Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1913.
Tie Score in Eighth With Four Hits
Giving Three Huns.
Detroit Vnt-n Thrr Hurler nnd
Boston Tttoj Lake Stop At
tack of npil Sox In Last
Two Frames.
Chipman, rm. 4
Olson, 3b..,. I
J&ckton, rf .1
Turn"- th
D tnhim, of.4
Oranay, i. t
cyNtll, c ..
Orett. p I
DaU 1
.0 0 0
.10 0
0 0
X DETROIT, May IS. Fighting an uphill
battle all the way and tlelng the score
In the eighth Inning with four hits which
produced three run. Detroit defeated
Boston today 8 to 7 In the second game
of the series. The contest was marked
by hard hitting.
Detroit used three pitchers and Boston
two. Lake twirled the last two Innings
for the locals and successfully stopped
the attack of the champions, whllo
Wood, who succeeded Leonard, was the
victim of the winning rally. Three hits
brought Boston three runs In the sec
ond after Bush gave Detroit ft tally In
the first by stealing home. In the fourth
Cobb slid safely across the plate, al
though the ball had been returned to
Carrlgan ahead of the runner. Four
hits, Including triples by Leonard and
Englle gave Boston four runs In the sev
enth. Sheer slugging enabled Detroit to
tie the score. Score:
Chnncf' Men ARntn In.
CLEVELAND, May 15. Profiting by
Cleveland's errors. New York won .to
day's game, 4 to 3. McConnel was more
effective than Gregg, except In the fourth
Inning when two singles and a double
scored Cleveland's three runs.
Wild throws by Gregg and Chaptatn
gave Now York two runs. Two singles
and Welter's triple in the fourth scored
me oiner iwo.
Lalole was out of the eame with a
broken thumb and finger, the result of
being hit on the hand with a pitched
Dan yesterday, score:
JotWiton, lb. 4 1 10 1 ODtnlels, rf..S 14 0
lWolter, CI. .1 1 1
Olltrticl, 2b.. 4 0 J
0 0Cre, If t 3 4
t 0Chu. lb.. ..4 1
8wenr, c. 1 1 (
OMIdkltf, lb. .1 1 1
OBlump, a...t 1 0
lMcCosnH. D.J 1 0
0 ToUU ....13 17
Totals 7 IS t
Ran for Birmingham In the ninth.
Batted for O'Nell in the ninth.
Bated for Orcgg in the ninth.
Cleveland 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
New York 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0
Two-base hits: Johnston. O'Nell. Blr
mingham, Daniels. Cree(2). Three-base
hit: Wolter. Sacrifice hits: McConnell,
Olson. Stolen bates: Olaen, Turner,
Double play. Turner to Chapman to
Johnston. Bases on balls: Off Gregg, 3;
off McConnell, z. Hit by pitched ball
By McConnell (Graney). Struck out: By
Gregg, 4; by McConnell, 3. First base on
errors: New York, 2. Left on bases:
Cleveland, 5; New York, 6. Time: 2:06.
Umpires: Connolly and iMcGrcevey,
Groom Winn for Senntora,
ST. LOUIS, May IS. Groom was in
great form today and easily beat St.
Louis. Washington winning Z to 0. Mlt
chell pitched great ball for St. Louis but
an error by Pratt allowed Washington
to score In the second after two were
In that Inning Groom tripled after two
were out and scored when Pratt Tumbled
Moeller's grounder. Moeller took sec
ond on a balk and scored on Schaefer's
single. Washington had numerous
chances to score In later innings but
.Mitchell always tightened up with men
on oases, score:
SBOtzon, ci.,4 J I 0 OMoejler, rr.,6 0 0
Jolntton. If. 4 0 T IBchaefer. lb. 4 1 11 0
0 -OMJUn, c...l .110
1 lLtporte, lb.1 S 0 0
0 0 Morgan, lb., I 111
1 0Hory,. e f 0 t 1
S OSbtaks. if., .4 0 10
1 OMcDrlde. a. 4 0 0 2 0
I OQroom, p. ...4 10 4 0
2 0
9 0
WJUtjns. ,rf..4 0 1
Pratt, lb. ...4 0 1
Brief, lb.... 4 110
AuaUn. lb. .5 0 2
WsJsta, aa....l 0 1
WAlleitr, cl 1 1
Mitchell, p.. 2 0 0
Standing of Teams
Denver ....17 4
Lincoln ...12 7
St. Joseph.13 8
Omaha ....10 11
Den Moines 9 13
Sloilx City. 7 11
Topeka ... 8 12
Wichita ... 5 16
Total! ....10 4 27 11 2 ToUU ....14 137 10 0
Washington 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0-0
Two-base hits: McAIIester, Morgan,
Groom. Three-base hit: Groom. Sacrl
flee hits: Henry, Laporte. Stolen bases:
Milan. Walsh. Left on bases: Washing
ton, 10,; St. Louis, 5. Balk: Mitchell.
Diabetes No
Longer Feared
?MulUr Action of a Remarkable Rained in
Controlling1 Lirar Action,
S. S. 8. Quickly
Put Vim nud
Kuersry Jnto
There Is; nq needto. feel any ajarm
'over the symptoms of diabetes. This
disease is apt to be. purely a Qlgesttve
trouble, and for this reason .the liver
U held lartflsly responstbleu'lThe liver
is the largest organ of tho body, and
is not only a mass of thread-llke'blood
vessels, but throughout Its entire
fabric Is Intimately associated With the
digestive system. -
The thing to do Is to so stimulate
the action of this myriad of blood,
vessels that each, cellular part selects
1U own essential nutriment by healthy
and judicious divine discretion. This
la accomplished by S, S. S., the most,
potent, the most active and the mo: t
' naturally stimulating; blood medicine
known. Tou do not need purgatives;
do not be alarmed at the presence of
sugar nor of so-called sediment.
Just stick to S. a S. and bear In
-mind that this celebrated remedy has
eu'eh a specific stimulating action on
the local cells of the liver as to pre
serve their mutual welfare and give a'
proper relative assistance. . each cel
to the other. '
Dropsical tendencies are thus over
come, biliousness soon becomes a
memory and jaundice, malaria, afflic
tions of the spleen and glandular
Dwellings will be entirely eliminated.
Tou will find S. a a on sale at all
drug stores and for competent med
ical advice, free, cpnsult by mail the
laboratory of The Swift Specific Co.,
1ST Bwlft Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
i.llla 17 5 .773
Wash 14 7
Cleveland .17 8
Chicago ...18 12
Boston .... 9 IS
Detroit ... 8 18
New York. 6 17
Phlla 13 6 .4
Chicago ...IS 11 .6,7
Brooklyn ..15 8 6J
St. Louis. .13 U .512
New York. .11 11 Sno
Plttsburgh. io 15 .400
IVmtnn 9 12 .4(9
Cincinnati . 18 .T-fl
Columbus .15 10 .fifO
,657 Louisville .16 13 .mh
.fcSOi mtiianap s..u
.5711 Milwaukee.. 11 13 .619
.407 Mlnneap's...l4 14 .500
.5751 Kan. City.. 14 14
.3081 Toledo 1115 .423
.261 St. Paul ... U 16 .407
YeterliB Results. '
St. Joseph. 3; Topeka, 4.
Des Moines, 4; Wlchltn. 15.
Sioux City. 1; Lincoln, 1; (called end of
tho eleventh).
Omaha, 5,; Denver, 11,
Pittsburgh, 5; Philadelphia, 6; (eleven
Cincinnati, 3: Brooklyn. 4.
Chicago, lj New York, 6.
St. Louis, 4; Boston. 6.
Washington, 2; St. Louis, 0.
Philadelphia, 3; Chicago, 0.
New York, 4; Cleveland, 3.
Boston, 7; Detroit, 8.
Columbus. 1; Toledo, 2.
Minneapolis, 6: Kansas City, 3.
St. Paul, 4; Milwaukee, 3.
On men Toilny.
Western League St. Joseph at Lincoln,
Des Moines at Denver, Sioux City at
Topeka, Omaha at Wichita.
National League Pittsburgh at Phila
delphia. Clnclnnntl at Brooklyn. Chicago
at New York, St Louis at Boston.
American League Philadelphia at Chi
cago, Now York at Cleveland, Boston at
Detroit, Washington at St. Louis.
Bases on balls: Off Groom, 2: ofTsiltch
ell, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Mitchell
(Morgan). Struck out. By Groom, 8; by
Mitchell, L Time: 1:45. Umpires:
O'Loughlln and Ferguson.
Athletic Shut Oat Sox.
CHICAGO, May 12.-Chlcago outhlt
Philadelphia today but the visitors took
advantage of loose fielding and the lo
cals were shut out 3 to 0. Russell out
pitched the veteran Bender, but the field
ing behind the Indian was splendid.
Philadelphia earned but one of its runs,
that was in the sixth when Oldrlng's
double, a sacrifice and Baker's single
registered a tally. Three times Chicago
got men ns far as third base, but failed
to deliver a hit In the pinch. Score:
Murphy, rt..l 0 2 0 OSchaller. It.. I 15 0 0
Oldrtnr. If. ..I 1 1 0 OTUth, 2b 4 1 1 t 1
E. Colni. Ib.l 0 0 2 oLora, lb.... 4 2 2 2 0
Diker. lb.. ..4 110 0Furnlr. lb. 4 1 10 0 0
Mclnnli, lb. 4 0 11 0 0J Collins rf.J 12 10
Walsh, ct...4 0 S 0 OMattlck. cf..2 0 0 0 0
Darrr, 0 1 S O'Bsiterlr ...1 0 0 0 0
Thomas, 0. ,.S 15 1 Ot'adlo cf....l 0 0 0 0
Bender, p. ..2 0 0 2 in'tinr, as. .2 0 1 1 0
- Borton ....1 0 0 0 0
Totals ....51 2 27 10 OBerrer, is.,,0 0 0 1 0, 0....1 0 6 0 0
Russell, p.,.1 0 0 1 0
Jones 1 0 0 0 0
! Smith, p 0 0 0 0 0
I Totals ....31 t 27 It 2
em8B;h-SofnFloerff.. KT AETAOI
Batted for Matlck In seventh.
Batted for Weaver in seventh.
Batted for Russell In eighth.
Philadelphia 110001000-3
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Summary: Two-base hits: Lord. Old
ring. Hits: Off Russell, 3 In eight Inn-'
mgsj on umitn, none in 1 inning, sacri
fice hits: E. Collin, J. Collins. Left on
bases: Philadelphia, 4; Chicago, 6. Base
on balls: Off Bender, 2; HubsoII. 2;
Struck out: By Bender, 4; by Russell, 4;
by Smith, 1. Time: 1;34, Umpires: Kvans
and Hlldebrand.
Rise of Brooklyn from Fourth to
Second Place Week's Wonder,
Smitten Turn of Fttrtnne In ltljxh
Innclera Cnae la rienantlnn of
the Amertenn Lengae
NEW YORK, May 12.-Followers of
major league base ball were treated to a
serle of thrills last week. In tho Na
tional league race the surprising rise of
Brooklyn was continued with a spurt
that sent bahlen'a men from fourth to
second place., Tho hopes of the Pitts
burgh rooters, were still further lowered
by the acceleration of the remarkable
slump which has sent the team close to
tho bottom of the percentage column.
Boston gave Its followers n welcome sur
prise by winning four straight nnd drop
ping but one game In the week.
Johnny Evers and his Cubs fared badly
in Brooklyn, but handed the Giants a
thorough trouncing In the first game of
the series between tho old-time rivals.
Something ia sadly amiss with McGraw's
Instead of "getting the jump" on the
other teams by entering the raco in
splendid condition and taking tho lead
with an early season spurt. New York
after more than a month of play Is a
bad fifth In the pennant race. Weak
stick work and loose fielding have been
glaringly In evidence, but many good
judges expect to see the Giants emerge
from their slump In the near future.
Dahlen has the Btooklyn machine
wot king smoothly and Is making a strong
bid for the lead. The St. Louis pitchers
are holding Hugglns' team well up In the
race. Weakness on the mound seems to
be the trouble with Cincinnati, only two
of the Reds' boxmen having been able to
get Into tho winning column. Philadel
phia Is still going at a speedy clip ami
shows no" sign of collapse. The sensation
of the week in the American league was
furnished by New York. Chance's erratic
band, after being consistently maltreated
by the eastern clubs, Jumped west nnd
took three out of four games from De'
Philadelphia rcems to bo going better
than any other team In tho race, also
Washington and Cleveland are playing at
top speed. Chicago la playing fairly con
sistent ball. St. Louis Is better placed in
the race now than had generally been ex
pected. The world's champions are play
ing far below form, but tho Boston ad
herents expect to see Stahl lick the Red
Sox Into shape In the near future.
Grand Island
; . Defeats Kearney
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., May 12.-(Spe-clal
Telegram.) Kearney and Grand
Island played a 1 to 0 game of ball here
today before a crowd of BOO. Both teamu
put In some of their best pitchers and
all showed up well. After two outs In
the eighth Coe scored for Grand Island
when he whs safe on an error by Eech
told, who dropped his long fly, and cmo
home from second and Smith's 'wo-
saoker. Score: R.H.E.
Kearney 0 0000000 00 fi 3
Grand Island 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 u 1
Batteries: Kearney, Lotz, Maples and
Gray; Grand Island, Ileley, Riley md Coe.
Maniac Killed
NEW YORK, May 12.-An unknown
foreigner from his actions believe) to be
a' maniac was shot and killed thfs after
noon in the Botanical garden of Bronx
park by Policeman Frank Anderson. Tho
policeman got his revolver Into action
after a thrilling fight In which the man
repeatedly slashed at the officer with
a stiletto.
Beachy Quits Because
Many Died Trying to
Imitate His Feats
SAN FRANCISCO, May 12. Lincoln
Beachy, blrdman, will never fly again,
according to a statement he made at the
Olympic club last night.
"You could not make me enter an aero
plane at the point of a gun," he solemnly
declared, "I'm done. Look!" He held
up a roster of aviators. Those who have
died were marked with an asterisk.
Beachy looked at the list for some time
Ir. silence and then began to read tho
"Wilbur Wright" (that's the first ono)r
he died a natural death, the only one in
the list. Here are thoso tjja't smashed
Todd, Shrlver, Molsant, Ely, Johnstone,
Hoxsey, Welsh, Frlsble, Parmalee, Gill,
Badger, Harriet Qulmby, and twelve
"They call me the master birdman," he
brapched out in a different tono. "It wax
great sport. -
"But," he continued, "there was only
one thing that- drew the crowde to .my
exhibitions a morbid desire to see some
thing happen. They all predicted 1 would
be killed, and none wanted to miss get
ting 'In on It.' They paid to see mo die
They crowded, and Jammed, and yelled.
They bet. Odds were always against my
life. Oh, you 'can't imagine the satisfac
tion of that success. Those dead Doys
were like brothers to me. In Chicago Inst
'September Kearney's mother begged me
not to teach Horace any more tricks.
Kearney, who was there, turned to her
and said, 'Mother, I must be a topHner
In this game. I must be as good as
Beachey or take a back seat. I must try
the same trlcka he does!'
"Poor boyl Three months later h wan
"The wife of Walsh beged him to out
out the spiral. 'Beachey does them!' h
said. 'I must do them if I am to get the
"Charlie was doing the reverse irolrnl
SAN FRANCISCO. May 12.-A key to tw0 weeKB mler " "
the mystery of the murder of anappea-mey picu ...... up
Siegel. granddaughter of Genral Fr'nz i Albuquerque, N. M.. at the time. Cur-
clvll war hero, in New Tort's ' lis wired me. 1 was noi .u-. x ..w
ivj 1. h.ii..s nothlne wou a nappen 10 me. iui 1 mil
Siegel. civil war
Chinatown, June IS
have been found in the city of Oakland
. In searching the' rooms of Lee Dor, a
Chinese win was arrested recently by
federal authorities? Charged with havlrg
opium In his possession, the officers found
a' complete set of press 'clippings describ
ing the death , of the Siege) girl, ur.U a
number of photographs of beautiful white
Prior to this discoveryt the prisoner had
bfen released under $1,000 bond. His
whereabouts now are unknown.
HECLA, S. D., May 12.-(8peclal.)-T)ie
saloonmen' of Hecla are In a dilemma.
There Is but one main business street
and the residence section of the town Is
on the side streets. The town-trustees
put the license fee up to $1,600 and then
passed a resolution prohibiting a saloon
within 130 feet of the main street of the
town. Then the "residence section" got
busy and put up a strong protest against
saloons getting into that portion of the
town, leaving the saloonmen in a position
where they have no place to "light."
Asnevr a Star
Sam Agntw, formerly with Omaha, Is
declared In St, Louis to be the best back
stop the Browns have had in many a
day. Desirable qualities attributed to
him are that he can catch, bit, throw, and
has a good head.
Donlln a Miller.
Mike Dentin's sun has set as a major
league base ball player. Word was re
ceived from Minneapolis that Joe Gantll-
lon, manager of the Minneapolis team of
' the Amerfoan association, hod cloned a
long pendlrt- deal with the Philadelphia
tlub for the services of, the former cap-
tain and avar ou'flelder of the Giants,
Likes Tinker,
if Joe Tinker." remarks Frank Chance,
'makes as fine a manager as he Is, a ball
player and a man, the Reds will win the
pennant When Tinker loses the P. L.
takes it as deeply to heart as If hi own
ciud naa gotten uimmea.
Key to the Situation Be ASvertttlns.
that I had murdered poor Charlie. A few
days later his body passed through Al
buquerque In the train with his widow
and two fatherless babies. Mrs. Walsh
became hysterical.
" 'You made Charlie do it she caid.
"Some time later I sent some tlcets to
Mrs. Ely. She sent back the tiokets.
writing: 'Eugene would be with me now
if I had never seen you fly.'
"At Tanfran last November, when I
Heard the bpys thore talking of trying the
straight glide I wanted to quit. After
the first day I could hardly do my work.
I was in the grip of fear not for myif
but fear that I would make others kill
themselves. When I left the field f
vowed i never would step In an aeroplano
CHICAGO, May 12. Third Baseman
Olson of the Cleveland club and Catcher
Nunamaker of the Boston team, were
each fined $2S today by President John
son of the American league for their
part In the free-for-all fight between
members of the two nines the other day
at Cleveland. Olson nnd Nunamaker
were considered leaders In the battle and
no one else of the dozen or more players
reported to have participated In It was
Not a Wonder.
Outfielder Pete Daly, the Athletic
club's coast phenom, has not proven to
be the player or bntrman he was thought
to be when Mack secured him. Mack Is
very much disappointed In Daly, but the
youngster may be kept for a while, to be
given a chance to Improve.
Culls from the Wire
A Florence dispatch to the London
Dally Express says that Prince Arsene,
brother of King Peter of Servla, will
marry this week Mrs. Hugo Pratt, a rich
American widow
Advices from eastern Morocco stvy that
Stop nnd look In our
16th street windows. Soo
U10 garments as they
would nppear to others
were yon wearing them
Thero la such a wldo
range ot styles and sliea
you nro almost sure to
find tho very suit you
want without alteration
Our Great Annual Clearing Sale of Fine
At i and Less Than i Price
The prime bargain feature of this great store, and for real value
giving, stands out head and shoulders above any like event in city
COLD typo or word pioturos cannot express tho true burgaln importance of this
wonderful sale.
Tho most extraordinary clearance movement from every viewpoint we have over
announced, and there's good reason for t as tho hundreds of women who benefitted
by it hero Saturday and today will attest.
Tho garments are tho cream of tho world's best makers, Thoy nro as charming and
chic as can be and ono important feature to boar in mind is that the styles will bo vary
desirable for early fall wear.
The values are so tremendously largo, tho styles so varied and the price rango so
completo that you're suro to got tho bargain of a lifetime.
Every Taste Can Be Suited But You Must
See Them to Realize Wie Importance of
This Unprecedented Offering in Suits
The usihil high standard of jstyle, quality of material and superior tailoring that
places Orkin suits in a class by themselves is represented in the most oritical degVee.
Every fashionable suit material is shown in models appropriate for that material and
in the desired shades. Four groat groups:
Tailored Suits $
$19.50, $22.50, $25
Values Choice for
Tailored Suits $
$29.50, $32.50, $35
Values Choice for
Tailored Suits $
S39.50, $42.50, $45,
Values Choice for
Tailored Suits $
849.50, 859.50, S75
Values Choice for
85c to $1 Cheney Foulards, Tuesday 49c
CDl?!"! A T Orkin & Lovitt's stock of Cheney showerproof foulards,
tho best silk foulard in tho world. Hundreds of pretty de
signs, regular prices 85o to $L00,,Bpecial sale price Tuesday, a yard
59c Messaline, 39 o
Messallno silks In every pos
sible shade; also
white or black, 50c
quality, a yard
$1,50 Foulard, 89c
Imported French foulards in a
largo assortment of designs
and pretty shades, gA
42x36 In. wldo, $1.50
to ?2 values, yd v ' v
Black Silks
85c Messallno, 24-ln 49
$1.25 MoBsallne, 30-ln 7Q
$1.39 Poau de Solo, 3C-ln. g9
$1.50 Satin Duchess, 36-ln, gggi
$1.50 Black Brocades, 36-ln., tho
yard Tuesday 80J
I U J W , I
$1.75 Meteor, $1.J9
Silks and wool inotoor In a
comploto range of shades, full
4 2 Inches wide
and sells regular
ly for $1.75, yd.
$2.50 Meteor, $1.69
Imported all-silk motoor in
shades of bluo, lavondor, am
ber, yellow, pinkj
primroao, taupe otc.,3k I fill
42-ln., $2.50 val.,yd.,J' V 7
LACK Extras
L a o o s f or
wash dresses,
linen torchon.
cotton cluny and many (oncy
laces in designs and
widths to 5 in.;
Worth to 20c a yd.,
Tuesday, at
USa Laces at 10c
Many designs of fancy cotton
bands in widths from 3 to &
inches, In white, cream and ecru;
also cotton nnd linen cluny edges
and insertions. Worth up
to 35o yd., Monday yard IOC
10c IjAcos at So
Cotton and linen torchon, cotton,
cluny and cotton bands, many
widths and designs to choose
from. Worth 10c a yard, r
Monday, a yard, at OC
Big MILLINERY Sale Continues
Tuesday Rare Bargains
wwi nuu uut ouaiw y o great sale oi iasnion
A able millinery should by all means come tuesday the same
rare bargains of our Clearance Sale will be offered, and no Omaha wo
man can afford to let this opportunity pass by. The quality, bewitching styles and
truly remarkably low prices make this a rare millinery event. Come early Tuesday
$1U.UU Imported Genuine Panamas at $5.25
In this assortment you'll find gonuine importod Panamas of tho very highest grade
and most fashionnblo shapes for late spring and summer wear. Good Panamas are
rare and we feel lucky to be able to offer huts of a true Panama qunlity. Panamas
m, oil riirt i.nnA t n i n aitrtirrtr. m nfA'u . . i -j j i
vin uu uii nu iigu i,n i o omnium, iiciD d u gujuuu opportunity to
secure a hat of this kind at a price that is within tho moans of
everyone. The price indeed, seems inqrediblo when you know that
i j 11. A.- r tr i T iT
every nat is worm iu.w, dui auring mis sale only, you may have
your cuoioo xuesuay tor
Untrimmed Hats at 88c
Hero you can select from a groat variety
of the most approved shapes for spring
and summer. They aro made of hemp,
Milan and hair shapes
that are worth from $2
and upward to $5; un
restricted choice, Tuesday.
$15 Trimmed Hats. $4.90
This lot inoludes all new trimnVd hats,
prottily trimmed with ostrich, laces',
wings ana breasts tho most
effects over conceived; they
were made to sell at $15,
and aro reduced in this sale
Tuesday, choice, at. ...... ,
iOrkin Brothers Your Home Stores
General Alex hai ooouplad Ksubahm
soun, about lx mile from Kez, Thla l
an important step In the occupation of
Moroovo. opening up a route between the
IM(f and the Atlas country.
Jlie Spanish people, proud ot Kins Al
fonso's personal popularity in Prance,
greeted the sovereign on his return yes
terday from Paris with unusual tnthusl
asm. Women strewed flow era In the
king's path between the station and the
A solemn te deum was relebrated In St.
Peter's at Home yesterday by Cardinal
Itampolla In thanksgiving for the recov
ery ot the pope. Thousands attended.
AH the churches were Illuminated In the
evening and at St Peter's H.wO lanterns
and torches were utilized In Illuminating
the facade and colonnades.
Three more deaths from tonsUltls oc
curred yesterday In Canton, Mais., bring
ing the total since the epidemic started
last wek to sixteen. Hy order ot the
Board of Health the bodies were burled
Immediately without any public services.
Nearly 400 cases of the disease have been
reported In the town.
7Tb activity of Mount Vtsuvtua, wkloh
haa been apparent for several days,
reaohed a climax yesterday when parr of
the crater pollapsed. The tremblings of
the mountain could be distinctly felt and
after the explosion observations showed
that a funnel 360 feet deep had been
formed. From thla dense aulphurous
clouds and white smoke ascended.
The nations of the world aie urged to
Join the United State,, Great Britain,
Canada, Newfoundland and Australia
and' the municipality ot Ghent in making
the celebiutlon ot 100 years of peace
among English speaking peoples slcnallib
a new era of International goodwill. The
Invitation was issued yesterday by the
International conferees now In this coun
try. Great Britain and the United States
will begin to clean the diplomatic slate
Tuesday when the International tribunal
for the arbitration of outstanding pecuni
ary claims between the two nations will
hold its fliat meeting In Washington un
der the presidency of Henri A. Fromu
geot ot France. This tribunal, created by
a special agreement In 1910. will settle
judicially claims of private persons of
the two nations, some ot them dating
back to the war ot ltlX
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