Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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Railroad Eights of Way Claim
Thousands of Lives.
Jforthrreatern nnllronil Token Ini
tial Steps Tovrnrd llnlticlnjr tlie
Possible Catmc nnil Bm
plorrs Are Helpline.
According to the report of the Central
Safety committee of tho Chicago &
Northwestern Railroad company, there
were 18I.179 trespassers killed and Injured
upon the railroad right-of-ways In the
Vnited States In the last twenty years.
Tho most lamentable part of the loss Is
the 25,000 young- people unde'r the ngo of
18 years, who were cither killed or
maimed for life, and the blama In this
Instance Is laid upon the lack of laws, or
else their Inforcemcnt whoro they did
Of the total numbers Riven 115,103 were
respectable people and 26,276 were hoboes
and tramps. Particular stress Is placed
upon the need of persons regarding rail
road thoroughfares as private property,
nnd that when they get on such premises
they are endangering their lives.
The Northwestern company started
iv "safety" movement about two years
ago among Its own employes and since
then has made a record In reducing the
number of Injuries and fatalities. Its
nlogan was "safety first," and tho man
agement Impressed upon the minds of
every department head mat he was to.
Interest the men under him In making
recommendations to change rules or gen
eral practice wbero such a chango would
eliminate accidents. An a. direct result
eighty-eight of the recommendations sub
mitted were accepted and enforced tho
first year, while 119 more became effec
tive the following year of IMS.
That the men became Interested In tho
movement and were more cautious is
proven by the comparisons of figures.
Statistics for the last two yeara show
that 166 fewer person were killed and
4,836 fewer injured, a reduction of 21.9
and JJ.S Pr eent. respectively.
After new rules became established, the
next move was to have them rigidly ob
wrved. Bo the attention of each em
ploye was called to the necessity of his
detailed performance of them and that It
was part ot his duty to obey them. The
railroad's entire systom was then ar
ranged Into a series of divisions and a
banner was nnd Is being awarded each
year to tho division showing tho best
record for safety In work and travel.
This recognition is becoming a sought
for prise among tho men. creates a com
bination of Individual Interests and will
doubtless show Increased results from
year to year.
Stilton Waring, son of Mrs. Mary War
ing, a wealthy widow of Auburn. N. Y
was arrested at tho Union station by Of
ficer Cunningham, who brought tho
young man to the station, where he Is
being held until the authorities can com
municate with his mother.
Young Waring, who Is 22 years of age,
sustained Injuries to his head threo years
ago while driving his machine along a
high bluff In the vicinity ot his homo
that necessitated his removal to a prl
vats Institution for the feeble minded at
Ros. X. Y. After staylnr the several
months his condition improved rapidly
and a few weeks later he was able to
resume his studies at the state university
at Valparaiso, Ind.
But about a month ago he disappeared
from the school suffering with an attack
of his old trouble. Mrs. Waring has had
tho police of the country looking for the
lad and through tho description furnished
the officers at headquarters Cunningham
recognized the Bob, lie Is at present be
ing held In the matron's department,
where he refused to talk and seems to
be in a dazed condition. However, when
arrested he talked quite freely with tho
In order to make tho National Grand
Army encampment, to be held at Gettys
burg, Pa., July 1 to S, seem more real
istic, tents will be furnished by the gov
ernment and those veterans who so de
sire will be permitted to camp on the
field -where they fought fifty yearn ago.
It is net expected that the hotel facili
ties of Gettysburg will house all thosa
who desire to sleep undor roof, and so
plans have been completed for running
special trains to all ot the towns that
are within a radius ot forty miles.
Special rates have been mode for the
veterans and all hotels in tho following
named towns 'will be thrown open to
them: New Oxford, ten miles away;
Hanover, sixteen: York, thirty-seven:
Fairfield, twelve; Charmaln, twenty-one;
,Pen Mar, twenty-four; Hlghfleld. twenty-
two; Buna Vista, twenty-tour; Blue
Mountain, twenty-five,- and Hagcratown,
forty miles distant from Gettysburg.
Twelve essays have been chosen from
the essay Contest tor the commencement
program of the Omaha High school
nentor class. The essays have been re
turned to their authors to bo corrected
and then memorized, later they will be
delivered before a number of teachers.
when the final choice ot six for the pro
gram will Be" mode.
The twelve essays which were chosen
and their authors are as follows:
"The Awakening' by Edward Cock-
ran; "The ureat Divide," by Miriam
Sampson ; "pur Debt." by Adallno
-wyitoii: "jraus," ny Mary nailer: "Edu
cation in a Large Public School," by
Sands Woodbrldce: "Training of the
Modem Woman." by Ituth Mills; "What
We Ought to Hare and to Be," by Gladys
Line: "Education In a Democracy," by
Alfreda Traulsen; "An Affair of the
Itlilns Generation." by Pearl Blair:
"Problems of the City." by Barney
Kulakofsky; "Our Awakened Social Con
science,'' by Lovlr.a Brown: "California
and Future Immigration," by Paul
A Woodmen of the World policy for
81,000 on the life of John EL Howley,
Forty-second and Dewey avenut. was re
cently found In a field near Humboldt,
la-, by J. J. Knlerien. The Information
of the find was conveyed to John Ken
nedy, Omaha, manager of the lodge, and
be accordingly got In touch with Mr.
The policy is now back in Its owner'
possessions, ii is me muo the worse
off for wear and tear, but the owner's
name Is still legible.
The Howley home was completely de
stroyed by the twister and the document
-was with some other papers la the top
Arawer c a 4rwsr.
Boys Are Barred
from Sewing and
Cooking Classes
Omaha school boys are barred from the
domestic science department nnd Super
intendent fa. IT. Graff says none need
apply for work In the cooking or sewing
classes Until all the girls hava been pro
vided with facilities to pursue the do
mestic arts.
Following the announcement that a
certain eastern college had enrolled men
In' the domestic science class a few high
school boys Intimated their desire to
learn to cook and keep house and sew.
- "That's all right If you want to be a
forest ranger or a lone rancher," said
Superintendent draff, "but a little ot
that work goes a long way with a man.
If you know how to rrmks coffee and
boll eggs and bake biscuits that's about
all that Is necessary.
"Of course It won't do you any harm
to learn to cook and sew, but at present
we cannot take care of all the girls who
want to take up this work, and I will
certainty veto any move among the boys
to usurp tho girls' places."
City officials. Interviewed on the ad
visability of men learning the domestic
arts, were atmost unanimously In favor
of letting the girls learn It Only Chief
of Follce Henry W. Dunn stoud strongly
for It.
"Why," he said, "don't say anything
about It, but I could make my wife's
Mrs. Dunn was Immediately called on
he telephone and said while It might be
possible tho chief could sow he had never
shown any Inclination or even any Inter
est In the (dressmaking art But the chief
stuck to his assertion that .io could mako
dresses If ho wanted to. -
Lincoln Hotel Sued
for Price of a Coat
A petition setting forth reasons why
Mrs. Maymo Henderson believes sho
should recover from the Thompson Hotel
company of Lincoln for an otter coat
valued at 1600, held to have teen deliv
ered to an Impostor by the hotel com
pany, was filed by the plaintiff.
Mrs. Henderson more than a year ago
sued George N. Aulabaugh, the Wells-
Fargo Express company and the hotol
for tho loss of the coat and secured a
Judgment for 100 In county court. The
hotel company was the only defendant
to appeal to district court, and that ac
tion Is now pending.
It Is alleged that Mrs. Henderson sent
the fur coat to the Aulabaugh company
ror repairs, that It was delivered to the
express company ahd then to tho hotel,
but that the hotel was deceived by an
Imposter who secured tho coat '
The big annual Inter-class, meet of
Omaha High Is scheduled for Friday
nfternon on Crelghton field. This athletic
assembly will bo tho largest event of the
year since so many candidates are taking
active part. Elaborate preparations have
boon mde by Mr. Beed for a successful
The former practice ot holding the meet
on Saturday has been abandoned because
ot the failure ot the students to attend.
do after lunch hour Friday, Miss Mo-
Hugh will dismiss school and tho first
meet will start at 1:30 p. m. In this man
ner tho greater part ot tho school will
attend the meet. Tho' girls of the dif
ferent classes are showing much rivalry
In making pennants of their class colors!
seniors, navy blue and gold; Juniors,
cerlsa and white; sophomores, purple and
orange; freshmen, blue and white.
Tho following field officials have been
announced for tho meet; Referee, J.
TfUllt Maxwell; Judges ot the finish, Linn
Walker, II. C. Joy, Nathan Bernstein,
Harry Montgomery; timers, Harry Ityan,
McMillan, C. G. Linn, Stanley Itoso
water! field Judges, J. F. Woolery, Lloyd
Bertschl, Loren Brooks, L. A. Detrlng;
lnpeotors, Loula Cook. L. R. Berry, C.
M. Gould; starter, Robert Wood,; clerk
ot the course. Cams; scorer, It. H. Or
chard; announcers, Perry Singles, John
Hanlghen; marshals, T. L. Mills, C. 13.
The Italstoh relief fund has now passed
tho t),0X) mark. Wednesday's receipts
amounted to $322,25, bringing the total up
to $20,303.30. The addlttnonal list follows:
Previously acknowledged $13,976.05
11. Y.. Drane
Charles W. Megger
M. Bnlesberger & Son Co
K. scllgsohn
D, I). Marshall
O. W. Mosher, It. F. D. No. 3,
South Omaha. Neb
Alex Jetes
Bain Hot:. Florence, Neb
Judge James Callahan, South
Sessions & boll, Norfolk, Neb
George & Co..,
J. Fred Smith
Phillips Medical Co
Kretsenmer Manufacturing uo.,
Dubuque. Ia
Hastings Council No. 100, U, C.
T.. Hastings. Neb
Brailcy & Dorrance
Citizens of Heaver Crossing. Neb.,
ana vicinity, through t. ii.
Dlmery. Cashier 101.25
Tttomas & 1'roeu Lumber Co., BU
ixuis, mo
Sunderland Bros Co
Melnrath Brokerage Co
Dr. tr. 8. owen
J. IV Brandt ,
Dr. C. W. Pollard..
John Mass, Louisville, Ky
Total , $20,302.30
Burglars entered the home of W. M.
Barnum, 28U Shirley street, and stole $37
from Mr. Baroum's clothes. The thieves
gained entrance by securing a chisel from
the garage and prying open the base
ment door. They had ransacked the
dwelling from top to bottom, taking the
cash from the room in which Mr. and
Mrs. Barnum were sleeping, and had
quantity ot out glass and silverware piled
on the kitchen table ready for removal
when they were frightened away by ths
falling ot a chair which Mr. Barnum
overturned on being aroused by their ac
Uvltles. Mr. and Mrs. Barnum had been
out spending the evening and upon their
return home about 11 o'clock noticed
peculiar odor in the house. They both
think that the thieves had visited the
dwelling early in the evening and had
distributed some substance to make them
sleep sound while they robbed the house.
The Barnums home was entered less
than two years ago and over $100 taken.
Nobody la Too Old
to leant that the sure way to cure
! cough, cold or sore lungs la with Dr.
lung's New Discovery. 60o and $1.00. For
I sale by Beaton Dru Co.-AdvrUsmint
Quotations on Mens Fixings
That will Hold the Attention and Save
the Money of Omaha's Well-Dressed Men
A Great Cash Purchase of a
$66,000 Stock of
Men's Furnishings
From 2 Eastern Wholesalers
Every customer can get
at prices away
See the Window Displays
Pumps and Oxfords $
in all the spring and summer styles,
in all leathers and cloths, at
322 St
11th St.
Prof. Reuben Gold Thwaites Advo
cates Pride in the Oity.
Wonld Hare Founders or tne oity
Talked Of an Heroes and a Lo
cal nlatortcal Associa
tion Formed,
Publlo buildings in Omaha and the num
bers ot streets should be changed to
names which have some historic signific
ance, thinks Prof. Itouben Gold Thwaites
of the University of Wisconsin, who spoke
before the Commercial club at noon on
"The Mission ot Local History."
He advised a historical society for
Omaha which would be ot Immense
value even if necessity caused the city to
have to support it. "That Is the best way
to boost your town," he declared, "Teaoh
Omaha's enthralling history to the school
chlldlren, point out all these wonderful
points of interest whoso history dates
back Into the beginning ot time, organise
local historical society which will In
spire all your cltlxcns with the beautiful,
Intensely interesting facts concerning the
origin of your city and concerning its
growth since. You can make these pio
neers who walk your streets as interesting
as Romulus and Remus. You can't have
anything mora Interesting to your people
than tho history of Omaha. I would ad
vise that you start now to arouse Interest
In your own history by naming your
public buildings for the persons who have
made Omaha."
Prof. Thwaites declared there was more
history in America than anywhere on
earth and the people do not realise It,
because the country has grown up so
quickly. There is also no place where
history Is taught so badly as In America,
ho added, comparing the spirit in foreign
countries, which makes the citizens ot
villages point out to visitors tho interest
ing places, with the apathetlo attitude
of Americans. He said no one talks' his
tory here, especially no community his
tory. 'There are no heroes, no ideals
In this land of dollars.
"I think- you ought to correct a slight
mistake In your account of my divorce
suit," says Mrs. A. IJ. Hunt "You said
that Mr. Hunt Is 65 years old and that I
am fifteen years younger. He U not 65,
but lust 60 years old, and I am 43 years
old, and I don't want It to be made out
that either ot us are older than we are.
Another thing you might say Is this:
That since the city took the water works
Mr. Hunt has been compelled to do work;
Which without him would take three men
to do and that may account for some of
bis Actions of which I complain."
a share of this stock
below par
322 St.
of tailoring lias become
synonymous with -style.
Tho art of drafting and draping
a man's clothes so as to em
phasize his good points and
conceal hid weak ones that is
You'll got more all
'roind comfort and
satisfaction in tho
wearing of'Nicoll's madeSoSek
garments than from the or
dinary kind.
Some now arrivals today of
tho smart, snappy sort.
Modttftly priced, $25, $30, $35
and up
NICOLL The Tailor
"Wfi Jextrems1 Sons
209-11 So. 15th St.
Burbank Comes to
Plan for the New
Fontanelle Hotel
William R. Burbank. lessee of th new
hotel, has returned to Omaha from Syra
cuse and will be in the city for a month
to confer with Thomas R. Kimball, the
architect, about jAe plans for the hos
New atationery has been printed, glvlnc
tho name "Fontanelle" to the hotel. This
was the choice of the directors, both In
Omaha and In the east The namo wa
one of the first suggested. Several ix r.
sons are claiming the honor ot flitt hav.
lng mentioned it Among these aro Mrs
John N. Baldwin and Judge will's U,
Sears of Omaha and John W. StelnhaH ot
Nebraska City.
Plana for the Fontanelle probably will
be completed In a month, said nurbanlt,
and the excavation will start soon after
ward. General plans tor the strJcturt
have been made and approved by the
directors, leaving minor details to the ilia.
oration of the lessee.
ntteamattsm Quickly Cored.
"My sister's husband had an attack of
rheumatism In his arm," writes a well
known resident of Newton. Ia. "r gave
him a bottle ot Chamberlain's Unlment,
which he applied to his arm, and on the
next morning the rheumatism was gone.
For chronic muscular rheumatism you
will find nothing better than Chamber.
Iain's Unlment For sale by all dealers.
should have
a case of
in the home
'It IB a most refreshing
drink .nndi you are always
prepared to entertain tho
unexpected guest.
Order a case of
small or large
bottles today.
Brewed nnd bot
tled by Fr o d
Krug B r e w i ng
Phono your or
der to
Luxus Mercantile Co.
Douglas 1889
10941 North 16th St
Best Sporting News
Right in The Beo day by
day. Full box scores of
all big leagues. Sport car
toons that hit the bullseye
LOver-400 Ships
in the
World's Largest Ship
will make ner first trip from
Hamburg May 34, arriving
at Now York May 31. Sailing
June 7, It A. M. Enablln-
Sassengers to arrive In LOiN
ION and PARIS on alxth
and in HAMBUKO on seventh
day. Book; iiow open for
ifatrlola, May 14, 1 p. :n.
Amsrllca, May 03, 10 a. m.
Pretoria, May 38, 1 p. m.
stals'n Aur.Vio, May 29,1 p.m.
rres. Grant, June 0, 9 a. m.
tlmperator, June 7, 11 a. m.
ttVlo. ontsa. June 10. 10 a.m.
Jrs. llncoln, June 14, 3 a. m.
jFennsylvanla, June 17,9 a.m.
INew. ttlst cabin only. 'Will
call at Boulogne. tUamburg
direct. 2d cabin only.
aibraltar, Baples and Otenoa.
8. S. Hamburg (11,000 tons)
May 30, 9 a. m.
8. 8. Xoltke (13,600 tons)
June 3, 8:30 a. m,
B. 8. Hamburg-. July 1, 3 p.m.
B. a. Koltke. Julv IB, 3 p. m.
Cruise to the
Land of the Midnight Snn
Scotland, Orkney and Faroo
Islands, Iceland, Spitsbergen,
Norm Lape, Norway, i-rom
Hamburg- during June, July
and Aumit.
1 8. 8. Victoria ulse, S. 8.
Blsmaror ana B. s. Meteor
k 11 to 25 days-$56.25 up
V'rit f -r lnformntlon.
T, TIT n.M.lAtn), S
i- - - . - sW .a
or loc&l act Afy mV
Th 6& Day Rout
Mreet Rant to Continent
Haw. !rg, fast, turbine,
sjusrfnisila and twin aerew
mall atsamers
Frem New York, Thuredsya
Prmnn (Nw) My 19. Jn (, Jn St. Jul U
U Frwnct-Mr tt. Jn IT Jul IT. Aux 11
I Irrlu-Mir ii, Jul 10. Au T. Oct I
EiiMiWuni tt. Julr . July II Auc :
New, larfsquafruploand twins row,
one class (It), eabln'steamera. 8ub
erler aervioe. Popular arioss.
Prom New York, Saturdays
.Mlr- Mjr ii, June II. 8.p It. Oct 11.
ItocUimtxtu My II, Jul t. Aug II. 8.P M.
hletso Juna U. Auk 2, Aui 10, ttfi I?
Montreal Quesa) Havre
0na Clssa (II) Cabin Steamers
Tulc town la CimJUa tntiwiliilr tarries.
II ,T urtlne Mr t. Jua :i
Tva Ottilia uq cacti amawr ot tab Use. W1n I
Um ttkfnr. nbaariaa UU alfult art atari
oiaWra nicer awUaac.
Kanriee W. Xoxmluskl Oen. Wesi.
rn AKU 13 Dearborn St,
ijSMaigo, or amy tocal Aysa. '
f Remarkable Bargain Offerings in thefj
MAY b'ALt rnlUA
Seasonable Wash Goods of Nearly All Kinds
Genuine Lornlne tissue,, all ore
beat colors and patterns; off tho
bolt, always 25c; special.. 18d
Fancy crepe for kimonos, all col
ors and patterns, 30 inches wide,
off the bolt, 25c values, apodal,
at 18d
Fancy bordered curtain scrim, 36
Inches wide, 25c values... X5d
Qenulno Amoskcag ginghams,
7c values, at Q
Hope Muslin, 36 Inches wide, 20c
values, at 7Q
Remnants' ot 36-lnch percales,
12&c values, at 7'4J
In Domestic Room
Ladles' Union Suits, values to
$1; lisle or cotton, all sizes,
and styles, in 3 lots, at 40S
35 and iSSb
Ladles' gauze vests, values to
50c, in pink, blue or white;
all sizes 19S 12S
Men's Union Suits, values from
11.00 up to $3.00; all styles,
49S 69S 98S S1.45
Mon'B Shirts or Drawers, reg
ular values to $1, at 45S
35 and U5
Boys' Union Suits, all sizes and
kinds; special at 45S 35
Boys' Balbriggan Shirts or
Drawers, to 50c values, on
sale, at garment. .... .JJ5J
Four Rousing Millinery Specials
Beautiful Artificial Flowers
a bunch, at
Dress Goods
Specials Friday
Panamas, Bedford cords, black
and whltq check suitings, etc.,
59c to 75c values, all QQ
38 inches wide, yd.,. . 30C
$1.00 Costume Serge, all wool,
fine, firm quality, on jq
sale, at yard DOC
$1.50 Cream Suiting Serge, all
wool, 52 Inches wide, choice
bargain, at the qq
yard s70C
Several other remarkable
bargains in Friday's sale.
Cioak, Suit and
Domestic Room
Women's and misses' suits, tail
or made, good styles and sizes;
values to $10, at $5.95
Women's dress skirts, serges and
cloth mixtures, all well made,
good styles, values to $4, S2.98
Fancy crepe kimonos, good colors
and sizes, values to $1.39, 98d
Staple Faaiy Notion Specials. Domestic Room
5c Pearl Buttons, dor....l
200-yd. Sewing Thread, sp 2 C
20c nick Rack Braid, bolt...f)t
Scores of other Items at equally attractive pricings.
22 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar for , $1.00
48-lb. sacks Best High Grade Diamond U Flonr for SlioO
10 bars Beat-'Em-All or Diamond C
SoaD for ,....850
10 bars Uvundry Quean White Laun
dry Soap for SSo
10 lbs. best Itolled .Breakfast Oat
meal for Mo
6 lbs. hand picked Navy Beans, &Bo
10 lbs. Oyster Shell toi chickens, laHo
10 lbs. best Mixed Chick Feed, 85o
Advo Jell, Jellycon or Jell-O, er
sicUiner'a Macaroni,' Ve'rmicelio or
Spaghetti, per package 1w
1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch ". -o
drape Nuts, pkg 10o
E. O Corn Flakes, pkg Oo
Yeast Foam. pkg.... .30
Tall cans Alaska Salmon lOo
i-lb. cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, 5c
S-lb. cans Wax, String, Green or
Limn Beans . . ............ . . . . 7so
S-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy
Wr Squash 7Ho
S-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes. lOo
The best nulk Peanut Butter, lb., 13Ho
i cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. .lOo
The best Tea Sittings, lb 100
Golden Santos Coffee, lb O5o
BX.S or 3c
Ths Market Declined This "Weak 2c
The Beat Creamery Butter, carton or
bulk, lb 330
The Beat Country Creamery Butter,
per lb 30o
The Best Pairy Table Butter, lb., 880
Good Talry Table Butter, lb 8So
Try Hoyden's First
If you are' looking for a house to rent, or a house to buy,
ou will finfl just wlmt yoi want in the real estate colmuns ot
a day's want Want Ad Section. Look and you shall see.
Remnants ot lawns, good patterns,
10c values, at 5C
Remnants ot blue prints, Cc val
ues, at
Remnants of white pllsse or crepe,
15c valueB, at 10
Remnants of 36-inch unbleachei
muslin, 8c values, at. ...5
Remnants of 36-lnch bleachei
muslin, 8c values, at . ...Gd
Remnants of voiles and poplins,
values up to 19c 10
Striped cheviots, 27 inches wide,
12 c values, at 10 i
Black sateen, good weight, 30
inches wide, 15c values... 10
Beariiiffll Hew Silks
Greatly Unlerpricid
39c Quality Silk Pongees,
24-in. wide natural or tan
shades, at, yd 18c
59c Habutia Wash Silks' in
light and dark fabrics for
summor dresses, at yard 38
7 60 Silk Satin foulards, most
ly navy and black grounds;
pretty designs, at yard, 48 i
Black Silk Specials.
85c Taffeta, 36-ln. wide, 58J
$1 messallne, 36-ln. wide, 78d
$1 Satin Duchess, ,36 "inches
wide, at 68i
Trimmed Hat3 Turbans and streot
hats, also sailorsj.gobd assortment
values up to $3.50;
Trimmed Hats Worth up to $7.50.
in 3 lots, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98
Children's Rough Braid Hats
Prettily trimmed, made to sell to
Friday, at lOc
All kinds, values to $1.00
, '. 100
Men's aid Boys'
Clothing Seetion
Domestic Room Specials PridAf
Men's Pants, grays and browns,
well made, Tals. to $1.50, 1
Young Men's Long Pants Suits,
gray, black and mixed colors,
good summer stylos, values to
$7.50. at ...S4.98
Boys' Two-Piece Suits, blue,
gray and brown, all sizes;
Norfolks and double breasted;
values to $3.00, at. .1.95
Men's Summer Suits, bluo, gray,
stripes and mixtures; up to
44; values to $10, at.g5.9S'
Skirt Sectiin
Specials Friday
Misses' and women's silk dresses,
good assortment colors and
sizes; values to $10, ..$4.95
Children's dresses, ginghams and
percales, assorted styles and well
made; valueB to 90c, at . 49e
Women's lingerie waists, an as
sorted lot, values to U6o, 49
10c Ironing Wax. a i
10c Drinking Cups bC
I 35o embroideries, at yard..19A
The Beat No. 1 Strictly Fresh Eggs
per .dozen , goo
They are Advancing- In Prloe and ths
Saniand Will Make Tnsm
t BU11 Xlghr.
Extra Large Size
Each iso
Dozen m 7n
Large 81ze
Dozen S1.4o
Medium Large Size
Each ,...10o
Medium Size
Each 8Ho
Dozen ,.93.00
Per case, and size 83.00,
CO psr oant to 100 par cant Bared br
Trading- at Kaydea's for
IS lbs. Fancy Colorado Potatoes to
the peck i8e
12 lbs. Fancy Cooking Apples to the
peck ; aso
5 bunohes Fresh Asparagus ....loa'
4 bunches Fresh Pie Plant (J
6 bunches Fresh Green Onions.. '.'.So
Fresh Spinach, peck loo
1 bunohes Fresh Parsley JI.eo
Large Cucumbers, each ibo ioo
New Cabbage, lb Sta
New Texas Onions, lb J"aV4o
3 large Green Peppers iSo
2 bunches Fresh Parsley....'" bo
Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, per
, wiv')i(iirgM. Via