Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Image 1

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    The Omaha, Daily
Daily Sport Extra
' 1
VOL. XLTI NO. Air AlTA mrraeiTv A -xr rnnxmrn -r-r -n ...... , . . I
Uiumm xuinoiy-tvi iuuiuNUNu, iuvi ij, iyia rv jj 'aujiJvS. sircar. mnv rpwn nvru
- i
Customs Court Decides in Favor of
Contention of Producers in
Russia and Germany.
Privilege. Granted Canada Must Bo
Given to Others.
Only Two Sessions a Week Until
First of June.
Nnmber of Republican Srnntors Up-
poe Prnrose I'lnn to Force
Public HenrltiK on the
Tnrlff Mcnsnrr.
WASHINGTON, May 12. Die customs
court today decided that European na
tlons are entitled to the free entry ot
wood pulp and paper under "tho most
favored nations" clause of their com
mercial treaties with the United States
because the free entry privilege Is granted
to Canada under the only operative clause
of the Canadian reciprocity agreement.
The court also held that the T.'eaiury
department had placed a correct interpret
tatlon on tho Canadian reciprocity act
by Immediately admitting wood pulp and
paper free without reciprocal action by
Canada. Dissenting opinions were de
livered. '
Norway, Russia, Austria-Hungary end
Germany claimed the right of free entry
of wood pulp and paper from their re
spective countries. Former President Taft
declined to grant the request and referred
the question to the courts.
It cannot bo stated whether the Treas
ury department or the Department of
Justlve will appeal the case to tho su
preme court. It has been the attitude of
the government to oppose all appeals
from the customs court because the act
creating the court saye the decision of
the oustoms court shall be final. The
fact that .the question Involves the In
terpretation of treaties may cause the
government to appeal
House la Marking; Tims.
The tariff fight, shifted from the house,
will be renewed In the senate tomorrow
when the Underwood bill comes up for
reference to the finance committee. The
senate was not Jn session today.
pgThe house met today to dispose ot
what some party leaders rtfer to as
''chicken feed", with the announced pur-P,OS-
of adjourning almost Immediately
t'for three days, a beginning' of regular
adjournment for similar .periods until
tftSflrst week of June.
VsThe Idea is to mark time ponding the
tariff fight on the senate Fide of the
, capftol and preparation for currency
legislation. Meantime 'the democratic
majority of the vraya and means com
mittee, as the committee on committees,
will meet almost daily to frame the per
sonnel of the regular committees of the
Will Meet Tn-ice Week.
The house was in session only a few
minutes. Even miner legislation failed
to materialize, and the series of three
days adournments was begun. The house
win meet next Thursday and thereafter
on Mondays and Thursdays until the
first week of June. Many members have
gone home with the understanding be
tween the leaders ot the parties that no
legislation Involving any disputed points
shalt be brought up in the meantime.
In. the senate some republican oppo
sition has appeared to the Penrose
amendment to force public hearings by
the flnkno committee. The development
Indicates that the democratic plan of no
hearings will be carried out, although
reference of the bill may be delayed while
the republican leaden debate the Pen
rose amendment for several days, begin
ning tomorrow.
Sub-committees of the finance commit
tee and Chairman Simmons continued
consideration today of protests and briefs
to Underwood schedules filed by varied
PresWent Wilson does not expect that
the tariff bill will be amended In any
important particular, lie has not sug
gested that any schedule be reopened;
has riot been Informed that the senate
contemplates changing the work of the
house and is confident the measure will
pass the senate. Bo cettaln Is he that
such an end Is in sight that he probably
will make known informally his views
on currency this week
The president expressed these views to
day, but did not express himself as to
whether there should bo public hearings
in the finance committee.
WASHINGTON, May Il.-The govern
ment's contention that It has the right
under the act ot March 16, 1910, to de
port undesirable alien women "any time"
after found practicing questionable pur
suits was today upheld by the supreme
court in the case, of Helena Bugajewltz
of Denver, Colo. Attorneys for the i
woman contended that the three-year 1
limitation; on this tight to deport, found ;
in the act of February 30, 1907, still ex-1
The Weather
Forecast till -7 p. m. Tuesday.
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vici
nity Showers.
Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday.
5 a. m .',....51
6 a. m ....So
i a. m S3
S a. m S3
9 a. m ; 61
10 u. in
. . .v. ,
66 !
11 a. m...., Of
13 m ,.70
1 P. m. 73
2 p. m 77
3 p. m ; 79
P. m 79
6 p. m 79
6 P. m 77
7 p. m.... 76
S P. m 73
Governor Chooses Omaha Lawyer
Election Commissioner.
Under Ijiw Choice of Second
Man for Office Mnat Come
from Opposite
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 1Z (Specials-Carry
ing out the reports as published in
Omaha papers Sunday morning that
Governor Morehcad would probably ap
point Harley O. Moorhead to the posi
tion of election commissioner of Douglas
county, Governor .Morehead announced
the choice today.
'I desire that you would say," said the
governor, "that Mr. Moorheard is In no
way related to me, that I know of.
While the name has a very familiar
sound, you will notice that it lsspelled
Htfferentjy. I am 8cotch-3rlsh myself.
but what Mr Moorhead's nationality Is
I do not know. I have mads the ap
pointment because after thorough In
vestlgation I believe him to be the man
for the place."
Dr. E.W.Foster Dies
From Effects of Over
Dose of Chloroform
Dr. B. W. Foster, late of Worland.
.Wyo., was found dead In his room i at
309 South Nineteenth street, Monday
afternoon at ft nnlnM?. TT k.
dead for'so'me ti(nn: '-tmA tititl nnmi)l
died from the efreats 'of uri 'overdose ot
chloroform, self administered. Coroner
Crosby has taken charge of the body.
Dr. Foster returned to Omaha a few
weeks ago after an absence of ten years
In Wyoming; to resume his nraoHea hr.
He opened an office in the City National
Bank building, but his health was poor
and he did not find himself able to give
close attention to the business His wife
left last week for a visit with relatives,
but was notified last night of her hus
band's death. Dr. Foster was about 45
years of age. Aside from 111 health nn
reason is known why he should take his
are. His business affairs were in good
shape, and leaves ample property.
Stratton Charged'
With Murder of an
Illinois Banker
DAVENPOUT. la.. Mov li.fnv
Stratton, under arrest at Pekln. 111., who
recently escaped from the Leavenworth
federal penitentiary by crawling through
a sewer, has been indicted for hure-lnrv
robbery and murder In Rock Island
county, Illinois.
The Indictment was made public today.
i wiBitB .i nomas jerierson, neld j
for the robbery of the bank of Silvia, '
uecemoer it, 1912, has confessed that '
Stratton assisted him to rob the bank j
by beating up the owner, J. Lee Crow-
aer, wno later died of hli injuries, Pckln !
aumormes promised today to turn Strat
ton over to Rock Island county.
Fire at Oil Plant
Does Much Damage
Fire at 7 o'clock Monday night did dam
age to the extent of $30,000 at the plant of
the National Refining company at Elov.
entft and Clark streets. 1
This Is the second fire within two weeks
at this plant, both thought to be of In
cendiary origin. General Manager Ray
Docherty of the local plant' was at the
scene of the fire last night, and gave it
as his view that the place had been
"touched off" a second time by some per
son. The night watchman, L. D. Seeley,
was positive that no locomotive spark or
electric mishap had caused the blaxe.
The firemenjbad a tough battle to keep
the blaze iiwJV from six big tanks, each
containing about 50,000 gallons of gaso-,
line, kerosene or auto oil.
The National Refining company Is a
Cleveland corporation, with fifteen bran
ches In Nebraska, the chief of which is
the one at Omaha.
LOS ANGELES, CaT, Slay It Fishing
has ceased to be the sport of William
Larkum of this city. Larkum was fish
ing at the end of a pier at Redondo beech
yesterday when he hooked a shark which
pulled him overboard. He could not swim
nml !ifalftK Ha hnfl hn.n mid. .tmn.
. . - - ...muw llIUb
unconscious by the high dive. Several
hundred persons witnessed his descent
into the ocean and one man. Captain
Charles Johnson, master ot a fishing
launch dived off the pier and brought the
endangered fisherman ashore after a hard
battle. Whereupon Larkum announced
his vow to forego fishing on the Babbath
President Wilson Says There is
Nothing Alarming in the Alien
Land Legislation
on Feeling
ion is Made.
Question of NaturaliWzation Has
Not Been Discussed so Far.
Kierntlve II (.pen California Will
Uo Mothliiic Until Some Fea
ture Can Ilr Smoothed
WASHINGTON. May 12.-r resident Wil
son believes negotiations between Japan
and the United States over the alien land
legislation In California aro not In an
alarming stage, but that the interchange
of views thus far had been along frank
and friendly lines calculated to remove
tho appearance ot discrimination against
Japanese subjects.
Thb president, discussing the subject
informally today, took the position that
the Webb bill would not violate the
treaty between Japan, and the United
States. He intimated that Japan's pro
test was not founded on a claim that the
treaty would be broken In any way, but
upon the feeling that thero was an effort
to discriminate against Japan on the
ground ot their alleged Ineligibility to
Th nr.fclrimt rAVi.ftli.ri that tllA nues-
on ot naturalization had not yet entered
the discussion with the Japanese ambas
sador, but that, bt course, underlying the
bill, it was realized that tho federal courts
had not finally passed upon the question
of eligibility.
It was upon tho basis that Japanese
were not accorded tho privileges of citi
zenship that the appearance ot discrimi
nation written in the bill had ylsen, and
It was Intimated at the While House that
for the present, the hope whs that the
legislature in California either would ba
vetoed by Governor Johnson or delayed
by a referendum to prra(t , smoothing
over some features ot vwep1 tuatfoty
Frankness Prevails.
President Wilson endeavored to make
it plaldgthal the greatest frankness had
prevailed between tho two governments,
even to tho. abandonment ot many diplo
matic formalities. The conferences thus
tar between Secretary Bryan or' Presi
dent Wilson and the Japanese ambassa
dor were described as being those be
tween "on? gentleman ananother."
Intimations that the Japanese protest
itself was couched neither in vigorous
nor aggressive language, but was formal
and friendly In character, came from the
president himself during his talk today
and it was pointed out that the phase
"a very earnest protest," employed by
Secretary Bryan In hid message to Gov
ernor Johnson, was the description of
the note which-the American government
had entertained rather than the emphasis
ot the Japanese ambassador.
The president was disposed to talk
freely of the subject and appeared con
fident that a satisfactory adjustment
would be accomplished.
Tramp Breaks Three
Locks on Jail Door
RAPID CITY, S. D., May 12.-(Speclal.)
Eld gar 'Farslow, a youth about 19 years
old, blew Into the city on bumpers of a
freight car and was quickly arrested for
"mooching" his breakfast on Main street.
Judge Mlntener sentenced htm to Jail for
a week tiid Chief of Police Fahrenwald
locked him up. After giving Parslow his
breakfast yesterday the young man was
ordered to get busy with the city gang
cleaning streets and gutters. After his
refusal he was returned to Jail and plaoed
on a bread and water diet. One day of
this raised the young man's appetite so
much that he pried the padlock off the
Jail door and "mooched" a meal. Chief
'Fahrenwald arrested him and returned
him to the lockup and a bread and water
diet. Pnrslow remained In durlnce about
an hour and again appeared on Main
Ktreet and handed Chief Fahrenwald the
padlock which hod been newly adjusted
to the Jail door.
Before being locked up a third tlni'i
Parslow made a contract to the effect
that If he could escape again tho chief
was to buy him a square meal. About
twenty minutes later Parslow appeared
to the chief of police, handed him tho
busted padlock and demanded the con
sideration of his contract. He got his
ham and eggs. He also was returned to
the jail, a new padlock was placed on the
door and handcuffs were fitted to his
When Ed Stengor, the Hermosa cattle
man, heard of the young man's condition
he visited him. heard his story, paid his
fine and took him to his ranch, where ho
was given a -Job. Parslow was at one
time an asslrtant to a necromancer, and
Five Meri Killed by
Lightning in Texas
employes of the Texas Pipe Lino company
were Instantly killed today by a stroke
ot lightning and two others were prob.
ably fatally Injured. The men were
driving to the company's oil field, three
miles from town, when th bolt struck
them. i
WASHINGTON, May 11,-Notlce of the
final ratification by Wisconsin t the
constitutional amendment for the direct
election of senators was received today at
the State department, making thlrty-Qlx
states favorably reported, a sufficient
number to place the amendment In effect
Secretary Bryan will Issue a proclamation
probably tomorrow.
Drawn for The Bee by Powell
Anti-Saloon League Superintendent
Says Plans Are Made.
Scheme la to Havo County Meetings
and Rallies, Where the Peti
tions Will Be Circulated
for Signatures.
Aoeotding to P. A. High., district super
intendent of the Antl-Suloon league, June
1 Is set for the opening ot the campaign
by the AntUSaloon league fbr signatures
to their petition for an initiative vote on
the proposition of preventing the issuing
of license for saloons within two miles of
a state educational institution. Mr. High
feels confident that the proposition will
carry on a referendum vote, and has no
fear whatever concerning the getting of
enough signatures to tho petition to bring
the matter to a vote through' the Initia
tive. '
"The petitions will be prepared as soon
as possible." said Superintendent High,
"and about June 1 the program ot county
meetings or rallies will open, at which
time the petitions will be carried and plr
oulated. Members of the AntUSdIoon
leaguo will campaign the state, holding
meetings in the towns ot the various
counties. Copies of the petition will be left
In every county."
Walks in His Sleep
' From a Fast Moving
Passenger Train
ST. LOUIS, May 12,-Wllllam A. Smith,
traveling from Canadian, Tex., to Mnioti
City, la., walked off a Wabash passenger
train In his sleep today and was Inturod
but slightly, The train was running1
thirty-five miles an hour.
The fall from the trln did not awuken
him, and the first thing he remembered
is when ho was walking along thr, rail
road track. He went to a farm hniisu
and was brought thence to KlrksvIUe.
Here his Injuries were dresed and In six
hours he resumed his Journey. ' Tho
wounds principally were scalp Injuries.
All Railroads Join
Assessment Protest
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., May 12. (SpeciaO
The state board of assessment listened
to a plea of the railroads today for a
lowering ot assessments of railroad prop
erty. The roads contend that they havo been
assessed 100 per cent on valuation, while
other property has escaped with about GO
per cent.
t All roads in tho state were represented
at the hearing which took all day
3ero of Chicago Fire
Commits Suicide
CHICAGO, May jr.--enjamlna Allison
a hero of the Chicago fire, who saved a
score of persons wjlh his canal boat
committed suicide yesteiday. He was Si
years old and brooded over his Infirmi
ties. The National Capital
Muiuln)', May IS
ill ill.
Tlir Senate.
Not in session; meets 2 p. in. Tuesday.
Territories committee resumed Us. hear
ing on Alaskan pioblems, question ot ooal
development being taken up.
Tlae llonsr.
Met, adjouined for minutes later until
noon Thursday without transacting any
business. x
Weloome to the Doctors
0'Connell Tells How
Attempt Was Made
to Coerce 0'Hara
CHICAGO, May 12. When the Bonnta
co mm It too Investigating an allocation of
Immoralty ngalnst Lieutenant Governor
O'Hara, resumed its henrlng today, Wil
liam L. O'Connoll, treasurer ot Cook
county, took tho witness stand.
O'Connall's testimony was conflrma
torj of-thnt given By hc
ernor on Saturday. It was tlnough tho
former thnt O'Hnra received his first
doflnlto Information of tho Miutdo Rob
inson affadlvit. O'Connell said that ho
was visited by Richard M. Sullivan, a
flcputy shorlff of Springfield, ill., with
Information of the exlstonco of tho at
fadavlt. In effect Sulllvun warned O'Con
nell that unless O'Hara curbed tho vlco
investigation at Springfield, tho affidavit
would bo made tliu busls of public
charges. This document mudc no direct
oharge of immornllty, hut related cir
cumstances which might be construed us
supporting qucli a charge.
O'Connell talked the matter over with
O'Hara, and In tho end ndvlsed O'Hara
to let the alleged "frame up" against
him run Its course.
O'Connell explained that Sullivan enme
to him as a friend of Samuel Davis, a
liquor dealer ot Springfield, who hudi
possession of the affidavit because O'Con
nell was a frlond of the Dunne adminis
tration and might be Interested In pre
venting a scandal.
Sullivan told O'Connell that Davis had
been summoned us a wltnass before tho
vloe commission, of whloh O'Hara Is tho
chairman, at Its first sitting ut Spring
field, but that ho did not want to be a
witness. Davis proposed to use tho af
fidavit as a club over O'Haru to avoid
Peace Delegations
Quests of Officials
at Washington
WASHINGTON, May 12-The British.
Canadian and Australian delegates to the
conferonoe to nrrauge for tho celebration
of the 100 years' peace between Great
Brltlan and the United States, begun by
,1... ..,... nt nl,n..t I n ten ...i . . ........
They fuced a round of entertainment that
as nlmo-t appallng.
Met at the station by tho reception com.
mltteo of too. they wore taken In motor
.i i,rH,.,i ,r ... xiruu
only a brief tow moment, to erase thel'X.L " by 1 lnn'
stains of travel, tho result of their trip '""n I'f,"'nK CaUB,ht ,nan at
from New York, they were scheduled to "I"!" "V1 ur.nBln ,tr,ceta a " "a.
meet Secretary Biyun and at noon Prcsl- ! f rIn" ?'Rar torf' n"d together with
dent Wilson vas walllnir to receive them.
Luncheon at the tcsldcnco of Colonel'
ItobertM. Thompson wus to follow. Than
the visitors were to rest.
Elaborate preparations had been inado
for the crowning event tonight, a bun
(piot, ut which advocates it peace from
both great countries will ipeak for a
further telgn of amity. Senutor Root Is
to be the toastmuster. Tho Carnegie en
dowment for International peace will be
host to the visitors. Many distinguished
members ot the visiting party are on the
Belle Sohreiber is
CHICAGO, Muy 12. Cross-examination
of Belle 8ehrtlber. chief witness ugalnst
the negro prlre fighter Jark Johnson,
charged with violation ot the Mann white
slave act, was rWuined In federal Judgo
Carpenter's court here tpday.
Attorney Bssliruch. representing the de
fendant, had muvlt difficulty in trying to
get the witness tu f dules Who wa
ceitalti about only one. that being Oc
tober S. 1910. when the pugliut Is alleged
to have biought her from Pittsburgh lo
Chicago for Immoral purpuncs.
Had an Effeotive System of Raising
Endorsed Certificates,
SoiiKlit Out it Time When One nf
the IHrrotnrs Wns Out and Then
rluyed on the Floor Mnn
nirrr'n Confidence.
i'V WT)o'nker, . S3S Bouth Twenty-first
street, who has 'passed considerably over
11,000 worth of worthless clocks in
Omaha during the last five, weeks, was
apprehended yesterday, following tome
clever woik on tho part of Special Of floor
Finn of the Urandels Stores and tha keen
eycH of Detectlvo 13. Fleming and Officer
Hans Ncllson.
Denkor has been operating with excel
lent success in thrco ot the principal dry
goods stores of the city, namely Urandels,
Haydon's and Orkln's, and for several,
weeks thero has been three city dctee.
tlvcs detailed by the department to appro
bond him. His game Is a clever one, and
exceellngly simply and effective.
He has the appearance of a prosperous
business man and upon cntorlng a do
purtment store seeks out tho floor man
ager, asking for ono of the directors ot
tho concern, malting certain nforchand
that ho Is not In the building. When the
floor manager finds the director 'lie
wanted Is out, ho naturally asks if he
can do anything. A check for ono oi
two dollars is then produced, which
Donker wished to havo tho director. O. IC
so he could pay for a bill of goods, The
floor niniiagor accomodates him by glv.
Ing his O. IC on the back ot Uio check
With this seourcd tho rest is simple, a
word and figure added, and the check
Is raised from W to JK! or any umount
desired und the thlof gets awny with
the money.
Denker succeeded In passing two
checks yesterday morning In the Brandels
stoics utter securing the signature of
Floor Slanagor W. II. Thomas to a 2
check ho afterwards raised to U2, and
then, copying Thuinan' name on tho buck
of a 1 check, he boosted that to JS1. Of
fleer Finn happoned to be near the cash.
ler's window aUthe time and saw Denker
pass the ohuokflV Inquiring of tho cash-j
ici iiioy wero an right, Finn Was
given an answer In tho affirmative and
T- ..l, .
,, , , cuo"'
Ba U''6d' 'wvor. the officer
,""?1htnf" 'Ibo TVr?" .Ie0r"01 tho
J1.1' .f h ""b"hmi a""".0'' ha" nl
ready left the building. An hour ater.
-" i- urougnt mm to
i the station.
Collecting Birls'
Eggs, Falls from
fiope to His Death
SALKM, N. X, Mny 12.-Wllllam Crispin,
a collector of birds' eggs, lowored himself
1(X feet hy a rope in the Pocono moun
tains near Kaston, Pa,, last Friday, In
quest of eagles' eggs, and fell 200 fet to
his death. Ho left a widow and tlire
children. His father Is a former munbor
of tho Now Jersey legislature.
Carson and Thomall Durnel). both of
l.lnco'n. Neb., have been chosen to lead
a cmiuwlKii looking to the ubsolule pro
hibition of Ihe liquor truffle In Nebraska, I
and will bo delegated to the national con- 1
ventlon of the Anti Saloon I.eug"p of
America, which is lo be held at oiumbus,
O., November i 19U This decision was
j reached here yesterday.
. Hardley Says Coalition Between G.
u. Jf. and Progressives is Being
Sought as Well as Desired.
Gathering GoWntemplatcs Reforms
so inose Leaving Can Return.
Conference of Leaders Issues Re
quest to Committee.
It AU tlmt lliialn of Urnrcnentu
tlon lit. on Vote Cunt unit thnt
System lie UnNiiinnlve to
I'rlmnry I.nivn.
CHICAGO. May lt-A(trr tho renter;
onoo of progrosslvo ropuWI. nn I. nilers
hero today former Uovornor Hartley of
Missouri stated that a coalition of tho
republican party nml the progrcssiv'o
pnrty Ih not only desired, but Is being
(ought." Mr. Hndley explained t'uit this
end was bolng sought by the attempt to
reform tho rupubllcan pnrty so that con
scientious progressives who left the party
last fall could rnjolti-i
Tho conferanconledlded to call upon l!.o
Hrrfmullcaii notlunul committee at Its
meeting scheduled for May H nt Wanh
Ington to Issuo t call for a nutlonnl con
vcntlon this year to reorRiinlxu the party
"along .progressiva linos."
Senator Albert H. Cummins of town
Senator William 15. Boruh of Idaho and
fonuor Governor Herbert S. Hurtle ot
Missouri, together with tho other Wiio,-r3
nt tho coufciencc. agreed that the ni-o-poecd
convention shall change tin lnis
of representation In futuro convinttxis
and inoko other radical changes so iat
the party shall stand "for constru t vo
and progressive activities In tho a'rilrs
of government.'
"Does tho suRggstlon to Veunlt. tl.a
party nionn that thoso who Jolm l tho
piogrcsslva parly aro to bo asked to omo
back?" Senator Cummins was nsked.
"It means Just as I havo said tyo1.
that the convention would bo a sort of
LenCs supper, and all thoso who believed
might partake," replied Senator Cummins.
Official Statement.
After tho eonfoicni-e wns ndjpurned
nftr being In session tor two days, tha
following rtatcmcnt wns given out;
"At an informal conference of repub
licans from eleven states, held at Chi
cago, May 12, 1913, It was voted that It
be submitted to' the national republican
cnmmttteo as'the opinion of thoso present
tlmt a national convention of the party
should be held this year np carlv as mny
be practlcahlo for tho purposo of consltl-
nl'lntr Mir. A nntllt.nrn nt AhnnvtH-
busls of rcpicsentatlon In futuro convcri-
tloim so that the delegates shall propor.
tlonatcly rcpiesont republican voters and
not general population, to tho end that
the will of tho members of the party
may bo moro essentially determined, also
for thb purposo ot chimging tho rules
relative 'to delegates and members of tho
national commltteo so thnt thu primary
election luws of tho vailous stutcs shall
bo i (.cognized and linvo full force; and
alsn for the purposo ot making such other
clauses In the methods of conducting
national conventions and campaigns as
shall conduco to giving the utmost pos
sible effect to tho principles und policies
of the party.
"It wno further tho opinion that tl)o
convention might properly and usefully
tako any other notion desirable to ietinle)
tho patty and lo give assurance that Jt
Btands Tor constructive ani progressive,
activities In tho affnlis of. government to
the end that the common welfare may bo
"It was tho unanimous belief of thosa
Ptoient Hint tho changes Rucg.sted hIio ,,d
' " ,nBl'8 forthwith and that the national
committee ho urged to take such steps
to such nn end."
Drawn l!l by Commit Ire.
A commltteo. composed of Itobci t Luce,
former Lieutenant Governor of Massa
chusetts; Senator Borah. Senator Wllllnin
S. Kenyon or Iowa, W. V. James, state
senator of Michigan, and Jamis A TriPt
man, slate senator of Kuntas, had I cert
appointed to draw up a, statement ex
pressing' tho sentiment of the conference..
I Thi mmmtiiM j '
j and It was adopted. That conclude 1 tha
conference. Senutor Borah and Mr Had-
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Personal
Appeal to
Did you ever get a bit of ad
vertising literature or read a
newspaper advertisement that
seomod to "talk right at you?"'
A good many shrewd advert! -or
adopt that style of writing.
It Is In nearly every inatancc veiy
convincing; it carries with It tiie
spirit of earnestness, of intense
We all like tho chatty, per
gonal type -of advertising. In
some ways such an ndvertiao
mont la ltko a good letter a
letter that's Intensely human
and profoundly Interesting in
Ono of the largeHt advertisers
In this country makes it a point
to talk to the people us familiarly
as if he were speaking in present
or a little group of personal
friends In his home or club.
Just talrti a look through tho
papor and pick out tho chatty,
personal advertisements, p l
note how eaBlly and qui klv
they make you 'feel at horag."