Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 12-A, Image 12

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Monday for One Bay Only We Offer Your Choice of
Any Woman's Wool Tailored Suit
In Our Entire Stock No Matter Whether the Former
Selling Price was $40, $60 or Even Up to $6S, for
This offor comprises ov&ry wool suit regardless of former prices. All the extreme styles, such as tho new Russian and
Balkan blouses and the now Blazer effects, as woll as plain tailored and fancy trimmed suits.
In addition to all our high class Spring Tailored Suits this offering at $25 includes the choie
of all the Newest Midsummer Suits of Ratine, White Serge White 8c Dainty Colored Epohges
Tho colors include plain whites, Dorothy blues, greys, tans, Nell rose, black and other shades that aro in popular favor.
Many now stripos, tho shopherd ohecks, now so much in vogue, and all the oleverest novelty ideas.
A 1 1 s I z ob for
wjomen and
New Lots in the May Sale
Muslin Underwear
OUr stock of the snowy nnderauollns is without
limit. Now lota Monday,
DalhUly made gowns, chemises, skirts, drawers
and combination suits many elaborately
trimmed. May salo price
Slip-over gowns laco and embroidery trimmed
pettiooats combination sUltn corset covers
and drawers In special group. AJS
May salo jprico. .-.., P A xQ
Combination corset cover and skirt and corset
cover and drawers extra size undermusllns of
all kinds, and regular sizes In overy 4 AP
type of garment J UO
Princess Slins
Daintily trimmed and carofully sized many ot
1, $1.45 $1.95
Tke Daintiest New Wash Waists and Silk Waists
From Our Annual May Sale
For now midsummer
waists ot voile and
linger! o fabrics, In
high or low nocks, long or
short sleoves special values.
For clevor models
shown for tho flrsi
tlmo this season
pretty ideas In voile or sheer1
wash fabrics in an new models
A I flf For ho prettiest
SI Uh waists In tho great
VPlsUU May sale now low
necks with rolling collar new
hand ombroldered and lace
trimmed waists and wash skirts
New Balkan and Middy Blouses for
Children und Misses
r a n wot
, Wl
Wash Silk Crepe Waists
In the season's most desirable
styles, with low collars. Iirpe
frill and laco trimmed effects,
all sizes, at $4.50; S5.00.
S7.5Q UP to .$15
Shadow Lace Waists
AIL tho..sea8on.'fl .most popular
style ldcap, Including both the
low neck and high collar ef
fects at $5, $5.08. $7.50
and $10.
Now Btyloa with combination colored and braid
trimmed collar and cuffa at $1, $1.35,. $1.50
'Elegant New Chiffon Waists Are Here.
The most authentic designs for spring and sum
mer wear all shades in plain and daintily trimmed
models at $7.50. $10. $12.50. $15 to $25.
Former prices en
tirely .disregarded
In this sal.
White Goods for Graduation Dresses
Satin striped White Marquisette, emhroidercd St
Gall Swisses, silk striped embroidered voile and bat
istes, oropo ratine, etc; imported fabrics for e
dainty graduation dresses, basemont at, yard. .Wrt
47-in. Wids French Batiste, snow white, fine grade, 25o
Jtost & few bolts left of that fine SOc white Irish linen o
cambric 30 inches wide, at, yard IOC
As assorted lot of 26o fancy shoer white materials, dotted Swisses,
fUxon, llaalre, etc., in checks, stripes and plaids 27 ig
and 32 laone wide, at, yard w .............. . IOC
Xmp.LqBg. Cloth, jioft fabric, 3S-in., 13-yd. bolt, 9o
High cost silk atrlpr, voiles, floral designs In pink, lav
ender, yellow and blue, 27 inches, wide, at, yard...... OOC
Voiles, hard twisted
thread in plain shades,
pink, blue, rose, lavender, Nell
rose, black, etc., 40 in. ng
wide, at, yard
Fine silk and cotton fabrics
foulards, tussaba and Jao
quards, in navy, grays, tuns,
reseda, black and whlto, etc.
full bolts of tho 20 and? 27
incn widths, worth IP
40c, at, yard. ........ ACPC
moral Chiffon Xlisfto A. dainty crinkled fabric for. street and
house frocks, In rosebud, stripe and floral effects on ff
white or colored grounds, 24 Inches wide, at, yard.... Iwv
Black India Llnon 87-lnch wide, specially priced, at, yd.,
Great Purchase oi 2 Carloads of Mattresses
Entire Overstock! High and Mi(um af. A t A4-4 1 Prlon
Grade Mattressegfrom an Eastern Mfgr. di ft-VWUl Q I I1M5
Those are all well known and leading 'br&n'ds. We bought the entire
lot on hand for spot cash at an extremely low price. The first timo
mattresses of suoh high quality ever sold at suoh bargins in Omaha.
$11 All Felt Matressea at $5.98
Very good grades of nrt dpnim and art J
diamond tuf tings full else, and weigh 40
pounds each 40 sheets no
Jfuro whlto felt, at, each. . rnrDe70
$14 Layer Felt Mattresses, $7.85.
Full slaT art-tlcklngf and denim covered,
lu assorted patterns c aM dolors weight,
50 pounds 50 sheets ot pure white cot
ton 4-row stitched imperial rfy nj"
edge, special at. v. . $ . J) t oOD
$6.50 Cotton Combination
- Mattresses at $3.98
Full size, and weighs 50 pounds
fancy art denim covered a
very thick, durnble niattress
. always priced G.'BO dQ QQ
to ?7,-at, each M70
$3.50 Full Size Cotton Top
Mattresses at $1.98
Top, sides and ends covered
with 2-lnch.1ayer of white cot
ton covered -with good, strong
striped ticking (ti no
special at, eaoh. . . fi, J. IO
500 pairs of strictly sanitary-cleaned, feather-filled bed pillows,
covered with best grade fancy satin finished art ticking and
A. O. A; stripe else, 18x25 Inches weight to pair, oq
5 pounds, at, oaoh OJC
Women's and Misses' Coats
for Late Spring & Midsummer
New arrivals in the coats that lead
in popularity for the new . season.
Here arb extreme models for midsum
mer in full length coats new three
quarter' effects and the clever short
Balkan 'blouses'.
Materials are the favorite cloths in
plain colors, stripes, dressy checks
and plaids.
These smart coats were made to
sell at $5 to $10 more than the range
of- prices we quote for Mondav
$598-$g98-$i0:$j5 to SI9
Atlantic Sheets and Pillow Cases
Special Bargains In Our Basement.
All are made from Atlantic sheeting, which bears a
peerless reputation for durability and finish. Only
pure white, long staple superior cotton enters into
th,P making of 'Atlantic sheeting and casing.
These prices aro wonderfully low:
, Atlantic Sheet
Size 90x99 $1.10 value, 80J
SIeb 81x99 $1.00 value, 75
Size 81x90 90c valtio, at 69d
Slza 72x99 90o value, at G9ti
.Slze72x90 86c value, at 63i.
Sizo 88x99 85o value, at G5
Size 03x90 80c value, at 59J
Atlantic Pillow Oases
Else 45x36 26o value, at 15
,Slzo-.42x3 6-22:1,4 c.valuo,
, at I4k
llleached Pillow Tubing Extra Good Grade In all the wanted
widths, special table opposite muslin department, nl
at, yard ImsC
Tho New Zephyrs Aro Very Pretty The style assortment Is
even larger than ever, Colorings that are fast for house q
dresses, street wear and for children's year, at, yard.... iC
Scotch, chambray and seer
sucker ginghams, in desirable
lengths for dresses, waists,
children's wear, etc. stripes,
checkB and plain wl
colors, at, yard 2"C
Part silk ginghams in
pretty woven stripes,
checks and small plaids, 25c
ana 3 Be values, at 1 P
Summer Dress lawns, Voiles and Batistes Good styles J1
and colorings from tho 'bolt, at, yard 52?C
Drugs and Toilet Goods FLOOR
K XT It A HFBCXAIj 20-Mulo
Team Borax, 6-lb. 9)
packaee for iU
Peroxl&e oi Hydrogen
t.h. bottle for. . . , . ,
Mdlltba Fowdera, 10 in box at. .lo
Wcodbura Facial Cream, SBo tubs
for ......lOq
Oronre Flower 8kln Foor, 25a
Jkx, kc , .....1
8-lnche llubber Dresslns Combs,
worth, 5c. at 18o
Haalcure Buffera. wort SOo, at..S4o
Down Powder Put f, worth 2 So, at.Vo
Kirk's Juvenile Soap, 3 cakes In
box, at 83e
Luntrite Kail Polish, He else tor.lSo
Manicure Hoof Sticks, per dosen..Bo
VVHllam'a Shaving- Qoap, oake ,...0o
Outnln Ifnlr Bhompoo. 25c size.
at uottlo ,lBo
Jap Rice Fave Fowdor, all shade. .lBo
llubber Glovos, worth 75o all
ST. 24c
Tetlow's Talopra Fowder, 2Co alia. So
Camphor Flakea and Cedar Flakea,
15o Bite, for .Ho
Atomliera for oil or water, worth
tl. at o
Llaterlno, 1 aire bottle for......81o
Aflperln Tablyeta, 5KraIn, dozen. lOo
Epaon BalU, 1-lb. packase for....3o
J-rraln Qulne Fills, 100 In bottle. 14o
Diamond 'Dyes, all colors, pk..6o
Mennen'o Talcum Fowder for ... .80
Qr&ves Tooth Powder, 25o else.. 80
Coleatos Z Franoe Rose Perfume,
per ounze 2-0
Canthrox Shamroo, 50c stro.....fi8o
Sulphur Candlea, 15o kind, for.. Co
Strong, hatdy bushes, field grown; will bloom in a
a few weeks. Monday at, per dozen, $1, or, each. . . J. W C
Embroideries and Laces Unusual Values
Brundtii Stores havejxutly tamed the reputation for superior taste in
the 8tleetin of embroideries und laces. Varieties hers are almost endless.
41-lach EmtroldlTtsi Veil and Batiste Ikirtingg Worth f 1.00 at
This remarkable group includes attractive patterns in allover embroideries
also olocrant dosiims in 27-inoh Swisb flouncings; an almost endless variety of new
patterns aro hero to select from. This is a remarkable bargain attraction for Mom, main floor,
4i-inch Emfcraltorad Voilea and 27-lnch Embraidwad Flaunainf
We have also inoludtd in this notable group, seeres of very attraotive designs in
dainty Swisses and nainsooh allovers excellent needlework on the mest trust
worthy fabrics values as high as 50p a yard. A special feature for Monday.
18-inch Coraet Covers and Bouncings Worth up to 35e a Yard at
Scows of dainty insertions and galloons, also many excellent patterns in the pop
ular cambrio ruffled flouncings -with laco insortion values up to 35o a yard
main floor.
45 inch Snow Crepes, French Imported Batiste and Swiss Skirtings,' worth $1.50, yd., at 98c
3g YARD for Dainty Allovor Laces and Shadow Lace Flouncings.
1J Thoso allovers.are in widths 18 to 36 inches and values up to 65o a yard; also many
lace bands and edges in crochet, venise and macramo laces Tho greatest variety
of charming patterns over offerod at this price. "We never offered so many lace bargains.
The Rage of the New Season!
All Black Hats
Blnco Brandets Stores first Intro
duced to Omaha women these stun
ning millinery ideas, their vogue has
become tho talk of every fashionable
set. "All black, without a touch of
color'' is the last word In millinery
fashion, and we are showing the de
signs that women of fashion every
where aro approving. $Iany now
ideas shown Mon- (hi ESA
day, at lDeDU
Women's Genuine
Japanese Sun Bleached
Trimmed Panamas
These are those fashionable, all
hand blocked Panama shapes,
trimmed with chiffon drapes, ribbon
bows, white breasts, etc. Ordin
arily hats like these would command
$15. to $18, we offer the djO Cf
newer styles at ipUrfWU
colonial rumps
All patent leather or patent vamps, with
taupe and gray suede quarters, covored
buckles, short tongue that holds close tb
the instep new, absolutely perfect fitting
lasts all slices and A QC
widths ...4 &P,4r.570
Wemea'a New Pumps Black Buede, white
aubuck, patent leather and dull leather,
flat leather bow to match all made over
pump lasts that insure perfect ry QQ
fit all sizes PCi.70
Women's WWto Caavas Bhoeo Button
etyle, in tipped or plain too, welt sewed
solea all slses Monday 43
Children's Regular 83o Romper, BUunned for Embroidery
Sizes from 1 to 5 years, pink, tan and blue, finished m
with elastic, all Teady to be embroidered special I af
VnniSav nn Mrrt flnnr
7a?aBese Hand Embroidered
hi! Drawn Work HemsUtehed
ZiUBsb Cloths Heguiar ?.&o
value, Monday
on third fleer
at. ...... .
8tated PlUow Owea, tho
ltKular BOc Quality, at 39c
Pair 42-lnch alze, stamped
in xioraj ana con-
ventlonal deelgna,
Rare Opportunities to Buy Curtains & Drapery Goods at a Bargain
Just ttecelvwl, a
Now BlUptncnt of
Bunfast JJadras
Scores ot the new
patterns special
for Monday, at, yd.,
4 O inch Colored
Voilea and Marti ul
Bttes Make cool,
aiilniy curtains for
?umKer, yard,
Muslin Curtains
with ruffles, full
size, special, at,
75 c
New Spring Lace Ourtains
Twenty-fivo attractive patterns,
fino Scotch Nottingham,
Filet Not and 'Quaker lace cur
tainsin white, ivory or eoru;
made to retail regularly up to
$3 a pair, Monday 11(10
at a pair I.OO
Imported Duchesse Ourtains
Hundreds of pairs of fine Duch
esse, as well as cluny ourtains,
antique curtains and many
other imported goods that come
in ivory and ecru; speoial for
Monday on Third
Floor, pair
Traveling men's samples of fine Tapes
tries 50 Inches square,, worth up
to S4.00 a yard, at,
Cretonnes, Taffetas and Ivory Cloth
100 pieces special new lot Monday,
on third floor, at, jq
yard OJC
Bungalow Nets
in white, ivory
and Arab colore,
special for Mon
day at, yd-
SO inch Canvas
Awnings, ready
to put up, com
plete, at
8Poot Bamboo
Porch Shades
Keep your porch
cool In summer,
llVIIUiiP oh Our Main Floor
B k 1 r t Markers
regular price, 25c,
Monday ........ Uc
Dollar Supports
Waved wlro, on
card 3 cards for 6o
SCalr 1bs Large box
contain teg- 300 wire
hair pins, 25c value Vo
Wasli Trimmlngv
An Immense variety
of patterns, worth
up to 7c yd. aiio
Cotton Tape, per
bolt lc
200-yard spools gooi
quality baa tin?
thread, doz. spools lOo
BSt Vroof Books
and Syes with Bump
So grade, at card 3Ho
Dust less Dust
Clotita Large slue,
for- ioc
Blsttlo Aorted
widths In white and
black, worth to 15o
yard, at yard ..,.80
800 dozen fine Lonen Doylies, measuring 9 inches
across, scalloped edge, with lock stitch, one row double
hem stitching, one inoh from edge; a doylie f g
that is beautiful and'useful as well; regularly j
worth 75o a dozen; at, dozen 7v
These 72-inch Table Linens are shown in a large selec
tion of patterns, worth regularly $1 a yard; 7 ft
Monday only; main floor and basement, yd. . . .