Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1913, WANT AD SECTION, Image 29

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Busy Bees' Own Page
THE pleasant daya of spring hato turnod the tnoughta ot the Busy
Bees from ..Indoor, life tA ft .wondprs o.t nature It ls'Beldora
'that durfhg' tho play tlfud"'6t llie day iriany Busy Bees can be
found Indoors. That Is quite right for there 1b .nothing qul'.o
so good for the growing boy or girl as a good romp In tho
fresh air. There la bo much to bo learned from a tramp lA tho woods.
JuBt notice the little birds and the way .they wortt. Lester Anderson has
written a Btory for the page this week telling of tho robin. If wo aro
Just a bit patient with these Ilttlo friends of ours you will see that they will
become very good friends and neighbors. ' If wo will only giro food and
.shelter to birds the yards around our homeB will be-filled with thenl.
There are so many varieties of, birds Jtil&t boys and girls should begin to
learn to know thorn by their calls- and colors, I wondor It many of tho
Busy Bees know the birds that may be seen In Nebraska?
It hoa been several weoks since some of tho Busy Boos have Bunt In a
story and It "would bo so nice to hoar what they have been doing nnd it
is always nice) to rocelvo letters and stories from those who wish to Join
the Busy Boo page. " ' '
Little Stories by Little-Folk
(First Prise.)
True "fcriendihip.
Br Altoe Thomas. Affed 10 Years. Deer
Trail. Colo. Box IK.
X am going to tell you of a little girl
who never gave up her old' friends for
She was left with very poor people
when she was a baby and they raised
her as their own and loved her very
When she was 10 years old, her undo
who had been away at sea for years came
home. Now her uncle, Mr. Blake, was a
very rich man and took 'Nan. for that
was the little girl's name, home to live
with him. Of course the made new
friends among tho rloh girls of the town
her uncle lived In. but ehe loved" her old
friends tho best and used to play with
them, although tho rich girls used to
make furi of her for doing so. Nan
would also take the money her undo
would give her to spend on herself, and
ive it all to the Door. One day her
uncle bought h a pair of red shoes.
Poor little Buslo, who never had a pair J
of new shoes In her lire, was so de
lighted with tho pretty- red shoes that
"dear little Nan took them off and gavo
them to'Buale and went home barefooted.
ui course iur. xiiimvo .
with Nan, but he bought her another
' paid of red shoes and this is what I call
true friendship.
(Second Prise.)
Why Ellie Was Not Invited.
By Lla Campbell. 624 East Twenty-third
Street, Kearney, Neb. Red Side.
"Aunt Jane, will four be too many at
our party?" 1
"I think not." said Aunt Jane.
Tho Ilttlo girls looked very happy. The
aun was shining Into tho parlor win
dows after a stormy morning. It, was
Saturday afternoon, and little girls who
go to school know how .nice, 1): Is to
have It sunshiny and warm on. that aft-
ernoon in winter, to give thent a chance
. to visit and play.
i "Wo don't wants Elile; we are not go
ing to Invito her." And the little glrla
danced about, as merry as the gold-
ttah In the -window. ...
Why don't you want EIlleT" said
- Aunt Jane, laughing.
. "Oh. wo don't want her; sho always
wants to boss," ei away tholj".e girls
ran to Invito their friends.
While they were planning for the
party, t asked them what .they were go
ing to have for .amusement.
'Oh, a concert and tableau, . and wo
aro going to have the tickets .1 ' cent
Just 1 cent" . i
I did not attend the party, but I sup
pose they Invited tho four girls 'they were
talking, about. But tho little girl , who
wanted her way about everything did
. not get an Invitation.
(Honorabla Mention.)
The Three Piga.
Ellen Grobeck, 36M yaiiey mreei,
Omaha. Neb. Blue Slde
I will tell you a story about three Ilt
tlo pigs. You must know these pigs
lived In a farm yard. The first little pis
was named Whltey, the second little
pig named Blacky, and the third
' named Browny. The mother pig did not
like Whltey very muoh because It al
ways wanted to play In the mud. 8he
scolded him, but ho would not mind her.
And Blacky was always very selfish
when It was time to eat he would push
the others away; he wanted the most
food. The mother pig scolded him too.
Then came Browny, tho very best ot
all, for 'he was neither dirty nor selfish,
and he was a very nice little pig. Ope
day the mother called them and she
said; I -am getting old. but I .want you
to' be safe; so Sho said, what kind, ot
house do you want, Whltey? 1 want a
mud-house, of course, because. he always
played in the mud. And you. Blacky 1
I want a cabbage House. And you,
Browny? I want a brick house. Good
x for you. said the mother. You'll -be safe
1. 'Write plainly on one side of
the paper only and number the
2. TJse pen and Ink, not pencil.
3. Short and pointed artloles
will be given preference. So not
use over 950 words.
4. Original stories or Utters
only will be used.
C Write your name, age and ad
dress at the top of the first vage.
rirst and second prlxea of books
will fc given for the best two con.
t Mirations to this page eaoh week.
Address all communications to
Omaha Bee, omahai neb.
stones and while he was gone, Rover,
Bess and the castle fell Into tho ocean.
Bess caught hold of a rock as they
swept past and stayed there. Rover
could swim, bo he- -went to shore and
Went to the house, where ' Mrs. Bell was.
When Mrs. Bell saw It was Rover, she
followed him down to' the rjhore. When
sho saw Bess, she ran and got a boat.
Sho could row well and soon .got Bess
Bess was very - sick for a long time
and her mother thought tho slckness'ond
fright was enough punishment
Children. Give Playhouse.
Nellie Benson, 6th A. Franklin School.
Red Side.
Thero- are some very unselfish chlldreh
In Omaha who live In a .vory "beautiful
home. Theso children have a portable'
playhouse, which Is put up for them
every summer, it Is a darling little
house with four Ilttlo windows In It, ,a
oute little porch in front, a front doot
and a back door. It -Is big enough foi
grown peqple to walk around In. The
size. Is 12x11 feet. When their nurse told
them about a lady In Bemts park who
had her home blown dqwn, by tho tor
nado, they sold they would let her have
their little houso until her homo was
replaced. Yesterday tfitlr mamma had
soma men move' It to this lady's lot
ThU la on Thlrft-.thtrd street and Mvr
JLto Bjicnue. XT am sure theso ohlldrcn
wftl be very happy In doing this.
A Joke on the Cat.
By Marie Kuelber. Aged 10 Years. Hill
rose, Colo, fted Side.
A cat once caught a mouse and It was
not very hungry, so she played with It.
She brought It by a post and began play
ing with It.
.Boon tho mouse was nearly dead and
Would not try to run away. So tho cat
would look off' to the cast and tho mouse
voild try" to run away and the cat
would catch It with her paw, Then she
would look off to tho east again and
again till an old hen saw the mouse
and ran away with It Tho cat was go
ing to catch the mouse again with her
paw, but It was not there. So she ran
around tho post about two or three times
and then, got on top ot tho post, but the
meUBO could not be found. By that time
the mouse was ate.
A Sweet Robin.
By Lester Anderson, Aged 9 Years, KS
Bourn TMrty-tounn street, vmano,
' Neb. Blue Side.
Once there was a swoet llttl robin
whewas always singing, "Swectl Sweet'.
Ope day he flew to a school hous
wln'dowparle. Then ho' flew away. The
children In tho room saw him fly. nva
from the window, so some of the big
boys In the room made a cute little
Tho next day tho robin camo back
again, .and flew Into tho house. When
school was dismissed tho robin followed
one Ilttlo boy home. Then this little boy
made a house for him. Ho always stayed
with this little boy.
By Marguerite Forsell, Aged 9 Years,
2210 Burdetto Street. Omaha, Net).
Blue Side.
Once upon a time In a bright brass cage
thero lived a little bird named Dlcklo.
He was a very pretty little bird. His
feathers were mostly yellow, but hero
and thero was a spot of white. Around
his neck was a circle of very delicate
lavender colored feathers, which we
called a necklace, und his Ilttlo eyes
were very black and beady and when
you talked to him they looked as If
they understood every word, and Dlckl
wasn't .a lazy bird by any means. He
atd, drank, slept and song. When ho
sang his little throat rose and fell and he
made motions just like a, great opera
Our Trip to Colorado.
By Irene Iegler, Aged 10 Years, Schuyler,
Neb. Red Side.
A year ago In autumn we took a trip
to Colorado. We went at night. The next
morning we arrived at Eaton, Colo. We
stayed with our undo and aunt a week.
Then wo went to Denver, we went to
the city park and saw all tho wild ani
mals, we stayed In Denver ono day, then
wo came home. We 'were' so glad when
we reached home' again.
Bellevue College Class of 1913
Clare EuJerletea.rrr Chris 33andcr4oxi,ttsyKo. Salvia $olerjontAfxis &?Txaie&najp4 ti ew
oiks JJitlWay $Qpk
3&vJ Hainan ski, t(wpsnw,s. t
Seven Boys and Seven Girls in
Bellevue College Senior Class.
commencementTearly IN JUNE
Nine of Students Will follow Tcnch
Inir, Tvro Take Up Lnvr and
Two Will Prepnre for
the Ministry.
The senior class ot Bellevue college to
bo graduated the second week In June,
nuinbers fourteen members, seven boys
and seven girls. Of thls numbcr nine will
ongago In educational work as hlgn
school teachers next year; two will enter
law school- and prepare for tho legal
profession, and two will enter McCor
mtck Theological seminary and prepare
for the ministry.
The class of 1913, while tho smallest
which has left Bellevue collego In rocent
years, has gained a reputation as a live
bunch during the four years of collegiate
work. Of tho seven men receiving de
grees, five havo won Individual honors In
oratory, four have won places on the de
bating teams representlhg Bellevue In In
tercollegiate debate, three- have captained
Lthe various athletic teams of (ho school.
ana an but ono havo won letters as mem
bers ot one or more varsity teams In the
various branches of athletics.
The seven young women of the class
have been prominent In literary work,
music, elocution ,nnd tho various social
and Christian activities ot the college,
JEJ&rier jBhcJps, meu&v 2u.cJle Sefo amuv. JL22x-tS Zb urden, vim bzao
Year." - - Name and
"This Is tlio day wo celebrate."
Address. School,
1906. .Mabel Almea, 1004 South 23d St Mason
1902...... JiDrcutt Boatons 502 North 40th St Saunders
190G.,.. ..Ella Hloomfleld, 1414 South 15th St Comonlua
1900. .Charles Boiler, G17 South 33d St Far nam
1899... ....Kenneth Bugbeo, 1342 South 27th St...... Park
1S03 Louisa Calabretta, 1110 South 13th St Pacific
1902 Evelyn Carlson, 122G South 19th St Mason
1901 Nelllo Margaret Dally, 1912 Emmet St Lothrop
1904. Carl Denlson, 2G21 Blohdo St. , . . I ...Long
1905 Graco Ernalle, 1703 Laird St Lothrop
1903 Raymond . Evans, 1718 Nicholas St...... Kolloin
1905. .Alice F. Everson, 1605 Maple48t.. ; ...Lake
1903. . . . . .Clydo Forney, 605 Cedar St.' .Train
1906 . , . . . Dtfrpthy Oraner, 2318 A St. . . . : ......... ,' Vinton
1900....'. .Earl Heath, 1729 North 24th St Long
1900 Sarah Holzman, 1923 Paul St Kelloin
1906. .',. . .Olive Hunt, 721 South 16th St Comentus
1900. .... .Alice Jackson, 4528 Burdotto St Walnut Hill
1904 John C. Klossner, 2917 Castellar St Dupout
1899 Margaret Leonard. 1216 South 17th St.. Comenlus
1905...... J. Raymond Marsh, 4210 Harney St.;, Columbian
1905 George Jacob Meyers, 1128 South 31st St Park
1899, .... .Mabel Miller, 4506 North 28th Ave Saratoga
1901. .... .Horace Morse, 2217 North 28th Ave Long
1905 Carl Nelson. 2308 Ohio St. . i .....Lake
1899 John Nichols, 1414 Sherwood Ave... i Lake,
1905 Jean M. Palmer, 1012 North 45th St .....Walnut Hill
1902. ... .. .Paul Paulsen, 3721 South 14th St Edward Rosewator
kl906 Zoylpha Porrlng, 4929 North 17th St...., Shorman
1904.. i... Mary Phillips, 1008. South 30th Ave , ..Park
ioni a'nii. T Aiifaa DaiAraAn ttntilnr A va Mnnmniirti Pni-V
'Z'Z'lkZr 1907 Helen Margaret Poole, 2219 Capitol Ave . . .Central
i the old fox. Bo ono day some ono ! 1904 Wayne Durwood Popo, 2110 Miami St .....Lako
knocked at Whltoy'a door. He wa
afraid to open the door for he knew It
was tho fox, and ho would not let him
in. But'th fox said. I'll gel In: and
ho did get In. So ho knocked at Blacky'
houso and he said. I won't let you In,
but he ate tho cabbage and got him. too.
And then be went to Browny's house,
but couldn't get In. And so Whltey and
Blacky got safe, at the end Browny
eayed thero and Whltey killed the fox
by boiling water.
By Jean Anderson. Aged 11 Years. -Fourteenth
and Broad. Fremont,
Neb. Bed Bide. ' '
- Rover was a New Foundland puppy.
He was a birthday present from Bessie's
father on her stxth birthday.
One day Bess asked her mother If
she could go down to the beach to wade.
Her mother said she could, but not to
stay long, because it she was there when
the jtldo came sho would bo washed Into
tho water. She promised she wouldn't
Bess went down to the beach with
Hover. When sho got thero a neighbor
child was there. ,
They wadded for a while and then be
gan to pick up stones to make a castle,
It took an awfully long time to pick up
the stones and build it
When they were nearly done, ..Bess
saw the tide coming and was going home,
She was easy to persuade and the neigh
bor child soon coaxed her to stay.
They turned around so they couldn't
see It and played awhile longer. Benney
(the little boy) went to get some mora
1907 Guy Richards, 2508 Ames Avo Saratoga
1900,'. r . .John- Riley,. 917 Pierce St Pacific
1907......LuoIlo Riley, 2315 South 29th St ...Dupont
1904 .'Arthur Roush, 912 North 4Qth ;8t. Saunders
1901. , . . . .Allo Phydella Ryckman, 5116 North 3,5th St. .Monmouth Park
1898. . . .Roaal Smith, 501 South 22d St. . , i Central
1898 Frances Soka, 2764 Lake St Howard Kennedy
.1900 Milton Simon, 2523 1 Parker St Long
1906 .George Bradley Strain, 1045 Georgia Ave Park
1901 Rosanna Swenson, 1602 North 35tliSt.. Franklin
1901 Gladys Weston, 2024 Vinton St Vinton
P4atMres Wav Is The Be&t.
Buried deep in our American forest we find bloodroot, queen's mot, ana-
drake and stone root, golden seal, Oregon grape root and chjrrybark. Oi theio Dr.
R. V. Pierce- made pure glyceric extract which has been favorably known for
over forty year. He called it " Golden Medical Discovery.''
This " Discovery" purifies the blood and tones up the stomaeh and the satire
system in Nature' own way. It's just tho tissue builder and tonlo yiM require
when recovering from a hard cold, grip, or pneumonia. No matter bow slrpai. tbe
constitution tbe stomach is apt to be "out of kilter" at timet; in consequence
the blood is.disordcred, for the stomach it (lie laboratory for the constant msna
Cloture of blood. Dr. Pierce t Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach-
puts It in Ihspe to make pure, rich blood helps the liver and
.kidneys to expel the poitont from the body. The weak, nerv
ous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many people
experience at this time of tbe year is usually the effect of
poison in the blood ; it is often indicated by pimples or boils
appearing on tbe skin, the face becomes thin you feci " blue,"
"More tli an a week ago I was suffering with an awful
cold In mv head, throat, breast, and body," writes Hit.
jajies u. jikxt- ot 7io u. mreet, is. c, uasningvon, u. v.
"Bomo called It La Grlntie. some tmeumonla. I was advised
by a friend to try a bottW-of your 'Golden Medical DI&cov
err-' I trIM a b jttlrt and H did me so much good that I feel
sufa In favinff It Is thn arrnaLBit. and hftAt mivlielno that I
jtver took. My health Is much better thau it was before
--using your meaicins. it ut au jou ciaim tor n ohm u
J-axxxr. Ks. causiactory."
All but one will engage In teaching next
year. Ono expects to go to the 'Philip
pines as a government teacher nnd the
Others Into high schools ot Nebraska.
Seven ot the class, In addition to re-
celving the degree ot bachelor ot arts re
celve a first grade stato tencher's cer
tificate as graduates of the normal oe
partment ot the collego.
Those receiving tho degree or oacneior
of arts are:
- Clare Hubfrle, Nebraska City Chris
Bonderson, Siskiyou. Ore.; Sylvia Robert
son, Atkinson; llermie Knapp. Codar
Bluffs; Taut Knmanskl, Grindstone. S. D.;
Marie Phelps. Bellevue! t.uclle BoU,
Bellevue: Albert Dowden, North Bendl
Marguerite Nesbltt, Tekamah; Arohle
Kenrns, Loup City; Mildred Hanna, Au
burn: Rlnold Ohman, Bellevue! Paul
Johnston. Dundee; Alford Hanna, Au.
burn, Neb.
Those receiving first grade state teach
r's certificates as graduates of the nor
mal department are:
Archie Kearns, Loup City; Chris Bond
erson. Siskiyou. Ore.', llormle Knapp,
Cedar Bluffs. Clarn Huberle, Nebraska
City; Marguerite Nesblt, Tekamah; Lui
die Bets. Bellevue; Albert Dowden,
North Bend. Neb.
t - "iM
sla "Jtl tsl .rafl !Ha
B BOT OSW TaW. flf 4 oBnOBB IsBH BBB H tfl SLf jossi OBBBsl LsBBBBW
HbBBB &flBBBBS BBH BBBt bV Msl jH rH ftH ' 11
.V bbbVbm JBb' bbbbbbb JK. iLm VLv JbsL Jam BBBL bVLbbL SMH.
The Bee has just published an illustrated book of 32 pages, which tells
the story of the rebuilding of this city after the Easter tornado. This book is "a companion
to the one issued a few days after the storm, and it has clear, sharp photographs 4x7
inches. They show interesting places in the district as they appeared the day after the tornado
and six weeks later. k
Omaha was wrecked in a few minutes, but the amazing spirit and enter
prise of its people resulted in repairs being made on nearly all the damaged homes within six
weeks after the tornado. No city in the world ever recovered so rapidly from a catastrophe.
These are some viera (reduced)' of those In the book.
Electric garage, Forty-Second nnd Farnam streets, the day after th tornado and six weeks later.
Let your friends see how your home city rallied from this terrible blow
Out now, 1 0 cents a copy
By Mail. IS Cental.
The Bee Publishing Company, Omaha, Nebraska
17th and Farnara Streets