Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 12, 1913.
Tina Omaha Daily bee
virron nosEWATEn, editor
bee parnau and imi.
Entered at Omaha postoMco as second
class matter. .
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Communications relating to news and
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Omaha Bee. Editorial department.
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss:
Dwlght Williams, circulation manager
of The Bus Publishing company, being
duly sworn, says that tho average dully
circulation for the month of April, UU,
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to nefcre roa thlt id day of May. WIS.
. i. ... V T. t." T ,
NoUry Public.
Salitcrlbers tearing the elty
irmpornrllr should linve The IJeo
mailed to thrm. Address will be
changed iia often as reanented.
Iceland has gone dry. Frozen up,
A paradox: California's chief do
mestic problem Is a foreign matter.
It should at least be borne In mind
that the young woman testified sho
nover loved Jack Johnson anyway.
Conundrum: If tho tornado was a
visitation of the wrath of Ood, what
will tho visit of "Hilly" Sunday bo?
Hundreds of Indians in tho south
west aro raid to bo rolling In wealth
derived from oil. Greasers, of course.
"Famine of Preachers" Is tho title
of an nrticlo In a religious journal.
There Is no excuse for that, In this
day of plenty.
Still, It Is something to bo n city
official with ' credit good enough to
let an Impostor got $160 worth ot
goods on his name.
Tho Ideal town has at last been
found. It Is Kingston, Mo., whoro
tho cltlzons sold the calabooso to got
money to light tho streets,
Some of the loudest advocates of
let tho people rule are against lotting
them rule whenver they fear tho poo
plo may not rule their way.
Perhaps It Is Governor Morohoftd's
ad cxperjonco with his Doard of Con
trol that has led him to go so slowly
with these later appointments.
If as many Gettysburg survivors
, wero still living as have died slnco
r the battle, what a glorious colobra
tlon It would be.
The best that has been said ot Am
buBsador Wilson for a long time Is
President Huerta's declaration that
"he haB no standing as a diplomat."
And la this the thanks Undo Sam
gets for giving little Arizona stato
,ood a throat to out-Callfornla
California In baiting tho llttlo brown
Speaker Clark says ho docs not for
get his friends nor his enemies cither.
Secretary of State Bryan also has a
record for possessing a pretty good
The' state house at Lincoln is be
coming overcrowded by tho multipli
cation of office, officers and em
ployes. Better work them In double
Surely, there can be no affinity In
names when Miss Loda Dlrtt after
two months of wedlock with Mr. Jim
Mudd of Clay county, Missouri, sues
for a divorce.
It would stimulate tho pride of
Omaha people In their own town to
ride through tho district visited by
the late tornado and see tho great
volume ot reconstruction work com
pleted and in progress.
The music ot the band was the
signal for the striking barbers to
quit work in Now York. Turn about
would make the stropping of tho
razors the signal for the musicians
to quit tooting when they go on &
Those tire underwriters do not
save to be told a second time about
anything that would servo aa an ex
cuse for rato-ralslng, but they are
mighty hard of hearing when tho
suggestion comes to take off the
The imported soul-saver, who
was going to arouse Lincoln to
righteousness 'and reform, is so dis
gusted that he is going out ot the
evangelist business rather than hunt
for other sinning cities waiting to
be redeemed. Lincoln must then
regard melt as a vicarious sacrifice.,
Take Your Choice.
Although tho democratic tariff bill
has gono only through ono house, a
controversy Is already threatened as
to who should have tho credit for It.
Hero Is part of a eulogy pronouncod
by our amlablo democratic contempo
rary, the World-Herald:
The passage of the democratic tariff
bill through the house, practically with
out change as drafted by tho commllteo
on ways and menns, constitutes a re
markablo trlbuto to the leadership of
Chairman Underwood. About tho only
concesslonn Mr. Underwood made were
those mado In the beginning to President
In contrast with this, read this
paeon In another democratic organ,
none other than Mr. Bryan's Com
moner: All praise to President Wilson for tho
stand he has taken, and to 8peakcr Clnrk
and Chairman tTndcrwnod for tho hearty
co-operation they have given him.
Head ono version and you will havo
tho Impression that Mr. Underwood
waB tho whole thing, merely throwing
a crumb or two to tho president to
keep him satisfied; read tho other
version, and you will bo sure Presi
dent Wilson did It all, graciously per
mitting Speaker Clark and Chairman
Underwood to push along behind.
"You pays your money, nnd you
takes your choice."
Wilson and the Colored Man.
Says tho Washington correspond
ent of tho Atlanta Constitution:
President Wilson today replaced throo
moro negro federal officeholders with
white men. thus answering the query an
to whether ho would let his Virginia bloo.l
or New Jersey training guldo him In ap
pointments to federal office.
It Is nn old Baying that "blood Is
thicker than water," and evidently
tho rule applies oven to presidents.
Many negroes In public office aro
rapidly discovering to their sorrow
what supplanting a republican pres
ident with a domocratlc president
moans. Whether all tho colored men
aro to bo turned out of office is not
certain, but a good many aro being
displaced. Ono of tho last throo to
go is William H. Lewis, an assistant
attorney goneral, whoso reten
tion Mr. Wlckorshanv is said to havo
urged strongly on tho ground sim
ply of etftclenoy,
Tho democratic party, of courso,
has never done anything for tho
negro In politics and naturally, as
history fully explains, tho negro as
a rule, supports tho republican
party, but novertheloss thoro Is
moro thaa mero party politics In
this mattor. While wo aro preaching
civil service and tho merit system
In offlco-holdlng It ought to -bo
maintained without a color lino. Tho
capable efficient black, office-holder
is entitled to tho samo consideration
as tho capable efficient whlto office
holder, yet apparently nepd not ex
pect It at tho hands of a democratic
Mr. Morgan's Offer.
In publicly disclosing tho offer of
Mr. Morgan to place his colossal re
sources at the command of President
Wilson In ovent tho government
neodod help, ' Colonel Hnrvey adds
that the lato master of flnanco re
garded tho policies ndvancod by Mr.
Wilson with honest npprohenslon,
"but nover considered tho domo
cratlc party fully capable of govern
ing tho nation."
But for tho solemn nnture of tho
caso and the doslro not to show dlB
respoct to Mr. Morgan's groat spirit
of patriotism, ono might bo Btruck
by tho humor of a certain aubtle
suggestion in his cstlmutlon ot the
democracy, What could ho expect
from four years af domocratlc rule
that he should offer In ndvanco to
throw Into tho breach tho influence
of his llmltloss resources?
Idle Talking
Mrs O. H. P. Bolmont tarrying in
London en route to her beautiful
summer home villa amid the vine-
clad hills of southern France, an
nounces 'through the press:
I mean Just what I say when I declare
that If New York falls to awake, wa
shall Introduce militant methods of the
type used In England.
What talk! Mrs. Belmont, while
one of our most conspicuous latter
day suffraglBts ot the so-called mil
itant order, was not one ot the
pioneers who blazed tho way of tho
early crusade In this country nnd
sowed tho seed that brought woman's
suffrage to vogue In nine states, as
at present. Perhaps it sho woro, bUo
would not Indulgo In such talk. She
would appreciate too keenly the fact
that threats aro not calculated to
obtain for woman whatever rights
she may claim in this country. Per
haps if "militant methods of the
tyne used in Eneland" had benn
adopted by tho pioneers, tho Amerl-
can women might still bo where the
British women are today.
Prof, Taft says everybody earning
a salary from $1,000 up should pay
an Income tax to Inspire hla sense ot
Interest and responsibility In the gov
ernment. Still a good many small
salaried people are likely to refuse to
regard that as an Indtspenslble In
splratlon ot patriotism.
As a precautionary measure, It
might behoove Congressman Murdock
to go slow about reading members
out of tho bull moose party. It Is not
so easy to get recruits In times ot
What a Joko It would bo on Em
peror William if his stolen handbags
should be returned with Information
I that they aro useless to tho robber,
j and therefore not worth keeping.
LookW BacWatrl
com pi lcd rnoM
MAY 12.
Ten Vcars Age
.Mayor aioores met wun uie uoara oi
Fire and Police commissioners, for the
first time since the governor's appointees
wero seated nine months before. He re
sumed his position as chairman grace
fully and tho meeting went along with
out friction, W, J. Broatch being absent.
The Nebraska Louisiana Purchase Ex
position commission established head
quarters In the McCaguo block, with II.
G. Shedd of Lincoln, assistant secretary.
In charge.
Captain W. E. Stocktmm, of the de
gree team or Seymour camp. No. 31.
Woodmen of the World, preceded tho
team to Milwaukee to attend the na
tional meeting of the order.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bmlth Ware,
called east by tho serious Illness of their
daughter, Miss Phoebe Smith, who was
suffering from acute appendicitis at
Smith's college.
Dr. Joseph J. Lampe, of the seminary,
was qulto III at his home in Dundee.
At the home ot Mrs. E. Iloag, the mem
bers of tho Knffee Krnnschen, celebrated
the twentieth anniversary ot that society.
There wero present: Mesdames J. Rich
er t. Freuhauf, C. C. Chaffer, Rclchen-
berg, Bchnetz, Lange, Rltter, Epeneter,
Tlbke, Jobst, Tobbens, II. Relchert, Bau
mer, Kuhn, fitors, Beck man. Specht,
Nagol, Iloag, Hoeffti Miss Frlscont and.
Miss Tlbke.
Thirty Years Ago
The opening game or tne ease Dan sea
son found the Union Pacifies victor over
the Des Moines club by the sacred ratio
of 14 to 1. Salisbury pitched and Bandlo
caught for tho homo team, and thero
wero two double plays. The gamo was
umpired by Btrock.
At the driving park, Nelllo Burke, the
equestrian, rode against Miss West of
Texas and Miss Curtis of Colorado, be
fore an admiring group.
Quite a delegation of our German
citizens are going back to the old country
this summer. Among those recently left
are Peter Goos, Henry Welse and Henry
Thomas Kinney, a popular Union Pa
cific fireman, Is the happiest man on tho
foot board Just now, being honored with
the title ot "Dad" by the arrival of a
A note from Major John F. Croft of
Hot Springs states that he Is there with
his daughter, but Is delayed returning
to Omaha on account of her Illness.
The committee In charge of Memorial
day arrangements for tho fire depart
ments consists of C. C. Fields, W. J.
Whltehouse,' M. Goldsmith, Harry Taug
gcr, Jerome C. Penzel, George Blake,
Ge.orgo Schmidt and Charles Fisher.
Henry Hornberger returned from Law-
rencevllle, Ind., where he went with his
wife on a visit to relatives,' and brought
back his two pretty little girls.
Twenty Years Ago
John w. nattin was in uenver spend
ing a few days aa the guest of Edward
I. Devlin.
Senator and Mrs. Manderson arrived
from he east and went to Happy Hollow
an the guests of the Patricks.
Rev. P. DePree of Pella, Marlon county.
Iowa, was visiting Chief Detective Haze,
en route to Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nott returned from
their wedding trip. They were married
In Milwaukee the week before.
Frank N, Lord. Jr., day clerk at the
Dellono, accepted a position at Hotel
Ingram In Chicago, and said ho would
leave for that city In a week.
A. P. Tukcy, successor to CJeorge "W.
Llnlngcr, as a member of the Board of
Park commissioners, took his oath of
office. He left for Chicago In the even
ing nnd expected to be gone for a week.
The editor of The Bee received this
telegram; "Chicago, May 12. To the
JCdltor of The Bee: I have Just succeeded
In getting the supreme council of the
Knights of Columbus to meet In Omaha
People Talked About
General Overseer Vollva of 7.!on. III.,
suspects that some worldly sin defiles
his holiness crowd and Is searching for
the Imps of Satan who stuffed the bal
lot boxes at the spring election.
For a pittance of 11, Uncle Joe Can
non's library table wbh knocked down
to a bidder at the auction of his house
hold goods In Washington Many a
warm" draw poker debate occurred
around thl sturdy oak tahto Doubt
leas other grades of vocal melody, of
strategy and spoils, wore emphasized
on Its polished tace. Yet the sanctity
of Its association tailed to lift It above
the class of lame duck relies.
An eminent doctor at a Washington
medical convention discussed the cause
and nature ot dreams; why they come
and go, and how they may tie banished.
Lest his assertions might be mistaken
for dogma the doctor declared that
dreams are as much of a mystery today
as they were 5.000 yoara ago.
A Bostpnlan who has rounded out a
full century of life supplys rules of con
duct warranted to pile up a Methusaleh
score. The fundamental rule Is: "Read
the newspapers and keep ypjir mind
young." All other rules are mere peb
bles on the through route to glory.
J. ' C. Wlsland, dead In Bt Louis,
a will demanding that his
I daughter must remarry her husband ac-
cording to the rltea
of her father's
I church or be disinherited.
Anthony Rodowskl of Rochester, Pa.,
overcome .by spring fever and the anti
dote for It. sat down upon a freshly
made flight of cement steps and fell
asleep. When he awakened the cement
had hardened. A gang ot laborers un
dressed hlra with a hammer and cold
Rev. David J- Hlgglns, over 90 yeara
ot age, has made application for admis
sion to Hamllne university. Minnesota,
to complete a course for the degree or
doctor of philosophy. In a letter to
President Kerfoot of Hamllne, Mr, Hlg
gins says that In spite of his advanced
age his Interest In philosophical mat
ters has never diminished and he de
sires to continue nis researches espec
ially in the .line ot the philosophy of
Same Old Came.
Boston Transcript.
President Yuan or China, aava ih
after the next election he hopes to be re
lieved of the cares of office, which Is
Just the way Diaz talked for tiilrty years.
The Coming
Congressman Hull bf Tennessee, author
ot tho Income tax. sections of the tariff
bill, passed by the house ot representa
tives, gives the following synopsis of the
proposed tax on Individuals:
Those of all citizens of the United
States residing at home or abroad.
Those of all persons residing In the
United States although not citizens
All net incomes from property owned
and from every business, trade or pro
fession carried, on in the United States
by persons residing elsewhere.
One per cent per anuum upon the
amount of net Income over $4,000.
One per cent per annum upon the total
amount of net Income from all sources
over ttt,000 and not over JSO.OOO per an
num. Two per cent per annum upon the
amount of net Income over 150,000 and
not over J100.000.
Three per cent per annum upon tho
amount of net Income over $100,000.
All gains, profits and Income derived
from salaries, wages or compensation for
personal services of any kind and how
ever paid.
Professions or vocations. i
Business, trade or commerce.
Sales or dealings In property, real or
personal, growing out of the ownership
or use of. or Interest In property, real
or personal.
Interest, rent, dividends or securities.
Transaction of any lawful business car
ried on for gain or profit.
Gains or profits or income derived from
any source whatever.
Income, but 'not the value of property
acquired by bequest, devise or descent
Income, but not proceeds, of life In
surance polices paid upon death.
Necessary expenses actually Incurred In
carrying on any business.
All Interest accrued and payable within
the year on Indebtedness.
All national, state, county, school and!
municipal taxes.
Losses actually sustained during the
year, not compensated by Insurance or
otherwise, arising from fire, storm or
Debts actually ascertained to be worth
less and charged off during the year.
A reasonable allowance for the exhaus
tion or wear and tear of property aris
ing out of its use or employment In busi
ness. All Income the tax upon which has been
paid at the source.
Amounts received as dividends upon the
stock of any corporation, etc, which is
taxed upon its net income.
Interest upon bonds and securities guar
anteed free from taxation.
All personal, living or family expenses.
Taxes assessed against local benefits.
All expense of restoring property or
making good tho exhaustion thereof for
which aa allowance has been made.
Amounts paid for. new buildings, per
manent Improvements or betterments
made to Increase the value of any propi
erty or estate.
Interest upon the obligations of a state
or any political subdivision thereof.
Interest upon the obligations of the
United States the principal and Interest
of which are now exempt from federal
Tho compensation of the present presi
dent during the term for which he has
been elected.
The compensation of the Judges of the
supreme and Inferior courts of the United
States now In office.
The compensation of all officers and
employes of a state or any political sub
division thereof.
Four thousand dollars shall be deducted
from the net annual Income as above
ascertained ot each person.
Only one deduction of $4,000 shall be
made from the aggregato Income of all
members of a family.
One or both parents and one or more
minor children, or of husband and wife.
A wife living permanently apart from
her husband.
Guardians are allowed to make deduc
tions in favor of each and every ward
when same are not comprised In one fam
ily having Joint property Interests.
The tax shall be computed upon the
remainder of the said net Ineomo for the
year ending December SI, and tor each
calendar year thereafter.
A true and accurate return of all net
Incomes of tt.EOO or more shall be made
under oath or affirmation.
It must be made to the collector of in
ternal revenue for the district In which
said person resides or has his principal
place of business In the United States.
The form shall be prescribed by the
commissioner of Internal revenue, with
the approval of the secretary of the
Shall set fourth specifically the gross
amount ot Income from all separate
sources. From this total shall be de
ducted the aggregate Items of expenses
and allowances above authorized.
The return must be made on or before
March 1, 1914, and on or before March
1 ot each year thereafter.
1. Each taxable person ot lawful age
for himself.
2. Guardians, trustees, executors, shall
make and render a return of the net In
come coming Into their custody or control
of the person for whom tney act.
S. All persons, firms, companies, co
partnerships, corporations, etc., having
the control, receipt, disposal, or payment
of fixed or determinable annual gains,
profits or Income of another person sub
ject to tax arising from an annual bust-
nesa relationship shall In behalf of such
other person, render a separate and dis
tinct return for each person upon which
the normal tax Is paid at the source.
No return of Income not exceeding
l&.EOO Is requjred.
Persons' lable for the normal tax onlv
on their own or another's account shall
not be required to maku returns ot the
Income derived from dividends on capital
stock of corporations taxable upon their
net Income.
The collector or deputy shall require
each list to be verified by oath or af
firmation of the party rendering It.
The collector may Increase the amount
of any return It he has reason to believe
that the samo Is understated,
No such Increase shall be mado except
Income Tax
after due notice to such party and upon
proof of the amount understated.
In case of disagreement between the
collector and the taxable person such
person may submit the case with papers
and proof to the commissioner of Internal
All persons shall be notified of the
amount for which they are respectively
liable on or before June.l of each year.
In caso of neglect or refusal to make
returns, or In case of fraudulent or false
returns, upon tho discovery within three
years after said return is due the com
missioner ot Internal revenue shall makt,
such return himself.
Said regular assessments shall be paid
on or before June 13 of each year.
Assessments made by the commlslsoner
of Internal revenue are payable upon noti
On sums due and unpaid after June 30,
or for ten days after notice and demand
thereof by the collector, there shall be
added 5 per cent to the amount of tax
unpaid and Interest at the rate of 1 per
cent per month from the time the
became due.
Incomes from the estates of Insane, de
ceased or Insolvent persons.
All persons, firms, conpantcs, etc., In
cluding lessees or mortgagors of real or
personal property, trustees acting In any
trust capacity, executors, etc., employers
and all officers and employes of the
United States having control, receipt, cus
today, ealarles, wages, premiums, annui
ties, compensation, remuneration, emolu
ments or other fixed or determinable nn
nual gains, profits and Income of another
person exceeding $4,000 for any taxable
year, who are required to make and
render a return In behalf of another, are
hereby authorized and required to deduct
and withhold such normal tax and pay
It to the United States official authorized
to recolve the same.
Incomes from the dividends on the cap
ital stock or from net earnings of a cor
poration, etc., BUbJect to the normal tax
are not to be Included In the above.
Each of tho persons, firms, etc., above
enumerated ore hereby made personally
liable for such tax.
Where tho Income tax of a person Is
paid at the source the benefit of the $4,000
exemption shall not be allowed unless
there shall be filed, not less than thirty
days prior to the day on which the return
IS due, with the person or concern re
quired to make such payment of tax at
the source, an affidavit claiming the ben
efit of such exemption.
When a taxable person's tax Is paid
at the source. If he desires any deduc
tion for losses, expense of business, etc.,
he may either file claim together with
return of any other Income upon which
the tax Is not withheld at the source,
either with thJ collector or with the per
son or corporation withholding his tax,
as the taxpayer may choose.
Incomes derived from Interest on bonds,
mortgages or other Indebtedness of cor
poratlons. Joint stock companies or asso
ciations, insurance companies.
Securities of the United States not now
exempt from taxation.
Incomes composed ot coupons, checks.
or bills of exchange for or In part pay
ment of Interest or dividends upon stock
or obligations of foreign corporations,
etc., engaged In business In foreign coun
tries. Interest upon bonds of foreign coun
tries. Foreign mortgages or like obligations
not payable In the United States.
No taxable person shall be released
from liability for this tax.
When a return Is made and his tax
paid at the source no person shall be re
quired to make a return himself unless
he has other net Income.
Only one deduction of the $4,000 shall
be made In the case of any person.
Any person, corporation, etc., liable to
make a return for a personal tax refus
ing or neglecting to make such return
shall bo liable to a penalty ot not exceed
ing $000.
Women's Activities
Miss A. Z. Cruse, whose Initials suggest
the alphabet. Is a stenographer ot Kansas
City, whose time Is said to be worth $15,
000 a year.
Mrs. Stephen E. Ayres, has resigned as
president of the Woman's National Demo
crats league of which Mrs. Woodrow
Wilson Is honorary president.
Mrs. Anna Powless of Alma, Cal., will
have the unique distinction of being grad
uated from the University of Colorado on
the twenty fifth anniversary of her mar
riage to W. II. Powless, a olvtl engineer
of Alma. She started her college career
at the age of 40.
Miss Elsa Scheel of Cornell was desig
nated the "perfect woman," and In conse
quence has been so much annoyed that
she had to leave the town of Scovllle,
L. I., where the newspaper constantly
referred to the fact that "her'a are the
most perfect physical proportions pos
sessed by a woman of today."
According to the 1910 census of the
United States there are S37.SSS women
teachers and professors; 770.065 women
clerks, accountants and stenographers;
1,037 women architects, and 429,497 women
In the professions.
Thirty granite markers will be placed
along the Santa Fe trail In Missouri, the
main exercises to be held at Old Franklin
on May 17. The Daughters of the Ameri
can Revolution appropriated $3,000 for the
purpose. The Kansas City Daughters of
the American Revolution will go over the
trail and will arrive at Old Franklin In
time for the main dedication.
Married men should nqt quarrel with
their wives. It costs too blamed much
t. make up.
At that women do not spend any more
time In front of glasses than men spend
behind them.
A princess likes to keep posted on the
new dances, but you oan't get her Inter
ested In the dish rag or the carpet sweep
or the wash tub dip.
Daughter knows her beau isn't a com
mon man like her father because her
beau always has a clean shave and
doesn't eat onions.
When mother fixes up IS cents' worth
of wind pudding as a dessert for a sick
neighbor, father always talks about char
ity beginning at home and goes down to
the corner mloon to spend $3 indlgnatlnx
about the way women run up expenses
Cincinnati Enquirer
The Manager The senior partner wants
us to find a berth for that son of his.
He says he doesn't expect the house to
pay him anything so there'll be a saving
there. .
The Superintendent I don't see It Ot
course we'll have to hire a man to do
the work. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Socrates had dropped In on Plato, and
It was about meal time.
"I suppose," said Plato, "Xantlppe Is
rather" , , . .,
"Yes." hastily Interrupted the old phll
osopher, "and she's cleaning house be
sides." Chicago Tribune.
"That new suit of hers has me guess
ing." "What about?"
"I've been wondering whether or not
there are pockets In the tails of her cuta
way coat" Detroit Free Press.
"I hear the Jury brought In a verdict
awarding his wire $10,000 alimony In a
lump sum."
"Well, what of it? He carried di
vorce Insurance for twice the sum."
Baltimore American.
"Is he rich7"
"Oh, very rich."
"Well, how rich?"
"His wife and daughters go In for
the new-fangled dances and everybody
thinks it perfectly charming." St. Louis
Madge Did the count ask you If you
would love htm?
Marjoric No; he asked me If I would1
marry him. Judge.
"We need to get together oftener, my
friends," exclaimed the eloquent lecturer,
"and to greet one another with a heartier
Archey"s fingers closed more firmly
over Delia's soft, warm, slender hand, aa
the two sat together In a corner, but he
said nothing, and his gaze did not wander
from the face of the speaker. Chicago
"With a good husband, a nice home, an
automobile, a piano and four lovely chil
, ii jj r jl
Splendid Trains Daily
Omaha and Chicago
Leave Omaha
7:40 a.m. 12 JO p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:35 p.m. 8:00 p.m. &50p.m. 11:15 p.m. 1:00 am
Antra Chicago
8:4ip.m. 6:45a.m. 7:45a.m. 8:30a.m. 9:00a.m. HKK)a.m. 1230p.m. 2:15 p.m
Leave Chicago
10:15 a.m. 6:05 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 'WO p.m. 10:02 p.m. 10:45 p. m.
Arrive Omaha
11:59 p. m. 7:20 a.m. 7:30 a. m. 9:15 a.m. 11:40 a.m. 358 p.m.
The f among doable-track automatic tsfaty tignal Una between
the MUtouri River end Chicago
All train arrlra at and depart from tlia w PcaMBr Terminal, Chicaxo
Direct connections with all fast trains to the East,
North and South
The Best of
To the Public:
Tho delivery arrangement between the Arwood
Dairy and tho Alamito Sanitary; Dairy company has been
terminated. The Alamito company will deliver, no more
Arwood products.
Wo dolivor our own products commencing,
Sunday, May 1 1
Those desiring Arwood products phone Harney-1869.
Delivery service will improve shortly.
Arwood Dairy
W. Righter Wood & Co., PropVs.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmamammmmamumnmim an I
Effective May 4th. 1913
Cars Leave 24th and N Streets, South Omaha, as feltaws:
Week Days
Except Sat'days
5:45 a. rn.
G:45 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
Hourly there
after until 12
o'clock midnight
Same as week
days until 12:00
noon. Half-hourly
thereafter un
til 7:00 p. m.,
then hourly until
12:00 o'clock midnight.
Returning, Cars Leave Fcrt Crook Thirty Minutes Liter than Above
Omaha & Southern Inlerurban Rai way Co.
dren It seems to me you havo everything
to mako you happy."
"Oh, yes. I suppose so. But why drag
In the children?'! Chicago Record-Hcrald.
"Your husband Is willing to allow you
the custody ot the automobile, the poodle
and the rubber plant with liberal ali
mony, while he takes the children and tho
"Stop the divorce," sobbed the wife.
"I'll never get another husband like
that" Louisville Courier-Journal.
Richard Le Galllenne.
May is building her house. With apple,
She Is roofing over the glimmering,
rooms ;
Ot the oak and the beeoh hath sho
budded Its beams.
And, spinning all day at her secret
With arras of leaves each wind-swayed;
She plctureth over, and pcopleth It all
With echoes and dreams,
Jtni singing of streams.
May Is building her house. Of petal and
Of- the roots or the oak Is tho flooring
With a carpet of mosses and lichen andi
Each small miracle over and over.
And tender, traveling green things
Her windows, the morning and evening;
And her rustling doorways, ever ajar
With the, coming and going
Of fair things blowing1.
The thresholds of the four winds are.
May Is building her house. From'tha
dust of thing's
She Is making the songs and the flowers
and the wings;
From October's tossed and trodden gold;
She is making the young year out ofi
the old;
Yea, out of winters flylns sleet
She Is making all tho summer sweet.
And the brown leaves spumed of No
vember's feet
She Is changing back again to spring's.
of Travel
Ticket Offices
Chicago and
North Western Ry.
1401-1403 Famam Street
First car 7 a.
m. Hourly there
after until 1:00
p. m. 20-mlnute
service from 1 p. m.
to 7 p. m., 7:30,
8:00. Hourly there
after until 12:00
o'clock midnight.