1 he Omaha Sunday B zine Pag Maga Ipip . L- i : it A ii .? ' it P. f r. ft s I'! . II Copyright, by the Btar Company. Great Britain Rights Reserved, HowManWill Look wR A Charming ette Leader Describes the (Suffragette Ideal, Alwaysin White, Short' Haired, Beardless, Refined and Perambulator Pushing, Ballot-Made Man of 1940 MISB ELIZABETH" ALDRICH, tho beauti ful girl surf ragctto, who Joined Goneral noBalle Jones i In her advance upon Washington, who has organized tho Inwood Olub Nursery, which provides for tho enro of feabes while tbolr mothers aro away from homo working for suffrago, and who has wrltton many brochures on tho femlnino movement which have beotme campaign classics, has a vision of tho now man. Sho has told this newspapor of tho now man as she seos him. Sho pictures tho man of 1940 as sho believes bo will bo, and as loadors of tho feminist movement hope ho will be and expect him to become. Miss Aldrlch Is tho great granddaughter -of Avis Keene, tho great Quaker suffragette, and friend of John Groonleaf Whlttlor and William Lloyd Garrison. Some of her associates In tho suffrage movement bollovo that tho gifted granddaughter Inherited from tho goniUB groat grandmother that powor with which cortaln members of tho quaint sect of Friends bollovo thomsolvos ondowed, the powor of prophecy. At any rnto MIbb Aldrlch's vision of, man cs sho oxpocts him to bo when moulded by the forces that will accompany recognized equality of tho sexes is interesting, especially when re garded as oxprossing tho expectations of suffragists. By Elizabeth Aldrich I SEE? a now man. Tho forces which hvo changed tho traditional life of womon are also chang ing the traditional Ufo of man. While thoso forces aro dovoloping In her self reliance and independence of thought and action, they aro making him a kinder, moro tondor, moro imaginative croaturo. The man from which ho is omorglng was nagging, selfish, ugly, domlnoorlng, cruel, ruth less, Imperious. Tho now man will stop fault finding. Ho will bo considerate, deserving for the first time in history tho title "gentleman." He will be bettor to look at. He will ceaso being a creature of prey I Tho man of 1040, hold up in tho schools as the model man will be handsomor bocauso ho villi bo moro harmoniously dovolopod. His mind, corresponding to bis body, will be moro symmetrical. Tho physical idoals of that tlmo will bs those of tho ojd GrookB, tho Olympic games, not thoso of the prize ring. I see tho mac of 1940 and of succeeding generations always in white. No man will then wear a dark suit either Winter or Sum Hssr, because he will know, and, knowing will realize, that dar.k clothes aro unhygienic and uabecomlnc They aro unhygienic bocauso they do not show tho dirt Soiled spots could, remain indefinitely In thorn, breeding gorms. Now a man may look clean without bolng so. Then ho will bo only as '-)eaa as he looks and be will take pains to look and bo clean. Wo need not fear that tho era will be ono of tho long haired man. Instead he will wear his faair closely cropped for tho samo reason that fee will wear white clothes, for cleanliness. He will -keep his face smooth shaven, for tho eamo reason. Womon, I do not think, will over woar short hair, bocauso it Is not becoming. Tho modol suffragetto man will not be a creature whoao muscles bulgo. Tho ideal will not bo to mako a pair of biceps too enormous and neglect tho muscles of tho legs, or to do' velop both at tho exponso of thebrain. Sym metry will bo the aim of all men and all men will bo gracoful as Adonises. No man will then go Into training to fight Jack John eon, even if ho desired to, because it would mako him ugly. This man will sharo in tho caro of tho chlldron. It will bo a vory common sight then to see a man pushing a porambu lator. With fathor in sorvlco thero will bo fower flirtations botweon pollcomen and nursery maids while tho baby nearly chokes himself to death on tho carriage Btrap. Ho will havo dropped many of his horrid habits. Ho will swear less than ho does now and ho won't chow tobacco. Ho will not alt with his foot abovo his hoad. Tho man of 1940 will come homo from the office earlier and ho won't como homo with a "grouch." Portuno malting will bo secondary to character dovolopment with him and ho will think as much or bow to help humanity as how to grow rich. The man of that time won't make corners In anything. Ho Willi not in dulge olthor in pugilism or fraud. I ' I cannot boo tho man of that tlmo killing for sport A man won't go to South Africa and rush back again with a roputatlon as a hero bocauso ho killed animals in thoir junglo homos. Tho man of 1940 will not oven toaoe a cat Ho will not pull a dog's oars, and the boy who pins a tin can to a dog's tall will bo sovorely dealt with as ho deserves, for tho now man will abhor suffering and will nover cause it It ho can holp It I cannot sco the man of my vision eating meat, for his charactor will bo gontle and wo become llko what wo eat Because ho will bo gentlo-hoartod and active-minded, I can soe him oatlng only frulta and nuts and vegetables. Tho charactor of a man's Jokos will change. Tho Jokos will bo clean and they will assail no class. Thero will bo no mother-in-law Joke, no old-maid Joke. Women will, in fact ceaso to bo the butt of all man's Jokes. I hope that laws will bo enacted to enforco this new chivalry. Ills speech will be moderate when he speaks of women. He will per mlt us to drop our wings. Hereto fore we havo been in his spooch winged creatures. Wo havo been "angels" to him at ono end of tho scale and "birds" or "chickens," 'squabs," "geese," "wronB or "hens," according to his humor. All thoso wings, thank heaven, he will allow us to shod forever. He will, without comment allow a woman tho privilege of being old and homely If she wishes. He will not by his silly attitude of loving only the freshness of youth drive as to lie about our ages. Tho worst thing ho can say about us then, according to his own ideas, will not bo "old hen." He will not use tho name of any bird in describing us, and he will not montlon ago. For tho first time In all tho cen turies he will approve of women. We have been called naggers ever since wo can romombor, but it Isn't true. Men havo been, the naggers. Down through tho ages they havo found fault with womon. They have held up tho ideal of tho old-fashioned .woman and then found fault with her because sho was old-fashioned. They told her she had no senso. They Informed her that Bho was- "puttyhoadod," that she didn't know anything. Then when sho pushed Into the shop and office, and oven on tho police force, they began to nag about that They said sho was, bold and womanly, and poor woman cried out "Well, what do you want?" Men didn't answer because thoy didn't know. They didn't want what thoy had. Never has man ap proved of woman since tho time Adam slunk behind Eve and placed tho blamo of the fruit incident upon her. Tho now man will coaaa this cavilling. Ho will bo satisfied with woman as she will then bo. The man of tho fu ture as I soe him will havo a compen sation for foregoing the last delights of the prize ring. He will revive the lost art dt writing love letters. Instead of sending her a tele gram or of telephon ing her ho will writo hor a lovo-lottor. You see, there will be so complete an under standing at that tlmo between men and women that they will not fear breach of promise cases. There will bo more marriage than evor boforo. Almost ev eryone will marry. Thero will be vory few exceptions, mere ly a fow persons who greatly prefer living alone, thoso by nature "soli tary," bocauso men and women will have outlived their dislike for each other that antagonism, springing from a sense of Inequality, that caused women to hate and fear men and men to de spise women. Hand in hand, as true partners in life, they will walk tho path of mutual under standing. Men will no longer putslo women nor women baffle men, for with recognised equality will come unden standing, and with understanding can dor. Custom will no longer place a pre mium upon Ilea be tween men and wbnv 11 HbAfl Tie Hew Mm WU1 So lUndaoiuer. Ha Will Bs Cleaeer. Hit Hair Will Be Clote Cropped. Hi Clothe WiH fte BeautsfuL Ha WW Drop Hit Hideous WhUkera. , Tbla Cssapoiita Show oa Oaa Side the Old Man and a (U O&wr Sid Use New, Miss Elizabeth Aldrich, the Girl Suffragette, and Granddaughter of the Quaker Prophetess, Avis Keene, Who Describes on This Page Her Vision of "The New Man," en, because they will no longer hate and fear each other. There will be a change of proverbs about men. Tho old "The way to a man's heart Is through the etomach" will be for .gotteii. We will say, "The way to a man's heart is through his imagination." There will be a now chivalry, but it will not be based on exploitation of sex. The knight who rode forth with his lady's glove on his shield was not tho brave, unselfish person he Boomed. Ho expected a reward. Tho reward was" tho lady, Tho new chivalry will be fine and Impersonal, based upon respect for the opinion of woman. Whan a woman's opinion is backed by the ballot the humor of tho opinion vanishes. There will to Bex harmony. Heretofore thero has been sex discord. The two Boxes will take counsel together Instead of striving for dominion, ono by force, the -other Ty subtle ties and deceit Hitherto we have had much of tho mother Ideal. Thero will be more of tho father ideal in the home, I have seen that mothers and sons are the greater friends in the family and fathers and daughters are In closer friendship than mother and daughter and father and son. Many girls make serious mistakes because they have not had the benefit of the man's point of view. Fathor will be more than the household caBh register. r Whatever the standard of morals It will be the same for man and woman. The double standard of morals will go into the scrap heap where it belongs. The man of 1940 will cease to believe that ho can buy love. Women will not simulate love in order to secure a home and alimony. Thoro will bo few divorces because men will not find women so deceitful and women will not have to complain that a man neglects her for money making. Men will not mako groat fortunes then because they will not want to mako them. Thoy will havo less cunning and more usefulness as mombors of society. The real reason for the antagonism of the sexes, for there has been indeed a duel of tho sexes throughout tho world's history, was that the traditional manner of life caused each to be oversexed. The man was too masculine. The woman was too feminine. But in the new leavening movement woman is developing qualltlos that have been considered masculina and men are developing their feminine sides. Tho result will be a perfect sex balance and a complete understanding. The new man, at his best that model which will be upheld in tho schools and in literature, and of whom we will see specimens in life, will have the Justice of .a Lincoln, the balance of an Emorson, the philosophy of a' Marcus Aurellus, the frankness of a Brioux, the deU cacy of a Maeterlinck and the imagination oS a William Blake. Heaven speed the day of his arrival! Exactly How You Musi Wear Your Corsets The Six-Hour Baby Watch ' of the Ballot-Made Man. Paul Swan, Whom Suf fragette Think the Most Beautiful Man in New York. He Danced in This Costume at the Suffragette Production of the Greek Play 'Lysutrata." A BOUT corsets, the unexpected has bap- AA pened twice. First medical opinion on the subject has quite generally re versed Itself in the last, dozen years. Since corsets have ceased to be Instruments of tor ture the doctors have discovered that most women are bettor off with than without them. And now the whole matter has been made the subject of a public scientific investiga tion, resulting in a set of rules prescribing what kind of corsets to wear and how to wear them. This Is tho work of a commit tee of scientists appointed by the London Council of the Incorporated Institute of Hy geine, whose president is Sir WUHam Ben nett, K. C. V. O., F. R. C. S. Following are the principal points of the committee's report (4) That owing to tho spread ot know. ledge regarding the Importance of freedom or movement and the need of physical exer cise in strengthening the miucle of the back and abdomen, the objectlonal rigid cor sets of the past are becoming much less worn and are gradually being replaced by lighter and more flexible corsets, constructed on hygienic lines. la regard to the construction ot corsets, the Instructions Bay; (1) The corset should be sufficiently flexi ble to allow of free movement of the body In every direction. (2) The. corset should be constructed so aa to exert pressure, only, on the lower part ot the abdomen the direction of the pres sure being upwards and backwards. (8) The corset should be quite loose above, so that no pressure la exerted on the lower ribs and upper part of the atdomen. as any pressure in this region tends to Interfere with the freedom of respiration and also to ? reduce- Injurious compression, t Is equally important, continues the re port to have ,tho corsot properly adjusted, as to obtain tho right corset to begin with, In order to ensure proper and healthful support The wrong adjustment of the right corset may be followed by injurious effects, both in re gard to health and symmetry of figure. Worn on aro thereforo urged to pay particular at tention to the following instructions: .j,1 Before puttlnff the corset on. s6 that " tne back lacings re open widely (not less inan 6 in. to sin. with two- conveniently purposesT1 tbe waiBt 1,no for adjustment (S) Stand erect before a mirror (so that you can see what you are doing, and so as to be able to adjust the corset without hav ing to bend down), brace back the shoulders, draw In the abd6men and support the weight of the bpdy upon the front part of the soles of the feet. (3) Put the corset round the body and: fasten the busks In front from below un wards. (4) Bend down and fasten the suspenders to -the stockings well Inside the knee, and -having once more assumed the erect atti tude, pull the corset aa low down on the ' body as it will comfortably settle. (This Is best done by a diagonal pull on each side, first holding the right upper edge with the right hand, and pulling down the left low er edge with the lert hand, and then re versing the process with the left hand above and the right below). The report concludes with some general remarks, among which is a warning that care ful measurements should always bo taken be fore a corset Is mado or purchased.