G THE BEE: OMAIIA, THTBSDAY, MAY S, ini3. The Omaha daily bee: FOUNDED BT El'WAKD nOBEWATHIt ncTon nosBWATHH, hditoiu PER' Bt'ILDINO. FAKNAM AND 1TTH. Kntcred at Omaha poslotflce ns second. Class msurr. nsnta nif St rciuption: Sunday Bee, one year Saturday Bee, one year . Dally lie, without Sunday, one ear .I .50 4.00 0.00 Jjaily uee, ana nunany, DELIVERBD BY CAimiER, Evening and Sunday, per month.... Evening, without Sunday, per month Dally Bee. Inrludlng Sunday, per mo .40c .c .Gic 4Co ' Address all complaints of irregularities " m niMivery to iiy uircumwun !er, Only J-ccnt stamps received In Payment of small accounts. Personal checks, ex cept on Omaha and eastern exohange. not i acceptea. OFP1CBS: Omaha-The Bee building. South Omnha-IS K Street. Council Bluffs-14 North Main street. Mncoln-M Little building. Chicago 1041 Marquette building. New York-1108 2S6 Fifth Ave. St Louls-603 New Bank of Commerce. Washlngton-725 Fourteenth Bt.. N. . rvinn isennMnnNnE Communications relation to news and editorial matter should bo addressed Omaha Bco. Editorial department. APHIL ClHCL'kATlON. 50,106 ; State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss. Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Bco Publishing company, being J..... m m t V. a lha I, V I Tl ITP (1 ill i V . uuiy Bwuii. . ....... " . .. ; circulation for the month of April, mz, ' Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to nefore roe this 2d day of Ma. ROB BUT IIUNTEK, (Seal) Notary Public. Snltacrtbrrs leiivtnst the city temporarily ahnnlil hTf The llee mailed to them. Aildrrm will be chnhffrd as often requested. Looks as If those British militants t liad overtrained. The milk of human kindness some times seems also to bo tainted. t When It comes to downright luck, ;:."Tom" Hoctor has the goods. Honorablo Japanese school boy Is Jcarnlng somo valuable lessons theso days. Uomomber when wo passod laws to stop tho deadly Invasion of tho Russian thistle? Tho hunger strikes of high school hoys in Now York show to what lengths Imitation can go. Old Sol will soon furnish con gress somo cogont arguments Jn favor of early adjournment. The proposed Income tax only on Incomes in excess of $4,000 a year will never produce a tax riot. "There will bo no war in Japan," gays Qoorgo Harvey In Harper's Weekly. Wo all broatho easier. In recognizing China, Uncle Sara of course does not, cannot in fact, ignoro his acquaintance with Japan. It wouldjscdra that Bryan's homo town does not take to. grape Julco as eagerly as dots Us patron saint. ArimlHInir Hint iinnnnr find un. benighted Hindu to cltlzcnohlp out west, may Borvo oniy 10 compucaio 5. tho problem, It does Uttlo good, however, for tho owner of a fifty-foot lot to rid It of dandelions unless his neighbors on each side of him do likewise An eminent divine says tho Bible Is God's last will and testament, which might Invite closer scrutiny to discover exactly what bequests It made. For an qrganltatlon. that has al ready mado a unanimous recommen dation on tho subject, that Economic league devolops a deal of dissension about It. It appears now that the esteemed New York Trlbuno -was absolutely corroct In predicting that "Bryan'o trip (to California) may accomplish much or little." Chalrmau McCombs ot the demo cratic national commtttoo and Secre tary of Navy McAdoo, are Bald to have burled the hatchet. Whore, In each other's scalp? Even at that, for a republican to como within 100 votes or so ot win ning in a town Uko South Omaha, rated 1,000 democratic, shows pretty good running- qualities. Democrats considering tariff schedules behind closed doors con- linn the impression that pro-olec zioa platforms do hot say all they xnoan. cor mean alt they say. Nebraska club women want to get their federation over to tho biennial election system. Even tho' women realize that they can have too many elections, and too much club poli tico It took forty-five minutes for the Denver police to respond to the sher lff's call for help when be was being mobbed. Nothing like having two euch forces working In harmony and co-operation, For yoars the fire underwriters hare been making Omaha pay extra fare for alleged deficient water sup ply for fire protection. If the de fioiency has now been made good, policy holders should have a down lward revfclon of their premiums, "wt next year4 not next month, but jMy ( . The History Writers. Omaha Is about to havo tho honor of entertaining tho Mississippi Val loy Historical association, which is made up of tho history writers and the history teachers of this great section of our country. All the ter ritory wost of the Mississippi has only been opened up to settlement In a period within the memory of people still living. It has had tremendous influonco In shaping tho course of tho nation, and is rich In materials for tho history of the fu ture. Right horo In Omaha, and our surroundings, we have rich his toric background almost as un worked ns the virgin prairie. If this meeting, In addition to making the historians acquainted with us, sorves to stimulate, as It should, our own interest in our local his tory, It will bo doubly worth whllo. Alaskan Coal Lands. Olfford Plnchot la again urging the Importance of the government holding onto the AlaBkan coal lands, declaring that If It had rotatned pob- sesslon of tho great Pennsylvania fields "there would never have been such political corruption as existed In that state." Aside from that hypothesis, an other phaso of the coal land ques tion suggests itself as Important, and that Is that if the government con tinues ownership of the land., it should lose no time- In developing tho mines, as the coal Is needed qulto as much as Alaskan develop ment. The sorry fact Is that thus far congress has been terribly re miss In Its duty In Alaska, neither providing n suitable form of govern ment for the peninsula, nor taking any reasonable steps to exploit tho natural resources, which President Taft repeatedly urged. Wo should, indeod, hold onto tho prodigious mlnoral woalth of Alaska, but wo should also develop indus try. Thon there would bo no oc casion for turning the resources of tho country over to private Interest. Underwood Boom Premature. Tho cstoemed Now York Herald and Baltimoro Sun havo begun to In flato an Underwood boom, which might prove promaturo, In vlow of tho fact that tho roost Important test of Mr. Underwood's official career is yet to come In the tariff law bearing his name. It would be no disparagement to Mr. Underwood and might bo a groat boon to defer his 1916 presidential nomina tion until his free trado moasure had tlmo to run tho gamut ot re sults. Tho last democratic tariff law, It may be recalled, had a rather doloterlous effect on certain distin guished aspirations and opportuni ties. It may ho too early to say jttHt what otfect tho forthcoming law will havo in that direction. There, Is one name that continues to crow bigger and brighter before the country all the time, The. coun try takes off Its hat In admiration of Mr. Undorwood. Thus shouts tho Bun, and tho Herald echoes the cry. In addition to possible promaturlty, is not this leso majesto, or do the democrats take tho one-term idea seriously? Uni'jiitg Effects of Good Boads. Charles Henry Davis ot Cam bridge. Mass., believes in good roads as an anttdoto for war and goes so far as to assort that hod they boon common moro than a halt century ago,' tho civil war might have been averted. That Is saying a good deal for tho movomont now making substantial headway In this country, and yot it will not bo denied that tho logic of good roads Is toward national unity, Whon our country Is thoroughly crlss-crossod by a system ot modern highways reducing distances and bringing communities into closer contact, ot course tho effect will bo, or should be, a closer unity among tho people. The railroad's value In this rela tion has been fully conceded. As a means or communication It is a prlmo factor in tho civilization and national unity of any country, and had railroads been numerous in tho days when wars were, many of tho latter might havo been avoided, This emphasis ot the importance of good roads Is the chief ono, for it comprehends such advantages as Im proved transportation facilities with their economic Improvements. Tammany defeats Mitchell. One ot the most brazan examples of tba offoct of political pl-acy comes to light In the rejectlpn of John Mitchell as state labor commissioner In New York, The governor nom inated him, Tammany objected to him and the senate refused to con firm. Tammany could not use him', but evidently it does use tho senate. or the people would have had Mitch' ell. It la & tlno come-off when the most populous and wealthy state thus stands aside at tho Insolent behest of an organized political oligarchy. Mitchell's character Is Irreproach able, his fitness above par; he was the governor's preferred candidate and the peoplo's choice. But he did not measure down to the depth ot Tammany cupidity, so ho would not do. The one consolation Is that this leaves Mitchell, a national character, still available for national service. He Is too much needed, anyway, In the forum of national utility to be claimed as the servant ot any ono sUta, LbokWBacWatJ uhisDayittOnmW COMPILED rROM DEB riL.es ? Poo EEES MAY 8. Thirty Years Ago Marshal Outhene assumed the duties of his office, relieving Marshal Angel. who doffed his star. Rev. Wlllard Scott was formally In' stalled as pastor of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church, last evening with an Interesting program, In which the following ministers participated: Rev erends French, Hinckley, Sherrlll, Wain- right, Bross, Swing, Stewart, Merrill, Hamlin and Gilbert Paving work Is temporarily stopped by mud and water. C U Smith, of Jefferson precinct, col lected 120 bounty for ten wolf scap)s today. A pleasant reception was tendered I Kellner of Sidney, at the home of Ber nard Kellner on St. Mary's avenue. The Union Catholic Library associa tion re-elected John A. Oetghton, presi dent; with James P. English and Will iam P. McDevItt, vlco presidents; Edward T. Shelby, secretary: O. J. O'Donohoe, treasurer, and Mlsa Stada Crowley, I. P, McCarty and Mullvlhlll, members of the board. J. B. Smith. 1616 Douglas street, was willing to Instruct a few promising per sons In bookkeeping and help them find sltuatlona. Lytle Brothers have sold N. I. D. Solo mon, their herd of Jersey cattle for his Spring Valley farm. Members of the city council held an, Informal Inquest on the overflow of the sewers, with a view to finding a way to prevent the recurrence Twenty Years Ago The passenger rate war was fast ap proaching General Sherman's definition ot military combat and railroads were admittedly losing money. The Union Paclflo, which met the cut of tho 'Denver nio Grande, was said to have lost fully 1100,000 In the first two weeks, but It was In' the fight to stay and, said den oral Passenger Agent E. I Lomax. would put In a rate ot 11 from Bait Lake City to dmaha It necessary. Mrs, Fannie O'Unn of Chadron. was In the city, en routo to the World's fair In Chicago. Miss Kress and Miss Dowarlet returned from Kearney, where they visited several days with friends. Mayor Blake of Sheridan, Wyo., who was in the .city, said the assessed valua tion of his town had. reached 1800.000, with growth rapid and substantial. They were talking of installing a water plant. Councllmen Parker and Chris Bpccht voted not to approve the bond of V. O. Strlokler, newly appointed member of the Board of Firs and Police Commissioners, but tho bond was approved by the ma jority of the council and Mr. Strlcklor took his place on the board. Ten Years Ago Tho conference committee . seeking a settlement of the big strikes consisted of the following: For employers, Euclid Martin, B. E. Bruce, W. 8. Wright, J. A. Sunderland, A. C. Smith, T, J. Mahoney: employes, I V. Ouye, C. B. Hart. O. W. Miles, W. H. Bell, W. II. Moore, J. B. Crews, T. W. McCullough. , J. Kahn, owner of the steamboat Mari etta, left for Paducah, Ky,, to mako' ar rangements to run tho boat between Bt Louis and the south for the season. W, II. Crow attached sixteen horses, some of them fast blooded 'stock, and 100 acres of ground near Parsons, Kan., to satisfy a claim. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yost, Mr. and Mrs. George F, BIdwell, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wharton. IViv. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Jentrs, Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Allen, Dr. and Mrs. It C, Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George Thum mcl and Mrs. Hrth were guestB of Mr, nnd Mrs. Robert Dempster at an evening dinner. The Omaha Field club had Its opening) day. A feature of the events was a ball game In which the C. N. Diets team beat the Field club, 13 to T. Knight and Hath away were the Dicta battery, Gordy and Martin the Field club's. Superintendent Hunt ot the Omaha Water company sent two names of men to President T. C. Woodbury In Boston, from which the latter was to select tho comnanv'a appraiser for the determina tion of the value ot the plant to be bought by the city under the terms of the Howell immediate compulsory purchase act The names were W. H. Bryan, a noted en gineer of St. Louis, and former City Engineer Rundlett ot Bt. Paul. People Talked About Miss Katherlne Daniels, a New York lawyer, tailed a blue streak to a local court, riled Judicial dignity and was cast out aa Insolvent. Thenoe to anotner court Jhe lawyer went loaded with pentup in dignation. Gabrlcle d'Annunslo, Italy's foremost and once exiled poet, ta about to be pre sented with a permanent homo In his na tive land. Tho house Itself Is to be sur rounded with an extensive pine forest, which Is also to be a part ot the gift The Daniel Webster Memorial museum reared on the foundation ot the house In which the great orator was born at Franklin, N. H., will be dedicated August 21 Job E. Hedges of New York and Sen ator Hoke Smith of Oeorgla will deliver addresses, Morris Salmonson ot Chicago, for thirty years marriage license clerk ot the city. Is numbered among the lake city's noted dead. During his official career he started half a million couples on the Joyful Mara than. In many Instances he hated to do It, but the license tee looked Rood and Chicago needed the gate receipts. The Lonely club of Chicago, organised to give pleasure to those who are far from' home, held Its Initial dancing party one evening last week. Twenty lonely men showed up and 100 lonely girls. Un less the hurry cell for more men Is re sponded to there Is danger of the club living to Its nsme. With business1 too pressing; as a tele phone operator for a church wedding. Miss Alia F. Gum, In charge of the tele phone exchange In Eaton, Colo., was mar ried to II. n. Mick while wearing the head receiver and with the transmitter In one hand. Twice during the ceremony she stopped .the officiating clergyman to answer telephone calls. A year or two before Edward D. Bob bins became general counsel for the New Haven railroad, he acted as managing editor of the company's publicity bureau, the purpose of which was "to mould pub lic sentiment" in favor of the New Haven gobbling competing trolley lines Mr. Bobbins succeeded In working up enough sentiment to ?ull down an editorial salary of SUAtto. The Fourth Estate Is looklns op In spots Twice Told Tales Hallo. Jim I Tou're the very man 1 want to see. I've got a new one for you." "A new whatT" "A new conundrum." "There Isn't such a thing." asserted Jim. 'If It's good It isn't new. If It's new Is Isn't "Oh. stop It. man. and llstent What's the difference between a poet and a plumbert" "A poet and a plumber? That's easy enough. A poet hasn't any money, and a' "My good chap, you're miles off the track." his friend Interrupted. 'Thli Is the nnswer: A poet pipes a lay, and a plumber lays a" "My plumber doesn't,' began Jim. "He" But them Jim stopped. His friend was stalking off, muttering fiercely: "What's the good of telling a Joke to a man who has no more sense of humor than an oxr' London Answer, When It comes to heated and pointed arguments, Senator John Sharp Williams Is always on the Job with colors flying-. bands playing, and the cheering multitude urging him to further outbursts of elo quence. But ono day George H. Polndex- ter, ono of the leading cttlxcns ot a small Mississippi county, put John Sharp to flight. V Polndcxter had hit Senator Williams' pet dog on the head with tho handle of his huge whip, thereby causlnir Instant death In a most sclentlflo manner. . Why didn't you hit my dog with the lash of your whip Instead of the handle?" Inquired the senator, with great Indigna tion. "Well." replied George, "why didn't your dog come at me backward?" Popu lar Magazine. A city woman who recently passed a few days at a farm bought some poultry rrom tne rarmer with a view to pro viding fresh eggs for breakfast every mornlnir. Rhe Rent thm in tnwnn Viv messenger, at tho same time dispatching a noto to her huah&nd. tulllnir him ti. look out for the consignment Her hus- liand on reaching his home that nlirht. asked if the poultry had arrived. Hp was Informed that It had, but, explained the servant he had carelessly left the basement door open and all the chickens had escaped. A fowl hunt wan imm. dlately qrganlzed. The next day the hnahand m.Hre. his wife on hor return, exclaimed: "A nice tlmo I had -with vour nnniirv. t spent three hours hunting and only iouna ten." "You may consider vnur.Alf innW then," replied his wife, "for 1 bought only six." Harper's Weekly. Knocking the Japs New York World: After th exihlbltlon California Is making of itself, what does It need with a Panama-Paclfto fair to advertise the state? Baltimoro American: Japanese students. It is said, are fomenting the war spirit But. that Is characteristic ot students everywhere. It simply shows that Japan Is adapting more of western modes and customs than Is good for her. Boston Transcript: In trying to legis late against the compotltlvo Japanesa without driving out the Investing aliens of other nationalities California Is up against the old, old problem of how to eat your cake and have It too. Now York Sun: Japan could not take exception to the Webb bill If enacted, since It does not deny tho right ot Japanese subjects under the treaty with the United States to own buildings, houses, etc., or to lease land for resi dential purposes. Tho Webb bill ought to bo satisfactory to American farmers and fruit growers because It alms to promote a strict construction of treaty privileges. Pittsburgh Dispatch: It Is an Interesting appendix to the anti-Japanese future In California to learn from th report of that state's board of labor statistics that the Japanese and .Chinese laborers there receive higher wages, with board Included, than miscellaneous white men and Ital ians. The more that Is known about the subject the stronger the Indication that the entire agitation was made to order for some employer Interested enough in making trouble between the United States and Japan to par well for It Philadelphia Record: An unpardonable sin of the Japanese In California la that they converted tho sterile acres ot Florin, Sacramento county, into fruitful fields and Increased the assessed value of their farm lands 76 per cent in three years. The disgrace Is too great to be borne by a superior, though less painstaking race. Shall those Asiatics be permitted to flout us with their ability to reap abundance from a soli which white men wero capable only ot forcing to yield meagre crops? Life's Oddities A South Carolina, fisherman about to land a catch also hooked an eagle with the swing of his line. The bird measured five feet nine Inchea from tip to tip and was exhibited at a newspaper office, as a guarantsa ot good faith. Mra. George Washburn of North Anson. Me., has a bronse eagle which was bnco oWned by Napoleon and which was given by him to one ot hts guards, who wore it through the principal batUes fought by Napoleon through the siege of Moscow. Miss Margaret E. Knight, the first woman to receive an American patent, la still busy with Inventions, after sixty two years. She produced her first bit ot machinery, when 13 years old. Some ot her Inventions have been In use for fifty years, and she Is now working upon a sleeve-valve engine. Miss Mary Canity, a stenographer In Wllkesbarre, Ps.. found a purse that con tained J0CO on the street When she saw the bills she began to Inquire for an owner and In less than ten minutes twelve men tried to convince her that thoy had lost the money. None of them was able to describe, the parse, and Mlsa Canity took tt home, C. Schradts ot Denver has offered the Colorado state museum an apple which was evidently petrified In his turaaoe. Mr. Schradts threw the sightly worm-er appl Into his furnace three weeks ago, and when he cleaned out the ashes a few days later he found the apple still perfect In shape and color, but so hard that the point of a knife blade could not be driven lata it TlieBeSttetB ox A Correction Accorded. BETHANY, Neb., May 6.-T0 the Ed itor ot The Beo: You were evidently not fully Informed when you rrinted the following statement In yesterday's Bee! That Imported evangelist seems to have muae ir&CKs away from Lincoln while the battle was still raging And without waiting for the finish. The only rational presumption Is that some other city, worse even Jihan Lincoln, stood In greater and more urgent need of his services. Tho facts of the case are thai Dr. Sco vllle and a portion of his evangelistic company are still In Lincoln assisting tho "dry" forces In the campaign which he helped Inaugurate during the evange Ilstlo meetings closed some ten days ago. Dr. Scovllle has spoken to several meet ings during the last week. He. along with others, addressed meetings at the city Auditorium Saturday evening and Sun day afternoon. In vlow of these facts It Is hardly fair to say that the "Importod evangelist seems to have mode tracks away from Lincoln while the battle was stilt raging." C. E. LBMMON. Christian Thoughts. BRADS HAW, Neb., May 6. To the Editor of The Bee: As your "Letter Box" seems to be open to all and all subjects, we have a few views on the subject of religion that wo wish to of fer, not that wo expect them to meet with general approval, but with a hope that they may create some thinking along this line of thought no matter whether It be to criticise or otherwise. What wo shall say Is from a Bible stand point aa we view them. They are not new, nor ore they unusual, or should not be, and are absolutely free from skep ticism. We have chosen for our scripture text Mat 10:8j "Freely ye have received, freely give." The greatest philanthropist this world haa ever known came In tho person of Christ Jesus, who gave to all freely who would receive, tho greatest of all gifts, eternal life that most blessed ot all treasures, of which he so earnestly advised, Mat 6:20, "Lay up for your selves treasures In heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal." In this twentieth century every thing has reached the level of a money or commer cial baslB and religion has not escaped this same level, which the writer does not think Is truly scriptural, and he holds that It is wrong to place a money or commercial value upon the disseminating of religious knowledge and scriptural truths. Commercialism belongs to the world, the flesh and the devil, of which Christ hath sold; "If ye live after the flesh ye shall die." Therefore does It not seem reasonable that ns salvation la the free gttt of God to man through the sacrificial offering ot His only begotten son, that we ought not to place It upon the world's money basis? Can we hope?, when rendering spiritual labor among our fellow men that God will greatly bless our labors If a money consideration Is even a part ot the end sought? To help a brother man In a material way, of courso, material means must be used; but wo cannot buy salvation for our fel low men, neither can we hire some ono to bring it to us, see Isaiah 53:3 and 65: 1, i, 8. Wo cannot place a commercial rating upon religion, and we ore warned by Christ that we cannot Mat 6:21 It seems to the writer that we do not read Christ's sermon on the mount right If we read It at all. The dominant thought and desire of tho churches of this twen tieth century Is greater numbors, greater wealth and greater popularity; neglecting scriptural holiness and spiritual right eousness. Dr. Scovllle, who has been recently holding union meetings In Lin coln, has pointed out some of these dangers In one of his evangelistic ser mons, a short extract from which we toko the liberty to quote. Mr, Scovlllo says: "We sometimes let learning be come our God, We become too cultured; In our educational life to keep the re ltgtdus uppermost We trust In our selves. Some are so respectable, nice, that they cannot get enough fire In their religion to keep them warm." "For malism Is eating tho llfo out ot the churches. You can freeze the church and the young convert by mere religious formalism. We pay our singers and our workers ,(and Dr. Scovllle might havo said our evangelists), and feel that we can pay all our way Into heaven, when the only thing Jesus wants Is ourselves." Thus wo find that formalism and com mercialism, when applied to religion, ac cording to Dr. Scovllle, are twin sisters, and go hand In hand to the shameful ex tent that the Christian religion Is almost a mockery In some ot the present day churches. Tho writer Is not a member of any church, but he Is Interested In all of them, and believes himself to be strictly' orthodox, because he believes In a re ligion such as Christ taught Nlcodemus a religion that makes a sinner about face, a religion or love, a love tnai "tninxeta no evil," whose church Is the realm ot God's universe, a love so tender and so responsive that It creates a well-wishing heart for all mankind and their salva tion. JOHN B. DBY. Washington Post: A wagon wheel passed over a Washington nrgro's head, and the doctors couldn't find even a crack; but what do doctors know about wagon wheels, anyhoW? New York World: Military aviation has cost the lives ot two more officers, lieutenants In the German army. If this be tho cost of practice flights, what will the toll of aeroplanlng In war be? Boston Transcript; There Is a growing suspicion that the man who earns less than M.000 a year is going to 'pay the Income tax In the long run without get ting any credit for drawing such a big salary. Cleveland Plain Dealer: Jim Hill says congress ought to adjourn for ten years, Haa he no regard for the families ot doorkeepers and sergeants-a'-arms and committee secretaries and pages and things? Power ot Unity, Philadelphia Ledger, A mass ot persons moving !n one pur poso Js always impressive, but that strike In Belgium showed too much discipline for comfort. If people drill themselves to stop business what becomes of tho ma jesty of government? Local Talrnf Ontelassrd, Chicago News. That international war trust composed ot the arms makers of Europe, causes cur comblautlons ct capital to anoear 1 Editorial Snapshots liunoocat hy voouast. CHEERY CHAFF- She Mr. Tomklns gives his wife a oer taln amount each week to provide for the table and buy clothes for herself. He I thought Tomklns was looking rather thin. Boston Transcript. "You don't swear at your mule as much as you used to." "I should say not" replied the grizzled boatman. "Every time I think of what a mule costs theso days I feel Uko taking off my hat to htm." Washington Star. "Well, Dick, did you havo any luck on your hunting trip?7' "Simply wretched; did not kill a thing. I m sorry I didn't go motoring Instead." New Orleans States. An anxious traveler on a street car, with .watch In hand, seeing he had only a few minutes In which to catch a train, said to tho conductor: .J.'?."'1 you make any faster time than this?" "Yes," answered the conductor, "I can, but I have to stay with tho car."-Har-per's Weekly. ."Hamlett Fatt la timorous about ap pearing In this town." "Stage fright at his age? Why, he's been on the boards for years." .V.BVt.th,s ' th8 tln he was ever ' 1 ...n ... vtt.tic viewc. Kansas City Star. "Arren't your refreshments rather scanty, dear?" "Only ultrafashlonablo women are asked; a woman In a fashionable gown WORTH TRYING! SAYS FADED, GRAY Harmless But Effective kMlxed With Sulphur Makes Hair Soft and Luxuriant. The old-time mixture ot Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair Is coming In vogue again, lays a well known down town druggist tt was our grandmother's treatment and hundreds of women and men too, are again using It to keep their hair a good, even color which Is quite sensible, as we are living In an age when a youthful appearance Is of the greatest advantage, Nowadays, , though, we don't have' the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. AH drug stores sell the ready-to-use product called Vacation Colorado This Summer Colorado holds many attractions for the vacationist who must seo the most and obtain the greatest benefit within the limits of a few weeks' vacation. Pleasure nlacea are on every hand and easily accessible by one day trips from Denver and remember when planning your vacation that cool Colorado is only a night's travel distant. $17.50 Round Trip - to Deiver, Coloradt Sf riegs or PgeMt June 1 to Sept. 30. Ketiro limit Oct. 31, 1913 Union Pacific Standard Road of the West Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals. Double Track Dust-Free RoadbedThree Daily ' Electric Lighted Trains. .Beautiful Estes Park 100,000 acres of wonder ful mountain scenery is reached from Denver via Union Pacifio to Fort Collins and automobile through Big Thompson Canon. Hero is every attraction that could be desired by tho vacation ist or Summer tourist. For beautifully illustrated booklet, "Colorado For. the Tourist," call on or address v " '- L. BEINDORFF, 0. P. & T. A., . 1324 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. r '-' Phone Douglas 334. of today can't eat over four bites ot any thing. "-Pittsburgh Post. WHEN I GO HOME. Marianne ' P-armlngham. When I go home it will be evening, And I shall hear my own dear peopl sing; And see the lighted rooms, and take my place As one of them, In that sweet time o: grnce. When I go homi I shall bo very tired Of struggling for tho things that I de sired; ' But I shall be content to .end my quest Gaining the best things peace and lovt and rest. When I go home how sorry I shall ba Not to havo brought more treasures bad with mel Yet, though I be a failure, worn and poor. They will not turn me from my Father's door. When I go home I shall be travel-stained For winds havo beaten me, and storms havo rained. And earth has clung to me by vale and hill, But they will take me In and love me still When I go home Oh, wM It not be Heaven To bo restored, accepted, loved, forgiven? Sorrow and sighing are for those who roam; I shall have found my bliss when I go home. SAGE TEA DARKENS RAIR JUST BEAUTIFULLY. "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem. edy" for about 60 cents a bottle. It is the most popular because nobody can discover It has been applied. Simply dampen a soft brush or sponge with "Wyeth's Sage and 8ulphur" and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a tlmo. Do this tonight, and by morning the gray hair disappears and after another application It Is restored to Its natural color. What delights the ladles with Wyeth i Sago and Sulphur Is that besides beauti fully darkening tho hair they say It yro duces that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which Ib so attractive; be sides prevents dandruff; Itching ucalp and falling hair. Here, you gray-haired folks, get busy; look years younger. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 102 8a. 16th! 324 So. 16th; 207 N. 16th; 24th anl Farnam Sta. Advertisement K in 4 'IIWsH