Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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Corset Covers
Drawers and Brassieres
Drawers, circular style, good
cambric, full cut; laco and em
broidery trimmod corset cov
ers and brasslerca in varlouB
styles, prettily trim
med with fine em
broidery and lace,
in vanouB
100 dozen good 66c cambric
brassieres, well made, elab
orately embroider- 1 O 1
cd, cholco. ........ . J.4C12C
Women's White Skirts
Samples ana Homltjr I4
$ 9 50 Daintly Trimmed $ O 98
Muslin Night Gowns
Prettily trimmed, full cut, good
fabrics, specltal on
at.., , &yc
Children!! 25c
Ons h more
Hose, slightly
O h i 1 d r o n'a
chocked ging
hams ..
This is an annual event. It is the greatest of its kind that is held west of Chicago. Hundreds of Omaha women who
have awaited this sale for weeks will buy their entire seson's supply of muslin undergarments at the lower prices that prevail here. No
where else can you buy garments of such fine character at prices so wonderfully low.
Corset Covers
Brassieres and Drawers
Made of excellent materials
sorno trimmed, some plain all
full and liberal cuts ,
many odd lots,
worth, up to 35c,
Infants' Long? Slips,
worth 26c, at
Children's Ideal Waists in
worth 20c, at, pair. ... IOC
Children's Drawers,
worth 15c, at, pair. . . .
Children's Drawers
worth 20c, at pair.
Children's 85c Night
Gowns, tucked
Children's Skirts, tuck- Q C
ed and embroldcrod. . . sOC
Children's Drawers, Skirts and
Gowns, many attractive o (
styles JvC
Princess Slips
Lace and Embroidery Trimmed -Made on the now
lines daintily flounced tf f i C
splendid varieties J A and J A rtu
Charming Now Styles in rrlnccas Blips Trimmod
with Cluny laco and embroideries 95
Elegantly Made Princess SHps With richest,
daintiest trimmings straight Hue of- jjrj EJQ
Pretty nainsook slip over
gowns i walking length
skirts with ombroidorcd or
loco trimmed flounce; finely
trimmed draw
ers, corset cov
ers and chem
ises, at
Empire and kimono gowns
long skirt length chom
isos white petticoats with
rows, oi laco insertions
daintily trim
med drawers
of excellent
Nainsook- and soft cambric
night gowns and chemises
slip over gowns with
French embroidered yokes;
elaborately trim-AA
med retticoateV 1 "V
and drawers,
Elegant skirts, gowns,
chemises, drawers and oor
sot covers made of richest
fabrics exquisite trim
mings of em-g AJZ
lace, many very 1 :
Combination Undergarments
Scores of dainty garments beautifully trim
med corset cover and drawers or corset fkjt
cover and skirt made in one garments 1
May sale price
Two Splendid Groups of Combination Undermuslins
Refined styles showing every late feature of
making, many elaborately trim- 9f 45 and 9 f 95
med all carefully sized X X
Silk Princess Slips it $3.98
Made of Messallncs and silk Jersoy tops, largo
full ruffles and flounces, laco and tuckingevery
deslrablo color. Made to soil at $5 and 0,
Choice of 200 Very Fine 1 pr2po
Undermuslins, at 2 17 lite
Every deslrablo stylo slightly mussed and
soiled, but otherwise perfect Formerly sold from
$5 to $12.50 each.
UNDERMUSLINS OF Special Offer 2 Lots of Hail Extra Garments EXTRA SPECIALS IN THE
Mmn ru id. rTITO Made and Hand Embroidered For Stout Women MAY SALE
MlUll UilifL K-..L n,.Umr ,. . . 'a v. Women's Wash PctUconts, OO
.,.,,.. . , , rrenCtl Drawers Gowns, skirts, chemises and combl- worth ro- nr AC
Very dainty and very olab- Broken lots, odd sires, slightly nation garments that are cut In ox- wrtn 60c, at. . Oa"
oratoly trimmed combinations, B0,led nnd mua, but otherwise tra slies to fit stout women pret- Amoskcag Glngliam oi
gowns, skirts, corsot covers and perfect tyi dainty garments that will give Aprons, worth 25c, at... JL
chemises trimmed with rQS Draworo worth up to dl qq reaI cmfort and good service Ono Lot Women's Whlto fa f
with flno ombrolderlos fj $3, at ,pleJe7 . Aprons, worth 20c, at. .. . 1UC
and beautiful laces. May Drawers worth up to 1 qq X I - X I A -m Si lift Women's Percale Aprons, i e
salo special B, at 3leO7 F' w '7V worth 2Bc, at IOC
I i
Choice of Our Entire Stock of Genuine
French Hand Made
Lingerie at & Price
There are hundreds of the choicest, daintiest
genuine French hand-mado garments In this stock
that will go at just 50 cents on tho dollar corset
covers, gowns, chemises and drawers selected, by
our own foreign buyer.
A $66,000 Stock of Men's Furnishings at About yz Price
Entire Stocks of Two Prominent Eastern Wholesalers of Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear, Etc.
This is a sale that will save thousands of dollars for thousands of Omaha men. These furnishings are the best qualities and you will probably pay double these prices later on.
Hen's 'Negligee Shirts, Worth up to $2
Many In the coat 'style fl&me with standing collar to match the
shirt; also torn? hlgh-clais shirts with collars attached. Bosoms are
plain or pleated, at . i . . , . . . . . . '
Men's Negligee Shirts, Worth up to $1
The patterns are the most attractive of the season and the materials
are the most popular of all goods for summer. Every shirt a bargain
Farls Garters
and Boston Gar.
ters always-sell
.at 35c a pair, for
15 PJr. ,
Immense Ltts of Men's Light and Medium Weight Underwear
Hundreds of men's undoruhlrts and
drawers, In good quality lisle
balbrlggan made to
sell regularly up to
50c a garment--for
Excollont quality of lisle and bal
brlggan undershirts and drawers
for men, In the lighter
weights for summer
positively worth up to
II. at
Mon's mercerized lisle undershirts,
drawers and union suits. Made to
sell regularly up to
91.30 the garment
on sale nt, the
All the men's silk lisle and French
lisle union sulta from our great
purchase. Made to
soli up to $2.50
each; at, the
suit. ,
Men's Neckwear
Now Pnt.tnrnR. vnnfln in Roll
uu to 75o. will co "i 11X1
at, euoh 1 2t
Men's Wash Ties
500 dozen Imported Madras and
mercerized tubular ties and q
4-ln-hunds, worth up to 25c 17 C
3 Big Lots mi Men's Hosiery
Men's Hosiery of 18o
quality, black and col
ors, all sizes on big
bargain square
at, tho
Men's 25c and 85c
quality hosiery, blacks
and colors, all sizei
a remarkably
attractive bar
gain, at, pair.
Men's Silk noslcry
made to sell regularly
up to, 35c a pair. A
big special
bargain at,
the pair. . ,
Men's "PaulUcss" Night Shirts The r
50c and 75c kind for UUC
MEN'S SHIRTS Negligee styles, worth up
to 50c, but somewhat soiled;
Basement, at
shlrta and drawers, worth up to 50c
each, at ',
4Qr. fiif
Sale of Silver Hollow Ware
(All the. silver tea Bets, dishes, bowls nndplatoa from our immense purohase of a New York
twrhotesalo jeweler on salo Saturday for tho first time. Tho bargains are simply amazing
J All standard makes. Quadruplo plated, guaranteed, Forbs Silver Vlate company, Reed A Barton Meriden
jBriUaaia company goods.
ff5c Silver Plated 2-b6ttlo
Castors, salt and pepper, 2$te
It 5c Nickel Coasters, decorat
jebtna bottoms, each 5
jS Sheffield Sandwich Plates,
pierced designs, at. .$1,93
$4 Bread Trays, Syrup Pitch
ers and Trays, Fern Dlshos,
large Hot Roll Trays, special,
at, each $1.60
m Sugar and Cream Sets,
beautiful engine turned de
sign, gold lined, at..S1.08
.47.50 Tea Seta, 3 pieces, tea
pot, sugar and cream pitcher,
t 83.50
$3 Slower or Plant Pots
only ono to a customor, spe
Sl at 592
Reed St Barton's cream pitchers, small teapots,
sugar bowls, spoon holders, and other PA
odd pieces, at OvC
Ue? & Barton's Soup Tureans. oils or two portion
bmaU coffee or teapots, sugar bowl and odd I
jlccea, at ..............
ltrcd St Barton's teapots for ons and two cups, tray,
odd allver pleooa, eta . , j
I4.E0' Butter Dishes, special,
ftt 1.08
17.60 Water Pitchers, boautl-
fully engraved $2.08
1 6 Sandwich Trays, engraved
and pierced designs, $2.40
$6 Bake Dishes, Colonial
style, at $2.08
$12 Flvo-llght Candelbras
nt $5.08
99 Three-Hght Candolbraa
at $3.08
0 Four-piece Tea sets,
at :$5
$2.60 Forn Dishes, with,
porcelain Inside dish, at.. SI
112.60 Meriden Brlttania
make Wbter Pitchers, $5,08
and $6.08
Women's Fine Pumps
IjDrin Floor New Store
Women's Fine Pumps Dull calf
skin and patent leather, with flat
silk bows, low or medium heels,
light extension edge soles made
over pertect-lltung lasts, n an
graceful styles all At. 111
sizes and wldthB, at, . . . .
Made of genuine Lawrence's nu
buck, In button styles, Rn 85
all sizes, at. ........ . du
Ankle or Instep strap styles, with
flat silk bowa. In, dull or patent
leather, tan calfskin or white nu
buck. welted soles, perfectly smooth
Inside dressy styles that will wear
splendidly (
SUes 11 H to J at fs.48
Sixes 8H to ll at laaa
8htes 6 to 8 at 91M
Special Offers in Hosiery
Women's Pure Thread Silk Boot Hosiery,
wide lisle garter tops; also cotton and
lisle thread hosa in regular an5 oxtra
H TbbbbbbbbbbbbbWibbbbbbI tt
Tbv bbbbbbbV bbbbbbm m
b 1 1 e b, full fashioned.
double soles, black, tan,
white, worth up to 40c,
Men's Pure Tlircad Silk Hosiery little
double soles, spliced heels and an
. toes black, gray and jiavy 23ft
worth up to OOc, at pair. mw v
Jfisaes', Children's & Boys'
Cotton Hosiery
IJoublo knee, heel and toe,
fast colors, f ft J
) sizes, I "A-i
fct, & pair
Misses', Children's and Boys
Mercerised Lisle
Blaok, tan, white, pink and
blue, all sizes up to
double heel and ftFZm
too unusually )C
Entire Shoe Stock
From the Wynhoff Shoe Co. Waveriy, Iowa.
At Less Than Cost tt Manufacture
Tables have been rearranged and many of the higher
priced lots placed with the lower priced lots giving
you greater values than ever. '-
All the Women's 92.50, $3 and
$3.60 Oboes and Ox- rfj-j Qf-
fords, at, pair plevO
All the Men's $3 and $3.50
Shoes and Oxfords 4 qp
will go at, pair J JL eaO
Women's 2.50 and 3 Shoes
almost all slses In Cft
high shoes J)lOU
Infanta' Strap Leather Slippers,
all patent leather or white can
vas, with hand-turned Eft
soles, all sizes, at OlC
Mon's Oxfords, Women's Ox
fords and Shoes and Misses' and
Children's Shoes that have been
reduced to only a few pairs,
grouped at, per or?
pair CtOC
All the Misses' and Ohll- af
dren's Shoes, at, a pair. . J 1
Boys' $2 and $2.25 am
Shoes go at. ...... p ..
All the Shoe Polishes , left from
iuo Dig purcnase at, the
package , ,
TJieso are tho genuine Japanese sun
bleaohed Panamas in all the clever
est new hand blocked Bhapes, trimmed
with cliiffon drapes, white feather breasts,
ribbon bows, etc Those favorite hats
for midsummer wear, made to $Q PA
sell at $10, $12.50 and $13.50 Art-ft II
Saturday, 2d floor, at "
Flower Wreaths
Made of daisies, for
get -me - nots. June
roses, etc.- all ready
for trimming, jq
second floor.. OSC
TJntrimmed H a ts
Black chips, hemps
and mllans in burnt
and white - special
9C and 98C
Milan, Hemp, Majestic Braid
These clever Juvenile bats are for
girls 3 to 12 years old, Elab
orately trlmei with ribbons and
velvet bowB white, navy, red,
brown and blue, worth up to
49c, 69c, 89c
Trimmed Hats
in Basement.
Show room models of
midsummer hats,
trimmed with flower
wreaths, band effecta
and ribbons large,
small and medium
shapes positively $4
and 5 val- 81 QO
Ues, at, , . km
Misses' and Children's
$1 trirnwed hats MQn
basement, at
Women's $2 Lng Kid Gloves, 69c
Women's 12 and 16-button imported
kid gloves in black and white somo
colors inoluded. Not all sizes, but
the majority of sizes are here. They
are odds and ends of our regular stock.
Some slightly soiled, but ex
cellent values. Worth up to
$2.00, at the pair
Kayser'a 16-button guaranteed silk gloves every pair with Tg 4
pure silk double-tipped fingers and silk-covered clasps, at, 2H I
the pair K
Women's 16-Button Pure Silk Gloves, double-tipped fingers,
at Pr 50
White and colored, hand embroidered corner, initialed or real Ar
menlan lace edges; also women's and men's plain all linen 1 r"
handkerchiefs worth up to 25c, at, each.... JLOC