Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1913, Weekly Market Review Edition, Image 1

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    Weekly IVlaplcet Review Edition
The Omaha
The Paper
a Purpose
Funniest Ever
An explosion of a water tubo In a boiler
at the Orkln Brothers' power plant,
Seventeenth and Howard streets, this
morning resulted In Injuries to Edward
Ryder, fireman's helper; Georgo Adwers,
chief engineer, and Edward Perry.
Ryder was badly burned about tho heal,
breast and arms, whllo Adwers and Perry
were no so seriously Injured.
At the time the tubo gave way the
steam pressure was twenty-five pounds
below the usual amount carried and there
Is every Indication that It was what Is
CHICAGO, May 14. About 53 per cent of
the alms collected by the United Charities
are used to pay expenses, It was de
veloped yesterday at the hearing of tho
legislative committee Investigating char
itable Institutions.
Superintendent Eugono T. Lies of the
organization testified that 47.3 per cent of
the. money received was actually paid out
in relieving distress. Mr. Lies said he
rocelved a salary of $5,000 a year.
"How is It that the Protestant Epis
copal Missionary society collects every
year at a cost of 7 per cent while It costs
you 63 per cent?" asked Representative
Curron, chairman of the committee.
"I know that tho outsider would look
on this per cent as large," said Mr. Lies,
"but we are not at all extravagant."
"It seems to me you have a lot of high
salaried officials who dole out advice In
stead of charity," asserted the legislator.
VIENNA, May 14. The international
forco which is to occupy the former
Turkish stronghold of Scutari until the
new Albanian government has been es
tablished, was landed1 at the port of
San Giovanni Dl Medua this mornidg. It
was enthusiastically received by the Al
Burglars were well repaid for breaking
into the saloon of Herb Rogers at 313
South Flfteaath street last night between
the hours uf S and 9 o'clock. The cash
register wa fjreed and $165 stolen.
Nothing clsd was taken by tho thieves.
A rear' window was pryed open In gain
ing admission. The bartenders are us
ually In the saloon tidying up things be
tween the hours when the robbery took
place. However, they completed their
duties last night earlier than usual. The
theft was not discovered until this morning.
Charges Demos Conspire to
Murder American Industry
WASHINGTON, May 18. Senator Sim
mons, chairman of the finance committee
and Senator Penrose, leading the fight to
refer the Underwood bill' with lnstruc
1 tions for publlo hearings, delivered ora
torical broadsides against each other
in the senate today in debate on the
Penrose amendment which will be re
sumed tomorrow.
Senator Penrose likened the secret cau
cuo of tho house democrats on tho tariff
bill to tho "methods of the Spanish In
quisition," and brought laushter from
both sides when he declared no one was
present at tho caucus to witness "the
murder of American Industry."
Senator Simmons declared that If the
democratic purpose to eliminate hear
ings could be called reprehonBltle It was
the first time the democratic party had
copied methods of the republicans and he
argued at length why public hearings
wera not necessary.
Refers to Former Attitude.
In debate Senator Penrose referred to
Senator Simmons' attitude on the lum
ber schedule four years ago when the
Payne-Aldrlch bill was under considera
tion. Senator Simmons annvered that
tho Undorwood bill provided for every
thing he advocated four years ago ir
lumbor was to be placed on the free
" being so," he said, "I will vote
with pleasure for free lumber."
Senator Brlstow offered on amendment
to the sugar schedule providing for
known among bollenncn as a "slow ex
plosion." As soon as tho tubo emitted
tho steam and water It contained uron
tho fire tho doora were blown
open and It was this blast that caught
Ilydcr, who was' then firing.. He crawled
Into the engine room and was thero
found by somo of his fellow workers n
few moments later. He was taken to the
Wise Memorial hospital and given medi
cal attention.
The boilers had been officially In
spected two weeks ago and found to be
In good order.
EAU CLAIRE, Wis., May 14. Fisher
man's zeal resulted in the drowning of
SIver Larson, aged 22. last night, when, In
his eagerness to land a promising "bite,"
Larson rose In the boat and In the tussle
with the fish lost his balance, toppled
over backwards into the water and was
drowned. Ho retained a death clutch on
the pole, however, and when the body
was recovered a large sized fish was
tugging at the end of the line.
WASHINGTON. May 14.-r-Those who
hav3 hesitated to amass wealth because
of the warning to "beware the billions .of
fbacterln; 'that lurk ln-'every bill," licuu
hesitate no longer, according to Dr. W.
C. Rucker, assistant surgeon general of
the public health service. He declared to
day that tests and examinations of cur
rency, both washed and unwashed .bills,
showed them to bo singularly free from
germs. He attributed this to tho Ink used
In printing tho bills, which, he said, had
proved to be an almost perfect germicide.
"Tho public health service was called
upon to examine tho soiled money re
turned to the treasury," said Dr. Rucker,
"after It had traveled around tho country
nnd had passed through the handB of
thousands of persons. To our surprise
It was found to be Blngularly free from
bacteria and the ink used In the bills is
given the credit."
The Ingredients used In the govern
ment's Inks Is not made public.
ROCK ISLAND, 111., May 13.-Cl!mblng
out upon the rods of a Rock Island ex
press and baggage car while the tralu
was moving seventy miles an hour two
robbers today smashed the glass door
and stole baggage and other valuables.
The car was unguarded but as they
alighted in the local yards one of the
men was arrested.
graduated reductions for two throe-year
periods at tho end of which time sugar
would be taxed at tlWA per hundred
pounds and ninety-six Cuban sugar at
97 cents.
When the Kansas senator had con
cluded an attack on the democratic bill.
Senator LaFollette proposed an amend
ment to the Penrose amendment direct
ing public hearings.
Roes in Kxecnttve Session,
Senator Bacon then moved that the
senate go Into executive sesxlon. This
carried, 43 to 34, Senators La Follette and
Works voting with the democrats. This
forced further consideration of the tariff
ovor until tomorrow.
Senator LaFollette's amendment, which
was accepted by Senator Penrose, pro
vides that manufacturers who might
appear or file briefs before the finance
committee be required to answer under
oath sixteen questions relating to the
commodity they manufacture; the raw
materials used, the amount of produc
tion and consumption of the commodity
In this country; the number of concerns
engaged In its manufacture and their
Identity, the market price in this and
competing countries; the cost of produc
tion In this and competltlng countries, the
percentage of labor cost, here and abroad;
transportation cost to principal markets
here and abroad; what part of the exist
ing tariff duty represents difference In
cost of production here and abroad and
what part of the tariff duty reprossnts
profit of the American manufacturer.
Twisters, Accompanied by Cloudbursts,
Do B
SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., May 13.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) A most severo hall and
w.lndstojrm, was general oyer, Uis. country
last night. Hard, straight "winds and
email twisters wrecked dozens of barns
and a few houses. The most severo wind
was four miles east of Scott's Rluff,
whero Henry Schaffer's house, and barn
were destroyed. 'Luther Mattnx lost ev-
ct., thing but his atono house. An eighty
barrel steel tank was carried two miles.
Tom Hall's camp was wrecked and his
boy was brought to tho hospital here
this morning badly Injured. E. W. Ebert
lost two liurr.s and one dwelling.
Mr. Ryan lost his house. His family
of seven Is absolutely destitute. They
spent the night on tho prairie. Relief
parties aro now being organized.
Telephone wires are down, so Informa
tion of the extent of the storm damage
Is meager. Only one death so far re
ported. Much DnmnRe Near Ilandnlnh.
RANDOLPH, Neb,, May 13.-(Speelal
Telegram.) Terrific wind and rain visited
this vicinity last night accompnnle,d by
an electrical storm which destroyed sev
eral barns and much live stock. Hlg:
water and washed-out track has caused
Jack Johnson Found Guilty
on Charge of White Slavery
CHICAGO, May 13. Jack Johnson,
champion heavyweight prize fighter, to
night was found guilty of violating the
Mann law in transporting Belle Schrelber
from Pittsburgh to Chicago in 1910. He
was convicted on all seven counts In tha
indictment. The Jury returned Its ver
dict after an hour's consideration.
The maximum penalty under the find
ing Is five years Imprisonment or $10,000
flna or both.
A motion ot Assistant District Attor
ney Harry Parkin that Johnson be
ordered confined In the county Jail was
overruled by Judgo Carpenter and tho
negro was released on bond of $10,000. A
motion for new trial was filed at once
by counsel for Johnson and arguments
on the motion Bet for May 19.
Johnson was charged with having fur
nished Miss Schrelber with $75 with which
British Labor Party to
Make Fight for Free Press
LONDON, May 13. In the fight against
the government for a free press the
labor party, after mature consideration,
has decided to adopt a plan which Is new
to England, but has been found effectlvo
by German socialists In combatting strin
gent press laws.
Should the government prosecute James
Ramsal McDonald for printing "Suffra
gette," he will be succeeded as manager
by James Kler Hardle, who In turn would
be followed by other labor leaders, until
the government Is forced to capitulate.
These two labor members of Parliament
announced yesterday their readiness to
undertake tha responsibility of printing
"The Suffragette," contending that it Is
Illegal tc suppress newspapers In ad
Mr. Suburbs Fixes Mis Lawn
'JSM Ybu OoqHT 1 ( qo ABOUT ,T ; C WHAT I Tou )
. To POlt EVER OH2 ) rkjhv. IN THF FIRST AjllM '
-OT; OF THEW WEEDS p,.&cc - VrtBY VVD ) )
Cm m ml OUT THEM AW ft V TKD WCEOS T&Q f -i
j ffl B 13 W iirrw mors jmw VL
g 1 Ml MjSi ( ohv Third sk'zLr V$k-A.
is Damage in North
suspension of train service on tho Bloom
field branch for a time.
.X.'lyrtlnmt. at lUoomrirltl.
BLOOMF1BLD. Nct., Way M.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Heavy damago was done
here this morning by tho sudden ratso
of tho Bazllo creek, which was caused
by a cloudburst northwest of here. A
torrent of rain fell In town, the govern
ment guugo registering 3V4 Inches.
The water rose so quickly many people
were caught by surprlso and sound
asleep nnd many had a narrow cscapo
from drowning.
Tho flood took In a bigger part of Mnln
street as well as tho residence part of
town. Through the washing of two
bridges which connect tho west part with
the cast part of town, the situation whb
made very hazardous. Many are obliged
to walk miles around In order to get to
Nearly all tho cellars In tho affected
part of town aro filled with water and
In many houses the water Is up on tho
first floor.
Big damage was done in the business
part of town, the Palace barber shop,
which lately had been renovnted and
which was under the Farmers and Mer
to'como from Pittsburgh to Chicago. Miss
Schrelber testified that on her arrival
here, Johnson furnished a flat which she
said had been devoted to immoral pur
poses. She also described trips around
the country which she said had been
made with the prize fighter at his. ex
pense. White Wife Shot Herself.
This was In 1810, Just beforo the mar
riage of Johnson to Etta Duryea, the
divorced wife ot an eastern horseman.
She shot herself to death eight months
ago. leaving letters to her mother In
dicating she had brooded over her social
downfall and Johnson's neglect.
Two months later Johnson was arrested
by Chicago police on the charge of hav
ing abducted Lucille Cameron, the 18-
(Contlnued on Page Two.)
vance, and declaring that they are ready
to stand by the consequences.
Her View Too Pernonnl.
Katharine Strange, proprietress of a tea
pavilion, which was burned In Kew gar
don by the militant suffragettes, de
scribed at the trial of "General" Drum
mond, a visit she made to Miss Rebecca
Kerr after the destruction of tho prop
erty. Miss Kerr told her that she took
much too personal a view of tho matter
Miss Kerr said tho women employed In
the tea pavilion, although they had lost
their Jobs, would ultimately be very glad
that they lent a helping hand to their
fellow women. Anyway, she continued,
the only means of rousing the govern-
ConttnuHfi mi Pk
Part of Stai
chants' State bank, U probably tho heav
iest loser us the shop tilled with water
nearly - to -thet-celling, Another iheavy
loser Is the High grocery storo as the
cellar, which Is full of flour and other
groceries, was filled up tu tho first floor.
I. OKI Hundred TIlDtlNltltll.
An unusually heavy thunderstorm pre
ceded tho downpour. Tho flood was at
Its climax at 4 o'clock, when tho water
camo thruugh tho streets like a solid
wall. Somo of tho citizens sought to
prevent u greater dnmngo nnd succeeded
In saving somo property.
The damago In and nrnund Dloomfleld
will easily reach $100,000. Thero Is no
telling now how much tho damage will
amount to ninnng cattle, horses and hogs
as many fnrmers had much stock In tho
creek pasture nnd tho chance for cBcapo
whs slim 'on account ot strong fencing.
Tho flood was much mora damaging
than tho one hero thirteen years ago.
There Is no record of so sudden a rise
of water in such great forco hero.
JViiiui-m Holtef ComiiilHi'r,
Mayor H. C. rctcrcon has appointed a
relief commttteo composed of U. II.
Mason, Dr. J. P. Mettlon, J. W. Dart, Dr.
(Continued on l'ago Three)
What was said by many of tho doctors
to bo the largen banquet over held by tho
Nebraska Medical association was that
at the Hotel Rome last night when mora
than 200 members and their wives gath
ered at the tables. Tho banquet hall was
filled, The tables wero nicely decorated
with carnations, An orchestra furnished
music throughout the banquet, and all
lingered long over the various courses.
Untimely Dt'ittliM Preveiituhli'i
"Ot the million and a half deaths In tho
United States yearly, 42 per cent, or 6S0,
000, are attributed to preventable causss,"
(.Continued on Page Seven.)
"If you save the cities of.Amerlca, you
save America. If you save America, you
save the wpiid. A lost America will never
save China." Rev, Frank I Anderson,
superintendent of City Missions of Chi
cago, gave this as. his view at the ban
quet by the Baptist Social union of
Greater Omaha at tho Paxton hotel last
According to Rev, Mr. Anderson, "the
forces of evil recognize that tho great
cities ot the country offer opportunity,
and thera they are making their last
stand against Christianity, The cities are
the strategic points, and If the church
lonta its foothold In the olty, then our
God Ib simply a country God." He urged
the Baptists of Omaha to "work out
your policies together" and "ro-operato
In the fighting of the forces of evil."
Three great changes, according to Rev,
Builders Declare Workmen's
Compensation Law is Invalid
Workmen's compensation such aB will
go Into effect with the now law, July 17,
li unconntltutlnnal according to members
of tho Omaha Builders' exchange who
Indulged In a round table discussion of
H at tho nicotinic . !if.t,jilKht.. -J'". W,
Voting, manager of tlio. liability depart
ment or the National Fidelity and cas
ualty company, nnnounced first the opin
ion to that effect nnd tho members of
tho oxchunge agreed to It.
It Is class legislation thny said. Some
expressed tho opinion that tho farmers
of tho stale hnd tho greater part In
framing tho law. They could not see
why an employer of fewer than four
Hhould bo exempt from Its workings.
Following, tho discussion, a suggestion
HARttlfiBURO Pa. May 13.-Secrc-tary
of State William J, Bryan addressed
tho Pennsylvania legislature this after
noon on tho distinction between democ
racy nnd arlBtocrncy, Ho predicted that
beforo unothor general election the pres
idential primary would bo so general
that thero would ho no need to hold na
tional conventions and that presidential
nominees would be named not by party
traders or bosses, hut by tho people,
Speaking of platform pledges, Mr.
Bryan said: "A man who violates a
party platform and betrays his party
and tho people Is a worse criminal than
tho man who embezzles money."
Speaking later nt the banquet of tho
Central Democratic club, the secretary
referring to the factional quarrel In the
democrutlo party last fall, declared there
Is no need ot a progressiva party. "If
the progressives stand for principle,"
said Mr. Bryan, "they will stand for the
democratic party. If the progressives be
llovo they could help tho country they
should hplp democracy and not stand
aside and antagonize it. Tho democrats
made their fight for progressive measure.
Where wore tho progressives when the
democratic party years ngo madn its
fight against Wall street domination?''
Tho tnrlff bill Just passed by the house,
he declared, the best In a generation.
"In my opinion tho flood of bills before
the recent legislature was duo to the ease
with which a man with a hobby could get
a bill drafted through tho aid of the
reforenca bureau," said Henator J. A.
OUUJr., who was In uniuJia last night.
"We ondeavored to fix this up In mak
ing the appropriation for maintenance ot
tho bureau by providing that a fee of 13
per bill shall be charged in the future
when the bureau draws a bill up.
"If this doesn't stop the flow, we may
have to provide that the bureau shall not
draw up any bills whatever. The bureau
undoubtedly does a good work In com
piling Information for legislative mem
bers, but It has evidently been it eleurlng
house for the transference of hobble Into
paper In a fashion that would not huve
resulted had the posswssors of the Ideas
been obliged to pay lawyers to draw up
tin Hlrod n'emures.
Find Bombs
rowded Train
ar London
LONDON, May 14,-Suffragctte bombs
were found today In one of the passen
ger cars of k local train running between
Kingston-on-Thames nnd London, on the
Southwestern rnliwny, making the third
outrngo of this kin on the same line
within two months.
On tho nrrlval at tho Waterloo terminus
of the Kingston rain, crowded with pas
sengers on their way to business, the
conductor noticed In one of tho com
partments three parcels which aroused
suspicion. On Investigation, two of thorn
were found to contain tin cannlsters filled
with combustibles nnd wrapped In suf
fragette placards. No explosion occurred
nnd tho bombs wero handed over to the
A militant suffragette "arson squad"
destroyed a largo untenanted residence,
"the Highlands," at Pnnngato-on-Selne,
near Folkstone, on tho English channel,
lost night. Post cards addressed to the
"Dishonorable Prlmo Minister" and to
tho "Dishonorable Reginald McKenna,
home secretary," were loft lying about
There wob also a post card bearing tho
words; "We hopo f his Is not a poor
widow's house."
Tobacco, Blamed
For Suffragette
CHICAGO. May 13. Race sulcldo. high
cost of living, tho suffragette nnd de
generacy of the human race, partly nre
tho rcsultB of excessive use of tobacco by
men, according to Dr. B. II. Aurand of
Hnhneman Medical college In a paper
read nt the opening session of the fltty
elghth annual convention of tho Illinois
Homeopathic Medical association today.
from Mauri co Uusslo that the exchange
establish a fund to help try a test case
wns discussed. Tho proposition was
postponed for future action, however.
Noncorporate members of tho ex
change, the material men, were mada
corporate members by an election held
at the meeting. The material men had
been paying regular dues Into the ex
change but hnd had no vote.
A, F. Stryker, secretary ot the Live
Stock exchange, tnlked on "Organization
and Co-oporatlon," telling what theso
two elements of brotherhood had dona
townrd tho establishment of a success
ful llvo stock market. Ho urged that
the members of tho Builders', exchange
get closo together In all their work and
bo of mutual help to each other.
KANSAS CITV. Mo., May 13.-Twenty-seven
thousand railroad shopmen will re
ceive Increases In wages as a result of
agreements ratified by representatives of
tho Federation of Shop Crafts and tha
Southern railway and allied railroad, com
panies nnd tha Wabash system at tho
headquarters of the federation In Kan
sas City, Kan., tonight. .
It was announced that the Chicago,
Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad had
granted a ralso of 2 cents an hour to Its
600 hollermakers, but has not yet signed
a contract with the federation.
SELMAt Ala., Stay 13. Seventeen-year,
old Jack Bell, whllo on a fishing trip
today shot and killed his father, accord
Ing to the charge against him at tha
Jail here and then rescued tho body of
his 8-year-old brother from Bguechltto
creek. The elder son, It Is asserted, had
upbraided the father for his attentions
to a young woman of the neighborhood
In which they fished and was quicker
than his father In opening fire when
both reached for their weapons. Tha
Mlttle boy Is said to have fallen Into tho
water and drowned while the father and
his first-born fought.
DALLAS, May 13. More than 100 tem
ples of the Ancient Arabic order, Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine, were represented
tonight In a brilliant parade, which in
cluded two scoro Arab patrols with their
bands. Besides these several thousand,
members not In uniform passed In re
view before tho Imperial potentate, W,
J, Cunningham of Baltimore.
The imperial potentate made hla for
mal report today at the first business
session of tho conclave. He reported a
membership of lffl.446, a net gain for tha
year of 12,7??, divided among a total or
133 temples. The Imperial council ha.d
funds on March 1 of $114,421.