16 arm?, -mrrm. mrATTA SATTT?.nAY. M.w 10. 1013 MUTTON PRICES ARE 'WAY UP fork and Batter Drop Off Consider able in Price. VEGETABLES ARE CHEAPER Blx Can of Strawberries Will Ar rtr on the Omnhn Mnrket Sat urday, Mnklni? Shortcake Arnllnble for All. Mutton In ao scares on the Omaha market that the packer are apportioning It, out to thr butchtra rather as a favor to them than to fill orders. Uts the lambing season and stock raisers are holding their sheep for later sale, the price meanwhile advancing to almost pro hlbltlve figures. Mutton which can be gotten Is bolngr sold wholesale nt 1114 and 1! cents a pound, and by the time the butchers do away with the waste, ordi nary mutton chops must bo sold retail around 35 cents a jwund. This same mut ton sold two months aco for 414 and '1 cents a pound wholesale. Lnmhs nro cheap, but tho quality Is far below par. Fork has become "easier." Pork loins are selling around UK cents retail, and pork chops at lTVi cents n pound. Ilacon and hams have advanced cent a pound In the last ten days. Chickens are 16V4 cents a pound wholesale. Although butter, eggs and meats are hlghor, grocers say that the cost of liv ing with which they have to do is lower than It has been for years, other peo ple's talk to the contrary notwithstand ing. Albert King, manager of Hayden llros.' grocery department, declares most lines of groceries are from 26 to CO per cent cheaper than they were ten years ago. Dried fruits are far below their cost of a few years ago. Evaporated peaches sell now at "'A cents a pound, dried pears are UH cents and dried prunes arc 6, 714 and 1 cents o. pound. Vegetables are cheaper now. Ilhubarb is selling four bunches for a nickel) radishes, three for 6 cents; spinach, 10 cents a peck, that was IS cents a week ago; fresh peaa are 10 cents a quart. Texas, Bermuda and silver wax onions are 3 and JH cents a pound. Six cars of strawberries will arrive on tho Omaha market Saturday. They will II at 10 cents a pint and H cents a quart. Butter Is 12 cents a pound for the best quality, and eggs are 20 cents a dosen. Butter will go down this month, grocers eay, because tho storers will bo getting ready to lay In supplies for next winter. County Has Voting Machines for Sale The Board of County Commissioners wants to sell Omaha's sixty-five voting machines.' A resolution passed asks the city .commission to assist In disposing of them. The resolution says that since the number of candidates always will be greater than the capacity of the ma chines they will be of no further use. A clear saving of 110 to If you select your suit Saturday at The Julius Orkln Suit and Cloak House, 1M0 Douglas St See adv. on page 9. Clot nn Awful Fright by fear of appendicitis? Take Dr. King's New Life Pills, nnd soon see bowel troublo vanish. Guaranteed. 25c For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. Rosenblum's "B-tWr Orooerlss for X.ss Mousy."" You can't buy a gold dollar for 80 cents, but you can get better, cleaner and purer Groceries at prices lower than anywhere else at llosenlilu.n's. We de liver to all parts of the city Havo money on your grocery orders this month by giving them to us. 25o 0 lbs. best Sugar for With $1.00 grocery order. 13 lbs. best Bugar 500 With ' t2.00' ' order' "of ' groceries No flour or sugar Included. Ilex Lard, abbsolutely pure and tho bost, 2 pounds 7 bars White Ituiuilan, Crystal 'White or Electric Bpark 8oap for ..8$o Best Sugar, 22 lbs fLOO 3 pkgs. Argo Starch for ,..10o 2-lb. can 1'axton Gos Roasted Cof- feo for f 3 packages Uneeda Biscuit 9o 3 bocks Tame nun 6 bara Ivory Boap 19o 2 pkgs. Spaghetti or Macaroni loo nest Jersey Creamery Butter, lb....3ao 6-lb. box best Soda Crackers 49o llluo Bell Flour, sack 81.00 Sunklst or Prldo of Omaha Flour. .1.1B Largo can Tomatoes iuo Fancy Sugar Corn. 3 cans..., 88o Half pound Baker's Cocoa, 25c can..sao Hosoma Flour, the best flour made, makes more and better bread or we Will refund your money, per sack.l.a5 Strictly fresh country ICggs, received dally from Bwedeburg, Neb., guar anteed the beat, per dozen, ...... S00 Mall T7s Tour Orders. Write for Frioe JAtt. Sept. O. L. ROSENBLUM All Phones 9 eswa. ooo K. loth St. leth ana Burt Bts. PIG PORK LOINS 1334c Beft con Shoes, 93.00. LIU New $2.50 Sipreme Suit Values $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 Wo iuk the pleasure of showing you the suit wo sell at the above popular prices. They nro as near perfection as clothes can hot And we're making n big special feature of thcae good at S15, 18 nnd $20. Wo havo tlieso suits In every wanted stylo and fabric. We can demonstrate to your entire satisfac tion that there Is from 90 to $10 more real value in these clothes than can bo found in any other clothes elsewhere. SPECIAL BLUE SEME SHITS $10.00 Fine twill, navy blue, Oswego sorgo suits, guaranteed absolutely fast blue, Norfolk ana 2 or 8 button models, finely tailored, nnd mado to sell for fifteen dollars. Special (er Saturday $11.00 (.tiding Trousers, Sir? IK SO. come to this store, where you profit by choosing front tho largest nnd best selected trousers stork In the city nt a substantial saving to you. SEE THE HAND SOME THOU8EK8 WE SELIj FOR S1.50--S1.0O 82.50 83.00- S3.50 S4.00 85.00 and 86.00 Wc Should Bo Your Hatter! We sell only tho best lints from tlie best makers. John B. Stetsons at 83.50 Guarantee Specials nt. . . .81.00 $5.00 styles $2.00 quality. STRAWS ABE READY! OUR ANNUAL MAY SHIRT SALE SUPPLY YOUIt SHIIIT WANTS HERE TOMORROW! Drews and Soft Shirts, 75c quality 48 J Dress, Ncgllgeo and Collar to match shirts well worth $1 . . . 69J Hnndsomo Dress and Negligee Shirts, up to $1.00 values 95J Genuine Pprosknit closed crotch Union Suits 69c CO 111 FRESH DRESSED SPRING CHICKENS 1494 STEER POT ROAST 10 ancf f) STEER STEAKS 7"....13Va PORTERHOUSE STEAKS YOUNG VEAL ROAST 12$ri MIIAU Vlwllj CHOPS 121U DUlli. lilim J.jf1Ml, SUGAR CURED I1ACON NO. 1 LEAN HAMS , !...!!!. .lg?IS S-iir Id,ow,,d " I 26o cans of Itumford Baking Powder Aleaedow Gold ., 3So for.. .. lBo lSZlJ, "' .T S2 "00-sheet rolls Toilet Paper, 8 for 8S I LArite Queen Olives, in Jars ,80o 26d cans of Peaches. Anrlcota or l Htraineu Honey, large Jars , Mo Tears for ....ISo oo cans or Asparagus soo n0st lame Prunes, lb 7Wo H1I Harwy St. Pimm: BELL The Dependable Store It's always a .satisfaction in knowing when you phone us an order that you can depend on tho quality and price to be right and also that you can de pend on Our service. .. BREAD Fresh Every Day 3 Loaves for 10c .I . . . i i . . 14 lbs. for .......60o With 14-lb. of our uncol orod Japan Tea, at 30o Fresh Kegs, doz. .,lSo Fancy Country Butter, per lb 30o Creamery Butter, Mea dow Gold, Idlewlld or Ideal, lb 33o runs notm .Prldo of Omaha, Blue Bell, per sack ..$1.10 XXXX Klour, sack. .960 Wind Mill Tomatoes, large can for loo Sweet Corn, can ....So Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, pkg loo CI rape Nuts, pkg. ..loo Peas, 3 cans .390 Argo Starch, 3 pkgs. lOo Matches, 2 pkgs Bo Salmon, 2 tall cans 15o Two 2-lb. cons of Baked Beans for lBo Bed Globe Onions, per peck 100 Colorado Potatoes, per bushel ,C8o We have a full supply of fresh fruits and veg etables at lowest prices, Uneeda Biscuits, 3 pkgs. for lOo Prunes, per lb. .....Bo Navy Beans, per lb. Bo Baking Powder, Rum ford, Calumet, 26o slie for lBo MEATS MOATS Home dressed young Hens, 3 to 4 lbs, aver age, per lb 17V4o Pis: Pork Loin Roasts. per lb IB Ho Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb. lOWo Kresh v 'roils, id. ayc Fresh Neck Bones. S lbs. for 33o Fresh Clean Pigs' Feet, per lb 4o Home mado Hamburger nr Porle Sallsase. ner lb. for ,.,10o Hmnknd Pork Shoulders. per lb 1340 Full line of fresh and palt meats of all kinds nt prices In same pro portion, Spare Ribs, per lb. lOo We havo three auto deliveries to all parts of the city. Phono and mnlt '" Kivon prompt attention, Bill Greoery aid Meat Market ec cans or Asparafeus BOo Bost large Prune PUBLIC MARKET DturlM 2713 I1 i 913 North leth BtMfct. Phone Tyler 1474. "Contentment is Great Gain" So said tho apoxtto. Yet, never should we be contented with anything but the beat., Especially with those things which pertain to our health. Poor health makes us peevish, Irritable and cross, Bad teeth produce poor health. Dr. Todd worked, planned, studied for years to invent a tooth that would be sapltary. A tooth that was satisfactory in every respect He suc ceeded and gave to dntitistrv the wholo porcelain tooth bridge work, doing away with the unsanltarv, unratlsfaotory hnlf tooth, As the name Stslnway stands for all that is kou In pianos, so the namo Todd stands for the highest and best dentistry In all the world, , The whole tooth satisfies. The whole tooth produces contentment and health. The whole tooth is positively sanitary. Remember, "contentment Is great gala." DR. TODD, 403 Brandeis Building Hey, Kids! Look nt Jimmy trying to wear out a pnir of OTEEL Vhod vJhoes Ho can't even scuff 'em. Boys', 1 to 5 ..,.$2.50 Little Gents', 10 to 13 12 ....$2.00 Button and Blucher, Drexels WHOLESALE AND HETAIL Hay - Grain Choice Upland Kansas and Nebraska Hay, also Irrigated Alfalfa Hay always on hand. Storage- Capacity, 000 Tons. CALL US FOR Pit ICES. ROSENBLATT'S Tel. Doug. 630. 1833 Xtoholts St. Saturday NURSERY Specials Applo Trees, lnrgo size, each 15c Cherry Trees, largo sizo each 15c PlunvTrees largo size, each 15(5 Pear Trees, large size, each , 15c Peach Trees, largo sizo, each 15 Grapo VinoB, 6 varieties, bost quality, each 10c Currant Bushos, 2 years old, each, . . ., 5(i Strawberry Plants, Son. Dunlap, each ...,1c Asparagus Plants, eaoh f lC Largo Shrubs, in varieties, each 25c Black HUIb Spruce; Evergreen, 2 feet tall, each . . . .10c American Beauty Rose Plants, each 10c Climbing Rose Plants, oach 10c Killarnoy Roso Plants, whito and red, each 5c Norway Poplars, eaoh 5c, 10c, 15c Maplo Trees, 2-inch, each 75c Rhubarb Plants, whilo they last, each 10c FRANK MARTIN Salee Room 1519 Hpward St. Telephone Douglas 6272 Pure Wines and Liquors Green Label Quckenbelmer Rye, 8 years old, full quart $1.00 Weldon Springs, & years old. full iuart. 81.00 Schonley Rye, 8 years old, full I"" S1.00 Horae-Made drape "Wine, Bal.gl.oO Malt Tonlo, per doz 31.20 2 bottloa Golden West Beer. . .25 CACKLEY BROS. 121-23 North 10th Street. 1 MSSSSMSSSSSSSSSSSMSMSMSSBaSSSSM-MMMMSHSlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB-SBSSSSilMMBM Jpl Tip-Top Bread I I holds its thousands I 31 of buyers because I lira and wholesome. I U. P. Baking Co. I BRANDEIS STORES 4 YMTitWM B Every Woman W .MAI PROFIT BI THIS Annual Fashion Event Don't think of the Nemo as simply a strong, durable corset, thai will outwear two ordinary corsets. Your dressmaker will tell vou that the Nemo is a r t . w wonderful style corset. THEBlGO t l uui uuiui win icu you N2 ... f t.t yZ m that it is a health guardian. The woman who wears it will tell you that it is the most comfortable corset in the world. This is "Nemo Week" in our Corset Department. Come and learn to enjoy Nemo style, comfort and economy. 324 1 J N Rare Values in Hair Goods 2d Floor and Pompoian Room If you need a transformation or, in fact, anything that will add beauty to your coiffure, you will be delighted with the perfect result our daylight matching rooms'afford in selecting the exact shade. Experienced and courteous assistants to aid you. 20-in. Natural Wavy Switches, at 45c Triple head, 22-inch Natural Wavy Switches, can bo separated into three strands, especially desirable for warm weather wear. $4.00 values 50 26-in Triple Head N a t u r al "Wavy Switches, $6 val ues for. . S3.98' Hairdressing, man icuring and sham pooing. Appoint ments by plume. Speoiai, tor noon iour uniy-wmie they last, 22-inch- natural wavy gray 9 switches, $5.00 values, for $2.50 IN CHINA DEPARTMENT Five-Piece Bath Room Sets, $1.98 Mado of solid brass, highly nickel plated, guaran teed not to rust, 1,000 Pieces of Fancy Dresden China, worth up to $5, Satur day, your choice, $-1 at Cut Star Table Tumblers, at, ea. Perfection Vacuum Washing Ma chines, at ViiC WEST ARCADE ft r The yenus Bath Spray The twentieth century $4 wonder, invigorating and refreshing, at, each BRANDEIS STORES "S 5 EFTEMBER MORN" IN STOOK AGAIN. "We have just received both sizes of the hand colored copy of this famous picture, with all tho beautiful flesh tints of the original, from the Campbell Art Co., who con trol the American rights. Do not confuse this beautiful reproduction with tho French photogravure, cheaply col ored in bluish tones, that makes the captivating lady look like she had a combination of "heart disease" and "goose pimples." When you buy a copy of this picture, get the "Campbell" copyright edition. The price is but little more. Prices $2.50 and $8.00, according to size. A. HOSPE CO. Framers' Craft Shop. 1513-1515 DOUGLAS STREET. If you don't get "Framers' Craft Shop" Frames, on your pictures, you are not getting the best. RED-MAN BOX.S rsoM BUII BOXXS OUT VTORK OVER OR UNDER THE VEST. 2 for 25 cts. EAnt, & WIIySON You will find most interesting reading on the want ad pages. i' Have you read the want ads yet today? 1419 Tarn Am. i