THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY K1, 1!U ale az,ine : 4 Oh! . It's Great w m SUCt Poha n HOY fo.T a I WORTH ( JA ' Am 3tn V V) j, ,1 CTM l " " l , ' . lLJL. . ' iMiwwn ' ' ' " "Kid Her Along" 4 By EIxLA WIIEEIiER WILCOX. V. Copyright, 1913. by Amerlcan-Journal-Examlner. $ Just what are the qualities which make ;Jimen popular with women and women ' wlth men? This query ofttlmes puzzles wise heads .to answer. Some of .the ugll- eit,meri physically have, been great Lothario and w omen without J 'marked beauty have been heart winners. . ' Men wllh node elded talents;' men .ofj'no ooiaV'prow cat', men , without , jnoney; men with f shadowy records, ' havo all succeeded with women whero ' other and "seem ingly more attrac tive and certainly more desirable men have failed. A bigamist who was under engagement of 'marriage to thirty girls, when he mar ried two of them, says his success re sulted from "always talking to women about themselves." That la the secret of most friendships and all love affairs, and the explanation of.most divorces lies in the fact that the man or woman oeases to talk about the virtues and charms of the. other. That is why beautiful women seldom make men happy, and why plain women frequently fascinate and -hold. It Is not a' peculiarly feminine trait, this love of hearing oneself analyzed and made the leading topic of discussion It Is merely human. Men claim to be above it, but in truth they are delighted to be the absorbing subject of conversation when a woman Is the converser. Any girl, however devoid of physical charm, If she possesses re finement and tact, can wn the man sho admires if she understands the" ftrt of keeping htm entertained about hjmself and given him to understand In a'siibtle manner that his characteristics, his airrfs, his desires and Interests are matters of continual observation and study to her. The woman who undertakes such a course of action must be modest, how-. GOLD DUST makes dazzling bright dishes If you could see your dishes and household utensils through a micro scope you would realize that mere qoap and water are insufficient to do more than wash off the surface. Gold Dost not only cuts dirt and grease with scarcely any rubbing, but is an antiseptic that goes deep after every hidden impurity and germ. Cold Dnst sterilizes your kitchen things, and makes them wholesome and sanitary. Gold Dost is the greatest labor-saver known. Cold Dust Is told 'in 60 six snd large pack ages. The Urge package, means greater economy "Ul thi COLD DOST TWINS Jo yoar work" to Be Married Ella Wheeler Wilcox Gives Infallible Rocipe for Winning imd Holding a Woman Just Talk to. Her About Herself and Sho'll bo Yours ever, and In no way thrust herself upon the man's notice. She must not be bold or self-assertive, for these are repulstve qualities to a man. She must Btmply Utilize her opportuni ties and be patient. A man, on the con trary, can make his opportunities to see a woman, and wh'en he uses boldness, and self-assertion In his suit sho Is all the better pleased, so long as he continues to. occupy her time by talking about .her, wltb'only ari occasional reference to 'him self and other people. Therefore, It Is not difficult to under stand how, while an earnest woman might bo slow in succeeding In her wish to win and hold the regard of one man, a busy, trifling man might accumulate thirty flnancees wl(h ease, and celerity. Xet, on the other hand, woman has more latitude than a man for conver sion of this.. kind. tjA. man Imperfectly willing a woman should dlmmm him faults, and delights In. having her analyze his sins and weaknesses (before mar riage), with occasional laudations of his Virtues; while a woman limits him to the recounting of her charming qualities and to anxious solicitude for her welfare. The only fault she allows him to refer :to is, her ability to break hearts, or her 'cruelty to men who adore her. or her delicate physical organization. Most lovers talk of the charms of their sweet hearts during courtship. Few husbands make the virtues of their wives a toplo of conversation In the family circle hence the divorce court Is busy. Few lovers are so tactless as to de vote many minutes" to laudlntr the vlrtun or charms of other women to their sweet- hearts.. But many husbands enjoy this topic of conversation, and accuse their wives of Jealousy if they seem, uninterested. The successful bigamist surely would know better than to pursue such a course; so while better men have been losing their" wives and. sweethearts ho has been win ing .an embarrassment of riches. Tho way to win a woman lies through' praise 'of her. i The way to lose her through praise of other women. , - f ... .. .. s States-General . .. ' , J By REV. THOMAS D. GREGORY? One 'hundred arid twenty-four years ago May 5, 1789 was one of.' the most eventful that ever dawned upon humanity. It was the day of the meeting; of the States-Oenerjil at Versallfia. Owing to tho scoundrelly greed of the army was financially on Its beam, ends and I the king had called called together the representatives of ' the three estates I for, the- purpose, j primarily, of re I filling his depleted treasury. The historic as- sembly was made up of 1,214 members, divided aa follows: 3i ecclesiastics. 2S5 nobles and 621 from the third estate, or the people. The no ' bles began by making fools of themselves, j They demanded that the deputes of tho i third estate should kneel In presenting their certificates of election and that in entering and leaving the hall they should use the back door. That was more than' the representatives of the people could bear, and they in stalled theratelrea in the great hall of the -estates and Informed the gentlemen of the church and the nobility that they were ready for business. The nobles and the higher clergy paid no attention to them, but they were heartily joined by most of the Inferior clergy, and the work began in dread earnest a work that no body had counted on, not even the rep resentatives of the people themselves. The deputies of the people declared ' themselves 'the "national assembly," and when the king, goaded on by the angry aristocrats, sent his messenger to order them out of the hall the great Mlrabeau shouted to him that famous ultimatum: 'Go and tell those who sent you that we , are here by the will of the people and ?Fa i rfc-n Kv 'raSniOll Oy This picture shows one of Paris's most sensational mod els in evening gowns. Qold and silver trim mings and em broidering give it afi exception ally rich appearance. Its unusual style and daring departures from old-time methods give it a most striking effect. The Story of By JAMES J. MONTAGUE. One thing leads to another. Mlko Clancey, whose Job was to oil section 8,976,234 of the Hackensack meadow ex that we shall not budge save at the point of -the -bayonet." It was now clear to all that a clash was inevitable, and on the 12th of July It came in the shape of a collision be tween the people and the king's troops. Blood was shed. The hired tools of privilege had murdered tho pepple. The tricolor flag sprang Into existence as If by magic, and under the folds of the new-born emblem of democracy the mad dened populace rushed to tho B&stlle, the hated symbol of aristocratic tyranny, and leveled It to the ground, JJow aald theentlemen of third est tat, "we will buckle down to business," And they were as good as their word. Under the name of the "Constituent As sembly" they first of all went right down to the roots of the matter by abolishing nobility and Its special privileges, declar XTi cfU T A Magnificent Evening Gown iMlgm; Modelled by Paris Artistes a Mosquito Bite jj termination dlstrlat, run out of petroleum at S o'clock Fr.lday afternoon leaving ono souare inch of meadow undlled. Tt!n minutes later a hitherto baffled mother ing that all should bo absorbed In one general French clttxenshlp, based upon the principle of "liberty, fraernlty nnd equality." With that great principle as their in spiration and guide the assembly then proceeded to make a new constitution for France, the substance of which was that France was a "limited monarchy, without an absolute veto, and a sfngle chamber having alone (ho right of Initia ting laws the nation to order, the king to execute" In a word, they had given France q constitutional democracy like thit of England, finch was. the situation in April, 1791, whon Mlraueau, the great est man In the nation, died at tho age of iU Mlrabeau cone, there was no man big enough to stand at the helm of the ship of state and Franco went head-on and full speed Into rcd'sea of the 'terror ' Drawn for The Bee ; By George McManus This la ono of the handsomest modols produced from tho Paris shops this season. Its foundation is "mole" chnr mouse. Tho top of the bodice is a fichu of guipure veiled by an "nme thyst" silk muslin, which falls back In two long points. The long tunic Is of gray bIU mus lin, richly embroidered In gold and stiver nnd edged njl around with a row of silver beads. This tunic tightens the bust nnd hlpfl. crossing In front under a girdle of draped ainetbySt satin and a hugo Bcarabueus of silver. Tho slJlrt, which' Is molo char meuHo, Is but slightly drapod and is finished by a square train. It Is opened slightly by a silt over the foot. mosquito found the unolled area and es tablished a family In It. Saturday after noon several thousand wrigglers squirmed to the surface of the muddy wuter, un furled their tiny wings and sailed away. One of them, caught by a breese blowing' east northeast was swept across Jersey City over the tranquil Hudson, and, caught In an eddy, volplaned gently down to the poo grounds. There he discovered and bit Just behind the right ear the pitcher of the Phila delphia Athletics, who had two strikes and three balls on the batter in the' last half of the ninth Inning, with a tie score and two men out. The pitcher had wound up, His nerves were taut as fiddle strings. Thoy seemed to snap at that vicious lunge of tho mosquito's proboscis, and instead of a sizzling slant he .threw an easy straight one. Result a home run and a lost game. James Julklns, a Pittsburgh millionaire, occupying box No. 2$, had bet MOO on the Philadelphia team. He lost the bet. Because he lost it, he had to go to his club for money, instead qf the Mllllonblt .hotel where a young man was awaiting him. The young man was (here tp ask. for the hand of Miss Josephine Julklns, the Jovely daughter of James Julklns. Impatient at the nonnrrlval of the father of his Intended he refused to tip the boy T Writes in the Suffrage Par- JLOrOtny JJ'lX ado-It Was a History Mak ing Spectacle and Makes tho Exist of the Doll 3aby Woman from tho Stake of Life. Uy DOROTHY DIX What did you see as you watched the suffrage parade on Saturday? You. saw tho first real democracy of woman. You saw Judy O'Qrady and the Colonel's Lady marching shoulder to shoulder. You saw the petted darling of the draw ing room walking side by side with the girl of the sweat shop. In that procession wcro millionairesses kinplng step with licrubtvo-mon; coli Icge-professora. with tlio pupils qt night schools; Fifth ave nue hostesses with waitresses from cheap lunch rooms; old women with withered cheeks and gray hair with girls In the first flush and bloom of youth and bonuty. All lines of wealth n'tnl class and hocIuI distinction were wiped out by tho great cause that touches every woman high and low, and that has brought them together In one great Blntcrhood. What did you see whin you watched tho suffrage parado? You saw ono of the spectacles . hat maku history, You saw .the passing of tho old order of things and tho entrance of the new, Toil saw the exit from' the stage or life of the doll baby woman of the past, of the woman who could find the whole of life In adorning herotlf, whoso Inter ests were no wider than hrr nwn home, and who saw no' shame In getting what sho wanted out of some man by cajolery, or fluttery, or lying, or whatever other means was necessary. Dull, Indeed, were the eyes 'that did not sen In thon thousands and thousands of oarncst-fuccd women the type of tho new he has sept to puge the old man. Tho boy had Intended that nlpht to go to a moving picture show, hut the loss of tho tip made economy necessary, and ho went home Instead. On Jho 'trolley he found a handbag containing SCT In caBh, two samples of grenadlno silk, three buttons a subway ticket, n bridge favor and a letter, llecognlzlng the name on tho letter as one belonging to a well, known suffrage leader residing In West-chesto.- county, he called her house on tho telephono nnd was asked Jo bring the handbag to Mamaroneck. reward and expenses to be paid by the owner. The noy went hack to tho hotel and lirrrowcd the money for h's fare to Jla- maroneck, and took tho next train out, The well known suffraglitt leader was lejolced to find her purse, and doubly rejoiced to find a member of the male ,tex with sufficient honesty to return a lost handbag. ' She inquired Into the boy's circum stances and arranged to educate him. He went to Harvard, whero he developed. Into a smushlng amateur pitcher and gradu ated direct Into the big league. Today he Is the star twlrler of one of the lead In teams; and he hnrn't the faintest Idea of his debt to Mike. Clancy, who, poor chap, is still patiently oiling tho Hackensack Meadows. But there Is no such thing as luck,- NO ONE STRONGER THAN MIS STOMACH. The oelebrated Dr. Abernethy of London wwi firmly of tho .opinion that dkur dersoi the stomach were the most prolific toured of human ailments in' general. A recent medical writer eayis " every feeling, emotion and affection reports at tho stomach (through the system of nerves) and the stomachs is alleoted accordingly. It it tho vital center of the body He continues, " to we may be tatd to live (thrtugh) the ttomsch." He goet on to show that the ttomsch it the vital center of the body. For weak stomachs and the consequent indigestion or dyspepsia, and the multitude ol various disenset which result therefrom, do medicine osn be better tuited at curative agent than f.vyT flesh Wonderfully. su, uuojuut. Fierce. Uo has .JJ womanhood that Is marching onward to aj place beside man, no .more, to be hit toy nnd plaything, but his equal and his partner In doing tho work of tho world and reaping its rewards. Wlmt did you seo as you watched the BUftrago paradeT You saw tho spectre of Injustice march ing In every woman's shadow. The crowds through which those 10,000 white clad women tramped were mostly silent, as well they might be- with shame If they had ryes to seo .nnd a heart to compre hend the significance of tho scene. You taw women who owned million! of dollars' worth of property, but who wrro denied the .right to say what taxes should bo lovlcJ upon their property. You saw tho representatives of 6,000,000 work ing women, but who havo no powor in shaping tho legislation that affected .thorn. , i 'v You saw mothers who llttlo' children s lives wero crushed opt uf;them In fac tories; housewives who mUs't sweat very nickel to make It go a lltilo farthor when trusts put up prices; women who repre sented one-half of tho population, and who wcro affected by Its every law, but who had no voice In making them. You snw highly educated women, brilliant piofesslonal women, nobla women phil anthropists, saintly church women, women who represented all thrtt Is fin est nnd best In humanity, but who were denied the privileges that tho most 1111 torntc, tho most, debased, man enjoys. What did you seo as 'you watched the suffrage parade? You saw one of tho most pathetic sights tho world has over witnessed. You saw womanhaad humbling Itself lieforo man to nsk ns n boon tho, prlvilcgo that It shbuld demand na a right. You saw the wire who bun grown gray nnd old In service to her husband, and vyho has given him live best years of her life, asking to bo made, h)s equal. You saw. tho mother who "nas Uorno his son In her arms going before him as u suppliant. ' You saw the rich woman asking a dole, of her butler and her footman, You saw tho woman college professor btKKlng the Ignornnf and Illiterate foreigner to share with her tho right of government that he has and sho has tjot. It was a silent, sad appeal to man to right tho Injustice ho has done woman to strlko her political shackels from he No one except, those 'who took part In It know what courage, what sacrifice of personal inclination,. It took for uuet, dignified, reserved women to tramp tha streets, and moke themselves a public spectacle for hundreds of thousands of curious eyes, nnd lo he the butt of cheap wits upd village cut-tips, . To "rnost. of tho women every stop of iho way was tho way of the cross, but they trod It unfalteringly, becnUso there was no other means, that could so ef fectually carry the message they had to give to tho public. It was a spectacle that made even tho dullest think. What did you see as you watched the suffrage parade? You saw victory marching on to us crowning. Every woman's face wore the uplifted look of a martyr, of one whq would.,strugglq on undismayed by defeat until she finally conquered. -No one who wltnossed that parade wlllever Jest and scoff again at woman's suffrage. He will know that it is a fact to be reckoned with, and that It Is just as suro to come as is tomorrow. Df. PJerco'a Golden, Medical' Discovery. " Several months ago I suffered from a severo pain right under the bre&st-boiuv' writes Mus. O. M. Mubkeh, of Corona, Calif. "Had suffered from It, off and on, for sev eral years. I also suffered from heart-burn, did not know what was the matter- with mo. I tried several rxodlclnea but they did me no good. Finally, I was told It was my liver. I did not.dare to eat aa. it made me worst. When ever I swallowed anything It seemed that I would f slut- .It hurt so. I grew very, thin and weak from not eating. Was told to take Ur I'lorce's Uoiden Medical Discovery. J toon Ave bottlos. of It, and could feel myself got ting better from tho, first dose. I could eat a llttlo without pain and grew strong fast To-day I am strong and well and can do a big day's work with ease. Can eat everything and have nut on I will say W all sufferers write to .& my undying gratitude."