uoojc ot tours, rates, etc, apply to
a,n W. Randolph Btr Chicago,
Dolsoff id-hand utord iuvi hlirh.t n...
for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web: 107.
WOULD like to buv a flv ap mi-r-rr.
bouse to be Moved on a lot One In the
neighborhood of 24th and Clark preferred.
Telephone Red 4J01.
D. sore, quick buyer or furniture.
BE8T prices for furniture. Call D. 7602."
T .T QT V 1 1 I llnllMA W Jm Tit I
buyers. Oiboma Rail FlxtatA Cn. nnn
Ship live stock to South Omaha. Hv.
mileage and shrinkage. Your consign
ments receive prompt and careful atten
Lira Stock Commission MereUaats.
BYER8 BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable.
CLIFTON Com. Co.. ttt Exchange Bldg.
MARTIN BROS, CO.. Exchange Bldg.
Bids will be received at the nfflr nf
the secretary of state, Lincoln, Nebraska,
until 11 o'clock a. m., May 24, 1S1X, for
the erection ttf a brick, steel and ran.
crete agricultural hall at the staU fair
grounds, Lincoln, jeurasKn according
to the Diana and unifications, which
may be had upon application to Secretary
v it Meiior. eiaiu c&pnoi. tcriarv of
...... n. kwh:'.nt Tlnril V Iflll. vl
Brandeis theater tu'.i'llng. Omaha, Neb.
All applleationu ft r plans must be ac
companied by certifier! check for $24.00,
payable to tin serietary ct state.
.1i.Ul.M-I x. WAIT,
(secretary of the B, P. L. A B.
of the International boundary proving de
cmcaiy more impressive. Rains In Kan
sas wero also an aid to thn br
Primary receipts of wheat today were
475,000 bu.l a year ago, 363,000 bu. Kx
port clearances of wheat and flour
equaled sw.000 bushels.
Notwithstanding heavier offerings from
ino country, me corn market was up
held by Iowa reports of delaVMt nlant
Ing and probable slowness nf hlrmnta
Actual receipts hero were scanty. Oats
weakened In view of the more general
In provision longs realised on a mod.
erato advance. Thn result was an easy
ircuiiH hi ine close.
Article ! Open. Hlgh.l Low. Clos. Yes'y.
9t muu-Vi
P0H1 90S1
90HI 90
i i
unu i
I m
I sr sou
9 02-061 SO 10 19 90
9 00-921 19 92il 19 W
13 00 19 C0-2 19 47'
19 90 1 20 00
19 00 1 19 K
19 47-60 19 $0
11 25 1 11 30 I 11 IS
11 15 1 11 25
11 10 f 11 10 fll 02-061
U 02-051 11 03H
11 05 111 10-12 11 10-12
11 10
llcSO-35 11 35 I 11 27H1
11 SO 11 7Vi
11 15 I 11 17V4I 11 nm
11 HHI 11 TO
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat; Nn. 2 rd
1,Wiri.07i: No. 2 red, 93c0$l.O2: No, 2
1 northern. fllVHWJMr: No. 1 nnilirn. l
iui ua vinuivuTik.1 vv. a iiuiii. unimui: ivn.
H92c: No. 3 northern. MffDOlit.' No. S
spring, 91B92c; No. 3 spring, R)JT90c; No. 4
rnrme. wst.i;c: velvet eharr. mwu,
iiuiuui, wane, orn- io. niwso
ru. a wiiiie. wittiwc: xso. 2 venow. A7i
MtC.i XT. f ITT. . L I. M,,. . ' '
S yellow. E7ff57Hc; No. 4. 6Uc; No. 4
,iu, iiu. a wmie. tjuvic: i n
No. 2 whlto, 40c; No. 3 white. JS'QOTVic,
iso. t wnuc, Jiuiwuc: stanaara, jshmoc,
itre: iso. z. wc. uariev? uirev. kppi
Timothy. 12.SSe3.fi5: clover, nomlnnl. Pro.
visions: i'otk, $is.w; lard, $11.15911.1;
uuTTEii-nrm receipts. 10.3OT tubs:
EGOS Weak: receipts. 27.300 cases: at
marx, cases inciuora, ibctisc; ordinary
nrsts, ioiBivio: nrsis, iswise.
POTATOES Higher: recelots. 43 earn!
Michigan, 60iS65c; Minnesota, 48E3c; Wis-
consin, outiosc.
I'OULTRY Higher: chickens, alive. la:
springs, anve, lttc
Kannnna City Grain nnd Provlslona.
cash: no. z hard, sff90c; No. 3, 83SJHc;
iso. i rea, mqsic; iso. s, kxbvsc.
coiuv no. 2 white. BSlic: No. 3.
OATS-NO. 2 wht 3S3SHc.
Closing prices:
WHEAT May. 84o: Julv. 82R2n!
eeptemoer, tuc
CORN May. VMOI Julv. E2rtfC4e: Sen
tembor. EaS66Hc.
oats May. 38c: July. 3Gc: sentember.
HAY Steady; choice timothy. $12.75
13. 00.
BUTTBR-Creamery. 27Uc: first 26Uc:
seconds, lane; pacxing, zic.
kuub nrsts, lsvic; seconds, ni6c,
POULTRY Broilers. 2&SM6e: henn.
viW, roosters, ioc; ducxs, lfic.
Nrvr Yorlc General Market.
Muscovado. 2.(24r2.80o: centrifugal. S.27tfH
a.juc; moiassns, i.oiui.uic; rennea, steady.
iJUTXHiiv steady; receipts, 10.9M tubs:
creamery extras, 27HC28c: firsts. 27Wj
ww, seconas, saflfiic; stato aairy nn
est, 2$T3SUc; process extras, tsc; firsts,
27Q47Ho; imitation creamery firsts, 17c:
factory, current make firsts, 26c; paoklng
stock, current make firsts, 20a; packing
stock, current maxc, no. ?, zac.
CHEESE Firm; receipts, 3,815 boxas;
state, wnoie miiK. rresn colored specials.
13V.c: white specials. 13Uc: skims. 2U1213C.
EGOS steady; receipts, ai.His cases;
fresh gathered extras, SHvuo! fresh
gathered storage packed firsts, ziuzzc
fresh gathered regular packed extra
firsts. ZIOTZlHc: firsts, zoawtta: i'ennsyl
vanla and nearby hennery whites, 22(ST24a;
western gathered whites. 2022Uc.
rouwilT-uressed.-steady: fresn Killed
western fowls. lTVWlsttc: turkeys. I5l9c.
IUCE Firm: strained, common to
good, Sfttfw: i-atna, j4l0ie.
MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, 35&35C
St. I.oul General Market.
ST. LOUia May 20. WHEAT Cash
No. 2 red, 97c$1.04; No. 2 hard, 90tt
corn no. i. eaw. no. i. wvto: no. a
white, eoawiic.
OATS No. 2, ssboto; no. z white, wo.
Closing prices:
WHEAT July. SHc; September, S6Vi
corn July, 66rB6Hc; ueptemDer,
oats July, ssho; Hepiemoer, sc
RYE lWc.
POULTRY Firm: chickens. 14o; springs.
Z433la: turkeys, lGc; ducks, izo; geese, tc,
butter steady; creamery, wgzic.
EGOS Steady, 17a
Bllnneapolls Graltt Market.
May, smi: July, 93V4c; September,
Me Cash, No. 1 hard, fllMo; No. 1 north,
em. 90UQ01Hc: No. 2 northern. ESV484c:
NO. a nonnern, ssnawvic; no. nara,
Montana. Biuo: no. 3. ssvihotuiC.
riiouu-First Daients. sec
ond Datsnta. UJZGH.S): first clears. $3.30
(go. to; second clears, $2.0x03.20.
IJliAN 18.W4IU.W1.
CORN No. 3 yellow. COSdo.
OATS-No. 3 white, S&gOSHo.
RYE No. 2. E68o"V4o.
Mllrraakec Grain Market.
1 nnrlhnrn. 94iTS4Ull No. 2 northern. 9W)
93o; No. 2 hard, 92030! May, 90Ho July,
CORN No. 8 yellow, B7MS6o; No. 3
white, 0c; No. 3, 67067o; May, 67c;
July, ESHc
Liverpool Grain Market.
easier; No. 2 Manitoba, 7s, 7d; No. $ do
7s, EHd, Futures firm; May 7s, 6Ud;
July 7s, 6Hdf October 7s. 3Hd.
CORN Snot steady; American mixed.
new, 5a Hd; new kiln dried do, old. Es
UHd; do old via Galveston, 6s Sd. Fu
tures firm; JUiy ua. i-iata, os yta.
Peoria Market,
yellow. B7Hc; No. 3 yellow, B7Ko.
OATH no. i wnue, wo; auinuuru, uyftp.
Coffee Market.
No. 7, 1144c. Futures steady; July, lU&c;
December. 11.3c.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. May 20. WOOL More Inter
est Is being shown In domestic wool by
both manufacturers and dealers, although
tha Increase In buasiness Is small. New
territory wools aro beginning to arrive,
but the demand Is light. All grades show
lower prices, while mediums are selling
close to the low record. Uld territory
stocks, more slowly, Montana half-blood
bringing 21c; some Ohio three-eighths
blood has brought 22c and new Ohio He
higher. A fine trade Is reported In west
ern nulled wool, but the demand for
Texas and California products Is lacking.
ST. lou IB. way 20. wool uteady:
northern and western mediums, I619c;
fine burry, I4truc; sugntiy purry, uuisc.
Cotton Market.
closed quiet; middling uplands, 12.00c;
middling gulf, 12.25c Bales, 1$6 bales.
Futures closed steady: closing bids: May,
ILCOc; June, 11. Kc, July, 11.60c, August,
11.40oj September. 11.05c; October, 11.02c;
November, ILOlo; December, 11.03c; Jan
uary. 10.99c; March, 11.07c.
dull; prices steady; middling fair, 7.27d;
good middling. .93d: middling, .7$d; low
middling, e.bsa; gooa ordinary, B.zd; or
dinary, 6.91J. Sales, 5,000 bales.
Uvupurutvil Apple and Dried Fralta
DRUID FRUITS-Prunea. firm. Apri
cots, steady. Peaches, firm. Raisins,
After Day of Slowly Gathering
Strength Setbaok Comes.
Withdrawal of Treasure from Rock
Inland and fit. I.onla A Pan
Francisco Issnrs n Stlm
alatlnir. Effect.
NEW YORK. May 20,-After slowly
gathering strength during the greater
part of todays market, stocks received a
setback late in the seselon, when bids
were opened for Now York Cltys $45,000,000
Issue of 4H per cent bonds. Tho bids woro
considerably below tho usual estimates.
Tho view commonly held as to tho prob
able Issue price bf bonds was Indicated
by the trading In bonds "when Issued."
which has been In progress on the "curb"
for some tlnme. Tho bonds sold as high
as 100 and today thero wcro sales at
lwH before the bids were opened. When
It became known that bids from some ot
tho largest financial institutions wero
being received at par or slightly nbovo,
the bonds sold off to 100 3-16 and tho out
standing city Issues also weakened,
The cltys bond: of fering had been looked
forward to with unusual Interest In the
hope that tho result might Indicate tho
revival of nn Investment demand. Some
enoouragement was derived from tho fact
mat more Individual bids wero received
than on thn occasion of any other city
bond Issue since 190S, but since the street
professed, disappointment that tho com
paratively high rato of interest am not
result In higher bids, tho depression ot
sentiment as a result was registered In
a reaction In thestook market whtoh
caused a large part ot tho gains made
earlier In the day.
Prices ot stocks moved Irregularly at
theoutset, butt he undertone was firm.
Withdrawal of pressure from the Rock
Island and St. Louis Sc. San Francisco
Issues, which were especially weak yes
terday had a stimulating effect and
traders were Inclined to toko tho long
side of tho market. Tho upward move
ment received considerable Impetus from
the circulation ot a rumor that tno liar
rlman dissolution nlan had been decided
on to the satisfaction ot oil parties at
Interest Union and Southern Pnolflo rose
steadily and the rest of the market
moved up with them. Although tho rumor
wan denied the market retained its ad
vantage until It received Its setback later
In the day.
Bonds wero higher, St Louis & San
Francisco touched 72. a new low record.
Total sales, par value, $1,430,000. Panama
3s, coupon, advanced on call.
Number of sales and leaning quotations
on stocks were as follows!
fltltt. lllth. Low. Clou.
AnnlsaoMtod Otppr ....1UM 7JH 14K
Anglican Acrlculturtl... I 1
Antrinn ltoet 8uir 100 Ul MM !
An.w en u . ' r'
Amorlcu Cut 4.U4 Ml UVi 13 H
Aiterwn P & V 4114
Amarlcaa Cbtton Oil 100 41 41 404
Am. loe Becurttlfw IM MM -;v
American L.(niml .......
Amorlcui Loooraotlv 00 SJ " ,J
American B. ft It LOW 7H 6H 67
Am. s. a R. pfd soa loi vt loan 10114
Am. Bactr neflnlnr 100 110 110 110
Aroerluui T. ft T. 400 11IH 1MH 1MH
Amrrlon Tobiccn 100 21 2! U
Anaconda Mlnlns Co S00 ITi I1K
Atchlton l.tOO Mtt V4 M
Atohlaon, pld 83
Atltntlo Oout Lin 104 1ISU ltJU 121T4
Diltlmore A Ohio 400 I1H VI H H
Ilethlahtm Utl U
HrooVIrn ltatild Trutlt... 4,100 1'4 ttV4
CanadUa rmclllo (.TOO 7U Ml 14 UIS
Central Leather 109 13 ii 21 H 21
CriMapMlie & Ohio 2,100 to U 44S
Chicago Oraat WcaUrn... 100 14 1 11 li
CJilcaco, M. & Kt. P 3.000 101 14 1074 10J14
Chloass A N W 100 12J14 11914 110
Oo4mdo F. & I i.... 200 SIU II Jill
QBSSSUdaUd Oaa 900 111H 111H 13114
Corn rroducO 200 10H 1014 10V1
DeUvare and Hudaon ........ , lit
Denrar ft Itlo Oraada.... 100 17K 17H 1714
Dearer A It O. tfd 300 It II 1114
Dlatlllnf eecurltloa iu
Krl I,MO 28U r. 2IH
Krl lt pfd 100 41 41 (I
Erie 2d ptd
Oencral Blrctrlo 100 119 1J114 11SH
areat Narthara pfd. ...... 3,200 n; 124 jttu
Oreat Nertnern Or otta., (00 )U II jju
Ultnola Central 100 HSli 11514 115
Interboroush Met 1,500 H 1H H14
Interboroush Met. ptd... 1,100 Hlj 61 tdK
International llarvaater 101
Inur-Manna pld
International Pump 7
Kanaaa Cltr Bouthern.... 100 tju tjTi jju
Laclede Oa , . M
LeMcb Valler 1.100 1MU i4 I6u
IX)u1irlll & N.h!ll.. . nvt 1t.11 ,..,7
Jllaeouri. K. ft T. I,00 21 u M2
M Buourl Pac fin and ili? i.S
National Ilt.cult ".. ulZ
National Lead 300 47
k. n. n. or Mr. m prd..: .. .!!.. . ttu
Yo?k Ornl J;00 100U mu M
SxJ.Vv0: Sm m ww 2
NoSh'n.Jr!!?::::: ,06'4 g
fflM1 w " " "H
1 ennavlvanfa 3 jam , .....
. - -- ' Mn ..... zx
U'aM a : L 100 II tt ai
iTiiiman t'aiace Car tea ui 111
'licadlnc t m mu zzz..
Jlmuhl . 1. A n " iV
epuDllo I, ft B. pfd J00 mu iiU j;"
nock T. am rv, ' . 12J !iT! !" !..
. . : ..... ..... tt
St. L. AS. P.. 14 pfd... 1.700 lu 14 it
Seaboard Air Lin. . 'too j62 Uv tl;
Bbo.rd Aar Ijlne pfd.... 100 J.J J,2 JJ4
PonUiern Pacific iiM '.rV '.; V,
noutharn Rallwar tno nil
Bouthern Tlallw.; Hi.' ' IS it" l"S S
Tenneaae Copper soo I4K Ilu iJ,,
Teaas A Pacific,
union Pacific
21,700 JBOTi 14U 1MH
Union Pacific pfd.
JinllS "IS? -a
tlnjted UtM.tVC:;:jT,SS S3 Ss
Y,-Cvoll?i Ciem nl '.' 22 52H 55 Htt
SM J it
400 2 214
Wertem Minimi' '.'.'.'.'.'.', ...
0 7K 7U
eern union im iii,
Wertlnthoua, Klectrlo 2n0 SW HW
Wheel ng 4 Lake Erl... " JH
Total ! ,. .v. j. J.. ... ' 414
.. . mfi m ariaras.
New York Money Sfarkel
NEW mnir ...
. "ar w-MUIMKr-On pall
tnoi per cent; ruling rati i
K per cent: r months,. 4i
with-actual buslnefs Fn bands' gflM
,rfnnf0Pt,-SaJ, bl"l nd HW66 for de
mSt1Tt,;rom,merc"11 Wlls $4.82)4
4sBILVBR-Bar, OOHc; Mexlgan dollar.,
liONDS-aovernment, flrmi railroad,
as follows: " ona" loar wr
U. 8. raf. It, rag... 100 ,K, c. So. ref. Ca arat
do coupon 10014 L. B. dab 4iitii " ilS
U. B. la. rf., 102HL A N. un. 4, .V ilil
do coupon . IMIi'M. K, A T, 1 4a I0K
V. B. 4a rat; 1l do ran. 4Ui 1X0
-w. .n "i ii or m 4Ub tt
JAmer. At. t. MS4K. T. c. ran. IH! !!
a. T. ft T. er. 4.100 . do dab. 4a.... tt'
AM. Tobacco fa.. .11 aj, y N aa
Armour A Co. Ilia. fcH er. il4a .... " n
Awwu i.h. m... vi'.an- w, tat ct. 4a. titi
do er, 4a 1H0 99 do ct, 4a.., .. liiiT
a. c,"ii m ii:;::: m a 1. 5
Bait. A Ohio 4i MHO. B. L. rfd. 4a.. ' MU
do IH Pann. ct. 144. j !,
urooa. it. ct, ,.. -00 eon. 4 mu
OH. et Oa. to.. .104 JUadloj gan. 4a. tiu
Cn. Latthw .... KB. U. i & y. , ii M
Chaa. A Ohio 4Ue,. u do sea. a... .. J
i s. !,.. tvfi. 1 b, w. eon. 4a. II
Chicago A A. IH, M . A. L, adj. tt, ifu
C. B. & J. J. 4a.... 4H8o. Pac, cel. u. ' tl
ia ten. 4a tilt da ct. 4i.. trii
C M A 8 P c 4Vit. 101K . do U ref. 4.... i.2
0. It I. ft P. e. 4a, 7H "South, rt. $s..., loiff
ao rrr. a at nij ten, 4a. ...... 71
C. & B. r ft e 41i. 1114 Union I'aelfle ! mu
Del. ft Hud. cv- 4a. Mil do ct, 4a... i?ti
D. A R. O. ref. S, tH. do lat ft nt'.'u tiS
Dlallllar (a (4 V. 8. Rubber 4a. ljiv!
Erie, trior nan tt. 11 v. a. steel Id la mu
do cen. 4a 72 V -C. Cham, ti ... Z'4
do ct. U, tr. B. 70 WaUth lat ft a. li uu
-in. uan. m r. r -neaurn Ma. i n
Inter. Mat. 4Ua. .. 714 We.t. Eiea. ct. u 11
Inter. M. M. IH. 2 Wli. Cen, 4, . !,
Japan 444 ,. .. . pld, Offered. H
Doatiin toek M'arket,
. w ,,,n iiuutaiiuiia
Humus aiuvas were us 10I10WS!
Allooat 1114 Mohawk 4u
Amal. (Vniar....... TIU v.... rv. ..r
A. Z. L. A 8 11U Mnluln. ill nil ' " .?
Arlion Con. . ... 1 1-U Vnnh Hull.
B. A C. C. A 8. U.. Ill North Lake ti.
(!. ft Aritana. tin Old Dominion 4414
a 1. ct iiecia.., ,,iu uaeoaia M
lentennlal 1114Qulor 1214
oppar naska C. C. 4344 Rhannoa 144
lit Butt O M . HUSunarlar rt
Ifranklln ............ EU Sunrin. A n vr
Olrouz Con 1 U-llTamaraok ".' 11
Oraabr Oaa. U U. B. 8. It A U... 1114
Oreana Cananea ,, IS do pfd. , 4V
lal Kojale Capper. MHPUta Conaolldated.,. 1'i
21, 1913.
KtT Lake tllll'lah .peer o, 0!l
Laae ipr IIHWlnnna . 14
Mlanl Cepper . Ul,
Loral Srrnrttlr.
Quotation! tsrniibed br nma. Prlnker
III Omaha National bank bulldlni:
A Oi.,
Cll National Hank Bleek. Omaha.. 147
I'.. St. r, M. A o. . 1M 17
CVunell Ulullt O. A K K ! M
IKraglai Kecurltr to. U 1W1 rfi
l)er t CV. 1 per eaol pld. n. 4U.. 7H
Palrwont Oreamcnr (mar. ft . M
IikI Tel. Ctt. In pld, o. iilulti. ... 1?
Kanaaa Cllr. Me.. I p. e. tit Wlla.. 1114
Kin Oa, Wirt., h, 1MI....1. 1M
Lea Ansatt llr It, n 14
MeOek. Neb., I, 114 100
Omaha (laa , lilt it
Cltr el Omaha 4Ua, 1111 II
Omaha A C. D. lit. llr. ta. 1111...., II
Omaha A a D. St. llr. ptd U14
Omaha A C. II. St Hr. Mm (lit
Omaha A C. 11. R. A II. ptd MV4
I'aelfle u A I'. I p. f. el till.. H
Stout Cltr Mock Yard, ptd 1714
Fall lVn Cltr School la 1M0 14
san FYanclico l. 1MI 101
t'nltnl HUt Nat. Hank, Omaha.... l!4
tnion mock llNi, mock, Omaha
t'pdlk Oraln do,, com ,
Tacoma. W.ih . rat. la. lilt
Mj more. Nth., la, 1131
.. Ml
.. I7H
.. 101
London Stork Martlet.
liONDON, May 20. -American securities
opened quiet today. Prices advanced a
fraction during tho forenoon, but business
was limited pending the Wall street open
ing. Canadian Pacific was offered by
Berlin and docllnrd 4.
Cuniola. moner-.. 7 III Ioulwllle A N 113
do account HUM., K. A T tdVi
Amal. Cbpper 741N. Y. Central 10114
Atchlton 101t rennaylranl. .......
Canadian Pacific :434'ltea1lns 1114
Chlcaso G. W .. ItlLMoulharn 1'acltt It
Ht l'aul HOVl'nlon I'aelfle IMS
Denver A ltlo 0. . 1114 U. 8. Steel I1H
Krle 2StWahah 2V
do lit pfd. ... 44 Da lleera Jl!
Orand Trunk KHRand Mlnea 414
Illinois Central Ill 1
SILVHH-llar, steady at 3 1-lGd per os.
MONHY 3JT0U per ocnt
Tho rate of discount In lite open market
for short bills la SU per cent; for throe
months' bills. SS-lOffSti per cent
Neva York Ml ulna" Stock.
NKW YOIIK, May 20. Closing quota
tions on mining stocks wero:
CVn, Tunnel Hock... I Meilran 40
Iron Stlter lit Ontario :
do bonda llOphlr 10
Iadallla Con T Yellow Jacket tl
Little Chlat , 'Ottered.
BUTTKn-No. 1,W. carton, SOai No.
1, CO-lb. tubs, 5014c; No. Z. 30o.
CHICICSE imported Kwlaa. jjc; Ameri
can Swiss, rc; block 8 wise, 34o; twins,
1614c; daisies, iSc; trlplots, iso; Young
America, 19c; blue label brick, ISo: Um
burger, 2-lb.. 22c: l-lb Z2o; Now York
white, 90c.
IlBEIi' CUTB-IUbs, No. 1. 17Wcj No. $.
16Hc; No. 3, lBc. Ixilns, No. 1, 19c: No. 1,
ISo: No. . ICtto. Chuoks, No. 1. lOVJo; No.
3. lOc: No. 3, lic. Hounds, No. 1, Mlc;
No. 3, 13o : No. 3, ISHc. Plates, No. 1,
S'io; No. 2. 7?i0! No. 3, 7iic.
PIBH-'Whlte, fioibii. lint r-cut froten,
lio; large crapples, rrosen. 10c; Spanish
mackerel, 14o; eel. 15c; haddock, lfo;
tlnundern. He: ahud rc, per pa.r, fti
salmon, 8c; halibut, lOo; buffalo, So; bull
heuds, 13c.
POULTUY-Urollers. 60o a lb.; hens,
17c: cocks. 12c: ducks, 20a to Xc; grosa,
18c; turkeys, 25c; pigeons, per doz.. $1.20;
roosters. 9c; ducks, full feathered, l&c;
feese, full feathered, 13c; squabs, No. 1,
1.50; No. 2. 50c.
The following fruit ana vegetablo prices
are retorted by the Ulltnsky Fruit com
pany: PllUlTS-atrawberrlea: Arkansas, qt.,
per cusu, $2.60; Tennessee Klondike, ills.,
per case, $J.7S. Pineapples: Florida, 18,
24, 30, St or 42 site, per crate, $3.00. Kxtr
fancy California navels: Ninety-six, $4.00:
126, 4.W; 160, 176. 200 and 21 alsea, $$.00;
2D0, $1.(0; 2S8 and 321, $4.00. Valencia; One
hundrca ana twenty-six, per dox, $;
160. 176, 200, 216, per box, $0.00. Apples:
Utah Wlnvinn. per box. $1.7Q: Utah Uanoa
and lien Davis, uer box. $1.60: oxtra fancy
43ano, clrclo brand, per bbl., $4.00; extra
fancy lien uavis. per ddi., iimj extra
fanoy Wlnotap, per bbl., $3.60: extra
fancy Missouri IMppon, per bbl., $3.25;
anos, small, per bbl,, $2.25. Grapefruit:
Florida, Indian River, C4 and B0 sixes,
J6.00; 64 size, $4.60: 46 stse, $4.00: 36 slue.
$3.76. Lemonst Extra fancy Southland
IJcautles, 300s ana scos, per pox., fl.V);
extra choice Justrlte. tier box. $7.00: ox-
cellent brand, 300 site, per box, $7.26; t-xtra
fancy Messina. 300 or JW site, 40.60: nun-
slde brand. 800 Site, per box. $6.75: extra
choice Messina. 300 or 360 slso. $6.00.
VKUISTA1JL.1SB Minneapona ilea mver
valley Oh o potatoes Colorado lttiral
potatoes, por bu., 66c! , lied Hlver parly
unio, per ou wc. unions; -lmtbo iteu
uiobc, per sack, li.w; uailfornia uryslal
Wax, per crate, 22.00; Texas Dernada, por
crate, ll.OCKtf l.Ui. Plants: Tomatoes pl.tnts,
per 100, G60; cabbago plants, per 100, fifo;
pepper plants, per 100, 76o; cauliflower
plants, per 100, 76a; eggplant plants, por
100, $1.00. Tomatoes: Fanoy Florida, per
6-basket crate, $4.00; choice 6-baskot,
crate. $3.64).
MISCKL.LANEOUfWtcd new potatoes,
per hamper, J2.I6; California Jumbo
celery, per dox., $1.00; cider Mott's, per
keg, $3.60; cider Nehawka, per keg, $3.2$;
asparagus, per doz., 60c; rhubarb, per
doz., 30o ; onions, per doz., too; new beets,
carrots, turnips, per doz., Wc; parsley, per
doz., 40c; radish, per doz., 40c; lieudlettuo?,
per doz., $1.00; homegrown ,'eaf lettuoo,
por doz., 40c; green peppors, per baskat,
6O0; wax or green beans, per hamper,
$4.00; hot house cucumbers, per doz., JlOOJp
2.00; cauliflower, por crate, $3.60; Venetian
garlic, pur lb., 12Hc; Texas new cabbage,
per lb., 2o; eggplant, per dot., $1.603 2 90;
horseradish, 2 dot bottles In cane, ret
case, $1.80: dromedary brand dates, pkg.,
$3.00; anchor brand dates, pkg., $3.26;
-walnuts No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 20c;
medium pecans, per lb., 13Hc; pecans
jumbo, per lb., 16o; giant pecans, Louisi
ana paper shell, per lb., 26c: filberts, per
lb., 15c; Drake almonds, per lb., lGc; i-aptr
shell, ISo; Ilrazlls, par lb., 10c; large
washed, per lb., 12c; black walnuts, ptr
lb., 2Ho; raw No. 1 paanuta, per lb.. OHo;
Jumbo peanuts, per lb., 80; roast peanuts,
per lb., 8',ic; shell bark hickory nuts, per
lb., 4o; largo hickory puts., per lb Tc;
whlto rice popcorn, per lb., 60; checkers,
per 100 pkg. case, $3.60; checkers, per CO
pkg, case, $1.76; Ixslle Derry boxes, qts.,
per 1.000. $2.76.
Coffrr Market,
NIflW YOItK, My 20. COPFEIfJ-I'M-turos
opened firm at an advance of 1 to
4 points and sold about 3 to 6 points net
higher during the middle ot the day on
covering of shortn and bull support The
market lost most of Its advance In the
later trading under realizing and reports
of a slightly easier spot situation. Tho
close was steady net unchanged to 2
polnta higher. Hales. 37.000 bags; May,
II.120; July, lI.ieo; September, 11.84o; De
cember, 11.36c; January, 11.37c; March.
11.40c. Spot market, barely steady; Itlo
7s, HViVc; Bontoe 4s, 13HC Mild, quiet;
Cordova. lM2tfl7ttc, nominal.
Metal Market,
NEW YOItK, May 20,-MCTALB-Cop.
per, steady; spat to July, $16.37tt offered;
electrolytic. $l6.87Vr16.00; lake, $16.00;
castings. $15.62Vt. Tin. nulet and easv:
spot and May, $47.6214948,00; June, $47.2; juiy, win-nit, ieaa, steady;
$4.80 bid. Spelter, quiet, $S.3Mt6.45. Antl
mony. dull: Cookson's. $S.7Mfa.oo. Iran.
quiet and unchanged. Copper exports this
month, tons. London copper, quiet
at 68 9s 9d; futures, 68 7s 6d. Ixindon
tin, quiet! spot. 218 6s; futures, 213 15s.
London lead, 19 6s 3d, London spelter,
ivs. iron, i-ieveianu warrants, fus 6a,
ST. LOUIS, May 20.-MBTAL8-Ladi
Dull at $4.47H. Bcplter: Dull at $5.30.
Trensnry Statement,
WASIIINQTON, May 20.-Th condi
tion of tho United Ktateg treasury at
tno oeginning 01 inuinrss toaay; work
ing balance. $60,269,867. In banks and
DltlKnnlni. I.mim.v 9AA T6 iAJ m , -.
general fund, $111,923,840. Ilecelpts yes-
teruux, i,via,ia. tiDursements,
606. The surplus this fiscal year Is
$4,606,329, as against a deficit of $11,404,-
629 last year, Tho figures for receipts,
disbursements, surplus and deficit ex-
clude Panama canal and public debt
Oiuaba Hay Market.
1 to oholce midland. 211.00011.60; No. X
J8.uifl0.w; ino, 3, yi.wras.w; fio, 1 to
choice lowland. J3.COfrl9.00. No. 2. $7.0&n
9.00; No. 8, r.,0007,00; No. 1 to choice
muiiana, tw.wan.w; no. 2, ts.uogio.oo;
No. 3. $.00O8.00. straw: None on the
mKmImj (tfViaat a w r nlinlakU
$5.600.00; choice oat or rye. $6.O0Q.6O.
Alfalfa: No. 1. $18.00313.00; No. 2, $1.00gi
Another Corbetl.
You can't keep the Corbetts down. One
ot the family and his first name Is Jim.
Is to get a trial with Connie Mack. He Is
a pitcher hailing from Oeorgetown university.
Cattle Very Slow and tho Tendency
Still Lower.
Close on Hogs Slorr nt ISnsler Prices
Sheep anil l.aniba Are Fairly
Active, TTllli the I'rlcen
Steailr to fttronRer.
, SOt'TH OMAHA, May , 191$.
necelpts were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheep
urnclal Monday 6,111 6.K72 !i816
Minnate Tuesday 3.600 6.300 6,000
mwn mis wraK ... 1V,3U id.mi
fiamo days last woek.. 5,008 21,2fl 1S.W
int w nn AKU., V,Ki IT.Ui 1,1(V1
faille day 3 w;ks ago,. 8.9M 20.072 20,674
- , ,v Ha ano., 10.i
Same day last year.... 7,$4 24,641 9,211
ine lonowing tnblo shows ine receipts
viio, hubs ana sncep at uouin umana
for tho year to date as compared with
tttle 346.730 337.910 11.186
llrt afaa 4 a A aai a a .u e a aw fX t
llOiV.U ltt.J,4T1 illl.l 2V$CH'TJ
neep 838,165 W1.861 36,291
ine rouowing table shows thn range ot
prices for hogs at South Omaha for tho
last few flnva vllH MmmHiAnl!
Date. I 1912. 19U,lgll.l0.11M.llKJ.lW7,
rtecelptn and disposition of live stock
at ine union Block yards, south umana,
for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock
Cattle,. Itncra. Shrrrv. ll'rs'a
C, M. A t. P.... 7 .. 1
Wabash 1 1 .. ..
Missouri 1001110..,, 7 1 .. ..
Union Paclflo 31 21 11
C. Jk M. W.. nut.. IS R.
C. & N. W west.. 83 17
V., St P., M. ft O.. 16 7 ..
C II, ft Q oast... 11 3 i
l.'., II. ft g.. West.. 34 S3 13 3
C. It I. ft P.. east 7 1
C., It 1. ft P.. west 1 1 .. ..
Illinois Central, 1 1 .. ..
O Ot We 3
Total receipts.... 164
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Aiorns ft co mm
Swift St Co 813
tea a
Cudahy Packing Co. .,.1,211
Armour ft Co 660
Boh warts ft Co ,
J. W. Alurnhy
Morrell 13
H. O. P. CO 8
I j. P. CO 40
Hill & Son
F. II. Lewis
J. U. Hoot & Co ,.
J. II. llulla ,
L. F. Huts
llosoustock llros 70
Mo. & Kau. Calf Co.... 93
Cllne & Christie..... 19
Other buyers 268
Totals 3,903 6,075 6,000
CATTLM Cattle recelnta were very
much lighter than yesterday, making the
total for the two days-8,714 head, a gain
of nearly 1,000 hood over tho same period
a year ago.
Tho market yesterday closed In a very
demoralised and unsatisfactory condition,
40 cars of cattlo havlJlg bean carried over
for today, Tho sluatlon this morning was
not Improved In the slightest degree. On
ine contrary tno heavy ran of rain mat
prevailed during the greater part ot the
forenoon Interfered very muoh with the
market In addition tho demand waa
far from urgent and tho market could
nardly bo described as better than slow
to 10a lower than yesterday's general
market Prices possibly wera no worse
than they were at tho extreme, close of
yesterday, but It Is really a very diffi
cult matter to maka comparisons on ac
count of tho market yesterday having
been very uneven. To say the least from
a seller's standpoint tho trade was In u
very unsatisfactory condition from start
to finish, with a downward tendency and
tho movoment extremely slow.
Quotations on Cattle: Good 'to cholcs
beat steers, $8.008,40; fair to good beef
teers, $7.7&3.C0; common to fair beef
steers, $7.303'7.76; good n oholce heifers,
$7.COiQ7.7&; good to choice cows. $t.7lOT,2$;
fair to good grade, $2.7600.00; good to
choice stockers and feeders. $7WT3.00;
fair to good stockers and. feodi, $7,000
7.(0; common to fair stockers and feeders,
$6.264P7.00: stock cows and heifers, $$,009
7.SS; veal calves, $7.00311.00; bulls, stag,
etc., $6.7607.35.
Representative sales:
Ko. At. Pr. Ko. At. Pr.
II (72 7 It !).,,..,.,, lilt 7 1
1 HO 7 U 10 1111 7 44
...1004 7 25
11 1110 7 tt
II til 7 70
7 US! 7 70
II 1107 7 70
II 1117 7 70
20 1117 7 70
2..,..12t7 7 TO
II ' 784 7 71
It lilt 7 7i
II... ..10ll 7 II
17 ,....1141 7 71
II 1104- 7 IS
21 1117 7 IS
II.,...,,. ...1111 7 IS
24,.; 1411 7 It
21 14IB 7 It
It 1170 7 at
41 1077 7 10
It 1119 7 N
II 1101 7 10
17 1111 -7 M
11 lit! I 01
40 1412 100
.1007 7 IS
7 et
. . StO 7 It
..1102 7 (0
., IIS 7 40
.. Ml 7 41
..1170 7 10
I IO0 7 CO
10. ttt 7 10
.......lilt 7 to
lOlt 7 to
..... ..not 7 to
..loti 7 it
.1045 7 It
Hit 7 40
710 T 60
II 1U0 7 10
20..,., 1001 7 40
25 1071 7 40
II 104 7 IS
II 12U 7 41
li 141 7 It
II 1141 7 6t
l7 7 00 II 1171 7 10
.... 717 7 It
.... 717 7 25
...10:1 7 2s
771 7 to
it 12s 7 tt
I 117 7 10
10 : 111 7 tt
1112 7 10
,.,...101) 770
I4S 7 76
14 en 7
it m 7 to
1 too 2 04
7 1134 t 20
11 1001 1 40
S 10M I 40
10,.., 1012 170
7 o 1 10
t lOtt t 14 II,
..lilt ttt
..lilt t 10
..lilt 7 00
..ISM 7 00
7 ttf t 2t t
1 11 40 t 25 I
3 lOli t 76 1
1 1041 t 10
4 470 I to 1......
1 40 t tt' 21
... 00 7 26
...IMt 7tt
... tit 7 tt
...1011 7
... Ill 7 2t
... 141 7 10
... Itt 7 35
... ;t 7 w
...too 7 tt
... (70 7 U
... 440 7 40
22., 114 I 71 I
I IU lit 11
K4 7 00 t
II 717 7 00 7
It til 7 10 4
1 121 T It 22
7 Ill 7 It 1
It 117 7 It 1
1 171 7 It 1
t 122 T 26
I IV) I to
1 110 I 24
1 1411 t 7t
1 1130 I 71
1 1170 I H
1 1224 I tt
1 120 t It
.1230 7 00
.2O00 7 04
.... 714 7 Oi
.... 110 7 01
....1004 Tot
....1070 7 10
.-. 110 7 10
.... 120
.... lit t 71
.... 140 I 7i
.... 220 t 7i
I.. iu t to 1
2 Ill 7 10 1
1 HO t 00 I
1...,, 2(0 t 10 1
I t 200 t 40
II lit 1 li it , m iu
t 141 7 25 20 701 7 10
I 720 7 24 ITS T 44
11 ,. 172 7 21 1 711 7 40
it let 7 2 2.. ., tot 7 to
HOOS-Recelpts were light for a Tues
day, and as there was a lively demand
from all quarters, the market opened
fully 10c higher than yesterday's aver
age. With tich a strong feeling In evi
dence salesmen were in no hurry to cash
their holdings, but they were unable
tn force values much and the bulk of
tho hogs sold at a big dime advance.
The market was not very active at any
time, and sharp thunder showers all
through the morning stopped trading
several times. On the close things be
came very slow, and In fact It looked
as though values had weakened o(f a
little. Buyers made bids on these last
hogs thai looked to be a little easier
than the early prices, and when sales
men refused to turn loose at these shaded
figures, buyers left the yards, leaving
several loads still In first hands.
The bulk of the sales landed at a
spread ot $8.228.46. with the long string
at $8.40, and up until a late hour the
highest price that had been paid was
$8.43. The larger share of the offerings
was on the light and butcher order, and
was of fairly good quality, but there
was nothing real toppy included in the
May 3 iUJ 7 69 6 771 9 IS) I 6 491 6 19
May 10 SUV, 7 M 5 79 9 2$ 8 M S3
May 11. I 7 46 6 8! 9 2S 0 97 6 41 6 S3
May 12. 8 14HI I 6 $l 331 7 01 6 it
May 15. S 15, 7 441 6 971 9 30) 7 04 5 35 8 35
May 14. 8 22U 7 65 9 S3 7 OS fi 31 6 W
May 16. R 22U 7 3) 5 96 7 11 5 22 0 21
May 16. S 2414 7 65 5 96 9 6 21 o 17
May 17, 8 7 8i 6 89 9 30 7 00 21
May 18. 7K6849 4( 70:5$08a
May 19. 8 2St41 S 79 9 Ml fl 9J 6 31
May M.( 8 3.K 7 CO 5 73 9 33 93 5 33 8 23
supply. While today's top U no better
than yesterday's it must be remembered
that there was only one load over $435
yesterday, whllo today $3.45 Is the top
of the bulk as well as being the best
price paid.
Today's arrivals amounted to about
91 cars, or fi.300 head, the smallest for
a Tuesday slneo the first week In Octo
ber, when only 3,400 head wero yarded.
For tho two days the receipts total 13,
373 head, nearly 8,000 smnller than last
week and mom than 10,000 lighter thAn
the same days a year ago.
Representative sales:
No. at. sit. Pr. rra. ;,r. sh. rr,
21 170 ... I 24 lit 217 110 I 40
Ill ... t M M. 311 40 I 40
17 217 14 I M M 2t1 14 I 40
II HI 10 I K) 74 231 10 I 49
II Ill ... 120 ft 242 ... 1 40
l 24 14 I tt M 22 ... I 44
77 202 ... t 21 M til ro I 40
4 ! ... I tt II 212 ... I 19
tl 283 N I IS tt 221 ... t 44
tt 211 1M 1 18 71 252 40 I 40
tl 247 ... t IS Tt 2W 10 I 49
S Ill ... I IS tt 117 S4 I 40
M 271 II! Jit ... 1 44
II 247 0 1 tt 70.. 147 240 I 44
t I 110 I SS 71 Ill 14 I 40
71 til 40 t U 24 131 TO I 41
0 21 ... I St 21 2.H ... I 49
42 . .1M to I IS 77 12 204 I 40
4t 247 ... I T7 lit 124 I 40
I 251 ... 2 24 to ,.211 .. I 4t
II 22 14 I 13 72 210 24 I 40
43 211 ... I tt II 2t2 .. t 49
II 27S . . I St 71 230 M I 49
3 ... I 2t 14 ttt 110 I 40
W !' 110 I tt M. ...... 219 119 t 49
II 214 40 I ti 14 204 10 I 49
t 27t 110 t 35 24 212 49 t 40
l 27 110 I 27H TT 203 .. I 41U
14 ......714 240 I17V4 47 209 119 t u
14 177 ... t 40 IS 1 1M I itu
... I H
. !
224 47ti
.. 4JiJ
... II1V1
,...,,, ... b ni v,,..i..z2a
tT .. ..lit ... t 49 70 214
12 104 119 I 49 71 217
17. ......272 ... t 49 Tt 222
I 23$ 14 t 43 214 .. It 42U
0 211 ... t 49 71 1T 129 I 43H
II 2M ... I 40 14 207 ... t 42V4
Tt 230 ... I 41 Tl 301 ... I 45
Tl ,.1S 10 I 49 71 US . 4S
47 tit 110 I 19 17 201 21 2 41
41 2tl 120 t 27H 29 UI ... t 4t
t?..... 1ST 10 I r.ii tl 212 40 I 42
4T 122 209 I ttu lis.... tn ... tat
13 .....20 ... I I7U 45 til ,.. 41
It 259 19 t 274 It.... . 211 . t 4S
... .v. .v iu u mu icu a e
SHEEP it was a strong, actlvti mar
ket for both shorn and wool lambs that
were at all desirable, nnd everything on
that order was disposed of at a com
paratively early hour in the forenoon. Ort
the other hand, heavy lambs were none
too active and as a rule moved at figures
steady with yesterday. Tho demand was
stimulated to a more or less oxte.nt hv
the very modern. supply on hand and
also because of prospects for light re
ceipts tomorrow on account of tho un-
lavoraoio woatner. wnuo a little im
provement was noticeable In tho local
trade, most other nalnts renortrri tmiw
markets, wth an easier tendency to
A narrow rnngft of, S9.lXktTW.43 took the
most ot the Mexican wool lambs, with
the latter figure bolng tho top for the
day. The lambs at $143 weighed around
76 lbs. Clipped lambs sold anywhere
from $7.00 to $7.40, according to weight
and quality.
There waa not enough muttons Included
In the receipts to make a market, but
what trade took Dlace In this ritvlalnn In.
dlcated prices steady with Monday. Soma
clipped wethers, averaging 115 lbs., that
sold at $5.65 on Monday, brougli the aama
price ioaay. a deck or cupped ewes
brought $6.60.
In all there woro about twentv.riva
oars, or 6,000 head, received at tha yards,
ns compared with 9,540 head last Moni
day and 8,001 head on tho same day two
weeks ago.
Quotations on sheet, and Umbs; Good
to cholco Mexican lambs, $8.30j'8.4S; fair
to good Mexican lambs, $A.16n8.30; fair
to choice western Iambs, $7.75&S.C0; fair
to good woatern lambs, $7.60377,75: shorn
lambs, good to choice, $7.0037,40; year
lings, light $7.00Q1Z5; yearlings, heavy,
$6.65p7.00: wethers, good to choice, $6,603
6.C8; wethers, fair to good, $6as60:
ewes, good to oholce, $6.0tQ.23: eWs. fair
to good. $6.75416.00: culls and bucks. t4cxV3.
Representative sales:
No. At. Tr
626 fed shorn lambs ,, 7$ 7 is
266 Mcxtoan lambs go g $0
203 fed ewes SS' 5 60
4$ red ewes 93 6 50
113 cull 76 4 00
179 shorn lamb ...'. $4 6 80
24 thorn lambs ti 6 65
334 shorn lambs 83 6 63
217 shorn lambs .. 86 6 65
235 shorn lambs f 7 is
srvs shorn iambs M 7 is
268 shorn Iambs , 85 7 20
181 shorn lambs 85 73)
62 shorn ewes 121 it ut
133 spring lambs m a ss
SOS shorn spring lambs 70 7 40
264 shorn lambs .1 si s 7S
321 shorn lambs 74 t 73
lia A V. . A t. V, A t P. A AA
, iiiuwi mill kit, ,., , 09 D fo
233 fed lambs 70 p. nn
126 fed lambs .1 71 8 00
271 shorn lambs ,73 7 to
2.19 shorn lambs 74 7 av
249 Mexican lambs 77 8 45
2S2 Mexican lamba 7H J 45
259 Mexican lambs 79 S 45
Kanaaa City Live S too It Sfarket.
Receipts, 9.000 head: market steady:
southern steers, $6.20Q7.6S; southern
nn4 h.l,A , 1 KilCM M, .... . I . .
v u iiv .u ci, n,uwui,wi iiauvu u u v a
and heifers, 14.7Mf8.iai stockers and feed
ers, fJ.&OflS.OO; bulls, $5.7507.25; calves,
$6.601310.00; western steers, $7.00fJ8.JS;
western cows, $1.60127.25.
HOaS Receipts, 16,000 head; market 6c
to 10a higher; bulk, $9.406.6O; heavy, $3.35
W.W, packers and butchers. $8.4068.66;
light $8.4Mi8.W; pigs, $7.007.GO.
SHEEP AND LAMD8 Receipts, 9,000
head; market steady to lOo higher; mut
tons, $4,0033.60; Colorado lambs. 14.7M
8.60; range wethers and yearlings, $1.403
7.00; range ewes, $10006.29.
ChlcRiro Live Btnctc blarltet.
CHICAGO, May 20,-CATTLlS-Recelpte,
1,600 head; market slow and steady;
beeves, $7.1&S.0O; Texas steers, $6.76(9
7.70; western steers, $7.0OQ,15; stockers
and feeders. $5.8017.85; eowa and heifers,
$3.SOi87.lH); calves, $6.t6tt.0O.
HOOS-Recelpts, 10,000 head) market
generally lOo higher; bulk. $SW.8,T0; light,
$8.604j8,78; mixed, $8.40C.'7S; heavy, $S.15n
8.70; rough, M.15QO-30; pigs. $6,605(8.40.
BlIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.000
head; market steady to 10a lower; native,
15.60(36.15; western, $6,608X5.13: yearlings.
$6,0Og6.76: lambs, native, $8.Xwy7.60; west
ern. $6.CS7.C0.
St. Lnals Live Slock Markat.
ceipts. 6.000 head: market steady; native
beef steers, $5.75739.00; southern steers.
$6.2588.60; calves, $3.0036.60. ,-
HOGS Receipts. 12,600 head; Co higher;
pigs and lights. $7,OOi8.60, good heavy,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.000'
head; steady; native muttons, $5,0036.75;
lambs, $7.0OgS,i5.
St. Jpscph Live Stoclc Market,
Receipts, l.&oo head; market steady:
steers, $7.00i8.10; cows and heifers, $1.00
8.10; calves. $6.609.2S.
HOOS-Recelpts. 6,000 head; market 6
lOo higher; top, $8.65; bulk ot sales, $3.40
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.600
head; market steady; lambs, $7.0038.25.
Chnnitr In Available Supply,
NEW YORK, May 20,-Speclal cable
and telegraphic communications re
ceived by llradatrtet'a show tho follow.
Ing changes In available supplies aa
compared with previous account: Avail
able supplies I Wheat, United States,
east Rockies, decreased 3,420.000 bu.
United States, west Rockies, increased
83,000 bu. Canada, decreased 2,781,000 bu.
Total United States and Canada, de
creased 3,121,000 bu. Afloat tor and in
Europe, decreased 1.300.000 bu. Total
American and European supply, de
creased 6,421,000 bu. Corn, United States
and Canada, decreased 757,000 bu. The
leading decreases .ana increases reported
this week follow. Decreases: Manitoba.
6S3,003 bu. Syracuse, 70.000 bu. Louis
ville, t,uoo bu. I'ort Huron. 60,000 cu,
Increase; Portland, Me., 37S.C00 bu.
tamoTU Uurl itrUargautCDts,
ulckane3, BwoBea XI a s n o s ,
tubs. Vllled Tindnnt. Harvnami
Pom anr lirulao or Ht rain Cuftt
itia uaipaneaa, Allays ram,
es not Ulla tar, remove the lal
up th
ai ljoo
? -Bjl.QO a
tli. aallTarad. llnnb I K
a js irae.
BrsoTltla. titralna. Oouit or nbantaxila 1
no. tor
BwoUaa. Painful Varicose Vein. AlUrt fa4n.
Will tall voo more If joa write. 11 and 13 par botll
at de.l of dUTw1. ltBtcluia4 Gnlr bf
W. r. TOUN O, J?. S. 5- 104 Tsmpls ml
Bprlngfltia, iSAmm.