Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    TltE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: M VY 1. 1013.
Automobile Notes
I Every Argument
1 Smasher for
ManaKer I B. Doty disposed ef a num
ber of Little ftnd lleti cum last wee to
thu tfltj- trade. B?vrial as;encte for these
cam in the territory ware closed.
rwlth Ideal motorist weather the Ar
thur Stoni Supply company is kept buty
looking alter the largo aupply orders.
T. V. Graves, man Iter of (he Goodyear
Tire and Rubber eomDanr. vislUd the
asents In the western territory last week.
HU view of the accessory business li
very promising;.
The Alartnon Automobile .tompany
atlll doing business at the old stand.
The Btewart-Toorer Motor company ha
sold and delivered to !J. Doorly. manager
of the World-Hcrald, a Chalmers "S6"
fire-passenger car.
ft. n. Wilson ol ttia Wllsop company
wua too busy demonstrating Btudebriker
cars last week to Rive us Any noirn, m
we will pais hint by with Honorablo men
tion. Ostrand & Lambert of dedar Bluffs,
la. have takclt over the aicenoy for
Paljre-Detrolt ca'rajn that territory.
The J. 8. Davis Automobile company
of North Platte purchased n carload of
Mitchell cars from the local company lost
The rteKal Undcrslunc car Is much In
Use In Omaha at a delivery truck. T. O.
Northwall handles the IlcgU.
Otto Bats of ioup, Neb., purchased a
Mitchell from Dick Htewart last week.
Tha Studebager "x" has arrived at
the local branch and appeared on the
street last Thursday for the first time.
H. D. Selvera Of Ewlnit followed hi
brother' exampto and- bought a Mltohelt
car from the local company last week,
H D. Keller, manager of tho fltude
baker vehicle branch at Mlnneatwllii, I
rlsIUng with his brother, manager ol tfib
local office.
It H. Wcrzo'g purchased a Mitchell car
last week from the Mitchell tcmpany, ft,
did C. It Johnson of Oakland arid Nbrtn
4 Derby of Avoca, itu
William H. Harvey, In the employ of
the local branch of the Htulebakef com
pany for tho last two year ns'trtanlger
of the repair part department, ha gone
xa tho Pacific coast, whdro lie will en
jfttga In business. Tho vacancy haa beflri
filled by Ray Uonham, stock cletk.
George Helm, manUfer nt the Cadllloo
company, sold two more cart to the
Omaha; Taxicab company laat week and
mo to the liar Grand company. These
companies have had Cadllluo car , Ih
active service for four year and found
them highly tfflclent
Harvey B. Wither, nephew, of J. -M,
StUdebaaer, sr.. of the BtUdebakb'r cor
poration, visited the local branch of tho
company last week, tie Is manftker of
the Studobaker branch In WyonJIne,
An official road book ha been leaded
by the Nebraska Stale Automobile so
datlon containing ix map of ouch col)t)ly
In tho .state, showing the accessible routes
of travel for ntotbrlatt, Tha guide, U coht'
plete In all dMAU and Is the first tha
association h-Issued. It la printed on
extra fine paper. It contain & map of
the Meridian road and the road -from
Omaha to Topekt. The Omaha. U; Minne
apolis, Omaha to Chicago and Omaha, to
Denver roads it re mapped out
The Btewart-T6oter Motor company ,118.
Just received from the Plerco Arrpw fab
tory a Pleroe which they recently
sold to C. D. Mullen bt L4nooln. This car
Is painted light blue, with white and gold
hand, which makes a very attractive Car.
They have also received a Pierce "W" for
W. A. Helsell of Odebolt, la. ThM car
will be driven overland a soon as the
weather permit.
The Btewart-Tooser Motor companK,hU
sold to n. U Stewart of Teotimim o
Chalmers alx-cyllhder; flve-paineriirer
car, and to.0- W. Haasett of Tocurwwh.a
Chalmers "S6,"
M. P. O'Conhor, secretary of the Powell
Supply company, IKht last Thursday In,
XjLko View, la., -with the 1'owell dealer
In that town. He reports that tho dealers
In northern Iowa have been set baett a
little on account of rath, but that In auU
of this business lias been exceptionally
good for this time of the year, and that
.hey ro looking for a bumper year for
automobile and automobile supplies,
The Stewart-Tooser Motor company haa
on the way from tha Chalmers factory
four carloads of Chalmers cam, whlh
will arrive next Monday. The large stock
of rra which they have In their garage.
are practically all sold nd this ahlpmaijt
win replenish tneir stoc ror m time
Glen Wiggins, formerly of the Ne
brasSia-BuIek company, haa Joined the
house salea foreo of tho Powell Supply
Will Bruner. shop foreman of the, Blew-
artfoorer Motor company, left Omaha
for a week' visit tn the Chalmers fac
tory. While there Mr. Druner will tWe
hi. n 1 1. nt inn tn the hulldlrtu of ear hhd
thereby put htmtelt In a position ho that
the Chalmers owners will be benefited by
ma trio to the factory, for w beUeve
it -will awlst htm Ih taking care of ChJ-
mera car In better manner.
The Powell Supply company report the
tiro business exceptionally good rltrht
now. Orders the list wrek have come-In
not only throtiflh talfsinen. but a great
mim' h&va bn received by telephone
and telegraph, showing that the business
is sietUng well Under way In th country.
With a big stock of Republics and a car
load of Imperial received recently., tho
Powell Supply ctimbany ho on hand one
of the largett stock, of tire bdtwrtn
CWoago and the Pifclfic coast, but. U
finding it none too large to take care of
present demand.
The Stewart-Toener Motor company haa
aid a Chalmers Mx-cy Under. car to 'M A. . Orcllr of DeMf Ice.
Heb., Jo ix-oyan4er. fbur-poiiohget
car to James 3. Doty of Bftenandoah, IS.
3, A nutlarjut taken position wjth
the Powell company.
Can tb tH!Htea.
An HnuauaUr iArgeBdlvMual M' .of
ylur0 ear was m$Jt week wh,e
'toe Woaer UtpwfJHiw; Oialm;
ers dealers At Bseramonio, Cat., delivered
sixteen Chalmers etri to the rioneer
Ft ult compan?, with headquarters at the
California eafttaL Ten of the ear,
"Thirty-sixes,", Will Da used by salesmen
of the company, and tlx "sixes" are for
tho officer.
Nestor of,tlie Auto
Manufacturers is
Still iii the Harness
When tho Bllidebnker directors visit
the Detroit plant of the corporation, one
fit the mosy Interesting features Is at
wa)-s tho presence of the Venerable J.
M. Btudehaker, role living brother of the
famous five, who developed the great
business which annually biifiJs and mar
kets more automobile1 and hdredrawn
Vehicles than any manufacturer In tht
Mr. Studebake. It now nenrlng hit
elghtl'th birthday. Several years ago
he withdrew from executive responsl
bllt es of the routine order. Ilut he has
nsvof allowed hit Interest to lag and
keeps himself In close touch with all
branches of the Immense enterprise.
Among the brothers, 3. M. Btudebaket
was the manufacturer: CleMeht Btude
haker. father of the present vice presi
dent, was the general executive, and
Peter StUdebaker, the tales fnanafcer.
The Hupp Motor Car eompany an
nouilces the. reslBhntlbn of Harry1 Pos
ditk a dlrcctj' of latui
According to Freflctlck A, Harris, as
slktaht general rnailnger, who has active
supervision over th field policies of tho
company, the nbovo position has been
abolished. Mr. Hnrrlt Said yestordayt
;The abandonment of ttte position of di
rector of sales In connection with the pol
icy of thin (fompanVwIII fcnta'l no further
chalices or additions to the idle depart
rtnertL It G. Helghb'br, tho present sales
rniriagef. will cdntUiuc jtrt charge with
fill prcsatu foreo, Mr. Nelghbdra Is hov?
ttttirlhif frdm "a three rn&nths' trip to
the CoW, ddrlhg which he Visited all of
thtt dlstrlbutlhtf cltlfi ahd many of the
Ini&ll tnwhil ahd Atsrt ln(Avijlw.i hit.
dledsif ow4? throU&hoUt the West.
,Ho frpdrtt thafhe Has. not met a tingle
dUfifllUfled hnh oil tliti ehtlre' trip and
his statements of jlupinOblle enthusiasm
throughout Ihn couliti-v kr rutin
tho fact that last rSonlh' eaUt nearly
nouciea mo uu previous recpfd of any
mohth in, the history of the Hupp Motor
Car company. :
FdRD SELLS filbflfe.THAN
A- statlsllAal fl.ehd ot the Ford Motor
compnny hat beftn pchfdrmlrig feat'
,r. f. : i . . .
With, flguret nealn ,ahd Cotrics forth
with a" deoloVatioh tH&i ddring the
rrtohlha of April, fay ahd Junu Fo'rd
talisman wllp o)l twenty more than two
cArt per nllhUt?, ey(!ry working minute
The eetlmKtcd tale f6r the ,'thrte,
tnonllfs, which' wtorY'reatlv in
Apfil, ara 7J,0 Atk In the thr
rriolitha ifierd afft Ju.lif,i4Ch;Snutes, that
1 WorHIn mr)Ute; flgUrirtflght work
InrlibUr to each .day. This klv fh
average, of mora th
, T . -t.w vm. ft. .
minute. 1
CalcUlatlhg ,f rorn, thfc angle of hour In
year, the Font naiii -m u-u
tweniy-tWO aftra Dsrlimur this'
In'g, lit $undftia, Jliollday ahd nlehta.
,Tte are MM hour In k Vear of aa
flayartd ttVenty-two car per hour must
bo told to dispose of tha 200.000 rnri
which will bis mdnufa'ctUl-ftd In the com
pany' flsealyear which, end In October.
Tkf1lt1tf MIllntmHtsllli Htaniiriialiiiurt,
dt thajt this year' bUilnesa will show
an Uribrease of mote thah per cent
over thatot I?14. . MaKers of 'standard
eirs 'gtherolly .state that salet have
opened up blggeK than ever beforo and
that tin several Inatanctl the entlro out
put of mi models will be exhausted
wlthlh a short time.
Ah accurate and detailed report com
piled by th ClfalMers Motor company,
shows business to bl unukunliv cood. The
Incrc.ate tot" forth Irt tlijt report Is not
coni.inea to certain sections, sale being
Uhifpfmly Idrlfe all 'oir the country.
Kveh In Oh.lo and' NMjraolta, where
flood arid .tornadof's have handicapped
business hiavliy, the-report show sale
to he rUhnlrlg'. far; ahead of last year's.
"Y will build ahd thin. 1 Hunmo-
bllei a day frbm Mai- l6h." said C. 1).
Hattlnc. geherol manager of the Hupp
Molor Car company, ".Everyone at the
factor la- actively itereited to Jee that
OUr.prodUctl.on rthohe till standard and
each department has taken It upon It
own shoulder tb jb that 100 Hubmobtlea
leo.v the factory avery twenty-four
$15 tO m fER
Competent AiiW Hh
Chtufiiri Men
We TeaoH, Yoii.Hbiry to Secure
Goqri Pofeiitioiis atld Salaries.
Out school litis liiid 5 yeiira of
euddCSses ahd our nunila urn
holding the host po"sltiono. Free
infbnnatiow sent upotf applica
tibn. giving our practical ia
etrtfotion plans. Wriie for It
today. JRoforcmcu Colorado
St, and Saw Bank, ' Denver.
jmesMrAT, i&nat, 001.9.
!' if
VNSBk 1st
" ' '.j'" '. I Company ' " " v
- ' . " ' ' Omaha Dranch 2034 Farnam St s S'
I Factories: Akron, Ohio. ' ""S
v -1 Branch Houe.i and Service Btatlons , sSs
r .- , " I, In All Principal Cities, ' "
" 1 Dealers Everywhere. '
1 Koute Book, corer'ne jJfiL 1
' a tho auto tour you so- 11? 1 a?
a M lect These books are Vf5ifl9yv 1 - ,.
(y I sent free on request. 1rt3S3s I -
.- TSw 0V Smitt Jtfnlof JnaoV ;7
. .VorrLuwivveVfer A v In
LWl -. r Wfflm til
Goodrich Tires
Best in the Long Run
Goodrich Tires ore an advantage
in any car they are on.
The makers of practically half the
entire 19 IS output of automobiles
realized this when they bought Good
rich Tires to equip the cars they are
making. You can get Goodrich Tires
put on any car you buy or own If you
specify them.
Goodrich service comprehends so
much more than the mere making of
tires that you should familiarize your
self with it.
Goodrich tire users and dealers find
Goodrich service stations always ready
to co-operate with them.
A Goodrich Route Book, mnpping
and detailing the tour you plan, will
be sent you free whether you use
Goodrich Tires or not.
The Goodrich folders telling how
to avoid the common tire Injuries will
be sent you free, without regard to
the tires you use.
Goodrich service In Its broadest
sense Is for the bcttermentof motoring.
But it is the service that Goodrich
Tires themselves give their users
which emphasizes the fact that Good
rich Tires are best in the long run.
There never has been a "bad year"
with Goodrich Tires. One reason is
that there are forty-three years of
rubber experience in every one of
them. Your dealer will Bupply you
with tho Goodrich Tire you need.
The Goodrich principle of unit
molding was a development of our
twenty-seven years of experience In
rubber manufacturing preceding our
making of the first American clincher
tircslxtccn years ago.
That principle has never needed
changing. All Goodrich Tires are
made by our unit molded method.
Whatever style of Goodrich Tire is
best suited for your needs is the same
kind and quality as all other Good
rich Tires. Each Goodrich Tire Is
molded into a unit. Body and tread
are one. The thick, tough tread,
being ef the tire and not merely put
on it, naturally docs not slip or peel.
The extra sidestrips of pure rubber
reinforce the Goodrich Tire where
the strain comes and eliminates the
. chance of rim injuries.
The whole tife wears uniformly.
There are no weak spots or dead
places because of over-vulcanizing
which cooks the life out of rubber,
ynlt-moldlng the Goodrich single
-vulcanization takes that danger
Fortify your own judgment, with
that of the makers of so many of the
oldest and best known cars, as well
as the enthusiastic recommendation of
thousands and thousands of satisfied
users, and specif Goodrich Tires for
your own car.
The B. F. Goodrich Rubber
' Omaha Branch 2034 Farnam St
Factories: Akron, Ohio.
Branch Houae.i and Service Htntlorm
In All Principal Cities.
Dealers Everywhere.
is nothing
in Goodrich
that isn't in
Goodrich Goods
't ,
' . J ' ' v
Is Before You When You Buy Your INTER-STATE
And With You Through Years, of Splendid Service
Consistency in the "visible-to-the-cye" equipment signalizes
the presence of those sterling specifications that plainly mark
the superiority of the Inter-State Six.
Consistency, in the "visible-to-service" requisites means that
each component part will give you such splendid service that
your Intef-State will be known to you only as a perfect whole.
6 Cylinder 45 H. P. 13 2-Inch Wheel rfjnHA
Base Electrically Started and Lighted tjl DU
31J Bonth 18th Street, - Omaha, ZTebraska.
ATAHE joy of touring is made complete by
the care-free confidence afforded by
Firestone Non-Skid Tires. They not only
hold the car true on any road, but the extra
thick, pliable tread prevents the vibrations
due to rough going, adds to comfort, re
lieves one of road worries generally.
Economy is an added value with
non- nriot'd '
There is a quality of material and build
ing, a toughness and road-grip to the tread,
which combine to give unequalled mileage,
perfect traction and a reduction of tire, and
car upkeep expense.
Write for Mr. H. S. FIRESTONE'S personal
talks to tire user, "What's What in Tires.''
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
SStt "AmtWes's larg-est Exclusive Tire and Sim Makers."
S 0330 raxnam St., Omaha, Hb.
Horae Ofrioo &na Xactory, Akron, O, Branches in all lars;e oltte.
The Federal Rugged Tread la a
distinctive type. Its heavier and
stauncher construction placae k in
a class by itself.
The exceptional heavy tread means
many miles of "extra service"
those heavy bulging studs mean
maximum traction and perfect
safety the thorough construction
assures unusual durability and
Though a "higher quality" tire
and heretofore sold at a higher
price, tire users will appreciate
that the Rugged Tread now costs
no more than Ordinary non-skid
tires. Made in all types for
standard rims by the Federal
Rubber Manufacturing Co., Mil-waukee.
The Arthur Storz Auto Supply Company
. Distributors,
S020-22 Farniun Street, Oinaha.
VanBrunt Automobile Go.
arion Automobile Go.
Ind. I
Overland and Pop.
Council Blufta laj
Omaha. Mebr.
Distributors of thl
Marion ana JSarstoi
Oa Cars and Etaad
ard Electrics,
U01-3 raraajc St