The Omaha Daily Bee HERE AGAIN! MUTT AND JEFF YOU CAN'T LOSE US THE WEATHER. Warmer OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 15)13. VOL. XLII NO. 281. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SERUM OF RABBIT TOUTED AS A CURE CANCER SCOURGE Siarkcd Improvement in Condition of Pifty Patients Inoculated with it is Shown. OPIATES' USE DISPENSED WITH Dr. Howard W. Nowell of Boston University is Discoverer. IS MODEST, BUT OPTIMISTIC Not Sure of Remedy for "World's Second Greatest Plague." IN NO HURRY TO CLAIM CREDIT A'o Hopeless Cuscn, with ISxtenslve Involvement of Iinimrtntit Or Kit ii n, Will lie Considered lor Trent nient. BOSTON, May 11 A marked Improve ment has been noted In the condition ot fifty cancer patients who have , been Inoculated with the rabbit scrum recently dlEcovcrcd by Dr. Howard W. Nowell of lioston universal That Is the substance of an announce ment made tonight by tho commltteo of flvo physicians connected with the Kvans Memorial department of clinical research at Massachusetts hospital. Within forty eight to ninety-six hours after the first lnoi illation, the report says all tho patients were made so comfortable that opiates havo been disposed of. While some of the patients have gained In weight. Dr. Nowell says insufficient time has elapsed to draw conclusions. He does not advise any ' one to take his treatment where surgery Is" possible, and with his fellow physicians, recommends that at least a "year have passed before definite statement may be made." Knliliitx Cured of Cnncer. Dr. Nowell admitted today for tho first tlmo that he had apparently "cured" many rabbits of cancers grown from hla virus obtained from a human malignant growth. Previously he had announced his success In Immunizing rabbits. He disclaims, however, that he has a cure "for the world's second greatest scourge." "In all except one of the cares under treatment or observation ai yet," Dr. Nowell said. "It Is Impossible tc say any direction has been mado upon the size of the growth as far as reducing that size Is concerned. On the other hand, there Is no Increase In the site "In tho one exception the growth has lessened, but this must not be taken as an indication that "tho reduction la the result of tho treatment. Not enough time has elapsed to diaw such a conclusion. No Hopeless Cnses Tnltc,n. "As soon as I am able to demonstrate that I can stop tho growth, then I shall know that my material Is hnving a di rect effect upon the condition and with tho improved health that would follow .can combat and keep tho growth at least In a dormant state." Answering queries from physicians, the sommlttee announced that a few cases would bo received for treatment, but for the present "no hopeless cases with ex tensive Involvement of Important or jans" would bo considered. TEACHERS CANNOT SAVE ON . SALARIES, ASSERTS REPORT WASHINGTON, May 11 "Public sehool teachers of the United States do not re cclvo enough salary to save money to carry adequate llfo Insuranco or to pro ceed with further professional training," announces a report of the United States Bureau ot Education Issued yesterday. Most of the teachers of the .country have In effect had their salaries reduced slnco V07, tho report fays. .Despite an apparent Increaso In money paid them, the cost of living has cut Into their salaries Just as definitely as If, a school board had sliced them. A teaching position which paid JfiOO in 1897 is paying In purchasing power an equivalent of $416 today, If measured by 1897 prices; the teacher on tho $1,000 salary gets no more for his money than he would havo procured fifteen years ago for $G93. KAISER IS ROBBED OF TWO HANDBAGS ON TRAIN B13RLIN, May 11. According to the Morgen Post, the emperor was robbed 3f two alligator handbags, while return ng uy train from his recent visit to strasaburg. The hhndbags contained ar .Icles of personal use. SHRINERS AID FUND FOR NEW ORLEANS BABIES JCKW ORLEANS, May 11-Many dollars were added today to New Orleans' fund to furnish milk for poor children during he coming year by the assistance of the Shrlners en route to Dallas, to the an nual conclave. The Weather . Hours. teg. YVVVVVa 7x. m rlvM s m 88 MIR !S58 uriSkSoffli-; 7 61 Comparative Local Itecord. 1913. 1912. 1911. 1910. Highest yesterday ....... 48 76 91 79 1 oueat yesterday 41! 56 62 it Mean temperature 4$ It 6 p. ecltatlon It .76 .00 .00 THierature und pittcipltaUou depar tures from tha normal; Normal temperature 61 Deficiency for the day Ig Tuial excess slnee March 1 42 Normal precipitation 14 Inch leflclency Jot the day Oz inch Total rainfall slnco March 1.. 7.9t Inches r.uciii M. ir iuri h 1 JlW.nctu .. i t tuiency fo, ror period 1912 3 Inch Uefuitccy fur ut pc nod, jail. 1 i, inches LYNCH REPORT MADE PUBLIC Beatrice Institution Head Charged with Mishandling Funds. MANY INSTANCES ARE CITED Accusation Chiefly In Connection with ClotliInK Account Gov ernor Olvr Ont the rindliiKi. (erom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 11. (Special.) Attor ney W. P Lynch, who was hired by Governor Morchead to make an inquiry Into the accounts and manage: Superintendent Thomas of th' Hon for the feeble minded has made his report, and has mado It public. statement of his own. Investigator Lynch Thomas ot mishandling fund: le into his hands on acount This accusation Is mai rln connection with the clothing Ijynch says the doctor bought many pairs of shoes for Inmates, charging prices In excess ot what might be charged at retail stores, that he sold dross goods and findings at exorbitant prices, and that he did this on requisitions signed only by lilmselr or without any requlslton at all. Many ndlidual instances are cited by the Investigator In his report to the gov ernor. Governor Moreheod In his statement says ho suspected Dr. Thomas all along, und points to the disclosures mado by his Investigator as proof of tho founda. tlon for his suplclon. He has not Indi cated what further steps he will tako in the matter. Governor forehead has designated May 15 as "Clean-up day," and has is sued a call to tho mayors of cities and all good citizens to get busy on that day and see that everything, .which might tend to causo fires should bo cleared away and a general fgrcshness around all back yards shown. General Belief Fund Now $339,024 and Still More Coming Previously reported J339.0M.82 Through Omaha Bar association John L. Webster $50.00 T. W. Blackburn 25.00 B. C. Pago 25.00 C. S. Klgutter 25.00 J. L. Kaley 10.01 Elmer E. Thomas .. 10.00 Monsky & Burke 6.00 Westerfleld & Crossman 10.00 Mulflnger & Yates 10.00 I. P. Baxter 5.00 Harley Moorhead 15.00 John P. Breen 25.00 Lee Herdman ; 10.00 Dunham & Ayo 10.00 Lambert, Shotwell & Shotwell.. 6.00 Arthur Q, Pancoast- COO Thomas II. Matters 10.00 James E. 'Bait 25.00 John A. McKenzIe 5.00 W. II. Thompson , 6.00 Richard S. Horton 5.00 George W. Shields 6.00 Total $300.00 Chicago. Burlington & Qulncy, local contribution t 63.90 Sale of goods left over at Aud itorium 364.98 Sale of goods (additional) 1GS.25 George Buehler, Crab Orchard, Neb , , i.oo John Buehler, Crab Orchard, Neb.. 1.00 William Goold, Crab Orchard. Neb 1.00 Storm Hollow school, Crab Orchard, Neb ;.oo Citizens of Sterling, Neb Zl.'K Non-Sectarian Bohemians of South Omaha. Of which $105.00 Is for Ralston; $100.00 for division among three Individuals; $29.00 for Bo hemian cemetery. Bohemian-American Improve ment club $10,00 Zlzkuv Dub Camp, No. 115 Woodmen of the World 23.00 Lodge Vernost, No. 62, F. I. A. 20.00 Tel. Jed. Sokol Fucgner-Tyrs. 25.00 Court Prokop Velky, I. O. P... 12.00 Rad Mlndy Rozkvot, No. 195. Z. ,.C-.B- JT- 10.00 Vaclav Jnros loo Josef Hrdllcka 50 Prances Trca 1,00 Jacub Mertz 2 00 Alois Drlml '50 Vojtech Marek 1 oo Josef Dolezal 1.00 Josef Zaleny 1,00 O. Hummel 50 Cedar Wood Camp No. 19, Wobdmen of the World 10.00 Ceska-Slovanske Sdruzeni, No. 1 10.50 Lodge Praha, No. 328, a. o. II. W. 37,00 Rad Eliska Krasnohorska, No. 113, Z. C. B. J 25.00 Sbor Mirnost, No. 19, S. P. J 10.00 Sbor Ollva Ratolest, No. 35. J' C, D. 15.00 Grove Palmove, Drevo No. 7. C 2.00 Grovo Palma Vltezstvl, No. 56, W. C .' 2.OO Rad Jlrl Podebradsky, No. 72. Z. C. B. J. 53 60 Spolck Cechle, No. II, C. S. D. Spolek Pavla Cechova, No. 22 1 P. s. n r 1 on. ??.e E;,"9, Deg're'e'of'lVon'o'r 15.00 Bohumll Horacek 500 Rad Hvezda Svobody, No. 45 ttC-' J ' 6i ro J. V. Kosnar 1 nn John Crveny i'rJi Joseph K. Slnkule 500 Bohemian Weekly, Nova Doha 20.50 Total" Amer,c,yoh Zemanu 6.00 William ' 'Tackaberin ' Co.'," siolix W ' W frey Co" ,hroUBh Cartan Con grega t lonal Ladle's7 Aid .' Spring- 25 00 Omaha Bee 57 , 1(tAA 23 Total .$340,433.43 HORSE IS DROWNED IN MOST UNUSUAL MANNER ALMA, Neb., May 11. (Special.) A peculiar accident happened on the George Wertz ranch south of town last week, which cost Mr. Wertz the loss of a fine 3-year-old gelding. Upon missing the horse search wag mado and the animal was found hanging over a ten-foot bank on the Prairie Dog, suspended by its hind feet which were caught in tome wire. Its head was In the water up to Its ears. There were two strands of wire fencing along the' hank of the creek and It seems the horse's hind feet bo enmo entangled In a loop at the end of the wire and In struggling to get loose fell over the high bank, where It hung with Its head in the water. -vi MTNllr l.rlnn of Amerlen. Omaha count!) No. 2&J. Loval M'M" Legion of America, will ylve a can! part" .nd a "lance at thb Anlent Order of 1 nlted Workmen ter.iple Friday evening I'uzc ana refreshments msssoi JEsnSBmor JKnn CHARTER MAKERS LET PEOPLE RULE Resolution Asking: City Commission Not to Call Special Election for Dollar Gas is Killed. VOTE STANDS EIGHT TO FIVE Reagan Says Interference Would Be Violation of Home Rule. METCALFE FRAMES RESOLUTION He Wants City to Keep Hands Off Until Charter Writers Report. TO REGULATE ALL CORPORATIONS General little Under Which Fran chises Mny lie Granted Will lie Adopted Labor Ornnnlsnttous Snbnilt SuRKestlons. Most of the time ot the charter conven tion Saturday night was dovoted to dis posing of a resolution calling on tho city authorities to abandon all action looking to submitting a dollar gas proposition until tho work of tho charter makers was completed. By a vote of 8 to 6, the con vention decided not to take 'a hand In the matter at this time. James W. Metcalfe, who had Introduced the resolution at the last meeting, com plained that newspapers had roportod several members ot the charter conven tion ns opposed to tho resolution nnd called for a roll call vote. After discus sion tho chairman put the motion with the following result: Against, Bennett, Fairfield, Hackett, Horrlgan, Klorstoid, Kuncl, Reagan, Rosewatcr'A for, Herring, Holovtchlner, "McCaffrey, Metcalfe and Shamp. This voto carried a motion to Indefinitely postpono tho resolution und ended tho Incident. In the discussion, Senator John Reagan voiced tho sentiment of those who votud for Indefinite postponement. He said: Let the People Rule. "This resolution Is directly opposed to home rule. If tho city council bellAvcs this matter ought to bo submitted to a voto of tho people, having studied the proposition carefully, wo ought not to Interfere. Tho people have a right to voto on whether or not they shall have dollar gas, for which there has been a demand nil theso years. It Is the pcoplo'n right to voto on It and we havo no nusl ness now to Interfere with that right. As I have warned this convention before wo are not drafting a set ot ordinances but a constitution for this city. We ought not to concern ourselves with matters which come properly within tho control and Jurisdiction of the city commission." (Injects to Speclnl Election. Metcalfe said tho plan was to draft uniform- rules -and- regulations to govern all corporato franchises." Ho objected to a special election on tho gaa franchise. W. I, Klerstead Bald no otner corporation franchises would" expire within the next fow years and that to refuse to give tho people a chance to vote on tho gas fran chise and on the question of lower g'ia rates would be singling out one corpora tion and regulating It Instead of formulat ing general rules. Senator Reagan snld there was always a. possibility that the charter would he defeated. He feared It would be defeated If every little proposition submitted was written Into It, because a lot of antag onism would certainly bo aroused. , Carl Herring suggested that the cxponse of an election, would be saved If tho spe cial election on the gas franchise weru postponed till the samo tlmo the charter was submitted to a vote. Ha grow caustic by declaring that the senator was un duly pessimistic, because the peoplo would hhow poor judgment If they 10 fitted to approve the excellent charter the committee Intended to write. Delny Would MM Mutter. C. L. Shamp said he believed tho coun cil ought to keop hands off until the charter commltteo was ready to report. Two months didn't matter much, ho de clared, and tho peoplo would not care particularly whether they had dollar gas now or 11 few months hence. Dr. K. Holovtchlner believed tho pur pose should be to get the Idea of tho privileges should bo granted to corpora- (Contlnuod from Page One.) Young Man Struck From Wheel by Oar Prank Pox, IC-year-old stepson of John Pfeffer. 1160 North Twenty-third street, wus badly hurt yesterday afternoon was badly hurt Saturday afternoon street car at Twenty-fifth nnd Cuming streets and knocked from the bicycle he was riding. His face and legs were bad ly cut. Police Surgeon Foltz attended him and later sent him home in the pa trol wagon. NEWS NOTES OF CUMING COUNTY AND WEST POINT WEST POINT, Neb., May U,-(SpecIal.) At St. Boniface church, Monterey, on last Wednesday morning was celebrated the marriage of Anton F. Batenhorst to Miss Clara C. Halbur, tho ceremony being performed by the rector, Rev. H. Behoof. Miss Theresa Halbur, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and Misses Justina Batenhorst and Miunio Halbur were bridesmaids. Frank Batenhorst, brothor of tho groom, gave the bride away, and Joseph Halbur and Melnolph Fischer were ushers. Mrs. Prederlcka Plcotte died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Khl- meler at the age of 7tl years. She was a native of Pommeranla, Germany, and had been a resident of this county thirty years. Mayor Dill has reappointed Dr. H. S Hummers as olty physician. Mrs. Frank A. Drueake, a well known resident of 'St. Charles precinct, died suddenly on Wednesday from an attack of paralysis of the heart. She was 'Jt j ears of age and had been married onlj two years. Tho veterans of Ii. S, Crawford pom of tho Grand Army of the Republic at West Point will attend the Mothers' day cx r i.ts in thb auditorium on Suuduy In a Lody Prom the Clovcland Plain Dealer. COMMON LAW WIFE NOW SUES Floyd D. Burnett Made Defendant in Divorce Suit MUCH ALIMONY IS ASKED Plaintiff In Cane Snrn Relation lleKnn In November nml thnt Dcfendnnt Una Lately Grown "Tired." A dlvorco suit asking $10,000 with $150 a month temporary malntonunce hns re vealed tho fact that a woman claims to be married under tho common law to Floyd D. Burnett, part owner of the Burnett Hardware company, 1612 Harney street, and prominent in Omaha business circles though he has lived In the city only about a year and is only 20 years old. The suit Is entitled Bertha Burnett against Floyd D. Burnett. The plaintiff alleges. that marital bonds' were" assumed by- tfic'm last- November." She ullegfff. that Mr. Burnett ownri stocks arid bonds, farm lands and city real ostatc) tho monthly Income from which Is $500. She asserts thnt he has censed to support her, and this Is the only renson given for asking a divorce. According to tho plaintiff Mr. Burnett has never told his mother, who Is living at 110S Georgia avenue, that ho had an other home. A member of household No. 1, when asked fate yesterday If Mr. Bur nett was engaged or expected to bo married, denied nny knowledgo of such an event. Mr. Burnett always has been supposed to bo single. The plaintiff In the suit, who Is about 2S years old and of prepossessing appear ance, said yesterday that sho realized the seriousness of her action and that cho regretted having set at naught so ciety's conventions. "Mr. Burnett and I hecamo acquainted last summer in Omaha, she said. "We lived together nt the Rlvard, ut the Lafayette and In this flat whero 1 now nm. We first lived together In the Rlviird last November. There was no ceremony. It was u common law mnr ilage. "Mr. Burnett has seemed to want to neglect me for quite a little while," Bald the young woman. "I havo been III nearly all winter and havo been In the hospital twice, on account of two dif ferent Illnesses." The plaintiff's petition vns filed In the afternoon and both petitions und copy were hattlly withdrawn ufter having been visible only for a few minutes. Mr. Burnett declared that tho alleged com mon law wlfo hod no legal claim on him. He formerly .lived at Hulyokc. Colo. The woman who claims to be the wlfo of Mr, Burnett has lived In Omaha for twelvo years. She says she now Is supporting herself by mnnuglng tho Isonard, a rooming house on Farnnm street- Tho alleged wife said that sinco they had lived together bills for provisions and supplies had been p.ild In tho name of Mr. Burnett nnd sometimes In hors. A newspaper, she said, has been deliv ered to Mr. Burnett nt the address where she now Is Ihlng. In business transactions, sho said, fhe Into, continued tho use of the namo Belle Mansfield which sho bore prior to her acquaintance with Mr. Burnett. Key to Box Pound After Nine Years AURORA, III., May It. Heirs of Charles Taegee, who died nine years ago yester day, found the key to a safety deposit bo which had not been opened for twcnty-nlno years. In tho recess they discovered a will which deprived them of the $10,000 estate which they had expected to Inherit. Taegee left his property to his widow, who died In March, and his relatives will get nothing. SURGEONS EXTRACT BULLET FROM HIGHWAYMAN'S KNEE Marvin Pelor, highwayman shot a week ago by Patrolman Ioroy Wade In a pistol duel at Twentieth and Douglas streets, wus operated upon at Ht. Joieph'a hospital by Police Surgeons Harris and Koltz, who removed the steel bullet and reduced the fracture. The wound was In the knee joint of the right lug. It Ir thought that the highwayman will regain the use of his leg In a few months, Pelir and George Kloth were taken afttr they had held up Charles Lmlf, city t lerk of loun' il Bluffs. Just Bugs Boyd Theater Sold to Omaha Syndicate as an Investment Tho Boyd theater, onco the prlclo of Omaha and tho west ns a playhouse, hns changed hands, bolng bought by n small syndicate ot Omaha business men as an Investment. The price paid was $231,000, Tho deal was consummated through George & Co., who represent tho buyers, tho mcmbcrH of the firm being In the syndicate. The property was owned by tho heirs of James II. Boyd, who built thn theater. They arc: Mrs, Anna H. Boyd, Mm. Klenora Blcrbower and J. K. Boyd, Jr. No change will be mndc In the theater at tho present time ns It wns rold sub ject to the lease held by the. Hhubprt company. MlASTERJlST?fiaEfV Fourth-Class Mail Shuffler Actually Has to Know How to Count. CIVIL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Hhnll lie Able tn ,Menure Oilcloth on Floor lillotn, Ki-C'ou vlcts unit "tloocers" Are llnrretl. WASHINGTON. Mny U. Fourth-class postmusteis must bo ublo to read, to count accurately tho money they receive, to menBuro tho oilcloth on tho floors of their offices nnd to write at least a de cipherable letter onco In a whllo In order to be taken under tho wing of tho civil service. In effect they muv have a reasonable understanding ot "readtn', rltin' nnd 'rlthmctlc," according to regu lations Issued Saturday b tho Postofflco department. Persons to tako the civil service exam ination must be u citizen ot tho United States, over 21 years old and must re side in tho community served by tho of fice ho asplrcH to fill. No una will be eligible who Is crazy, an ex-convict, who has boon dishonorably discharged from the urmy or navy or who Is disposed even occasionally to rcduco the vihlblu supply of strong drink. All oxumlnutlons will bo conducted by the Civil Hervlce commlbslon und will be not for appointment goueiully, but for a particular office. The eligibility for ap pointment after examination will bo for ono year only, oxcept In jpeclal Instances. The examination will not bo sovern, but will bo sufficient to tot the butlncss ca pacity of tho applicants. May Free Girl Who Uses Ryder's Name to Defraud Store Although tho Rrandelt stores were vic timized to the extent of nearly $150, and his own nnme used for fraudulent pur poses. Police Commissioner Ryder Hutur ilny night forgavo Kthel IJrldges. a young woman of HeiiMon, und, releasing her from custody, sent her to relatives In lloiibon. who promlsod to cure for her. The young woman, who Is 3C yearn of age, had been living at the Stuto hotl for several months und during thnt time has come to the attention of tho police several times. Ilrldges Is not her real name, and tho police, at Ryder's order, le fuse to reveal her true Identity. She wus arrested on Douglus street early In the evening when two young women employed in the Urandels mllll nwry depurlment recognized n hat wUloh they had sold and knew the wearer for tho woman who hud obtained It, pretend ing to he Mrs, J. J. Ryder. letter sho was Identified us tho same woman who obtained numerous articles of women's apparel by saying sho was the commissioner's daughter. About $X worth was roeovered from her room in the Btate hotel. To Mr. Ryder sho sold Saturday that hu found 11 "dim no" parcel belonging tc Ml mi Ryder several week ngo and conceived the Idea of outfitting herself by the use ot his opine. T. P. Redmond of the Rrandtls stores said Saturday that his firm wus ex ceedingly tired of 1 ffi-ndei. of Mis- 1'! lages caliber und thut hu would pros ecute Ryder s anion In returning the wayward -Irl to her relatives, however, will probably forestall proserutloa ERIE TRAIN NEAR WRECK Stones Heaped on Track Entering City Scene of Strike. BLACKHAND LETTER WARNED Iloiul OfflelnlN Tolil If The' Stopped CitrN for Aecotnniodutlon of "Sfnli.n" Accident AVoulil Result. PATHRSON, N. J May H.-The west bound train on tho Krle railroad, known ns tho Chicago ISxpress, had a narrow oscapo from wreck Inst night, when tho locomotive crushed Into a plla of rocks on tho tracks here, evidently placed by would-bo train wreckers. The cnglneor slghted tho obstruction In time, however, to slow down so thnt only tho locomotive pilot was smashed. On Monday Inst the Krle board ot di rectors In Now York received- a Uttar of tho black hand typo, which rcadt (." continue Joistop trains, foe-th accommodation of scabs nt Paterson wo will cause an nccldent, which wilt cause tho Krle railroad to havo dnmagu suits brought for amounts running Into millions. Gives Up Seat in House; Haunted by Votes Thrown Out WASHINGTON, May ll.-Rcproscnta-tlve 11. Olin poling, republican nt Ishpcmlng, Mich., announced in a sprt-sn In tho house yesterday his Intention ot re signing his scat. Ho discussed the con tent instituted by William McDonald, a progressive saying 458 votes Intended for McDonald had not bonn counted for him and ho did not feel Justified In holding his scat. The stato board of canvassers Issued a certificate to Mr. Young, declaring he hud received an apparent majority of SOS after 4M ballots cast by mtstako for "Sheldon William J. McDonald" hod been thrown out. Mr. Young declared tho tf.S electors intended to voto for McDonald and thut he did not feel Justified In hold ing tho scut. Wilson Examines Every Application (From a Btaff Correspondent.) . WASHINGTON, May U,-(SpecIal Tele i ai;i.) Prospective postimters must nmke It clear to the appointing power that they Intend to devote all their tlmo to tho postofflce before their nnmos will be sent to the senate for confirmation. This wiib the statement mado to Repre sentative Stephens toduy by the vost master general. Sir. Stephens has sent half a dozen or more recommendations for postmnster to tho powers that be, and as they hud not been sent to thu senate ho 'set nbou; learning why, with the above result. "I was ulho told that President Wll e.on was examining tho papers htmslt In connection with the recommendation for every postmaster." said Mr. Htephon. "Thero seems to be a determined ef fort to make suro thnt only perunt properly qualified In overy way shall be appointed. Mr. Stephens has written his appointees that they must send to tho department a statement what they Intend to do be fore their names can be sent In. Mitchell Democrats Vote on Postmaster MITCliUl.l,, S. I... May U.-lSpeulal.)-Thomns Hall was the choice of Mitchell democratic voters ut a primary held -hero Saturday for the selection cf a post muster. He ruoelvod S0i votes. Thero Is a strong probability that an other primary election will be held shortly since the statement of Messrs. llurfeson, Coffey, Taubman und Johnson was given to the public u few days ago as a gu!d for tho future veloctlon of postmasters In this state wherein the) endorse 11 postmaster's primary. It Is claimed that today's primary was not culled under proper authority and thut the endorsement will not hold. Rah tho successful candidate today stated that ho would enter any primary that his opponents desired tq cull. REPUBLICAN PARTYj ALL IAN IAit PAK 0. 0. P. Over "Along Pro gressive Lines." Nil A nl A IjIt Am A 1 I Nl fltl! KIINK "To Take Out Rule Ignoring or Ro pudiating Primary," Cummins. liA i- ULLKTTK NUT HHtSK Wisconsin Senator Deolared to B in Sympathy with Movement. J K ' '111 TALK T11INHH IIVK to Tnke Plnce nt it NnttonRl Convention lln lined for This Venr. CHICAGO, May 11. Republican aona twin huh it-is 11 r 1 n 11 inn viii iiiuh uui in vi'u vvuiiuj t'vnuu I U 111 IMU lltllU ItlUUJ VlSWll rS U I V'llBltlllSU kllU JK J uron promreadlvn lines." publican national convont'on." 0 m t- 1 . 1 tiriiii. a y v -v 0 fin . 1 n n n 1 1 ivnru ri r 1 n imrnin. nfri9Liu Hndloy uf Missouri, hero from Massachusetts New Jersoy, r 1 . 1. 1 I I ... n r.9 41.. miUUlO WCBl SlUICS. OVIIUIUI umimiiu said. "Our purpose Is to talk over th situation Informally until Monday, then tnrougit by noon, we are simpiy repoo wnnl i. cri tlin tlitrtv nil a solid basis along progressive lines. Tim innwrntnl fnr n t-enuhllcan nax tlonul convention this year has already, become pretty wol defined. It will ba nn oxtiaurdlnary thing, hut tho result oS the last election calls for soma unusual action. Tho republican national com mlttee will meet In Washington on May St. Wo hope before thut time t,o thor oughly discuss nnd ba ublu to present tat tho committee the necessity for a na tiouol convention. "A inuwmd ..jjufiviintlon this yefli, ot body nnd It would not bo dominated by tho ambitions of any one. It lmpty would get together In a spirit of har mony nnd devlso plans for the best In terests of tho party. Among tho thing It Is nionosed to accomplish aro: "To change the basis of representation according to republican strength and not according to tho nccldent 6t tho reprw seutatloiiH of states In congress. Tn Remove Antl-Prlmttry Utile. "To tako out that rule which ignore or repudiates primaries. "To modify any other custom ot tha (Continued on Page Two.) CINCINNATI STREET CAR LINES TIED UP BY STRIKE CINCINNATI, O., May ll.-Not wheel of any car operated by the Clrw clnnatl Traction company Is turning hero. Tho strle of the newly organized llnlftn nf street car employes thus far, hns been successful, beyond even thell! own hopes, inasmucn us wiu blocked all traffic. Citizens late today wero using everSl other mode of conveyance except street cars to reach their homes In the suburbs. As yet tho strike has been a peaceful affair. 1I0WA TEACHER ASKS HALF OF i FOURTEEN MILLION ESTATE NEW YORK, Muy 11 Miss Plorencd Rraudt, 11 kindergarten teacher of Davs I enport. In., filed suit In tho supremo j court hero yesterday for a share of tho $11,600,000 estate of William Zlcglcr, bak4 Ing powder manufacturer. Miss Brandt la 1 a slstor of William ziegler, who was! adopted by tho millionaire and Inherited 1 a bulk of the estate. Sho asks for one- 1 half tho residue,, together with one-halt I tho Income that has accumulated, tho I latter amounting to $1,000,000. Vacation Days Will Soon Be Here "My, how time files! I must begin to prepare for my vaca tion." Thousands everywhere aro saying this. THIC BEB'S advertisements aro already hinting of vacation time needfuls. Outln suggestions abound, The year's play days aro here or coming. You take opportunity by the forelock when you study Tho Ueo's advertisements and profit by them. It may bo a camera, a tennis racquet, a base ball outfit, a canoe, a fishing rod, or a thou sand and one things that the merry dayB of summer demand. It pays to read UBK advertise ments. They fairly teem with I A teres t Ing and helpful suggestions. It will pay you yes. oven If you do not Intend to go on your vacation until July or August A dollar saved Is a dollar earned, you know, and Bee ad vertisement readers save many dollars In a summer's span