Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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Get the
Real Spice Flavor
Until youve eaten food sea-(
soned with Tone's Spices you
can't imagine what a really
wonderful difference there is in
spices. You'll note the snappy,
delicious, genuine spice taste at
once. That's because
ssrfafl others
are only the freshest, choicest
spices from the tropics and are
alv's sold; in protective pack-
-hich keep all their
ivor. Spices , sold in
opt in open sacks are
v ..ieir best, and loss of
jih makes them expensive.
GeoJ grectr U Tons' Spkt.
Akoayt 10c a package.
TONE BROS., Des Moine,Iowa
"Xtmfar of th famom
OU Golden Ceffaa.
Hustleri of Commercial Bodiei Are
Coming in September.
Tarn Over n Xcr I.rnf and Pro
poae to Par Their Orrn Ex
ptnitu Omnhn Will Give
Them n Banquet.
Omaha wilt be the meeting place of the
Central Association of Commercial club
secretaries, September 22, 23 and 24.
J. M. Guild, commissioner of the Com
mercial club has returned from Chicago
after attending tho meeting of the cxecu
t've committee of tho association, at
which the place and dates of the con
ventlon were decided. The secretaries,
knowing the expense and bother of enter
taining conventions, agreed that they
would pay their own expenses at the next
They will come to Omaha from sixteen
states and north of the Ohio river and
least of a line drawn through Cheyenne,
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and
Trinidad, south of the Canadian border
and extending east to the cities of Buf
falo and Pittsburgh.
Among the prominent men In com
mercial club work who will attend, will
be H. F Miller, business manager of
the Chicago Association of Commerce,
Munson Havens of Cleveland; E. M.
Clendennlng of Kansas -City, Joseph H
Beek of Bt Paul and Thorndlke DeLand
of Denver. Among others outside the
territory will be M. B. Trexevant of New
Orleans and S. C. Mead of the Merchants'
Association of New Tork.
The annual dinner will be given the
delegates the opening evening. A pro
gram Is now being prepared. A repre
sentative of the Chamber of Commerce
of the -United -States will be one of the
speakers and someone from Harvard
university will talk on the education of
commercial secretaries In their work.
B. M. Clendennlng of Kansas City was
fleeted president of the association suc
ceeding J. M. Guild.
May Sale of Muslin Underwear
Fresh, crisp new lota of undcrmUBllns brought for
ward Tuesday to give new interest to this May
Sale. The values are by far tho best we have over
offered you.
o cie
Monday, May 12, 1913,
TF YOU think that men are not susceptible to the caprices of Dame
Fashion, all you will have to do to change your opinions Is to view
J a number of their latest apparel hobbles. Tho green hats, with the
little bows in tho back, need no further foot notes, but there is one
still more recent than that, and it comos in the form a cigarette holder.
It Is white, purewhlte, and made of meerschaum substance. In New
York it In quite the rage, and Everyman who does not possess ono Is qulto
in arrears and out of tho picture. "You see them everywhere," said an
Omahan, recently returning from the metropolis, "at dinner parties, cafes
and clubs and la hotel lobbies.?
There first appearance here was at a, local club, and a former New
Yorker, now residing In Omaha, introduced them,
There are quite a number of advantages connected to the folblOf how
ever, and among them ia the eKsalsatlon of the obnoxious fliiger stains
that result from handling cigarettes 'as they are being smoked. It Is also
graceful, and first camo into uso among the German army officers, who
adopted it as a whim, then found it practical.
Library Board and
Others Protest on
Fire Hall Location
Sigma Theta Pi Matinee luncheon.
Tha young women of the Blgma Theta
PI sorotfty entertained at a luncheon at
tho 'Loyal today followed by a matinee
at the Ovpheum In honor of Mrs. Harry
Rosenfeld, a recent bride, Spring flowers
were used in decoration and those pres
ent were:
Mrs. Harry Hosenfetd.
. .Misses- Misses
Mamie SplAsherger, Martha Hadra,
Itnrtsna nnlibnrsrAnna Fall.
Jvle Ilosentipck, Htith Arnsieln,
Krna Hadra,
Hanoi Degen.
Club Entertained.
Members of the K. K, K. club were
entertained Friday afternoon at the homo
of Miss Margaret Solomon. The next,
meeting will bo in two weeks, with Mies
Helen Adkltson. At the last meeting
Diets Club Opens Season.
The Diets club gave their opening danc
ing party Thursday evening at their club
house on Carter lake. Those present were
Dora Bass,
Ella Donley,
Elsie Parrel!,
Mildred Brunner,
ISssle Aarons.
Cecil Wlthnell.
Porra Hurst,
Mary Prltchard.
Gertrude Omening,
Margaret Loge,
Vigorous protests have been mads to
the city commission against the location
of a fire engine house at Nineteenth and
Harney streets, aa proposed by City Com
missioner C. 11, Wlthnell, John It.
Webster objected because Harney street
was destined to be a business street, like
Famam, and this engine house would be
In the way. Tho public library board
submitted a written protest. The council
took no action on the matter. The pro
test from the library board follows;
As members Of the public library board
of the city of Omaha we earnestly pro
test against the proposed location of a
flra engine house on the creche lot at
the northeast corner of Nineteenth and
Harney streets, almost directly across
Harney street from the public library, b&
First Such location would be danserous
to the llfo and limb of the patrons of the
pudiio iiurory, ana,
Beoond It would raiult tn ratnt
elation of the property value of the pub
lic uorary, meaning tnereDy loss or rnnn
olal value of property owned by the city.
wun reference to the first pi-odos tlon.
we beg to Inform you that the pubjlo
library Is patronized by an average of
i.sw people aaiiy. or this number, sev.
croi n
Three Conventions
Open Here Today
Three conventions will open in Omaha
this morning. The Nebraska Medical as
sociation, bringing more than 400 doctors
from ail over Nebraska, win start a
three-day session at Hotel Home. Almost
as many women, members of the Ordr
of Eastern Star wU be here for a two
day convention and the Knights of
Pythias and Pythian Sisters will convene
for two days at the Paxton hotel.
Mary PJerrow,
Gertrude Koepfer,
lreno Higher,
Km ma Wilson,
Evelyn Spellman,
Irene Lungaard
of Council Uluffs,
Dora Haarman,
Batclla Anderson,
June Youngeis.
Jeannette Cehrle,
Alfreda Truelson,
Lovlna Brown,
Margaret Solomon.
Frances Cessell,
Atlce Peters,
Viola Pearce,
Helen Adktason,
Llla Marshall.
Evelyn Kopeland.
Tom Kew Club.
The Delflona club held Its first meeting
Saturday at tha home of Miss Eunice
Syke. The afternoon Was spent with
rouslo and dancing and six members
were laltlated.
Announce Engagement.
The engagement is announced of Chris
tian Oreenhagen to Miss Elsie 8weod1or.
jai Dewey avenue. The nuptials wH' b
celebrated June S, at the home of the
Club Orpheum Party.
Mrs. Samuel Resa and Mrs. F. I.
Straight entertained th.e members of the
household economics department of the
Omaha Woman's club at an Orpheum
party Monday afternoon. Sixteen were
EIUabethcMullen, Mabel Whitney.
Katnerino spellman. uuiaa Airaurui,
marie uaoier.
Bertha Met.
Nettle Bchooley,
Russll Evans,
Ed Latterly,
Clarence Hall.
Fred Evans.
AI. lllaUIUDS.
Ed Hawley,
uari Jionney,
uave FOX.
Dr. F. C. Loge.
ir. iiaie usantner,
n, A. Wilson.
G. E. Battey
of Council Bluffs.
J. Soegaard,
W. H. Dana.
A. U I.lerk.
E. Hoaelahd.
nr. and Mrs. K. M. uor.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Meyers,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vedman,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nestlebush.
Mr. and Mrs. John McMahon,
Mr and Mrs. Andrew Anderson.
Frank Spellman,
Freeman Bradford,
Robert Shields,
Max Grossman,
W. H. Schollman,
W. O. Bruett.
Claud Rife. i
J. A. Matts, '
T. Anderson,
William Waack,
C. V. Bwancutt.
Dr. C. F. Patten,
Atto Reynolds,
G. S. Felt.
F. A. Coulter,
It, W. Hoagland,
T W. Knight.
The Association . of Chicago Turn-
Bezirks will have a solid train over the,
Northwestern-Union Pacific when the 1
members go to the national tournament ',
at Denver, June 25-29. It Is expected that
there will, be close to 600 in the. party, and
going, a stay of practically a day will be
made In Omaha. The, special train of
the Chicago delegation will arrive In
Omaha at 8:15 the morning of June 2
and will remain until 3 oclook In the
afternoon. According to the program,
breakfast and dinner wtl be served here,
the visitors being the guests of the local
association. Therp wilt be' an; automobile
trip through the tornado zone' and a pub-
lice reception at 1 o'clock.
lUndred are children. ldirlv nrubU
and. those who are physically unabla to
ordinary vocations,
therefore look to the library for their
recreation. It Is read ly apparertt that
Nadim Face Powder
tla Ctm Bomtj Only)
Keeps the Complexion Beautiful
Soft and velvety, and re
mains until washed off.
It is pure, harmless.
Money back If not en
tirely pleased. Purified
by a new proceii. ' i
Prevents sunburn and re
turn of discoloration.
The iacreulng popular-
Sty is wonderful. White, Fltih, Pint,
runcttt. 50c. by Toilet Counters or Mali.
bold bv Sherman & McConnell Drug
Co.. Owl Drug Co.. Loyal Pharmacy. The
Harvard and others,
Maa. WiksloWs Boothixo firmer hit been
i the fcct remedy for DIAKRHC2A. It U ab
selotely fcsrtnlcM. Be sure and ask lor "Mr.
Wiatlftw goothiog Syrup." and take M oUff
Uad. Twesty-avc ctt a bottle.
Orpheum Party, , v
Mrs. Edward G. Wells entertained Mrs.
D Q. Lawn of Nashville, Tenn., and Mrs.
John Hu-Json at an Orpheum party Mtur
day afternoon.
Studio Tea.
Miss Mary Munchhoff will entertain in
formally at a studio tea next Sunday
afternoon from J to 5 o'clock. The gueata
will be restricted to pupils of MIssMunah
hoff. Entertain at Sinner,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Milder entertained
at dinner Sunday In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. William Warshaw of Kansas City.
Tbo table was decorated with spring
flowers and covers were placed for
Tea for Harvard Men.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith
have Issued cards for a tea to be given
at their home Friday aftrtndon from 4:30
to 6:Si o'clock in honor of President and
Mrs. Lowell of HarvarJ college. This
will be a Harvard reunion and local
Harvard men have bcn Invited to be
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
George A. Hoagland left today for a
fishing trip to Lake Jefferson, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A- Nash left last
evening for a few days stay In Chicago;
Dr. and Mrs- J. E. Summers returned
home this morning from a trip to New
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hall are so
journing nt the Hotel Colfax 'at Colfax
Sitrlng. Ia.
Halleck F. Rose will sail May 21 from
pursue their
the- apparatus of a fire engine house
this location. In answering n maiorltv-
calls, munt make a turn directly In front
of the library entrance, thereby making
doubly daniceroua the situation.
Aa fathers of children, which most of
you are, and aa men interested in the
Subtle welfare, aa we know you all to
tt wo appeal to -you to avert the cer.
talnty of death or injury to the women
ana cnuaren.
With reference to the second proposl
tlon, we beg to Inform you that the city
has already made an initial Investment
of I13,000 In a building which cannot niiw
be duplicated for less than 2O0,O00( located
on valuable real estate. HOxlSS feet In
stxe. and that it la filled with a library
of 106,000 volumes and a museum of rare
and valuable curios, including the famous
Tlvrnn Reed collection, and with wnrka nt
art of great value. This valuable prop-
ony wuuiu iiavcBaiuy sutler grcai de
preciation In value If Its patronage be
comes limited and the character of ita
environments la changed by the close
nioxlmlty ol a fire engine house. Weft-el
sure that you would not think o( -locating
such an institution next to a hospital or
a puoiio SCHOOL
Dr. Connell to Give
His Tubercular List
to Visiting Nurses
Health Commissioner R. W. Connell, at
tempting to prevent the spread of tuber
culosls In the city will secur.e a list of
all tubercular persona here and will give
this Jlt to the visiting nurses to use
In calling on these persons, Inspecting!
their environments and giving them ad
"Physicians have reported about fifty
cases so far this year." said Connell
"Last year only eight were reported, al
though 111 died of the dlseaae. There i
a state law making it a misdemeanor
for a physician to fall to report to the
health department all cases of tubercul
osls he sees. We are endeavoring to en
force this law."
The health commissioner haa written
all physicians In the city a letter asking
them to co-operate with him in the fight
against tuberculosis and quoting the law
on the subject of reporting cases to the
health department
Stops falling Hair
Htlfti Hair Rwvtwer certainly stot.-
Ttun&c jsair. No doubt about it what-,
yr. Yob will sorely h satisfied.
Four Bushels of
Essays on Know
Omaha Turned In
Four bushels of essays were turned Into
the publicity bureau of the Commercial
club this morning by the various publlo
and parochial schools of Omaha, Bouth
Omaha. Benson and Dundee, The contest
tn the Know-Omaha essay contest among
the school students closed May 9 and
three days of grace were given tha con
testonts to turn them In. More than 6,000
compositions are now at the bureau and
Th ? f T WMk" abI0aJ ' l0t" Um The essays will b, given
as tha guest of D. B. Thompson, ambas-' ,h. .-.,. Tuesday or Wednwdnv
.S . and mu be passed upon by them In tirnn
.r-t. imr. .vouniu wm leave this for the awarding pf prises May a, to be
evening to -attend the National Art fed, officially known as Know Omaha day
crtttlon in Washington, D. C. Knroute i Th winners bf tha Prises will be alven
home Mrs. Kountx mil tun t Mark
lnao for a few days and return to Omaha
In about tea days.
medals showing that their share of the
JJOO given by the Omaha Ad club has been
given to tha raiuc of toma4o ufferwra.
Group of Dainty New
j Ufldermuslins, at. . .-,
Pretty nainsook gowns shirts with em
broidered or lace trimmed flounce, dainty
corset coverd, chemises and drawers.
Gowns. Skirts. Drawers. Chemises
gg; and Corset Covers, at. ..... .
Beautifully made, carefully sized and . best .In point
of material ever offered at this price In Omaha.
A remarkable group. "
Fine Combination Suits, Cewas,
Priicess Slips, Petticoats, etc ,
In these special groups are scores and
scores f exquisite articles of umderwedr.
Many extra size garments for stout women
are offered at this price.
Untrimmed Hats and Flowers for Trimming
Wreaths of satin Daisies
with foliage 10 flowers
to wreath, in new blue,
maize, cerise, purple and
brown worth 85c
to $1, at wreath. . . vC
Thousands of wreaths
American Beauty Roses 5
in wreath, in tea, pink,
American beauty shades
only make exquisite trim- ia
mlng for midsummer hats; (Hlr
Tuea., 2d floor; worth 75c
Several hundred plain and
velvet faced' hemp shapes,
also milan and novelty braids
some in hand blocked;
large, medium and tg Aft
small stzee; all dealr- ?k I LM
able colors, at
i Hay Sale of Wash Fabrics and White Goods
Lloyd D. Willis, the architect, and A.
V. Gordon of the Oordon-Lawllss com
pany, have bought, a lot on the pinnacle
of the till) at Thirty-eighth and Daven
port streets and are contemplating the
erection of a w,000 apartment house.
The property was bought from the
Peter Wind 'estate of Council Bluffs. If
plana carry the ereotlpn of the apartment
will begin in September and be com-
pueted next spring.
A ScrtoBS Brrnkdonn
results iroo cnronic constipation. Dr.
King's Ne,w Life Pills relieve headache,
stomach, liver and bowel trouble. 2Kb.
Vr Jale by Beat6n Drug Co. Advertise
"My Flit Win Just
Aihiic For TIZ"
Let Your JPoor, Tired, Chafed, Tea.
tier Feet "Spread Out" Glor
iously in a Bath of TIZ!
ad at ace for Tree Trial raokaga,
a. O, glory .wnat a feUn I wonder
ful what TIS2 will do for your feetl"
Just take your shoes off, and then put
those weary, shoe-crinkled, achy, corn4
pestered, bunion-tortured feet of yours
"Jtut couiaVt
vrait to Ulca
y bat offl"
In a TIZ bath. Your toes will wiggle
with joy. They'll look up at you and al
most talk, and then they'll take another
dive In that TIZ bath! Tea, TIZ is llfo
to feet!
The man or woman who says thorn's
anything like, or aa good as, TIZ never
bad a foot In a TIZ bath. You'll be able
to wear smaller shoes, too, when you use
TIZ: your feet will keep cosy.
Miss M Pearl Uoyd, Glendona. WhL.
got one box of TIZ for her mother. "She
haa had aore, tender foet for a Ions
time)' writes Mlsa Uoyd, "but after u.
log TIZ her feet are not troubling her."
TIZ operates under a new principle.
drawing out all the poisonous exudations
that make feet sore, corny and tired.
There's nothing else like TIZ, so refuse
any imitation. If anyone offers you
substitute, just remember your poor, sut
fering feet, and tell him to give you what
you asked for.
TIZ. Si cents o box. old everywhere.
or snt direct, on receipt of price. Money
back If TIZ doesn't do all wexsay. For
a free trial package write today to Wal
ter Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago, III.
Recommended by all Drug Stores, da-
partmeat and general store.
New Silk and Cotton Fabrics
Silk jacquards, foulards,
printed fancy silks, printed
Riviera silks 26 and 27 ins.
wide. From the bolt, fl gr
in basement, at yard..-lwC
40-inch Bordered Batistes
and Voiles in stripes, dots,
figures, floral designs
regular 18c and 20c values,
in the basement, JT
at, yard wt
Muslins, Long Cloths and
Cambrics All the well
known and most desirable
brands, worth up to 120 a
yard all perfect
goods, at the yard
S T A M I Jg,-A
A standard Packard "38" motor has completed
an official non-stop test of 200 hours at the Autp
inobile Club of America, New York. The best
previous record was 132 hours, made four years
ago in, England. , N
The motor is running at a constant (
speed of 1200 revolutions per minute. ,
' Measured in road performance it is
pulling the "38" car with full load at a .
speed of 37.46 miles per hour over
roads heavy enough to call for a wider
open throttle. Making 899 miles a day,
the motor has rolled up nearly 7500 v
miles in 200 hours. An average sea- 4 .
son's mileage, at twice the average tour
ing speed with a load that requires at
all times the full power of the motor,
has been compressed within a period a
of less than nine days. '
The test has attracted many spectators. ' As a fur
ther demonstration qf Packard stamina, it will be
continued for 100 hours more.
Endurance far exceeding the requirement "is the
uncompromising standard to which every Pack
ard is built
Ask the man who owns one
Orr Motor Sales Company
24th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska.
Concentrate your advertising in The Bee.
There is a Bee in almost every home.