Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daly Bee
Don't Wait
for opportunity; crcnto It for
yourself by Judicious uso of The
Bco's advertising columns.
VOL. XL1I-N0. 283.
President of Trust Says Its Policy is
to So a General Business, Re
gardless of Conditions.
If it Should Stop Crop Could Not
Be Marketed.
He Also Says Cost of Production is
LoWwer Abroad.
Cam Be Laid Down In Sun Fran
cisco nt Abont Present Price
Vise Tin Sold to Conipeti-
tors at Coat.
NEW YORK. May 13.-James A. Far
rell. president of tho United States Steel
SorporatIon continued his testimony to
day in the hearing -of the government's
suit to dissolves the corporation.
He said that were It not for the policy
of the corporation "to do a general busi
ness regardless of conditions" the cot
ton crop of the United States this year
could not be marketed.
"Our competitors," he said, "have
ehown no desire to manufacture cotton
ties, so It developed upon us to supply
the demand. It Is not an attractive busi
ness, but lost year wo supplied the com
press men in the south with 1,900,000 bun
dles at 85 cents a "bundle. If we should
stop manufacture', the cotton crop this
year would Ho on the groundT'
"The. government at the time of the re
cent floods," he continued, "needed steel
piling to strengthen the levee at New
Orleans. We got a rush order for 515
tons on Thursday, and In spite of the
fact that we were very busy we deliv
ered It on Tuesday next, eighty-six hours
before' the high water arrived. We al
ways give preference- to government
PlBT Iron Coming; from India.
The cost of production of steel was
greater In America than in European
countries. Mr. Farrell testified. Ue said
the wages paid abroad were 37 per cent
to 88 per cent lower than here; freight
rates were lower and shipping facilities
for export trade were better.
Pig iron could be manufactured In
India and laid down in Calcutta at $5.88
a" ton, he added, and there was now un
dor way In a sailing vessel from that
port to San Franclaco the first cargo of
Indian pig Iron ever brought to this coun
'The freight was 35.50 a ton and, under
the new duty the tariff 11 cents. Thus
the pig iron Would be laid down in Skn
Francisco at a cost of about $11.50. Chi
nese pig Iron could be laid down, In San
Francisco under the new duty for 310.78.
The present market price for pig Iron on
the Pacific coast is $21.50.
"Did you tell Mr. Underwood about
that?" asked Judge Dickinson, counsel
for the government.
"I don't think it would ake any dif
ference with him." smiled the witness.
Bella at Cost to Rivals.
The steel corporation exercises its
power to prevent corners in pig tin. Mr,
Farrell said. Ue explained that pig tin
was a highly speculative commodity and
susceptible to corners.
"We have on hand the largest stock of
pig tin In the world, and when the Don
don shippers attempt to cornor It we are
time and time again asked by our com
petitors to supply them. We always give
It to them at cost plus the rate of ex
change. Wo don't make any profit on It"
Foretirn Labor Len Efficient
WASHINGTON, May IS. In a report
prepared at the Instance of Chairman
Underwood of the house ways and means
committee, the bureau of foreign and
domestlo commerce says that a comparl
son of seventeen industries In Britain
and the United States shows that the
manufacturers in this country have
higher efficiency and two and a half
many wage earners and one-sixth more
power is needed In the United Kingdom
thai in the United States to produce a
net output of equal value.
Average wages in the seventeen indus
tries, the report adds, were only half
as high In Great Britain as here, although
the wage cost to obtain an equal value
of net output was 19 per cent higher.
NEW YORK, May 13. Police Commis
sioner Waldo began an Investigation nt
reports that men high In the uniformed
police force were presented with frc-o
transportation by the Yellow Taxlcab
company under the guise ot charge ac
counts. These accounts, according to the
company's books, were never paid, al
though the company sent each of the men
a receipted bill every month. Two In
spectors and two captains were the 'lrat
10 oe qucouuiicu " hi Al Wo 111 i
The district attorney
evidence tending to show that certain
city employes have been presented wHh
taxlcab rides which should have cost
$25,000 annually. The company has many
private stands in the streets.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m.. Wednesday.
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Unsettled, with showers: cooler.
Teninernture nt Oinnlin Yesterday.
ft 5:::::::::::::: 2;
7 a. m
7 a. m....
8 a. m..,.
'a a. m....
10 u. m....
11 a. m....
II m
1 p. m....
S p. m....
' 3 p. m....
4 p.m
5 p. m....
6 p. m
7 p. m. ..
S p. m....
Long Missing Verses
of New Testament
Are Translated
LONDON, May 13. Some Ioiik missing
verses of the New Testament are In
cluded In the manuscripts of the gospel
discovered In Egypt six years ago and
purchased by Charles 1 Freer of De
trolt Mich., according to a study made
ot the Freed manuscript by the Times.
! A facsimile of the manuscripts has been
presented to the British museum by the
University of Michigan to which Mr.
Freer assigned the task of publication
and, according to the Times, there have
been found In the gospel of St. Mark
several verses which occur In no other
known manuscript of the new testament,
although there were known to St
Jerome, who quotes part of them.
In the Freer manuscript after the pas
sage -In which It Is said that Jesus up
braided his disciples for their unbelief,
the text continues as follows:
"And they excused themselves, saying
that this age of lawlessness and 'unbelief
Is under Satan, who through the agency
ot Unclean spirits suffers not the true
power of God to be apprehended.
"For the cause they said unto Christ,
reveal now at once thiy 'ghteousness
"And Christ said unto them, the ltmtt
of the years ot the power of Satan is
(not) fulfilled but It dravcth near (tho
text here as elsewhere Is corrupt).
"For the sake ot thpse that have sinned
was I given up unto death, that they may
return unto tho trtith and sin no more,
but may Inherit the spiritual and Incor
ruptible glory of righteousness In
A large number of variations In other
portions of the new Testament are also
pointed out by the Times in the Freer
Third Attempt to
Wreck Tram Made
at Paterson, N. J.
PATERSON, N. J., May IS. A third un
successful attempt to wreck an Erie pas
senger train was made here today. Train
No. 68, from Suffern, N. T., to Jersey
City, was crawling into the station when
two men sprang up from beside the track,
jumped on the platform between the sec
ond and third cars and attempted to un
couple them. Trainmen were on the
alert, however, and prevented them from
doing so.
The men Jumped from the train and
made their escape. Later two men were
arrested, but the conductor was unable
to Identify them and they were released.
The state rested Its case today in the
trial of Patrick Quintan, the Industrial
Workers of the World leader, indicted for
inciting to riot, and the defense began
The case will go to the jury tomorrow.
Leather is Loaded
With Epsom Salts
WASHINGTON, May li-Amerlcans.
with the posslblo exception of the bare
foot boy, are today walking around on
not less than 12,600.000 pounds of glucose
and epsom salts which constitute adul
terants in sole leather. The assertion Is
made by the Department of Agriculture,
which has just concluded Investigations
of the leather Industry and has Issued a
bulletin entitled "The Composition of
Some Sole Leathers." The adulterants
add nothing to the wearing value of the
leather, says the department, and where
present In a large quantity may shorten
the life of the leather.
"Sixty-three per cent of the leathers'
examined were weighted with glucose,
with epsom salts or with both," according
to the findings of the department's ex
perts. "The quantity of loading varied
from 1 to 7.3 per cent of epsom salts,
with an average of 3 per cent. The
maximum quantity of glucose In tho
loaded leathers was 10.4 per cent and the
average 6.5 per cent, The maximum of
these loading materials found In any
leather was 1 per cent and the average
where both were present was 8 per cent.
The results obtained indicate that not less
than; 12,000,000 pounds of glucose and ep
Bora salts are sold annually to the Ameri
can people."
The "loading " Is done to Increase the
marketable weight of the leather.
Board Fixes Amount
Doherty Must Spend
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May IS. (Special Telegram.)
After a conference with Governor More
head this afternoon In the State Irriga
tion board Issued notice to the Babcock
Doherty syndicate that unless they spend
$20,000 and move 20,000 1- cubic yards of
earth before May 35, no extension of
time will be given them under the grant
made last November on their water power
project on the Loup river from Genoa to
H. E. Babcock, E. C. Strode, A. M. Post
B. C. Adams and Max Beghtol, appeared
before the board this afternoon for tho
syndicate to ascertain just what the
board wolud require them to do In order
to hold the right. .They said that a power
plant has been put in operation at Genoa
which was furnishing light to that town
land- hev nmniMH tn mi.
from now on as fast as possible.
There Is a spirited contest on between
the Doherty company and tho Common
wealth Power company headed by W, EW
Sharp of Lincoln, to gain control of the
water In the Loup and Platte rivers, and
the lutlmatum of the board on the Bab-cock-Doherty
matter would Indicate that
the Commonwealth company will havo i
difficulty In getting an extension after
May 25 for Its project, which was granted
at the same time as the rival company.
No work has been done b; the Common
wealth people.
lieutenant test back
fi (From a
Ftaff Correspondent.)
May lJ.-(Special.)-Llout.
67 I p. C.
Test. Inspector tor the Nebraska .
5 ! national guard, returned to Llneo'n from
CT i an Inspection of the Wyoming guard and
of headquarters at uenver. ue aiso in-
spected the engineering corps at Golden,
where a bridge was built and then blown
up with dynamite.
Wind Does Much Damage at Scott's
Bluff, While Bloomfield Has
Flood During Night.
One Death in Wreck of House Near
Scott's Bluff.
Bazile Creek Sends Tide Flowing
Through Streets.
Hundred Tlinnmuil Dollars DnmnRC
In Ton n Alone, While Loss to
Live Stock linn Not Yet
Ileen Estimated.
SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., May 13.-(8pe
clal Telegram.) A most severe hall and
windstorm was general over this country
last night. Hard, straight winds and
small twisters wrecked dozens of barns
and a few houses. The most severe wind
was four miles east of Scott's Bluff
where Henry Sch-ffer's house and barn
wero destroyed. Luther Mattox lost ev
erything but his stone house. An eighty-
barrel steel tank was carried two miles.
Tom Hall's camp was wrecked and his
boy was brought to the hospital hero
this morning badly Injured. E. W. Ebert
lost two barns and one dwelling.
Mr. rtyan lost his house. His family
of seven Is absolutely destitute. They
spent the night on the prairie. Relief
parties are now being organized.
Telephone' wires are down, so Informal
tlon ot the extent ot the storm damage
is meager. Only one death so far re
Clondbnmt nt nloonif leld.
BLOOMFIELD, Neb., May 13. (Special
Telegram.) Heavy damage was done
here this morning by the sudden raise
ot the Baxlle creek, which was caused
by a cloudburst northwest of here. A
torrent of rain fell In town, the govern
ment thermometer registering 3i Inches.
The water rose so quickly many people
were caught by surprise and Bound
asleep and many had a narrow oscape
from drowning.
The flood took In a bigger part of-Main
street as well as the residence part ot
town. Through the washing ot two
bridges which connect the west part with
the east part ot town, the situation was
made very hazardous. Many are obliged
to walk miles around in order to get to
Nearly, all the cellars In the affected
parrot town are f'Nedwlth, water arid
in 'many, house's' the water Its. up ontne
first floor, v
Big damage was done In the business
part ot town, the Palace barber shop,
which lately had been renovated andi
wmenwas unaer me farmers ana mer
chants' State bank,' Is probably the heay
lest loser as the shop tilled with wntbr
nearly to the' celling. Another heavy
loser is the High grocery store as tho
cellar is full of flour and other groceries,
was filled up to the first floor.
Loss Hundred Thousand.
An unusually heavy thunder storm pre
ceded the downpour. The flood was at
Its climax at t o'clock, when the water
came through the streets - like a solid
wall. Some of the citizens sought to
prevent a greater damage and succeeded
In saving some property. -
The damage in and around Bloomfield
will easily reach 3100,000. There Is no
telling now how much the damage will
amount to among cattle, horses and hogs
as many farmers had much stock In the
creek pasture and the chance for escape
was very slim on account ot strong fenc
The flood was much more damaging
than the one here thirteen years ago.
There is no record of so udden a rise
ot water in such- great force here.
Traction Employes
Refuse to Arbitrate
CINCINNATI. O., May 13; The traction
company, which has not- been able to
operate any of Its cars since Saturday
afternoon, had offered to arbitrate with
the men providing the employes resumed
work pending the result of the arbitra
tion. The decision to refuse to arbitrate was
reached after Mayor Henry T. Hunt, as
well as several labor leaders, had ad
dressed the meeting ot the union men.
The mayor urged arbitration, but his
appeal was apparently In vain The trac
tion company earlier in the day gave qut
a statement that in case the union re
fused to arbitrate It "would once more
attempt to operate its cars, and more
trouble Is feared.
After rejection of the company's pro
posal the union men-drew up a letter out
lining their attitude, which they sert to
Mayor Hunt, Mho in turn forwarded it
to the officials' of the street .'ar company.
DES MOINES, la.. May 13, One of the
heaviest wltfd and electric storms so far
this season swept over Iowa early today,
and caused contlderable damage to tele-
I Eraph and tel4l'hone wlre- Tno torin
! appeared heaviest In the south central
; Part of tne ,tftte' particularly at waarja.
according to weatner oureau reports,
j In Des Moines a rainfall ot .51 ot an
! Inch was recorded.
Aside from the demoralization of wire
i communication little other damage was
i reported
st. LOV1S, May 13.-Joseph Pulitzer
HI son of Jotph JullUer. Jr.. publisher
of the St Louis Post-Dlspatcii and
grandson of the late Joseph Pulitzer,
I editor of the New York World, was born
I today,
EYVfllP A" ' ' v
S ' J ' 1
Drawn or The Bee by Powell.
Will Be in Offioial Session Until
Late Thursday Evening.
Indications Are that ItU the ex
ception ot Secretaryship All
the Present Officers WIH
" Be Kr-Bleeted.
The grand chapter of the Eastern fltar,
Nebraska jurisdiction, is In session at the
Masonic temple, with about 700 delegates,
lit attendance. Headquarters are it he
Hotel Rome. Sessions will continue uriUI
late Thursday evehtng.
The Eastern Star is an auxiliary of the
Masons and only wives and daughters of
Masons are eligible to membership. Like
thoso of the Masons, its sessions are se
cret. The meeting yesterday was given
over to addresses and Immediately after
the grand ohapter convened an address
of welcomo was delivered by W. S.
Rowe of Omaha, assistant grand patron,
which was followed with response by
Mrs. Floy Roper of University Plaoe,
the assistant grand matron of the order,
Wednesday forenoon will be devoted to
business, but after luncheon the visitors
are to be the guests of the Omaha Manu
facturers' association and will be given
an automobile ride about the city,
Annnnl Election Thursday.
The annual election will be held Thurs
day afternoon and at this time the Indica
tions are that all but the grand secretary
wilt be re-elected unanimously. There is
a Contest for1 this office, but whether or
not It will ever reach the floor of tho
lodge room Is questioned. Mrs. J, E.
Simpson has held the office thirteen years
ahd now there are one or two other
women who hnk they have a right to
become candidates and peek the honored
position, the only oflo that carries a
salary along with It,
There are a number of men who are
members of the Eastern Star, notwith
standing that it is an organization for
wonten. They are there as sort of
clcerones, the charter of the order pro
viding thnt two Masons of good standing
may become members of each local chap
ter. They hold office, too, Mr. Rowe
being assistant grand patron of the
Omaha, and Lewis E. Smith assistant
grand patron of the Long Pine chapter.
HASTINGS. Neb., May 13.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The first day of the fifteenth
biennial session of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen of Nebraska came to a
close tontght with a public reception at
Tngleside, the state Insane hospital.
Mayor Ingraham welcomed the delegates
and Grand Master Workman A. M. Wall-,
ing . responded. Former Grand Master
J. G. Ttate, now of Oregon, made an ad
dress. Nominations for officers were
made this afternoon and the election
will be held tomorow morning,
HOGANSVILLE, Ga., May 13. Samuei
Owensby, a negro, who yesterday shot
dead Brooks Lane, a young farmer, was
lynched last night. He was hanged to
a tree near the Jail and his body riddled
with bullets. Line was killed on his
plantation near Franklin, Ga. Ills
trouble with the negro was said to have
resulted from a trade for a cowr
Ilo- It til led by Cousin.
ABERDEEN, 8. D., May ll-Speclal.)
While playing with a twenty-two caliber
rifle, Frank Breed, a 12-year-old lad
residing near Verdon, was accidentally
shot by his cousin, a boy ot about the
same age. The ball entered the back on
the left side and perforated the kidneys,
abdomen and bowels. The child was
hurried to an Aberdeen hospital, where
an operation was performed, but without
avail and he died a few hours after being
A Chronic Complaint
Mrs, Brokaw Leaves
Husband in Jail and
Starts East with Boy
Clarence Pierce Brokaw ot New York, in
jail here since Sunday on his wife's
charge that he assaulted her. with a skil
let today appealed to the sheriff of El
Paso cotlnty to have Mrs'. Brokaw tuku.
from the train1, which la bearing her to
ward New York, together with the 3-year-old
son of- the couple. The sheriff
refused to attetppt vto Intercept Mrs.
Brokaw, and Informed tho Imprlsbrieu
husband that his wife had a perfect right
to tako her son. "Buster," to New York
or anywhere else she 'pleqsed,
Mora than a year ago prokawcame
to Colorado Springs bringing the boy.
with rlm. The Incident, then heralded
as sensational kidnapping, followed a
series ot domestic difficulties In the Bro
kaw family, In which various charges
were made.
Later Mrs. Brokaw had her husband
arrested, charging that he had broken
two of her fingers. With Brokaw safely
in jail, she packed her personal belong
ings and departed last night for tho east.
Charles P. Neill,
Commissioner of
. Labor, Resigns
WASHINGTON, May 13. Dr. Charles
P Nelll, United States commissioner of
labor since 1906, and recently made com
missioner ot labor statistics In the now
Department of Labor, resigned today to
take a position outside the government
service. He was prominently Identified
with the arbitration of many noted wnje
disputes under tho Erdman act.
Two Men Killed in
Wreck at Seneca, 111,
OTTAWA, III., May 13.-A rear end
collision of two freight tialns on the
Rock Island railroad at Seneca today re
sulted In the death of two men. Sev
eral cars of merchandise were demolished
and a number of cattle killed. The vic
tims of the accident were anlfep In the
caboose. A dense fog was tho cause ot
the wreck. The dead;
ELMER B. JENNINQB, aged 18 years.
Pocatello, Idaho.
1IARRY FRY. aged W, Chanute, Kan.
Denver Widow is
Robbed in Gotham
NEW YORK, May 13.-Mrs. E. L. Jes-
kup, a widow of Denver, Colo., has re
ported to the police the loss ot a $3,000
dlamonV necklnce. She believes she was
the victlv,n of some clever snatch thief
yesterday 'ijind that the necklace was
stolen from'.a golden mesh bag which
she carried oWr her wrist while shopping.
WARSAW, May U.-Mm. Clara Hun
slker, formerly MIs)i Clara Jansen of
I Cleveland, O., was rAarrled today to Pot
lone! Mlmltry O'Osnoti nclilne In this city.
Mrs. Clara Hynslkerwas formerly the
wife of Colonel Mlllarl' Hunslker, presi
dent ot the American society In London.
The Nationaj Capital
Tnesduy, Slay in, 101U.
' The Senate.
In session at t p. m'.
Territories committee continued Its
hearing on Alaskan problems,
The House.
Not In setsion: meets at noon Thurs
Hundred and Fifty Doctors Here
, for Annual Convention.
While Husbands Are In Business
Session Wives . Will Be ICater
talned ItU Trips Over
i the City.
Some fifty doctors were registered at
noon Tuesday" for thd meeting ot the Ne
braska State Medical association at tt!6
Hotel Rome. A session ot the house ot
delegates, which Is tho official body of
the organization, was held at 10 o clock
yesterday morning. Members of thu mm
Ir.nilng committee were chosen to riort
nominations for tho offices of the nsso
elation. These nominations, however, will
not be reported until Thursday afternoon
Untimely Deaths Preventnlile.
"Of the million and a half deaths In thu
United States yearly, 2 per cent, or 630,-
000, are attributed to preventablo causes,'
said President I. N. Pickett of the Ne
braska Btato Medical association In his
annual president' address at the op?n
Ins of tho association meeting In thu
Rome hotel yesterday.
He took for his subject, "Health as a
Commercial Asset, with Preventable Pis
eases as a Heavy Liability." Following
up his statement with regard to the num
ber of deaths from preventable diseases
he said: "This frenzied prodigality of
the nation's greatest asset results In a
needless annual loss of earning pover
equal to $1,127,000,000. Is It any wonder that
the medical profession has for alrvtheue
many years striven to establish a federal
department of public health so as to
check this wasto7 fcvery twenty-four
hours 1.72S persons die from preventable
disease, representing a loss of nolentla
economic value of 34,905,400,
Itrnrr Tribute of Disease.
"Of the many preventable diseases that
ruthlessly demand a heavy tribute In
lives I will only consider for a few mo
ments each of these typhoid fever, tu
(Continued on Page Two.)
General Drummond
is Seriously II
LONDON, May 13. "General" Mra
Flora Drummond, the militant suffragist.
Is In a state of . collapse and will be un
able to apposr at the resumed hearing at
Bow Street police court todiiy on charges
of conspiracy under the malicious
damage to property act, which has been
brought against her.
A doctor testified In the court that
owing to her Illness she nan neen moved
to a nursing home. Hessald It would take
two weeks for her to get Into a condl
tlon to undergo an operation, which was
nccessury, and another two months be
fore she would be able to be tried.
"The other conspirators," who com
prised Miss Harriet Rebecca Kerr, Miss
Agnes Lake, Miss Rachael Barratt. Mrs,
Beatrice Saunders, Miss Annie Kenney,
Miss Laura Lennox and the analytical
chemist. Clayton, all surrendered to their
During the hearing the printers of th
militant newspaper, The Suffragette, re
lated the negotiations which led to their
undertaking the work. Mm, Emmelln
Pankhurst conducted the negotiations
and In reply to expressions of fear by
the printers that the job was a danger
ous one gave her personal undertaking
that no offensive or Illegal mutter would
appear. She laid stress on the point that
her daughter Christabel had a legal
training and was a specialist In constitu
tional law.
The Interesting revelation was made pn
the witness stand that the militant organ
ization, the Woman's Social and Political
union, paid for the printing o' the elec
tion address of George Lansburry, the
former socialist member of Parliament,
which failed to secure his election.
enrose'Likcn3 Secret House Caucui
on Tariff Bill to Methods of
hamons Dcolares Majority Follows
Precedent of Republicans.
.inority Fight for Public Com
mittee Hearings Under Way.
Asks ChniiRc In Sn-jnr Schedule Pro
viding for Orndunteii Reduc
tion In Duty for Two
Three-Yen r-Perlods.
SHIMIION, Muy S3.-3ennto d.m
j..d, chairman of the flnunco commit co
d Senator Penrose, loading tne fight to
-cr the t'mlcrwood bill win. -t-,ns
for publlo hearings', uc'.vcred oia
i l.-ul broudsldcn agatrut ouch other
. the fccnate today In debate en the
.in ego uroendment which will bo re
ntd tomorrow.
crnitur l'enioso likened the secret taU-
3 ot the house democruta on W tariff
.1 to tho "methods of the Spanish In
anition." and brought lauxhter from
itli sides when ho declared m one was
.'etent at tho caucus to witness 'the
lutder ot American Industry."
Konator Simmons declared that If the
etnocratlc purposo to eliminate hear
ga could be culled rcpiehcnslblo It was
ho frst time the democratic party hod
Vlcd methods of tho ropubll. ans and ha
-.gucd at length why public hearings
ere not necessary.
Itefrrx tu Former Attitude.
In debate Senator Penrose teferred to
enutor Summons attitude ot tho lum
icr suhedule four years itgo when the,
'uyno-Aldlch bill was undor consldera
.oii. Senator Simmons niu'vcrcd thae
he Underwood bill provided for every
hlng he advocated four yenrr ago, If
umber was to bo placed ou the tree
"That being so.1' he said, I Wll vote
with pleasure for free lumber."
Senator Brlstow offered tin amendment
to the .sugar schedule providing for
graduated reductions for two three-year
periods at tho end ot which time sugar
would be taxed at 31.37H per hundred
pounds and ninety-six Cuban sugar at
When the Kansas senator had con-
cud.ed)nn attack, on the detnncratla bill,
Senator Lafollette proposed an amend
ment to the Penrose amendment direct
ing ptibtlo hearings.
HxeClltlve Hesalou Motion Lost.
Senator Bucon ' .then moved that tho
senatu go Into oxcoutlvn' semlon, ThU
fulled 48" to 34, Henators LUFollctte and
Works voting with the 'democrats. This
forced further consideration nt tho tariff
over until tomorrow.
Senator LuFollette'a amendment, which
was accepted by Senator Penrose, pro
vides tlat manufacturers who might
appear of file briefs before the finance
committee be required to answer Under
oath sixteen questions relating to the
commodity they, manufacture; the raw
materials used, tho amount of produc
tion and consumption of the commodity
In this country; the number of concerns
enguged In Its manufacture and their
Identity, the market price In this and
cmpetlng countries; the cost of produc
tion In this and competlttng countries, tho
percentage ot labor cost here and nbroad;
transportation tost to principal murke'e
here and, abroad; what part of tho exist
ing tariff duty represents difference 1n
cost of production hero and abroad and
what part the turlft duty represents
profit of the. American manufacturer,
ATTICA, Kan., May 13. Tho Rev,
Robert Carlisle, pastor of the First Metho
dist church at Atlanta, Kan., was killed'
and his brother and filter, J. A. Car
lisle and Kthel Carlisle, both ot Win.
field, Kan., wero Injured seriously today
when their automobile skidded on a
sandy road and overturned. The pastor
was crushed to death. The other two
were pinioned under tho car thirty min
utes before rescued.
How One Clerk
Built a Business
Somebody tolls an Interest
ing story about a young clerk
who found employment In a
little general store owned by
a Qorman-Amerlcan.
When the clerk got bis job
the storo wais conducted in a
very slipshod fashion. Stocks
were badly mixed and the win
dow displays hodgepodge in
The clerk had brains; he used
He thought, planned and
He brought order out ot chaos.
Stocks were righted; the win
dow displays simplified and well
Business began to Incroaae;
soon it began to thrive. Mean
while, the clerk was writing
the advertisement simple,
homely, truthful, convincing
The successful merchant
always tho right sort of adver
tiser. He told old things in new ways.
He never lost an opportunity to
improve that store HIMSELF.
Today the clerk owns the stor
THE BEE'S advertising col
unms show the same spirit of
ambition and progress.