Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Figures of Youthful Grace
Every woman, whatever her size, may possess
the graceful lines Mind elastic youth by wearing
the Warner's Rust-Proof model designed for
her special type of figure.
JNo hgure, ot any
type, that the right
Warner Model will
not beautify; and they
are the most econom
ical as well as the
.most fas h i o na b 1 e
shaped and longest
wearing corset.
Our skilled corsetieres
are always ready to fit
you with. the correct
Wnert&Ls model.
Corset Section Third Floor
saat-i' - . I, i " 1
i i
Originator of Steel Trust
Takes tho Stand.
Principal Ilrnnon for PormlnK Combine-Wa
to Oct Rzport Trile
and o Kffrct Bconomy
In Production.
Report that Stone's Election is Re
sult o Plot Starts Row.
He AsUs that Publication In Qne
tlon lie Overlooltfd na nn Error
oC JndBntentEHU Alio
Denlea' It. . -'
ATTjANTA, Ga., May 19. reproduction
In Atlanta today ot a story n a Now
Tork nqspaDer cljargLng tlat the elec
tion of John T.'' Stone of ' Chicago "as
moderator o iho Northern Prosbyterlan
gnertt umUr mu the result ot a
"deep laid political 'fcsheme." threw that
assembly Into a turmoil of excitement.
Dr, Stone himself took tho floor. He
nald he had pot e,en the puliation and
bested that the wlldo bo overlooked as
an ' error In, Judgment.'? ,
"William T.. Ellis ot Pennsylvania, who
mnA nr. Btona's nomination, de
nounced the .story w untrue.
Reports an Tueotoelcut .Seminary.
In tho Northern assembly the proceed
ings were featured by pubJloaton of
majority and minority report by the
committee appointed to. qon.lder differ
ences between the ohuroU and the Union
Thelogleal Seminary of New Tork City.
Since all relations between the Institu
tion and the ohurcit which founded it
were broken' oft because ot the 'alleged
heretical belief of menrsfcratofHrib 9ni
nary'a faculty, It ha been expected by
many laymen that an amicable adjust
ment might be, arranged ami to thlvlew
the majafllyof the iOmnuttee' agrefa,
asking for another year's time. In two
minority rerorts, however,"' the tok Is
regarded na hopeless. , " ' K
Dr. Frank V, HonfoVf of ' Cincinnati,
submitted a minority report 1n which he
declared: that fnerrtbers'of tha acuity pf
the Union Theological ' seminary had
tailed tp answer Important questions ro
gartlngf their belief and that-the an
swers tUeV had given Indicated that they,
had no right td be recognised as orthodox
Presbyterians.. , . .,;
Saloon Men Charged
With Receiving
Stolen Money
CniCAOO, May 19. Almost $100,000 of
the $271,000 In Canadian money stolen from
the branch of tho ilnnk ot Montreal at
New Westminster, 11, C, has been ex
changed for Unlled States currcnoy by
Chicago saloonkeepers, according to the
assertion Of tho superintendent of a de
tective agency, made last night. Michael
J., Flanagan.1- proprietor of a saloon, wna
arrested early yesterday morning whon
two men accused him ot giving them
(Canadian money to exchange. Three
other saloonkeepers nre under surveil
lance and arrests may result.
William J. Lawler and Charles 0'tary,
arrested on Saturday night, charge Flana
gan with being the receiver of part of
th6 stolen money. Iawler asserted he
received $U In bills from Flanagan on
Wednesday afternoon. The monoy finally
reached tha local b.inch of the Dank of
Montreal and was traced back.
Three of tho robbers who tunneled Into
the vault of the Westmlnstor bank are
In prison awaiting trial. The fourth mem
ber of tha gang Is hiding In Chicago, da
teotlves ' say, and It 'Is from him that
tFlanagan Is said to have (Obtained the
money which was given to Lawlar.
Valentine Boy IWcat Jeii.
VAIiENTNE,. Neb, MrorJBpectnl.)
A base ball irftfne heo .yesterday be'
tween tho nieVs'teami' and the.'oys1
team reiUlltj Jlrv:fl tehlnntng yanib In
favor of, the k0a. The score:""
Mi ...... '-X0 0 0 0 6;0' 0 0 01
Kids ...10 J 0 0 00 0 o 1-3
Batteries' Men; Bishop and Fischer;
Klda, Daniels mtiH Dunn. Strike outs:
Daniels, J9; Bishop, k Umpire: Scrlbner.
..Win. IEvn.
LONDON May 1&-Th6 amateur court
tennis cJmrnplonshlp was Won. again , to.
day by Neville Stephen Lrtrtton, a son of
the first earl ot Lytton. Jlo defeated 11
IX. Baerltln at Queen's club, three games
to two.
NOOAIiES. Arlr.; May 19. The" pro
Jocted attack by Sonora state troops on
tiuaymas may take tho form of a Inndf
marine ana air Dauie, maue possioio oy
the crossing Into Mexico during last night
of a, complete aeroplane. A special train
from the direction of Naco and bearing
the' machine arrived at Nogalos, Honor,
today and wAa hurried south. The Mexi
can gunboat Guerrero Ilea m the harbor
ready to assist the fVderal garrison.
After the confhcation of Tils aeroplane
below Tucson, Olillef Mnsson, a French
aviator, escaped Into Mexico and since
has been awaiting the arrival of the sec'
forid machine. It Is said tho machine
which was taken across last night la the
second ot a series ot flvo contracted for
by Uie Insurgent state troops.
Uoasar O.nt of Game. .
WICHITA. Kail., May 1;-The broken
left ankle ot ChHst Mndsoy. caused by a
Hilda home in yesterday's game, will keep
the first baseman ot Sioux City out ot
tha game for the entire season, his physi
cians, say today.
Columbus Win.
C!OL.miBU8. Neb.. May . 19.-Sneolal.)
Columbus won today, U to S. Score;
Columbus ..001(1910 -4S13 3
-Tork 9 0 I I Z, t 0 0 0-lS 5
Mexican Rebels Will
Use. Aeroplane in".
, Siege: MG-Uayms
NEW YOItK, May 19.-Charles M.
8chwab, president of tho Bethlehem Steel
corporation and first president of th(T
United States Steel corporation, took the
stand today a a w'tness for the defense
In tho government suit to dissolve tho
tatter corporation.
Mr. Schwab described tho famous din
ner given him In 18W by prominent
financiers, at wlilch Schwab made a plea
for consolidating the steel Industry on
the gTOUnd of economy.
Mr. Schwab sat next to J. P. Morgan
at the dinner and today described the
conversation he had with him,
Mr. Schwab said he explained to Mr.
Morgan that combination of certain steel
companies would bring about a "com
pletely Integrated organization," which
would hare the advantages of the pos
session of raw amterlals, transportation
and plants which would enable It "to
conduct the business from the mining of
oro nnd coal right through tb the man
ufacture and sale of every finished
After Export nnslneaa.
"I also pointed out to him," he said,
"that only by combination could export
business bo made profitable. Probably,
more than anytning else, i impreeseu
upon him the advantages ot combining
for the eahe of establishing an export
"From the moment 1 started my con
versation with Mr. Morgan," Mr. Bohwab
continued, ''the question ot obtaining a
monopofy or restraining competition was
never mentioned. Neither he nor his as.
sociales eyer mentioned any object In
forming "tho corporation other than tha
of economy none whatever."
Mr. Schwab, who Is now chairman of
thb Bethlehem Steel corporation, 'one of
a United States Steel's largest com
petitors, declared that "no other factor
Influence has done more to foster
trade, to establish fair and open dealing
and to stimulate healthy and effective
competition than the United States Steel
Mr. Schwab said ho "had never heard"
of the existence of a foreign rail pool or
any agreements with foreign manufac
turers to divide neutral territory or to
keep out of each other's territories.
"Do you think the Steel corporation has
the power to put Its competitors out ot
It couldn't put me out of business,"
dectared the witness emphatically. Ho
added that the corporation had even less
power to put small competitors out ot
business than some ot the other steel
Youth's Neck Broken
When He Is Pinned
Under a Machine
ItOCKWBIj, la., May 17. Ed Falk,
aged 19. was. killed near here today in
an automobile accident. He "was at the
Wheel ot the machtno and lost control.
The' caV'ntn off 'the grade and pinnea
Fajlt beneath It Three young women-
Irene and Clara Huff and Ida Qoetr-
who Were with him, were thrown clear
artSaja. . . as na"
Of the rnaohlne, Clara Huff remained
unconscious uniu ihkgii iu i,mwu,n
near by. The other two wera unhurt
Falk dlod Instantly. His nok wae
Mrs, Longstreet
Places Blame on the
Georgia Democrats
WASHINGTON, May 19.-Mrs. Helen
V. Longstreet widow of the noted con
federate general, had a hearing before
the senate postoffico committee today to
give her version of the circumstances
leading to her displacement as postmas
ter at Gainesville, da, Mrs. Longstreet
did not ask reinstatement, but sought to
reply to Postmaster General Burleson's
statement that her office was poorly
managed. She referred to Mr. Burleson
as "President Wilson's sixty-day post
master general."
Mrs, Hongstre'et declared that she was
the victim of the Georgia Hallway and
Power company, which, she snld, had
pursued her because she urged legislation
to "curtail Its favors." She presented a
long list of endorsements of her admin
istration and asserted that the people of
her community ,who knew her were more
competent to Jndgo her than the postmas-'
ter general. I
"The Immortal commander whose name ;
I bear, who resigned, n commission In the j
American army to follow tho banners of .
Mm avuit, until ,C ID'. llllilVQ UUV
was furled at Appomattox, and thence
forth found himself an outcast In the
land whose battlefields had run red with
his heroic blood," declared Mrs. Long
street, "was not madq to suffer more
than I have been made to suffer at the
hands of that branch of the democracy
which Is In the saddle down In the good
old democratic state of Gcorglla In the
year that has placed a Virginia gentle
man In the White House."
A Special Event for Tuesday Only
25c s 35c Scotch French Ginghams, 15cyd
Imported ginghams in nil the fancy checks, all the even checks, nil the
fancy woven stripes, all tho evoni woven stripes, nent small plaids and
plain colors 32 inches wide in beautiful fast color combinations. A
bargain, that should be of interest to everyone. Sole of such fine ging
hams at suoh a low price rarely occurs special at, yard
Waters of Pacific
Let Into the Canal
. hy Dynamite Blast
PANAMA, May 1.Th waters of the
Paclfjc Ocean were let Into the Panama
canal today. A giant blast of 82,00
pounds of dynamite 'was shot, demolish
ing the dike to the 'south of the Mlra-
flores looks anfl"alIowlng the water to
flow into an extensive section in which
excavation 'practically has been, com'
you Cap' Stop
ties I j
aay- ft
MOST'" fceaa
aches are
d y a 6. etsmacb.
IsrUh cltciilfctioa all
, Ktmsn the BOtsonoufl .
' matte ffbXoU cauhs it
F KiC year iieaawno ouaff
"Th ama& lrWch Biovea
F fcnvaia'tiulDklY ajiil ra
f artcraa & normal coBdltfoB. Is 1
hsrmrsiuix JAKOB WATER, '
l v. aatnral Le.xt.Uve. V, glass
' In the iHibralnsr or at any I
i nn an astctr Ktomoea -acts)
Farmla bt hrmv or aa auralT and
fciaaaoiiss. Oat bstUo At any
aDruaT Store to
! AOTJPAS CAI.lKNTCS. Moxlco, May 1J.
John waiKer. a uruisn mine owner,
, and his wife, tlKliting; shoulder to
! shoulder, . recently hilled five and
i wounded three men out of a band of
eleven employes at the mine near Villa
Garcia, KacaXecas. Mr. and Mrs, Walker
arrived here today undor escort ot
tioopa. J
The employes attacked Mr. 'Walker In
the office ot the mine, because of .his
Inability to raise money with which to
pay their wages. The Attackers used
knives and clubs, and Mr. Walker had
been er)o))y cut end beaten when he
opened tire upon them with an automatic
revolver! s Mrs. Walker reinforced her
husband ,wltlt a rifle.
Supposed Wealthy
Reoluse Victim
of Starvation
TONKEftS, N. Y., May 19.-In the spa-
clous residence occupied by herself and
her brother on a fashionable residence
street here, Ada Duncomb, a middle aged
spinster, was round at&a last nieut, a
victim of starvation, according to Coroner
Dunn. There was no food In tho house
The authorities stepped Into tho case
when a physician whom Whitney Dun-
combs, Jr., 60 years old, the woman's
brothor, had summoned, found Miss Dun-
comb dead on a couch In her bedroom,
her' body clad In racs.
The Duncomb residence has been a
house ot mystery to the neighbors for
the twelve years efnee the 'family moved
here, the blinds' always being drawn, no
servants being, erriployed'and no one ever
seen to visit the mansion. The officials,
who visited tho place today, reported that
the costly old furniture was falling to
pieces from negleot, while dust and dirt
had been allowed to accumulate, ap
parently for years.
Duncomb was reticent as to himself and
the family affairs In general, only saying
he would go to New Jersey- to notify rel
atives there of his sister's death. Neigh
bors believed the pair to be wealthy, '
Voilo and IJncerio Waists
show the low roll collar and tho new
short sleeves, many styles .......
May Sale of Waists
Muslin Underwear
Moro new lots have been received and
go on sale Tuesday for the first time
Midsummer Waists
styles that would
readily sell at a
higher -fl
price, Al
special "
-the now models that
A Score of Now Models In the cleverest walsta ot
sheer wash fabrics, including all & QEt
tho favorite stylo features 4 A eJO
New Silk Waists, Wcrth up (o $6.50, at $3.98
Messalines and chiffons are in this group plain
colors nnd striped effects; many plain tailored
silk waists as well tho more elabor- do qq
ately trimmed styles at j)5.a0
cua4 i iiif it er
-C3 V A
ft'1 U3l
Gowns. Drswers."
Chemises, Corset J
Covers and Combi
nation Garmonts
new lota, b I g g e r V
bargains tnan d -fl c
ever at ?.
Combination Baits of Undermuslins ao well as
soparato garments, daintily
trimmed, at
Undermuslins of the Daintiest Character Com
bination garments, gownB, petti- dj-fl QC
coats, drawers and chemlBea at. . . P JL &J
Dainty Princess Slips 3 Groups
These aro tho throe groups that will delight thou
sands of Omaha women. The slips aro carefully
sized and beautifully made.They aro priced spe
cially at . . Sl.OO. S1.45. S1.05
Your choice of all our genuine Imported hand
made Fronch lingerie at Just price.
(Continued from 'Page One.)
"Father of .Trolley
.Car," Inventor, Dies
8TOCKBRIDCJI8, Mass., May 19.
Stephen Dudley Field, the "father of the
trolley car" and an Inventor or interna
tional prominence, died at his horn, to
day a Red 68 years. Anions the Inven
tions patented by Mr. Field are the
quadruple telecraph. electric elevator,
amplifier for doubling- the aped of ocean
cables, itock ticker, hotel annunciator
ant) the police patrol teleirsph. Alto
Bether Mr. Kleld held more than S pat
ents. -
Mr. Field's first trolley car was built
at his experimental station in hiock-
brldee. Its success encouraged him to
build a second Car whloh Is r.ow in the
Smithsonian Institution. In ;SS3 his first
car for commercial purposes was bsed
at the business exposition ot railroad
men In Chtcaso.
Mr. Field was a member of-the famous
family which Included Cyrus Field, an
uncle, who laid the itrst Atiantio caDie.
Fifteen Bodies
Taken from Mine
DEMB VALUES', O., May 19The
bodies of fifteen men hsd bean recovered
tonlcht from tha Imperial rnlnef where
two explosions early last night resulted
In the death ot fourteen miners and one
A rescue party party descended- earlyi
today and broucht the dead to the aur
The bodies were found a mile and e,
quarter rom the , mouth ot'lhe'mlne.
They are badly burned.
ltoosevelt," but as Mr. Ostrom refused to
follow Toddy out of the partx I am rather
inclined, to pelleYe,he V-ii!1 .rlfft): ,'aryr
Lapd 'Commissioner necKmannSaid he
had .received ho notification' 'from'' Mf.
Ostrom ' that he would resign as deputy
land commissioner and until ho he did
receive official notification ' of that fact
he could not discuss who he would ap
point to fill the vacancy.
It Is understood that while the deputy
election commlsslonershtp only pays $1,500
a year, Mr. Ostrom prefers it to the dep-
utyshlp In the land commissioners' dttlco,
which pajra l;800, because It Will, enable
him to live at home in Omaha.
36-in. Messaline Dress Silks in Variotas Stripes, at, a yard OQ
Navy, Copenhngcn blue, new tans, blacks and whites 9 s
40-in. Imported Radium Dress Silks in Balkan and Dresden Effects, at, a yard, $1.49
27-in. All Silk Satine, the Season's Favorite Dress and Evening Shades, at, yd. 50c
$11 Mattresses $5.98 $14 Mattress :s $7.85 $6.50 Mattresses $3.98 $3.50 Mattresses $1.98
CMtUttyecrMtf br 6teU tut thtt U
ititA iwtnl f run, u, uiu .uhi Kmh.
(ft. iaaisraika, ntla. pn. . r
tawisn'., aunlsvi. rnuiMMiM," tlc
Aak Vaur Druirlit Va
laf u(lsj K He Hi Ht tV&KH
KBAr.NKY. Neb.. May W.-lSpcdal
Telegtam.) Peter Torxren of Urant, Keb,
! wus drowned two miles north of here 1
; Woc4 ilvVr while In bathing. He had !
IbeenNjut with a party of picnickers imd
' in -takln? a dive Into a deep hole must
' have atr.uok his head for he never oame
( up. lie was Jl years of ase and was a
j senior 1n"tfie Bate "N'orrhal "sohobl. The'
I body was recovered about p. m.
I ,
BITKFAM), N. T., fay l.-(8pectal Tal
eerum ) John, II. Plcklnson, axed 41,
brother ot J.eon D tiloklason of Omaha,
died early today at his home. 20S7 6cnca
street, as the result of It4ur!e sustained
In a fall from weoh here two weeks
aa He bad seveial ribs fractured and
bs left lung penetrated- Burial will be In
Buffalo Wednesday afternoon.
Police Protect an '
Umpire from Mob
NEWARK, K. J.. May 19.-A decision
by .Umpire Hayes, of the International
leasee, that a ball knocked over the right
field fence wns fair, led to a' player be
Ins taken from the field by the police.
today, and later officers were -forced to
eseort the umpire from the grounds to
a train, amid a 'hall ot bottles, stones.
cushions and other missiles.
Noted Mining
Engineer Dead
CfcEVEtaND. O.. May ,19--Albert
V, Hojden ot Salt lake City ond Cleve
land, one of the best known mlnlntr en
gtneers In the country, died at his homo
here to-night of a, Uncaring disease after'
asveral months' illness.
Key to the Situation Bea Adrartiatsc
A lilfe Sentence
ot suffering with throat and lung trouble
Is qulekly commuted by Dr. King's New
Discovery. 60a and tt. Kor aola by Bea
ton Drug CAAavertlssmsnt.
ST. IXUIB, May 19,The National Re
tail Grocers' association convened here
today with several hundred delegates in
attendance. Advocates of. Omaha. Cleve
land and Nerf .Orleans -.are, urgtng the
claims ot those cities lor Uie ' next con-.
ventlon, It has been 'dsalded that the
1M5 convention shall be.beld-ln San Fran
cisco. . ' 1 w
W. M. Wood, Head of Combine, is
Arraigned at Boston.
It ia Alleged ?hn Bxploalvea Were
riuccd In Ilonaca of Striker
' ' .with, Intent to Dlaoredlt
.vJ t"'n. .
BOSTON, May 19,-WIIllam M. Wopd,
president of .tho American Woolen com
pany and a textile manufacturer' of In
ternational reputation Frederick E. At
teauz, and Dentils J. .Collins, were placed
on trial today charged with conspiring to
"plant" dynamite 'at Lawrence, during the
textile strike In that city In January,
The trial has' been awaited with special
Interest Tiocause' 6f ' thu ' prominence of
Mr, Wobd, and also because It Is the flfst
:tlma In Massachusetts ' that a serious
criminal charge arising from labor dif
ficulties have been preferred ngatnst a
manufacturer. The arrest of the man
last August caused a sensation.
Choree Conspiracy.
Atteaux Is a, dealer in chemicals and
a friend of Mr. .Wood. Collins Is a clog
fancier ot Cambridge. It Is charged that
the three defendants conspired with John
J, 'Breen, an undertaker at Lawrence,
and Ernest K. Pitman,' a builder of An
dovcr, to Place dyanmlte In a house oc-
: ti.. - ,. ,,
cupjed-by "Striking' textile operatives for
th purtcro1of rtrejudlclng publlo opinion
by making It appear that the strikers
had possession of an explosive which they
intended to use In damaging mill property.
Tho pbflce 'discovered the dynamite and
arrested several Btrlke operatives who
lived In the house. All 'subsequently con
vince the court of theltf innocence and
were discharged.
Soon afterward Breen, a member of the
Lawrence schcM board, was arrested,
convicted nnd fined $300 for "planting"
tho exploslv.-. Pitman, who built the
Wood mill of the American Woolen com
pany, committed sulcldo on the day tho
Suffolk county grand Jury began an In
vestigation of the alleged conspiracy.
Fireman Killed In Wreck.
AUSTIN, Tex., May 19. In a head-on
collision south of here today on the In
ternational and Great Northern railway,
between passenger train No. 7 and a
cattle train, fireman Chris Reek was In
stantly killed, five persons were seriously
and a score or more slightly hurt.
For Everybody, Everywhere '
For workers with hand or brain for rich
and poor for every kind of people in
every walk of life there's delicious re- M
freshment in a glass of at
M different and better in purity and flavor. M
The best drink anyone can buy. m
Be ture to get the genuine. Ask
for it by its full name to avoid
tmitatfnn nnrl anhitittitinn. j&r
laaaaai san b. vr
01 18 aaU.- Send for free booklet.
5U3p3P' "Saaaaa 1 aal '
j John Says:
you see an
Arrow think
Ankle Strap
Those broad toed flat
or spring heel sandals
are the most serviceable
and dressy footwear for
the children. In whitp
canvas, white nubuek,
patent colt, gun metal,
calf turned or welt solqs.
According to size
$1.25 to $2.50
1419 Farnam
'Take n little Mon-
R key and palat blm
V wblte Ilka a Babbit
" and be stUl , ra
I 1 mains Monkey.
ka-'V Others ara Imitating
EK Co O I O A tt 8,
and even my oraty
Uttle "ads," bat they
are only imitators.
John's Cigar Store
16th & Harney Sts.
Every ay 13 Koon to 11 P. II. ,
ITaweat In
and ssxsoirs TAXKrcs"
Special Today "Votes for Women"
A Talking Picture Presenting Noted
Changes Sunday, Tuesday and. Thursday.
May 20-21-22.
Car X.MT6S 15th and Farnam a '.-IS.
Gamed Called 8 P, M.
rSfiftt 100
Ti.Uol4 Man leal Coratd?
. continuous eta.
. n a . i T m m
family theatre photo layi
sual Borlaaqua