Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1913, Daily Sport Section, Page 9, Image 9

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    Bringing Up
m mmmmmrr i ill xb i iafaTjafaTjavi mm if i atjaaav i i mmt. . .
Real Thing
The other day a woman killed herself,
and to those gathered about her bcdsldo
In a vain effort to save her life she said:
"I didn't know tho real thins from the
phony until ,oo
The dying words
of the poor, pointed
creature, self-slain,
despairing, anxious
to Wave u world tn
Whlah sho had 1
lowed herelf to ba
cheated, aro a mes
sage to every
woman, whatever
her rifts, her out
look or her prob
lem. The world Is a
great department
store, and wo aro tho shoppers.
Woman's life Is a search for values.
The woman whose llfo ended In (the
suicide ward of one of tho city hospitals
was a bad shopper. 'At the bargain coun
ter. In search of benefits, sho had selected
what was worthless, discarding what was
"The power of living a beautiful life
dwells In the soul," said Marcus Aurelius,
"and consists In Indifference to those
tilings which are Indifferent."
The young girl peeps Into her mirror,
and discovers with a thrill of pride that
sho has suddenly, mysteriously, become
pretty, of face and pleasing of figure,
that the sallowness and awkwardness of
yesterday have gone somewhere, some
how, that sho Is growing up and has,
dominion In a new, strange land, the land
of admiration.
Hovering timidly, fascinatedly, at life's
I bargain counter, she Is In great danger,
'the greatest danger that besets a woman's
life that of not knowing the worthy from
what Is worthless.
The stranger who twirls his cane with
one hand and pulls his mustache with
the other, while ho ogles her, she may,
because this snooping Is so new to her,.
mistake ror something genuine and worth
If she watched him saunter a block
further sho would see, the same twirling
of the light cane, the same pulling at a
feeble mustache, the samo rolling of
shallow eyes at every other pretty girl
he met. Worthless goods. The only man
worth a second's consideration Is the ono
who does not ogle, but who, looking with
true, steady eyes Into your own, asks the
only honest question: "Will you be my
Yet every day, every hour of tho day,
we see girls confusing male values. They
mistake, general admiration for love.
They think they want general admiration.
Perhaps they do want t. but the only
real value to be found In the department
of hearts Is not tho admiration, but love.
Love of general admiration Is the com
monest mistake of woman. Homes are
broken by It.' Lives are shattered by 'It.
Yet, maddened by the rush of other;
women to the bargain counter, many
shoppers pay the last penny of their
Some women complain that they periodically tuner front dull and hesry fcel
Ings, or dizrinets in the head, nervousness, pain and besring-down feeling which
should not occur to the normal healthy woman. But most every woman 1 subject
to these pains at tome time in her life, due to abnormal condition in life, such
i corset, over-taxed strength, bad air, poor or improper food, wet feet, iluiih
liver, eto. A regulator and female tonic made from native medicinal root with
pure flyecrin, and without the use of alcohol, called
has proven its value in thousands of cases, like the following!
Ubs. aUftTH. cacccat stamps,
one AGouT
and Phony
Too Many Make Mistakes, in the Big Depart
ment Store of Life and Find Only Too
Late They Have Gotten Hold of the Sham
womanhood for what Is worse than
To bo admired one moment and forgot
ten the next is the lot of the woman who
cares only for admiration, The honest
love of a good man Is the only article at
that counter worth a thought
In her search for values a woman who
taken her brains with her to market wants
to buy a home. She may begin with a
furnished room. Sho may grow out of
this Into a wee fiat of her own.' But if
her mlud'slts steadily on Its throne, there
Is a healthy hunger Jitfftcr that wlllnot
dc 'Qimea me nunger ior a permanent
t;ome Into which she can build herself
and hor family. That home will be tb
her an expression of . themselves and a
growing ground for every Inmato off It,
a place; for -character growth and upbuild
ing. Seeking for values, the permanencies
of life, she finds that honest, cheerful
work, and a plenty rof It,.' Is. ono of thorn,
and a good will Is another,
Tho Idler always makes a poor ban
gain. He gives his time and gets noth
ing, Tho worker g'lves h) - energy and
receives tho comfortable assurance''' of
having done his best. The Jdys of lovp
Intoxicate, exhtlerate and pass. The con?
sclousnesa of having done your best with
the talents granted you by nature Is a
permanent sunshine of the soul. The
thorn In many a deathbed has been the
"I have thrown away my
United States of Australia
One hundred and forty-three years ago I
It no 1 A 1 I ,.1. ... A T7n1M f
April 23, 1770, Captain Cook made England
a present of the great Island-continent of
the south to be known as Australia, a
territory just about
the size of the
United States of
America, exclusive
of Alaska.
It was April 23,
1770, when Cook
sighted the coast of
the great 'Island,
and going ashore
and finding a wil
derness of plants
and flowers they
named tho spot
"Botany Bay." 'It
la n little strange that this beautiful place
should have been used for a long time,
as a dumping place for English convicts.
Tho convicts were the 'first settlers,"
and to their credit; and to the credit of
human nature in general, It Is said that
they became the progenitors of some of
tho finest people In the country.
Sydney was founded ln 1788, other set
tlements were effected, and by 1821 the
population of the island was 21,763, and
things began to look up. Melbourne was
Has. Doha M. Uurrm. of Anbum, Nabr.. Hoot 1, Box 84. says:
'"thought 1 would write you m nnra to what year medicines haw
done for me. I bar tued them for thirty years for female trouUy
and general weakness with tho very best reault. and they hare sarol
me hundrodi of dollars in doctor' bill a. I buy the Favorite Preacrlp
Uoa'aut' Geld en Medical DtKorei7 'and take Uteta togetaer. loevev
was disappoints! ra your remedies and take pleasure in recocamending
wwntoany tunanog lady. I am now ausoei niiy yearn eu, nr
fire I took your medicine, both kioda, and I passed that period very
easily and left me fat and healthy. I feel like a young girl.
, If any lady cares to write me. 1 will gladly tell her mors about
tpe good work of your medicine."
Da. Pibsxb's Great Family Doctok Book, The People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date
edition of 1008 pafes, answers boat of delioate question
which every woman, tingle or married, ought to know.
Sent frt in cloth binding to any address oa receipt of 31
to cover oott of wrapping and mailing oly,
talents; I have wasted my life."
There Is plenty of sentiment In the
world, and In human hearts. If directed
Into right channels. The world's heed Is
rather the ballast of practical common
senso than of fllght-provoklng senti
ment. But there Is no doubt that every life
is better and more profitable for the cul
tivation of a spirit of good will. Tho hy
percritical woman stultifies herself.
She forms the habit of studying life
through a microscope. She becomes a
fault hunter. The best definition I have
ever heard of a friend is that he Is one
who, In and out of the season, wishes
you well. That Is a good attitude to
take toward life, toward' poople, toward
tho world, of wishing them well.
The difference between tho magnetic
and unmagnetlc person Is simply In this
atmosphere of thought. Wo aro attracted
by tho person who wills good will, and
ua repelled by one who is Indifferent or
The woman who has gotten from life's
bargain counter the love of a good man;
f they have bought, or are In the way of
buying, a home, be It ever so little, of
.their own; if she Is developing to tho ut
termost her "talent, be It for raising
healthy babies or singing in grand opera;
if she lyis the soul sunshine which fol
loyvs general good will, she knows val
ues. Sho has proven herself a good
founded In 1837, and ten years later the
population of Australia had risen to
90,000. In 1851 gold was discovered, and
ln mteen ra the whte , tn
Island-continent numbered 1,300,000.
From that lime the progress In every
respect has been steady, the population
today being between five and six mll
lllon. Melbourne and Sydney are great
cities of more than half a million each,
with all the' appliances of modern science..
j and all the push and progress of' modern
I civilization.
! That Australia Is a coming country,
mat its ruiure is destined to be a great
one, is already1 assured.
The first matter to be considered in
connection with the casting of a coun
try's horoscope la Its population and the
character of that population. When It
comes to the development of a country
and the establishment of .real civilisation,
one man with the right sort of blood ln
his veins and the right sort of gray mat
ter In his brain Is worth a thousand, or
a million, who may be lacking In those
But there Is nothing tho matter with
the blood and brain of the men of Aus
tralia. They are the finest In the world
full of fire and energy. Ambitious, de
termined, unconquerable. The Intellect
of the Australian Is as clear as the sky
over his head, It Is a land of education,
a land where men know how to think,
and do think. In the solution of many
of the great social and economlo problems
that are vexing the children of .men the
Australians are ahead of the world. They
are not afraid to put their convlotlons
to the test, and If proven to be practicable
they adopt them.
In politic they are thoroughly demo
cratic. Their laws are just, and when
made are enforced, "draft," so far. Is
practically unknown. Up to this time
trusts and combinations have failed to
get a grip on the throat of the common
wealth; and the good old doctrine of the
"greatest good to the greatest number"
receives In the great Island-continent of
the south its finest and most substantial
It was not' a bad day's work, than,
when Cook gave to the world the region
out of which was to oome the "United
States of Australia."
Gentle Cynics.
When a woman I afraid rf showing her
age she trie to cover it with a coat of
Copyright, 1013, International News Serine
Are "Women
Do you believe In
women? Do you be
ltve ln their ldeale
and their desire to
grow In knowledge
and power, and to
take their place as
factors In. the
world's work? You
must answer "Yes,"
because ln the course
of the last thirty
years they have
come to believe more
and more ln thom
selves and to Justify
that belief.
Recently all Lon
don has been Inter
ested ln tho appoint
ment of women as
United States gov
ernment land office
receivers out In
I.eudvllle, Colo, A
well known London
storekeeper entered
the discussion by up
holding the superior
honesty of his wo
men employes, And
tho women of the
world wonder at tho
great emphasis that
In suddenly being
laid on a quality In
themselves that they
had hcrtofore taken
for granted.
"Do you believe
that women lead in
honesty?" I asked
Miss Lillian Wuld
of tho Henry Street
settlement, for her
work has brought
her into close and
sympathetic touch
with her own sex.
"Yes," said Miss
Wttld with great
.earnestness, "I do.
Business men will
tell you of the great
honesty of women
liookkeep era and
cashiers. They feel
perfectly safe In putting women in jtosl-
tlons of trust, where not only moneys
out important Information Is cpntrolled.''
Would you ray that honesty Is at the
root of tho feminine nature7 That the
mothers of the world are honest with
It?" I asked.
"Yes. but that takes you deep Into the
complications of feminine psychology
Into the realms of sentiment.
"The question of honesty may go to
the fins roots of feminine nature, but
I think women are honest because they
have learned to put two and two to
gether, "Treat women as children and they act
the parti Now children who grow up
to be perfectly honest men and women
often steal In their youth bcause''thu
feeling of responsibility Is not developed.
Modern women are having their brain
and minds stirred by big social ques
tions and implications. The social con
science was aroused at the same time
that the opportunity to use it came.
"Woman has begun to feel that she la
Increasingly Important tn the world's
work the better she data that work, tho
more work she will be given to do. And
part of doing work welt Is doing It with
perfect honesty.
"To call women more honest than men
Is absurd, I think. Men have their owii
dominant virtue so have women. Men
and women have different temptations.
Many women have more spiritual and
moral force than men. The best women
are coming to be practical Idealists. They
do not get sentimental about their Ideals
they make them practical working
"Men and women, are equal but that
doe not mean Identical. As women ktow
they are not to supplant men, but to en
force them. Given a big outlet, women
do big things they moralize In constric
tive social work they stand ready to
make political life profit by having a
spiritual Wrce added to politico."
But what stands' back of their fine non-
MAY S, 1013.
Drawn for
Says "Yes
y ' 1 V I THE I.
Head of Settlement house, who lauds business ability and
honesty of business women.
. esty with life and with
It loyalty?" I questioned
aiiss ward answered wtlh conviction
''It 1 8 the spiritual and moral forcn in
women of which the money side Is only
one detail. Women probe Into conditions
for the betterment of the world. Women
of large fortunes are beginning to Inqulro
Into the reasons for large divldonds ovan
against their own Interests.
"Men do well to trust their women
employes. Governments do well to give
women posts of trust for there Is a
seed of absolute honesty In almost every
woman's soul-and responsibility develops
that seed of honesty to a fine flower of
honcr and good faith with life."
The Sun and the Boy
"You must be a wonderful, wonderful Sun,"
Said tho Little Blind Doy one day.
"My father told mo you were easy to see
'Till tho stars come to twinkle and play.
I wish I could know how you look when you glow
Juet after the day has begun;
Do you think I'll bo bigger than you when I grow?"
Said the Llttjo Blind Doy to the Sun.
"You must be a beautiful, beautiful child," ,
Said the Sun through Its dazzling glare;
"nut I. am blind, too, and I cannot see you,
Although I'm sura you are there.
Don't cry, littlo lad, and don't try, little lad,
To grasp unattainable Joy;
Perhaps we'll be peers after billions of years,"
Said the Sun to the Little Blind Doy.
The Bee by George McManua
Consider the
It Improves the Mind
A Railroad Express Travoling a Mjlo a Minute Would
Require 1,920,000 Years to Pass Through
tho Andromeda Nebula.
A correspondent asks whether it Is truo,
aa ha has read, mat a xaim spinaie 01
light which an opera glass show ln the
constellation Andromeda I ln reality an
othtr xmlverse ly
ing far off from
tho uttermost
shores of our uni
verse and possess
ing Its own Milky
Way and it own
cluster of star
and .awarm of
worlds. And, If
nnybody believe
this la so, he would
like to know why,
It will help to
make the answer
clearer If we first
consider the appearance of the Andro
meda nebula.
Tho naked eye can Just glimpse It on
n dark night like the merest speck of
luminous smoke. An opera glass, ns
above sold, shows It In tho form of n
glimmering spindle. A powerful tole-
pcopo reveals It as an elongated glowing
cloud, the brightest part of which Is at
leant twice an long nx the full moon Is
broad when seen with tho naked eye.
Two dark rifts sown to partially divide
It lengthwise, and b small round nebula
shines, like a little (ittendant, off at one
side. The condensed parts' have a spark
ling nppcarnnce, like frosted silver.
A marvellous transformation takes
pliire when a photographic plate Instead
of the eye Is exposed at the focus of n
telescope pointed at the Andromeda
In the photograph the glowing cloud
appear In the form of a grent Irregular
central mass, surrounded by several moro
or less broken rings, alt of which ar
seen sloplngly, an that they look like long
ellipses. The npprnronce I as If the
whole nebula wero In whirling motion,
like a gigantic cyclone of fiery clnujls,
and the rlns.ii seem to bo flying asunder.
Ilefore going further, something should
be said about the probable size or thin
wonderful object. Home observers have
reported that they could trace Its faint
extensions over a space four degrees In
length, or eight times the breadth of the
full moon. In ordor tp bo wall within
the truth, however, let us assume thar
the length of the brighter portion Is only
one degree,
Now, the actual size of an object which
appears one degree broad depends upon
it distance from the eye. We do not I
know the distance of this nebula, but
we have the best reason for helleylng ,
that It cannot be less tnan iw ugiu-year
away I. e. light, which travels 186,00.1
miles per second, requires 100 years to
come to us from It. In 100 yearn light
travels, In round numbors, MO.OOO.OOO.OOO.lXM
miles! That, then, Is tho least distance
J )
that we can assume for the Andromeda
To tell how large It 1 we have only tr
romomber that the apparent diameter ok
Any objnet bears a fixed proportion Of its
dlstnnoe. If the apparent diameter Is one
degree tho distance will be about 6V.1
times tho renl diameter. In this case wi
know that It cannot bo less than a cer
tain amount, although It may bo more
and we wish to find out the real dlnm
ter from knowing the apparent alametor
and the distance.
All we havo to do, then. Is to dlvldi
B80.000,000,0(.000 by 67. For the slmpllcftj
cnll the illvlsor Sfi, and the result It
10,000,000,000,000. That tremendous number
represents the length of the Andromeda
nebula In mllas.
To comprehend 11, let us make a little
calculation. A swift projectllo from .t
rrodern gun can go at tho rate of half a
mile ln a second, thirty miles In a
mtnuto, 1,800 miles In an hour, 43,200 miles
In a .day, or 15,789,000 miles In a year.
Such a projectile, If It kept right on.
nver slowing In thn least, would tako
about 040,000 years to pass from end to
end through the Andromeda nebula, ns
Burning that Its size Ir no greater than
we havo supposed. A nil I road express,
traveling a mile a minute, would re
quire 1,920,000 years to make thnt trlpl
Now, what Is the Andromeda nebula?
To tho eye it resembles other nebulae,
which we know are composed of gaseoun
matter not yet condensed Into stars. But
the spectroscope b1iob that It light Is
not thnt of a trUo nebula, but rather
resembles the light tht would come from
a mrtss of stars so fnr away that po
telescope and no photograph can reveal
them separately to our eyes.
l'or this reason some astronomers have
guessed that It may be an outer universe,
which we see dimly gleamlKg In the
depths of space beyond our starry sysi
Whether this Is really so. or not we 'do
not yet know, but If It I so, then we
must conclude that many other so-called,
nebulae are also other universes, for
too. present the same peculiarity I In their
For my own part, I am disposed 'to
think that all of theto objects are parts
of our universe, but we 'are hardly yet
In a poslttsn -to be dogmatto on the sub
ject. Mother's Advice
To Her Daughter
A Real Live DoU to Fondle Is WomW
Greatest Happiness.
One of the most Important matter about
Which women concern themselves Is their
future status as a grandmother. And she
It wltdom Itself who knows of or learns
of that famous remedy, Mother's Friend.
This Is an external application for the,
abdominal muscles and breasts. It eery
tnlnlj has a wonderful Influence, allays alt
fear, banishes all pain. Is a most grateful
encouragement to the young, expectant
mother, and permits her to go through th
period happy la mind, free la body and
tbua destined to anticipate woman's great
est happiness as nature Intended she should.
The action of Mother's Friend makes th
tooscles free, pliant and responsive to ex
pansion. Thus all (train and tension upon
the nerves and ligaments is avoided, and,
In place of a period of discomfort and eon
sequent dread, It Is a season of calm repot
and Joyful expectation.
There It no nausea, no morning tick
net, no. nrrrou twitching, none of that
constant strain known to to many women,
hence Mother's Friend 1 really one of tha
greatest blessings that could be devised.
This splendid and certain remedy can be
had of any drugfltt at $1.00 a bottle, and
Is sure to prove of Inestimable value, not
only upon tbe mother, but upon the health
end future of the child. Write to Dradflsldl
lUgulator Co., 132 Lamar lildg.. Atlanta
Oiu, for their book to expectant mothers.
Iteuche farmer nua Stockmen,