THE BEE; OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1913. r -m a w - (rKAiN Afjn PRnnnnRxijmLJ10". ei. umu, """"i iinu 1 11VIUVU XlinillUJl luuns Americas, mrilftc Export Sales of Wheat Are Being Quietly Piled Up. CORN SITUATION IS STRONGER viirnnsca from the Country Are, Much Lighter nnd Shipping De mand nnni Up Higher Ainrrejratc. i,,, ... , OMAHA, May 18, 113. About the only other condldon outside 1 crop dttnao to the winter P.. an Wft trade in the cash ac',e- W"h accompanying preparations ?.r, tm?vVnent f a coodly surplus of hiwihtat Ai?0 counties. One thing u positive, and that is the United rHfa ,Bem to need the gold held in H1 looli?rB the old world a great deal worse than they need our breadstuffs. .under present conditions Irapoitera would ahow a lack ot Judgment by making pur Pases ot large anipunta of wheat at this particular time In the face ot a most J0W,W prop prospects, and It Is more thonllkely that, foreigners will take hold by flu and starts, a a has been the cane. tKr. OOIp monuis past, generally believed in the trade that thtocash sales made from day to day are not Siren to the public, but that the sellers wait for an accumulation ot these ttansactlons, when they will be sprung; upon the trade In a rood-sized bundle, aa has been the case on several occasions o late. Whether uj luca oi yesieruay wer ror direct export, or whether the wheat was taken by exporters at the seaboard was a ques tton after the otose of the, board last wm Kt that the differences jrolch hare existed between the Import ing and exporting- countries on the ques- ui iiMjiuint ior me grain soia abroad and which has cut down tha cash busi ness was settled yesterday to the satis faction ot people on this side of the waier. The sales nf Ttrhat nfirnail tiav Imh larger than generally known, as shown by the exports for April, the total being 10,737.000 bushels, which was 5,837.000 bushels; larger than for the corresponding' uine b. year ajto. Cash wheat was V4c higher. The eltuation In corn looked stronger yesterday, as tho offerings from tho country were lighter and the shipping demand was better, with aggregate sales of 260.000 bushels. The market acted largely in sympathy with wheat, as it was weak early and strong later. Those who were putting out short corn showed more or less caution and the demand waa quite brisk from both shorts and Investors, Cash corn was unchanged to He higher. The rains throughout the oats belt seemed to temper the bullish feeling, and the advices received from Houston, Tex,, that the harvesting of oats has already commenced In the Lone Star state served as a power for tha bears, aa It caused a holt on the buying side of tho market. Cosh oats unchanged to Ho higher. Clear anoes were 11,000 bushels of corn, 15,000 bushels of oats, and wheat and (lour equal to 835,000 bushels. Liverpool olosed d lower to Ud higher on wheat and d lower on corn. Primary wheat receipts were 531,000 bushels and shipments were 640,000 bush els, against receipts last year of 381,000 bushels and shipments of 627,000 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 311,000 bush els, and shipments were 88,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 485,000 bush els and shipments of 413,000 bushels. Primary oata receipts were 476,000 bush els and 'shipments were 631,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 702,000 bush els and shipments of 94,000 bushels. Carlot Receipts.' Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Kansas City Bt. Louis Winnipeg Wheat. Corn. Oats. 1. 115 70 37 33 49 240 89 13 23 39 123 11 11 23 OmaliK Coh Prlce-aw WHEAT No, 2 hard, SSiMSc: Nn I hard. 8546Mj No.'. 4-hard,1lG85cTNo. a spring, StssSc: No. 4 spring, sovte&swc1 .-c5lurum, 87Q87HC! No.T'dKf CORN N, J white, .6?c; No. 3 whit B7HCTHe: 'No. 4 white" 6ft&$ic: No F2 yellow, E c; No. ., yellow? i8K&c; No. 4 yellow, 6o; No. 2, 5614c- No 3 66MQe&oi No. .flt&C6o; No gfadM Nuw.n,.?Ma0: standard, fJK&iSo; wh,te. 3C&50i No. 4 white, BAREEY-Maltlng, 5060c; No. 1 feed, RYSJ-No. 2, C6M6670; No. 3. aUQSSc The following cash sales were reported today: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. Scars, 8oWc. No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, Me. No 4 hard winter, 1 car (yellow) S5c. NO 2 durum mixed, J. car. 87Ho. Oats: stan dard, 1 car. 35Vic No. 3 white. 2 ca, 3oo. No. 4 white, 1 car. 34Kc. Corn: No 2 white. 1 car. 63c No. 4 white," car 66Hc. No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 6S?4c. No, 3 Ki,ow,-ea5' M.HS No- 2 lxed, 1 car, 66Hc No. 3 mixed, 2 cars, 66J4C Nn. grade. 1 car (yellow) rRHe: Rye: No. I, 1 car, 66c NEW YOItK alAltKRT Quotation of the Dnr on Vnrlons Commoilltle. NBW YORK, May l.-FLOUR-Steady, uii a. moderate jODDing traao, spnnit i-airnis, 4.-i.s&j winter strairnt. J4.4Og4.00; winter patent, HTMfcio; "jiing clears, ii.wsh.w, extra no. i winter.; extra No. J winter, J3.70fi3.8O: Knnaaji trt-ht. 1I.1MJ4 26. RYK-Market steady) No. 1. good. J3.00S1 a.00! cnoice to tancy, w.ivww WHHAT Rin. firm: Nn. 2 red. nonv Inat, No. 1 northern Duluth $1.00H. f. o. b. aiioat. Futures were cenerally firm ai: day on big clearances and higher coarso grain markets. May, 9c, July, u-ko September. 93c. RTB FLOUR-Market steady No. 3 west. BSV4C: c. I. f. New York export. COHNM14AL Market steady. Fine white and yellow, S1.35pl,40; coarse, 11.30 SI. 35: kiln dried. 13.KV DARLBY Market steady: malting, KG tuc; c. i. i uurraio; recdinK, mo; nom inal, f. o. b. New Yon CORN Spot markot firm; export, 63ic. f. o. b , afloat OATS S Dot market firm: standard white, 44c; No. 2, 4ic; No. 3. 43Ci No. 4, 42c; ordlnarv cllnned whltp. 4SiHc: fauoy clipped white. 4tc. . hay Market steady; No. A. i.ioci.i6i No. 2, J1COC1.05; No.-'..5W)C'. : LRiVTHER Market rtrmi hemlock nrsts, 28:9c: seconds, ITO'ISC PROVISIONS Pork, market steady. Mess, J21.76522.23; family, t0ueC5.(W snort clears, I20.75OCZ-23. Deer, quiet: mess. lfieOc: fumllv. 5Mf Jlr. Cut meats. firm, pickled bellies. 10814 pounds, 3U.7o 1S.B0; pickled hams, 315.2;. Ivrd, oasyj, middle west, 311.10011.20; renned, nrm, continent, 3U.C5; South American, $12.36; compounds, steady, js.S7Mti&8.6ij4. i TALLOW-Uarely steady; - city, 6!4c; country, 56Hc; spcfclal, CTiC. IlOrS Slarket quiet', state, medium to choice 1912. 16iS23e; 1911, 9c; Paclflo coasti 1912, 1MJ20C; 1911. llfl 15c. HIDES Market steady; Bogota, 2SIHP 29V4jC; Central America, 2SHC PETROLEUM Market steady: refined, BUTTER Steady; receipts, 8,670 tubs; creamery extras, 2SH'c; nrsts, 28c ; state dairy, finest, 2SHc; process, .extras, 32o; flrgts, 27(727Hci Imitation .Creamery, firsts, 27c: factory, curront make, first,. 26c; packing stock, current make, No. 2, 23c. CHEESE Steady; receipts. 1,286 boxes; state whole milk, fresh cplored. specials, 18c; state whole milk, white, lZSaj etato whole milk, Colored, average fancy, 120 12Hc; state whole milk, white, lSiOlic; skims, 2H13c. EGOS Steady; receipts, 31,413 cases; fresh gathered extras, 22V4023c; fresh gathered storage packed, first to extra firsts. 22ttc: fresh gathered resular packed, extra firsts, 21021Vic: fresh gathered regular packed, firsts. 20ff20V4c: Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites, good to large size, new laid, 22&23c, western gathered Whites, WQSWc FOULTRY Quiet: chickens, southern. 31o; fowls, 16o; turkeys, 12Hc; dressed, nrm; iresn Killed western iowis, lTipiSHc; frozen turkeys, 15Q3c ' Corn mill Whrnt llrcion nalleitln. United States Department of Agricul ture's weatner bureau report for Omaha, Neb., for tho twenty-four hours ending at S a. m., 76th meridian time, Friday, May 16, 1113: OMAHA DISTRICT STATIONS. Temp. Rain- High. Low. fall, Ashland, Neb.. 68 52 CHICAGO OltAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Tradlnc and Cloning Price on Board of ; CHICAGO, May.lS.T-Bqueezlng.of -shorts In Way tiats counted strongly against the beara today in all kinds of grain. Net advances.were: Oats, ei,io; wheat,. 9Wlc; -corn. 9s(bHc " Provisions finished 1012c off to So- Ilenewed complaints of Insufficient moisture made oats nervous. Vigorous commission buying, attributed to a oor centrated long interest, however, started a. stampede to cover and spread bullish Influence to the neighboring pits. May delivery was bid up lUc reaohlng 880 beiore holders were willing to accent profits. Even at that prfo the sales of May were accompanied by equal sized purchasing of September. In the wheat crowd, new sellers were scarce. Kansas sent word of chinch bugs threatening and there were less favorable advices concerning the crop outlook in .Russia. Clearances of wheat and flour for the week were the larg est tinea 1902. The total today equalled 836.000 bushela. Primary receipts of wheat today wero 6S4.000 bushels; a year ago, 31,000 bushels. Corn gained support because of stop page ot offerings'1 from Iowa, Provisions averaged lower on account ot a liberal run ot hogs west. Packers, however, through commission houses, steadied the market Quotations ranged tu) follows: Auburn, Neb.., 67 45 B'ken Bow. Nb 72 46 Columbus, Nb. 70 49 culbertson, Nb 70 50 Falrbury, Neb. 73 48 Fairmont, Neb. 09 47 Gr. Inland, Nb 74 IS Harllngton, Nb 68 45 HeRUngs, Neb.. 71 ' 47 Holdrege, Neb. 70 44 Lincoln. Neb... 68 60 No. Platte, Nb 74 44 Oakdale. Neb.. 69 61 Omaha, Neb.... 66 60 Tekamah: Neb. 71 49 Valentine, Nb. 68 -60 Alto, la.... 60 45 Carroll, Ia:.,i. 69 47 Slbler. Ia, 61 42 SlOux City, la. 64 64 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00, .00 .00 .00 .00 .01 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .01 ,00 Sky. ., Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. ctoudy Cloudy Clear Clear Pt, cloudy Cloudy Clpudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a. nf. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Raln- WKh. Low. fall. District. Stations, Columbus, O.,.,. 18 82 Louisville, Ky... 22 84 Influv'poljs, Ind.. 14- - Si Chicago, 111 24 76 St Lou)s, Mo.,, 19 0 Des Moines, Ia. 22 62 Minneapolis si 62 Kan. City. Mo.. 2 76 Omaha. Neb 17 70 MEW YORK STOCK MARKET , Tin f0n I imnKB juia i-iuiijipint treasury, wu,sm Traaen Buy Baok What They Sold on the Two Previous Days. UNDERLYING STRENGTH SEEN I'orccaata of Weekly llnnk State menu Indicated n Onln In Cnsh of from Vour to Vixc .Mllllana. iw YORK. May 16,-Havlng sold niuvHs on me two previous days, traders ?ou8ht them back todaj-. Bear, traders, fearful df an over-extension of Che short account did not venture to carry sell- tui"ther In view ot the evidences of "'" ' " me opening. HtOCKS wer in scant supply and prices rose generally. Jhen covering was completed the mar ket came virtually to a standstill, but jtjms were neid firmly at the higher 1 he underlying strength of the market laf. n?.lca.l?d by its. resistance to re newed liquidation, which broka out late in the day. Seaboard common and pre ferred Wabash proferred and 8t, and Jan frraticlsco common and second pre ferred nil touched new tow points for the year. Weakness of several Issues of railroad uu, us nut, mill mnrn .rtn.h n mi nrti island collateral 4s, St. Iuls & San i'i'.a',c.,.?(ios,?1' and 5s- Cheapeako & Ohio COVerttble 4Un. nnri u,i,h.r s touched the year's low. .mo Kcnoiai market, however, held , -iu3uib- at tna uesi prices of tho .day, Reduction of tha New Haven dividend rate from 8 ner cent in s nr rant . nounced after the close yesterday had been fully discounted. Almalgamated was strengthened bv thn rnrni,iiu .i.m.. .Ucb 6f copper stocks In Europe showing anunexpectedly heavy decrease. r;.18 ot lnB weeKiy bank state ment IndloatPrt A train In .ah ! (W4 Coo to J,ooo.ood; " v- ,,,w"' Bonds wuro Irregular. Total sales par Value, Jl.iiAOOO. t nlted Statoa 3a rrf- terc-d declined on -call. Number ot sales nnd Aimi.iinn, on stocks were as followst Hh. Low Clo Amtliimitetl Copper ,,, AmVrlctn Atneulturtl .. Anirlcn Bt Bui'..., AniMkan cn , American Cau pfd ,,, American t;. & tr , Amtrlctn Oottoa Oil..., Am. Ic SeeurllUI....... Amtrlmn Llnw4 ....... American lucomotlTS ... American S. ft 11 Am. 8. & Il.-pfd. ...... .Am.- Buiar Uatlalnr American T. ft T....... American Tobaeeo Anaconda Mlnlnc Co,,.. Atchon ...(,!... 11, (M 71 ;sh (04 1,000 too a 100 l.ioo I1U H 91 41 Ui ...I. 30S4 JO ii m, 41 41 Hit oo nsH'H'H loo nu ioo mi . ,700 H, . 10,200 ,lit ,' 'i.'ioo '". 4OD-104W' 1MH Atchleon old Atlantic Coaat Una.,, uaiumor unia, ....... 103 tU niu llcthlehem Steel ?. . Urooklrn Rapid Tr.... Canadian racltlo Central Lealhar rheupealce Ohio... Chi Clio G. W., cnicaito, M. tc tl, P. Chicago ft N. W Colorado I. & I...,: Conaolldattd Qa Corn rroducta Delaware & Hudson.. DenTCr & ni Qrandt. Denrer A It, 0, pfd...,. Dlttlllera' Bcurlll4s Brie , 1,100 Ktle lit. pM ,;. 200 Rrlo Id pld 300 General Klectrte. 100 1SJ Great NOTtbern- pfi. ,.,.,1. too 1H Great Northern" Ore ctfa. ,,,,, Illinois Central ,., ., lnterborouah Uat. TOO 14K. Inter. Met. prd 100 4IK Internattsnal llirrceter., inier.juarme pra ., M0 ISO 100 1014 100 1S4 :i(4 4IV4 UIH 114 a 43 14 111 115 Vi .... 14 too IH ih f 200 111 66 S! 4 S3 44 40 SO 4S .40 .40 .SO .00 .00 .00 .20 .oo .00 ni. arullia, I l.rn ,ni 1" In ,l,n aw,An.A western portion of the corn and wheatl reKlon.-and is cooler in -the eastern ror- itlon. Freezing temperatures occurred at Bhowers oocurred In tho upper Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys, and fairly heavy ralps wei" general In the eastern dlstrldtB. Rains ot one Inch or more oc curred at the following stations: In Ken tucky Wllllamatown, l.oo. in Mlchlcan Ann Arbor, l.oo; Flint, U A. WELSH, Iocal Forecaster, Weather Bureau, ksnina City drain Mid Provisions, KANSAS -ClT-r, May ' 1C WHE3AT Cash; No. 2 hard, Vf8SHa; No. 1, uA 087Hc! No. red; B6897o; No. i, 8&Mct CORN No. 2 white, SJc; No. 3, 67iJo. OATB No. 2 whiter 37C07i4c; No. 3 mixed, 83c. WMSAT-rMay, Wio; 3uly, S24o; Bep tember,'8ia2Tic ' 1 , , CORN May Mc, bid; ?July, 66Hos Sep. tember,'C?ic. OATS-auiy, 35io. t r RYK-E8C. ' HAY Hteady; choice timothy, JlJ.TSg 18.00; choice prairie, elO.60tFll.00, BUTTER Creamoi-y. 27c; firsts, 2o; seconds, 2Co packlntr, 21c. BOOB Firsts, ISQ'lSHof seconds, h0. FOULTRY Hens, lie; roosters, So; ducks, 17C17Vic; brollerB,. 26c, St .Laala General MarUrt. BT, IX5UIB. May 19. WHEUTVCaah. No. 3 red, Wc U Ot; No. 2 bard, tWQ "CO'RN-No, t, 69fl6 OATS-No. 3, STV4e; No. 3 white, 000 Cloelns; prices; WHBAT-July, SU05io! September, S6c. io; No. 3 , ,whjte. ArUclel Open. I High. Wheatl May. July. Bept Deo.. Corn May. July. Sept. Deo, Oats May. July. Bept, Dec Pork July Sept Lard May. July. Sept Ribs May. uJiy Spt, 33 1d5 U10 10 SO 10 S6-97 11 SO u oo 4 I 38I41 36054 19 6S-67 89 S3 WVil 19 2TH 1 itbi U 10 100 U $5 11 Utt Low. I Close. Yes'y. 19 30-22 U03U 10 S2-& 10 90 U 10 UOTHl 89H 64 66 3H 38HI 19 41h9 43-46) 19 $0-22 am 1U o 10 90 11 U 10.96 Sitt ss ss : Sh 64854(1 37U 35Vif4 m 19 IS 19 30 11 10 10 90 10M-91 U SO 11 K0 U00 SSV&q! September, Hc CORN-No. 8 ...v.t,A . r l. 'OMi - lUUUIl . .11 J II IVA 1 . T. . 1 Mm , , F 1 1 1T1.0&81.CI6: No. S red, 9fl?l.0l No. 2 hard, Oa'tS-3SS9c. ATS-Julj; RTE-4UJ.O,- POUIiTRY Firm; chickens. Ho; springy I330c: turkeys, ICo; ducks, 13o; ireene, 7o. BUTTJ0R Julet: creamery, Jiiyzso. EQGS-Hlcher, lTHo MlnnenpolU Ornla Jtarket. MINNI3APOL1B, May IS, WinCAT May, 87Hot July, SSWci September. 90H treOUc; cash; No. 1 hard, 91c; No. 1 northern. i(91Wo; Np. 2 northern. 83 mic: No. 2 hard Montana, 9201 No. t, CSS7Uo. MINNEAPOLIS. May fa,-FLOl'R-Flrat patents, H.COflt.05; second patents, M.;SQ4.fiO; first clears, 13.30gs.70; second clears. C.803.M. nRAN-i7.cogi$.oo. CORK No. yellow. 68V4Qfac OATS "No. 3 white. SDtfOtSc RTK No. 2. tOOtSc FLAX 1.2Mi. BARLEY 41369c Mll-KOee rirfttn Murlcet. MILWAUKEE, May 1J.-WHEAT No 1 northern. 996;i No. 2 northern. 92? 9Jo; No. 3 hard vintir; 92'ff93oj May, 83H:Ci Julv. tic. yenow, ('owc; no No. 3. 67Hc; May. Me; International Taper International Pump ..... Kantaa City Southern..., Laclede Oaa Lehigh' Taller ... ........ , LAularllle & rvaahTllle.. M.. Bt. P. ft 8. ate,'. II. ailseourl, tC, ft T...... Hiaaouri I'acins nanonai uiscun National Iad Nv R. It. ot M. 2d ptd.. New York Central 1,400 MH' N. Y., O. & W , , Norfolk & Weatrrn-..,.. 1,05 10S14 North' American Kortharn raeltla ........ 400 1I4H PaclMo Mall ,., 104 It I'ennaTlvanta 1,700 1104 People's He. ......,,.; ,vt ,it P.. C. C, & Et. Lm, I'ltttbvrch Coal i-reiaed KteeUCar., ...;,. 100 94H Fuilroan raiace i.-ir,.,,, xiw iea Ul 1I0M too mi iU in 14U ,111 IteadliiK Hfpubllc I, ft 8 nepubllo I. A 3, pM,... Hock Itland Co,,.,,,,,,, Ttock Itland Co.' pfd Bt. L. ft R. F. it pld'.. Seaboard Air Line....",;. Eeaboard A, Ii,pld...... 8loe-8heffled S. St ... Soulhftn Paclflo ,,, Southern Railway ...... Bo. Railway pfd.., ,. Tenneesee Copper ...i Teiaa & Facltle Union Paelflo Union Paeirto Pfd..... United Stltea Realty.. United Stales Rubber..., United States Bteel U. . Sleet ptdj....... Utah Copper ........j..,. Va..Carellna Chemtett . Wabaeh ny...ti, Wabaah pfd ' Weatern Maryland ., - .... t 1M Weelinxnouae .r-iecino ,-. v Wheellns A'ltaKa' Erll. - ToUl aalea torthe day. 111. I Bx-dretfleno;, , tt.'M iso " m too 3,109 100 1,403 too uoo ... ' 100 ... 'too , .. too ..I 1M ..I 17.600 ... 100 ... 200 ... It. 0rt . 0P. l.SOO 700 . 104, 400 SCO 11H mi itii 10 it OH w !4 149 IU4 1H It H 17 41H 'iis lH 1H 147S Mi alMi IH, IS it II 12 ,...4 900 aharea. UK 48 tHa 11 41 40 n v C4S 101 101 li til isoh it Si MH 2HH 3i 14 MH "H 10414 121 WH 129 lOVi lit l ts u 41 KH lit 1UK MM 114 14U 101 II IK 7 2K tl r 365(1.1 lllt 1I0H U tlH 114H 41 It MH 29 Mr 103H 70 114 21U U0H 10Si II 114 lBtH 21H It UH 1H 14H .41H M'.t it 7 4 ltH 141' 4 es1 tlH 101 m 2i a SIM et (i total of rtneral fund, llt(.tU8,04)j receipts yesterday, (1,976. 407. dlibumements. tt.T. V43. The surplus this flsoal year Is IS,M7. OTA aa against a deficit last year of 113, 430, 7. The figures for receipts, disburse ments, surplus and deficit exclude Pan ama canal and publlo debt transactions. ruport ov ct.n.tniNO iiousia TmnkActlon ot Amorlnteit tlanka for the Week, NEW YORK, May 16.-Dradstreet's bank clearings report for the week end liK May 1 shows an ngutvBato of $3,191, t87,000 us airalnst $J.471.sno,oo last week and 83,4,SS7.O0O In the correspond!!! week last J-ear. CITIES. Amount. New Tork... Chlraco Boston Philadelphia Bt. Lnul Plttsbtirnh Kansas City......... San Francisco..,.,, Ilaltlmore ........... Cincinnati Minneapolis ........ Ixs Ancolet, j i:ievoiand A.......'..; Detroit New Orleans;,,.,;., OMAHA" .t...,...;t:i iouisvuie ;, Milwaukee ......... Beattle Portland, Ore,,,,. Bt. Paul Denver , IndtAnanolls Bait Lake City alumnus Toledo Duluth Des Moines BpokAne .Tacoma ............ .Oaktatid .,,. Peoria ......A...... uayton' ... u .. ... Cedar Rapldsr,,...; waicnoo .., .,, BprlnKfleld. Ill ni,lH... n' WM11IVJ. All. ,., t ,. , ,. Illoomlnlrton. III.... Decatur, III , Jacksonville, jll vvasninxton St. Joseph Wichita. Kan I Sioux- City, Ia.,.,,.,1 i-dncoin, xveu Topeka, Kan, 4.1. 10.S .... 1.5 ,.,, i tl.WO.764.OD0 301,255,000 IW.377,0001 150,(82,000 F0.7i2.0(M 64,832.000 51.1197.000 4,4S3,000 SS.M7.0TO 24, 391,000) ,4,449,0i)0 ' l tto vivi ,ilO,tV 3rt,t3o,000! 18,234.000 17.072.000 1.1.018,000 15.S6S.000 13.01S.O00 1Z,3SO,000 8.5S8.000I.. 0.476,000 8.1S4.0W ,., 6,PO4.OO0., B.-787.WO N037.000 S.844.0QO 6.44J.0W 4,40C.0 2,7lA,000 4,043,W0 2.201.000 s.joo.ooor 4.ij Inc. 2.(H..i... 11.4 2.M8.O00I X 11 0,000 i:4,oro i;8T,000 1,113,000 732,000 B07.OO0 693,000) 533.000 410,000 MIS, X 8,098,000 S. 462. 000 3.W9.000 1,582,000 l,174,O00 'is.o 18.3 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MAMET Cattle Receipt Light and Prioes Littlo Changed. HOGS 8TEADV TO FIVE IUQHER Trade in ltnK Moat Actlrei nf Anr May of the Wpek Shorn nnrt I.nmli slow nnt thr Teu tlenry liOTrri1, Receipts were: Official Mondav ... Official Tuesday ... Offlo al Wednesday Official Thursday., Kstlmate lTlday. .. Cattle. HoKK. Sheep. .. i.s9i t.m .&i& ,. 3,110 13.2.3 9,210 ,. 2.451 10,334 4.333 .. 5,071 8.SW S.W .. 1,600 11.100 l.W 28.1J0 .3it) .TsOiT t.4Jt I3.SIU ai'lvo days this week .11,'630 61.B42 Bamo tlaj s 2 weeks nno H.522 43,419 gnmo days 3 weeks hko 1M75 35,44S Ramo days 4 weeks ko 16,337 48,t0 '-iiiu uttjH iosi year., ii.joi w.os The tollowlilrf tablo stiiftts the receipts of hotrs, cattle and sheep nl South Omaha ior mo year to date as compared with year aco: ' mi inn in& rii 337,907 4,41 1'OgS 1.10i19tl 1.41I.4W ...... iti.i.. The followlntr.tablq shows the rango ot prices for rioci at Bouth Omaha for th last few days with comparisons: a Dee. l.4i SU.5C0 Date. 1 1913. iu.imi.imo.iw.itt.Hor. LncnV Srunrltlra, Qunlatlosa turnlah'aii.' by Durni, Drinker A Ce.. C, M, A St. P. ttr! ,4Hl,Vll8I t4, council niuftt a, & tt. t, ia tj Oty .National Dank atock, Omaha Douglaa Security Co. (a, 1121 Ht Deere & Co. itir cent ptd ., is Fairmont Creamer? guar. 4 per cent IIU Int. narreeter CO. It, Ills tilt tna. Tel. Co. let ptd, Co. niatfa.... St Kaniai Cltr. Uo., 1 p. c, tax bills. . mi Kins wo., niu., ci. iiw ioi Loe Angeles Rr. -Si, 1140., McCook, Nee., 6 si 11 Montreal Trarowar Sa, ltll Omaha Oaa ta. 1117 air ot Otnaba 4V4, 1141 Omaha A C. D. fit. Rr Sa, lilt, . , Omaha ft C. D. St. Rr. pfd Omaha ft C. B, St. Rr com Omaha & C. B, R. A D. ptd slpux Cltjr stock Tarts pt Bait Uk Cltr School 4i, 2IS0 ... San Fr and ico tf, Kit United atataa Kat. Ihak, Omaha Union ttock Tarda atock, Omaha , Updike Grain Co,, coi.., Taeama, Wain., rat. Ss, 123 Wrmore, Neb., Si, MIS,!,, II , 1M 17 i It tt i tl ltH 7H IH till , tl lit , II1W , iu t7H , 101 1M4 Ak4., n lot' 100 tl 101U 100" ti 100 101.71 17 100't It II ioo 17 I4H l IH MH IIU 10K) too It 101H 101 ION New T.dU Money Mnrket. NKTV YORK, May 18.-MONET On call, steady; 2HCC54 per cent: rullnsr rate. 2i per cent! closlntr hid. 2U per cent; offered at VA per cent. Time loans, firm; sixty and ninety days., iai)' per centi six mmiths. V.ltHK oar cent. PRIMH MERCANTILE PAPKR-Ct6 Cvi per cent. - STRRLINO HWIlaB-Steady", with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 8200 for sixty-day bllla and. at 34.8633 for de rrand. Commercial bula.' $l.82H. " BILVER-Uar, W.iol Mexican dollars, o. . . .. j. HONX)B uovernmenv asyi nuiroao, Irrosruior. . . . . t, Clostnn quotations on bonds today were U. t. jtt. Ia, ref. i0WK. O. So. ref. (.. BO .... . mwT V. 8. It. ref..,....10SHL. ft If. unl. la.... tlH do' eoqpon ..iozu'm. k. t. lit la U. 8. 4a. reg,,.,,,,lll, 'flo so. 4li do coupon "no, raeino Aninu Sa. BauDan.lGITl do cene. A.-0. 1st U el". U "SKIl ef M 4Us tt T. A T. CT. B. ibu -ao aeo, 4B u il. la.... tlH '. lit It, IOT4 Ha. .... H 9 41..,., IIU A hSSf1- NJ?-,S red. cfl,i.oi No. 2 hard, 'iy.i mo. i normern. iOiiirejci No. z northern, tt&flo; Ko. 3 northern, wettc; No. 3 prin, KX&XH; No. t prinr, "6690: No. 4 spring. aosaSo; NhltriSS tJfOoi.No. 3 yellow, WVaKTo: No. jTkS No. a white, J9o, No. 2 -white, 37UesUc: No, 4 Trhlte. S&OCTHo; atanflard, jSr? c. Rye: No. 2, Qqzc Barley: 47t3e7c. Beeds: Timothy. tiiSaiO! clover, nom- Inal. 1 Provisions: Pork. tl&tS: lard, 11.03i4 11.03; ribs. IU.5OffU.0a BUTTER Klrra; creamery. 2S92SHc. EGGS Weak; receipts. M.OG? cases; at mark, cases Included, HUClgc. ordinary firsts, 16nJ17io: firsts, ItUtnHc POTATOES Higher; receipt. M cam; UlchUan. 43647c; Mtoncoota, 4034lo; Wla-, conaln. 40Q4SC POOLTUf Lointr; nhlcltena. aJlve, 16c; ipetnxs. Mc. nrneavu?3c. HARLBYrr24fC. Liverpool drain Market. LIVERPOOL, May 11 WHEAT-Spot. easy: No. 1 Manitoba, no stock: Mo. 3, Ts 7ttd; No. 3, 1 lTutures. steady; May. 7 eHfl; July. U 4!Wi October, 7 CORN Spot, steady: American, mixed, new, s 74d; new, kiln dried, Es l4d; kiln dried, old. Si IIW; Hid dried, old, via Oalveston. U 3d. Future, steady; Juli-. Lev Plat. 4s lHd, . . Peorlst Market. PEORJA. May Jl-CORN-No, 8. jrel low, 37o; No, 3 yellow, J7c vOAT8-Ko. 3 white, 3iHo; standard, tic. , 9mgnr Murltet. NEW YORK. MaT lt-SUOAR-Raw, easy; muscovado, ITre: Cestrifufal, 1.27oj tnolaaassa, 1.52c; refla4 steady. do deh, 4a. Am. Tohacco Is... Ill ".V. T. N. H. & H. Armour & Ce.4Ha. MH r. lW"a U Atahleea a. . & W. let e. 4s MH do ct Is 111,... . do cr. 4..,., J04H 4 CT. la, ......... MH'No. VaaKle a..,.. MH A. C U 1st 4t IIU do I . .. ,. (IH Bel, Jfc Ohio 4s. ... II O. s. t. rtdc. 4... DM da la ......... TP"- ot. eta nil.. iTH Brook. Tr. ct. la... MH It cm, 4a. .. foaj Cen. ot Oa,,M... MH'Ridl (, 4,.,M1i C!eo. LlalheV a,., MUrJ, I ft S, F. tf la 71 Chea. ft Ohio 4H. cu, la 1t So cost. 4m. .. HRt U B. W, e. s. Tl Chlcate A A. IVt. f. A 1 ad). Is,... 71 d. B. ft Q. 1. "i. .. t do see. 4s......... tH do ct. It. ...... Ri( OUIIN 4"-.lMHB4o lt ref, 4s IH C. R, I. V, . . ITUBo. Rallnar la, .. 10 C rff. 4a tt'4 de r, 4 , IIU r a r a U lvirton ratitio 4a... n D, ft U. t. 4a.... 17 4 ar. 4 tl I). A It. O. ref. la. TlH d let ft ref. 4a, 1H Dlitlllcra' I J4 J. 8. Ruhbtr a.. iot icrle P- I. 4 "'tft. ft. Bteel 3d la,. f do gea. 4i 71 V.-C. Chem. la....,K 44 tt 4a. tr. B CtHWabaah lit ft ex. 4s Mil HI, Can, !t f. 4a tl Waetern Md, 4a Till Inter. Mt. 4V4,.... TV4w.t n. er. I. Mta Inter. M. M. 4H Wit. Central 4... Jaoan 4te . HH nil. Ottted. IJoaton Stock Market, BOSTON. May U Cloalnir'nuotaOoni on mining; stooks went as follows; Aliases ,J. , UHMoftawt it Areal. Copter tH Narad Co. . u ArUeaa. Cam IttN'erti Dntt 23 a ft O. a ft S. U. lUtSbrU Lake ..,,.. 1 OaU ft Arlwn 144 Old DwstBlea ...... uu Cat. ft met. M Ooetla tl Ovteaalal UKQurnor ..,...,.,, Ooper ftaoaT C O. 4HB&anaoa ............ fu Ca( Pnue C. M... liUflsperler Jt'I rakll - IHsaperler ft B. VI... t Olronx On. I Tamarack '. tl Oraakr Can. ....... IKO. B, & R. ft it.., ti (Inane Canaaaa .... H 4 pfd agu Isle Rorale ..Cofper. 22 Utah Ceo. tu Kerr Lake SHl'uh Copper Oe.... IT Lake Cotter - ll'l Winona . lu L ItO Oetr...,. JHTOlTrrtaa u MUml Oppc . -.-..tVi Ttvauntry Statement, VASHINOTOK, May 11 Tils oaadtUoia N Yorle SttnlnK Stocks, NEW TORK. May lA-Closinsr quota' tlons on mtnlnar stocks were. Oil. Tunnel stock... Little Chief ,. t do ljand II Mexican ;..,,, , 70 Con. Cel. Va ltOntartd .100 IreB-ailTaf iV,,,.)iipphlr. ft.,. ,,. 14 LtadTllla Con iTellow" jacket , tl Oflared. t London Stock Market. LOND'ON, "ilay 10. American seourltles opened, quiet and steady, today. The list advanced. from Ulfl point under the lead or Canadian metric aurina tno ias; nour. OMAHA QBltKRAl, JKATtrCBT, BUTTER No. l.rih. carton. 80c; No. 'iJO-lb, tubs, SOJio: No. 2, 800. CHttESE-imported Bwlis.S2c: Amer. can Swiss. 2ci block Bwlss, Mo; twins, W.ic; daisies, lloi triplets, llo Touns America, lc; blue iabel biiok. ISo, ,un bureer,. Mb., ttci, t-lb 23o New York white, ioc DEBIT CUTS-IUbs, No, 1, lWoi No, 2, lTUnl No. 3. Loins, No. i, ilo; No. t, 18fc; No. I, 17WO. Chuoks, No. 1, ll'AOj No, 2. lOUo; No. J, lOVic. Rounds. No. 1. i&io; No. a, 'VW; No. J. 13o. Plate, No. I. oc: No 1 8He: Ntv 3. t'A.c FIBII-Whlte. frown. 12m Tcut. frotnti, 11a: larce crapples. frozen. 10c: Spanish muckerol, 14o; eel, l&ui haddocit, lie; linunqer. '.o; nno rue, tier pa.r, ai., salmon, 8c; halibut, 10c; buffalo, do;, bull heads. 13o. l'OULTRY-Brollers, GOo a lb.; hens, 17c; cocks. 12c: ducks, 20a to 25c; ceese, 18c; turkeys, iJc, pigeons, pr doa,, 11.20; rooster's, ,!c: ducks, (ull featherod, 16o; ?:eese. full feathcrr-d, 13c; squabs, No, ,1, I.W: No. 2. Mo. The fojlowlnc fruit ana vegetable prices are leported by the QUInsky Fruit com pany: .-, PnUlTa-Strawbcrrlfat 'Arkansas, qts., per case, $2.60: Tennelsee Klondike, ots., per cone, JS.'S. PBe4pclcsrt,Florlda, 18, 24, SO. 86 or 42 size, per cratej.13.00. Extra fancy Calif ornls, navwlf Nlnety-ilx, 4.W; 126, 4.60; 150, 170', 200 arid 21S ijzefl, (8.00; 250, J4.60; 288 and 82, HW7 Valeildas: Ono hundred and twenty-l per dp. 18.60; 160. 176. 200. 218, per uox, 1100. -Applen; Utah Winetap. per hoi, 8U5f JJtahOanos and Ben Davis, per box. ILW; -oattra aney Oano, circle ,brand,jjer bbh, 84.00J; extra fancy Ben Davis, vi bb)., i3.6Q extra fancy Wlneeap, jper", bbl., H.W extra fancy Mlssourt- Pippeh. per bbl., Mtfl; Oanos. smalt, per bbl. ,i 12.23. arapefrutti Florida, .Indian River, fit and 80 sizes, 5J?j64, slse,, 4,60; 46 size, i00j 86 size, tt.Tf. i demons. Extra fancy Southland lleauilefl, 301 and 3e0a, per box., J7.M; eti1, choice Justrlte, per box, 17.00; ex cellent brand, 300 size, per box, 17.26; extra fancy Messina. 300 or 830 size, $0.60; tun side brand. 309 lze, per box, 80.75; extra, choice Messina. 200 or 360 size. 80.00. VEGETABLES Minneapolis Red River Valley Ohio potatoes Colorado Rural potatoes, per bu.. 66o; Red 'illver early Ohio, per bu., ttOc. Onions: Larse Red Globe, per sacjc, 11.00; California Crystal Wax. ner crate, I'.uO: Texas Barnada. nor crate, 81.OO01.3. Plants; Tomatoes plants, per 100, C5c, cabbage plants, per 100, fiSo; pepper plant's, per 100,- 7Sa; cauliflower plants, per J00. 76c; esKPlant plants, per 100. 11.00. Tomatoes: lfanoy Florida, ner tt-basket crate. (4,00; ehptca . 6-basket, Crate. IS.50. ailHOELiJ,NEOUB-RciiLnew. potatoes. per hamner. 83.16: California Jumbo celery, per doz 82.00; cider Mqtt's, par Heir, 13.60; cider Nenawxa, per ttec, K.Jj; aspararus, per dor., Ko; rhubarb, per doz... SOa: onions, per doz.. 20o; new boets. carrot. j.umip8, por doz., 60o; naraley, per doz., 40a; radfeb, per do's., 40o; head lettuce, per aoz ti.w; nomesrown leat lettuce, Per doz.. 40o: nreen peDOers. Der baskat. 60c: wax or green beans, per hamper, 14.00; liot house cuoumbera, per doz., ilOOQ) 2.00: cauliflower, per crate, 88.60; Venetian Cariie, per lb., Uo; Texas new oabbace, per lb., 2o ! eirgplant, per doz., 81.6002 00; horseradish, S doz bottles In case, per case, 81,00; dromedary brand dates, Pks., 33.00; anchor brand dates, pkK., (2.25; walnuts No. 1 soft shell, per lb,, 30c, k.i.uiuit, lievHiia, put OT3u, IJCVauo Jumbo, per lb.. )6o; jtlant peoans, "Louisi ana paper shell, per lb 20c; fllbsrts, per lb , 16c; Drake almonds, per lb., ISc; paper snen, isc; tirazus, per id, joo; large washed, per lb., 12c; black walnuts, per lb.. 2Wa: raw No. 1 Deanuts. ner lh.. tC'.n: jumbo peanuts, per lb., 8c; roast peanuts, per lb., 3Ko; shell barlr hickory nuts, per lb., 4o ; lire hickory nuts., per lb., !c; white rioe popcorn, pnr lb., 8o; oheakera, per 190 pkr. oaae, JtM; eheokers, per (0 pxs. e LT; laue nerry boxes, qts., pe 1.4KM. 8175. BBI!P fUTrJ-No. 1 rlba, nyioS No. 3 ribs, 17a; No. 3 ribs. 15,io; No. 1 chucks. lie; no. cnucKS. leo; io. i chucks, lUc: No. 1 loins, 30c; No. 3 loins. l',jo: No. 3 loins. Uo: No, 1 rounds. 14c; Ne. 3 rounds, 135ic; Nx 3 rounds, lJUo; No, 1 plates, tjc; No. 3 plates, SHa; No. 3 plates, 3c. KTaporevted Apjileai and Dried Prults NEW YORK. May 11 EVAPORA'rem APPLES-Qulet- DRXED lTRUlTS Prunes were more active:; CsUIfomias. fUHUc. AprlooUanrl of tft Vritf SUtttraMurjr t the b- poaujhes, firm. ItSrina, steady. iuair o.. 8 25H J.. 8 214 7 44 May 7.. I 8 unl ? iq May S..1 s ia' 7'r,A May 9..( R wn 7 fj) May lOi 8 34ri( 7 66 .i.jr ,1.1 ' I ( 4D, May IX 8 II 4 May 13,1 8 16U 7 44) in" lf,i a lil T OS May 16, 8 22U 7 .-nay w. rg 24'i, 7 64 6 63 fc CI 6 661 870! 6 77 & 7 6 82 6 K C 96 S06l D 031 1 04 6 l 9 19 7 001 5 as 9 171 6 941 5 81 9 18 9 18 9 20! 9 2SJ 9 23 83 5 34 G 87i o at e w. 697 7 01 E 97 9 30) 7 04) 6 3i 6 41 6 41 DM1 7 081 fi 24 7 111 6 23 ISZ4 6 a e -1 till 6 19 6 S3 0 38 C 33 8 3? 0 34 ti 17 1 8 6 13 5 Sunday1. Uccelptn and disposition ot llvo stock at the Union Stock yards, Bouth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPT8 CARS. " f nttli. lr.-,fra. 44hei,n. tt'r'. .wnoasn ity. ..,,,. Mo. Pacific Ity. .,, Union Pacific Ry. C H.- V east... O, A N. W west... C. SL P. M..& O.. C. 11. & Q., cast..,. 3 C. ll. & Q west.i. ' 1 C. It. I. & P., cast,. 4 C. R. I. .1 P.. west. 19 Illinois Central Ity. ,.' c. a w. ity 4 . Totol receipts., 67, . 0ISP.031TION-IIEAD.t value, ttogs. onecii. 3 .. 3 7 43 1 , -1.4 :: ' 16 ' 1 6 3 "I :: Morris & Co. Swift & Co i ,,, Cudahy Packing Co,... Armour & Co. , ,., cudahy from IC. C Bouth Omaha P, Co.'..., l.lnpnln Itomklnir C?t 11111 &. H6n ....w...,....', J. B, Root & Co....!:..,. L. F. HUsz w Cllne & Christie Other buyers 1C0 319' 109 Vft 6 3 39 13 - 63 6 86. 0(8 1.688 3,243 4,183 1,100 830 28S 263 210 848 Total v . 0(8 9,618 .l;7lia CATTLD-dattle ' receipts were small this mornlmr. only-62 cars Cbelns; reported In. Of that number 19 cars, were, con signed through and not offered for sale. For the week receipts foot up 11,(30 head, being- almost 8,000 head short of tho cor responding period last week, but ettllt slightly larser than . for the correspond ing" week of last year. There were only 'tt few beef utters on tho market this morning, but etlll .thero was a great, plenty considering tho con dition ot the trade. Buy'trs did not ap pear to have very urgent orders nnd tho market as a. whole was alow, but prices were about steady. Oood yearlings and good heavy cattle both sold up to 88.20. i There was no material change In prices for cows and heifers, prices remaining practically the same aa yesterday. uiock catti, ana teeaera wero,,in very light supply and the .market unchanged. For tha week killing cattle are around 103 16o higher, handy light cattle nnd yearlings ot good quality showing the most advance, with heavy, oattle and common light cattle showing very llttlb Improvement, tftoou cattle and feeders havo been very slow all week and Prices are a little lower than they were a week ago. Quotations' on Cattle: Good to choice beef steera. 18.OfriJS.75; fair to good .boef sieore, commpn ,to lair beef steers, J7.30(7.76i good n cliotcv helfors, 37.O0W.78 f good to' choice cows. 80,7607,26; fair to good grades, 83.T6i30.Ovi t good to choice, stockers and feeders, tl WTI.Oo: fair to good Hookers and feedkfe, 87.069', T.tvo; common to'ftttr 'stockers; and feeders,' lo.26ti7,oo stock torvs and heirers, I5.C04J 7.36; veal calves, .S7.0OQil.09; bulls, stag, flu., aa. idw'x. iteproseniaiive saiea: unmir tjxiitiiu. I4i... 14.... I.... tt,... it. . 7.. It.... II. . 24.... tt.. . II. .. .:!: it.. . i ti. 1. . ., jr.. w . to 41. M 7 TO. 14 T . It. ., tt .., 71 tl. . ... tl. . e.... it... 71.,. .... ti. . It. . II... 71 te.t a. 110 ..nt ..m ! ..S41 "XI ..III ..IN 111 to 1M 40 I M I N s to t M t 10 ... t w ... 1 to to 1 20 to I J ..IN ... n ii. 1 to MO, I 10 . HO 110 I 30 no 1 so . .31 no 1 24) nt o t to ... t to ,. I to 140 M . t M III I V ... t to IK 0 10 t UH m nit no t im 40 t H lat) t-JIH. 11 4 Hi w i:m u;.m 1 h 2:0 SW I tilt M7 I 40 I It 4 40 I ItVt 110 t M4 I II tt .117 , II lit III it! Ill ro 171 m no III let .o ...140 14.. H 71. 71. 71 tt 4 M 71.. 71 14.. TO. ...lit lie ill to -. 144 . IT4 .. lit I 34 I H I K I H I W I It I I It tit 10 I M HI H I tt 33 Ml 71 114 1 Ill Ml . 2TI ..l .271 ..140 .341 111 ..MI . ItO . Ill 114 . m 2M ..t . !4I Ul III . I 11 t 13 . 21 .' 31 t II t :t t li 1 1 it I lis 1 ts t X 1 a 10 i to 10 110 in i it MO 110 I U III 10 I M IM 10 I If toi 110 t ts MI ... IH 31t W I It III 210 t 11 TlM:,.'.I7!t 10 tt 71.. M.. HI" t M ti..t4iTa ... lit. II. 7 I.. It.. . 41... 14. , II tl. . 14. .. to.. ! M. .. 71. . It... (J... to.,,. II . 10. .. I.... 37.. 17 ... .. IT. . . . tl.... ior... tt . Tl. . tt ... 71 Tl,. , M.... Tt. .. II... tl . .71. ft. . 71.. TO. .. 71 tt. 0. '.. '17. ll . tt. . 7t. .. 70. n. . . . 71 I 87 .. 147 .171 . 311 ,..? .110 tt! . m v.ns ...111 Ml .. lit ...l . HI . 244 . .Ml ..Ml ..310 ...III. ...K ...317 ...III ...110 . .211 . lit ...IM ...111 . in . ne . m Mt ..! 117 111 I 30 1 a I M I H I H .'It .. SI M I M H 18 0 I 31 . I M to II- Kl IK - 39 .. I .. t III 10 17 li 40 t ni 10 t tT 1 nn 40 I7u . ts:i to t titt .. t ItH 40 I tin M t 271, to 1 t;n ft) 1 i?u 40 t to . t t.i .. t to . t to .. t J . t to ., I 90 M t M no 1 to to t to to 1 to to t to .. 1 10 . t M to DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Volume of Tramactiom in All Lead, ing Branched Very Large. ACTIVITY TRIFLE, ABATED 'rhiMiaOi llnnk Clrnrtnitii for Week I'nll Off, Unllrnnil lt;Vi" Enrn Intrn Cntitlnnp to I't Itnii1. - nt too, k lit M ItO .t . W K 1(1 t to t to I M t IVi ..TM. 10 t I'K ,n. ms Mil . .114 , w n ,iri . j t is 'V Av. .:::::::::::::: t Nt, At. l'r. 1 110 T IS 1 ,., 110 T 10 l, 1171 T 0 , 1WI T 0 ii., in 1 to it ...iw 7 u I. ...... 1. ...1110 7 u B ... ....... W0 T M it..', ."..ion Te Ill 'T.-tt ro.. No, 14.,., to.,., ,:::: I,.-., n. .Ill T II A. rr. til' 7 IS .....r.1101 7 tt 1107 1,1!. .'.....'.IUI 7 11 ',l T'tl it OH 1 et it..-. irrr t n ,..uio 1 m . i y ior in BT1S1IHB AND HK1FBR8. , I., ,...1007 Tit. It...,..,.,., lit ItO 7 hi 1 to u:. mi i 60 11;.'.. ....... 1011 -T It' tOu. 1. ..,. HT 110 v a. 1.'... ....... U0 I 40 1.,. ........ no 4 oo 1 ......neo 4 19 1 eo in 1 MO' I 00 1,,, 1020. 1 do ! 40 I 14 TOO' I 10 77S I 10 III. I 10 tio I 00 K0 I 21 110 ft ... HElFrane. I..,....... 410 I 10 I t :. M 1 10 I, .11,, 171 I'M . T ,,...1002 I ..1110 I...... ltll t I l... lll I 10 1 ...UN TOO i ma- t 00 .1.., .,1010. T 16 1... 1200 7 tt 1.... KM T3i 1, ...i.. ttrf...,., 1. .,,,. 4.. 1 V.::r 1,.. 1..,,, 1. 170 I IS' ... 47 I M filS 2'JS ... .11 I , ll tt., 1. til 1 It 100" Til" ,.r774 7 tt- ... i7 tii: 110 111 .V.,,,I40 III ...... 170 -lOrt ......1710 IM ......1110 tlO .1110' til 1 1IM 7.00 I..,......,, MM ,T Off ..11(0 7 00 toi IH T 10 I.. 2 ... 3.... I..., Its 7 10 . ito 10 00 . 140 10 oe . Jto 10 69 . H7 10 no , 10 10 00 1 ,1410 IIS CALVES, 1 110 100 1 1 110 too r...., t ito no i..., 1 , 140 1 to 4 1 105 I 71' 1.,.. 1 -8T0CKKRS ArtD FpBDBRB. t ill TSI "I 7 11 10 711 7 41 IV. 1 llOUo lOuay s iraue -waaj mijuvbi a repetition of -. Wednesday's, and Thurs day's, a good strong market, probably the most aotiVa of tho week, There, was a fair shipper and speculator demand, but It was on tba killers' purohaeed that the full strength was shown The market opened no better than steady, but the In quiry for all kinds of stufr was too lively to keep values from making a small ad vance, and buyers wero forced to pay a little better money to fill their orders. Some Idea of the activity of the trade can ba ealned from the fact that nearly everyttng bad been sold by 9 o'clock. The bulk of tne nogs sow ai 8.jjwi.. tne majority landing at 38.36. and good lights brought a top ot 38.33. The market was rather uneven, soma bogs sold early be ne no better man steady; wnue others that were cashed at the best time looked to be nearly tc higher. Todays arrivals amouniea to about lis cars, or 11,100 bead, the heaviest for a rlday since tbe second week In March. For the five days the total Is 61,843, bctng nearly e,w head larger than last week and about 1,000. head heavier than fdr the same period a year ago. Quotations on sneao aud Limbs? CinnA to choloe Mexjcan lambs, eS.U41g.30t fair to gooa Aiaxicaa lamos, tn-outrs u: good to. choice wastexn Umbo. VXUta.oat fair to good western Iambs, t7.60&7.TS; shorn lambs. BOOd to cnoico. 17.0047.40: vear. llnrs. llKbt. 87.0087.23; yearlings, heavv. 110337.00: wethers, good to rlioloe li.COJr .B; wetners. lair to gooI, IO.2B4J4.60: ewes, gyoa to cnoice.; ewes, ralr to good, W.73tfiM; culls and bucks, fctootf 4.23. Representative saiea; We. At. I, rr Ke, at. sn. r. 4t.... .vit 4t 8 O0 tt. .. -IU ... a at ti m see s 09 ji...... tot lie t JS II 21 lie) I 20 Ill 41 IU I zs u ro eg... . nt I ii . ... l II 8 30 U. JS1 uo in U 103 ... IH II.. . ..Ul 10! I M 9HICKP Thmteh lh rnoeOitar CVr lht llBhtett Tor a Friday since Mi- third week In Jntltiary, Milppcts ai ilhr'Keem to want what offering wero on sale nt pre vailing prices, it was some, lljtlo time. .,.-. u,u mr iiminci ui'rneu, nun n'iien uifl bulk of tho supply did move salm In dicated a vcnk nnir" lower ten'dehcy to thnitrade. Prices were quotably, wrak, to a, illmV.lnwer with Vi complflo clearance not until late In tho toreno'oti. Amonrt the transactions were a bunch of Mex ican lambs selling at 8S.18, as against 38.23 for a ktralftht cut of tho same lambs yesterday. Included In the scant supply ot muttons was a load or clipped year, lines that went to tho scales at 85.60.. AnLwrl receipts root up something Ilk 17,700. being slightly less than' last week, , but considerably short of two weeks ago and a year ago. .Notwith standing thn modem! MUrmUrta' n ti, am, 'daya ot tho week, trade has shown no improvement, mere, being apparently n i-oniinunnco 01 wcok reeling prevailing In nm uauo nt insi. wock'b close. The lower tendenoy to today's market wakes cur rent values for lambs 103150 lower than a week djto. the ton nrlcu for rnnd mu can wooled Mafnbs nt this week's closo being 33.16, as compared with 88.35 last Friday.. AVhlln verv fewr miiltnh. rt n lM,4 have been' In evltlencn, what have heen 'nf, ..I. Inril.nta. h . . .. 1 1 , , v.,, iiiuiwiiH-a ,l u,mu uruunc, anil jtaokers hold few demando for anything in tna nra sneop. line oven nt prcssnt prices. There Is a weak undertone to mc eenrai irnae in ootn sneep ana iambs, No.1 Au rH. 248 Mexican lambs si red ewns , it eprlng lamb en 93 M x cait lambs 7ft 230 Mexican 'lambs ,,,, TS Kansna City I.lvn fljofk Mnrket. IvANRAS CITY. Mv Is Kvrt .V Receipts, 700 head; market steady 1 na IJSI'SJ"' Tk25ffS.8; southern steers, 18,ff7."6t southern cowa and heifers, 84.6pi8'7.60; native cows nnrt heifers, 3I.7BT? 8.3:1; stockers and feeders, $6. 60118.15; bulls, Io.70OT.60: caWes, O.6O(10,00; west ern steers, (8.768,35; western cows, 31.50 5f7.35. itouHr-Recoipts, 6.000 head: mnrket steady to strong; bulk, t8.3oal.45: heavy. 3S,23tl8.86 packers nnd hutchers, 38.303) 8.461 light, 3S.3njfg.: pigs. tJ.7id7.60, - HHE5rll AND JiAMnS-Recelpts. 8,000 head: market tjteady: muttons, 31.00(78,60; Colorado lambs, 87.00O8.35; range weth ers "and yearlings, 84.40i37.:Sj range ewes, H.003,a6: Metal Mnrkot. NKW TORK, Jtny 18-MI.TAL3-Flrmj ntandartl spot .and May, 1S69, offered; June. 115.40, offered: Julv and August. 318.J7, Offered; eleotrolvtln, SI5.87irt'14.00 lake, 118.00: easting. 316.037 Tin, firm, spot and June, 348.484M900; July, 147.62t 48.05., Lead, steady at 34,30. b(dt Bpeltw, quiet at I6.40fjC.4r, Antimony, dull: Cook son!, 'r3.7cj7t1.00. Iron, aulct nnd urt chanced. . exports of topper thl month, ?l(pg tons: ' London Copper firm: snot. 60 Pa: future?, 09 Is 3d. London tin flrmt spot, 334; futures, 218. London' lead, 18 10s. London spelter, 24 17s td. London Iron, Cleveland warrants, 70s, BT. LOUIS, May 1(1. METALSLead, weak; 84.r0. Spelter; WeakV 35.80O3.85, Clilontco lilve Slork Sfnrkatt CHICAGO, May 16.-CATTL10-Redelpts, 1,600 head, .Market woak: beeves, 37.00R' .oo;.. Texas steers, v.ibwi.n; western Pr. 8 16 $00,. i 00 '8 00 steer's, J7.OOpfi.16; stockers and feeders, f e red. NEW YORK. May 10.-Uun's review lo morrow will say: There Is still somo abatement of activ ity dun ehleflv to antlolpated mrif! phnnares, but the volume of transactions In all the lending branch1 ot trade n;vi ministry Is very large. Conservatism U naturally more pronounced lu the In.lui trial and flnanciol east, while In the .mi cultural west olid hoiiUi there ts a market feeling of confidence IxineJ on the splen did crop conditions and tho enormous t x port trnde. much of which means lingi. return to producers of those sectionr , Tho decreaeo In bank exchanges thie week of IS per cnt as compared wit, the corresponding week u year ago was Chiefly duo to rennwifl xtiomitntivr tm.... actions at New YofK. It In noticeably that in i-omrasi to tne railing ofr in nank clearings, railroad gross earnings m- Unliff to expai1, the" gain In tn. fin. week ot May belntr T.l tr emit th opening of lake navigation Is helpful to uiiKuirKH m 1110 nprinwest in most .sec tions active bulldini: operations aro ix ported. although In some place these utu checked by labor troubles. The Iron nnd steel mills aro busily en gaged on selling orders, but . there has been a net decline in bilslhoitjl Tho a oetslon In. iron and" steel s Well aa In the textile trades is remarkably small lu view of tho conservatism Inspired by the landing'. larlff chnileies. ThetV. Is In Clfiisodrirteiullnena.ln cotton o'oda. In leather and '4speulalljr ,ln ' belting lenther, md,r activity ii.noWl. t,'oper cpnditlons are satisfactory, "The recent aJLPL,',v", h" '"inroyed the already bright'trop prospects. Agricultural exports In April, bioke nil previous records for tho month and during tho latest week tho total exports from the port ot New York were 3IK.60A623. nearly equalling tho I111 porfs arid Jl.W4.W2 greater than l?t year. ' CommerclaJ failure tlts 'week In lha United' tftates aru too. against SOB the eor retpotldlng week last year. Tallurys lu Canada number forty-rive. IIIIAUSTUKIST'S Til All I; IlBVliBW Trnde Current Iiidlcatri Ilelntlvely Sntlsfnotory Condition. NEW. YORK, May 16.-nradatroet'B to morrow will soyi Trade current's indicate tho existence of relatively satisfactory conditions, al though the conditions are 'Interspersed with evidence, ot more or less irregularity on tho flnul distribution. Conservatism is being praoticed as to future trade pending prospective tariff changes and it is probable that tho volumo of business In the northwest, a section that has here tofore bt'en especially active, has tapored off a little, but slackness in una or an other zona has been counterbalanced by movements In other places. Retail trade this week has been re striated by cool weather and busluees In Iron and stoel tends to booome lighter. Crop conditions aro mainly favorable In some places, tho west for example, Wholesale trade Is hotter than nntlcl. fated and the way buyers representing ntertor retail dealers take hold of sup plies indicates that stocks -must be low. In Hhort there is little room tor cavil as regards spot business nnd as the sea son advances thero is mora disposition to figure (in future requirements, Wheat, Including fioutv exports from the United States and Canada for th week ending May, 16, are the lalgest nlneo October, 1903, aggregating 7,011,470 bush els, against 4,027,613 bushels this week last yean qottoii Market. NEW YORK, May 16,-COTTON-Bpot closed quiet; middling uplands, 12c; mid dling gulf, 12.350. Bales, 1.C00 bales. Cotton futures olosed steady. Closing bids: May. 11.46c: June, 11.53c; July, U.68e; August, 11.87c; September. 11.03c; October, lO.STo; December, lO.Wic, January. 10.640; Maroh, 11.02c. LIVERPOOL. May 16. The cotton ex change will bo olosed today and to morrow, Whitsuntide holidays. School Children to Make Vaoant Places Far More Beautiful Announcements will bo made at the various Sunday schools and parochial schools next Sunday of the beginning or the competltlvo rarden contest Instituted by tho Omaha Clvio league. Vaoant lots will be assigned to the schools on- Appli cation to the league and tho children will beautify them with gardens,, working for ode of the big prises the league has ot- 3518607.90: cows and heifers, J3.8C98.00; calves, - 8S.260o.oj. l,IOa3-necelpts, 18,000 head. Market steady to n shade higher: bulk of sales. js.coai.00; light, J3.403S.e2tt; mixed, n.wp 24i heavy, JlOOa8.67Mi; rough, jS.OOiJ K.iH); pigs, eo.owa8.oo, E P AND LAMBS Recclnts. 8030 hrdd. Market steady; native. fill.8O1fJ6.ftO; western. 36.0007.00: year llnrs. K5.40rfl7.tO. -Lambs; Native, K.60gJ.70; western, f8.C5 8, IV, 1 " Wool Hnrlrert. ' nOSTON. May l,--VDOL-The Com mercial, nultetin will say of the wool mnrket tomorrow: "There .probably hat been a less volume of business this week III the Boston wool market, but prloes have dropped no lower nd. (f anythlnir. the undertone of the mnrket Is slightly mora cheerful, considering the uncer tainty manufacturers -face on account of the, tariff. In tho west the purchase of the new 'clip hs. moved very moderato))1 and practically on the same basis noted last week. At thn mills little new ap pears .to have developed, epme mills run ning under fair seheduje and others un der a poor one," St. Lrtula) Lire Stouk Mnrket. BT. LOUI8. May W.-CATTia-.R4l. celpts. 000 head; market steady; native beef steers, J6.7CO9.00; cows, and heifers, 84.60fM.7t; stockers and feeder, 35.254; 8.00; Texas and Indian steers, tt.tZtiM; crtwi. and heifers. J4.OOdr7.00: calves. 33.66 0.80. , HtXJN ueceipte. 7,wo neaa; mar K el steady; pigs and tights, J7.COff8.66i mixed and butchers.; rood heavy. J8.45 Of.fir,. Hiiiui- ajnij iJAaiur iivceipis, IIUU Jiead: market steady; native muttone, JS.0Ot76.75; lambs, 17.0aJ.25. fit. Joseph Live Stock Mnrkrt, 'BT- JOSEPH. May 18. CATTLE Re ceipt. 100 head; market steady; steers, il.fam.Wi oows and heifers, 84.OOQ8.10; calves. J8.E039.&. IKXJB Receipts, . nean; market steady to strong; top, IS. 45; bulk, 88.300 8.10. . . BIIEISP AND LAMHS-Iteoeipts, 6,W head; market dull; lambs. J7.J&t.2S. Coffro Mnrket. .NEW YORK. May lC-CQFIfEB-Ku- iip ntiened nnsteadr at unchnnred prioes to a decline of 8 polntri Under scat ternd selling Offerings were well enough taken to check tun decline, nowevar. and the close was steaav. bales, 27,000 bags, May, ll-20ci July, lt.36c; September, 11.43o; December,, 11.44o; January, 11.45o; March, JL480. Spot ooffee quiet. Rio No, 7, 1lKo; fiantos No. 4, l3Utn3Kc; mild ooffee, dull; Cordova, 14H17o nominal. ' Dry Ooods Mnrket. MEW TOIIC, May 18.-DRT OOOI1H Tha cotton goods markets are steady, with the demand fair, Silk and wool mills are oilrt&illng their output, tho former on account of difficulties arising from striken tn dyeing establishment) and the' latter on uncertainties. Wool markets are dull, i Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. May l.-OILCottonseed. eaayt prim yellow, summer, 8.SO0fl.&.o; May. .83o-, July. .9Go; September, 7.06c TURPENTINE ifaey; machine barpett, ttVic. Key w tne rmuMtas nt XovertlalBB. More than twenty-five vacant lots .have been . ctlffh0d to children and gardens have been etarted. They will bo pro tected and designated by metallic signs, "Clvio League Garden." Photographs will bq tdtjen of the lote before the Improve ment and a gain afterwards and tie prizes allotted to theme ' ot gmateilt change from unsightly to beautiful, At ft meeting ot the competitive gardt'i committee of tho Clvio league at the University club Thureduy noon $25 wns received from the Omaha Society of Flno Arts td be added ta to the priso fund. Her b.ert Rogers atid Clement Chase, were added to the garden committee. George T. Morton, president of the league, and Thomas tl. Kimball, tho architect, made a report on their ru tendancd at tha National Clvio league meeting In Chicago recently. They sold Omaha has much ffreater advantages, for such work thanother cities' because of the greater number of open places to b Improved, HEAVY LUMBER TRUCK RUNS OVER SALESMAN Glen Mortensen (0 East Washington stieet, Council Bluffs, waa seriously in jured when he attempted to Jump-on a truck belonging to the Chloago- Lumber company. He Is employed by the com pany as a salesman and when the v lilole passed htm at Fourteenth land Jones streets he tried to mount it. but missed his step and fell underneath one of the wheels. It passed over the trunk of his body and he waa rendafod uncon-clous,- Tho police patrol responded to a sum mons and Dr. Folw "administered medical attention, taking tho patient to St. Joseph's hospital. On the way there the police ambulance broke down and one from the hospital carried the Injured man the rest or the distance. He ta In a pre carious condition. OBJECTS TO WATER METER BEFORE CONTRACT EXPIRES Oty Rulldlng Inspector Brown ts pro testing against the attitude of the Water board In Installing meters. Brown live at 2019 Emmet street in a house owned by Judge Macomber. A water hoard employe called on Mrs. Brown yesterday and told her they were going to put In a meter. As she had but recently paid A flat rate up to July- L she protested. "Wa'll put that meter In or your water will be ahut off within twenty-four hours," said the employe and took hta leave.