THE BEE: OMAHA, TTESDAY, MAY 13, 1913. FRANTZ PREMIER Electric Vacuum Cleaner "Weighs only nine pounds. Cleans as well ns tlio heaviest cleaner made. Built for overy day use and fully guaranteed. Ask us to MA ftfl vKA demonstrate It I ? J 0nn "USSIB W Hardware Co. mi S 4 07 -09 Cuming1 L Street. aPL Phoas S, llio. a i iii ,-m WEEKLY ELECTRICAL PAGE Published Each Tuesday LIGHTING LOWERED Electricity Ko Longer Priced as High as Few Years Ago. REASONS GIVEN FOR CHANGE Central Station Machinery- la IJcttcr and Incandescent Lnmim tircntlr Improvnl Over Those ot' Other Years, HEALTH FROMJLECTRIGITY Water is Evaporated and Condi tions in Roofns Improved. HUMIDITY MUST BE INCREASED "Water Heated In Ordinary Chaflnir Slab "Will Serve to Give Jut Ilcoult that la Iti. qnlred. Many electrical contractlngr companies have recently had calls for evaporating water by means of electric heat so as to give Increased humidity ln residences, on days when the humidity Is far too low. It is often of great Importance to health, ln avoiding colds, and In keep ing the skin. In better condition, that the humidity should bo Increased ln residences, schools and other public buildings. ,Thls can be done by evaporating water ln on ordinary electric chafing dish ln the hall or living room. Or, by a proper electrlo Installation, this can be made absolutely automatic so as to turn on the current and evaporate the water whenever the humidity falls below fifty, and to automatically turn off the cur rent whenever the humidity rises aboVe fifty. Put on the heating and cooking circuit, thereby getting the advantage of the. low rate for current, such a system would cost very ltttle for current to operate it "Electrlo light Is the only thing I know of that has becomo any cheaper In the last ton years.-THOMAS A. EDISON." Mr. Edison's reputation as a student of life, and as the nation's leading Inventor, adds authority to a statement which might othorwlso seem open to doubt or question. The increasing cost of living Is a rec ognized universal condition. The price pi every commodity which enters Into the everyday life of the people appears to have advanced. The one notable excop tlon, now suddenly called to our attention by the great Inventor, who is certainly qualified to know, should be fully ox plained so that everyono may take ad vantage of It. The result Is especially surprising If we consider that many of the '.-ommoaltles which are chiefly responsible for ihs in creased cost of living enter Into the production of electrlo light also. Coal, labor, and copper form the principal Items. From 1902 to 1907 coal Increased 6J4 per cent; within tho same time labor advanced SV4 per cent, while tho coot of copper increased approximately 23 per cent. Nevertheless the cost of electric light has gone down, more than twice as fast as the cost of living has gon up a decrease of CO , per cent as compared with an Increase of 23 per cent. Two reasons may bo stated for the re sulting decrease In the cost of electrlo light to the consumer: first, bettenncnt of central station machinery and methods, and, second Improvements ln the electrlo Incandescent lamp Itself. Perpetual Motion. "What a lively baby," said Flaherty. "Have ya had his picture took yet, I dunno?" "Not yet," said Fogarty, tho proud father. ,rWe thried to, but afther an hour's lost labor the photygrafter ray ferred us to a movlng-plcturo studio.'" Jpplncott'o Omaha Electrical Works ' Electric Elevator Repairs and Westinghouse Motors 109-19 K. 11th St. Phone Doug. 1181. Eclipse Cleaner is Found Very Reliable Servant in Household The matter of cleaning and sweeping ln tho past has been a drudgery, but with the latest model Ecllpso Vacuum Cleaner, It Is a pleasure. This sanitary cleaner1 has many remarkable and dis tinctive features, one of these being oil less bearings. It Is much, better to use a machino requiring no attention ln this particular, causing no soiled hands and clothing no conspicuous grease Bpots on rugs, carpets, floor' or walls. Here Is a most practical cleaner; a model of con venience, attractive, light, yet strong and durable. ' A chlld?cah', carry" It ariywherd and movo (t baclf and forth over any floor surfaco with commendable grace and case. It rides easily on two roller wheels, which not only makes the opera tion tireless, but rellpves the rug or car pet of the slightest wear. The Electrlo Shop, 1S10 Famam street, has distributed .a largo number of these machines to sat isfied customers, and give demonstrations in tho homo or at their salesrooms. AT svMiaill II f r 57 P-i M Ml Stai Up the rs to the Telephone And more than likely you'ro busy with cnll era, or right in the midst of some important task. Up-stairs or down, an extension telephone will bring tho calls to yoih ' Have You an Extension Telephone? NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY An Economical Luxury THE MAYTAG Electric Washer A demonstration in your home, or at our salesrooms, will con vince you that you can afford none but tho best electric washer and that will bo Tho Maytag. Cost to operate, three cents per hour. The Electric Shop Tho only washer with swinging wringer, Ono of tho mnny features of Tho Maytag. WOLFE ELEOTRIO COMPANY, 1810 Parnam St. 'Wire for us and we will wiro for you." Tyler 1414. Electric Light and Power Co. If your house isn't wired, You should worry. , Call your shop very quick; Tell Them "Hurryl" X KEEPING EYES PROTECTED Dirt in Them Not Most Harmful of Many Menaces. POOR LIGHT CAUSES TROUBLE "Wired for Electric Lights" This rp e a n s so much to the pros pective tenant. It is one of the most imp o r tant features of any house that is advertised for sale or rent. "I Would .not have a-house that dooa not havo oloctrio lights." This is tho way a nowcomor to Omaha turned down a landlord laBt week. Ho liked the house, its location, its rooms, its conveniences but he would not have it because it did not have electrio lights. There are hundreds of other similar cases. Electricity is so economical, so clean, so convenient and so great a time and money-saver that you are injuring your property when you fail to have it wired for oleotrio lights. Now is the time to put lights in when you are - redecorating or building. ss -Mnnr n Child Strain It Optica Throtmh Studi-tnir "d nenttlnnr In Itoom thnt Una Inanf flrlrnt LIkM, We read the other day of a little fel low, who suffered tho loss of an oyo our heartfelt sympathy goes out to htm. Wo rarelit appreciate tho value of our ryes until they begin to fall on us, and! thon off to a specialist we go for a pair of costly, lll-appearlng glanscs, with a nasty habit ot Rotting broken onco a month. Tho eyes are so paramount In tholr relation to tho human system that we cannot either physically or financially afford to neiiloct them. A cinder ln the oyo on a windy day gives a stab ot pain, but not half so severo as other abuses thnt show no Immediate results. Con sider thn neglectful habit of reading In dim light, the continued strain, sapping energy from the body, where It Justly belongs. Perhaps wo do not oxactly know what light Is, but we at least fully appre ciate tho evil effects ot an Insufficiency. I)y all tho beautiful things we see ln llfo let us not neglect our eyes. Madia News. W2 The Timo To Have Your House Wired is wvwr Electrlo sonic glvos you con veniences you cannot havo without It. Lot tho Omaha Rlectrlo Light and Power Company glvo you informa tion regarding tholr service LAMP OUTSJMN BILLS New Eleotrio Globes Use Less Cur rent and Give Better Light. MANY FAMILIES MAKE CHANGE Experience. Proves to Vnrlona Homes How Mnch Chnnper N'ovr Methoila Arc, nml People linpldlr Catch On. Mother Never Had So Great Advantage in Childhood Days Some persons often wonder what force ot nature has caused womankind of ull the ages to want to clean house every spring. Recently an Omaha man "aid: "If father could find any valid excuse when I was a child for getting out ot tho Job ho became noted for hit absence, but I, nn tho older boy, was supposed to be strictly on the Job. When I say 'Job' I mean what I say, for at that tlmo the present helps wore not used. With us It meant getting tho carpet out doors and beating- the dust out of it, carrying the rugs out for the same pur pose, washing tho woodwork and the rioors. And then mother had the winter blankets as well a the lace curtains to wash. Oh, well, It Is no u telling alt that, for overy woman knows the Job mother had. What a contrast when compared with tho same Job ln the mod ern home. Tho rugs are cleaned on the floor, as they lay, blankets and under wear alt washed ln the trusty "1900" electrlo washer. It Is small wonder that during the first three days ot last week that this firm sold of theas winners." Manager Williams says that he Is not posing as a missionary, but Just tho same he feels that he benefits humanity evory time ho places ono ot his washers ln a home. Ha wants to make the terms "1900 Washer Co.," "SOS South Eighteenth" and "Electrlo House" synonomous. Tlvo electrlo bill Is often one of flui most Interesting pieces of "monthly liter ature," which many families receive and there Is a great deal of speculation levelled at It as to what brought It up to hero or what kept it down to there. The most potent factors effecting the up or down of the electric bill are sea sons ' and lamps. A noticeable, decrease Is always recorded with the coming or spring which dwindle down to a minimum as the longer days ot summer advance. The effeot which lamps havo upon the electric bill Is Just as noticeable as Is that of summer and winter to those who have changed from the old style electrlo lamps to the newer more economical ones, Last winter ono family which had been using the same alio of lamp ln the base ment and the attlo and the closets as they did In the kitchen and parlor domes niado a general survey of the premises, and substituted the smaller sires Mazda lamps, wherever they would answer for tho light needed. . A Swatt lamp was found to sutflb ln the basement and attlo and 20-watt lamps ln the cloaots. Don't "cuss" the lighting company, when your bills seem high anyway, not until you've looked for the true causes. I BleetroJoUce. Electrlo signs gather customers as electrlo lights gather moths. Persistent Advertising Is the Itoad to Big Returns. ssa BENNETT ELECTRIC CO XOM SAFE AND RELIABLE WIRING it PAYS to PLEASE 801 Omaha Hat. Bank Slog, S 361 e. FREE! FREE! It Means Money to You Isn't tho laundry problem a costly ono to you under your present way of having it done? Costly not in money alone, but -perhaps health. Not a pleasant thought. Let us show you how it can bo dono for you at practically no cost, about 2o per washing-, by using a "1900" Electric Washer and Wriiger Wo will place ono of theso peerless machines in your homo for a 15 Days' Free Trial Wo will help you get started right, and gladly aid you at any future timo if occasion arises. Washes all kinds of clothing safoly and well, and no more trouble than! turning on and off the elec tric current. Surely you owe it to yourself and family to investigate this offer. Ask any ono of tho more than 1,000 users in this city. Sold on easy terms, as well as for cash. 1900 WASHER CO. THE ELEOTRIO HOUSE Tyler 1011. E. B. Williams, Mgr. 308 So. 18th St. The Modern Home is Wired for Electricity JUST AS OUR BIG STORAGE HOUSE Is Equipped with all Electrical Conveniences Giving us the most modem warehouse for the storage of household and per sonal effects, works of art, musical instruments, jewelry, documents, automo biles, trunks, etc, in the middle west. The best moving equipment in the city MOVING STORAGE PACKING Omaha Van and Storage Company PKOHB DOUQI.AB 4163, 804 SOOTH SIXTEENTH STREET Continuous use of this page brings a growing market for your goods. By co-o p e r a ting with The Bee's Electrical page you create a pres ent and future demand. ELECTRIC WIRING That Can He Depended Upon. Electric Household Appliances. LANKTREE ELEOTRIO CO. Tyler 1011. 308 South 18tb 8t Electrical Repairing AND INSTALLATION WORK neatly, quickly and satisfactorily done with the most modern equipment and best workmanship. Call by telephone. WOLFE ELEOTRIO CO.. Tyler 1414 WEST SIDE ELEOTRIO CO.D. 2275 WEST SIDE ELECTRICAL COMPANY Douglas 2275 M. J. OURRAN & CO D. 3148 THOMAS DURKIN D. 2519 MID-WEST ELECTRICAL CO.D. 456 LeBRON ELEOTRIO 00:.... D. 2176 E. 0. BENNETT & CO D. 3816 OMAHA ELE0. WORKS. . . .D. 1181 H. J. LANKTREE Tyler 1011 POTH ELEOTRIO CO .D. 5837