10 Silk Hat Harry's Divorce Suit stAU&VMWfi- ATJL HAv-haw - ) )T" WANT ADS Want au rccelvco at any time, but to insnro uroiier classification must bo presented before 1:3:00 o'clock noon for tlto cvcnlug edition juid before 7:flO p. in. for morning find Sunday editions. Want ads re ceived after such hours will uavo their first Insertion under the beau ng, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES FOR WANT Alia REGULAR CLASSIFICATION. One Insertion 2 cents a word. Two or more consecutive inser tions 1J5 cents a wurcr. So adver tisement taken for less than HO cents. NOTE Tho Hoe will not be re epoaslblo for more than one wrong insertion due totyporanhlcl error. Claims fur error cannot we allowed fter the 10th of tho following tnvntli. An advertisement Inserted to be ran until forbidden must be topped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot bo accepted. CHARGE KATsMi Six words to tho line. 1 One insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive laser tions 0 cents per line. One line per month 81.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisement charged to patrons having accounts are measured by the lne, not by tho word. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. BLAKE Caroline, May 10, 1818, aged 67 year. 6 months, at the residence of her daughtor. Mrs, Chester A. Blake, 1714 .Emmet street. Funeral 2.80 p. m, Tuesday, private. No flowers. " LODGE NOTICE. Ivy Camp No. 2, Royal Neighbors of AmericaMembers will meet at Twenty c'ghth and Hickory streets to attend the funeral of Neighbor Clara A. Devereese at S o'clock, Tuesday, May 13. SADIE EDMUNDSON. Recorder. BIRTHS AND DEATHS, Births Charles and ITattle ttoetel, S00 South Twnty.goond. boy: Frank and Catherine naldwlne, 1018 North Twenty, first, girl: Sam and Ket tcct Cohen, 1141 North Eighteenth, boy; lcaao and Stella Oard, ?IW North Thirty-fourth, boy; James und Btsle Orlsham. 2S19 North ffwentv-fifth liv; J C, and Susie Han Sen, 2505 Poppleton avenue, boy;, George and Mamie Hammond, 1301 Ohio, girl; Burnctte and Anna K'jtrmi. hospital, boy; Fred and Minnie Kohnen, 17SS South Twenty-seventh boy. Chat les and Ethel Jcwkle, 2823 Cass. boy. G. O. and Lena M Mclrlrr. A Cnighton avenue, boy; Com and Free ma Spiegel, i30 Caldwell, srirl Heaths-Matfar.it J. llrffman. 78 years, 7JS Cuming; James I. Hansen, 2.2 lou teletcii avenuKt Marie Mvlitlock. 60 years, Kyanston. Wi-o.; Samuel A. Herrow, 43 rtrs. nospuai. MARRIAOn MCISNSBS. Idcanses to wed were Issued to the following! Warns and residence. Age, Gabriel Adorns, Omaha 19 Jloearla Noble, Omaha 18 JIarry Qllson. Omaha 22 lay fllombers, Omaha.., 21 William E. Whltton, South Omaha..,. 19 Btacey Wachtler. Omaha 1 Andrsw McCoy, Omaha 28 JCUsa A. Morrison. Omaha 34 Kay K. BoVlcs, Elmwood S7 Siaud E. Howell. Omaha 24 Guy Herbert Woodward, Chicago.. 23 aSxyna Vera Allen. Omaha 20 A1U !3vMf.A,la flnlltti nm.hl i.t Annie Stroaka, South Omaha 23 iCkarge ZaborowsU), South Omaha 27 Xary Nlemlll, South Omaha 23 (fohn X Rellman, Lincoln 31 tta Dubois, Lincoln.... 27 John a Pankawskt, South Omaha,.!..., 34 Agnes Lehrr, Omaha.... BUILDING 1'EUMITS, X U Bohan, North Twenty-seventh, framo flwel'lng H. Gross, Twenty Jtrst and Pins, shed J1.000; E. W. Stol tenberr, three buildings, two on North twenty-fourth. cm nl 2412 Baratoga. 32.500 eschi V L. Chelman. 441T North Thlrty Unlh. dwelllni,', 31.500 HELP WANTEDFEMALE Assents uud ouirfcoiuen. WANTED At once, a saleslady In de partment store. Aoaress. x ni. aee. WANTED Saleswomen who have had experience in ine arug, oci rubber goods sections. Apply at once to puperinicnucm cranutu ovui. Housekeepers nnit Dutuosttcs. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Th Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the eeslred results. This applies to residents at Omaha, South Omaha and Council SMuffa, Urlnjc your ad to Tbe Be office or telpho3 Tyler 1030- WAJJTEDA competent girl tor gen trul housework. Also a nurse girl; both to go put of town. Good wages." ,appl at 210 bo. in tsu ' w a vtrn nlt til vadm a r, n a nM fieneral housework: three grown persons n family. COt & 34th Bu Phone llarnsy I M ' WANTED nurse trlrl. competent and fond of children. One who will assist with housework, small family. 3115 Pa cific street, WANTED a competent Klrl for general ssouseworK. smau tamny. xura. a. ju. Jstodenahan. ws I, mtu rnone uar ftey Ink. WANTED A Klrl for general house, ork; three In family; small house; i undress ernpioyea. iei. iarney wit. a. Xlh Ave. WOMAN manager for salary loans, redit and collections; city; must be ex- eriencet ana reiir.me, Aaaress m 4us, ere isc WANTED Good, girl for general house iwork. Tut, Harney 718. Residence S6!ft yarnam at n per wetK. WAKTKIi-vOood sorl for eeneral holism work )(. 31 JKarnam. Call Sunday VU.- JUpfOS AM WSHIVGr OCOPLE vUlLU TtK AAVUAY- ipi oomt rrAVE owe TW'O S.V 'SW TOO CKG7S? TO 0JV AMY UIAY- I OOVJT UELP WATED FEMALE. Housekeepers ntul Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework; pleasant place for right girl. II. 6123. 3229 Wool worth Ave. WANTED Gin Tor general housework. Three In family. Mrs. M. C. Clarkson. Caepor. Wyo. WANTED a girl for general housework. Two In family. 70S South 8th street. Harney G720. WANTED a good girl to do general housework, small family. Mrs. It. A. Blmon. 2315 South 32d street. Harney 4101. WANTED a competent girl for general housework. Small house and good wages, Mrs. C. U Gould, Harney 2365. GIRL wantel for general housework; rmall family; good home for right per son, 674 fin. 36th Ave. WANTED A woman who wants a Je slrable home. Telephone Webster 45(1 or call at residence. 2920 N. 2Sth. WANTED Qlrl for general housework; no washing; n per week. Tel. II. 990 or call 3808 Harney Bt WANTED Good girl for general homo work; small family; good wages. 200J Lo am 8t. Tel. Web, 528. WANTED Qlrl for general housework who can cook; family of three: S3 per week. 305 H. 83th Bt NURSE tnald with experience: refer ences required; to tako charge of baby. 1120 8.. 30th Ave. WANTED A girl for general house work, Best wages; small family and a good home. 1339 S. 36th Ave. II. 2901. 'COMPETENT girl for general house work. 1018 Emmet, phone Web. 730. WANTED maids and scrub girls, ap ply housekeeper, Hotel Home. WANTED Qlrl for housework and care Of children. 1328 N. Wth Ht. Tel. So. 2095. WANTED An experienced nurso girl. 127 No. 42d St. ailtli for general housework; no wash ing. Call Harney 3308. YOUNO girl to assist with general housework. Call Monday, Harney 22S9. IIELIABLK white girl for general housework, Mrs. True Olltner. Har. 5C84. aim j for general hoOsework: small family. 205 8. 35th Ave. Harney 5439. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, 123 B. 37th St. U. 145. WANTED Experienced second maid; no laundry. Mis. J. V, Magei Harney 74. WANTED A girl for general house work. Apply 2412 Hurt. A COMI'KTENT girl for general house work. Phone Harney 3929. A CAPABLE girl for General house work; must be a good cook; small family. Mrs. R. R. Welsh. 414 So. 3Sth. MlscellnneuuM. WOMEN-Oot government lobs- excel lent pay; "pull" unnecessary. List of positions obtainable, free. Write Imme diately. Franklin Institute. Dep't 031 U. Ttochfster, N. Y; YOUNG women coming to Omaha us strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association bulMlng at St Maty'a Ave. and 17th St., whoro they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for cur travelers' guide at the Union station. WANTED a colored or whlto girl. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 18th and Marcy. Telephono DouglaB 159. HELP WANTED MALE Aureate, Uulesmrii anil Sollcltods. Live Agents Season now on. Write Jaeger Mfg. Co., 007 Brandeis Theater lsidg. A RARE ounortunlty for aaents. both sexes. No risk of any kind. Most pleas ant, profitable work. Full particulars for red Btamu. Address Post iiox sa. Omaha. Neb. AGENTS Send for our new nremlutn plan and sample. Both are free. Easy, quick sales. Good money for good men. Peach. Harrison & Co., Box 375, Tol ledo. O. WANTED Two mora live solicitors for roud work. Good proposition. 700 Bran- dels Theater. wahtbu-r irn-ciass. wen appearing salesman to handle a first-class proposi tion. Those familiar with the automo bile trade preferred. Call for Mr. M. S. Lion, paxton Hotel. WANTED At once, a good salesman In generwl merchandise store; Uormnn preferred. Addl a Y148. Bee. Factory uud Trades. SPRING rush Is commenctnn !n the automobile business; learn now o. pra.. ttcal experience In completely equipped shops; 810 Oto 320 Oeacned monthly oy good. mco. wrue .aiiunai Auiomooiie .i- ing Ass'r 2314 North 20th St, Omias, wen. tiAmni'tii...ii i. vmm icvuciii Dio.uj work; no trouble. Deltch & Lamar Co., Sioux City, la. tin Mmun T)u i. - - . .. . . . . . Drug store snaps; lobs. Knelst lie" Bldg I WANT 10 MEN at once to learn the barber trade. New method. Only few weeks required, Positions waiting. Tools furnished. Money earned while learning. A. B. Moler. president Moler system. Call or write, iio H. urn street. WANTED A first-class mechanlo who thoroughly understands the manufactur. Ing of galvanized tanks. No boozer need apply. Hunt & Schuetz Co., Sioux lil)rt An. y iiiw- .Aicrienccu cnrpei sewer. Apply at once to Superintendent Brandeis Ktnr ... . ...... , WANTED Harness makers with fac tory experience. Apply Pchulze Bros, Co., Duluth. Minn. Miscellaneous. WANTED FOR V. 8. ATIMT Able bodied unmarried men between ages of 13 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, wbo can speak, read and write the English language For Information apply to Re cruiting Officer. Army Building. 15th and podge Sta, Omaha. Neb.; Cue Fourth St. Bloux City, la.; ISO N. 10th St. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Single man to drive and 'work about house and barn. No telephone applications considered. Apply at office of Leonard Everett 18 Pearl street. Coun cil JU1UIIB. FARM hands, laborers furnished free of charge to employer, Evans' Employment Office. 1817 Dodge" Tel. Doug. 8014. WANTED a man. Who understands tab, Ins care of lawn and automobile. Call at itoom sw, ee maz nr. u. u. Davis. WANTED Elderly man to help around house by Germans on a farm. Address r THE BEE: A Note, Then a Goat, ) CAiB a fa? HELP WANTED MAI.i: AND PKMALIS MEN, women, get government jobs, excellent salaries: write Immediately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 714iC. Rochester, N. V. EXPERIENCED hand button hole maker on shirts. Albert Calm, 213 B, 14th St., 2d floor. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED position by experienced housekeeper, bachelor or widower. Refer ences exchanged. Address P. 769, Care Bee. WOULD like to hear from some con struction company or other parties, who require the services of a first-class ex perienced time keeper. Address A 39S, Care Bee. WANTED Situation as clerk in some store, where experience and good, honest service would be appreciated. Address B 397, Care Bee. AN EXPERIENCED high-class hotel night clerk, would like position with some good hotel, either in or out of city. Ad dress S 399, Caro Bee. POSITION as bookkeeper or office work, married man, stenographer. Good references. Address P 400, Care Bee. BOOKKEEPINO, evenings or odd times. Address O 401. Care Bee. COLORED Klrl wants work of any kind. Phone Web. 4246. ANNOUNCEMENTS' Sam Newman Has moved to his new location, 423 S. 15th. Paper hanging and Interior deco rating his specialties. Call and look over his stock. Estimates furnished free. His prices reasonable. Best of materials. Tel. Doug, 43. T irr"K TTVX T WE BUY NOT Ed MONEYiM. w 1 Union Loan 'Jo. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 16th St WEDDING Announcements. Douglas PtB. Co. D, 8. Griffin, wig mfr., 12 Krenzer Bik, Wedding announcements, Doug. i'w. o 1j, a. unttitn wic nur.. is Krenur k NATHAN'S loan office quits business. 109 .8. 13th St. Call for your goods. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy fur itching, bleeding or protrud ing plies; 50c postpaid; samples free. Bherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. THE TIE THAT ENDURES Is a lucky wedding ring from Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Co., 16th and Douglas Sts. At the Sign of the Crown up tho Golden Stairs. ATTRACTIONS OMAHA film exch., 16th and Dous. &io. tlon picture machine and film barnuln. AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND'S liig new garage at 26th and Far nam. - FORE DOORS. SEAT COVERS. Murphy DidltSF FOR HALE A larffa nnvn.niiasni:r Stearns touring car In first olass order. Will develop ninety horse-power. Very easy riding with either one or more pas sengers. Price ,1,750 cash. Can be seen and tried out In Omaha any time. Ad dress O. A. J., Box 598. Omaha. Neb. ONE 4-Passenaer car: never used ex. cept as demonstrator, electrlo headlights and tall light, 1912 model. Lists at 31,250, ssuu taxes the car. won't last long at this price. J 5C9, Omaha Be. BEST AUTO PA1NTINO. Knr. doors-. slip covers; new tops and bodies built to order. WM. PFEIFFER CARRIAGE Works, 25th Ave. & Leavenworth. D. CJ22. FOR SALE One tlve-pasenzer 40 11. P. car, new 1912 model. Must sell this week tor casn. wnat win you give 7 K U7, Omaha Bee. ONE ROADSTER, 40 II. P. car. new 1912 model. Need the money. How much will you give! F 356, Omaha Bee. 3100 reward for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18th " ' TTTST?a SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES WILL sacrifice my 40-horscpower run about; never been used. Address A. t(, care Bee. WANTED To buy for cash, good ssc ond-hand touring car. Addreas E 211. care Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES TO get In or uui of buslne.s. call on uAfiuaaiau, n uee Aiiug. let, u. 3477 KOIt U A 1.1.' Thfl UVilnh.!.. ' ket at Atlantic, la., town of 6,000 inhabt- l.nt. Hnlw ,tvn ma .b... At. 1. . Ket had a retail business of about 3100,000 a van,v Th. r.t.-AM r. I ...1 M mm .vwill.y. 1VAUQ at once for particulars. G. F. Braun. At lantic, la. IF you want a splendid contract that -Tin uituiu j uu luuurjr, mil on or write Van H. King. Manager Missouri State Lire Insurance Co., 515 City Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. VVK IIAVM U.ru D r r . I ,.1 narlv wlin o n nv..t n, . . . " " " ww , . . v luuuojr una f'Unif'H nllulr.nl lnl.. ........ Nebraska county at a bargain. Address, -d tnu A4 W, BUSINESS PERSONALS All Ready. OUR national calamity of fire, flood S?t. V; tS??.1 teJtliJ flV'ilT dellveVed Barbers. TRN rfTRMTft ihflva sriJ hs.1 S cents shin. Elsasser'a. 1617 Far nam Bt Builders and Contractors. A. M. OFFERMAN, MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CO. PLUMBIKO and Heating Supplies to everybody. Special prices on the In stallation of fixtures to contractors, home ouuaers ana apartment nouse owners. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 210 N. SS3A SU &Q. QWb Nfch B& S3. OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY Then an Out OH TK6 WJW fJJMKW Did yoO ----- THi ABOUT VOW ii- i" r40TrJWfr.vi--' iTI A. B. C. of Omaha ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wlrs fences cheaper than wood; last life time. 207 N. 17th St Tel. Red 814. BELL Drug Co., sells everything you want from a drug store. Send or -hone us your orders, quick delivery. Phone Douglas 2623. CALL Mme. Bennett for retrlmmlng: and reblockins ladles' bats. It's our specialty. 214 8. 17th. Douglas 2007. Emp ANY HEAT A V-.VJVJ A TsJV TTMIC FOR auctioneering; of all ki.ids of Jow lry and gen'l mdse. write H. A. H"th, 1819. No. 17th. 20 years experience G'ROSS Lumber" Wrecking Co. All kinds laundry, dairy second-hand ma chlnery, pipes, shafting and belting. HILLSIDE Sanitarium, 31st and Ohio. Tel. Web. 5520. Lying-in hospital, rest room for convalescents and de bilitated. Regular physician In attendance. .M. Modern In every respect; most sanitary place In town. Rooms by week; reasonable rates. Give us a trial. JOHNSTON'S Chocolates to suit every taste. You will never know how good candy can be until you try them. Buy ome now. Horn Candy Co.. dist, Omaha. K ERR Abstract Co., 305 B. 17th bt Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. Lampman Sign Co,, 2d floor, 1302 Dou. Tel. D. 3515. Signs of every descrip tion. Work and prices right. Try ua. M ONHEIT'S. Mfr. of wigs, toupee-. SiVitcnes iruin cuiiiuiiibb. . - . . . . T 1 A rtJ k 0 111 )( 1 neit B .ueauiy i-anura. wa NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE, SCUUUiA LEAHN AUTOMOBILE EIU1 NEERINQ. Write for new cata logue. 1415-17 Liouge at., ummw, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., "Mlokel's," 15th and Harney. Douglas 166X We rent, repair, sell needles, parts oi an Bewuik miiuiiiues. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORK8, 1200-8 Douglas. Tyler 20. See us for Hot Water and Steum Boilers, Fur naces. Copper Coll Gas Water Heaters ana ununaiy laim ncam StLKO OHIOK FOOD . r ueT nrnanXallVag 101 N. 16th. Douglas 1142. UUB1NKSS PERSONAIiS guilders and Contractors. HATfPENTERS y"'n,Br.furnl,'he,, n.ii , t.hnr Temnle. Douglas 1869. iTnrTTTTTVl .Contractor, Douglas 4bM. lit. lb. lUljL)0oncrai building contrac tor and repair work promptly tended to. 232 State Bank Bide. Doug. 6430. ,..,ii.1.k. lihnn 2711 N. 27th. vrW3.vrVn A Co., W. 4992. Chiropractors, T. C. Lawrence. D. C. 2322 Howard. D. 8461, Chiropodists. DR. M. MONHEIT. Established 1890. Carrie J. Buford. 632 Pax. Blk. Red 45S7. "drTrOY. 1505 Farnam. Douglas 6497. Creameries, Dairies and Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Decoratoi and Painters. GENERAL HOUSECLEANING CO. Painting, paper nangins, and all general work In and outside. DetectlTes. nur a ti a a..... Mot-vie Dotnetlve Atrcy.. . v;.,: Ti ,r, bonded, suite taxton mn., a.w t . miox. , T . T.t.rHt'- RarvlPA fine... 405 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 4317. L. W. LONGNECKER. 517 Karbach Blk. D r c ss uiakl nsr. TERRY dressmkg. college. 20th & Farnam DRESSMAKING, prices reasonable. Doug. 7934. Drugs: nnnnn n nHi,,. frttrit nnld nr.' $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, JJsb. Uvcrythlntc Electrical. ot.nnwn.tIln TCT.wr.'rrtTr! WAKH. dynamos, igniting dynamos, motors, re pairs. l.e uron. .hj a. ma m. uoui- uia. Everythlne' for Women. rmRSS nleatlmr. buttons covered, all tlies and styles. THE IDEAL PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas block. Douglas 1936, Florists, A. Doqghuc. 1607 Farnany Doug. 1001. HESS & BWUiiuuA. iih rarnaui ou L. HENDEItaON. 1619 Farnam. P. 1258. BRANDEIS cut flower dept. new store. BATH'S tlorlBts. Boyd Theater Bldg. C. Ederer. florist. 2304 Bristol. Web. 1795. For Men. For man's artistic toupuea. wig mak ing see Monhelt's. Est 1890. 403 B. ltb. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE Call Tyler 1024-O'Nelll'a, 150C Farnam St Motorcycles. HARLBY-Davldson and Yale motor cycles. Sub agents wanted for tho Yale In pear by territory. All makes ot used motorcycles. Victor II. Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth St, Omaha. Nurseries and Seeds. STEWARTS 8EEDMAN. 119 N. 18th. FRUIT TREES! SHADE TREES 1 Shrubs and small fruits; no agents. We save you commission. Writ or phone us tor catalogue. Tel. uenson ut-j, sen' son-Omaha Nursery, Benson, Neb. P. J. FLYNN, PROPRIETOR. The Gate City Nursery has a fine Itne ot nursery stock at their sales grounds, Bee ua before you ouy. J 11 MARNETTE. Manager. AKKIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity & econ omy. 316 S. ICth, middle of block, 2d floor. lUh. tujd Uaxuxi aM 34 Mid Burdttte. 13, 1913. Copyright, 1913, National News Ass'n. J ANwmic- I vow BUSINESS PERSONALS. Osteopaths. Alice Johnson. 308-9 Brandeis The. Bldg. Pntents. D. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HIRAM A. STURGES, patent lawyer, 646 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Doug. 3469. Pl um tiers. STANDARD PLUMBING CO., Doug. 8398. Publlo Stenographers. CORA E. COWEN, 511 Bee Bldg., D 3367. Printing.. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 61t Lew W. Raber, Printer, Drueep.hio0?88 BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qual ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 621 S. 13th. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. Doug. 3754. Sod. SOD FOR SALE Sodding done. Web. 498a Steel Ceilings. Carter Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. 10th Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2741. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought, sold. Levy, 2510 N., South Omaha, Tailoring. ' TITTfi- the tailor for good clothes. 204 CLUV;r Neville Blk. D-6318. Trunks and .Suitcases. FRELING & STEINLE. 1803 Farnam St. Trasses anil Appliances. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, ELASTIC STOCK INGS. THE W. G. CLEVELAND COMPANY. Surgical and Hospital Supplies. 1410-12 Harney Street, Experts In fitting trusses, deformity braces, elastic hosiery and supporters. SKILLED LADY ATTENDANT. Wall Paper, TO wallpaper dealers, large property owners, real estate agents. Closing out surplus stock previous to 1913 season at 25 per cent to 0 per cent less than fac tory cost. Bargain prices for large lots. W. L. Yetter & Co., 1113-17 Howard St., Omaha. Wines and Lliiuors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 8. 13th St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, 65a a large bot tle. Klein Liquor House, 522 N. 16th St. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good positions, Work for board. For tree catalogue ad dress Mosher-Lampman College, 1815 Far nam St., Omaha. Neb, BOYLES CdLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. ComDlete courses In Business. Book keeping, Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue la ready. Call, write or phone for It Boyles College. 18th and Harney Sts.. Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aait Vehicles, Harness of all kinds, the lara-est stock In the city at attractive prioes. Johnson- uantortn io.. ts. v. uor. win ana jones. HORSES clipped 82; dogs 31 and up. 2013 Cuming St Douglas 1433- LIQIIT order or driving rig. 320. 2515 St. Mary's Ave. D. 4472. LOST AND FOUND LOST In Omaha or South Omaha, last week, gold brooch, with cameo center. Reward. Phone South 1273. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFF8 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, Persons havlnc lost some article would do well to call up the office ot the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the ngnuui owner, call Doug las 48. TTOTTVT1 -Arthur E. Dunn, commercial I'UUHU ihotogrupher. 1727 Howard. Flatlron Blg. D. 33CS LOST or stolen small black handgrip on Burlington train No. 9, Saturday night between Red Oak and U. P. transfer. Contains papers valuable to owner only. Reward with no questions asked for re turn of grip and contents. Call Douglas C59, Omaha. LOST Silver rriesh bag; engraved Ruth H. Prltchett; 310 reward for return. Phone Harney 6478. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. TS. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without aurclesl operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paia until curea. write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY, Bee Bldg., Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN $10 TO $100 TO LOAN TODAY It you need any sum from 310 upward you can get tbe money from ua TODAY. We'll serve you quickly, quietly and politely. Costs you nothing to Investi gate and very little If you borrow. Call, .write or telephone Douglas 2299. OMAHA LOAN CO., Formerly Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 1603 BARN AM ST. Room 315 Board of Trad Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARY PEOPLE and others upon their own names; cheap rates; easy psymenis; connueniiai. jj. u. Tolman. 503 New Ora. Nat. Bank Bldg. The" Persistent ana Judicious Use at Newsraper Advertising is tbe Road to Business Success, Drawn for The Bee by Tad WHAT ONE i r-a. j -vol 10 JT VOOR. " OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments and Flats, Gordon Van Co. Si 2U N. 11th St. or 210 H. 17th 8t Tel D. 34, T7TTi"L7T TTv7"fitra and Van JL1 lUrLLl 1 Y Co- Goods stored. , , 777' T moved, packed, shipped. 16th & Jackson Bts. Doug. 1618. ment on West Farnam St., with steam h P t nnH tnnltA. c n n JOHN W. ROBBINfl. 1802 FARNAM ST. JVI1I HUNT Hlv.fr.Am n rta ...- DlATAlv vnrvarn fln -rn K 1 1 ,1 1 . a...iL r vuws -.ua MUIIUIIIsISaS OUUWI Omaha, above 616, North 24th: Hall. 433 MODERN apartments near postofflce, 818 and up. O. P. STEBBINS. 1610 Chicago. FOR, RENT Eiosant new 5-room St Louis flat, colonial style. 8315 Cumlngr. Phone Harney 2768. Six-room apartment In the Sherman. Web. 5765. STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENTS. iSL.laAIMT SURROUNDINGS. W. 4328. fawarel and Sauini, MERRIAM 3 or 4-r private bath; also small suite: 1 or 2 single BOARD and room. 2024 Webster St. Furnished Rooms. 131 No. 31st Ave.; desirable fur. room. 1020 a. 23D ST. Modern room, private family, close In, 31.50, for lady. 2116 HARNEY ST.-Nlcely furnished rooms; new furniture: modem. LARGE room, suitable for two. 209 H. 20th St. LARGE furnished rooms. In nrlvate home; block from car line. Web. lOiS. FOR RENT Rooms. 2045 Dodge St. NEWLY furnished rooms; uteam heat KOS Jackson St. Tyler 1521 CALIFORNIA HOTEL Steam heateO rooms. 32 per week and up: free bath. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Furnished Houses. 10-ROOM modern. West Farnam. fur nished home. July 1 to September 15. References required. Address 8 768, care Uee. Housekeeping; Rooms. FOUR nicely furnished rooms to couple without children. References required. 366 N. 40th. Hotels njad Apartments. THE OVERLAND HOTEL COR. 13TH AND HOWARD Now onen for business. Every room Is -newly furnished and completely mod ern. Special rates by the week. Your patronage is respectiuuy soucuea. J. J. SULLIVAN. Proprietor. Houses and Cottages, FOR RENT 5-room cottage at 305S N. ISth St., modern except heat; large lot, paved street Inquire at above location for a few days, or telephone H. 1509, from 8 to 9 a. m.. or 6 to 7 p. m. 8 ROOMS, modern. 112 N. 26th. D. 2717. Omaha Express Co 416 N. 17th. Douglas 3254. Moving vans, wacons. fireproof storage, furniture packing and piano moving. 8EVEN-ROOM house, all modern, first class condition; 4 rooms on second floor; bath and toilet separate; 3 large rooms and reception hall, first floor. 27th St., near Prairie Park. 332.50 per month to good party. No children. Chris Boyer. Tel. Douglas 2049. Movlncr. Dacklna and storage of house hold goods and pianos is our business. Omaha Van and Storage Co.. fireproof storage. 806 S. 16th, by the viaduct. Branoh office. 309 8. Nth Bt. Tel. u. ba. NEW 10-room brick, all modern, hot water heat 2623 Harney. 360. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Harney 1894. Douglas 1216. MAQOAftD VAN AND STORAGE CO. Decks, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. TlVU-oiUHi oricic iia.i, uu viii, ncut California. Crelghton University. Doug las 232a V T,Mir ..vln.lv nA a rr i i 1 , . 979 p.- I Wl O,,.... .uuw. ..wuu. V. tral Blvd., one block from Harney car . , . MM . , , Tf. line, inquire hlq cnum mvn. EL.C.UANT 9 ana u-room nouses; ail modern: walking dlstanoe. 424 N. 23d Bt and 2303 Cass St. tr , In all parts of the city, Orolirh. Hons Co.. He. Rldir. JCi "Roorl EP' Co- furniture mov . Va Xeeu lngi 2 men. 31 hour. W. S74S. 6 ROOMS, all modern. 1020 8. 23d St Tel. Doug. 4835. CLOSE In, 7-room mod. house, halls, bath, basement. 220 No. 23d. 2110 Lake St.. 8 rooms, all modern, well built house. Phone W. 6831. WEST Farnam district, new, 8 rooms, 2 baths, 355. 323 N- SSth Ave. 2310 M ANDERSON ST. Five-room house, close to car line, 318. ' 8 rooms, all modern, 1026 N. 33d St.; ready June L Inquire 2715 Chicago St Stares anil Offices. ELITE picture show room at 616 N. 94th St. South Omaha. New front and newly decorated, unexcelled location, room for 260 chairs. No operating machines. Excel lent opportunity for experienced show man. Hall Dist. Co.. 433 Ramge D. 7408. MOST desiratn warehouse space la Omaha. Would also consider renting part ot sample room floor, especially good for automobiles. Racln Battley Co.. 10th St viaduct 180i FARNAM 6 rooms, completely modern, suitable location for offlues. studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc. for tenants wismng nomes aajoiniag. Hall Dist Co, 433 Ramge. D. 7406. STOREROOM ON 16th STREET, 827.(0 Large storeroom at 1013 North 16th St H. A. WOLF. V 432 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 806S. WAREHOUSE storage, 16,000 square feet. 3160 per month: or one-half, $80; low Insurance; sprinkler system. Call at 1113-17 Howard St. or Tel. D. 976. FINE LODGE hall, 35x65 feet excellent light and furniture for rent. Inquire 416 So. .17th St or telephone Doug. 6326. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. LEAVING city, must sell 2 gocarts, lion beds and other miscellaneous; very cheap. 3m raffs. SL-lB-Xcax I 1' - " -rrr fU- oo DOWA) a mo SETS THAT- SUV JAvi uJaMT Ht? tWi ABOUT PeOpLE OFFERED FOR SALE fnrnlturt-. FURNITURE of 5-room cottage, com pletely furnished, all in good condition, sold complete or by the piece. For sale cheap; leaving city; cottage may be rcumu u bo ueairea. -iiBtiurt ut. ITDR flAT.TT flnl.n nnl .UnUn. 1 dining table. Phone Harney 275g. Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter 2 months, $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 2919. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 8 months, 85. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. Tho Brunswlck-Balke Collendsr Co., 407-409 South 10th St BAFES 2-hand. American Supply Co. P-ntl HAT .V. TI n n f,i,.Av Slnw.i. - . . . J m..v nerving machine In good running order. More house & Co., 18 N. Main St., Council Bluffs, la. EMPTY Ink barrels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing company, 17th and Farnam streets. HALL'S safes, new and 2d-hand. Corey & McKenzle Ptg. Co., 1407 Harney. D-2614. SAFES Overstocked 2d-hand safes, all makes. J. J. Derlght Co., 1818 Farnam St. 8x8 air compressor. 612 8. 14th. Kindling, 84. H. Gross, lumber & wrecking. Kindling, 34. H Gross, lumber & wreoklng PERSONAL VIRGIN SNOW Is not whiter than your oomplexlon will be after you have used Orange Blossom the matchless skin bleach and skin food preparation. If your skin is discolored from ur,burn, tan, blotches or other causes, write at once to the Northwestern Supply Co., Dept. 6, Newell, So. Dakota, for full, free par ticulars and special offer now being made. INVALIDS NEED PENSIONS. 649 subscriptions to the L. H. Journal, 81.50; S. E, Post $1-50, and Country Gen tleman, 31.50, will earn 33,000 for the In-, vallds' Pension Ass'n, which will Insure myself and fifteen other sufferers 310 a month eaoh. Your renewal worth 50 cents. DON'T WITHHOLD IT. Phone Douglas 7163, Omaha. Neb. GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. YOUNG "women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plaoesN or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In tact anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St, for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Phone Douglas 4125 and wagon wll call. SCIENTIFIC massage. 1723 Dodge St Massage.lst ft, r. 6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele MARSAfrF, Balt G-' MraB- Allen. TTTRKTRTT baths: ladles only. Weight u-u,xx-LOJ-L reduced. Apt. 8. 1802 Farn. MAGNETIC treatment, E Brott, 1S2J ULtimit, vmton. D. 7895. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. MANICURING; face, scalp and mag- iieuo treatment, miss ueoar. ZU4 8. 19th. MASSAliE ?wed'sh movement. -418 mnoa Bee Bldg. Douglas 6372. "Bw" mute, jjye. ana aun. appoint 8. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec treat. D. 863. POULTRl AND SUPPLIES RAISE...PeerleBS strain White Leghorna and I will pay fancy prices for your sur plus birds. Regular U quality eggs only 16 cents per dozen, delivered. Forty-page catalogue and mating list free. Leon Huntington, Douglas 1418. BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs from heavy egg laying strain. Send for mating list Ahlqulst Bros., Box C, Ames Ave. station, umana. Neb. Tel. Florence 104. spaghetti. Call with your wagon. atrruv.Kiri r. . . Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red and White Orpington eggs for hatching, ti per 15. C. W. Brltt. Barker Block. BUFF Orpington eggs, and broody hen. Webster 1936. PET STOCK MUST sell at once, registered pedigreed male Boston Bull Terrier; perfect Bcrew tall; blue ribbon stock; 10 months old; very intelligent Address 3210 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web. 6419. SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. PALMER LAND CO. Have Just lately got control of twenty five sections of line land In Nebraska and Kansas, which they will exchange for clear property. 1104 W. O. w. mag. to ACRES, near Taft. Trix.. to trade for clear town property. John C. Inglls, Owner. Stuart, Neb. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. REED Abstract- Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandos Theater. acreage: for rent. Ing; nominal rent, H. W. Binder. Doug. 1254. ACREAGE: FOI2. SALES. FOR Florence property Tel. Flor. 276. C. L. Nethaway. Florence, resident agent. CITY PROPERTY VOR SALE. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT An elegant 6-room square house, ui 33x116, nicely sodded and terraced, hous- si 4 l ( I tyi rtA A n nadvlu -. 1 J a a, svss-aj mivuviui - 4 lien. JTIIUC) 1, IV J, Property can't be duplicated for less than 14,600. JJJliMJJs-UARLiBERG CO., 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. BUNCH OF SIX LOTS. 8450, 310 cash and 110 per month. Thes. are beautiful high lots about one-halt mile north ot school at Avenue B and 25th St Room for a nice house and to keep chickens, make garden and grou fruit. In your spare time you can make one-halt your living with this much land and it will be worth more money even year A good Investment If you hoven't present use for It Let us show you. M'GEE RJiAL ESTATE "t i Paorl St Ctiiiucil muffs