Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 2-B, Image 14

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2 B
Sooitty Changes irom Winter Ball
to 8nmmer Dances.
Brides and Visitors Interest Society
Wedded After Delay by the Tornado
Hair Truths
51 any An nturntnr from Bastern.
SefenoU tntercKtfcnR VlnHon
tomf for CloW Oyenlnsr-
Affair for tnrldts.
Social Cnlrunlnr.
MoNTJAT Mr. Max Lahdow concert at theater for Benefit of Sacred
Heart academy. IVSce'ptSon at Jacobs
hall at s for class of 1313 of Clark
pon hospital. , .
Tl' B3DAY Mm. Qeorrw A. lloagland,
luncheon' for member! of the ltmmt
lloosland Flower mission. Major and
Mra. Curl Hartmdnn at home at
Kort Omaha. Band 'concert at Fort
nmaha. Mr. John ;T. Stewart, M,
hostess of the Original Cooking club,
Mies Oraoo Baxter. luncheon at Fort
nmaha for Miss Enid. Valentine. Mr
H I Whltmore hostess of the meeting
of the Amateur StuWcal club. Inl
xerial Circle curd party at hall.
AVEDNBSDAY-Mrs. Frank , Cojpetser.
luncheon for Mm Harry Wllklns. Mm.
Arthur English, luncheon. Wedding of
Ml Mabl Baleombe and Phlllpp W
taonhardt Mlw Beulah Davit. hbtteM
of the Kensington cluh. Ceclllan club
dancing- party at Krug park.
THUKSDAY-Mlas Alice Duval, hostess of
the Kappa Kappa Gamma bridge club.
Rosmlba club dancing party at Krug
parte Miss Mabel Whltehouse, hottest
of the Comot club. .
FRIDAT Mlsn Marlon Towlo, lawn party
and dance for eenlor claw of Brownell
BATi'KDAT Opening dinner dance at
the Country dub. Opening dinner danca
at Happy Hollow.
Visitors and brldea are of prime Inter
est to society. On of the ffrtt of the
summer vUltora to arrlvo wot Mr, flus
bcll H Harrison, who ha been spend
Ing the winter In "Washington, D. C. Bho
will bo with her mother, Mrs. Alvln B.
Saunders, at their country home thU
summer. Mrs. llarrlton Vm accompanied
by her daughter, Mra. Harry A. "William,
jr.. and am all daughter. Mrt. Williams
was formerly Mia Marthena Itarrlson of
thU city and hat many friends here.
Another popular vttltor wat expected
Monday Mra. William Kamet of Kansas
city, but Ms. Karnes1 visit hat been In
definitely postponed. There was some
nodal affair planned for each day this
week In her honor. Most of these af
fairs will be cancelled.
Major and Mr. Charles French, Fourth
VnlUd States Infantry, have announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Marlon, to Lieutenant Bben Swift of the
Twelfth Cavalry. The announcement Was
made nt Fort Ogelthorpe, Oa.. where
lieutenant Swift Is stationed and where'
Mlsa French' and her mother hav been
visiting part of the time since leaving
Fort Crook a few weeks ago. The wed
ding will he celebrated In the autumn at
Fort Crook." f
Another engagement announced last
wc?k was that of Miss Evelyn Bergman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bergman,
to Mr. Meyer Frldsteln of Milwaukee,
Mr and Mrs. Bergman will receive June
t at their homo in honor of Miss Berg
man and Mr. FrldsUln, who will be their
Benefit for Sacred Heart Academy.
All of the boxes have been engaged far
the concert to be given Monday evening
by Max Landow at the Brandclt theater
for tho benefit of the Sacred Heart acad
emy, which was badly damaged by the
The patronesses arc 'jMrs. C. Wilt Ham
ilton, Mi. Albert Swartslander and Miss,
Bertha Bnumer.
Box parties will bo given by Mrs.
Oeorgo BrandeJf. Mrs. U F. CrofoM,
Mrs. C. Wilt Hamilton, Mra. J C. Kins,
ler, Miss O'Boyle and Mrs. raui Getxsch
man. Mrs. A. B. McConnelt bought on
of the boxes and then donated It'to tho
committee. The upper boxes will ba oo
cupled by the Sacred Heart alumnae and
the Cretgbton Glee club.
Mr. Landow will ba assisted by Martin
W. Bush.
Returning Home from School.
Mr. XL C Howe leaves this evening
for Chicago to meet her daughter Marlon,
who arrives there the latter part of the
week from kiss Spence'e school in ftew
York!. They will return to Omaha a few
days later. Ulas Marjorlo McCord, w)io
also attends Mlsa Spence's, will be home
about Sunday.
Miss Mente Davis and Miss Eleanor
Muckay return next Saturday from Mrs.
Bowers school Jo- Washington, Ml at Ger
trude Ifeu and Mis Harriet Mets, who
also go to Mrs. Homers, leavt there to
day for St l;0uls to join the Mets family
reunion In that city this Week.
Visitors Arrive.
Mrs. Hsrry Wllklns of Chicago Is the
Kuest of her parenVs, Mr. and Mrs. PrtTiK
Mrs. Harry Bosworth of Chicago ar
rived Thursday for a visit of two wftke
with her sister, Mra. George Branduls, !
Mr. Bosworth arrived Saturday morning
ror the week end.
Miss Blanche De Weese of Canon City,
Cola. Is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
io B Towle. and will remain here until
the middle of the summer, when Mrs.
Towle will return to Colorado with her.
Mlss Brogan of Kmporla. Kan., has been
the guest of her brother, Mr. F. A.
Brogan, this, woek and returns today.
)lrt. James J. HornbrooX of Fort Dos
Moines was In the city last week to see
her daughter, Genevieve, who Is a stu
dent at Brownell Ha.lL
Omaha Boy in Paris Art .Circles.
Mr. Myron Van Brunt well known In
social and dramatic circles In Omaha, has
been fortunate enough to have two pic
tures Aung In the exhibition of tho most
r-elebrated American artists new being
held m Paris. From ISO pictures sub.
Pimd for approval for this .exhibition.
only seventy-five -were chosen, two being
by Mr. Van Brunt These pictures are
lu water colors. Illustrations from his
hook, "Moon Tales," which will soon be
At the Country Club. '
Many dinner reservations for the open
ing of the Country club summer season
have been made and will undoubtedly
Tacn me cmo capacity in me next tow
days. At usual that evening It restricted
to club members id out-of-town guests.
Among the latter will be. Mr, and Mrs.
.Milton Tootle of St Joseph and Mr and
Mrs. Harry Wllklns of Chicago. Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Baldrlge will have fourteen
Vt&sts. Mr. and Mra. Tootle wlllbe guMts
tU Judge nd Mrs. ItaUck's dinner for
fourteen and Mr. and Mra Wllklns will
o& Klven a dinner by Mr. and Un.
Mebr Colpetser. The largest dinner
tttrty will be that of Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
tarter In honor of Miss Morgan and Mr.
StaJph Pe'ers. Thirty hav been invited.
Mies Cengdon will give a dinner for Miss
Dm it and Mr Walter Roberts.. Othws
bare e&axta tables or Mr. and
Mm. A, O. Beeeon, Mr. and Mra. A. V.
Klnsler, Mr. and Mrs. R, U Huntley, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Dr D. F.
Crummer, Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Bteftnrt
of Council Bluffs, Mr. and Mrs. Bon
Towle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter I'reston and
Mr. and Mr?. E. H. Sprague.
At the Field Club,
The Field club opened tho aummv- sea
son auspiciously last evening when vrer
COO members dined there and spent the
evening dancing. Tho club fqrntshetl the
decorations and centerpieces of pink rotes
which were used on all of the tables.
Smaller dinner parties were given by
W. O. Tale, who had four guests; A.
W. Bcrlbner. slxi E. V. niley, nine; P. A.
Wells, four; J. B. Blanchard, six; Arthur
Mullen, two; C, B. Bogue, thrco; C. E, '
Bedwell, two; C. S. Montgomery, two;
W. H. Buohojs, three; Dr. B. W. Powoll,
two; If. O. Kelly, four; J. W. Hughes,
two; A. I. Crclgh, four; If. O. Steel,
two; If. I. Porterflold, fourj F. J. Vett.
six; W. C. Dean, six; It. C. Nloholn.
three; Guy H. I'ratt, seven; Ernest
Sweit, eight: Dr. H. I. Arnold, six; It.
C. Martin, ftvo; Lloyd D. Willis, six; J.
Hervey. Jr..; five; B, 13. Huntley, seven;
Tom Kelly, two; O. C Holmes, two; J.
B. Porter, four; F, A. Kwlng, fours I
W. Bleat!, two! A. p. Whltmore, four;
John F. Dale, two; Guy U Axtell, two;
A. A. MaLaughltn, six; F. W, Mlkesell,
three; J, A. Melntrre, six; A. V. Shotwell,
six; C. H. Boyles, two; H. 11. FUh, four;
W. 11. Downey, two; It. J. McCarthy,
four; Oscar G. Ltcben, six; Frank M.
Fredrlcks, six; W. H. Munger, two; W,
K. raimntier, two; D. W. Derr, three;
R. J. Dinning, lwo;'D. J. O'Brien, six;
O, A. Pratt, two; V. D. Reynolds, two;
H. C. Tpwnsertd, four; F. A. Shotwell,
seven; J. H. Mlthen. four; A. W. Gor
don, two; W. A. Yonton, four; Q. H.
Cramer, twelve; W. A. smith, four; ft.
A. Cameron, two; Dr, B. A. McDermott
four; S. P. Mason.- four; G. J. Ingowersen,
four; John Lavelte, four; F. Walters,
seven; a. K- Ilaverstlck, ten; P. T. Mc
Grath. four; C. H. icing, six; W. H.
Rhodes, four; W. T. Smith, four! T. O.
Van Buren, four; F. I McCoy, two; P.
P, Manchester, two! W. it Cahllt, four;
F U Meyer, four; J. B, Redtleld, two.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton entertained
at their guests:
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. PIxley.
Mies Mas Louise Hamilton.
Mr. Arthur Scrlbnor.
With Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Do Bord were:
Mr and Mrs. John B'attln.
Mr and Mrs. Hd P. smith.
Mr uml Mrs. Oeorgo A. Day.
Mr and Mrs. J. M. Guild.
Dr T. li Dallcy had as his guests:
Mlsecs Misses
Beatrlco Coad. Marsuerite Stowitta.
Irene Coad, Marguerite Buach.
Messrs. Mutara.
rR. R. Ralney, Charles McLaughlin,
tuonaia wemy, ur, t. ii uaiiey.
Air. ana Mrs. cnaries m. iticnaras naa
as their guests:
Mr. and Mrs. RflM Talmage. . o
Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Shearer. ,
Miss Virginia Reynolds.
Mr. Ralph Cunningham.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Stors had as tholr
guests; i , j
Miss Ophelia Hayden. ' 1
i Mlsa Olga Stors.
Mrs. Loulao Stors Lody. .
Mr. Ouy Furay. ,
Mr. Paul. Beaton. ' ' .
Mr. Karl Bock entertained at,. dinner
for: -,
Dr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Anson. . i
Mr. ond Mrs. Wl H. Glller.
Mr. and Mrs. H. it Gouldlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krug.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Htgglns.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. filford.
Mr. and Mrs. Ioe Huff. .
Mr. and Mrs. H, ia Sidles...
Dr. ond Mrs. B. H. Bruenlng.
Miss Pearl Smith of Chicago.
Mr. Karl Bock. v
A Dutch treat party Included: ,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Buckingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Foster.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Pearce.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron'Smtth.
Miss Dunster. .
Mr. C. D. Lane. x ,
Another Dutch treat patty included!
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Boyor.
Mr. and Mrs. George Laler.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Rtghtel- Wood.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engler.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mllllken.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manley.
Miss Kfflo Holght.
Mr. Jack Sharp.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judton guvo. a
dinner party Including:
Mriahd Mr.. M. C. Peters. -Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Hamilton.
Mrs. Lisle Plckey.
Mr. Luther Drake.
Vftth Mr. and Mrs. O, E. Havefstlck
wfere: .
Mr. and Mrs. Victor fcaldwilfii?
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Caldwell,
' Mr. and Airs. v. is. xosi. r
Mrs. Optlen. r.
Ml km lllbburd. ' "
Dr, and Mrs. W. H. Bherraden enter
tained:, -
Dr: and Mrs, H, C. Sumnoy.
Dr. nnd Mra. M. H. Dunham
Mrs. Blood,
Mrs. Marriott
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur English enter
tained! Mr. and Mm, W. C. 8underland.
'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Conrad.
Dr. Bailey.
Vlth Mr. and Mrs. J. R, .McDonald
were: ' 1
Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Harrlman.
. Mr. and Mra 11 C. Twamloy.
Mr. and Mra. A. K. Fetters.
Twenty-Five Years in Double Harness
Txanek jfrneTza
22?S. Frank I&rueTia.
Mr, and Mra. B. L. Kemper.
Mr. and Mm. GauM
Mrs. R. Ia Huntley' formed nn nt n
smaller parties, and Mr. and Mrs. Gebrgo
rnnz, miss una Mae Brown and Mr.
Charles Brown another.
Dining with Mr. and Mm. n. w. -vrr?.
shall were. '
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grlmmoll.
Mr. and Mrs. II. p. Clark.
Miss Margaretha Grimmell.
Miss Marguerite Marshall.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ti. Nnvmm mi,r,
talned at A family party, when those
present were:
Mrs. Edward RoslSwater.
Mrs, Herman Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rpsewater.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rosowater.
Mr. and' Mrs. N. P. Fell.
Mr. and Mra. Ci. V. Wllmn nisrtoin.
at dinner!
Dr. and Mrs. John Mack.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. LcDouceur.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Farrlngton.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morrow.
M. and Mra. W. JL Murray.
Mrs. T. E. Sturtovont
Mr. Otto Bauman.
Dining with Mr. and Mrs. Gearira Bru.
dels were:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry BnaWnrih of Phi.
cago. ,
Mr. and Mrs, T. P. Redmond.
Miss Loretta Rogers of Chicago, '
To Summer Abroad.
Mrs. Herman Kountse, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jerome Magoe,
leaves today to visit In tho east before
salting May SI for Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. August M. Borelum and
their ton. George Paul, leave Omaha May
M for New York to soil June 6 on tho
President Grant to abend thn iiKm,,
abroad, most of the time In Paris and on-
tho Normandy coast
Pleasures Past.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Steel entnrtnlnMt
at dinner Friday evening -at their home
for the choir of the Flrat Presbyterian
church. Those present wero:
Judge and Mrs. Howard Kennedy.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Steel.
Mlsa. Nan Cunningham.
Miss Edith Foley.
George Johnston.
Qeorgo Mclntyre.
For Mrs. Laws.
Mrt. W. J, Connell gave' a luncheon
Saturday at her homo for Mrs. D. C.
Laws of Nashville. Tenn., who Is visiting
Mrs. C. N. Diets and Mrs. John Hudson.
Those present Weru;
Mesdames Mesdames
D. C. Laws, C. N. Diett,
John Hudson. Ben Gallagher.
George C. Smith, F. f. Klrkendall,
Larratt Smith, W. J. Connell.
of Toronto, K
Family Reunion,
Mra. Katherlne Qoicrave Is1 entertain a
family reunion -at the homo of her son,
Mr." J. W. Cosgrave. M27 Spencer street
Mr. and Mrs. J. W.' Cosgrave will en
tertain at dinner today Inhonor of Mrs.
Katherlne Cosgrave. Covers will be laid
Mr, P. H: Cosgrave of Salt Xoke Cltvt
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Coasrave of Her
Ington. Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Truckey of Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Monaghan.
Attend Anniversary in St. Louis.
The silver wedding nnnlvoraary of Mr.
and Mra. B. F. Houck of St. Louis this
week will be tho occ&slon of a reunion
of the Mets family, of which Mra. Houck
Is a member, and her brothers, Charles,
Fred and Arthur, with their families, and
Mr. Louts R. Mets, leave here today to
spend the coming week In St. Louts and
to attend the anniversary reception on
Monday evening. Mra, P. C. Morlarty.
a niece, with her husband. Dr Morlarty,
will attend, and Mist Gertrude Metx nnd
Miss Harriet Mets will ccmo on from
school In Washington to join the party.
Mr. PhlUp Mets, who Is at Yale. Is the
only one unable to be at the reunion.
Studio Tea.
Miss Mary Munchhott will entertain at
a studio tea from 3 to o'clock at her
home this afternoon. The Invitations
have been restricted to pupils and sev
enty-two will be preeent X decoration of
roset and garden flowers will be used. A
program will be given by eighteen pupils.
Birthday Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F, Weller enter
tained at .dinner party Friday evening,
followed by an evening of stereoptleon
pictures secured by Mr. Weller on his
trip around the world two years ago. The
affair was to celebrate Mr. Weller'a sixty-ninth
birthday. At the dinner party
covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Harry
S. Weller, Mr. and Mre. Charles K
Weller. Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Fisher, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford WeUer, Mr. and Mra. E. P. Ellis,
Mr. and Mrs. F. p, Patton, Miss Patton,
Miss Catherine Davenport, Mlsa Ruby
"Fisher, Mlts Virginia Weller, Miss Alice
May Weller, Miss; Dorothy Weller, Mlsa
Marian Welter, Mr. James Fisher jtnd
Mr. Earle Fisher.
Church Entertainment
of an entertainment to bo given next
Friday evening by the women of the
First Congregational church at the Tiomes
of 'several members residing In Bemls
The "Infant Am", will tin at thn hnma
of Mrs. J. B. Adams. The gtiest-e will be
attended by nurses and broth will bo
"Children's Age" will be at the home
of Mrs. E. I Potter. Teachers will be
In attendance and there will be & dinner
pall lUnchdOnl
Mrt. E. T. Rector will entertain for
"The Young People." Salad will be
"The MlddlA Ara" In tho '.Tniimf
Through Life" will be at the "home of
Mrs. B. s. Montgomery. Creamed
chicken, mother's bread and butter and
Jelly will be served. , "
"Old Age" will be at the home of Mrs.
Palmer Flndley. Ice cream, pound cake,
coffee and mints will be served. The
evening wilt then be spent with a quilt
ing and spelling match.
lane-Arriens Wedding. '
The wedding of Miss Lena Arriens and
Mr. Ralph Lano took place Wednesday
oventng. at $ o'clock at the homo of the
bride's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
For Brownell Hall Seniors.
Thirteen young girls are members of
the graduating class of 1013 at Brownell
Hai: this year. ' Undaunted by this num
ber, many class affairs have been given,
when the thirteen members of the class
havo dined together. This afternoon the
thirteen members of the senior class' Were
entertained at luncheon at the Country
club by Miss Allco Jaqulth, the class
president .
The members of the class are Miss
Alice Jaqulth, Miss Marlon Towle, Miss
Mabel Allen and Mlas Fern Gilbert, all
of Omaha; Miss Eva Mcllor of
Wayne, Nob.; JIIbs Eva Hall of Moville,
la.; Mist Gertrudo Draper of Iowa City,
Miss Hannah Forbes of York. Nh .
Miss Ruth Walker of Cameron, Mo.:
Miss Gladys Kindred of Meadow Grove.
Neh.; Miss Besi Dickinson of Seward,
Neb.; Miss Genevieve Brook, of Elgin,
Neb., nd Miss Trena Chamberlain of
Dow City, la. Mrs. Jaqulth will chaper
ons tho party with her daughter, Mrs.
Clifford Weller, and three of the Brown-
ell Hall faculty. Including Miss Davis,
Mler CrUmann and Miss Ruthven. Com
mencement day this ycur wilt be Tues
day, June 3, and prior to that there will
be a number of affairs In honor of
the (graduating class, including a lawn
party and dance, next Friday, at the
homo of MIbs Marlon Towle; a dinner
and theater party to seo the high school
play Friday of the following week, wheu
Miss Mabel Allen will be the hostess;
the alumnae luncheon Saturday, the 3lt
and a dinner the same evening given by
Miss Johnson, principal of the Hall, for
the seniors; Monday, June 2, will be the
annual reteptlon ana musical at the
Hungry Club Opens Manawa.
The Hungry club win give tho .opening
danco Friday evening at tho Manawa
Dancing pavilion, at which, the many
friends of tho club are cxpeatlng to, have
(Continued on Pago Three.)
Investigate all Claims
Claims arc easily made but hard to
prove. The success of De Miracle-has
not been attained y merely making
claims but by fulfilling them, which
Is -proven by the faot that Do Miracle
is the only depilatory that has over
been Indorsed by reputable physicians,
surgeons, dermatologists, medical
Journals and prominent masoslnes.
Only Depilatory of Proven Merit
De Miracle has stood ths test ot
tme, having been sold for over eleven
years, therefore It Is the only doplla.
tory of proven merit Consequently,
tho only one you can use with abso
lute safety. The mere fact that ques
tionable depilatories are short-lived
should alone -be sufficient warning; to
avoid their use
Leaves No Tell-Tale Smell
If you see De Miracle It will be lm"-
possible for any Curious person to
know that you nave used a hair re
mover because De Miracle evaporates
Immediately after accomplishing- Its
work, therefore leavos no odor what
ever. On the other hand. If you use
any depilatory with a distinctive odor,
an offensive toll-tale smell will cling
to your skin for hoars.
Only Guaranteed Hair Remover
Others. advertise "Guaranteed,", but
give no guarantee. De Miracle .Is the
only depilatory that has a binding
guarantee In each package. Avoid
permanent disfigurement by refusing
substitutes offerod by dishonest deal
ers merely for a few cents jrto re profit
If your dealer will not supply you
send $1.00 direct Free information'
how .to determine which depilatories
are harmful and worthless sent In
plain, sealed envelope.
New truths In next advt
De Miracle Chemical Co., New York
Sold and recommended by i.
Don't Wait v
for opportunity; creato It for'
yourself by judicious uso of Tho
Bee's advertising columns. - .
Dry Cold Storage
Temperature Below Freezing
Inspection Invited
The only true safeguard against moth.
Retains the lustre and color.
ATOionga tno me oi an iurs.
Your Furs defined Free
It stored with us.
Handled by Expert Furriers
SosfflM S31S. ISth and Yanuusi Its.
The moths have oosse. none now.
You Should Worry ;
how you look in a soiled, mussed-up suit when you can havo it dry' ' i
cleaned for a dollar and. a half. WE CLEAN THE POOK12TS. '
, Telephone Douglas 1729 and our driver will call. ' '
Remarkable Sale of Millinery
at 25c on the Dollar
Girls Shapes
$1.00 values, splendid straw
shapes, on sale, . 9
Tho ohtire surplus stock of a Now York
Millinery concern, bought at a great re-'
ductlon, goes on sale Monday at THE
NOVELTY CO. at about 26c on the dollar.
In this lot are the most, charming new
trimmed hats ot every style and descrip
tion, shapes, flowers, trimmings, etc.
Flowers, worlh $1.00; flow
ers of every kind and de
scription, on sale,
at, per bunch. . ....
Worth $4.00, charming Trimmed
Hats in the newest styles,
Worth to $7,50. Hundreds of hats
in every style and description
for dress and street
wear, at . .'
Worth to $12.00. In. this lot will-
be found copies of imported mod
els, pattern hats, etc.,
at ,
$1.60 values, large, medium and
small sires, in straws, hemps,
sailors, etc., Mon
day, itt
$5.C0 Vfool 'Serge Druses
Neatly trimmed, (fe I fig
all colors, at. . v. . Ql.uu
$10:00 White Ling-erie
Dresses New $9 Q
models, at vUsUU
1,200 Lingerie Waist, rogular $150 to $2 values, beauti
fully trimmed and embroidered, in tha most charm- CQA
lng of new styles, frona a special purchase, at U3U
Worth to $16.00.
Monday we .place on sale 200 tail
ored suits, neatly made, guaranteed
satin linings, lh the newest E-ftfi
models and fabrics, at, . . . .$31111
$2.00 and $2.50 values, all sizes,
In chips, braids, hemps, etc.
Hundreds to select from,
Girl's Trimmed Panamas
$2.00 values, very pretty.
styles,, at OQ
Dress Skirts $3.50 values,
made- of all wool fabrics,
in new models,
$4.00 Slip-On
Raincoats at. .
$1.50 Wash Dresses, In very pretty new
moaeis, ugnt ana aaric colors,
splendid materials, at ,
I, 1 i