Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1913, Weekly Market Review Edition, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, MAT REAL KSTATE CITY PUOPHIITV KOIl SALE. New Dundee House Never Occupied B120 Izard St. This Is an exceptionally well built "room, modern house, built ot elected material, very attractively and conveniently arranged, with larse living room, dining room, kitchen, complete up to-date pantry with front and renr vesti bules first floor; all finished In oak, ex cept kitchen, with a handsome brick fire place in living room, four good sized bed rooms and tiled bath room, finished In white enamel with mahogany flfilshed doors, with oak floors throughout the house, except maple In kitchen; stairway to largo attic with 2x6 rafters; full ce mented basement with laundry connec tions; fruit room; toilet; Milton ItoRers furnace. The location affords a beautiful vl9w of the new boulevard with Its sun ken gardens and the country to the south and west. Let us show you this place nnd help you make your rent buy a home with a small Investment to start with, George & Company 802-12 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 756. OWNER LEAVING CSTY Must sell 6-room, all modern house; full lot; nlreiv located; good nclgnborhood. 3043 Mere dith Ave. Web. MS8. OWNER LEAVING CITY. -Strictly modern G-room home, corner lot, two blocks from enr lino and Hans com park. 2333 So. 31st St. Tel. Har. 1913. TWO lots, Belmont addition. Mil. near Spauldlng. Will sell reasonable. W. 1028. THREE double brick flats, modern, for $20,000. Western Real Estate Co, D. 3C07. CHOICE LOCATION 5 rooms, reception hall and bath, nil modern bungalow, with hot water heat, lovely lawn, paved street, fine nelghnor- nooa( close to car lino and school. Price, 13,350. BEMIS-CAELBERG CO. 810-312 Brandela Theater Bldg. Acreage fur sale. Buy an Acre ,;: in .Cummings Heights . $25 Cash And $10 per month buys an acre ot half-acre1-In this beautiful addition high and sightly, on the crest of tho ridge, south of Elmwood Park' and east of 60th St.. Live In the country and raise ch'ckens, garden truck and fruit and at the same time work in town. Others are doing it successfully. Why not you? As an Invest ment Cummings Heights lots aro hard to beat The Increase In value Is certain. Prices $550 to $700. Only three higher. Phone us and we will' make arrangements to take you out at any time. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Douglas 297. 212 S. 17th. FOR Florence property Tel. Flor. 278. C. L. Netbaway, Florence,- resident agent. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 208 Branded Theater. REAL ESTATE FARM & .RANCH LANUN FOR SALE Arku nans'. EXCEPTIONAL bargain: Eighty acres $550; terms, $10 down, $10 per month; big llst-ree. Ward, the land man. Moun tain Home, Ark. California. - SAN JOAQUIN 'VALLEY ALFALFA and FRUIT Lands. .' Southern Facitlo and Santa Fe main lines traverse our absolutely level tract. Only 15 feet to water; also artesian wells. Five hours' run to' either .San Francisco or Los Angeles, with 'a combined popula tion ot far over 1,000,000. ".$123 PER ACRfl-EASTf TEhUS: Join our half-rate excursion to - SUNNY- CALIFORNIA in. May. Sea the FONTANA ORANGE GROVES, located" on the electric line from Lot "" ' Angeles to. Riverside. ...Make your reserntiona early and lot us show you tho "GOLDEN STATE" from Ban Francisco to San Diego. For free handsomely illustrated book lets on all mattera Callforlan, see or write KARL BREIIME. 515 Bee juldg. A CALIFORNIA home In the Sacra mento valley; 10 acres for fruit, vines land poultry; only J00; easy terms; close to railroad and markets. Goss Realty Co.. Sheridan, Cal. ' 'CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and ?d Tues. W. T. Smith Co. 815 City Nat. Bk. Canada Best Farm Lands In Canada Garden Tracts Ad joining Fort Fraser. v 5 and 10-Acre ; - Tracts in the Famous Nechaco Valley, B. C. Farmers that hnv Innlrri Intn fnrml.r, lands In the wonderful northwest say Aitoi. jiuxwicro in me enure country are there- lands to be found as fertile as those .in the famous Nechaco .valley, B. C. 'Long summer days of 18 hours- snnhln. extreme fertility and the temperate, well . balanced, climate Insure quick growth and rpaturlng, of crops and no crop fall - ures. . Fine land for wheat or fruit muinv And wonderful pasturage facilities 10 months In the year, make it Ideal for uairyins. - Now Is the time to buy. The Grand Trunk Pacific completes Its lines through the Nechaco valley region this year. Puts you close to big markets. Fort FraHer.thn trade center of the region, Is growing rapidly putting in 13.0CO.0O0 water works and electric lighting plant. Fort Fraser "will be the most important city on the Grand Trunk Pucific between Edmonton .and Prince Rupert The whole- country Is growing by leaps. And It's a bully .cnunco lor up-io-aate tarmers and set tlers to Ket In and huv ihn h farm lands in Canada at mighty reasonable linces. Also Business Lots in Fort Eraser At Low Prices Lone: Time Write me for facts and prices, I can prove every statement with government 'W.H.Jordan ' Maffruette Bldg.. Chicago. III. FOR descriptive list of fineCanadlan l?.ndJn lnr8a tracts and farms, write O. V. Chapman. Laurler. Manitoba. ' MontuiiM, SIXTY THOUSAND ncres Carey lajid open to entry at Valler, Mont; fifteen annual payments; section famous for Train, grasses, vegetables, well adapted to diversified farming. For particular Write Valler Farm Salts company, ji0x HK.VIi ESTATE. KAItM HANCII LANDS FOR SALK Colorado. AN IDEAL FARM 169 acres. 4 miles of Denver, Colo., u'ty limits, well Improved. 7-room modern house, horse barn, cow barn, seveial granaries, cement floors. Implement sheds; abundance of Irrigating water, all fine state of cultivation; 30 acres alf alfa, 10 acres tall wheat, balance In spring wheat, rye and barley; only short distance to railroad station; owner lias gotten wealthy, wants to retire; sell easy terms. Kor particulars, write C. A. GREGORY, 410 Mack Bldg., Denver, Colo. ADVERTISEMENT On May 30th a personally conducted ex cursion will leave Omaha via C, M. & St. P. Ry. for points In Montana, Idaho and Washington along the C, M. & SI. P. Railway. The construction ot this new road has opened up a vast extent of new country In which excellent farm lands near i nil road can be purchased at from $10 to JS0 per acre. Irrigated farm and fruit lands can be purchased at from 100 to $JoO per acre. Government homestead lands freo. The party will be personally conducted by Traveling Colonization Agent F. L. Sherwood, who Is thoroughly familiar with tho country traversed. For further Information call on or write V. L. Sherwood, Traveling Coloniza tion Agent C. M. & St. P. Railway, 1317 Fnrnam street. Omaha. Nebraska. Minnesota. CHOICE prairie lands In White Earth reservation; rich black soil, clay subsoil; fine artesian wells. Wo are owners vt 20.OM ncres. Agents wanted In every county.' Liberal terms. Write at Baker -Land Co., Ogoma, Minn. SEND for freo list of Minnesota farms. $30 to $75 per nctc. ' Minnesota Land Agency. Court block. St. Paul. Minn. WE aro owners of a large block of Yellowstone county, Montana, fnrm land nnd are prepared to offer same on close prices in tracts of 10,000 acres or up. Cor respondence invited. If interested, pros pective purchasers will be shown the land. Danaher-Holton Co., 1302 Plymouth Bldg.i Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska. 160 ACRES of good Jiay land, clear of incumbrance, In Holt county. Nebraska, to trade on quarter or- half section of eastern Nebraska land, Merrick county preferred, J. R. Collins. 1029 Omaha Na tlcnal Bank Bldg., Omaha Neb. FOR Sale Cheap 320 acres -holee level, land with black soli. 8 miles from coun ty seat on main line V. P.,R. R. in Ne braska. $13.60 per acre, one-fourth cash, balance long tlmo at 6 per cent. A good buy for use or speculation. J. II. Dumont fc Co.. 1IX3 Farnam St., Omana. JXerr Vorli. EMPIRE state farm given away: 275 acres, Including fifty Holsteln cows worth $3,000, buildings worth J10.000. Fodder, tools. Milk average? over $6,000 yearly. Price, $17,000. Easy terms. Free cata logue. C. J. Ellis, Farmers bank, Spring vllle. N. Y. New Mexico. FOR SALE In the Rio Grande Vallpv. 120 acre ranch; 1.000 fruit trees, rest In alfalfa. Best Improvements, under gov ernment Irrigation. Other farms Im proved and unimproved. If you wish good land, good climate, near good mar kets, write O. D. Williams, La Mesa, Now Mexico. Utah. UTAH ALFALFA AND STOCK RANCH 400 ACRES-$30 AN ACRE. The best alfalfa land on earth. Location: Hinckley, Millard Co., Utah. Primary water right for entire tract.'$60 an acre rlght now, Unlimited free range available. Good town, railroad and schools. $0,000JDown. $6,000 your terms. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, 159 Main street. Shit Lake City, Utah. We have many other'bargalns. Miscellaneous. U. 8. FREE Homestead lands, .New at las (copyrighted.) Just Issued in A. colors, Blze, 10x16. of the Rocky Mountain -and National forests, .contains 6 colored mans Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, luunu una .Montana. xens.,auout new U. S. 3-year homestead law. Carev net. Tim. ert land net, mining laws. Other valuable Information, un-to-datp. Wnfth ti nil v 60 cents postpaid. Atlas Dept., 921 Post mug, uenver weeKiy ran, Uenver, Colo. REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY on hand at lowest rntpu tVir loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha cuy. property in any amounts. II. W. BINDER, 823 City Nationnl Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA. HOMES. NO DELAY. J. H. Mitlien Co., INC. 921 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDG., DOUGLAS 1278. MONEY To loan on business or real- dence. properties, $1,000 to $500,000. W. it. THOMAS. 228 state Bank BIUg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE "REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. LOANS on farms and Improved city property, 6, 6V4 and 6 per cent; no delay, J. H. Dumont & Co., 1C0S Farnam St REAL ESTATE LOANS. . WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1S20 Farnam St. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Qm. Nat GARVIN BROS LoanB 1500 and up- J.1N X3i.vjo. omaha Nat. Bank. $100 to. $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. acn CITY LOANS, Bcmls-Carlberg Co., 310-312 Brandels Theater mar. LARGE loans our specialty, fitull Bros. Wanted City Loans Teters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE WANTED. LIST your house with us. We have buy crs. Osborne Real Estate Co. Doug. H7I STKAMSmr. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS Sail every Saturday-to and from NEW YORK LONDONDERRY OliABGOW Ocean passage 7V dak, Moderate rates. For book of tours, rates,, etc., apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Gen. Acts., 35 V. Randolph St., Chicago. OR ANY LOCAL AGENT, WANTEr TO BUT. Dolgoff Id-hand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. WOULD like to buy a five or slx-room house to be moved on a lot. One in tbt neighborhood of 2ttii and Clark preftrred. Telephone Red 430L WANT to buy roller top desk, jjuuaioB pao or v cosier ZoJt. y.&srr plc for rurnlture. Call D. 7UU. JX H0S6. Quick buyers of furniture. WANTED TO RENT LIST your house with us. We have buyers. Oaborne Real Estate Co. Doug. LIVE STOCK MARKET OP WEST Ship live stock to South Omaha. Sava jmiruhc mm BiiriiiKHge. xour consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stoclf Comiullon Merchant. DYERS BROS. & CO. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co., 222 Exchange Bldg. TO PROSECUTE THE POLICE Organization Formed to Curb the Actions of Officers. WANT MORE PERSONAL LIBERTY Chief Dnnn 5na Iff Will Drop the Chnrjrea Afcnlnat Officer Smith, Held for Dentins n Man Named Pearson. An organization effected to prosecute charges against Omnha policemen will not desist With tho trlnl of Detectives Laney and Sullivan, -according to state ments made by Harry SMmman, attorney for tho three, who alleged they were mis treated when arrevsted on a charge of soliciting "money under false pretense, a charge which could not be substantiated, "We expect to take up other cases," said Zlmman. "I'm. not at liberty to say what they are. We want personal liberty nnd we're going to fight for It. I mean personal liberty of a different brand than advocated by the city commissioners." He would give no Information about the "organization." Attorneys for tho three complainants In the case against Lahey and Sullivan did not ask for the dismissal ot the officers. They said thely deserved a severe reprimand. Zlmman declared that clubs and revolvers were used tod fre quently. There is no reason why a police man should carry a club or revolver, he asserted. tVonld llltr Ills Finder. Referring to the testimony of Health Commissioner Connell, who said ho had asked Rosenthal, chief complainant be fore tho city commission, to open his "Jaw" and permit him to Inspect his mouth, Zlmmnn waxed warm nnd de clared: "He had no authority to ask Rosenthal to open his Jaw. It I was asked to open my Jaw under such circumstances I'd bite the doctor's finger off so quick he wouldn't know what had happened. He'd never stick his finger In anybody's mouth after that," Tho city commission adjourned till Thursday when a report wilt be made. The policemen will not be dismissed from the force and even a reprimand la not likely. To DlnniUn Chnrirra, Chief ot Police Dunn said he would drop the charges against Patrolman Ros coe Smith, charged with wnntonly beat ing a man who had been engaged In a brawl. Dunn exhibited statements from the man supposed to have been kicked and from several others, which were more or less emphatic in denying that Smith, in plain clothes at the time. kicked and wantonly outraged his victim, after he had been knocked down. As there Is a conflict In the evidence of witnesses an attempt may be made to force a trial of Smith. Certain eye-witnesses reported that Smith was In the house with a bunch ot rounders when the fight started. He was In plain clothes and took part In the melee. This he denies. He said he was passing the .place when he saw a man run out, and, hear ing somebody shout that he hod stabbed a man, he chased him and' put him under arrest. Statements now in possession ot Dunn were secured Sergeant A.": Various. Pearson, the man who was ' alleged to have been beaten, says somebody struck him, but aa a policeman in uniform .and a man In plain clothes "stood over htm he could not be certain as. to the assail ant's Identity. Shot Fired Through Door of Hotel Takes Effect in Man's Side A shot fired through the door of a room in the Aetna hotel, 1302 Dodge street, at an early hour yesterday, took effect In the side ot Harry Lehmon's body who occupied lodgings there last night. Tho police were notified and Lehmon was removed to St. Joseph's hospital, where Surgeon Foster administered medl cal aid. The wound Inflicted is not of a serious nature. Edna Clark, charged with shooting to kill, has been arrested and W. C. Barr, night clerk, is being held by the police until the affair can be further Investi gated. It Is believed by the authorities that a woman's Jealousy is at the bottom of the shooting and that Lehmon likely knows who the assailant is, but will not tell. STANDARD OIL COMPANY DECLARES BIG DIVIDEND Announcement has been made by C. 1 Alleman, president of the Standard Oil company of Nebraska, that at & meeting of the directors ot that company, htld Monday, a stock dividend of 25 per cent on the capital stock of the company was declared. Chamberlain's TaTlet for Const!, patlon. For constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. Easy to take, mild and gentle In effect Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. Advertisement MISSOURI WOMAN IS LOOKING FOR SISTER Mrs. Mary Harrington, T17 East Lee street, Nevada, Mo., Is seeking Informa tion as the the whereabouts of her sis ter. She writes that her sister's maiden name was Elizabeth Hawman and that she married a man named Andrew Haines in Onawa City, Ia. She later moved' to Omaha and since then Mrs. Harrington has not heard from her. A Affair Toothache Gum STOPS T00THAGHE Instantly OnatM ilia cavity. prvent decay. All drag tfwc or by mall, 1 5c c a. R-rwT a. Co.. DrTHorr. Uieu. npnninrnThe mna' sreat-, Diwi ncmcmocn 7,7 n: Saturday Orkin Brothers is the place "o-"t fn'I f '? 0f""'3 a. J. S. DALINGHAUS AND MISS EMMA E. BIHLER TO WED The wedding of Joseph 8. Dallnghaus and Miss Emma K. Blhler will take place at the First German Presbyterian church this evening at 5 o'clock, Mr. Dallng haus Is manarer ot tho bottling depart ment of the Storx Brewing company Miss Blhler Is a niece ot Gottlieb Btors. Miss Olga Storx and Albert Blhler wilt nttrnd the bride and groom. Mr. an'l Mrs. Dallnghaus will make their home at 3121 Sherman avenue. A Remarkakle Remedy For Stomach, Liver and Intestinal Ailments, Appendicitis and all Stones. If j-6u are suffering from these ail ments and unable to obtain a cure Don't aire up Hop. One doso of Mayr's Won derful Stomach Remedy, the most wide ly known Remedy for Stomach. Liver and Intestinal Ailments, Gastritis. Indi gestion, Dyspepsia, Pressure of Oas Around the Heart, Bour Stomach, Dis tress After Kntlng, Nervousness, Dlxtl- Ixtot photo graph of Pois onous Catarrh al, MttbtOd and Dll Accretions removed by Usyr'i Won derful Stomaoh Remedy. ness, Falntalng Spells, Sick Headache, Constipation, Congested and Torpid Liv er, Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis, .and Oall Stones, will positively convince you of ita groat powerB to cure. It has cured thousands of sufferers; It has saved many lives; It has prevented many dangcroiiH surgical operations, Put it to a test. Try one ilose tonight. Let one doso prove its great merit. You are not asked to take this Remedy for weeks before you feel benefited one dose will convince you that It should cure you. Send for rBBS valuable book let on stomach aliments to Geo, II. Mnyr, Mfg. Chemist, 151-156 Whiting St., Chi cago, For Kale in Omaha by Hlierman a McConncii, druggists, forner istn ana Dodge, 16th and Harney, 2th and Far nam, 207-S North 16th St., and druggists everywhere. HOUSECLEANING HADE EASY Bond ub your carp'ota, rvigs, portlorcs, . drjiporjcs, curtains, .table and -stand covers, dollies, chair cushions, pillow covers and other valuable furnishings, and while are cleaning them you'U have plenty of tlmo, to do your' scrubbing and dusting. Bead These Prices - Carpets , or rugs dusted and, ' steamed, iuc per Bq. ya.; oust ed, dry cleaned and sterilized, U5c per sq. yd. I Portieres, dry cleaned, $1.50 ' per pair; dyed, ijtli.fSO per pair; I lace curtains 75c to $2.50 per pr., tinted 50c extra; table and couch covers 75c to 91.25; pil low covers, 25c to 50c. Call us up on either phono and we will send n man to quote price on all your work. 'tiOODGLEANERSAND DYERS" 1515-17 JONES ST. Phones Douoas963Ind.A-5168 GUY LIGGETT pres. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS HAMBURG. AMERICAN Lsrg'eitSS.Ca Over 400 Ship tn the WORLD 1,50819! TONS "IMPEEATOR" World's largest ship, will SrMRQ' Vuy- arriving at New York May 31. BAH.IHO from HBW TORK Saturday... June 7, U A. M. Baturdy...Juns M, 1 V. M. Saturday... July IB. 10 A. as. aid every 3 weeks thereafter. Enabling passengers toarj rive In LONDON PAWS on sixth and in HAMBURQ on seventh day. Books now open for season. LOBDOH, PAB1B, HAM3STOO AmerUa, May 89, ,10 a. m. H (Pretoria, May Wt 1 P. m Xals'n Anr.Vto, May 8,l p.m. Pres. Orant, June 0, a. nv. llmperator, June 7. 11 . m. ttVlo. Louise. June 10, 10 a.m. Pres. Lincoln. June 14, 3 p. m. li'lPennsylvania, Jun 17, 9 a.m. 'Atnerlka . . .June 10, 10 a. m. INeW. Ttlst cabin only. Will call at Boulogne. tlUmburB direct ltd cabin only. Iisall from new pier, foot of 33d St., South Brooklyn. MEDITERBAWEAJf Olbraltar. a spies and aenoa. WAU steamers of this "Tr ies 1V from MEW PIBB, 33d st., south Brooklyn. Tsks 30th St. Perry, n. S. Hamburg (11,000 tons) May 30, a. m. 8. B. lloltk. (19.S0O tons) Inn a. 8 30 a. m . B. Hamburg". July 1, I p.m. , b. Moltke, Julv IB. 1 p. in. OBUXSZS TO THE ZiAMD OP THE mnNinvT MTTV i JU1TS, JUI.T and AUQUBT. i' uiiormatton. Hamburg-American urns . 'k ivt w jtanaoipo m , r a. t'Meno. Ill aw :v or Ik1 0 Wr aT m 1 Hi -I "- 1 sWuwiumjiiHmiw THE BEER YOU LIKE HPhe ideal beer f o r h o me use. Order it in small or large bottles. Always have a case in your home. It is refreshing with your meals. It is appreciated by your guests. Browed and bot tled by FRED KRUG BREWING CO. For homo uso, order a case today. Consumers' Distributors LUXUS MERCANTILE COMPANY 109-11 North Sixteenth St. Phone Douglas 1889. THE BEER YOU LIKE Clear Cut Blue Serge All pure wool. Will not fndo. 3 weights. 3 shados. $25 Smartly tailored in tho Bkillful Nicoll way, and made to fit you porfoctly. MADEtoOEDEB NIGOIX Thelkilor VW Jex-rettis' Sons . 209-11 So. 15th St. REMEMBER 'i , Orkin Brothers' biff window display of lewelry Is tho pret tiest ever seen In Omaha. Come to the sale Saturday you'll seo many beautiful pieces of Jewelry at an unbelievably low price, IIOTICI.H AND IIRNORTS. Hotel Kupper Elovcntti and McGee fits. Kansas City. Mo. &OCATED IN THE RETAIL AND SUOPPINQ DIHTIUOr. A hotel of quality and refinement at reasonable prices. European plan $1 to ?4 per day. Tako elevated car at depot marked 27th St., di rect to hotel. KUPFEIMIENSON HOTEL CO. Props, Comfort Accessibility Moderate Rates New Weston Madison AvenuE & 49 Street NEW "YORK OneliocV from Fifth Avenue and within ry walking dltUuce o( Theatres, Shops and Clubs REFINED SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT COURTEOUS SERVICE 175 Rooms with Bath. Restaurant a La Carte with reasonable charges SPECIAL RATES FOrt JUNE, JULY. AUQ, SEPT. ElntleRoom .... It. 50 All Outside Rooms . Stngleltoom with Bath .... f.ooDay Double Room with llath . . . . Ij.oo Day Parlor. Bedroom with Bath . . fi-ootofs-oo Further Reductions for Weekly Occupancy. 8. a. CLAYTON. Proprietor BEAUTIFUL ISLE ItOYALE ON LAKE SUPERIOR Don't tufftr with lb brt. roint lola us. Wt'r out boMIng, noelnf, flihlog. searching for OrMnslones snd ThompssDltts, snd brtstblag Na tures purrst air at all tltnss lltr tsrrr soil ss- inin iccr uHva. fr jour nciff wrspt 4 bur rour ticket to Duluth, lllnn , Ibaa tsk Dnnth Mas boat Wrlta far foldfr EQUAL QUALITY AT LESS PRICE. OUR MAY SALE Begins Wednesday of. foring buyors assort ments and values seldom if over boforo equalled at such attractive low prices. 75c Embroideries. 35c Including a beautiful lino of 45-moh fiouneings and 27-inch dcmi-flouncings, Buitable for s u m m o r drosses. Beautiful Now Flouncings "Regular 35e to GOo a yard values, 18 inches to 27 inches wide, big assort ment, at yard 19c, 35c Embroidered Robes at About fino white embroidery robes in voilo, Swiss or batisto for your selection; remarkable bargains at About Half. DOMESTIC ROOM SPECIALS Blue and brown gingham apron chocks, 7o values. . .,. . .5C Serpentine oropo, good patterns and colors, l8o values, for t 12MiC Hope muslin, 3G inches wide, 10c values "7C Unbleached muslin, 30 inches wido, 8Vc values ,. . .6c 36-inch percales, 12Mc values . . . . ,. .7MjC 30-inch black satin, 15o values 10c Wednesday White feeds Specials Plain white voile, $1.25 values, yard .75C White Plisso crope, $L50 values, yard .JjU.,00 Ratine, Rajh effect,, $1.35 value, yard ...,.85c Whilo piquo Russian cordette, $1 values, yard....59c READ HAYDEN'S BIO SPECIAL GROCERY SALE FOR WEDNESDAY. We make tho Prices for the People, ,Not a Few; a Saving of 25 to 50. S3 lbs, best Granulated Burar., $1.00 10 bam Ueat 'Km All, Diamond C or Laundry gueen white launury soap, for .i BSo 10 lbs. beat mixed Cltlclt Fcod.v. .B0o 10 lbs. best whlto or yellow Uornmeal, for mto 10 lbs. rolled Ilreakiast Oatmeal.. Boo H cans oil or mustard BardlneB. . ,BSo Bklnncr'a Macaroni, Verifclcelll or .Spaghetti, pkr 7tt 5 lbs. ranoy Japan nice, 10c quality, for , aao Tali cann Alaska Salmon loo It-ounce cans Pet, 8t. Charles, Carna tion or Colombia milk oyio drupe Nuts, pkg lOo X C Corn Flukes, pkc Bo 40 varieties fancy Cookies, lb, . .IOo Large bottle Worcester Hauco, hh nortcd I'lcklcs, pure Tomato Catsup or mustard, per bottle BVfco Advo Jell, Jellycon or Jello, pits, 75io 2-lb, ran fancy Hwoot Hugar Corn 6o Peters' Ilreakfast Cocoa, lb,..,.,.80o The best Tea HlftliiKS, lb IOo Uoldon Hnntos Coffee, lb 2 Bo Duttei', Effir and Oheess Bait, The best Creamery Uutter, carton or bulk, lb ...330 Tho best Country Crcnmery Butter, lb. 380 Thn best Dairy Mutter, lb Q5c Full cream, You nit America or Wis consin Cream Cheese, lb IOo I.W TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST n For Young Chaps Who Dress the Best! vv as snuay (.jtss buj row wiw jangirmfl )aett or the "gingery" hnttb to. We Im4 them all when It ocsaei to wauer atylci sad periect ttltn Ox ford! for young men. Dar yen to step Into a pair and not ray about m $3.50 up FRY Tho Porsistont and Judicious is tho Road to Business Success. IIOTKLS. DERBL 34S ST. EAST At.tho focal point crest of Murray Hill, the sea, artificially fed 8lngl rooms . . Double room . . . Double bedrooms, boudoir TMHilliard VhhatHMtrAill dressing-room and ouiias-f arioir, bedroom Each room with bath SUPERIOR QUALITY -AT EQUAL PRICE. of EMBROIDERIES Big assort ment of new clean goods at about half regular re tail worth. Beautiful MatchedCSets Regular 10c to 3.r)cjn yard values, including dainty patterns, heavy convent and fine naiiiBOoktcmbroi- dories; special, yard, 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c and,25c, Loom End Strips of fino, heavy embroideries, at tho yard 5c to 12Vc Half Price A number of Jenny nros,' Brick Choose wo are sole agents for this high quality prcjduct-r-lb i ,. lBo Imported BwIbh Cheese, lb. ..... .380 Hoqunfort Cheese, Imported, b...39o The Ortatest Market for the Feopls for Trtuh Veirstables. Fresh Hplnach, per peck 7Uo i bundles fresh Hadlshos Bo 3 bunches fresh Asparagus ...... IOo 0 bunches fresh Onions Co 3 hoads home grown Leaf Lettuce oo 3 largo Soup Hunches IOo 1 lama bundles l'le Plant Oo Ijvrge Cucumbers, each.lBo, ioo, 7W 2 buncheH fresh ParBley Oo 1'ncy rlpo Tomatoes, lb. IOo Fresli Hoots, Carrots or Turnips, per bunch . , , , , 4o 3 largo Or eon Poppera loo Fancy ripo Strawberries, quart boxen, for ioo The best Colorado Potatoes, IS lbs. for iso Wax or Green Beans, lb ' firs up msimss ow, Prions ar advancing wholesale every week. Sxtra large slse, per doxen. . , .81.4B Lrfirgo size, per dozen.. $1.10 Medium Bite, per dozen OBo Per crate, any size 83.00 Try Kayden's rirst, It pays, In Quality Qoods ana a Low Prtos. J63i,DOUGUAS. Uso of Nowspnper Advertising OT HOTEL PAR1 AVE.. N.T Subway Entrance of the terminal zone, on the cooled by Southern breezes from by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms. TARIFF! Pit day-tt, U, U, M ' tS, $e, 17, U bath aa a in an and bath . io tjj 115 Special rartj for Sumrntr I i I i