Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    May Clearance Sale
Basement Special
500 Untrimmed Shapes
Shapes Worth
Up to $1. 75
QIipes Worth '
Up to $2.50
Up to
Early Evening Storm Frightens
Many Resident of Omaha.
Automobile Feature of Pile of Storm Debris
(Jnlr Urrr flonlli Vnrt of City, rtlth
Much Tim I n anil Severe Elrctrlc
Disturbance Cnnt Orrat
Remnant Sale of Fine Wash Goods
Wash goods remnants of every kind, accu
mulated from our own stock of choice wash'
goods are on. sale Friday at' exceptionally low
98c, $L699 $L98, and $2.50
HOUSE DRESESS in plain colors and neat
figures, all new stylts, many suitable for street
wear, at the above special prices,
New lace curtains,
white ivory and ecru.
complete assortment of
styles and patterns at
special prices. Friday,
98c, $1.50 and $1.98.
Extra values in bun
galow nets, in new de
signs, 45 and 50-inch
widtns, ouc and puc a
Printed Scrims, all
colors, values to 20c,
Friday, only 12 l-2c
a yard.
12 l-2c and 15c
curtain Swisses, 36-in.
wide, Friday only 10c
a yard.
10c curtain Rods,
5c eacli. Basement.
t ... . i
James Ealaton Tells of Methods of
Gang on Coast.
Chinamen Tltli Jlnnr-Pockctcd
Jaoketa Filled vrlth Small
Tins Allowed to, Leare ' i
SEATTLE, Waih., Slay 16. James A.
lUltton, a 70-year-old man arrested In
Portland on opium smuggling charges,
testified at his trial today to wholesale
trafflo In opium In tho Paclflo northwest,
with several customs officials cognisant
at the business. ' - .
Ralston admitted his own guilt, but de
clared Charlie Louie, a Chinese, Joint de
fendant on the charge of conspiracy to
smuggle opium, to be Innocent
nalston asserted that all the manipula
tions of the opium ring had been coil
ducted by Henry Wellman, a mysterious
peron,whose address was 60S New York
block, Wellman, tie said,, had' been ro
sponsible for the fixing of the customs
All Sold at "Wholesale,
"It was our custom," Ralston said, "to
carry samples of small lots of opium,
taken from big consignments. These
samples would bo considered by the cus
tomer Just like other merchandise sam
ples, and If they were up to grade ordeis
for large shipments would follow. We
never retailed the drug."
Ralston said the opium all came from
China and that Wellman had. told him
customs Inspectors would pass It off the
When it arrived In Seattle It would be
secreted In various places, he said,
"sometimes In my room. I had In rny
room a number of opium Jackets with
pockets running around the sides. When
ever a big consignment of opium came
In, a bunch of Chinese would, call nnd
get tthe Jackets. With them they brought
the opium ashore."
Cbarlle Louie Head of tinnir.
United Etatts Attorney Sullivan In. his
address to the Jury declared that tho
mysterious Wellman was no other than
Charlie Ixmle himself."
The address given as the headquarters
of an alleged mythical Wellman Is an
office formerly occupied by Bamuel 1)
Hausroan, aged 70 years, who was ar
rested In Honolulu February 8, with a
large quantity of opium and who at
tempted to commit suicide after his ar
rest. Hausman Is the father-in-law of
George F Vandevter, formerly prose
cuting attorney of King county and
counitl for the defendants in the present
Mollenry of Oes Moines, state vice presi
dent, responded. A reception and musical
followed. The work of the convention
proper began today.
Mrs. W. 1. Ilabb of Aurora, III., und
Mrs. Frances Rhodes Elliott of Chicago,
both .of whom are among tha original
founders of tho society, are present nt
the convention. These latter were two of
seven young women who originated the
Idea of the organisation during their last
year of School In Wesleynn college at
Mount Pleasant In the year 1870, Mrs.
Uabb was the originator of tho code of
rules which still forms the basis for the
society's government and she also for
mulated the oath which Is still used at
thV Initiation of members.
The seven young women forming tho
organisation were Harriet Brlggs, Alice
Bird; Franc Rhodes, Mary Allen, Alice
Coffin, Ella Btewart and Luelln. Parsons.
They were seniors in the Wesleyan col
lego at that time and wero the original
chapter "A." ' ,
Other chapters soon followed. Allco
Dtrd, now Mrs. Dabb, was the first presi
dent of the society. The organisation has
an official paper called the P. B. O.
Record, published at Osceola by Miss
Mary Osmond.
Railroad Tracks Near
Logan Washed Out
I.OOAN, Ia May 18 (Special Tele
gram.) As a result of the heavy rain
fall yesterday Doyer river la the highest.
It has been since 1S9S. Tim Mllwnukrti
and Illinois Central trains are running
oyer the Northwestern this morning.
Two bridges and three miles of Illinois
Central track near Logan are reported
out of commtsHlon. Farm property,
bridges and telephone lines are damaged.
BURUNOTON, la., May 15.-Bpeclal.)
-The twenty-second annual convention
of the Iowa P. E. O- society convened
at Burlington yesterday afternoon for a
thrt days' session with over S00 delegates
present Mrs, Mary A. Frantz. president
of tho Burlington chapter, gavs the ad
dress of welcome, to which Mrs. "Walter
(Continued from Page One.)
the Denlcla short line and a share In
the use of the Industrial tracks thereon, j
In devising the new plan, however. It
la suted the Union Paclflo outs down Its
offer for thn Central Paclflo by ap
proximately I1S.000.WO. Us original offer
was tioa,ooo,ooo.
MnlleynoIUs Considers Case,
WA8HINOTON, May 16. Attomer
eneral MoReynolds has reached a ti'-
tatlve decision that the Central Pacific
should be divorced from tha Southern Pa
clflo In the dissolution of the Union Pa
cific-Southern Pacito merger. Hs con
clusion, however, is not final and today
tho attorney general began the examina
tion of a memorandum filed by tho
Southern Paclflo to show that It is not
necessary for the Southern Pacific tn
give up the Central Paclflo.
Former Attorney Oeneral Wickeriham
Insisted that the Southern Paclflo dis
pose of the Central Paclflo under threat
of a suit under the Sbsrman law to ac
complish that result and Instructed for
mer Solicitor General Bullitt to prepare
The final attitude of Attorney General
McReynolds on the question probably
will b a determining feature in the plan
of dissolving the Union Pacific and
Southern Pacific.
Omaha nerves were badly wrenched
again Wednesday night about 6:34 o'clock
when a fierce electric storm, accompan
ied by a gate of wind, broke over the
city. The wind was gutty, the govern
ment gauge at the postofflce building at
no time recording a velocity of more
than ten miles an hour, white down along
the southern edge oi the city It attained
such furry as to cause many to think
that a repetition of the tornadlc disturb
ance of Easter Sunday was being
enacted. Unusually vivid lightning, with
accompanying crashes of thunder, and
the terrific downpour of rain gave a
spectacular effect to the storm that
might have been enjoyed by any whose
love for nature's grandeur nad not been
tempered by the racking experienoe of
the storm of Eanter.
From many sections of the southern
part of Omaha reports were had or
minor damage done by the wind, some of
the work being rather severe on the
property owners. Outbuildings and light
structures suffered most one' or two
houses were unroofed, and one house In
course of construction was blown' dowm
.I'VaUermt-n. Caught in IUrcr.
The Missouri river was a wjld' place'
when the wind was at Its height, and
several river men were caught on the
water in their skiffs. At police head
quarters, several reports came In to the
effect that a number of men were
drowned. Officers were sent out to
verify the reports, with the result that
each report was found false.
John Kohout, a fisherman, living at
First and Pierce streets, was missing
for a while and It was said he met death
In the river. Iate at night, he came
home, drenched to the akin. Ills boat
was upset by the waves, but he clung
to It until It finally lodged on a 'sandbar
on the Iowa side.
Fend Ttvlce a Victim.
John W, Fead, bond clerk In the, city
comptroller's office at the city hall ,ts
twice a victim of storms. Ills home and
chicken ranch at Forty-eighth and Cas
tellar was In the path of the destructive
tornado Easter Sunday and he lost nearly
everything ho possessed. He recovered
promptly, however, and the buildings
that he caused to rise from the ruins
were nearly completed when the high
wind of last evening struck. One barn
and saveral other outbuildings were re
duced to kindling. Over iKX) chickens
were In the barn and many of these were
killed and tho rest are now at large.
Other property In the vicinity of Forty
eighth and Castellar was damaged, the
extent of which could not be estimated
last night
Datnaacn Along Hickory Street.
The high wind seemed to veer east
when It came to Hickory street In
the west part of the city, Alt along
Hickory' street, tYees and' shrubbery 'are
laid flat and one house, not yet com
pleted, Vas-tttrowrrbverMon Its Bldai'and
timber' Mattered many yards. This house
was being1 built by Anton Krccek, and
was located near Twelfth and Hickory.
Tho home of Anton Vltoush, next door,
was slightly damaged by flying tlmebrs.
A summer kitchen in the rear of John
Coyle's home at 1723 South Tenth street
was torn partly off the building, while
Mrs. Coyle was ' standing at thedoor,
watching he sky. Tubs and pans that
were on the porch were scattered all
over the nlghborhood. Mr. Coyle is cap
tain of Fife Company No. 2.
When the high wind uprooted a giant
treo In front of the home of Owen Slavln,
1TC0 South Tenth street, his daughter,
Katherine, became hysterical. She was
In the Easter tornado, and was badly
Injured then. She was visiting at the
Mahonoys oh 'Harney street and was
111 for- nearly a month afterward. Her
home was Vnlnjured by the wind yesterday.
The A. Blumenthal grocery store next
door to the Slavln home, was slightly
damaged by the wind. Two big panes
of glass were shattered.
A big plate glass window in a vacant
store at 61 J South Sixteenth street was
blown In by the wind, and fragments of
glass grased several persons passing at
the time. '
At John Skola' home. SS0T Dupont
street, the porch was torn completely
off and these and outbuildings were
T. J. Evans, Forty-ninth and Castellar,
was unhitching his team, when the storm
broke. The team became frightened and
ran away. Several of the outbuildings
on the Evans homestead we're flattened.
No Serious Damage Done.
Terror Inspired by the recent Omaha
tornado struck South Omaha for a few
minuter laio yesterday evening, when a
terriflo windstorm swept over the city.
It was Just at the hour when many wero
returning from work or going put for
the evening. Dust, papers, chips, debris
of all kinds came whirling down, N
street near Twenty-fourth, In the south
ern section of the city a number of small
shacks wero blown down. A roof cover
ing the feed shads of Swift & Company
was carried off its supports and a num
ber of trees were torn up. No serious
damage was done or persons Injured.
A new house being erected by Ned
Steel at Thirty-eighth and Qold jtreets
was blown off Its foundations and fll
the windows shattered. Outhouses In
the neighborhood were blown down and
window glasses broken.
The wind was particularly severe on
the hill In the vicinity of Thlrty-second
avenue and Arbor streets, where large
trees were twisted and broken, though
- y O vj-ff .v -tVtgij ffi''?!i v. jA4HiMgr
mmw0mwB B9flsf JIBSbbsssbbsbssssssVI
little actuaU5dam8 io property resulted,
At the slbrattrj: .D." Crew's," ncarCh'lvtyX
second djfld Arbor,, aV.pqrjph robf. Jorty
fet long Tva lifted from-' Jt" rnodrthgs
and doposlted on top -f telephone
Wilkin's nnlliltnirM Wrecked .
All of the smaller building on the Bert
Wllklns fnrm, Seventieth and Center
streets, were blown down last evening' by
a wind that came with the rainstorm.
The hog house, a large Implement shed,
corn crib, wind mill and practically all
of the shado trees around the place were
leveled to (he ground. A comer of the
roof of the residence was also blown'
Mrs. Bert Wllklns, together with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gran, and niece,
Alice Bonlvle, made a dash for a ravino
a little way from the house when the
storm broke, but before they could reach
It tho wind struck them. The wind was
strong enough to separate them and as
Mrs. Wllklns was holding onto a small
shrub she saw part of the buildings paaa
over her Into a field GOO yards beyond.
None of the family Is hurt and all con
sider their cscapo as miraculous.
At Thirty-second and Arbor streets the
back end of Carew's grocery was parti
ally blown out.
The barn In the rear of Alice O'Brien's
residence, 2816 South Thirty-second street.
was blown partly over.
Henry Olson's barn. Fifty-ninth and
Center streets, which was blown down In
the recent tornado and had Just been
rebuilt. Is again a total wreck.
Some of the roofs of the buildings In
the yard of A. A. Furay, Fifty-ninth and
Center streets, were blown off.
Tlir Storm nt Mlllnrrt.
When the big wind struck Millard last
evening Hans Martin was working on a
new barn, The building was demolished
and he was tnrown to tno grouniij witn
tne- wreckage. He was considerably
brulsedr Jlesldes- Ihat'-nT-plate- glass win
dow In the Peter's mercantltq establish
ment was blown In. The strength fit the
wind was shown In the way It handled
two large shade trees, which were, about
a foot and a half In diameter. One was
pulled out of tho ground by tho roots,
while the other was twisted off and
carried away.
(Contlnutfd Jroirt .rage. Dnej;
for,worlc"don6' by .Uiese semi-professional
Others he accused .of having hackmon,
hotel porters and bell 'hops on their pay
roll at a nominal salary for "shovlne"
business their way. He made a motion
to appoint a committee of five to in
vestigate members of the profession ac
cused of employing fee splitting In their
practice. The motion was adopted. A
motion made to employ a private detec
tive to get the "goods" on the doctors
was lost by a slight majority.
Accnsrs Dr. Henry.
Dr. Fall, a member of the state board,
acoused Dr. Henry, one of the prime
movers in the antl-feo splitting agita
tion, of splitting fees wtth other doctors.
He cited a specific Instance in whloh two
other doctors brought a case to Dr.
Henry. The latter charged 6150 and gave
6100 to the other doctors.
Dr. Henry did not deny the charge, but
said he told his client that he had split
the fee with the other doctors.
Country physicians In attendance at th
convention nccused the Omaha doctors
of fostering the practice of fee splitting.
Dr. Fall said he has found it hard to
make a living because Omaha doctors
split fees. Omaha surgeons started this
nefarious practice and now they are try
ing to secure a remedy for It, he stated,
and that It would be Impossible to stop It.
Officers Rlecteil.
Officers elected are:
Dr. D. C. Bryant, Omaha, president.
Dr. D. David Martyn, Columbus, vice
Dr. W. A. Schook, Shubert, vice presi
dent. Dr. Joseph W. Atken, Omaha, treasurer.
Dr. A. 8. Von Mansfeld, Ashland, treas
urer. Dr. A. R. Mitchell, Lincoln, was elected
delegate to the American Medical asso
ciation meeting at Minneapolis In June.
Dr. F. A. Long, MadlBon, was elected
The next meeting will be held at Lincoln.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Key to the Situation Be Advertising.
Damage Done by Wind nnd Rain
Across the River.
A severe storm passed over Council
Bluffs and vicinity at 7 o'clock Wednes
day night It damaged considerable prop
erty, but up to a late hour last night
no one was reported to have been In
jured. The west wall of the automobile gar
age belonging to Bradley, Merrlam &
Smith, Main street and Seventh avenue,
was blown out and the building badly
wrecked and the warehouse across the
street damaged, There was no one in
the garage at the time except In the
office part, which was not damaged. The
residence of Mrs Harriet Bean, 61S
Seventh avenue, adjoining, was only
slightly damaged, but Mrs. Rean and her
family were badly frightened.
A great many trees In the section
visited were broken and the top of one
large tree near the Evans laundry wa
carried out Into Pearl street ana
dropped upon the street car ticlley wires.
At Manawa me east end of the boat
club house was torn off, the same section
that was demolished Easter Sunday. The
wrecked section had Just been repaired
ready for the opening of the lake season
May SO. The Fish and Game club build
ing lost a portion of Its roof.
At the Wilcox greenhouses the roof or
the boiler house was again torn off ana
six ventilator sections of the rorth housq
blown awny. The coal houso ,was also
blown down." ' All -"of the small buildings
In the vicinity were demolished.
O. Ev Sackrtder, a farmer living near
the Wabash crossing, was working In
his field sbout 100 yards from the Wa
bash brldgo. He saw the coining storm
and, abandoning his team, ran tor trie
bridge and sought refuge beneath it. His
face was cut in many places from the
cinders that came hissing tnrough the
air. His house, a small one-story cot
tage, was wrecked.
Telephone lines to the north and east
were out of service. The Illinois Cen
tral, Great Western and Northwestern
railroad trains were tied up. The North
western reported a bad washout near
Missouri Valley,
The Persistent ana jualaous Use of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
'i-iiA' Succeaa
Worth f 25.00 and $28.00
For Friday and Saturday only wo offer $25.0Q AA 60
and $28.00 suitings mado to order for VMV
bheso are fine goods, new patterns and include nil
the latest shades.
Every suit carefully tried on before finishing and
guaranteed porfeot in fit and stylo.
304-306 South 16th Street.
Children's Day
Wo offer unusual bargains in boys' suits and hats
girl's and little tots dresses, millinery and shoes.
Watch Friday Evening Papers
Our Big Annual Millinery Sale
Takes Place
Watoh This Space Friday
Evening for Announcement
of Extraordinary Values.
Broke Out as Red Pimples. Great
Itching and Burning. No Relief
Until Used Cuttcura Soap and
Ointment. Cured in Short While.
Lock Box 8, N inula, Mich. "My case
was known as eeseaia. It brofco out as red
pimples on ray hand and fingers. They ther
formed as UMto rtnidos and Uw Itching was
intenrn. Tho itching and bornlng wero so
gnat that at times I had no rest whatever.
I had tried remedies all of which prorod
fsirares. Not until I received some Outi
cars Soap and Ointment did I find any
roller. In aahort while I was wboOy cured."
(Signed) Miss Anna MaroDea.Jano 21,1012.
St. James! Mo. " Last snnmMT I noticed
on ray grandson what looted Hko sznail plm
plos on Us back, stomach and limbs which
developed la to bolls with a crest on top.
He wvnld scratch owning tbom to pain and
bleed. The slda aroond them was red and
inflamed. He scratched so that I had to put
linen mtderwear next to his skin, as tho wool
en gsxmeats seemed to irritate especially at
night, making him croon and fretful.
" I used home remedies which seemed to
have bo effect, so I tried Gutlcura Ointment
and Boap add noticed an improromont after
the test application. He was entirety well
in two months." (Signed) Mrs. F. 8. New
comb, Apr. 18. 1012.
Coticura Soap (25c.) and Cnticora Oint
ment (OOc) are sold throughout the world.
A stnglo set is often sufficient when all else
has foiled. liberal samplo of eoctf mailed
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutteura, Dept. T, Boston."
WTendcp-foced men should nse Cntlcara
Drawn For The Bee
Tbs beat newspaper artists ot tbo
country contribute their beet
work for Beo readers.
cnanpioAmi rose pith roc atiow
LINCOLN, Feb. 1, 1813.
It is hereby cerUfled. That, the
Germania Fire Insurance Co. of New
York, in the State of New York, has
complied with the Insurance Law of
this State, applicable to suuch Com
panies, and is therefore authorised
to continue the business of Fire In
surance In this State for the current
year ending January 31st, 1914.
Witness my hand and the seal of
the Auditor of Public Accounts, the
day and year first above written.
Auditor of. Pubfla Accounts,
(Seal) L. O. BRIAN, Deputy,,,
The Germania
writes both
Fire and Tornado
Phone Douglas 423
Roast Ribs of Beef
RECIFE Select large, fat endeavor
from busy marts of trade. Juggle
briskly for at least four hours until
beads appear. Draw generous breath
and wait about 30 seconds for that
feeling. Then trim away all hesitancy
and come to tl)e
Wtodmen Cafeteria
Extra Post-Season
Starting Todny
152 Noon to 11 P. SI.
Special Feature Picture nnd
Edison's Talkies Included.
Admbulou 10c
Baata on Bale Today.
jfxi$fZf All Summer
Mechanically Fsrfaot Projection of
AMY "! Si
Roomy Beats, High Calling-, Ventilation,
Pictures Changs Sally
Voon to 11 P. M.
Cabaret Duo. Art Eva.
Bally MatlOo
Errs., 10-aoo
ILfn. 11 r
DAILY AT 1.10. 1,10 AND :M P. M
Vl Hlght, 8130
Extra Ssptsmbsr Morn in Xdving
mM,m wg J
VMIII la at