12 .IIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 191o. CROPS COULD NOT BE BETTER Bo Bays the Weekly Crop Report of the Burlington Road. WHEAT FAR ABOVE AVERAGE Corn IMnntlntr l Well I ndrr Wny nnil All Conditions .re Most Fnvnrnble for All the OroTrlnK Crops. The Burlington' crop and soil report fnr fh week ending May 3 dhows ft condition In Nebraska that has seldom. It ever, attained. After summarizing the Information sent him by company ex perts and others. General Superintendent Allen, writing to General Manager hoi tirege, says: "In Nebraska winter wheat could not be unlformally In better condition than It Is at the time of making this re port. Our agents and 'officers report the condition of winter wheat from 100 to IX per cent of the average crop. I do not think 15 to SO per cent above tho average Is an exaggeration." In giving these flsurcs, Superintendent Allen does not take the flgu- of any one year, but. Instead, takei. the 10-year average, which Is 89 per cent. With referenco to spring grain, the superintendent says that seedlna Is gen erally finished and that many of the fields begin to show green. , In Kansas and on tho McCook division in Nebraska about 10 per cent of the corn has been planted, but elsewhere planting has hardly began, yet the ground Is being rapidly prepared for a large acreage The weather of last week was unusually favorable for sugar beets and most vegetables. The Northwestern's weekly report shows conditions similar to those detailed by the Burlington. There was plenty of rain last week nlong all of tho Ne braska lines. Wheat is In excellent con dition and Is from six to eight Inches high. Corn planting Is In progress in many sections, but has been delayed to some extent by the, wet weather. The range Is In the best condition In years at a time this early In May and cattle are beginning to take on flesh. Plans Complete for Automobile Eoad to the Black Hills An organization to lay but and build a portion of a national automobile highway connecting Omaha with the Black Hills, to be known as the Omaha-Rosebud-Black Hills Scenlo highway, was. per fected Saturday night at Winner, a I.. and work on th road will begin at once. Representatives from most of tho towns touched by the proposed road attended tho meeUng, which lasted until after midnight, and plans were outlined for the construction and repair of the road. The road will go from Omaha to Norfolk and to the Rosebud territory through the Klkhorn volley. B. V. rarrlsh, manager of the Com mercial club publicity bureau, represented Omaha at tho meeting, presenting lt claims to tho southern terminus of the road. If tho road Is made, Omaha will have a direct connection with the Yellow tone natlonat park, a road from the Rosebud connecting with tho Yellowstone being also planned by organizations la that country. FORMER OMAHA LAD LANDS GOOD POSITION Eighteen years ngo C. B. Schmidt, an Omaha boy and brothcr-ln-law of tho late George B. Tsschuck, entered tho employ of the Burlington und was elvan work under J. B. Reynolds, city pas senger agent, soliciting business on tho streets here. Word comes now that he has been appointed trafflo manager for the 8eam-Roebuck company of Chlcagi nt a salary that reaches Into five figures annually. When he started with the Burlington, Schmidt was Just a boy, auout M years of age. Ho worked In tho company of fice here a couplo pf years and then was sent to Denver as city ticket and passenger agent A few years later ha went to the Rork Island as general agent, with headquarters In Chicago. Then ho went to the 'Frisco, where he remained a few years, returning to tho Rock Island as commissioner of Immi gration, which position' he held' at thr time of Resigning and going .vylth tho Eeara-ROebuex company. ryder to Recommend hearing for officers Pbllce Commissioner Ryder will report to the city commission this morn ing In favor of an Investigation Into charges against Detectives Dan Lahey ahd M. J. Sullivan, In which three cltl sens allege the detectives maltreated them, using foul language and fists. The complainants were taken to tho po lice station charged with soliciting money for tornado sufferers without authority but after fully establishing that they were authorised by the Jewish Relief association to so solicit they were re leased, Attorney Harry Zlmman has tiled the complaint. Tho date of hearing will be Monday. It Police Commissioner Ryder's recommendation Is adopted. STRANGER DROPS DEAD AFTER ENGAGING ROOM An unidentified man. aoout 45 years of age. died this afternoon at SOI Capitol avenue. He had applied to Maud Terrlce, who conducts a rooming house at that number, for a place to stay and after she had showed him a room that met with bis satisfaction, she started down the hall leaving, him inside. The sound of something falling attracted her back to the room, where she found the stranger apparently lifeless. After trying to revive him with an application of .cold water upon his head she called the police and It was then learned that the man had died, presumably from an ttack of heart troubte. The coroner haa taken charge of the body. This Interest Cvery Woman. A family doctor said recently that women come to him thinking that they lave female trouble, but when he treats them for thlr kidneys and bladder, they loon recover. This Is worth knowing, and lso that Foley Kidney mis are the best nd safest medicine at such times. You cannot get better, purer medicine for backache, weary, dragged out feeling, aching joints, Irregular kidney and blad ler action and nervousness due to kidney troubles. Try them. They are- tonic In actios, quick in result. For sals by all lers everywhere. Advertisement. ATTRACTIONS IN OMAHA. Brandslsi I!verywonian., Hippodrome "The Winning Widow." Oaystyl 'Just Movies." Emprsssi Vaudeville, Xrugi Burlesque. Orpnsnmi Van a Tills. BTatlnsss at Emprtss, Klppodroms, jvi mob; ana uranium vnt&itrs. "Kvrmraiunii" nt the llrnndrlx. I'-vrrywomnn," a dramatic spectacle In five cnntlcles, by Walter Browne; music by George Whlteflcld Chadwlck; staged uy George Marlon; under direction of v??l'SK. U. Cooper Cllffe K try woman Adelc Blood " Marlon Dentler Ueut I Iture Modesty tiniiv i,t,., Conscience, her handmalden.June Mullen I" lattery w TiVl!''ia Wtch..... Kathleens Kerrigan "nt, uuvo ine rirni, ner son. ......... VVMInm t nts. Theater Managers "'"if Clyde Benson L J. luring I Uif. n. tirrjm n cnt inkn .f Passion, ii play actor....'. a.... .(Inn Tern A . KnioMiinn '""".'.J1 Cft11 Theodore Wilde ,....!"" a millionaire rscnior iennon VUtless, a nobleman Hubert Osborne ; Vincent Page itlFCU , .Ilnxln (Tlirfnrrt Helf Marlon Ilrndhnrv vanity Flora Mason Vice, a courtesan I.villn Pmn. Charity, a minister Wllllum J. Mack I'niicemen Jack Burt Order itov Clifford Servants Grovel ....Roy Baker Sneak Charles Durnale Mr. Savage's company presented "Everywoman" In a most Impressive manner at the Brendels last nght. The story of her quest for love Is richly em bellished with rhetorical gems and jewels of music, flashing with cynical humor, sparkling with brilliant wit, glowing with earnest thought, and finally gleomlng with the radiance of truth. It has a les son, old as humanity, and Just about as apt to bo commonly applied as any of the other moral lessbns that have been taught so persistently since preachers first took up tho task. Mr. Browne has patiently wrought out, and Mr. Savago faithfully produced, a serious comment ary on life; and yet, said to relate. Mayor Gaynor was compelled to use all the force of the law to get the 'lobster palaces along tho "Great White Way," where much of tho action of the play Is local ized, to close their doors at 1 a. m., hold ing that by that hour enough of feasting and drinking and turkey-trotting might easily bo Indulged, and that a few hours could well be given to quiet, even on Broadway. So much for the Influenco of the dramatic tale told In "Everywoman." Kverywoman, young and beautiful. Is warned by Nobody and Truth, but she listens to Flattery, and sets forth from her homo, accompanied by Youth. Beauty and Modesty, In quest of love. Sho goes to the theater, managed by Stuff and Bluff, whero she Is welcomed as the star, and where Youth and Beauty are added to the chorus, but where poor Modesty Is put In chains. Hero Kverywoman meets Wealth, and Witless, and Ago, Greed, Vanity and Self. Here Passion comes, masked, and posing ns Love, kisses her, but Modesty from her prison calls out In time. To her apartments she In vites her now friends, and there an Youth flirts with Age, and Wealth undertakes to pose ns Love. Beauty dies whllo Con science sings her requiem. Kverywoman flings herself at Wealth, who learns of Beauty's death nnd leaves her. On New Years Kve, whep gay folks throng Jiroanway, making merry comes Every woman, clad In sober garb, Youth follow ing her; cruel Time slays Youth, and Everywoman Is left without companion. Again sho appoals to Wealth, who re pulses her and driven away with Vice. Nobody Is there to comfort her, but Truth comes and lights her way to th homo sho left, where she finds Love asleep on the heurth, where he has kept the fire alive, uwnltlng the time when Everywoman must come back to find htm. This Is tho skeleton of tho story: it Is told In words of simple grandeur, with muslo that fits It well. Us characters are shorewdly satirical or happily Ideal ised, and Its action Is eloquent of Its pur pose. Adelo Blood, In the title role, has every thing to commend her; her beauty of per son, grace of manner, anil splendor of volco with licr capacity for Intelligent acting, sum up a total of charms that well fit her to represent Kverywoman. Miss Kerrigan Is a good Truth, and de serves the praise she has had elsewhero, Youth, Beauty and Modesty are typified by Misses Dentler, Leturo and Rothnour. Juno Mullen as Conscience hides her real beuuty beneath a sombre costume, but her songs are among the Joys of tho evening. Tho other women of the com pany also have merit. Other parts are well played by tho women of tho com pany, while tho chorus Is a genuine Sav age organisation. H. Cooper Cllffe brings to Nobody a manner that establishes tho role as sec ond only to the title. He reads his lines with rare Judgment nnd such splendid diction as makes him a delight. 'And the roles given the other members of tho cast are enacted with such taste and care as makes tho wholo fit to rank ns one of tho best performances ever seen in Omaha. Vnudcvlllr nt the Orplirum. There Is not the slightest lag In the bill which Is presented ut the Orpheum this week and It goes with a snap which Is Indicative of tho best of vaudeville. There are many pretty girls, who wear dainty gowns and sing catchy songs, on the program, and' one does not have time to feel bored for a minute during the entire Performance. While there may be others whose act might bo termed 1'the headllner," there was none which demanded the number of encores as did James Diamond and Sibyl Brennan, In their rJtlt "Nifty Nonsense." It Is funny from beginning to end and the many witty sayings brought lorth u long continued applause which was only satisfied after five encores had been given. The Eight Palace girls, who eome from a five years' engagement at the Palace theater In London, are de llghtful In their work. Their dancing Is most graceful and their number is one of the good feature of the performance. The sketch of the bill is an Egyptian musical comedy "Cleopatra's Needle' presented by Peggie Lennle and Walter Hast Hynian Meyer Is a talented musician as wll as a good comedian and there Is only one regret and that U that he does not give more real music to the audience, which fs he truly capable of doing. "Johnny Small and His Small Sisters" Is offered by Archie bchatx and Ada and Ethel Delberg and Is cleverly done. The bill opns with Clara Ballertpt. a European novelty artist who gives some Spanish dances and banjo solos and 1 closes with the Jordan Girls, a trio ot wlro walkers, who do some daring stunts. The talking picture give two sketches, "Dick the Highwayman' 'and "The Poli tician." "The Winning Widow" nt the Hip podrome, "The Winning Widow" was present'd at the Hippodrome yesterday to the In tense Joy of overflow audlencen at each performance. It Is one of the most at tractive of the tabloid musical comedies yet offered at this theater, and Its re ception seems to entirely Justify Manager Woolfolk In Its production. Its fun Is all retained from the original, and Its music is the same snappy, Jlngly sort that made the show a hit In Its more ex tended form. The company Is n good one, with a splendid bunch of lively girls In the chorus, who wear a number of beautiful costumes most effectively. The opening day of the big voting contest for an automobile showed the patrons to be taking a lively Interest, with the promise that tho venture will be a full success. Ml f 'niinlnKhnin'M Reoltnl. Miss Nancy Cunnlnghnm, assisted by Dr. Frederic C. Fremantel, gave an organ recital last evening nt tho First Congre gational church, this being the last musi cal evening at the church this season. Many of the numbers wero by request. Tho program was listened to by a large congregation, which gave close attention throughout. Dr. Fremantel gave two numbers from Mendelssohn, "Tho Sorrow of Death." and the beautiful and well known recitative nrla from Elijah, "Ye People, Rend Your Hearts," and, "If With All Your Heart," which he sang1 with his usual artistry and musical In terpretation. Miss Cunningham' opened tho program with a suite by Borowskt. In her second group were a number of the request numbers, "In Pnrndlsum," by Dubois, Is a very lovely bit of heavenly melody, and was played most effectively. This was followed by an Interesting "Romance," by Tschnlkowskl, which was Interpreted In a muslcnl manner and was of such" elusive, haunting beauty that the writer would have enjoyed hearing It right over again, as noon as It was fin ished. "Idyl," by Kinder. Schubert's "Serenade," and "The Spring Song," by Adolph Jensen, completed this group. Handel's ever popular "Largo," made a most appropriate offertory. Tho benutl-' ful "Prayer," from the Gothic suite by Boellman, was full of repose and tho "Ahdanyno," by Lemare, always effec tive, sang Its lovely melody that brought out mnny beauties of Interpreta tion. A deep Impressive "Funeral March" by Gullmant, closed tho program and was presented with breadth nnd dignity Throughout her work Miss Cunningham showed a thorough knowledge of the pos sibilities of tho Instrument at her com mand. Her playing Is marked by re flncment and musicianship and at nil times her Judgment in registration proved highly satisfactory. II. M. R. Mnvlea nml Cnbnrct nt the Gnyrty "Class" defines the compass of the en tertainment which Manager E. L. John son yesterday stnrted at the Gaycly for a summer run,- The motion pictures, which are to be changed eanh day, offer porno of a 'urloty of reels that ure nigiuy interesting, educational and en tertaining. Tho manager selects tho films himself and therefore gets the best. giving tho public Just what It wants. Be sides the motion pictures there Is the cabaret feature, furnished by two young women and dno young man. Misses Grace Crow and Mvslyn Recso played popular muslo on the piano and violin, While. Daniel Surrey moved through the parquet singing many catchy songs. Itiirlrmiue nt li Krug. "The Darlings ot Paris." first of the plays to bo given by the Krug stock burlesque company, was placed on ttv boards yesterday, and It muda u hit. ltd leading feiiture Is a chorus if pretty girls, whose ability to sing nnd dancu makes (hem good to watch at nil times. Joe Carter Is a fun maker of high rank. An olio of fou,r acts was well received. One of Its numbers. Is a dancing and singing stunt, In which the malo half of tho entertainment Is u delight. Living pictures, posed by four, well shaped girls drew a big hand. Tho entertainment Is good In many ways. Judge Baker Will Pass on Feasibility of Bringing Suit Upon request of City Commissioners J. J. Ryder and Joe B. Hummel tho city commission referred Councilman Mc Govern's resolution Instructing the cfty legal department to Institute proceedings to test the power of the Water board to charge "exorbitant rates," to the legal department. Judge Baker will pass on the "feasibility" of starting the suit In all courts contained In the McGovern resolution. There was no objection to r. ferrlng tho matter. It will probably be voted on Tuesday mornlns. PRESBYTERIAN MODERATOR SPEAKS HERETHREE TIMES By a late telegram It haa been learned that Dr. M. A. Matthews, moderator ot tho Presbyterian general assembly ar rived In Omaha last evening. Arrange ments have been made for htm to speak In the chapel of the Omaha Theological seminary at 10 o'clock this mornlnu. and then In the First Presbyterian church at 7:15 o'clock In the evening. At the noon hour ha will bo the guest of the Univer sity club. Both the morning and even- Insf meeting will be open to all persona who desire to see and hear this distin guished minister. Key to the 8ltuatlon-Bee Advertising. BOLD rJtOK OSBIX SOXSB QsT&Y RED Jr RED-MAN X Mayor Jim. Reveals His True Place in the Musical World Rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat. ' Hear It? Snare drum? No. Plng-a-llng, plng-a-llng, ping ping. Harmonica? That's It , It's Mayor Jim's new substitute for election brass bands, cowboy yells and tho thunder of the hoofs of stampeding herds. Of course, it's a rather cheap substitute, but It's the best the mayor can do. .... That- Mayor ' Dahlman Is a musician with an 'artistic temperament has been concealed from the public by his as sistant, Miss Nell Matone, but tho secret Is out. It got out when the mayor en tertained the Gee-Whizzes and Whang Dlngers In his office. Tho Oee-WhUz and the Whang-Dlnger ball teams are the mayor's pets. He buys the youngsters uniforms nnd Is the supreme court of base ball In Juvenile sporting circles. He's a great promoter and a ninety-third degree fan. Solemn as Julius Caesar the captains of the Gee-Whlizers and the Whang Dingers let their aggregations Into tho mayor's private office. The door closed and august visitors waltlne for a hear. Ing shuffled Impatiently fifteen minutes. I hen tho sound of Jolllty-an1 some snv tho patter of little feet-soinded from the mayor's sanctum. The ragtime strains of harmonious mmln khuH through the keyhole and Impinged upon the eardrums of the nugust visitors. Seven to Graduate Tuesday from the Local Seminary Omaha Theological seminary commence ment exercises will bo held Tuesday and Wednesday, when a class of seven will ho graduated. Oral examinations will bo given the class members Tuesday at the seminary chapel. Rev. Mark A. Matthews, D. D., moderator of the general assembly. will be present, and talk before the graduates at 10 a. m. Examinations will take place at 9 o'clock In the morning, and at 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon. Sem inary cotnmunlon service will be held In the cvenng nt 8 o'clock. ' The annual' banquet will be held Wednes. day night at 6 o'clock nt the North Pres byterian church, and tho graduating exer cises at tho same place at ? o'clock. Rev. 11. W. Reherd, D. D., of Waterloo, la., will 'deliver the commencement address. Rev. Charles A. Arnold of Kansas City will talk In behalf of the alumni. Elbort J. Nlckerson will deliver tho class ora tion. The annual meeting of the directors will be held at 9 a. m. Tuesday morning and the alumni conference will take place at 2 p. m. at the library. 1 ' The graduating class Is composed of A. S. Hutcheson. R. A. McNall, T.. S. Hughes, E. J, Nlckerson. G. C. Sprague and B. A. Fye. NAME OF FT. OMAHA AVENUE IS NOT TO BE CHANGED By approving a plat for the extension of Fort Omnha avenue, the nnmo to be retained and not changed as requested to Laurel avenue, tho city commission went on record for uniform rumen of all streets, hut discarded the doctrine for merly preached by civic reformers thai streets with 'Jogs" should, not be ap proved. The extension will not be a straight street. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns. Banish All Skin Troubles A RamarkaU Remedy Tint Works Wood. Against Even Weeping Ecxama. Get a Bottle of S. S. S. To-day. It la Certainly a Wonder. If you have been fighting1 soma blood trouble, some skin disease, call It eczema, lupus, psoriasis, malaria, or what you will, there Is but one sure, safe way to cure It. Ask at any drug1 store for a $1.00 bottle of 8. & S. and you are then on the road to health. The action of this remarkable remedy Is Just as direct, Just as posi tive. Just as certain In its Influence as that the sun rises In the East. It Is one of those rare medical forces which act In the blood with the same degree of certainty that Is found in all nat ural tendencies. The manner In which it dominates and controls the mysteri ous transference of rich, red, puro arterial blood for the diseased venous blood Is marvelous. Out through every akin pore acids, serins and other blood Impurities aro forced In the form of Invisible vapor The lungs breathe It out, tho liver Is stimulated to consume a great propor tion ot impurities, tho stomach and In testlnes cease to cdnvey Into the blo-' stream the catarrhal, malarial germs the bowels, kidneys, bladder and all emunctorlaa of the body are marshaled Into a flghtlnR force to expel every vestige of eruptive disease. There la scarcely a community any where but what has its llvlne example ot the wonderful curative effects ot a 8. 8. Get a bottle of this famous remedy to-day, and If your case la stubborn or peoullar, write to Tha Swift 8peclno Co., 1ST Swift Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. Their medical laboratory la famous and Is conducted by re nowned experts In blood and skin diseases. Their advice Is entirely free and always strictly personal. MAN MfORN OYER OR VHDZX THE VEST. 2 for 25 cts. EARL & WILSON "Wha's It?" asked a reporter, believ ing a .band, of gypsies were performing for the chief executive of the city. Miss Nell Malonc shook her head and smiled In the wisdom of a great secret. The mlriuto her face was turned "to the pa pers on her desk tho reporter sneaked up to the private office of the mayor anJ peeked . through the keyhole. Will he ever forget that picture ot hlch delight? Never. Ho knew the mayor cotild play a Jewshnrp and make a. six shooter sing a song, but thnt he Cdula tinkle the delicate strings of the har monica nnd make them give forth ragtime was something of which he had never dreamed. But the mayor was doing it. And the gee-whlzzers and the whang-dlngers were delighted. Their chief had risen a thou sand per cent In their estimation. Ana some of them refused to be outdone. They cut the pigeon wing, went through awkward double-shuffles and finished a flno hoedown with all the enthusiasm of professional toe twlrlers. When the magnate and his aggregation of base ball constellations came out or that private office they were as solemn faced -as though they had but recently settled tho 'alien land trouble In Cali fornia. The august visitors iind two or them were from Denver nnd therefore accustomed to surprises gasped. Just gasped, that's all. You Can Make Pure Lager InYourOwn Home with JofoannHofmeister Genuine Lager Beer Extract You can now brew your own beer belt yott ever tasted easily, cheaply, right In your own home. With Johann Hofmelater Beer Extract anyone can moke the same hlch quality lager beer that has been made In Germany for ages In the same honest, old-fashioned way. Beer that's so tasty, wholesome, satisfying, every raembsr of the family will surely be delighted with It Better beer than you can buy In saloons or in bottles anywhere. And It will cost less than 3 cents a quart a little ovtr a half cent a class I Real Malt and Hep Beer at 11 Cents a Gallon $Sg$il not imitation beer but real German style lager beer, made of select Barley Malt and the best Hops. Ber ot fine, natural color topped with n rich, creamy foam. Beer with snap and warkle clear nnd pure as can be with life nndhealth In every drop. And the taste oh, delicious! Johann Hofmelster Later Beer Extract is guaranteed under the U. S. Food and urugs Act Serial No. 30.317. No license needed any where to make your own beer with this pure ex tract. Get a can ot it today, follow the lmpl instruction then you'll know why brewery beer can nnetbe sold where this beer has been introduced, 60c can makes 3 callons of beer. 75e can Riakas 7 saltans of beer. Sold by all Dragglus, or sent direct, prepaid, Mwn of Drice (either nival, hv JML Hofmtuw 3 narmtuiroiafMMcato,IU. Non-Slip Pumps We have corrected tho one fault In this exquisite Htyle of footwear. Wo have non slip pumps, In black satin, gun metal, calf, patent colt, blaqk and brown suede and white nubuck in all widths from triple A to D. $3.50 to $5 Drexels 1419 Farnam., Ayer's Pills Gently Laxative. Sugar-coated. Dose, one pill, only one. bold for 60 years. Ask Your Doctor. J. O. ijerCo., lowcii, ami STUAMSIllI'S. "OF TRBVEU" "The un of tracelllne U to mutate Imagination by re litu. and inttnd of thinking hot thlnf mag be. ( tee them at if'ar or." Jehnton. UllltMllt at IhaUaUlocktd St. U'ttun roaU to turopt. Sailings Tuesdays tram MONTREAL QUEBEC nT the "LAURCNTIC "MBOANTIC" "TaOTONIC" "CANXDA" - Atk the N nml Agent for Particular WHITE STNRDDMINION LINE CHICAGO 8. K. Corut-r M.id'ron and l-atfi'e bis. Chxusu, or Local Agents. BEER MAY SALES OFFER MOST PLEASING OPPORTUNI TIES FOR SATISFYING ECONOMIES TO THE BUYER WEDNESDAY. Women's Wnsli Dresses nnd Silk Kimonos. Marvelous Value-Giving Of Women s Ready Wash Goods, Muslin Sheetings in Domestic Room Tuesday AT SPECIAL Amoskeag Ginghams; hlues, browns, greens 7c values (Jf Percales, 3C-lnch wido, light nnd dark colors, 12 V&c values. .JHtS Lawns, imported, 10c values 5J White Crepe or Plsse Cloth, for underwear 15c values .XOd White Curtain Scrim, 3G-inch wide, 15c values lOd Fascinating Weaves in Wash Fabrics fiere A showing of White Dress Fabrics for tho commencement gown or dainty summer dres3 second to none over offered in Omaha. India Llnons, Chiffons, French and Persian Lawns, Marquessttes, Voiles, Bedford Cords, Ilatlnea in broad range of weaves. Colored Wash Fabrics In almost endless assortment of color ings and weaves. Special attention is called to the NKW ENGLISH ItATINES, also domestic Ratines, all colors,- plain and mixtures, yard 25J to 150 aiMN'CJl DRESS CREPES Best colors, beautiful printings, regular 25c yard values; this week "sssssssssssssissBsssj mmmtmemmmmglimm,m,mmmamtmmmmmmammmmmt4 Hayden's Grocery SPECIAL rLOUE SALE TUESDAY 48-lb. sack Diamond K riour.. 91,00 This flour lb muda from the finest selected what. and ..every sack is Ruarantcd to give perfect satisfaction or your money refunded. Nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes. 33 lbs. Qest Granulated Suffar. . .91.00 10 bars Heat 'Km All or Diamond C Soap for..... 35o 10 bars Crystal White Laundry Soap for , , ,.35o 7 bars Ilnskln Bros. lClectrto Spark Hoap for 3So 1 lbs. bet bull' Laundry Starch .. .35c Advo Jell, Jellycon or Jello, pkit., 7Ho The best domcptlc Macaroni, Ver micelli or spugneiu, pkg vjio l-iu. cans Aabf.rted- Soups 7Vo 8 Cans Oil or Mustard Sardines. . .350 Tho best bulk Peanut Butter, lb..l3V4o 16-ounce can- Condensed Milk..,. 80 Yeagt Foam. i1:r 3o 2-lb. cans fancy sweet Sugar Corn, 5c G lbs. Fancy Japan nice, 10c qual ity 350 Laro bottle Worcestershire Sauce, pure Tomato Catsup. Pickles (as sorted), or Horseradish, bottle.. BUo Golden Santos Coffee. 11) 35o The best Tea SlftliiKS. lb 100 Bead the Biff Special Batter, Effff and Cliaoso Sale. Butter Takes a Tumble! .Tho bust Creamery Butter, carton or per lb 33a The best Country Creamery Butter, r it IK ?0 r I The best No. 1 Dairy " Butter,' Vb".! !38o Kxtra large size, each 15c. per dox 91.75 (lood Table Butter.-;lb. 25oL.rKe sle. each 12V4c. per do?!, 81.40 Fiincy Mill t'ream Young Amerl- .niemmn largo size, eacn iuc, aoz.nu can, Ncv York Whlto or Wtscon- Medium size, each 8Hc, per doisen 90o win Croii'n Cheese, lb IBolPer Crate, any size S3.00 &p Try Hayden's First BuburbdJi J TIT zf-V TUT . inun Spring and summer are making their call. "Tls then that the sub urban home makes its strongest appeal. Hundreds, are wish ing they bad a nloe home, where the air is fresh, where there Is room for a garden, and where one gets all the delights ot the country. It you have such a place to sell, you will easily find a buyer for It by using the "For Sale" columns of The Bee. Bee Want Ad Department. Tyler 1000 THCKSDAY. Tnllorcd Suits nntl Mnny Other Itcmarknnlo Spcclnl Gnrment Dargnlru. in Our Great May Sale - to - Wear Garments Every dny new bnrtraiu stir prises will be offered. The most pleasing, the best values shown in years. Tuesday we offer two lots of Beautiful Dresses from our big manufacturer's stock pur chase. Several hundred beau tiful dresses, made to sell to $25. chiffons, nets, channelise, serges, etc., in broad assort ment of charming designs for evening, afte r noon or street $jgg wear, your If choice ..... $10.00 nnd 812.00 Dresses $4.05. Dainty deslghs In ratines, eponge, voiles, Marquisettes, linens, etc.; many of them beautifully embroider ed; made to sell up to $21,00 your choice at 84.95 Watch windows and ads for extraordinary bargains each day. BALE OF ritfX LACE 3 ' CONTINUES Thousands upon thousands of yards of most beautiful new luces. Quali ties a nil prices that are most In .de mand, In our May Salo at HAI,P 7RXCE arid even less than half retail worthi PRICES Hopo Muslin, 36-lnch wide,. 10c value 7& Dow's 72 x 90 Made Sheets, 50c values at Xf)( Roachdale 9-4 Blea ched Sheeting, 25. values . . . ...:206 Specials for Tuesday The best Imported Bouuefort Clieese, per lb 39o The best Impoited Swiss Cheese.. 36o Neufcliatel Cheese, each 3o The best No l strictly frush Country Keg, dozen SOo The Greatest Veg-etabl Market in Omaha for the People. 15 lbs. best Colorado Potutoos 15c 12 lbs. Fancy Cooking Apples 35o Fresh Asparugus, bunch 60 6 bunches fresh Green Onions.... 5o 4 buncheH fresh Pie Plant 5o Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, per bunch 4o Fresh Radishes, lnrgo bunches, .1 for lOo Fancy itlpo Tomatoes, per lb lOo 3 lbs. Sweet Potatoes , . , , .10o 3 lbs. fancy Shelled Popcorn. .... .10c Fresh lVas. quart 5..10o 2 heads Ilothouso I.ettuco 56 3 large Green, Poppers K-...lOo T-Crown L'Ibs, lb ISMic Fancy Ulpe Strawberries, box 10c Fancy large Cucumbers, each. 16c, lOo Fancy Largo Grape Fruit, 10c, 814c, and . , .7 Wo Anything you want In vegetables or fruit at a saving- of 50 to 100. Tomato and Cabbage Plants, per dozen , s775o put up piiteapfi.es how Thoy nre advancing in price The: demand wll make them still higher. A SDecial Car for Tnaid