Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Many Styles of Serviceable
Garments for Little Folks
gingham and plain tan linen, $1 and $1.25.
Children's Colored Dresses, in a variety of colors,
50c, 65c and $1.
Children's Section Third Floor.
Commission to Study
Farm Credits Begins
Its Work at Rome
no ME. May li The American commis
sion for study of, tho European systems
of agriculture co-operation and farm
cr'a credits began Its work this morning,
when the members beard the reports ot
German, Hungarian, Austrian, French
and Belgian delegates. All expressed the
satisfaction of their respective govern
ments with the decision of tho United
States to send a commission to Europe,
adding that they were Instructed by their
governments to Inform the American
commissioners that all possible asslstancn
would be given to thorn toward the ac
complishment ot their task.
During tho sitting tho- commission pre
sented a silver loving cup to David Lubln
ot Sacramento, Cat. Lubln first pre
sented the schemo for the foundation of
tho International .Institute ot Agriculture
to the king- ot Italy.
Sir. Lublh .offered Ills thanks, but de
clined to accept tho gift, saying that
all the merit for tha success ot the Insti
tute was due to Its president, Marquis
Xlafaele Cappetll, and therefore the cup
should go to him. Marquis Cappelll de
clared he would take the cup, not for
himself, but for the Institute.
The general assembly ot the Interna
tional Institute of, Agriculture was called
to order latter In the day. It wan decided
that the report of the work of the In
stitute be .translated into all languages
and distributed In alt abuntrles,
Ilalph jr. Moss, representative from
India, investigated thesountry surround
ing Rome,, where redemption of malarial
land has bopn accomplished.
The Amertcanrommlsslpners wcro given
a great reception at the capltol, where
Mayor Nathan conducted them over the
museum and ruins.
The Italian minister of agriculture,
rrof. Francesco Saverlo NHU, banqueted
the American commissioners and nftor--wsrd
there was a reception at the for
eign ministry.
Los Angeles Grand
Jury Will Look Into
Blackmail Charges
IO 3 ANGELAS, , Cal.. May It-Miss
Kmma. J. Goodman, alias: Joslo Rqsen
berg, pleaded upt guilty today two
grand jury' indlctirjents charging pander
ing. Bho Is chtirged with having been
the means of Introducing Irene Marie
Brown-Ievy, it year old, and Cleon
Helen Barker; 19, to Oeofge II. Blxby,
tho Long Beach millionaire. Indicted, on
charges of having contributed to the
girls' delinquency. She Is In Jail 'in de
fault, ot $, bonds.
It was announced today that tho In
quiry of the grand Jury this week would.
involve, ground;' the following, uucstlons:
Was tlitrfl a blackmail ring In Ios An
geles composed ot woman detectives and.
men of uncertain character who "bled'
wealthy men who camo within their
Are. certain resorts protected bj pollca
officers and private detectives?
Tho relations of certain - men and
Wotnpn to the presence of young girls In
lodging houses of 111 repute.
Hnw tfAVSsi foul lfis MwHirib?
JvSk'W i s . .avar
Vt iL.::rr - mar Of
rOTJ have fcasn
v xnara only
Tfle cms ts
cms tsu or
nam IHUT
person wiia it snnj iuu unit nniftt
-1...a. V4a
Avoid that lnak. It
wtj w vva nus uviMnut xmw
Irritable person, wltii drooping mouth,
allow sun and lustralaas eye) spells
constlnatlon. Ton can and should.
isaatlo poisoning- dneTto constipated Bowels and Liver.
- sow -wait till jenr "friends" augasst that yon take sotnatalnjr "ttv
Klght." So It now and avoid a disagreeable day and night. ZX you tato
V4 tamUtrfnl of urnjrrABl JAJ?oa waxes, tn Xatur&l Import a
laxstlv. whan von tret nn. or any
.within one hour or so. Vo
Oct a bottle at any Draff
Kasmel's "3-P" Capsules En
able You to Eat What Yon
Want Without Distress.
Cf ril t tost t( tenth. ar stosutb,
feoUfelas m Uotlu !Ur e&ltax. 14 erue
taiioos, u til tk riUwtM at sa sabctltkr
(touch. 0t & tS-eat mVs Ia&ij . your
tmucfc vtU tetutlr r93m4, rr tXMlh will
b tvMt oi tmK u4 todlttoa tsd alt
strnnh teeoU viittih 1U hlp Is the alchb
Sample Box Sent Tree.
T9 alMur K ,caU an4 Umllf tin H cuts,
s rw drvcslK. Kuteai booklet a ttouuh
Rompers and Bloomer Suits
for boys and girls 2 to 6
years old.
Boys' White Wash Suits 85c.
Boys' Beach Suits in gingham
percale arid plain chambray.
Blue, tan, pink, also whits,
piped with colors. Prices,
50c, 65c. 85c and $1.
Girls' Bloomer Dresses of
Marshal and Soldiers
Charged with Plot to
Steal Ammunition
NOOALKi), Arlx., May 12,-Carl Wright,
city marshal of this town; Jack Williams,
a bartender, and two private United
States soldiers were arrested here early
today by military authorities. A plot Is
charged In which It was alleged they
planned to steal ammunition from tho
cavalry camp and the railway warehouse
hero for the purpose of selling It to the
Insuring Scnbra state troops.
A shipment of 123,000 cartridges Is re
ported smuggled over the line near here
last night In six automobiles. It also
Is snld that tho remaining parts of an
aeroplane, completing the portions se
cured last week at Novates, Bonora, wore
slipped through tho border patrol. Avi
ator DIdler Masson and his mechanician,
who on receipt of some aeroplane parts
on Saturday wcro said to liavo departed
for tho south, reappeared In tho Mexican
town and departed on a special train
which came from the east early today,
then proceeded to the Insurgent front
above Ouaymas.
Isaao Marsh, a laborer, between 45 and
GO years of age, was found, dead In bed
Monday morning ut Ills lodgings In a
rooming house, (10 North Btxteenth street,
Bam Chnhdler, another roomer, noticed
tho fcmeli of escaping gas, and, atte
forctnff nn entrance Into Marsh's room,
found him lifeless.
The police were called and death re
sulting from asphyxiation was prcsurhed
to be accidental.
Coroner Crosgy took charge of the
body and an Inquest will bo held,
-From papers found-In the room It Is
evident that Marsh's home was In Curtis,
YANKTON, May 12,-(8neclal.)-After
a thorough Investigation In Justice court,
before Justice Z. Itlchey, Principal W.
U Carberry and Prof. J. O. Shields were
cleared of the charge' of assault and bat
tery upon Harold KoBltzky, i l6-ycarolt
sophomore of the High school. The evi
dence showed the punishment Inflicted
with a piece ot rubber garden hose was
not excesslva nor Injurious, and that' the
whipped young man had been a source
of constant trouble to his teachers for
two years, The stato educational law
permits of , corporal punishment In ' cer
tain cases, provided it Is not cxceslve.
COLORADO Hl'HUvutf, May M.-8treet
car service on tho Colorado springs and
Iiitcrurban Ilnllay company line was
resumed this morning following the- sign
ing Ot an agreement of officials of the
company at 10:90 this morning, which
brought a one-day strike to an end.
The former wage scale will remain In
ftect until the end of the summer sea
son. Any differences nro to be adjusted
at the end of that time.
- tv wum a a.w.h. aumsi
asked that question.
courtesy. M(
looking a yon
A cheorfel looking
MHIatna V a. 1 V. Mfca
la esnssd c ITS-
time on an ampty srtomacu. It
nir. no worryinr and yoall "Xeol Ilk
"tore to-Osy.
Master Looks Into Expenditures of
Lawrence Subscriptions.
Payment to Vincent 81, John,
Thnmaa Powers nml Desire
Htcnr Not Satisfactorily Ao
eonnteit for.
BOSTON, Mass.. May tf.-No satUfac
tory explanation of the disposition of $10,-
800 out of a tout of more than JC8.000 sub-
scribed for the benefit of the striking op
eratives nd their families during the tex-
tllo strike at Iawrence a year ago, has
been made, according to the finding to
day of William Slocum, who as master,
Investigated the strike expenditure.
Blocum filed his report with the su
preme court today. Joseph Bedard, sec
retary of the committee to solicit funds
for the strikers, deposited I10.SOO In his
own name In the Lawrence Trust com
pany and later drew. checks for 12,600 to
Vincent St. John of Chicago, secretary of
tho Industrial Workers of the World; 11,000
to Thomas Powers, a textile worker of
Providence, and J5.000 to DeMro Stcur of
It was claimed that these disbursements
wero returned to the strikers' fund, but
Slocum finds that the money was not Ve-
turned. Neither Joseph J. Kttor nor
William D. Haywood, leaders of the In
dustrial Workers, received any of the
Proceedings against Bedard and other
members of the commltteo were brought
by Attorney General Swift nt'the Instlga
tlon of three Boston contributors, who
complained In a bill In equity that the
money "had been Improperly used for
private and personal ends,"
An expert accountant found that $1,600
had boon spent In sending children of
strikers to New York, Philadelphia and
othor cities; $1,363 for "agitation," and
$1,712 for "law." About $10,800 was paid
to Joseph Shapeen, treasurer of the strlko
committee; $8,000 to Angelo Itocco and
$5,000 to August Detolleneare. The threo
men had direction ot relief work. The
accounts of Shapeen fall to show the
expenditure of $2,100 and In Itocco's ac
counts, there Is an Item for, $234 for which
no voucher could be found.
(Continued from Page One.)
ley both left Immediately, each saying
he had to catch a train.
Senator Borah said that while at first
he had been somewhat skeptical about
the benefits to bo derived from a na
tional convention this year, he finally
concluded to Join In tho unanimous be
lief that such a convention should be
held. Mr. Hadley, who did not partlcl. '
pato In tho conference yesterday, but'
came In today just as It was ending,
said ho was In entire sympathy with the
Much Interest centered about the sig
nificant of Including In the statement
the phraso about "reuniting" the party,
Senator Cummins explained that It
"meant Just what It said," but that no
lengthy talk had been Indulged In about
"Inviting" members ot the progressiva
party to'roturntto the .republican, ranks,
v "Men Who Were, There. -
Others who participated In the confer
ence were United States Senators Grnnna
of North Dakota, Crawford ot South Da
kota and Sherman of Illinois, and Repre
sentatives J. W, Good of Ipwa, Gilbert
N. Haugen of Iowa, 13. X. liayes of Cali
fornia, U C. Crampton of Michigan and
Sydney Anderson ot Minnesota.
Ve recognized at tho moo tint; that pro-
gresslvelsm In tho republican ranks has
come to stay," said Representative, G6od
We felt that It must bo firmly and
emphatically embodied In republican prin
ciples. It was brought out that elections
held since last fall show that the pro
gressive party merely was a temporary
protest against tho methods of the re
publican national convention and that as
soon as the republican party reorganizes
Itself along progressive lines the third
party will pease to exist."
As chairman of the conference Senator
Bhermfti was authorized to appoint a
committee of five members who, with the
statement given out todax as a basis,
are to address the publla and members
of the national committee.
or tne national committee, senator Sher
man said he would leave for Washington
today and would announce the commltteo
there several days hence.
Hostile to Committee.
Hostility to, the present national com
mltteo has been openly expressed by sev
eral progressives. Senator Kenyon's state
ment that "most of ua" would have no
objection to "most Of the national com-'
mlttee resigning. Is backed' by Senator
Lawrence Y. Sherman of Illinois, who
"The feeling Is that tho national com
mittee should be less, inflexible and moro
amenabls to jiubllo opinion".
One of tho alms ot the convention Is
to curtail tho powers ot the existing
national committee. Interviews hav dis
closed that the consensus of opinion
favors following tho rulo adopted by thu
progressives and democratic national ,
convention, providing that nu-mbers of i
the national committee shall assums their
duty Immediately upon election, lrnttij J
of waiting um'l tho l!ji-iuiii it h
commltteo at the cloo of the national
convention. By such an arrangement th
new committeemen would hand. to
dentlals of tho ISH convention.
The attendance of Senator Gruuna of
North Dakota Is said to luve tha U1 .ap
proval or Senator La Futlette. vvtiq it not
In sympathy with th vthi;lug. Xhe two
have been strong political allies and :t Is
teported that the detarmlnat! k ot
Senator Grocna to attend has caused 1U-j-nwloru
Badger State Asks
Northern Pacific for
Quarter Million Fee
MADISON. Wis., May 12,-Attorney
General Owen Informed Secretary ot
State Donald today that the Northern
Pacific Railway company Is obliged to '
file resolutions certifying to Its lncreato
ot capital stock and to pay fees which
will amount to $340,010. It Is likely tha
state will alto demand Interest upon this
The Increase of Its stock since 1K0, the
date ot incorporation, has been llQ,0W,o
to UW.OW.WiO and under the ruling tho
state may demand It per 1.0OJ on tha In
ciease and $10 for filing the amendments.
It la expected the collection ot the fets
will be contested.
Science of Aviation
Shows Remarkable
WASHINGTON, May li-The remark
able advance In tho science of aviation
since Orvllle Wright made the first flights
In n heavlor-than-alr mnohlnc at Fort
Meyer was the subject of a statement
compiled by the War department and
Just made public. Although the honor ot
Inventing and Utilizing tho aeroplane bo
longs to tho United States, It was dis
closed that virtually all the advances
made In tho utilization of the air ma
chines have been accomplished by foreign
air men, principally Frenchmen.
In 1SKO, tho records show tha greatest
height atalncd by a hcavier-than-air .ma
chine was 1,400 feet. The mark now
stands at moro than 20,000 feet, while the
height pf something over 10,000 has been
attnlncd by a dirigible balloon. The
aeroplanes, however, liavo demonstrated
they pan rlso higher and much more
rapidly, and for that roason their ef
ficacy In a military sense Is regarded as
much greater.
In both speed and duration of flight
the strides since 1909 have been remark
able. In that year tho speed record was
forty-eight miles nn hour, while tho
length of time that a machine kept In
the air was four hours and seventeen
minutes. The present record for speed
now Is 10S.9 miles nn hour, mndo by
Vodrlncs of France, whllo another
Frenchman, Foumler, raised the rocord
for duration for flight to thirteen hours
and seventoon minutes. Bussen, still an
other Frenchman, recently also estab
lished a record for speed for passengers.
Wth five persons with him In his ma
chine, he made fifty-four miles an hour
In sustained flight The War department's
rtccrds show that six persons have been
carriod to a height of 2,053 feet
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., May 12.-Spe-clal.)
Bert Wllhelm, sr.,, a resident of
the northern ' part of this (Minnehaha)
count, proved himself a hero when he
descended Into a ninety-foot well but
eighteen Inches In dlamtor and resumed
from certain ' death his son, Bert Wll
helm, Jr. At' a depth of ninety feet a
huge stono was encountered In the well
and a charge ot dynamite was exploded
to remove this, Somo hours later the
young man thought It sate to descend
Into tho well to bco to something at the
bottom that required attention.- After a.
time ho failed to respond to the signals'
ot those who were lowering him and,
fearing tho worst, the father deter
mined to enter the well and rescuo him If
possible. After strenuous efforts the
father was lowered to his son, who was
gasping and apparently near death. The
father was unable to place a ' chain
around his son's body, but finally man
aged to fasten It to one arm. and In this
manner the son wns dragged to tho sur
face of tho ground, having been uncon
scious tor some little time. The father
then wob pulled up, and bo groat had
been his exertions In saving the Ufa of
his bon that ho fainted Immediately after
being dragged to tho top of the well. The
father states It Is fi mystery to him how
the men at .the. top of tho, well succeeded
In, drawing, tho body , of h(s son past him
In nnj,elgijteionitlnch. hole, ., and yef. Athe
feat was njEsomp,liBljod.
Key. tj,tho Situation Bee Advertising.
sssjsSMjsnsMBjSMSS : w u. aHBM W ilTOi rfi rf " ' H
BBBBBB . lV"f.V ....iuBBBHI .4- v. X sr V-x' "tBBBBBfr.vt JKS3ft.'SSS BBB1
Trouble Follows Attempt to Re
sume Service at Cincinnati.
He Say Ho Will Tnkc Cbnrire of
Line nnd Operate Them If the
Compnny Does Wot Aftree
to Arbitrate.
CINCINNATI, O., May 12.-One cat
bJtned, five deserted .and left standina
on the streets In the downtown section
and the crews of theso six cars, either
beaten or forced to run to cover. Is the
total result of an effort made today by
tho Cincinnati Traction company to oper-
ate car. on Its lines. Men driving along .
Dtuu nil rftiuuuuio , . , u km, mien fouw
line over It and then put a match to It
Tho crew, numbering ten men, deserted
and were pursued by a crowd, but man
aged to escape.
A combined assault was made on othei
cars by a crowd of strikers or sympa
thizers and several of tho crew were
roughly handled. The others hastily de
parted, leaving the cars.
Tho traction company announced that
It would continue to make attempt to
operate the cars and further trouble Is
Company Dora Not Reply.
No reply has been received by Mayor
Hunt to his letter to President Keslcy
Schoepf of the Cincinnati Traction
company, demanding that tho company
arbitrate Its dispute with Its employes.
The. mayor, In the letter which Is con
sidered as practically an ultimatum, said
that ho would begin court proceedings to
place the company In the hands of a re
ceived and to annul Its franchise if his
proposal was not accepted by S o'clock
Suffragette Set
Fire to Boat House
LONDON, May IS. Ono of tho bands of
militant suffragettes, assigned to Inter
fere wlth(the pastimes of the men of the
British Isles, celebrated Whltmonday,
which Is a general holiday here, by burn
ing down the headquarters of the Not
tingham Boat club on the banks of the
River Trent. The structure contained
many valuable racing and other skiffs.
Tho loss Was 110,000.
The tiro at the boat club was undoubt
edly tho work of BUffragettes, the police
bollovo. Three oil cans and a woman's
bonnet were found near by.
Officials ot the Midland Railway re
ceived an anonymous letter today saying:
"It Is my duty to inform you that a
despcrato act will be attempted in a few
days to wreck a main line express."
The railway authorities think .tho letter
may be a hoax, but they are taking pre
cautions. Dancing Eecord is
Broken by Countess
world's long distance dancing record Is
claimed by the countess Lamsdorf, who
estimates that she has covered 15,000 miles
on ball room floors. Alt told the countess
has attended 1,081 balls, daticed 2,931
quadrilles, 600 polkas, 4,500' waltzes and
had 1,700 partners.
Des Moines Orator
Wins First Prize
GR1NNELL. Ia., Mny li (Speclal.)
The annual contest among Iowa college
men for the Spauldlng prises for effee-'
tlvu public speaking took place here orl
Saturday evening and resulted as fol
lows: I far I Esllck of Des Moines won
first prlso of $50, D. D. Needhom of
Brlstow won second prize of VO and W.
J. Carter of Grlnnell took third prize of
$20. This Is the eighth annual contest.
The judges were Prof. Frank I. Herrlott
of Drako university, Des Moines, Iowa
college, M; Mr. Leonard T. Carnoy, '06,
Marshalltown; Mr. Harry I. Worth, '07,
Cedar Itapids; Dr. I O. Lemly, Grlnnell,
and Editor C. A. Miller, Grlnnell.
Following are the names of all the
lpt&ketg and thelr 8ubJectll. w, Hayea(
(Prairie City, "Tho Insurgent Republican;
Cummins' Reply to Cannon;" D. D.
Needham, Brlstow, "Tho Solving Prin
ciple of Industry;" Parke Ogden. Ana-
moso, "The Cross of Gold;" Francis El
lis, Grimes, "Alexander Stephens;" Hoyt
Webb Lark, Onawa, "The Organization
of the World;" W. J. Carter, Grlnnell.
"Elijah P. Lovejoy;" M. J. Mlnkler,
Webster City, "Back to tho People;"
Harl Esllck, Des Moines, "Toussalnt
AMES, la., May 11. (Special.) Prepar
ations being made by the Cardinal guild,
the student governing organization ot the
Iowa State college, point to an Intention
to compel the freshman class to be the
Inaugurator ot the colored, distinguish
ing hat custom. Instead of leaving the
honor, embarassment and all connected
features to the clans of next fall.
The guild has ordered an Initial lot of
1,300 of tho helmets for the "preps" to
wear during the two or three closing'
weeks of this college year. The fresh
man class will hold a meeting on the
hat question soon to decide whether the
1916 class shall bo made the "goat" of
the custom.
Tho guild held a referendum election
some weeks ago to determine student
sentiment on several student-conduct
propositions and tho Etonlc freshman hat
was one -of thorn, all having been car
rled overwhelmingly.
rtollln 31. Rolfe.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., May 12. (Spe
cial.) Rollln M. Rolfe, one of tho pioneer
residents of this city, died at his home
hero after having suffered for about .1
year from a cancer on his face. The do
ceased was born near Bath, N. Y., Oo
tober 12, 1830, and received his education
In a district school, and In 1SES came west
to get a start In life. He located In Ne
braska City and was engaged In business
for several years, when he became a
banker, and for years continued In tho
same, afterward going Into the wholesale
grocery business and continued In this
until his health foiled and then retired.
He Is survived by his widow and three
sons, Charles and Harry of this city, and
Emmons Rolfe of Galveston, Tex. The
funeral will be held tomorrow and bo pri
vate. .
An American Kins
Is the great king pt cures, , Dr. King's
New Discovery, the quick, safe, sura
cough and cold remedy ,60c arid L For
salo by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement.
Can't Help But
Admire Babies
Every Woman Casts Loving Glance at
tha Nestling Cuddled in its Bonnet.
A woman's- heart naturally responds to
the charm and sweetness ot a pretty child
and more so to-day than ercr before Inc.
the aurent of Mother's Friend.
This Is a most wonderful external belt
to the muscles and tendons. It penetrates
tbe tissues, makes them pliant to readily
yield to nature's demand for expansion,
so there Is no longer a period of pain, dis
comfort, straining, nausea or other symp
tom! to often distressing during the anxious
weeks of expectancy.
Mother's Friend prepares tho system for
the coming event, and Its ute brings com
fort, rest and repote daring the term. This
has a most marked influence upon the baby,
since It thus Inherits a splendid growing
system of n lures' and dlgesllve function.
And particularly to young mothers Is this
famous remedy of Inestimable value. It
enables her to preserve her health and
strength, and she remains a pretty mother
by having avoided, all the suffering and
danger that would otherwise accompany
mh an occasion. Mother's Friend thor
oughly lubricates every nerve, tendon and
muscle Involved and Is a sure preventive
for caklnc of the breasts.
Tou will find tbls splendid remedy oa
sale at all drug stores at $1.00 a bqttle,
and Is highly recommended for the purpose.
Write Brsdfleld Regulator Co.. 184 r.mar
Bldg.. Atlanta, Oa.. and they will mall you
sealed, a very Instructive book for expec
tant mothers.
Vou Can Make Pure Lager
n i
ucnuuiBMujcr jn
Beer Extract
You can now brew your own beer best yott
ever tasted easily, cheaply, right (n your own
home. With Johann Hofmelster Beer Extract
anyone can make the some hlsb quality lager
beer that has been made In Germany for ages
tn the same honest, old-fashioned war. Beer
that's so tatty, wholesome, satisfying, every
member of the family will surely be delighted
with it. Better beer than you can buy In saloona
or In bottles anywhere. And it .will cost Ust tha
Real Malt and Hop Beer at
11 Cents a Gallon
not Imitation beer but not German style lager
beer, modi of uttct Daritt Malt and the best Hops.
Ber of fine, natural color topped with a rich,
creamy foam. Beer with snap and sparkle clear
and pure as can b with life and health In every
drop. And tht tastt oh, delieiousl i
Johann Hofmelster Laer Beer Extract le
Siaranteed under the U. S. Food and Sruga
ot. Serial No. JO 417. No license needed any-,
where to make your own beer with this pure ex
tract. Get a can ot it today, follow the simple
Instructions then youll know why breway beef
can never be told where this beer has been introduced,'
EOo can raakat 3 saltans of bear.
73 a can malcas 7 allona of baar.
Sold by all Drugaistt, or sent direct, prepaid
upon receipt of price (either siie), by Johann
HofmcUtmr 94 HofmtUter Bld Chicago, lit.
No mslterwhat the escse. a trill will daman.
etreU that at last you hara found a milek.
aafa. aura rallaf In Anrt-Kotnnia TobUts
tbattheaa wonderful pain ralieren an nor
BwprwMsamt or uomi formers
Ask Your Druggist Far
isj Qiuutr w ice aal 25c rxbies
Itlnatrnted Features. Subscribe Now
John Says:
"Onco tn a while
soma old crndire per
sists that ho inowo
of a hotter clgcr than
at fie. But I doa'i
ozaue with nlm; -simply
1st him smoia
do otisr brand. ad
John's Cigar ifore
16th & Harney Sts.
River Excursions
Steambiat Saturn
livery Afternoon at 2:0 I. M.
Returning at
Every Evening at. ..... .8s SO P. JT.
Returning at 11:30 P. M.
Dancing Free
Music by Stockton's Orchestra
Good Order Maintained.
Sally UatlOc
E VIS., 10-300
Tatloia IfBsleal Comedy
DAILT at s:; i:w au liuo r. ai.
Mat, avary day, 3:15. Evory night, 8:15,
1 xast Week of tha Season
The Eternal Waits." Ward Baxcr, Wolpert A
raut&a, Uuah J. Emmtt, Mm. OraTftti, La.
vaalr & Co., Millar A Ljlea. TbomiJ A. Eil
aoa's Talking Motloir Plctnraa. Prlcaa: Mall
n Oallary 10, bast seats tic, except Saturday
sad Sunday Nlht 10c Wc. 50c '5c
W Kt Tr MaUnea ioday, 8:30
the orai, EEvurvr
Sxtra September Morn In Xdrtng
Manilla atailaal
ai0O,SiSO,7,S H.tC
I lass
m iufM nn rrw- win ni
CliwilMl Ok. Cincinnati, O&ta.
Always crtwaaa TMn t a Rb
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