Tlffi OMAHA SUNDAY BKEs MAY 1R, lPlH. 50 V ( ( T REAL ESTATE CITY PllOPEItTY FOU SALTS. This Fine For Sale at & via. t.. . z' - N. B. Corner 18th and Spruce. Six largo airy rooms downstairs, finished In oak ami nicely decorated. Large attic, space for three rooms. Fine basement. Hot water heat Laundry. Cornor lot. 55x140. with barn or garago In rear. All kinds of shrubbery, trees nnd flow ers. Room for another house or double flats. Built by a contractor for Ills home. Price reduced from 15,000 to $4,200 for lmmedlato sale. Reasonable terms can be arranged. , The Byron Phone Douglas 297. $145 Cash $24.85 Per Month NEW FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, Just completed and ready to move right In to, located on a good level lot only one block from car lino and paving; lot nicely graded, Bodded and trees set out; splendid location and nice neighborhood. This Is a pretty cottage, the outside ap pearance Is pleasing and attractive; the inundation Is panel face concrete with red mortar, painted a rich' TSUTT TTTTh white trimming; porch Is 24 feet wide, with heavy columns; nice sized living room, with plenty of light, wide mission opening to pretty south side dining room with thrco" high dining room windows, large and well arranged kitchen and pan try: Inside entrance tq full brick and ce ment basement, brick walks and concrete floor, two fine bedrooms with largo closet for each; neat bathroom, completely equipped with high grade plumbing fix tures, porcelain tub, lavatory, water closet, hot and cold water, heavy one piece porcelain sink In kitchen. Floors are red oak, smoothed and polished to dull gloss, electrlo lights all through, pretty five-light shower with beaded shades for living room, dining room has celling pan to match, fitted and entirely new design glassware. It's a well built houso In all ways, all floors are double over No. 1 shlplap with paper between, clear redwood siding with tar felt (not tar paper) between walls, lower Joists 2x1 on 16" centers And double bridged; cell ing rafters 2x6, all dimension lumber, Btrlctly No. 1. It's a cozy homo, nicely finished and well planned. Your rent will pay for It; prlco $2445; $145 cash and $24.85 per month; monthly payments Include In terest and 124.85 actually covers all re quired payments. This cottage would rent for $25 to $30 per month downtown. Bee me at once today for this will sell quickly as others advertised two weeks ago. Also have a six-room strictly mod ern and high and level lot. Take Benson car now and come today, get off at Hal cyon ave. (now Gist st.) and come south to No. 115. Phones: Benson 122 or 202. Come, 1 can please you. 115 8. Halcyon Ave., Benson. F. S. TEDLMNGEE ' Some Bargains $1,650 Seven-room house, with bath and gas, on corner 27th and Corby. 51, KO Seven-room bouse, with bath and gas, south front, 60-ft. lot on paved street at 2504 Emmet. 42,200 Five-room cottage, with bath and gas, at 2065 North 18th street; lot 00x140. 12,850 Eight-room modern house on Pant Ave., lot 50x150, fronting Hanscom Park. 12,500 Eight-room modern houso at 1613 Emmet, In Kountze Place; lot 5(1 X1Z4. 4,500 Seven-room, new, modern house, oak finish and oak floors, sleeping porch; large lot 60x132, close In, with paving paid for. Seven-room, new, modern house at 3318 (Davenport; lot 47x111, with nice lot oi bhade trees. House Is vacant. Owner has moved to Chicago and very anxious to sell. Go out and see It. Six-room, new, modern house for sale or jent at $30. 3301 North 18th street. W. H. GATES Room 644 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Phones: Douglas 12M, Web. 26S8. CHAS. E. WILiLIAMSON CO. RENT TALK NO. 62 (Copy furnlBhed on re quest or see last week's paper.) How Is the mother with a family on her hands to pay tne rem una kccp "h the former standard of living. The answer Is she cannot do It. She must seek cheaper quarters and smaller surroundings. She must pull down the flag, and she must do It at once. How different all this would be Jf In addition to the life Insurance, your family had their own home. Never too late to mend. BEGIN NOW. FOR SALE ON RENT PLAN. Some of these places are low priced for thOBe who want low priced; but they make a good beginning tor a finer ending later, alter you have cut off rent and saved In this way, a few hundred dollars. t5omeof theso have large grounds near so jou can make money gardening and poultry must be sold and offers will be considered. These are building associa tion terms, first name mentioned is the jar line that serves these places: Farnam. S-r., mod., new plumbing, 133. Florence, 6-r., mod. bungalow, two lots. $21.20. Leavenworth, five about to bo built, $22. Florence, five modern cottages, $24.20. Sherman Ave., six, city water, near Ohio. 19.80. Florence, five, leotnc light, jh. Florence, 2-r.. four lots, 12.10, Florence, 3-r.. four large lots, 12.10. O rand Ave., three, new, well etc, 10.(0. Florence, 2-r., new, O St, South Omaha, 3-r., good well, 17.00. Bust Omaha, 6-r., twenty-lots (acres), IW.S0. , TORNADO INSURANCE FREE WITH SOME OF OUR PROPERTIES. COT WITH CELLAR AND FOUNDA TION (FREE). Fine lot with cellar and concrete foundation for cottage for the price of the lot only. Bee us at once. Agents. Charlsew Heights and other addition about that beautiful National Pork. Fort Omaha. CHAS. E. WILLLAarSON CO. Boulevard Bargain 3811 North 20th street (boulevard), be tween Sprague and Laird Sts., Just nortn .. . 1)1... I ..... 1 1 . I . , u iRw, uiim5 w tine, JtUf rooms, bath and sleeping porch, oak fin- isn ana uoors, oeautiruuy decorated, guaranteed furnace and plumbing, com bination lighting fixtures: nice deer lot. large shade trees, paving paid. This Is good chance to get a well built nous it low price and on easy terms. Price for quicic sale, w,xu; wu to w cosh, balance like rent. Open this afternoon for Jur Inspection. Key at 917 No. 20th, next aoor nortn. Payne & Slater Co. 816 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house, located at 3310 14th Ave.; oak finish downstairs newly decorated throughout Key at 1402 LorUu-ojp, or call Webster SUS. REAL ESTATE CITY PnUPlSUTY FOtt BALE. Residence a Sacrifice Reed. Co. 212 South 17th St. 3 New Bungalows 2 Sold 1 Unsold Last week I advertised three brand new bungalows of 5 rooms each, all modern, Including cemented cellars, good furnaces, nice fixtures, cemented walks, etc. At 2G40-42-44 Binney St. One left. -Will sell for $2,400, $400 cash, balance 123 per month. Houses open, 3 to 6 p. m., Sunday, II. A. WOLF 432 Brandels Oldg. Douglas WC8. Good Buys Now 8-room, modern house, on paved street, close to 24th street car line. First floor finished in oak; 4 bedrooms and bath on second floor, finished in birch with maple floors. Large attic room: full ce mented basement; permanent walks. This house has been built and occupied about one year. Price. $4,500.00. Beautiful 9-room house, new and strictly modern, In Bemls Park. Built a llttlo over a year ago and occupied by owner. First and Becond floors finished entirely In hardwood. Has sleeping porch, fireplace, beamed celling In living room, large pantry and refrigerator room. Oar age large enough for two cars. Plenty of shade trees. All specials paid. This house can be bought for (8,200.00. For terms see G. W. Garloch 230-222 State Bank Bldg. , Phone Douglas 1818. Good Values In Bemis Park 2,750 Five rooms, two-story, all mod ern, with furnace heat; on paved street; one block to car. Can bo bought with $2u0 cash. $3.300 Six rooms, fiillv mruWu? f.iii two stories, with very attractivn fin. place; full south front lot, on paved street and handy to car. This Is a 4.000 property. i $1.000 EJcht rooms, nil mnrl good bed rooms: with dnndv lot- won id eated and handy to car line. Owner very anxious to sell and price reduoed $500. NOTE None of these houses damaged by tornado. Glover & Spain 819-20 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas 33SS . New Dundee Home Strictly modern, 7-room and bath, beamed llvlmr room nnrnnn .nti.. An, with built-in bookcases, beamed and paheled dining room, excellent kitchen and pantry, large vestibules In front and rear. Second floor has three bedrooms and Combination sun rnnm unit alnini. hporch. Large floored attic. Full ce- mented basement with separate compart ments. Extra toilet, statlonnrv tnlm screens for all windows, front and rear porches, storm doors and storm windows complete. Finished In oak and decorated throughout. An exceptionally well-built house and located. Will be shown by ap- injwuiiicm. KOUNTZE place 6-EOOM BARGAIN This Is a two-storv. half stucco hniun. Just being completed, at ?i24 Evans, it Is strictly modern and up-to-date In every respect, rnce, f,.2AJ.w. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Brand new and In good location. Price. j,sau. iieusonaDie terms. Geo. L. Allmart 234 State Bank Bldg. D. 6430. Firexand Tornado Insurance Good, strong companies. Orin S. Merrill Co. 1213-1214 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Bemis Park District $500 DOWN: $50 PER MO. Will buy an 8-room, S-story house; oak and maple floors; large cellar and fruit room; line sleeping porches; garage and cement driveways; beautiful yard; paved streets; storm and screen windows; ab solutely all modern. Ask to see It INTERMOUNTAIN REALTY CO. Phone Douglas 4026. 1523 Douglas St West Farnam Want an Offer We have an excellent 10-room home, one ui tne pest corners on tne inn; unques tlonably well built; every convenience, including not water heat. Kuud gas heater, brick ash pit laundry tubs, tile bath with shower, tile vestibule: decor. ated over canvass; two fireplaces; quarter-sawed oak finish; five bedrooms; full south and east front corner; handy to car; complete, garage with light, heat water and Bouser tank. Owner leaving the olty,.wlll consider any reasonable offer. Property has oost him $12,000; only 6 years old and in ex cellent condition. 10,000 or possible less will buy. Glover & Spain, 819-20 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 3903. $6,500 Home Cost (8,000 to build, back plastered; hot water heat; oak finish; excellent shape; 9 rooms; best combination gas and etee tnc light fixtures. 26th and Jones Sts. See us for terms. Birkett & Co. 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 4754. TO BUT. SELL Oil HlSNT. FIRST SUB JOHN W. ROBBINS. U92 VAUUJM. HT. URAli KSTATR CITY rilOPHUTY Foil SAL12. 3 SNAPS S-room'cetUge. 14th and Kim. large lot good burn, (SO cash, balance monthly. 6-roojn modern cottage, 43d Ave and Dodge. (KO cash, bolaneo monthly. C-rcom modern house utn, near Vinton, 300 rssh. tmlanre monthly. WB8THRN REAL ESTATE CO.. 41$ Karbach Blk. Phone D. W7. Less Than Cost Seven rooms, all modern, hardwood fin ish, south front, fine view, walking dis tance. 4,600. Gallagher & Nelson 4ffl Brnnddels Bldg. Doug. 3SS2, Field Club Sacrifice Beautiful 7-room home; hot water heat; large rast fiont lot; built only tour years ago; finest location In district; prleo cut from (7.003 to (5,760. Terms. For partic ulars call OSBORNE REALTY CO. Doug. 1474; Harney S66S. Out of Town Owner is lii Omaha to sell home of 7 rooms; all modern; fine lot. with fruit, 3512 La fayette Ave, liemis Park. Place Is worth $3.H. but I will tako less, as I live too far nwny. Look It over on outside and If Interested phone Harney 8923. SMALL HOMES SMALL PRICES SMALL TERMS For a man Who -can do the work him. self: An unfinished shell of a house, With two beautiful east and south front lots, corner, on a now boulevard, two blocks from car. at Ames and SCth. only $1,200. Has good barn, well, all fenced. beward. half block from Harnev car. paved street, fult lot 5-room house, with new toilet and bath. (1,750:, very easy pay ments. Will take clear, chenp lot as first payment Special barca n n Clifton Hill: Fu 1 lot. paved street, good 6-room house, excel lent modern ulumblnjr. trees, etc. Onlv (1.800, with cash payment, (300. Buy now ana get tne strnwDerries. Corby, near 21th. all modern, south front, worth the price, $3,200. Beautiful suburban home, with about IVt acres, covered with fruit, $4,250. Many outers. GEORGE G. WALLACE Brown Block. STOP DO NOT MISS TKESE THREE BARGAINS (8.000 West Farnam district, eight-room, Btrlctly modern house, first-class location, nair diock rrom irarnam street car line. Let us show you this nronertv. (3,750-Fleld club district This Is cer tainly n snap, a first-cioss elgnt room, modern house which alone cost (8,000 to build, In nit Ideal neighborhood, alongside $10,000 and (15,000 homes. Must bo seen to be anDiTCIatcd. (4,600 Adjoining Kountze Place', Just put on tne marxct; a nice comrortaoia home, consisting of six rooms and both, strictly modern; located at 2411 Spencer street. FTRST TRUST COMPANY OF OMAHA 303-305 So. 13th St. First Nat. Eank Bldg Phono Douglas 11X1. BARGAIN 37t'h and) Cass Sts. This splendid G0xl21-foot lot, east front, only, (l.ivo: situated in Omah&'s high-class residential uistnct. V. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam St TcL Doug. 1084. OKOBOJI Lake Cottage For Bale-Finest summer home on Hayward's bay, two lots, 100x500 feet, elevation about 25 feetj easy approach to boat house dock and splendid bathing beach. Large garden, orchard and berry bushes on rear of lots; 3-ycar-old cottage, beautifully finished, two-story, six rooms; equipment of fur nishings, launch, tents, etc., complete. Will sell with one lot only, or rent If not sold by June 1. Address, 243 K. Whlto Oak Ave., Monrovia. Cal. NEW BUNGALOW. Itt blocks from Ames Ave. car line: nearly completed; all modern, wltli 4 rooms on first floor and 2 good-sized bed rooms and bath on second floor; full basement, with hot air heat Price, $3,500; small payment down, balance same as tent rviii n ! n a Bankers realty investment co. 404-410 city Nat Bank, mono u. min.' FOR SALE A good, substantial, mod ern home, In good repair, In the West Farnam district. It has 10 rooms, besides a large store room. Best of oak wood work on first floor and Oregon fir on second. Extra fine plumbing and lava tories In two of the bedrooms. Reason able terms can bo arranged with the owner. Mrs. F. M. Bllsh, 117 S. 37th St Telephone Harney 2102. FOR SALE Dundee residence, new; has living room, dining room, kitchen and refrigerator room, 1st floor; three bed rooms, bath and sleeping porch second; stairway to attic; living and dining room finished in oak; full cemented basement; furnace heat Price, $4,800. Located at 6015 Webster St Tel. H. 47S7. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, all modern, furnace. Located near 27th .and Fort. Price but (2,850. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. FOR SALE The southwest corner of 25th and Charles Sts., C3xl20 feet with 7-room cottage, paved streets, concrete sidewalks, city water, gas, sewer, etc.; one block from 24th St. car line; splendid building site; will sell at bargain. W. II. Griffith, 2623 qharles St. DUNDEE. Large, five-room bungalow, 26x42, oak finish, paneled dining room, built-in boo It coxes, floored attic, full basement Pj-Ice, (3,750; terms. Call E. B. Swanson, contractor and builder, 105 Capitol Ave.; Webster 7099. NORTHEAST corner 83th Ave and Marcy St., two blocks north of Field club, two-story modern dwelling, built three years ago, newly decorated, large beautiful corner lot i"or price and terms coll or 'phono Harney 64W. LOOK AT THIS 2118 Wirt; all modern, 6-roora, reception hall, tile bath, oak finish; hot water heat; paved street; near school, churches; fine residence section) In Kountze Place; ran take a cottage on this. Owner, Web. 2792. DUNDEE, Lot 9, block 104. 60x133. Telephone Web ster 4148 or Douglas 2128. FOR SALE or rent New modern 8 room house, large basement two cisterns, well ,two acres of ground, bam, chicken house, high woven wire fence, cement walks. 8. 36th St Phone S. 17692. MUST sell at once, 4-room bungalow In Clifton Hill district: modern except heat: i ay payments: worth (2,500; make us an i A'fttr- nnon tmilt Tnnr1nv Phrtrtn Wtiaftr Mil or call 4Z Tatrick Ave. 7-room, all modern; built four years; In fine condition. See Gangestad, 404 Bee Bldg. V. 3177. WALKING DISTANCE (4,300 An eight-room house, one block south of Farnam St., on 20th St., 4 bed rooms, bath, furnace heat, mapli floors, pine finish. Built 8 years ago W. H. THOMAS tc SON, 228 State Bk Bldg COTTAGES FOR SALS TO BE MOVED, lor Particulars Phone Douglas 3351 WANT to sell home property In Council Bluffs at Std and Ave. D. 3 lots with 6 room house and plenty of fruit. See Cog. ley at 2010 Farnam St. Phone Daug. WOT The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising la the Road to Business Success, REAL ESTATE. city pnOrKivrr von. balk. $430 Cash $31.75 Per Month Large Six Room Strictly Modern Bo for o you take time and trouble to look at this high class house naturally you want to know something about It. size, arrangement, style, etc., whether It is suited to your needs and Ideas. That's why I tell you nil about It first. It Is one of the finest lots In Glenn Park, right on the hill with a beautiful view. GUimi Psrk is an addition of new homes, on tho enr line, with water, gas. electric llgtitn and all modern conveniences. Glenn Park Is high class. It's different, you will note this as soon as you cometli rough tho massive concrete plltnrs at tho entrance, with walks and drives bctweent a horseshoe floral dslgn In tho center. This pretty home has a most pleasing and attractive outilde aprearanco, largo snd deep front porch with closed sided ratling and heavy 12-Inch wjuaro columns, the front ooor is a full bevel piste glass set In quartered white enk frame, opening Into a oonvenlent and good-sized vestibule entrance The living room extends entirely across the front of the house with a pretty open ytalrcaso winding around a cozy Bout. Between tho living room and dining room Is n mnssive rolonado opening with square columns and built in bookcase on living room side and china closet on din ing room Bide. Tho dining room s largo well lighted, opening rrom the dining room on tho back Is a den or Mbrary, could be uwd for a bedritom If needed. Nice kitchen and pantry, Inside and outside, entrance to full brick and conoete base ment, with a high grado furnace, hot and cold water for lnundry purpoMc". On second floor are two large bedrooms with a closet for each, two storage roomis and large bath room. Floor of bath Is gonulne tile, with Krone cemont Ule walls, built in medicine cabinet and complete porcelain flxturees, all high grnuo snd fully guaranteed. Lower floor finished In solected red onk, a highly polished floors. Electric lights and latest designs In lighting flxturees, celling showers, with tjrlsm glass fringe for shades, indirect Ugnting gioDe ror uining room, uw uuaiwuiy Xci waamxij 'omoara o;ioav upiv lnoi3noJii uonoiujRuo.i putt Electric. Plumbing by Carlson. Gas for coking. Figure out what your rent wJoo i- . ft . v. I t . , . I . . 1 I. ..... n I, .Attt rn. 110 In tit down tOWn. TllO price Is (3,330, (430 cash and (31.75 psr month, monthly payment Include tho Interest, you get a deed nsd abstract nt once. Tako car now and look It ovct; , it will sell as readily a tho one advertised and sold some two weeks ao. Take Benson enr, got off nt Halcyon avenue (now changed to S'VJCirinr'nJmintmn come south to No. 116. Thone Benson 122 or 202 for n Information. Come today to 115 South Halcyon nvenue (Sixty-first stroot). Benson. F. S. TRULLINGER IlEAIi E STATU. FARM & RANCH LANDS FOR. SAI.H. Arknnsas. ICO acres, fine valley farm. $2,500: SO acres fine valley farm. $1,400; 120 acre upland Improved farm, $1,000, part on time. Lock Box No. 3. Hatfield. Ark. EXCEPTIONAL bnrgaln-80 acres, $550, terms (10 down, (10 per month; big list free. Ward, the land man, Mountain Home, Aru.' k ARKANSAS FARMS Best land and lowest prices, write juc uuumci wim "ok jot bargains. Moore. Bearcy, Ark." Culltorala. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ALFALFA and FRUIT Lands. Southern Paclflo and Santa Fe main lines traverse our absolutely level tract Only 15 feet to water; also artesian wells. Five hours' run to either San Francisco or Los Angeles, with n combined popula tion of far over 1 .000,000. (125 PER ACRE-EASY TERMS. Join our half-rate excursion to SUNNY CALIFORNIA In May. See the FONTANA O RAN OB GROVES, located on the electrlo line from Lot Angeles to Riverside. Make ybur rescratlons early and let us show you the 'GOLDEN STATE" from San Francisco to Sin Diego. For free handsomely Illustrated book lets on all matters Callforlan, see or write 1CARL BREHME. S15 Bee toldg. FOR SALE Form land In the AnUlope valloy, the milk bottle of Lqs Angeles. Land In the suburbs of Los Angeles Is becoming so valuable for subdivision pur poses that the dairyman Is being crowded out Just recently It lias been discovered that wntar can be had In lance quanti ties in the Antelope valley. As this promising valley is oniy io mues irora tne rapidly growing city of Los Angeles, and because land can still be had at a low price, formers and dairymen are buying thousands ot acres of this fine rich land. We can sell you 20 acres or more for (100 per .acre, on, easy terms, located one mile from a good town. This is choice alfalfa and Pear land. For further particulars write to. Cen tlnela Land Company. 1009 Title Insur ance UUIiaing, LOS Angeies. uauiomm. A TTJWnKTf A Vinms In 4Vl Mil nt!?- and poultry; only $400: easy terms; close 10 rauroaa ana morneu, u I'tmi UO cneriaan, vm.- mrivnnutA l.ttri nritrilnrtl tut njld 8d Tues. W. T. Bmlth Co. 815 City Nat Bk. Cnnndn. GET your Canadian home from the Canadian Pacific; one-twentieth down; balance In 19 equal payments! loan up to $2,000 to Improve your farm can be paid off In 20 years: 6 per cent Interest; good, rich land In Western Canada for every kind oi farming, from $11 to (30 per acre. This offer only to farmers or men who will actually occupy or Improve the land. We supply best live stock at actual cost give you the benefit of expert work on our demonstration farms, equip you with a ready-made farm prepared by our agri cultural experts if you don't want to wait for a crop. All thlse lands on or near railways, near established towns. Free booklets on Manitoba. Alberta or Bas katohewan. Address P. It Thornton, Colonization Agent, 112 W. Adams St.. Chicago.' . niwimiTJ ttoir MArtlnn In famous Goose Lako district near two good town;, perfectly choice land at bftr',n " sold soon. II. U Archer, 314 Security Bank Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Colorado. IRRIGATED LAND. I own 320 acres Costilla county, Colo rado, choicest Irrigated land close to Meslta. Will sell on easy terms In eighty or more acre tracts at bargain prices. B. H. Phlnney. Fergus Falls. Minn. Icrrn. 1W-ACRE FARM. Five miles of Council Bluffs; good up land, much of It U practically level and not over S or 8 acres rough; 25 acres al falfa, fair house, plenty of berries and outbuildings; barn yard slopes south, well drained and protected; fine orchard and vineyard of about 2 acres each. This Is better worth (ISO per acre than many farms that have sold for that figure. It Is worth Investigating at (100 per acre. Let us show you. McGee Real Estate Co., 106 Pearl St. Ksniaa, LAND BARGAINS 160 acres, well 1m- roved, good soil, living water and tim er; crops In and go with place. A real bargain on good terms. Near Parsons. Kansas. Also 100 acres rich prairie and bottom land, well Improved In gooa neighborhood In Hickory Co., Mo., near Weaubleau. Will sell for less than any surrounding farms for cash. H. B. ARRISON, Nebraska City, Neb. Minnesota, CHOICE prairie lands In White Earth reservation. Rich, black soil; clay sub soil; fine artesian welts, We are owners of 20,000 acres. Agents wanted In every county. Liberal terms. Write at once. Baker Land Co., Ogema. Minn. SELECT YOUR HOME NOW. Get the benefit of the great advance in prices this year. Send for literature. Land Commissioner, Duluth Ik Iron Range Railroad Co., X2 Wolvln Building, Duluth, Minn. SEND for froe list of Minnesota, farms. (30 to $76 per acre. Minnesota Land Agency, Court Block, St. Paul, Minn. Montana. SIXTY THOUSAND acres Carey tejid open to entry at Valler, Mont; fifteen annual payments; ssctton famous for grains, grasses, vegtt&blss; well adapted to diversified farming. For particulars write Valler Farm Soles company. Box lots. Valler. Mont SI Irtoirl, TUB FAMOUS BRAND8VILLE-K08H-KONONO fruit district will market a mil lion dollar crop this year. For sale. 10 acre 4-year-old Klberta peach orchard, one mile from Brandsvllfe. Guaranteed fine as there Is In the district at half the price being paid for orchards here. Buy now and get your money back from this year's crop. Orchards netting from (100 to (00 per acre; fruit and farm lunds, large and small tracts, (16 per acre up, Write Brandsvllle Real Estate and In vestment Co., Brandsvllle, Mo, nKAYi KSTATR. CITY PItOPBHTY POIl KALIS. IlKAIi ESTATE FARM RANCH LANDS FOnSALK Nrhrnskn. Farms For Sale 1C0 acre farm in Washington county, Nebraska, thro miles southwest ot Herman, on main traveled road. Buildings are owned by teoaut and eulo Is subject to existing lease. $20,000 820 acre farm In Burt county. Nebraska, eight miles northwest of Tckamah. Oood well finished four-room house with cel. lur, barn, woll .granary, chicken house and all necessary outbuildings, fenced, 145 acres In cultivation, somewhat rough, but a real snap at (87,60 Per Acre, Alfred C. Kennedy 209 First Nat Bank. Phone D. 722. For Sale Cheap (20 acres chnloo lovel land with black soil, S milts fiom county scat, .on main line U. P. R. R., in Nebraska, 13.50 per acre, one-fourth cash, balance long Unto at 8 per cent A good buy for use or speculation. J. H. Dumont & Co. Phone D. COO. 1603 irarnam St, Omaha. FarmsFarmsFarms Driving dlstonco of Omaha: bargains. Let us show you the goods. All sizes, all prices, all terms. ORIN a MERRILL CO., Rooms 1213-1214 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. FINE DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM 4H miles west of Omaha P. O., fine 50 acru larm, adjoining highest priced land; fine Improvements, cost over $5,000; al falfa, 1.600 grapes, not far to street car, $12,000 Is a low prlco, with but $4,000 cash, balance at C per cent. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1622 Farnam 8t. Dong. S!)S, &1 Afttllta Sm unttftttin i rtmi.rt.t lirtASIfA T A Mil 1'OD rM.tKAM ItiniKtm LOTS """ Gffi acres of Platte volley land. 15 miles 4r KTrv.W 'tlliitta A O I . m . viit iwiiu utf uiiu o nines i ruin iter ahoy, Neb.; will stand close Investigation n n 1 urns tli in n 1 1 r . acre; half cash or good Omaha Income and balance back on landi AlAJttY SUY130LD 217 McCngue Bldg.. Omaha. 160 AC1US3 of good hay land, clear ot Incumbrance, In Holt county, Nebraska, to trade on quarter or half section ot eastern Nebraska land, Merrick county preferred, J. R. Collins, 1029 Omaha Na tional Bank Bldg., Omaha Nab. New York. NEW YORK STATE FARM FOR SALH. The eyes of the world are turned to ward York State Farms Bargains. 124 aero farm. 2 miles from village price, $12 per acre. 142-ncre farm. 2 miles from Vlllnee. 11 in Uvrnnmn til .. . - - w ... . v , niiiv, li ne ro hen farm, excellent land, river front viimue. xrouey ana ooai lines 40 rods. U miles from Syracuse. State macadam road all the way. Price $1,000. $MK cash down. Railroad fare to purchaser, 13. Munaon, 2)26 S, Sallna, St.. Syracuse. N. Y, UkluhouiR. FOR SALB-3,000-acre ranch, Beckham county, Oklahoma. 600 acres bottom land fine cultivation, 150 acres alfalfa, 30 miles 4 and 5 wire fence; 6 miles hog-wire fence; running water every pasture: 3 sets improvements; corn yield last year, 80 bu.. flno prospects for crop this year, 5.-,Ues raroal town, great bargain, Vh&o'L acre ca,Ty "l fRooo, 1,000 head stock on farm would sell. No trades, llartsiog & Reese, Carter, Okla. Texna. WK OFFER for sale 20.000 acres of agricultural land In the Middle Plains country of Texas. ' This Is a splendid colonization proposition, and owing to the recent death of one of the owners can be bought at a much lower price than anything else equally good In that locality. BULFLOW A. MAAS COM PANY, Andrus Uldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 20-acre Improved farm, good sandy soil, fine strawberry land, close tu Alvln, at a bargain. Albert King, Alvin, Texas. FOR quick sale, 640 acres, near Hous ton, on shell road, $30 per acre, divide If desired. F, A. Carpenter, Seabrook, Tex. Wvomlnsr, 100 ACRES all land near Spring Valley, Wyo., two wells pumping: good well of water: two engines and boilers: com plete drilling outfit; feet ot pipe; two five-room camp houses, furniture, barn, etc. In fact, complete property In operation. Pipe lino people buy the oil at 11X6 per barrel. Oood for $6,000 per year and can be Increased by boring more wens, race izu.uw. uiear. want even deal In farm. J, E, HAxlItt, Parker, 8. D. Miscellaneous, ADVERTISEMENT On May SO a personally conducted ex cursion will leave Omaha via C, M, & St. P. Ry,, for points In Montana, Idaho and Washington along the C , M. & St. P. Railway. The construction of this new road has opened up a vast extent of new country In which excellent farm lands pear rail road can be purchased at from $10 to $30 por acre. Irrigated farm and fruit lands can1 be purchased at from $100 to $250 per acre. Government homestead lands free. Tho party will be personally conducted by Travollng Colonlratlon Agent V, L Sherwood, who Is thoroughly familiar with the country traversed. For further Information call on or write F. L. Sherwood, Traveling Colonisation Agent, C M. & St P Ral'way. 1817 Far nam St., Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY on hand at lowest rates tor loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. II. W. BINDER, 823 City National Soak Bldg. RRATi KSTATR liOANB. Wanted City Loans Peters Trust Co. 1G22 Fnniam St. , MONBY TO LOAN 6N OMAHA HOMB3. NO DKLAY. J. H. Mitlion Co., INC. 1 921 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDQ., DOUOLAS 1T73. MONKYTo loan on business or resi dence properties, (1,000 to JHW.WC iv' THOMAS, Minute Hank BldB. OMAHA homes. Kail NeliiasKa farms. O'KKKFli RKAL K8TATB CO. lUlO Omaha National. Douglas 2713. LOANS on farms and unproved city propcro, ft, 6V and 6 per rent; no delay. J. II. Liumont & Co., 1003 Farnam St. ""ilKAli liSTATU LOANS. " WWNTKD- City loans W. Farnam Co., it ml wat rati tR. 13t0 Farnam St. HARRISON ft MORTON. 916 OmNat $100 to (10,co0 mndu itom)tly. Wead, Weail llldR., mil and Kir F. D. ariinm. not, C1TV I.OAN87llfmls.Carfbei$ Co., no-3i iirntidelH Theater Bldg, LARGE loans our spcolnUy Slull XlroiT RKAIi ESTATE"" WANTED.' LIST your house wait us. We have buy- ers. Osbor;ie Real Estate Co. Doug. 1474. BTKAMSllira. ANCHOR LINE BTEAMSHIPfl Sail every Saturday to and from NEW YORK LONDONDERRY OLA8QOW Ocean passage "H days. Moderate rates. For book of tours, rates, etc., apply to HENDKHSON BROTHEH3. Gen. Ants., IS W, Randolph St.. Chicago, Mil AiN I LUUAL AUhilrl. WANTED TO BUT. Dolsoff Jd-hand store nsvs Maliest nrlcs for furniture, clothes, shoes, Web. 1007. WOULD like to buy a five or six-room house to be Moved on a lot. One In the nclghborhtod of 24th and Clark preferred, Telephone lied 4901. WANT to hoar from land owners that want to sell, Emerson A Cluye, 614 Bee Bldg. K8T prices for furniture. Call D. 7W1, D. S055. Quick buyer of furniture. WANTKl) TO KENT LIST your house with us. Wo have buyers. Osborno Real Kstnto Co. Doug. 1474L. LIVE STOCK MARKET-OF WRST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Savo mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments rccclvo prompt and carpful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Mvrchnnta. BYICRS BROS. A CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co., 222 Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Hxchancc Bldg. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS? IWiU riletl (or record Mar II, UlJi II. Zoblich uid wir to 11, Vsndeputte, lot 1. block I, lint td4 to Fmlr PUc.... m C. IVfrnn mil wlf to W. 0. Morgtn, part lots and 10. block IT, 15. V. Rmith'a add 1,M0 A. O, iMaarl and !( to Mrs. Clara Jef fries, lot H, block l. Clifton. Illll Xt. O. Wilson to K. Wilton, nil fort lot It, block I, IdlawIM ad,, Continental lUallr Co. to I.. Tt. IlcfiV nVi lot I. block lit. Omaha Ttedd Tirol, to L. n. Heed, nH lot 9, block lit, Omaha V 1. tlu.rJt and wife to I). Cunningham, lot tt, Auburn Hill add... W. U Helbr and wife to I. T. Ituiliea. Dl I lot t. block !, Kirk wood add J, SCO II. IL (Ckttll and hutband to E, Olmeled, lota 4 and (, block 101, Florence 1,009 llomeeteaii u. l r, ii. Nccienan, iota . Til, 719. Ill and 111. Itomeetead add 410 F. r. Sillier and wife to the McCaiue In veetment Co., lot 4. block til, Omaha 7,100 C, w, Martin ana wife to w. M. ntoiu, lot I, block I, Laurelton add., , It? J. 11. Armatrons and wife to O, A. Home! lua, e40 feet lot 10, block 11 flumralt add 110 Q. Kelllck nj wife to O. Kalecara, lot I, block I. M. Tlonotan's aub 1 C. V Smith and wlfo to K. 1. Patea, U Intereit In lot I, block I, I'atrlck'a Becond Saratoga add 1 8. II. 8mlth and wife to K. 1 Oatet, U interest In lot I, block E, Talrlck'a Second Saratoga, add 1 D. II. Bmlth and wife. to D. M, Thatcher, lot 4, block JO. 1'oroUton Park add 1 0. Cornbleth and wife to L. Cornbleth, eCO feet lot 1 block tltW. Omaha.,..,.."..... 1 B. H. Chrlillannen and wife to fl. Chr Hansen, part nU nW 14-1111. A. Bosch and wife to Anheueer-Duach Co,, lot 14, block 11. KounUe Tlace I, W0 II. A. Anderaon to A. r. Wlnell, lot 14, block I. Drake's add m B. M. Anderaon to A. V. Wlnell, M lot J4, block.!. Drake'a add,.... Ileeda filed for record Mar 17, 1I1SI The Iljron Heed Co. to the City ot Omaha, aM feet lot I. block M. Omaha.......... ..$,00 1, II. Ur an dwlfe to O. II. I'arkenlng. nlO feet lot I, block II, leaae-g & Belden'a i.M ,..,,.. ," W. B. ralmatler and wife to f. I Adams, lot 10. flela Club aub...... 1,060 niley Howard and wife to C. II. Oell, 1011 1 and 2, Hunt's aub...,,.. F. V. Morgan to D, It. Morgan, n40 feet lot 14. block II, roppleton Park. F. L Jlrotnierkli t tl. to B. W- Helllx, part awH eU lt-U-11 need Time, to Clara A. Weber. II acre In . 1 4.100 1 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Bids will be received at the office of the secretary of state, Lincoln, Nebraska, until 11 o'clock a. m., May 28, 1913, for the erection nf n brick, steel and con crete agricultural hall at the state fair grounds. Lincoln, Nuhraskn according to the plans and te iflcatlons, which may be had upon nppllcntlon to Secretary W II Mellor. stnto capital, secretary of stato, or Arohv'ct Burd F, Miller, 734 Brandels theater building, Omuha, Neb, All applications ftr plans must be ac companied by certlfle-1 check for $25.00, payable to tl o sefretaiy ot state. -' AUDI.40N J, WAIT, Secretary of the B. P, I & B. M.17-d7t. Murderer is Found Dead in Oell Before Verdict is Eead ALMA, Kan., May 17. Paul Roberts, on trial for the murder of Anthony King, a restaurant keeper, was found dead In his cell today, when the sheriff went to take breakfast to him. The case went to the jury last night and tho judge Instructed that If a ver dict was reached tt should be delivered today. It la thought Roberts heard the Jury, which was In a room directly over head, proclaim him guilty and that he drank poison during" the night, although no vial was found In his cell. Tho jury's verdict finding Roberts guilty was read In court today. SALT LAKE CITY MAU FOUND DEAD IN OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, May 17. With a bullet hole in the roof of his mouth, James W, Skinner, 60 years old, was found dead In his real estate office today, A trail of bloody footprints was discovered leading out ot the office and down the corridor ot the building. Al though the nature ot the bullet wound anil n note found on his desk, dated May 14, directing tho disposal ot hit estate, Indicates suicide, the police are baffled by tne footprints. LAMENTABLURMY OF YICE Fifteen Thousand Women Ply Their Trade in Gotham. ARE CUNNINGLY EXPLOITED (Hrls Still In Their Terns Are Led Into Virions Urns lr Shrrml .Mm nml Thru ltobbrd nf Innorrnsr, NKW YORK, May 18.-Fifeen thousand women nf tho under world a scarlet nrmy no census hm heretofore enumer ated ply their tmdo Jn one borounh of Oteater Now York alone. This Is the rsllmate of the IMircnu of Social Hygiene, hn organisation of which John I). Rock. efcllor, Jr., Is chatrmnn, ns made public tontghl In nn abstract of a forthcoming report by Ororge J. Kncoland, a special Investigator, after a painstaking Inquiry Into commercialized vice conditions In Manhnttnn, extending -er n period ot nearly ten months. Tho report sugssts no remedleo, fixes no responsibility. That phase Is to be dealt with Inter on R purports merely to "describe accurately vice conditions In New York City with the sole pur poso of bringing out the facts." Thii hope Is expressed that subsequently a satisfactory policy to check the evil may bo worked out- Aslde from a series of chapters dealing In mlnutfi frankness with tho operation of notorious resorts throughout the city, the report treats of tho dance hall evil and of tho alarming spread ot the so called massage parlors. "Over 300 ot these exist In tho city," says the report, and In many of them not the slightest effort was made to cloak the Immoral nature of the business. Operators ror theso establishments are often procured In tho nownpapers." Of the dance halls tho report savs: ninnies Dunce Units. "Tho puhllo danco hnll was found to justify tho worst that has been said of It. Or sovcnty-flvc dances reported on only tlvo wcro chnrncterlicd by the In vestigators jvs 'decent' Nor are these dances attended only by hardened profligates. Young girls somo Innocent others. If not entirely Innnoccnt, nt any rate not wholly depraved, and young mon pot yet altogether vicious, attend the gatherings In search of nmuscment and changd. Many two Innocent working girls, who seek legitimate recreation. The sinister element In attendance Is tho hired cadets, who attend with tho cold blooded purpose of finding new subjects of debauchery and" of subsequent ex ploitation for gain. These agents of com- merclallied vlco are usually weli-dressea, well-mannered, and Introduce themselves rolttely and enslly to strangers. They often rrotond to lovo nt first sight and exhibit marked dovotlon, by which tho girls are deceived nnd to which they cftcn yield. When tho seduction of tho girls Is accomplished, they are put on the street, and their ruin Is complete." Mr. Knoelnnd argues, contrary to the expressed vlows of so many Investigating bodies, that girls do not an a general thing take up a life of shame because of tho pinch Of poverty. He holds that oftener they are victims In tholr Ig norance of tho agents of commercialized vies. 'It is Idle," he says, "to explain away tho phenomena, on tho ground that they are tho results ot the Inevitable weakness of human nature human weakness would domand far fewer and less horrlblo sacrifices. Most of tho wreckage, and tho worst of It, is duo to persistent, cun ning nnd unprincipled exploitation! to tho banding together in Infamous enterprises nf mnrtnm. nrocuror. brotlfal keeper and liquor vender to carry on deliberately a cold-blooded traffic for their Joint pront, .... . . . m .W. n traffic, oo ii nnncu, irom winun m girl Involved procures at tho most, with fow oxcceptlons, her baro subsistence, nnd that only so long as she has a trado value," "Tho exploiters" nml tho ramifications of their traffic Is treated at length. By means of money and shrewdness, says the report, tho traffickers usually evado tho law. Thirty houses- In the tenderloin wero long operated as a combine, It la cited, under tho direct control of fifteen or more mon. Most ot them have boen ongnged all tholr Jives In the seduction and exploitation of women. New York. Is their Mecca. The report, however, fot. lows their tracks through "Argentina, Bruxll, Cuba. Canada, Alaska, and th largo cities of our own country San jFrandsco, Portland, Beattle, Taeomo, Butte, Denver, Omnha, St. Louis, Chi cago, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia. Finally they reallso their hopes In New York City. Hero they have mudo a center, and from this center they go back over tho old trail from tlmo to time." Owners of realty, ostensibly respectable, come In for severe condemnation at the hands of tho Investigators. A woman In vestigator, tho report sets forth, visited 123 real estate agents, of whom seventeen declined to let premises for Immoral pur poses. A group ot thirty-eight "well known" men, It Is said, own and operate twenty-eight houses ln Manhattan. "The value of shares moves up and down, says the report, "according as conditions are more or less favorablo to the con duct of the business," Unlike the fallen woman herself, who Is described as coming preponderantly from the ranks ot those engaged In un skilled occupations, her customers "rep resent every grade pf society." With reference to white slavery per se, Mr. Kneeland deprecates the prevalent Idea of physical detention, looked doors, barred windows, and elaborates on the more sinister methods of enslavement In timidation and sentimental loyalty of the unfortunates to their man masters, "Un educated, w(th little or no comprehension of her legal rights or of the powers which could bo Invoked to old her," he says, "often an Immigrant,, or at least a stranger, she is soon cowed by the brute to whOBUsue has mistakenly attached herself. Should she make an effort to break away, she Is pursued and hemmed In." Explaining the various kinds of re sorts the report Jays stress on the menace of those In tenement houses. Investiga tion showed that twenty-seven such places were In tenements, where, all told, nearly 00 children under 16 years ot age were playing about the halls. Strangely enough, a dellcattessei) store Is described as perhaps the most notorious meeting place for traffickers' In women. According to the report practically' all of the resorts founded on woman's shams, are conducted by women who have "rlson" from the ranks. Far from being sympathetic with their wards, the chief a'm ot these housekeepers Is to make ai much money as possible for their master! Invariably men. Thus, though the In mate of- a house theoretically recetvor half the money she earns, she Is taxed cruelly for board, clothes, toilet arttclei and, probably, drugs, so that u a rule he Is continually In debt, 51 in