THE O:rAKA RrNDAT BEE: MAT 1R, 1918. 8-B ( ( What Women Are Doing in the World i CInb Meetings. MONDAY Graduation exercises of the Bishop Clarkson Memorial hospital class of trained nurses at Trinity cathedral at 3 o'clock; young women's class In European history at 7:30 o'clock In lec ture room of the public library. TUESDAY Twenty-seventh annual meet ing of the Nebraska branch of Women's Auxiliaries of the Episcopal church at Jacobs hall at 9 o'clock; meeting Of the Persian history class at 10:30 o'clock, meeting of the Sermo Literary club at tho home of Mrs. J. T. Barnhart nt 1 o'clock. W l-.DNESDAY Omaha Woman's Club of Hallway Mall Service at the homo of Mrs. A. J. Anderson at 2:30 o'clock; meeting of the current topics elasa in the lecture room oi tno puonc jiurar at 10rS0 nV.lnclf. THl'imnAV-Ktiffrnco kenslngton at tho home of Mrs. A. C. Anderson at 2:oO nvinrk; fiipptliiir of the Benson wom an's club at Woodmen hall nt 2:'J0 o'clock; meeting of the Comus club at the home or Jliss aiaoci nnuenouie; picnic of the Wyche Story Tellers' league at Hanscom park at 4:15 o clock. ti"imAY Meetlne of the French history class In the lecture room of the public library at 10:30 o clock; meeting oi ute Omaha story Tenors- league in me lec ture room of the public library at 4 15 o'clock. HE closing weeks of many c T the women's clubs of th country have been of much Interest to all women asso IKWSI elated with the work of the ieacraieu ciuds, not oniy in the local and state societies, but In the national. Mrs. Harry ti Keefe of- Walthlll, who was a delegato to the national council meeting of the General Federation or .women's Clubs in Washington, D, C, two weeks ago, has been tho guest or honor at many prominent affairs for club women. Mrs. Keefe was honor iruest at the annual convention of New Jarsey Federation of Women's Clubs, which met In Atlantic City. N. J May 1 and 5. During her visit In Philadelphia she was the guest of Mrs. Blankenberg, who Is one of the prominent club women of the country. Upon several occasions Mrj Keefe has met at the same parties with '.Mrs. Ponnypacker, president of the Na tional Federation, and listened to the ad dress given by Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of President Wilson, when she ikild it was her opinion that the real woman can make her influence felt with out tho privilege of the ballot. Mrs. Keefe Is expected home within the next few days, and the Interest In her report which she will bring Is already mani fested by the local members .f the state and city clubs. The Omaha Suffrage association will entertain at a suffrage kenslngton at the h6me of Mrs. A. C. Anderson, 1730 Soutn Twenty-eighth street, Thursday after noon. A program has been arranged' for the afternoon. Mr. J. T. Brlllhart will give a talk on suffrage, Mrs. Bernlce Banghart Grant will give a reading, Mrs. (W. E. Shafcr a vocal jsolo and Miss Grace Anderson a reading. U. S. Grant Relief Corps will hold Its meeting Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 in Memorial hall at the court house. This corps will Join U. S. Grant post. Grand Army of tho Republic, on Sunday, May 23,kto attend memorial services at Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-fourth and Larlmore streets. Meet at Twenty-fourth and Ames aye- ino umana story Tellers league will hold Its annual business meeting Friday afternoon at 4:13 o'clock In the lecture room of the publlo library. The election of officers for tho coming year will tako place. Mrs. C. W. Hayes, president of the Omaha Woman's club, left Thursday for (Dubuque, la., whore she will be the guest of her sister for ten days. The George A. Custer post of tho Grand Army of the Republic and 'the Woman's Relief corps will attend the Diets Memo rial church Sunday, May 25, the occasion being Memorial Sunday. , Mrs. Frank Harrison, secretary of the Nebrabka Suffrage association headquar ters, left Saturday for her home In Lin coln, whero she will spend the summer and wllldlreet tho campaign work. . The French history class will meet Fri day morning at 10:30 o'clock In' the lec ture room of the public library. The Benson Woman's club will meet Thursday afternoon ut 2:30 o'clock at the Woodmen of the World hall. Mrs. E. A. Mason will be the leader of the after noon. Mrs. E. A. Searson will read a paper on "What Shall We Read to Our Children'" Tho works of Jnmes Whlt comb Riley, and Eugene Fields will be the subject of the program. Miss' Mabel Whltehouso will bo the hostess at the meeting of tho Comus club Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Tho Sormo Literary club will meet at the homo 'at Mrs. J. T. Barnhart, 3416 Hawthorne avenue, Tuesday, when the qlub will be entertained nt a 1 o'clock luncheon. The annual election of officers for tho coming year will preoide the pro gram of the afternoon. Mrs. H. B. Haw ley will have chargo of tho parliamentary practice and the current topics, Mrs. Paul A. Themanson will read a paper on the geography of the Panama canal and Mrs. Robert U Smith will tell of the in habitants. The Omaha Woman's Club of the Rail way Mall service will meet nt the home of Mrs. A. J. Anderson, 3314 North Four teenth avenue, Wednesday afternoon. A mothers' day program will De given. Mrs. 1). C. Dodds .will give a reading and Mrs. A. C. Rawson will have charge of the program. The. roll call will be answered by the- names of mothers of great men. The Persian history class will meet In the lecture room of the public library Tuesday morning at 10SO o'clock. The Wyche Story Tellers' league will meet Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'olook !y the lecture room of the publlo II bmry. "Perseverance" will' be the sub ject and Greek myths will be told. Miss Louise Anderson will bo the leader anil stories will be told by Miss Fern Solo man. Miss' Craig and Miss Carrie Bou Klle. ,The Current topics class will meet Wednesday morning at 10:80 In' the lec ture room the publlo ' library. The Nebraska Suffrage headquarters will be in charge of the local members of the association during the summer month. Miss Daisy Doane will be at the headquarters Mondays. Mrs. 55. T. Undsey, Tuesdays; Mrs. L Conner, Back from General MRS. n. Wednesdays; Mrs. H. C: Sumnoy, Thurs days: Mrs. W. C. Sunderland. Fridays, and Mrs. C. I. Vollmer, Saturdays. Other members will assist these women. Tho offices arc in the Brandeis theater build ing, room 830, and will be open as us ual. Tho Sunday afternoon vesper service for the Young Women's Christian asso ciation will be In charge of the Bible class taught by Miss Strong. It will be held In the association, auditorium at 4:30. Miss Elizabeth Charleton will tell the story of the life of Paul and there will be special music by Miss Fulton. Mrs. Mixer will be hostess at the social hour which follows the service; light refresh ments aro served, and an opportunity furnished to become acquainted. All young women are very cordially Invited. On Monday evening will be tho May association party. It will be held on-tho roof garden tho weather permitting. In the gymnasium If not and will be a Japanese party. The girls are asked to come In Japanese costume If .possible All friends of tho association arc In vited. On Wednesday, May 21, from 7 until 9, will be the annual May- morning break fust under the auspices , of tie Business Girls' club. A delightful breakfast will Je served promptly nt the uniform charge 23 cents. L&dles and gentlemen an In vited. The final number of the association en tertainment course will bo on Monday evening, May 26. It will bo given by tho association chorus under Miss Blanche Sorenson, and by the two dramutlc clubs directed by Miss Mary Wallace. Scenes from "Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Cranford" will be presented. Admission Is free to members of the association. -" The rprlng term In Bible study and educational departments will close May 24. ' Announcements of summer classes In Bible study, English, and sewing will be mado later. Any one Interested In such work should Inquire nt the main office as soon as possible. On 'Thursday noon from 12-15 to 1, will be tho last "noon musical" of this spring. It lx held In the auditorium and Is open to any one who has time to drop In for any part. The program will bo lnder the direction of .Mrs. Irene Liddell Pulver. Among the encouraging replies re ceived by the Nebraska Suffrugo assoela tlbn In answer to letters sent urging early and favorable aqtlon by the senate woman suffrage committee on the fed eral amendment before It Is the following from Senator Mossy E. Clapp of Minne sota: "Bofora many of these who are now Interested in tho subject bad entered this earthly vale of tears, "I'wos combatting for woman suffrage, not cn tho plea of her right to vote, for I would no more dlscurs the right of n woman to vote than I would my own. Some matters aro beyond tho pale of discussion. But every student of. our- Institutions must recog nize that every Issue, in the last analysis no matter what it Is becomes n moral question, a question of tight or of wrong, and It long ago seemed lo ma a mistake to try to solve moral problems and keep at arm's' length from participation the greatest moral force of the ages-, -American womanhood." The Suffrage, club at Greeley recently gave the play, "How the Vott Vus Won," with the, clover little skit, 'Tro Suffragette Baby," as a curtain ruiwr. The venture was a decided auoees botn as on cntcrtalmnent'and a money getter. Miss Edith Swain, the county chairman, is enthusing her people to organize nnd be umong the first counties to take up the Initiative petition' whn It comes out In July. Prize essays on the subject, "'h Women Should Want the Ballot." hive already been received' from several coun ties, but; they will be held until the first of June before being turned over to the state judging committee, an extension of time having been granted on account of many schools entering the conti; late. The Anna Howard Shaw cash prlz of $36 will bo uwarded to the best essay sub mitted by u high school pupil from any county. The prize winning esaa will be given to the papers for publication, as will also the best In each county to its home papers. York Sunday School Convention, BRADSHAW. Neb., May IT. (Special.) The annual York County Sunday school convention was held at this place'Wednes day and Thur;day. A large attendant) of delegates was present. Several abla speakers and workers from abroad were present and many up-to-date Ideas In Sunday school work were advanced and discussed. Nearly all the schools In the county were represented. Club Conference I KEEFB. OUTDOOR CLUBS ARE OREN Society Changes from Winter Balls to Summer Dances. CONCERT FOR SACRED HEART Mnnr Are ncinrnlnsr from ISnstern School Interentlnir Visitor Come for Cltili Openlnit Affnlrn for llrltles. (Continued' from Page Two.) an enjoyable time, as it will be tho first chanco of the year to dance In the open with tho cool lake breezes to cool them bc-lween dancer. Flower Mission Luncheon. Mrs. George A. Hoagland will entertain at luncheon Tuesday at her homo In Dundeo for the young wonfen of tho Emma Hoagland flower mission. The flower mission meets each Thura day morning at Donaghue's, the florist, and prepare small bouquets to be taken to the various hospitals in the afternoons, The committee will be pleased to recolvc garden flowers to be distributed to ho sick. Miss Tthet Tukey and Mrs. Paul Hoagland are in chargo of tho flo.wet mission. Taylor-Mixer Wedding. A quiet wedding took place Thursday morning, when Miss Mario Mixer, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Mixer, be camo the bride of Chayce J. Taylor at the home of the bride's, sister, Mrs. C. E. Terrell. Rev. Frederick Rouse of tho First Congregational church read the marriage lines. Tho house was beauti fully decorutcd with bridal wreath1 and bride's roses. Tho bride wore a white ratlno gown and carried white daisies. Twenty-five guests were present for tho ceremony and for the breakfast which followed. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will bo at home nt Concordia, Kan., after a short wedding trip. Prucha-Smith Wedding. Miss Vivian Smith and Mr. Frank Prucha, both of Omaha, were united in marriage by Rev1. Nathaniel McGlffin of the Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church at 6:3ft p. m. The "wedding was celebrated at the homo of Dr. and Mrs. P. T. Barber, Thursday. The house was deco- PROMINENT VISITOR FROM KAN SAS CITY HERE. MRS. JUIJA V. FREYMAN. A prominent visitor In Omaha last week was Mrs. Julie V. Ftayman of Kansas ! City, who U grund matron of the Ordtt -of Kastern Star of Missouri. Mrs. Frey. I man was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W j F. Callfas and was much entertained dur ing her stay. She U the wife of one of the leading physicians of Kansas City, and has accomplished much In her chosen wcrk. rated in pink and white carnations and bridal Wreath. The bride wore a dainty white dress. A wedding supper was served following the ceremony Mr. ami Mrs. Prucha will be at Ironic after June 1 at Sill Leavenworth street. They were In the reeent tornado, ami the bride lost her trousseau and all her belongings when the house was swept away. Mazda Society Dance. The Mazda society closed the season with an onjoable dancing party Thurs day evening at Turner hall. Tunoh was served. Thosn present were: Misses Mlsss Bess DrnRuon. llewlo Svojtek, Mnbclle llcrka, HIm? Krrchmn. Anna Kouba, Alma Xematiek, Ethel Clark, M. Sechmelster. Sophia Rod, Rose Hudeeok, Mary Mlrasky, Ruth Mcintosh, Emma Mert, Bess Plvonka, Agnes Bedn, Minnie Flail. Alys Splcka, Agnes Peters. Rose Shestak, I.yilla Turluek. Mario Simon, Alblnn Walanek, Clara Kemp. Tlllle VltouslVv Mamlo Sloup.i Kmma Vitoush, Mamie Kmcnf, HatUe Peterson, Emma Kinent, Mao McDermott, Tlllle Kouba, Mildred Sleeker. Olgi Splcka, Antonla Pechota, Mamie Lank, France Plvonka, May Irwin, Anna M. lloucek, Bess Pectin. May Patterson, Marie Vasko, Anna Klepetko, Rose Dworuk, I.oule Bohncck. Emma Hynck, Mabel Vancura, Anna Pctska. Marie Ostronlc, Mamie Chvala, Brssla Turlnek, Ireno Stecker, Cnrolyn Dworak. Mamlo Pkryja, Edna Van Ordcn, Agnes Yunck, Frances Novak, Tony Yunck, Emily stollnskl. Rose Kuncl, Alma Hroderdorp, Anna Peters, Margaret Brockmlltcr Ida Semerad, Alblna Velechovsky, Agnes. Delink, Margaret Chapllck, Anna Rlha, Stella Kmrkovsky, Anna Bnrtn, Lulu Kloerchlnger, Olgn Clpera. Jewel Erbshnuser, Emma Miller, Clam Broderdorp, Rose Hoffman, Annette Chnloupka. Irma Vancura, Ros Sechmelster, Mayme Soukup, Elizabeth Shramck. Frances Krycck, Tlllle Karbowskl. Anne Kltllnn, Martha Karbowskt, Blanche Clark, Htefanla Klepetko. Violet Gllmore, Kathryne -Mollner, Mario Kcrchmn, Vlotorln Novacck, Julia Stenlcka, Anna Velechovsky. Frances Semlk, Messrs. Messrs. Edward W. Johnson, E. V. Rvoboda. I Grobeck, E. J. Svoboda, John Fogarty, P. Grlndel. R. Gillespie, James Svojtek, H. Kelfer, Willlnm Bloemer, Mr. Past, A. Johnson, Frank Mlrasky, Stuart Wlgg. Otto Pecha. J. P. Bvoboda, Frank Kullsek, L. J. Wnvrln, Harry Johnson, H. G. Bell, Charles Splcka. E. J. Walker, Enrl Connolly, A. Kenny, Wallace Dolnn, F. Krnjlcek, Henry Larson, George Thomas, F. Shestak, C. J. Kemmy, F. J. Brunk, J. Bart a. M. M. Trummer, VS. F. Flttle, Charles Semlk, It. Baldwin, F. G. Stollnskl, Joseph Eckcr, John Piker. G. W. Kroupu, W. F. Rozmajzl, .T. Korlsko, Joe Yunek, Fred Milter, George Thomas, Willlnm Zemanek, A. Dyck, J. A. Wachller, Walter Glckert, Robert Griffith, John C. Krejcl. V. I Korlsko. Joseph A. Buglewlg, R. Benolkon, John Broderdorp, J. J. Ostronlc, Harry Grobeck, C. J. Kllllan, Joe Dugher, A. C, Ostronlc, Frank Stachlnskl, Stephen McDrmott, Edward McCnrty, Martin Flocrchlnger, J. M. Cherekj Dr, H. R. Chaloupka, H. J. Noll, Joe Knezncek, Frank Shramck, Clint Hamilton, Edward Walasek, W. A. Buckingham, Frank Pros, C. E. Stenlckn, Jr.; A. W. Cecha, C. A, Broderdorp, Pete Petska. Bert Cnvnnaugh, J. F. Storck, F. J. Kuthnnck. F. Posplchal, Frank Semerad, Charles Flala, Frunk W. Roucok. Fred Barsell; 'Georgo Chrlstcnson, C.Payne. Jack Havclle. Jr.j W. Sofldll. Richard Swift, Frank Vasko.' A. J. Kuncl, Jr.; Charles Mollnor, J. J. Schneider, J. C. Norgard, Harry Snyder. John Walasek, O. W Boycr, Informal Ball. An Informal ball was given Thursday evening at tho home of Will Pcarlman, 820 North Twentieth street. Tho evening was spent In dancing. Tho rooms wero decorated with a color schemo of cream and purple. During tho evening tho guests were entertained with mandolin and banjo boIos by Messrs. Francis Potter and R. J. McGulrc and n vocal selection bv Miss Florence Basler. At a late hour re freshments were served. The muslo for tho occasion was furnished by Prof. Ful ler's orchestra. Tho committee In charge was Messrs. L. J. Hall, Will Pearlnmn, A. D. Hunter and I. C. Pearlman. Those present were: Misses Edna Koch, M!ss iCdlth Heine, Ella Oakley, Goldle Green, Louise. Elbert, Margaret Squalr, Llda Wherry, Ila Bridges, Mabel Housman, Nina Counsman. Gertrude Maythom, Ruth Kennoy, Florence Basler, Fruncls Thomas, Jon n son, Messrs. I. C. Pearlman, J. W. Glover, E. M. Richardson, R. J. McOulre. George Yeoman, nert Beermann. Ray Connolly, E. T. Ryan, L. J. Hall. R. E. Langmack, Palmer. A. ,D. Hunter, Joe Bonof. Gladys King, k. Johnson, Bernlce Borden, Carrie Kahn, 8. Brown, Lois Hunter, Kellogg. Mollle Corby,, Anna Lelk. Margaret Kellogg, Goldle Maddox, Lucille Fritz. Margaret Lelk, Messrs. A. B. Amberson, J. Costanzo, R, Van, F, Haworth, F. W. Clark. Ben Mushkln, Beverly May, Alfred Toy, Fay Catlln, Earl Hall. Will Pearlman, H. Brown. K. II. HneriocK, tiai TAllcr. Mrs. D. Nostrand, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Langdon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kendls. Mr, and Mrs. M. Felerman. Mr. and Mrs. C. J Resslgteu. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Potter. Mr. and Mrs. B. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. I. Pearlman. Matiel Whist Club Party. Members of the Matlel Wnlst club en tertalned their husbands at an evening card party at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Bro-vn Tuesday evening. The rooms wero decorated with spring flowers and the prizes were won by Mrs. H. Iy Wood ford. Mrs. Louis Hurt, Mrs. Ochsenbern. Mr. 8. R. Faulkner, Mr. William Ffeulk ner and Mr. Louis Hurt. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. IT. U Woodford. Mr. and Mrs. "W. H. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Worley. Mr. and Mrs. William Fnulkner. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Ochsenbern. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Brown. Mr, and Mrs. John Cllne. Annual May Breakfast. The women of the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church will entertain at their annual breakfast at the church, Frl day. May 23, Mrs. W. R. Wood Is chair man of thft'commlttee and will be as. elited by Mrs. C. M. Richards, Mrs. Ed ward Boyer. Mrs. II. Mllllken and MUs Ida Smith. A.muslcal program' has been arranged, which wilt follow the break fast. Silver Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MoCulloch of South Omaha eptertalntd at a wbtst party at their home last evening In cele bration of their twenty-fifth wedding an niversary. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Shlndet, who havo spent the winter in California, and are on their way to the farm In MIs bourL were the guests of Honor. The rooms wero abloom with spring flowers and fifty guests were present. Birthday Celebration. Master Harley Mallet. Jr , son of Dr. and Mrs. Harley Hallet of Fort Ctwk, entertained at n birthday party Wenden ily afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock In honor of his fifth hlrthdny nnnlve rsary. The decorations were In pink and while. There tihs n large birthday cake of white with five pink candles. The guests wore; Misses Misses- Dorothy Swttser, Laura Swltzer, Htllth Fnrnham, Kathcrluo Nesbltt. Masters Billy Nesbltt, Mesdamrs .Masters John Nesbltt, Mesdnmes John a Swltzler, Clarence Fnrnham, L. Wlghtman of W. F. Nesbltt Cleveland, Miss Plummer. Alumnae Lunoheon. Tho members of tho Alumnae of the Clnrkson graduating nurses entertained at luncheon Saturday nt tho Now Ham ilton cafe. Tho decorations were tit sweet ptns. Covers wero laid for fifteen. For Mrs. Wilkins. Mrs, Frank Colpotezcr hna Issued In vitations for a luncheon Wednesday, for her daughter, Mrs. Harry Wllklns of Chicago. Wedding Plans. The marriage of Miss Bnlcombe and Mr. P. W. Leonhnrdt Is to take ptaco nt 8 o'clock Wednesday evening In tho pres ence of n few friends at Miss Italcombo'p apartment Mr. Lewis B. Reed cornea over from Chicago to act as best man for Mr. Leonhnrdt and Miss Morse, cousin of tho bride, will be her bridesmaid. Mr. Ben .Warren gave a small dinner Saturday evening, nt tho Country club In honor of Miss Balcombo and Mr. Loon hard t, N. T. 0. Card Club. The N. T. C. Card club was entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. StraUssor. The prizes wre won by Mrs. R. L. Rowe, Mrs. C. Breen. Mrs, J. Novak, Mrs. R. C. Van Ness, Mrs, IC Btrausser r d Miss Nell Barnum. Tho next meeting of tho club will be nt the home of Mrs. C. Breen, Thursday, May 29, Studio Recital. Miss Florence Basler entertained at a recital given by her pupils at her studio In the Bnldrlgo building Friday evening. Those, assisting on tho program wero MIhs Vera Coates, Miss Wllhelmlna Pas cal, Miss Frances Cooper, Mr. Harry Mc Glll. Miss Klonora Fuller and Miss Alle grn Fuller. Pleasures Past. Mrs. Fred Chnlfont entertained tho M. C. C. club Thursdny afternoon. Prizes wero won by Mrs. F. It, Goddard, Mrs. Joseph Wag man and the hostess. Universal Circle Card Party. The Unlvesal clrolo will entertain at a card party at their hall at Twenty-eighth and Fowler streets Tuesday afternoon at $2:30 o'clock. Mrs. F. B. Hogan nnd Mrs. ti. D. Hopkins will bo tho hostesses and thero will bo eight prizes, Homely, Yet Admired and Envied; Her Secret The convention crowd In tho lobby mode a path for he, cast admiring side glances, then with longing eyes followed her to tho elevator. It was at tho Pon chartniln In Detroit. Tho Incident was recalled when I chanced to sit across table from tho woman, What was it about her that caused alt that commo tion? She wasn't handsome; sho wan lacking In form and feature. Ynt shn did Beom marvelously fascinating. Hor complexion must ie me secret, iteniiy, I've never beheld Its equal. Venturing to pick up aoqualntanccslilp, I learngd tho reason. "I know I'm not built for beauty," she confided, "but I've tried to mako tho most of my one charm. I've learned that men abhor make-ups and artificiality. I bar cosmetics; thero are Just two things I ever uso and they promoto natural loveliness and youthful appearance. "When my complexion begins to age, I get an ounco of mercollzed wax at the drug store, apply at night like cold cream and wash It off In tho morning. This gradually flakes off tho outer skin; then I have a brand new complexion, mag netically beautiful, as you see. "Wrinkles never bothor mo, At their Inception I bathe my face In a solution made by dissolving nn ounce of pow dered saxolltn In a half pint of witch haiel. It work like magic.1' Mona Mor row in Town Tattler Advertisement. NO PAID or Nt PAY W Extract Tonr Tssth rain less or Tou Don't 3Py us. Bailev SPECIAL PRICES FOR MAY aak 2oia Grown (g0 FA Briar. T.eth Itld.DU White Crown pv w Bst Teeth 98.00 Bllrsr rilling BOo SB Tsars in Omaha. 00 Tsars OnaranUs Sasy Paymsnt Plan. Bailey The Dentist Ww office 704-10 City National Bank Bky Bcrspsr, 16th and Harnty. Or. Sufi wick, Associate, Wall Paper Frescoing Window Shades Upholstery Wood Finishing Re-upholstering and Refinishing of Woods of all Kinds. 1903 Farnam Street ft A nPHE people tonight are the tomers of tomorrow. A Tungsten Electric Sign compels attention, able impression and crease your business. ;As the weather grows warmer, crowds will throng the streets and the powerful, sun-like bril liance of a Tungsten Electric Sign will carry your message for many blocks and to hundreds of possible pat rons. . ltefriitoriitorM Porch Goods SUN ROOM FURNITURE At u Having to you of from 20 to 40 Our vurloty enables you to mako a beautiful selection for your homo at au oxtromoly low prlco, D. F. Corte Furniture Company 1MT1I AND VAKNAM STREETS. Dining lloom Furniture. Bnuy Cnniagps. Health and Beauty Answers BY Mlia. MAE MART X'N, Esther; I was glad to rcud that you are recommending my almoioln wrinkle removing Jelly recipe to your friends. The shampoo recipe you ask for consists only of 1 teazriooutul of canthrox dis solved In a cup of hot water, it lalliuru freely and mukos tho hoad feel good, By shampooing tho hair with canthrox every 2 or 3 weeks It will remain soft and fluffy. Canthrox also relieves itch ing and Irritation of tho scalp. (If troubled with dandruff read answer to Klslo.) Worried! Waste no time on liquid preparations. Usa a dclatono paste, mado by mixing together powdered del utone and water. Apply to hairs nut wanted and In 'A or 3 minutes rub off, wash tho skin nnd tho hairs aro entire ly dissolved. This Is a quick, harmless method, but bo suro you 'get the delatonc In an original package. Mrs. a.; Try pyroxln on your eye brows and you will be delighted on how thickly they will stow. Hy tho atni treatment you can make short, straggly eyelashes coma in long and curly. Ap ply tho pyroxln at lash-roots with thumb and forefinger. You can buy pyroxln In a small, original package, but bo careful and don't get any whero no hair is wanted. Ulrdle: I agrcq with you. A bright, clear, youthful eye 'Is always attractive , and admired. Most girls neglect to give the eyes proper oare. Very few use an eye-tonic, which I think essential In car- ; Ing for thp oyes. I havo found the fol lowing tonlo to he fine for weak, tired I and Inflamed eyes: Go to your drugglht I and get ono ounco of crystou and dissolve it in a pint or wuier. uso two or inree drops In each eyo night and morning.-It will not smart- This Inexpensive eyo tonlo will do lots of good and rcllsvus you of that dull, tlccd feeling abovo the eyes. Heulah: You aro not the only girl with a sallow complexion unit oily skin who cannot find a face powder that pleases her. Dut you need not despair. There uro other aldH to beauty moro satisfac tory than face powder and the use of washes Is becoming more popular every where. Hero Is a recipe for a wash that when on seems port of tho skin that you can make at home and It will cost much less than, any manufactured brand. Dis solve 4 ounces of spurmax In a half-pint nt wllrh hnxel or hot water and add 1 ; teaspoonfuls of glycerine. This will make U compiexiun-ueuuiiiicr mm wiiucub uiiu softens tho skin without tho uso of pow der, and It also tends to remove pimples, tan and freckles. Klo. Yes dear, smiling makes crow's W. 6. Colling Co. in 1903 Farnam Street Interior Decorators Estimates Made Upon Request We offer a largo assortment of Crotonnes, Linens, un iPast Materials, Embroidery, SwisB and Luce Curtnins. Yard nets in novel weaves and edges. r: "r. unuiiuu ivugs m m cus creates a favor it bound to in Lot us tell you moro about It. Omaha Electric Light & Power Company feet as easily as worry, hut don't stop smiling on that account. Scowling, age and eye-troubles also make deep wrin kles. You can quickly romovo wrlnklua and keep tho face velvety and smooth at very little cost by making at home and using regularly this greoseloas vegetable Jelly-cream, which does not grow hair. Oct from your druggist one ounco almo soln and dissolve It In half-pint of cold water or witch' hazel, adding 2 teaspoon fuls of glycerine. Stir and let stand one day. Apply to wrinkled surface and leave through night, then wash off ami use moro of tho cream as a massage. This treatment will remove and prevent the Nuost obstinate wrlr.klcs or finest crow's feet, while softening tho skin to a velvety texture. Klslo; Neither you nor your husband will be embarrassed by dandruff settling on your shouldors If you follow these simple directions: - Brush the hair and apply a quinine hair-tonic, made by dlu solvlnc 1 ounce of qulnsoln in H pint oC alcohol and adding Vi Pint of cold, water. Apply one a week. This tonic removes dandruff, stops falling hair and keeps the Bcalp In a healthy condition, promot ing tho growth of hair and making It glossy and abundant. Katherlne: Do not be alarmed because you have become fleshy. Most of us gain weight In winter. To make a nevner-fall-Ing flesh-reducer, get from your druggist 4 ounces of parnotls and dissolve It In 1H pints hot water. Take 1 tablespoon tul 3 times a day Just before meals. Alice: Your drowsy, tired, worn-out feeling, which most of us have at the approach of warm weather, cornea from tho poisoned impurities in tho blood which generally lead to sickness or poor health. At tho first signs of spring a. good blood-purifying tonlo should be tak en by every member of the family. Ths expense of making such a tonlo will b small If one gets from the drug store pint alcohol and 1 ounce kardone, thvn mix these with tt cupful sugar, adding' hot water to make a quart. A tabk spoonful taken before meals will soon clear the blood of all Impurities, banUh pimples and sallowness and restore lost appetlto and energy. No known remody Is so strengthening and energising to & tired, "worn-out" system as this old fashioned body regulator. It la one of the best health-restorers known to medi cal science. Corinne: A brisk walk In the freah. air will do a common headache lots of good. Head Mrs. Martyn'a book, "Beauty. '" $5. Advertisement. Lace Curtains Draperies Oriental Rugs Domestic Rugs Artistic Furniture i n j. in w una vttrueuj vJieaueu. ite-xi paired and Renovated. Phone Douglas 3268 I