The Omaha Daily THE BEE'S Daily apuri Extra THE WEATHER, Fair; Warmer BEST OP ALL VOL. XL1I-NO. 287. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1!)13-TWN. PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO GENTS. Bee TO HASTEN WORK OF PRESBYTERIAN UN Will Report in Year After Con ferring as to Specifio Means of Amalgamation. SOUTHERNERS ARE IN VAN Dixie Branch Leads in Movement for "Getting Together." 'ATLANTA IMPATIENT FOR IT Assemblies Urged to Be Quests of Confederate Veterans. "CAN FORGET AND FORGIVE" Suldlir In Gray Telia Vlilion ".MIuniH-rKnndlnK "f Hull Century Ak" ia Hot Remembered. ATLANTA. Ua.. May 18. The south Is determined to lead In the movement for union" of the various suctions of Presby terians. The. southern church has from the first been thu aggressor in pursuit of this iilun. Sutuiday It came to concrete Initiation In the appointment of commit tees by the South utid the United Pros-byt-rlan generally assemblies with In structions to confer as to specific ways and means of actually effecting un amalgamation. Those committees will report a year hence to their respectlvo assemblies. By that tlmo It Is hoped the northern Pres byterians may have so adjusted thcli duimstlo affairs as to bo In position to into negotiations for a general imrgor. Ut course "whllo the other branches hesltuto to talk definite affiliation with the northern so long ns the latter has the union .seminary problem of alleged unoithodoxy on Its hands, there Is an other reason for hesitation. It In quite well known that the United and Southern prebbyterlcs desire to unite and first form a stronger body before going In with the larger branch of the north and thus avoid being a swallowed up. in pit t lent fir Union. It Is Interesting to observe Atlanta's obsession of this spirit of union. Thcso southerners are positively Impatient for I it. Saturday a confederate veteran com mander visited each ot tho four Presby terlan assembles and urged the "Pher nuins," as Atlanta folks regard all' federal veterans, to bo the guests of the con federates on a certafn notablo occasion. 'Wo want to show you boys who marched to the sea," Bhouted the old. soldier In gray, "that we can forget and forgivo-r ah " And' while too people ebeeedjjtini Jauglied. )hatntqrjc.ted:, ,"A misunderstanding that occurred some fifty years ago." Kev. T. , H. McConnell of Omaha was placed oil tho commltteo on theological seminaries to succeed Dr. D. B. Jenkins, who was promoted to tho chairmanship of the Important committee on polity Some of the biggest men In the assembly aro on this committee before which the fundamentally large questions will come. Amoni: these questions may be certain phases of the perplexing union seminary situation. OiTir-rrr: Anralnnt Ilnnrri. Saturday's session of the United Presby terians was taken up by charges by tho committee on the board of publication that th board has been unbusinesslike In Its methods and misleading In Its re ports. Dr. E. M. Mllllgan," new manager of the board, was called upon to explain the llii'icase from $31,000 to $100,000 In the nrrttage on the publication building. He admitted that methods, "wrong, bt not (Continued nn Page Two.) CINCINNATI ASKS RECEIVER FOR STRFET CAR COMPANY CINCINNATI, O., May 18.-Thc refusal ot Governor Cox to send troops to this city in an effort to control the strlks ot the employes of the Cincinnati Traction company after spectacular riots In the early part of tho day had Influenced Muyor Henry Hunt to ask for the militia, waH fol!q.Wed by tho filing of a pe tition by the city of Cincinnati for a re ceiver for the company. j After hearing arguments pn tho petl- tlon, Judgu Gcorgehan of the common ideas court, before whom the action was brought, listening to the. pleas of attor neys for the traction company for .rbre time In which to answer, adjourned court until Monday, when ho will hear the re mainder of the arguments and pass Judy menu The Weather Forecast ot the weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska Fair Sunday; showers Monday in the west portion and Monday or Monday night In the east portion. For Iowa Fair Sunday and probably Monday; warmer Monday. U Temperature nt Oninhii Yesterday. , t Hours. Dec. I -,l 6 a. m 60 I AJ. - I 6 a. m SI -in iy ' a. m ok , 8 a, m.... ...55 t'. & V m o m eh '- 11 wr, i 'JSVU... iXv 1 f 12 m 61 Z H, 1 p. m 63 3 D. m 67 " " U b. m 68 n P. m 63 r m Hi - -"J gT Comparative Local Record. 1911. 1312. 1911. 1910. H ghest yesterday 67 75 89 66 Iuwt yesterday M 4! 6S 41 Mean temperature 62 62 78 65 Precipitation 07 .00 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: ' Normal temperature 63 3iietney for the day. i Total expess since March 1 K Normal precipitation , ltUnch deficiency for the day Winch Total rainfall since March 1.. 9.04 Inohea i;C4a sine,' March 1 1. 2f Inches lef clcncy for cor p-rlod 1914 1 70lnch Deficiency for cor. period, 1911. iM Inches TWO SECTION MEN SLAIN Italians Murdered at Marquette, Neb. Five Under Arrest. VICTIMS LIVED IN FREIGHT CAR Coroner linn Taken Up the t'nse tint! Will Holil nn Inqnest Kill-Inn- Oconrrrd About Mid nlnrht. AURORA. Neb., Mny 18.-iSpeclaU-Two Italian section hands were murdered tind badly mutilated at Marquette, a sla tlon near here, last night. While the guilty persons are not known, a pane of laborers nt this place Is under suspicion and five are now under arrest. The mur dered men aro Joe Marrctta nnd his boh. Bam Mnrrotta. They lived nlono In a bunk car. It was evident the men were killed about midnight, and the coroner has taken up the case and will hold an In quest. Woman Soldier Reveals Her Name to Old Comrade QUINCr, III., May 18.-(Speclal Tele gram.) "Albert D. CaBhler." a woman who fought through three years of the civil war. today declared her proper namo Is Georgia Hughes. She was born In Klllartiey, Ireland, and always went under the name of Qeoige. She was visited today by Sergeant linn Ives of York. Neb., orderly In the com pany of which she was a member. She rays she alwuys ware boys' clothes. Iter parents died when she was 7 years old. Her brother, Ira Hughes, came to Amer ica and died In New York, while his sis ter was at his side. Her mind is affected, but she is able to tell the hUtory of her life intelligently. Until today her proper name war never known. She rehearsed the story of her hardships In New Yrk before coming to Illinois, and told of In cidents connected with her service In the war. Sorgeant Ives kept a diary of the com pany Incidents. On one pago Is this ex pression quoted from Albert Cashier: "Como out of there, you d d rebels, and show your face." The story of her life was learned two weeks ago. Peru Normal Team Cinches State Flag PERU, Neb., May 18. (Special Tele gram.) Peru won the state college pen nant In base ball Saturday by defeat ing Wesloyan for the second time this week, by a score of 7 to 2, on a very muddy field. Kllpser pitched for Wes leyan during the first part ot the game, being relieved In the latter half by Cham berlain, deary caught for the visitor. Wlckharq and MacMulten woie the local battery.' 1 ' r . The Peru boys were met by a trionster delegation of students to celebrate the team's return from Kearney, where they defeated .the 'State Normal team yester day, with a score of 11 to 4. The Peru team has won every battle this season with the. exception of a game at York with the State league team, which went against Peru with a score of 6 to 1. Doane Is to play here against the Nor mal team next Wednesday, but the pen nant Is assured to Peru, whatever tho result of that game. Hartington Knights of Columbus Meet HARTINGTON, Neb.. May 18.-(Spe-clal.) The local order of the Knights ot Columbus held their annual Initiation and banquet In their home here to-day. In the morning the members of the order attended high mass at Holy Trinity church In a body and in the afternoon and evening the Initiatory exercises and banquet wore held.. At the banquet County Attorney O'Gara was toastmas ter. Among the speakers was Rev. J. F. Lubeley, P. R., of St. Louis, Mo. This was the sixth annual banquet and' Initiation of the Hartington Knights of Columbus. The lodge now has a strong membership and owns Its own home, which was, built In 1911 at a cost ot 25,000. G. L MINER REAPPOINTED CHIEF OF POLICE AT WAYNE WAYNE, Neb., May IB. (Special.) George I Miner, who has recently been selected chief of police of Wayne, Neb., has served In that capacity al most from the date of the organlration o fthe town. His appointment under the new administration will enable him to round out a quarter of a century of continuous police service. Mr. Miner has proved a good officer, and ho will re main In his present position as long as the citizens of Wayne can Induce him to retain It. YORK COLLEGE PRESIDENT EDUCATIONAL SECRETARY DECATUR. 111.. May 18.-W. E. Shell, president of York college, York. Neb., was elected general eflucatlonal secretary at the convention of the United Brethren church Saturday. The convention voted favorably on ,a report to present the question of union with the Methodist church to a vote of the Individual conferences. Let the world' know what we are doing ' : . . OMAHA IN THE REBUILDING A 32-page book of full page pictures showing the marvelous work of rebuilding is now out. - Send it to your friends and business connections, enterprise has accomplished in a few short weeks. OMAHA PAYING WELL FOR SERVANT GIRLS A 11, Are Are the uie, it mm REAL LUXURY EifpnDollars a Week for Families of Three Common Offer. EVEN HIGHER STIPENDS PAID Are No Longer Required to Do the Washing, Which Is Sent Out. CHANCE TO SAVE THE COIN t!et More Thnn Mont Clrln In Fnc torlea nnd Stores, nml llnre Their Ilonrd nml Itoom nnd Wnsli lnir Thrown In. HousemaldH, domestics, kitchen serv ants, or whatever name they happen to be known by, are becoming a luxury In Omaha, both In the matter of tho diffi culty of finding them and the high wages they command. Want ads have recently appeared In the columns of The Bee In which persons have Inquired for serv ant girls, offering to pay $8 per week for a family of three. An Investigation mado by The Uee Saturday revealed the fact that these aro not rare enses, but that In fact r grcot many servant girls .nre now, nnd have been for some time, get ting $S per week for their services, and that some are even getting as mich as $10, 11 and even in rare cases $12 per week. In still other cases certain persons are employing two girls, - paying each one from $6 to J8 per week. One Is usually known as the maid white the other Is tho cook. Tho maid waits tables and an swers doorbells. , Do .Not Do Wnnlilnir. Even in the cases where the highest prices are paid for servant girls, the girls are no longer required to do the washing. Either the washing Is sent out or the washerwoman comes to the bouse once a week to do this work. The servant girls now-a-days aro largely foreign born girls. There are, of course, some American girls, who still go Into the kitchens as scrvaitts, but these aro becoming fewer and fewer. Tho foreign girl when she first arrives Is, of course, not fit to earn the highest wages as servant, but It she learns her work readily she soqn commands good wages The Bee's representative found one case of an Irish girl, who landed In Omaha some years ago. 8ho vera to work as a house servant at $4 per week. She worked hard and learned her duties well. She saved her money and In a tew years sent money to Ireland to bring her brother over. He camo and secured a position with . the, Cudahy Faokln company,;? find I no Wi-holdaV responsible position there, in a few years more tho same Irish girl had saved enough to bring her sister over. The sister also secured work as a servant and. Is now getting among the top wagcH. Ability Required. Miss Marie Odlorne, secretary of the employment bureau ot the Omaha Young: Women's Chrtstaln association, was asked by The Bee, whether the Blrls In de partment stores and factories, who are getting less wages than the servant girls, might not get the sama wages If they cared to bare their arms and put their fingers Into dish water. "No," replied Miss oaiornc. "These Blrls have not the ability. They nre not prepared to go Into a kitchen and do houbework. They know nothing of housework. It Is tho way they, are brought up In the city now-a-days. What decs the average girl raised In the Ameri can city know about cooking or baking, or about doing housework In general? She would be completely lost In tho kitchen. The fact Is there are bo many families, who board or who have servants now-a-days that the girls growing up (Continued on Page Two.) SHERIDAN COUNTY MAN PERSISTS IN PARDON QUEST (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 18. (Special.) Clmrles II. Brlley has applied for a pardon to Governor Morehead, notwithstanding two members of the Board of Pardons have recommended that he receive no clem ency at the hands of the governor. Brlley was convicted In Sheridan county of killing Robert Ferrln, January 30, 1911, and was sentenced to twenty years In tho penitentiary. Brlley hod been In trouble In Iowa and had served a four year sentenco for shooting a man. He had a homestead In Cherry county at the time of the murder of Ferrln and one day In going to his house found that Ferrln had been there, as he claimed, and disturbed his belongings. A quar rel ensued, which resulted In Brlley fir ing threo shots at Ferrln, none of which took effect. Later In the day the latter came Into a store where the former was and the quarrel again started resulting In Brlley shooting Ferln dead. Dr. Butler, of the pardon board, refuses to recommend clemency In the case, be lieving that Brlley Is a degenerate and should be kept In prison. In this ho Is joined by Mr. Maggl, another member ot the board. However, Mr, Ylcser, the third member of the board, believes that Brlley was the object of persecution on the part of Ferrln and that fear of him caused him to take the action he did, At The Bee office 17th and Farnam. 10c per One 11 in. . tfW? From the Minneapolis Journal. STATE RAILROADS ASSESSED Board of Equalization Places Total at $278,967,552. RAISE OF THREE MILLIONS b'lve Thousand Dollnra n Mile Added to Union Pnclflc Mnln Line . Two Neiy Itntlronda VJl O IV, SI op (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May IS. (Special.) Tho State Board of Equalization completed its assessment of railroads Saturday aft ernoon, making tho total valuation 3278,. 9G7.562.7D, a raise of 33,716,118. Tho main line of the Union Patio was raised 35,000 per mile. Kearney branch extension wus raised from 325,000 to- 332,900. Tho now line of tho Hastings & North wcBtorn not yet In operation, containing 16.24 miles, was assessed at 330,000 a mile. Nebraska Traction and Power cpmpany (now) at 330,000 a mllo and all other roads aro left tho same as last year and are as follows: C. B. & Q 119,1.SC3.00 Union Pacific t.1,192.630.00 Hastings &. N. W H 457,'J00.03 C. & N. W 37,275,630.03 C Bt. P.. M. & 0 12.Kn.75i.76 C R. I. & P - 10.446.915.OJ Missouri Pacific 12.148.C65.Oi) St. J. & G. 1 3.CCO.I75.1W M. C. & Ft. D. Neb. Trac. & P. Co.., Omaha Bridge & Ten, O. L. & B O. & 8. Interurban ... Illinois Cenetral , Wabash C., M. & St. P A., T. & S. F Totals 198.900.00 coo,ooo.(y 90,000.00 .. 97.WO.O) 60,000.03 G0.CO0.00 100.0M.OO 25,001.00 I27S,W7,&52.75 Divorced Pair, Not EerWed, Are Legally Husband and Wife MARINETTK. Wis.. May IS - Joseph LaFavo and his wife were divorced laU In 1912, but are now living bh perfectly legal man and wlfo without another cere mony having been performed. Tho un usual situation Is due to a law unacted in 1911, providing that a divorced coupb-, within a year of the entering of the de cree, might go beforn a court, obtain i vacating order nnd resume the marriage relation. This tho l-nFavet) did. Twenty-One Buried By Mine Blast in Ohio; Two Are Dead - BRLLU VALLKY. O.. May 18.-Two men are dead, threo nre probably fatally wounded and sixteen others entombed as the result of two explosions Saturday In the Imperial mine of the Ogara Coal company, a half mile west of Belle Val- ley. The slxteon men caught by the first exploilon are Imprisoned a mile end a half from tho entrance of the mine. of Them Takes His Medicine Woman Kills Self After Her Husband Shoots 'Other Man" VALLE.IO. Cal., May 1S.-J. F. Ralney, an electrician of tho tint class, attached to tho receiving ship Cleveland, was shot dead today by Joseph Hoversby, an urn ployo of the Mara Island navy yard. Fol lowing the shooting Mrs. Hoversby com 'inlttKa Bnlcldirby'"BWKllowlitir polsonr'- Hoversby left for work this morning as usual, but returning unexpectedly, sur prised his wlfo with Ralney. Drawing a .revolver ho shot twice. Ralnoy stag gered out of the house and fell dying on tho sidewalk AK-SAR-BEN JINGERS MEET Rehearsal of Chorus to Be Held This Afternoon. MORE NEWS OF SHOW LEAKS OUT Arena ISffecta Are Abolished nnd .Short Piny with I.liely Plot la Written Illnelt Angorn (Jnnta lloniilit. As much as Gus Henzo will tell about tho Ak-Sar-Ben show at the Den, which begins Its weekly performances June 2, 1b thnt tho stage scenery' and electrical effects will form tho greatest spectaclo that ever lias been shown there. A few points on the show will tie whispered lo tho general public the day after tho first performance. Singers Jn the show met at tho Den yesterday for a rehearsal. Their parts tlil.1 year will bo more Important even than last year, 'arena effects for tho show having been dono away with. A short play with a lively plot Is be ing written. The crow which will operate the show will be smaller thnn that of last year litcaiise of the smaller space and less I Involved stunts of tho show. There was n cruw of 170 which carried out tho In itiations last seuBon. Fewer than 100 men will be required to put tho cnndldutus through their ceremonies of Initiation this year. Illnek Anuoru (ionU Hrcured. Kverett Buckingham has announced tho purchase of two blaak Angcra goats to take part In the ritual. Where he got black Angoras, no ono knows, but lie stands firm In the announcement that Ik- has seaured them. He also glvos It out that Maud, who sent everybody Into t'pusms of laughter a year nvo, him been taken from her winter quarters for the coming season. She will have some new I -rforman'-w. There will be no meeting of tho board I of governors Monday night. All Its j business has been disposed of and th mxt BCgBon will be held next week, cards have been sent out calling ,thr 1 Monday night. It will meet nt 8 tomorrow night. It will meet at 8 1 0 C0ck nmJ gpenrt the ovenlng learning j tunts. It Is thought that only one or two nKt,ts am needed for this purpose, t)l0 devices being fewer and simpler than j those which required 170 men, Show them what Omaha pluck and copy by mail 12c SKETCH OF THE NEW H0TET Architect Kimball Submits Plans to Doard of Direotors, BIDS TO BE ASKED AT ONCE Omnlin Contractors Will Be Invited to Rrect Hlxteen-Story Strnc tnre nf Steel, Itrlek nnd Terra Ct,tn. Preliminary plans for the Fontcnelle hotel were submitted by Architect Kim ball to the directors of the Douglas Hotel company at a meeting Saturday. Much discussion of tho sketch and outlines was had, but no final Action was taken, be yond thn suggestion that some of the de tails might Involve too great expense In the matter of building, nnd theso were referred back to tho architect for further consideration. The sketch plans met with unanimous favor, It being agreed that the drawing promised a beautiful building In every way, ono thnt will be a splendid feature of the new Omahd. The Illustration from Mr. Kimball's drawing shows the exte rior of the hotel, viewed from the corner of Eighteenth and Douglas streets. The plan calls for a building sixteen stories high, with a massive domo roof. The con struction Is to be steel, red face brlok and terra cotta. The building will oc cupy a ground rpace 132 feet on Eight eenth street and 154 feet on Douglas, al though on tho west end on Douglas street a scatlon twenty-two feet wide will rise only four stories, this to Insure always plenty of light and air for tho rooms on the west side of the main building. It will contain 320 rooms, singly and In suites, each with a bath, Nome Detnlla of Tlnna. The main entrance will be on Douglas street, but on Eighteenth street the en trance will communicate directly with the grill room, this being Lessee Bur bank's Idea, for that entrance will be most convenient for the business men who may go there for luncheon. Omaha contractors will be naked at once to submit bids on tht, work, based on plans and specifications to bo fur nished by Architect Kimball, and these bids will be considered at a meeting to hu held on May -31. If the proffers full within the 3S00,0Q0 limit set by the board for the skeleton construction work, the contract will be let and work will be started at once, as It desired to have construction under way as soon as pos sible. Under tho present plans, the main din ing room wtl be on the third floor, thn first story being given over to the grill room, storage rooms and other purposes, while the next floor, which will bo reached from the street by tho two main entrances, will contain the office, the lounging and writing rooms, the bar and bllllnrd rooms, and other convenience' for the guests. The arrangement of the upper floors Include plans for additional smaller dining rooms, banquet hall, con vention rooms and other of thn appoint ments of a modern hotel. Tho guest rooms will be planned most conveniently for lighting and ventilation and for thu comfort of the patrons. DEMOCRATIC CHIEFS MEET TO PLAN FOR BATTLESJ FUTURE Officers of National and Congres sional Committees Map Out Pro gram for Coming Fights. PRESIDENT 18 IN SYMPATHY, Report Will Be Made at Gathering' in Early Part of June. PUBLICITY TO BE FEATURE Two Organizations to Push tho Propaganda Activity. SEE THINGS IN ROSY LIGHT Oneatlon nf Hpellblndlno; nnd Other CnnipnlRn Prepnratlona Too I'nr Off to lie Discussed nt Present. WA8HINrrrON, May 18.-Offlcer oC the democratic national and congres sional committees yesterday mapped out a program for active co-operation In th coming congressional and presidential campaigns nnd placed It In the hands of a Joint committee composed of National Committeemen Talmer of Pennsylvania, Howell of Georgia, Hells of Texas, Lynch of Minnesota nnd Cummlnga of Connecti cut nnd two senators acting for the con gressional committee. President Wilson has expressed himself as being In thor ough sympathy with the program. Plans are designed to conccntrato campaign strategy. To Iteport In Jane, The congressional committeemen ex pressed their willingness to co-operata and will mako their report to the full congressional commltteo at a meeting to bo held June 3 or 1. Its flvo member! of tho Joint commltteo will be selected, thon. The prompt orgnnUatlnn of the congressional committee will probably be effected nt the June meeting and tho chairman chosen, for which office Rep resentative Johnson of Kentucky Is the foremost candidate. Chairman Palmer of the Joint commit tee and James Pence, the manager of publicity, were directed to confer with the congressional committeemen. THa national committeemen adjourned until tho congressional commltteo acts upon the Joint campaign plan. Chairman Lloyd and Becretary Pago of the congressional committee will con fer with presiaout Wilson on wonaay and wlti a committee ot senators dur ing thtr wtetf rtgltrfllnif .tht. proposed In crease In representations of senators on tire congressional committee. Bo far Senators Stone of Missouri, Mnrtln of Virginia. Culberson of Texas Nowlands of Nevada, Uankhead of Alabama, Owett of Oklahoma and Chamberlain ot Ore gon are the only1 senators on that com mittee and It hna been suggested that the commltteo should Include a senator from every state which Is to elect a sena tor In 1914 nnd which now has a demo crat lit the senate, Tn Divide Publicity Work. Tho publicity work of the campaign will bo divided bctwoen the two organ izations, tho congressional commltteo continuing to direct Its activities toward propaganda regarding speeches and other matters concerning congress, while tha national committee on publicity will takp a btoader scopo and not duplicate this exclusively congressional literature. The national committeemen felt that they have a direct Interest In the congres sional as well ns tha presidential cam paign now that scnatois aro elected by direct popular vote. Tho question -qt spenchmaklng and other campaign prepa rations were too far off to be discussed. Theic was a discussion of the general Munition, members ot both committees taking a bright vlow of tho outlook for the party, and of public opinion regard ing tho administration's policies. rr The "New Kind" of Advertising Have you noticed the groat change that has como Into ad vertising m recent years? The old-time flamboyant. uircerutecl. highly colored style Is fast fading, and In Its nluce has come the solidly sensible, particu larly persuasive, truthful, newsy and informative style of advertis ing Truth la a mighty and grow ing power In advertising. Advertising Is news; it Is In formation; it must bo present ed as an accurate statement concerning something worth while buying and having. Advertising numt be expressed In sentences linked by brevity, by clearness, by aecuracy and con viction. It must not be stilted not be boresome, but bright and chatty The best writers take the public Into their' confidence 'ind talk from n newspaper with tiiat easy, friendly spirit that marks ordi nary conversation. The merchant who talks about this store, bis goods, their prices, why people should buy from him, and the many other things that concern good ctorekeeping generally builds up his business rapidly. Thee are some kinds of adver tising that are so Interesting that people turn to them as quickly aa they do the news or special fea ture pages. Are you doing that kind of ad vertising? Many DEB adevtrlsera are. J.V.