T1IE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY H, 1013. 11 BALIS Oil EXCHANGE K. E. HAVE good farms to exchange for resi dence anil Income property, owners see us. J. A. Olson, SOI City National Hank Bldg., Omaha. TRADE If you can't sell. W. 8. Frank, 1026 City Nat Bank. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACTS UV TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska, KM llrandets Vheattr. ACKEAME rUH SALE. FOR Florence property phono Florence 276. C. L. Nethaway, Florence, Neb., residence agent. CITV 1'HOl'EttTY TOR S A LIS, BUNGALOW HOT WATER HEAT Rec. hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bnth all on one floor, mahogany finish, hot water heat, fine cement basement, elegant east front lot, paved street, fine location near car line and school. Price. 73.350. BEMIS-OAKLBERG CO. 310-312 Urandels Theater Bldg. $15 Down AND $15 PER MONTH Buys you a nlco home. INTER-MOUNTAIN REALTY CO., 1523 DOUGLAS ST., MAIN FLOOR. MAP OF OMAHA STREETS. Indexed, free at our office; two stamps by mall. Chas. E. Williamson Co., Ileal Estate, Insurance, care of property. Omaha. Also Omaha Red Book, vest pocket size. $100 DOWN t&0 per month buys a new, elegant, 6 room bungalow, oak and white enamel finish, elegant plumbing. Webster 4193. Owner, my home. 2S66 Hlnney. NEAR AVEUNE 11 SCHOOL. $1,250, 100 cash, balance like rent, buys comfortable, 5-room cottage, on high south front lot. In Omaha you would pay moro for a vacant lot. See us about It. McGee Real Estate Co.. 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. . $2,000 Parlor, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, fine bathroom, cement cellar, large lot. house only two years old, cement walks, located closo to two car lines In north part of city, A dandy little home for someone. . BEMIS-OARLBERG CO. 310-314 Brandels Theater Bldg. COTTAGES FOR SALE TO BE MOVED. For Particulars Phone Douglas 3355. OWNER LEAVING CITY Must sell 6-room. all modern house; full lot; nicely located; good neighborhood. 3013 Mere dith Ave. Web. 54SS. C-ROOM cottage, strictly modern, for rale cheap. Call Webster 3225. HOUSE and lot In the tornado district; cheap for cash. 806 N. 19th -St., Doug. 4147. NEW 5-room, all modern, stucco bun galow, on easy terms. Seo this at 904 S. SSth avc. Victor Dletz Doug. 9 TO BUY. SELL OR RUNT, FIRST SEE JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. REAL ESTATE FARM Jb RANCH LANDS FPU SALE. California. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ALFALFA and FRUIT Lands. Southern Paclflo and Santa Fo main lines traverse our absolutely level tract. Only 15 feet to water; also artesian wells. Five hours' run to either San Francisco or Los Angeles, with a combined popula tion of, far over 1,000,000. 1123 PER ACRE-EASY TERMS. Join our half-rate excursion to SUNNY CALIFORNIA In' May. See tho FONTANA ORANGE GROVES, located on the electric line from Lor Angeles to Riverside. Make your reserations early and let us ehow you the "GOLDEN STATE" from San Francisco to San Diego. For free handsomely Illustrated book lets on all matters Caltforlan, see or write KARL BREHME, 515 Eee uldg. CALIFORNIA lana excursions 1st and td Tues. W. T. Smith Co. 815 City Nat. Bk. Colorado, FOR SALE 160-acre relinquishment, fonced, good well, shallow water. Price, 1150. A bargain. Morton & Waldo, Ster ling, Colorado. Arknnini. FARM bargains for sale ln southwest Arkansas. For Information write South ern Realty & Trust Co., Ashdown, Little Jllver county, Ark. Missouri. 8,0S0-acre stock ranch for sale for less than half Its value; for further Informa tion address Owner, A. J. Johnston, Mer chants National Bank Bldg., Springfield, Mo. Minnesota. CLAY AND BECKER COUNTIES. MINNESOTA, In. the famous Red River valley; rich, black soil, clay sub&oli; 120 to 340 per aero; easy terms. Send for list. O. T. Fclland Land Co., No. 527 Palace Build ing, Minneapolis. .Minn. Nebraska. DON'T forget to be at Crawford, Neb., 1 j t June 26-27-28-1913 t t Sew York. Pnf fn Ihn lnnri nf Annniiinii.r ...i crops arc sure every year; 92 acres, 324 per ucre, $500 cash down. 1 mllo out; uunoings worm 2,vw. 15CKacres, t50 per acre, buildings worth 1AA nnrno n n.11.,, mi. .1 - per acre, t600 cash down, R. R. fare to nlirpVlQCnF Write fdf photos. Munson The Square Deal Ltcd Man. 2426 S. Saline St, Syracuse. N, T. EMPIRE Btate farm given away; 275 acres Including 60 choice Holstein cows, worth $5,000; buildings worth tlO.OOO: fod der and tools; milk averages over 17 every day ln the year; old age reason; price 317.000; 35,000 cash, 3M0 yearly, 5 per cent interest; iree catalogue, c. J. Ellis, f armers uuim, oiiriiisviiie, n. x , Wlacoualii. I HAVE 200,000 acres ot cut over land for sale ln Douglas county. Wis.. th Mate of milk and honey; will leave Sar gent. Neb., May 20 with a lot of lana seekers; If interested Join us at Omaha ln the evening .May .v, -is. w rite me at Sargent. .Nee. lor maps ana particulars. J. N. Othun. representing Farmers' Land and cattle jo.. Ltu., at. i'aui. Minn. tVastilniitou. THE WALLA WALLA VALLEY. Washington, presents at the present Urns a most attractive field for th Investor end homeseeker. This section has never experienced a cyclone, hurricane, tornado or flood. A diversified district, whtrt the small tract farmer does equally as well as the largo grain grower. Writs today for free Illustrated literature de scribing fruit growing, gardening, dairy ing and hog raising. The Commercial Club. Walla Walla. Wash. REAL ESTATE LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA HOMES. NO DELAY. J. H. Mithen Co., INC. 21 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO. DOUGLAS 1278. 6 O lA.llt Ttrnnricla Thml.p I1M OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms, O'KEEFF, REAL ESTATE CO. 1011 Omaha National. Douglaa 1711 LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Bros, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET' Wheat Pit Statistics in Favor of the Bulls. MAY CORN BEARS HOLDING JULY Expect to Eneonnter Samp Obstacles In Their Endea-ror to Play the Market for Second Time In Year. OMAHA, May 5, 1913. Statistics to come forward after the ,,itt0iay.'ln ,moro tna '"ey over balance anything In the way of bear news Vhi i?aA ie lhl;?wn nt the wheat Pit. The statistics will favor the bulls not a M ' ",8 ,they w, "how a further pro ,5ud ,,ccr.caso in the visible supply, uVl fi a,? a falJi"B " ,n the amount of .ra.Lsiuis .n. the oct,n destined to lm-KJf-VV. c2Vntr,M- Thcro wl be mailer n'ji 1.Pnlpmen,- wl,h "Slit percent S8 ,?e..t,ncd ? the t- nlted Kingdom, and hJlh..'r..re.ductlon the amount of vn.orl heil ln tlle Chicago grain cle a;0.,8, .. Th0e who have been In the tPmn ui've Hhettt ivorld "' length of iim know that while the taking of a n-, . am?u,nt of Cft8h wheat always UlSiaE. n..hpll) to values any pronounced .w.,0'?ltl..on WouW d0 more to scare snorts under cover, as well as draw In- f-0.!.tor8 1.nto ,the market. There are a SCft"?red sections of tho southwest wncro chinch bugs are reported ln the Jrntl ic?ortl!nK.to the Modern Miller ttrere will be the largest crop ever har vested, and this, too. will permit some losses on account of Insects. When the ract Is considered that the crop outlook was never as rosy as It Is this season It certainly will require continued helps from tho bull side of the market to pre vent sharp price losses. It is only five weeks beforo harvest of wheat will be commenced and only about two weeks additional before the arrival of tho first car of wheat will bo announced. Cash wheat was UCHc lower. The big speculators who defeated the bears In May corn now are liberal hold ers of the July, and they expect to ex perience a little trouble In defeating the bears for a second time this year. They place considerable confidence In corn on the long sldo and give It us their opinion that the cush article will be wanted, and that ln case of any crop losses there will bo a great scramble by shorts to get under cover. Cash corn Ho to He lower. It Is said by many In tho oats trade that with favorable weather tho murket will sell to a lower level. Cash oats We higher to He lower. Clearance: Wlipnt nnri rimi. .mtni n 690.000 bushels; corn, 65,000 bushels; oats. unite. Liverpool close: Wheat, Hd lower to Hd higher; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts wero 1,214.000 bushels and shipments 517,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,005,000 bushels and shipments of 623,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts wero 678,000 bush els and shipments 578,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,018,000 bushels and shlpmonts of 696,000 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 782,000 bush els nnd shipments 672,000 bushels, against receipts of 678,000 bushels and shipments of 504,000 bushels lust year. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 22 Minneapolis 235 Duluth 78 Omaha ?j Kansas City 131 St. Louis 149 Winnipeg 213 148 167 67 37 212 Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, KQSSttc; No. 3 nara, music; ro. t uara, Kpg&iftc; no. 3 sprln, 84ti4Hc; No. 4 spring, S34r83Hc: No. durum. SSHftSGHc: No. 3 durum. 84fi) 85Hc. LORN No. 2 white, 65Q65tfc; No. 3 hlte, 64H665c; No. 4 white, 63H61Hc; OATR Nn. 2 whlln. SlUti.HV.n? itsn No. 4 white. 3333Hc UAKL.KY Matting, ovawe; No. 1 feed, 411846c. RYE No. 2, 57HS6SC; No. 3, 57gC7HO. Tho following cash sales were rnimrteA today: WHEAT No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, 85Hc. Rejected spring, 1 car, 81c; 1 car, 80Hc. OATS No. 3 white. 2 cars. 333ic: 1 car. 33Vic. No. i white. 1 car. 33Hc: 1 car. 33c. CORN-No. 2 white. 4 cars, 65',ic No. REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY To loan on business or resi dence properties, 11.000 to 3600,000. w. II. TtiUMAB. 2zs niaie uanK uiug. HARRISON & MORTON. 818 Om. Nat MONEY on hand at lowest rates for loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. 823 Cty Nat. Bank Bldg. Iioa to 110.000 made DromDtly. F. I). Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. LOANS on farms and Improved cllv property, 6, EH and 6 per cent: no delay. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam Ht WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam at GAEVINBROS-oX Mdaauw? REAL ESTATE WANTED WE have a Duyer ior your nouse can Osborne Realty Co. Phone Douglas 1474. LIVE STOCK MAKHHT OF WEST HhlD life stock to South Omaha. Bavs mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. . Lire Stock Coramlsalou Merchants. BYERS BROS, tc Co. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 222 Exchange Hldg. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange RldgT STEAMSHIP. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS Sail every Saturday to and from NEW YORK LONDONDERRY GLASGOW Ocean passage 7H days. Moderate rates. For book of tours, rates, etc., apply to HENDERSON JJRU 1 ritliltb. Gen. Agts., 35 W. Randolph St.. Chicago. OK AN I LOCAL AU"iT. WANTEfc TO BUT. Dolgoff Zd hand store pays highest prless for furniture, clothes, snoes. weu. iw. PEST prices for furniture. Call D. tmk tvniTT.n Ilk to buv a five or six-room house to be moved on a lot. Qn In the nelgboorntoa oi zuu ana cir yreitrreu. Telephone Red 4301. D. 8055. Quick buyer of furniture. D. 8005. Quick buyers of furniture. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG business man desires room In strictly private home; no rooming house need answer. Aaaress ii oua, iee. WANTRTV-Desk room In downtown of fice. State price. Address H-3J3. care uee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR REMODELING BAK ery Building. Office of Constructing Quartermaster, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., May 3d, 1913. Sealed Proposals, In tripli cate, for remodeling bakery building No, ca. will be received here until 11 a. m., Monday, June 2d, 1913, and then opened. Information lurnisneu on application, a deposit of five (5) dollars will be required to Insure return of plans and speclflca tinn ir rnmnved from the office. En velopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Remodeling Bak ery Building," and addressed J. A. Cole, Major Quartermaster Corps, Constructing Quartermaster. M 3-5-6-7-23-31 PROPOSALS FOR FORVGE. CHIEF Quartermaster's Office, 554 Federal Building. Cblcago. 111.. May 3, 1913. Sealed proposals will be received here until 1 o'clock p. m.. Central time, June 3, 1913, for furnishing and delivering at Chicago or other prominent railroad points, 4.000 tons of hay and 3.000 tons of oats. Information furnished upon applica tion. A. L. Smith. Chief Q. M UJ-5-6-7-28-23 ,.?! yellow, S cars, 54c. No. 3 yellow, 1 1 car. MHo. No. 3 mixed. 3 cars. 53Hc 1 car, 63Uc; 1 car, 53c, No. 4 mixed. 1 cars, Mite- No. 3 mixed and No. 2 yel low, 1 car. 54c. RYE No. 2. 3 cars, 5Sc. CIUCACSO URAI.N A.tl PROVISIONS lntnrr of the Trailing and Closing Prlre on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO. May 6.-Wet weather was the chief Influence today In lowering wheat values Mi He to He. Tho close was sternly. Corn and oats both suffered net declines, corn He and wits a shade to He Provisions made a net upturn of 6fp5c. '"Goodbye, chinch bug," said wheat traders today as they read reports of the soaking rains of Saturday nnd Sunday In Missouri, Kansas and O'klahoma. It Is said tho moisture stored by the fields will be enough to carry tho plants through to maturity as well as rid It of the pests. The downward course of wheat prices Incident to tho weather map was aggra vated by tho clearing of tho disturbed (Mlltlcnl situation In Europe. Primary receipts of wheat today wore 1,214,000 bushels; last year,-1,003,000 bushels. Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour equalled 690.000 bushels. Expectation of Increased country of ferings lowered corn. Tho market showed n narrow range throughout the session. General rains caused heaviness In oats. In splto of lowor prices at the yards provisions mado gains. Offerings were limited and there was good Investment buying as well as covering by shorts. Quotations ranged ns follows- Artlclcl Open. Hlgh.JLow. , Close-I Safy. Wheat! 1 soh'i May. July. Sept. Corn. May. July. Sept Oats. May. July. Sept. Pork. I May. July. Sept. Lard. May. July. !K)-91 90il01! 91 91 P0H 54U1 lOOTiW W4 OOQ-H. 54KSTi K1U 54HjgC5 56H04i S54H 65iirH 56U4. 66 Vi S5H 34; W71 I 35H 34 SI WVi 35V. 34H 3tH S5H 33W S4Hi 34HH 34 19 S2H 19 42H1 19 42H 19 32HI 19 mt 19 42H 19 30 19 42H 19 17H- 19 20 10 70iJ 10 72H 19 65 19 42H 19 16 10 20 19 32H- 119 32H- I 10 35 19 15 10 90 19 Hi 10 92H 10 87H 10 92H 10 "3 10 80 10 85 10 85 10 77H 10 S3 10 85 10 77Hl 10 86 10 76 11 42Hl 11 42HI U 374 10 97HI 11 06 I 10 95OT 10 97H 10 77HI 10 S7HI 10 77H Sent. 10 77H Ribs. I May. July.) 11 42HI H 45 10 97HI 11 05 Sept.l 10 77HI 10 S7H r",,t.n fnaii rrlf V hen t : No. 3 red, $1.0201.04; No. 3 red, 96c11.00; No. 2 hard, 2jV3c; no. 3 naru, stnuv-oi i"u. northern, 92&93c; No. 2 northern. 9192c; No. 3 northern. SOflOlc; No. 3 spring, 9W m. Mn 9 nrinir Knlni No. 4 surlng. S2fi8Sc; velvet chaff. S9ij93c; durum, 94(0 98c. Corn: No. 2, 66HfiWic; No. 2 white. 67HyoriC: INO. z yeuow, itiDon;, iiu. o, 64H&55Hc; No. 3 white, 56HH-7UC; No. 3 yellow, 5&865Hc; No. 4, 6464c; No. 4 white, KHU-eUc; No. 4 yellow. 63?i(U64c. n . -. xrn 9 uf),liA V.thtfilr Nn. 3 white. 34iiff35Hc; No. 4 white. 34U33a; standard, 36Hc. Rjo: No. 2. 61c. Barley; 4070c. Timothy: $2.ss4f3.i. viover. ni.uw.w. Pork: $19.4a Lard: $10.95. Ribs: $11.25 "STH: . ... ...,. BUTTEIt ateaay; creamcricB. iiniu-- T.,nna i..nlt fnr flmtn! nthers tin- UUUU ......- .w. changed; receipts, 30,639 cases; fresh, 18o; at mark, cases, Included, 17lSc; ordinary firsts, jto; iirets. lotwioc. POTATOES Steady, receipts, 98 cars; Michigan. 4345o: Minnesota, 3843c; Wis consin, 4047c. .... POULTRY Alive, uncnansea; cnicneiu and springs, 16Hc St. Lonla General Market. r.m t nnia xf ., K WIIWAT-f?ih! OA. UUUli Ifc J v. ' ' J ----- - - No. 2 red, $1.04HW1.09; No. 2 hard, 9193c. OATS No. 2, 33o; No. 2 white, 36HS37C. RYE 62c. Closing price on futures: WHEAT July, SSHo; September, 88Hc CORN-July, 65H966Hc; September, 6Sc. POULTRY Hicaay; cniciieiiB, i-tt snrlngs. 18c: turkeys, 15c; ducks, lie; Geese. 17c. , mMt UVi xl'ilv WUiei, creainerj, oiuoiu. EGGS Higher, 17HC nr nnn.....nv. r.,1 nlntnp nntpntn. 14. Ml r UUUiincun, t v v. .ii... ...... - - - - - T6.15; extra fancy and straight, $3.7601.00; nara winter uiearB, o.wmo.w. illlA tsacKeu, eHHi irmn, oiuw. HAY Timothy. $12.00-817.60; prairie, $10.W fl0.35. . SEED Timotny, io.w. CORNS! BAL $2.90. WHISICY-$1.40. IRON COTTONTIES 9SC. TWINE Hemp, 8c. Lard, prime steam, $10.75010.85. Dry Halt meats, boxed extra shorts, $11.87H: clear ribs, $11.87H; short clears. $12.00. Bacon, boxed, extra shorts, $12.87H; clear rlbe, $12.87H; short celars, $13.00. Receipts. Shlpmonts. Flour, bbts 12.000 U.OuO Wheat, bu 179,000 105,000 Corn, bu 25,000 43.000 Oats bu.. 122.000 KO0O I Sfxt York General Market. K.rxtf vnnir tnv K .nfTnARfltendv: muscovado. 2.8&tr2.89c; centrifugal, 3.3& 3.30c; molasses. 2.Clir2.64c. Refined,. quiet; crusnea, o.uuc; unu biunuiai, 4.35c; powdered, 4.45c. BUTTER Unsettled; receipts, 3,012 tubs; creamery extras, 28HQ29c; firsts, 27H028c; state dairy finest, 2S4C8Hc; good to prime, zowtr-m-i ',""SLT7,,??U, lion creamery, firsts, 27fl27Hc; fatcory. current mane ursio, (ji47w, stock, current make, No. 2, 24o; No. 3, 5E! 4323c. CHEESE Easier; recclptH 1.144 boxei; etate whole milk, colored, specials, lHHc; White, l7c; coioreu n-vciuiiw sKims, svwi-c , . . gathered extraH. 21&21Hc; fresh gathered storage, patKeu umm, 4t-t .-6uiai packed, firsts, lW?20c; nearby hennry whites, good to large sle, new laid, 22 DnilT TDV 1rctHff1 HiPAdV! frPHh killed. western fowls. 16411:; froren turkeyb, 13 if n am m flir fi rnin nnd Pro tiilnni r . xt a a a nimv xr r k w II in A t LfiHn io. naru. oonv iu. icu, cojiw no, z wnue, bvuic, jo. j( OATa io. z wnue, T4ir)C. Closing prices of futures: WHKAT-Mav. 84c: July. S4c: Sep tember. 8444Ho. , . a UUiiJN iay nci juiy xruin A 1. .. CEn OATS May. 34Vic: July. 34y.o; Septem- Dor. ic. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $12.75 rnVf funnriimirv. 30c: firsts. 29ei seconds, SSc; packing, 22c. KGU r-irSUI. HSUWi BCfcuouD, iiv. POULTRY Hens, 14Hc; roosters, 9c; ducks, 15c. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. May 6. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 8s; No. 2 Mani toba. 7s lid; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s 9Hd. Fu tures, easy; Muy. 7s 8id; July, 7s Cd; October, 7b Hd. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 5s; old. 5s lid; new, kiln dried, 5s H4d; old, via Galveston, 6s Kd. Futures, quiet; May American mixed, 4h UHd; July La Plata, 6s lUd. FLOUR Winter patents. 29s Cd. HOPS In London, Paclflo coast, i 10s 6 5 10s. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 5. WHEAT May, MHc; July, 89Hi)4c; Septembci, iOHc. Cash, No. 1 hard, 0Hc; No. 1 northern, wiaoc; no. z nortnern, si..c; No. 2 hard, Montana. 90Ho; No. 3, S5Hk;. MINNEAPOLIS, May 6.-CORN-N0. 3 yellow, 66(G6c. OATS No. 3 white, 33ft33Hc. RYE-No, 2. C6faC8Hc. FLOUR First patents. $!.M3-i.&g; sec ond patents, $4.3&3H.GO; first clears, $3.30 3.70: second clears, $2.8063.20. FLAX-$123i. t BARLEY-42f68c. BRAN-$l6.Ooai7.00. BIIlvauUcc Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, May 6. W H EAT No. 2 northern. (W03Hc; No. 2 hard. 9"fj'7c; May. S9Hc July. (4c H)RN-No. 3 yellow, 6&aHc; No. 3 white, &8c. May, 65Hc; July, 55Hc, OATH-36C RYE- c BARLEY-62&70a 3 White. 3 cars. Kn: 1 car. M.p. V NEW YORK RTflM MARKET Montenegro's Decision to Yield Strengthens Securities. SPIRITED BIDDING TO COVER Trnilrrn DliMiptKiliit ril at RefuMtl of Supremo Court to Extend tho Time for llnrrlman DUftolutlun. NEW YORK. Mnv S. -Thn ilroldnl lm. provement ln the European political sit uation consequent upon Montenegro's de cision to yield to tho powers ahd tho re sultant strength of securities abroad ex erted tho dominating lnfluenco upon the stock market today. Expectations of speedy settlement of problems which havo menaced the pence of Europe for months opened up the prospect of tho re- imrcnasing or American securities by foreign Investors. The situation was one Which offered no comfort to the bears and there was spirited bidding for slocks to cover when the markvt opened. Urn don also was In tho market, buying most heavily of Steel, Amalgamated and Union I'Hcinc. Operations on thn lonir Mile wero rnr. lied on more confidently and In the first hour thorn was a quick upturn, resulting In gains for Important Issues of from 1 to 3 points. Later trndlng grew dull nnd prices cased off, nlthough In tho final hour the list arose to under tho top again. Traders were disappointed at tho su premo court's refusal to extend beyond July 1 tho time for completing the llnrrl- mnn dissolution, una union una southern Pacific sold off. Bonds showed an Improved tone. Total sales, par value. $1,870,000. United States bonds wero unchanged on rail. Number of snlcs and leading quotations on stocks were ns follows: Si . llinh. Low. Cleie. Amalgamated Orpr .. American Agricultural . M.OOO 7 U 74'i M eoo aH tM t T.4W 3I'4 SJH 53 300 M M 400 49S 494 41 400 H K X 100 t 34 3!i 1,000 64 6;4 7S 10IU IOA llli 111V 111 1,100 i:S1. Kl'i 12H( 25 M 3H SVi J 2.200 SJS IIU I9U s4 100 lll'i HHi 12IH (00 Wt H ll4 200 53 S 31, 33 H 4.SO0 MH 19V. 0 ,;oo :2V4 240s Ui 101 !J S3 tJH 1,700 4U 3i H IIH l,lno 108 107 1 07'i 300 1H Hi lUla 300 32 33 3IH (00 1S0H 10 130 300 10U 10 10'i ISd 1 S3 (00 lVi Ki 1(1 t.m 29S 2IH 394 BOO 441 44 4(S 100 ski; 35 U 3(H ;i0 139H 13 13IH M0 12711 1U KtH 100 3I 3l; 31H 300 Ul 113V llSVi 1,(00 KH IIH H 1,000 (3; (1 tlA 04 105V 104H 101 17 300 m v 400 Ti Ci 100 :t :i 23t 14 i.m i iu mi 100 132H 132H 132 32't 1,(00 2IV4 24 24V 1,(00 36 35 US 114 48 1,(00 21 22 V 2SH 2,300 102H 101H 101 American nt Sugar.. American tin American Can pM American a K American Cotton Oil.... Am. Ire Borurltlca. American Linseed American Locomotive . American 8. & It Am. S. & 11. r(d Am. Bugar Defining.... American T. T American Tobacco Anacomla Mining Co.. Atchlaou pM Atlantic Coaat Line Baltimore A Ohio. llethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr. ..... Canadian I'acltle Central Leather Cheaapeako Ohio Chicago O. W (jMcago, M. St. r... Chicago & N. W Colorado K. t I Conaolldated Oaa L, Com l'roducta Delaware A Hudson Denver & Rio Orande.... Denver & H. O. pfd Distillers' Securities .... Krle Erie 1st pld Erlu 5d pfd..... General Klectrlc Oreat NVirthem pfd Oreat N"orthern Ore ctfa. Illinois Central lnterborough Met Inter. Met. pfd International Harvester.. Inter-Marina pfd International Paper International Pump Kansas City Southern,... Laclede Gas Ixhlgh Valley IxiulevlUe & Nashville.. M.. St. P. ft B. fits. M. Mlsaourl, K. & T Missouri Psclflo National Illtcult Katlonal l,ead N. It. It. of M. 2d pfd.. ew York Central M Y., O. & W Norfolk & Western North American Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People'jiOas P., C, C. & 6t. L Pittsburgh Cosl Tressed Steel Car........ Ihillman Palace Car Heading Republic I, ft S Jtepubllc I. ft S. pfd.... Hock Island Co Hock laland Co. pfd,.... St. U & 8. V. 2d pfd... Seaboard Air Line Seaboard A L. pfd Blosa-Hheffleld S. ft I... Houthern Paclflo Southern Hallway So. Hallway pfd Tennewee Copper 400 30 29 K 30 105 200 14 7 77 1,200 115 1144 1144 200 23 22 22V ,90O 113V H3 113H 200 1094 109 1094 soft 18 2S 1S4 1K2U 234 83 S0V 324 21 " 42 30 244 74 IS 400 00 18 25H 17V4 24H 300 1(4 154 47,100 1(1 200 234 83 19V 324 21 It1, tr 24 ; (U 300 4,700 (00 100 83 204 MH 21 100 8,400 300 300 400 31 24V 764 36V 174 Texaa & Tactile Union Pacific Union Paclflo pfd United States llealty. . United Statea Rubber.. United Statea Steel... II. s. Steel cfd 300 lev 14V 41, eoo id 1494 K0H m esv 3,400 64S H MTs 42,300 (IS 0V 1H !0 10V 1"V Utah Copper 2,300 Va. -Carolina Chemical .. WO BlH (04 V 30 V 304 204 Wabaali Wabash pfd Weatern Maryland ... Western Union Westlnghouse Electrlo Wheellnr & L. 13.... 3 200 84 84 94 100 tS!t 384 39 V 30O' 6.1 ( 65 300 63 62 43 100 ( 6 4V Total sales for the aay, siu.sw snares. Ex-dlvldend, New Yorlc Money MnrUet. NEW YOUIC. May 6. MONEY On call, steady; 2Q3 per cent; ruling rate, 2V6 per cent; closing bid, 2& per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time louns, easier; Blxty days, 4 per cent; ninety days. 45?4Vi per cent; lx months, 44ir4V4 Per cent. PK1ME MEHCANTILE PAPEIt-cVft-BVi per cent STEHLINO EOCCHANOE Steady, with actual business In bunkers' bllU at $4.8315 for sixty-day bills und nt $4.etf70 for de mand; commercial bills, $4.a3. HILVEI-Uar, 00c; Mexloan dollors, 4Sa. BONUS Government, Bteady; rallroud, firmer. . . Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: U. 8. rat. ta. rg...IMUK. C So. ref. (a.. S7V do coupon lOOtiL, B. deb. 4s 13I... U 8. Is. rg 103HK & N". unl 4.... S3S do coupon 102H M. K. & T. 1st 4s 80S U. 8. 4s, reg 1H1 do gen. H IIH do coupon UIH "Jlo, 1'aclflo 4a.... (9 ranama la couson. 102 H do conv. (s 844 A.-C. 1st (s ctfa... (1U,4N R It of t 4Hs 85 Amer. Ag. (s 1MHN. Y. C. g. J.... 15 A. T ft T. cv is. .100 do deb. 4s 88 Am. Tobacco 4 114 'N. Y. N. If. A 11. Armour & Co. 4'is. 0 cr. JW 77 fc Atchison gen. 4s 93V N. ft . 1st e. 4s. t do cv. 4s I960... do cv. (a A. C. L 1st 49.. Hal. ft Ohio 4s ... do JHs nrook. Tr. cv. 4a. Cen. of Ga. (s. Cen. ivsther (s.. Ches. ft Ohio 44a 994 do cv. 4s 104 994 No. Pacific 4a. ... 84 90 do 3s 66V ti O. S. L. rfdg. 4s.... 04 89H I'snn. cv. 34a 1913. 874 88V do con. 4a MV 1044 Reading gen. 4 SIS 9JV 8. L. A sr. V. It 4s 724 tiM iu gen. (s 774 do conv. hs. is ni. u. s. w. c. 4s. 71V Chicago & A. 34s.. it S. A. L. adj. (a.... 704 C. D. & Q. J. 4s... 44So. I'ac. col. 4a... 90 do gen. 4s 14 do cv. 4s 874 ! M A B P cv 44s. l0ti do 1st ref. 4s 89 C. K- I. & I'- c M So- Hallway ts 1014 do rfg. 4s ? 'i0 n. 4s 7V C. ft 8. r ft 44s 904 Union Pacific 4s.... 944 D. & H. cv. 4a.. SV do cv. 4a si r. ft It. r. Dlatlllera' (s . Erie p. I. 4a... 4s.. 74 do lat ft ref. 4a.. 0V 44 U. 8. Itubber .... 102 83V U. 8. Steel 2d (a.. .1004 72VV..C. Chem. Ss UK do gen. a , r aa. ser. II. 70 Wabaah lat A r lit 111. On. lat r. 4a. MV Western Md. 4a... . K',i Inter. Met. 44.--- 7(H West. Mec. cv. 6a.. IV inter. M. M. 44s.- 24 "Wis. Centrsl U.. .90. Jspan 44s H llid. Offered. London Stork Market. LONDON, May 6. American securities opened steady and a fraction higher to day. Canadian Pacific gained sharply on Dorlln and the rest of the list advanced another fraction during the early trad lug- At noon the tone was steady and prices from hi la 2 points nigner than Saturday's New York closing. Consols, mony ..78 i(-ILoulsvllle ft Nash.136 do account 164 Mo., Kan. ft Tex.. 24 Amal. Copper 74TtNw York Central 106 Atchison I024I'nnaylvanla (94 Canadian Pacific . .2484 Reading 83 Chi. Great Weatern 11 Southern Pacific .,1014 Chi. Mil. ft St Kill Union Tactile 1617. Denver ft Rio 0 . 2CVU. flf. Steel 424 Brie Wabash 14 do 1st pfd 4(4 Ds Heers 214 flrand Trun 2sHRnd Mines 7 Illinois Centrsl ..II4VU . SILVER Bar, steady at 27d per ounce. MONEY SRSy per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short and three months' blllB, 3tj8 15-10 per cent. ' nostou Stock Market. BOSTON, May C Closing quotations on mining siocks worn as ioiiows: Alloust 2 Mohawk (4 Amal. Copper 744 Nevada Con 144 A. Z. I ft 8 NS Nlplaalng Mines 64 Arlaona Com. a Norm Hulls . . 3V 11. ft C. C 4 8- M. I tvbrtb Las ,. 1 MVHUI 1' 'minion tJ'. iMceola 48V Shannon IIS Superior Superior A ft, at 'a 4 IS 24 4V 7V M li Tamarack 44 U. 8. . It. ft M. 4V do rid . . . Greene cananea late Hoyale Copper. 2tV Utah Ovn Kerr 1-akr Hil'lih (Vnper (V. Ika (.Vpper .. llSSVInooa IS La Salle Copper . 3 Wolverine 414 Miami Corp" . 28 Metal Market. NEW YOUK, .May 5,-.MKTAtt-Cop-ler, strong, standard siot to July. $16.00 ,ifll5.M; electrolytic. 1S.T6; lake, $15.S7j castings, $1S.B0. Tin. Vlrm. spot and May. l:).Mht0,00; Jilho, $49.4iMi1.00; July, 448.87 tH9.60. Irfiul; Weak, $5.604VG.66, Spelter: Dull; Cockson's, $9.00. Iron: Quiet; No. t northern, $t7.3Mf 17.75; No. 2 northern. $16.7Mfl7.36; No. 1 southern. $17.wm.00; No, 1 southorn soft. $17.004jl7.fA Copper exports this month, S.0II tons. IahkIoh etipper firm; spot. XIM but futures, JJR); local exchange sales tin. f0 tons; London tin, easy; spot, JE330 10s; futures, ljndon lead, 28 Ss; Umdoit spelter, XJj 10s 2d. London Iron. Cleveland warrants, 67s 9d. 8T. LOIM8, May 6.-MBTA US-Lead, quiet, $4,374. Spelter, lower. 6.30. Trramiry .Htatrntrnt. WASH1NTON, May 6. The condition of tho United states treasury at tho ho ginning of business today woa; Working balance, $71.977,4W; In banks nnd Philip pine treasury, $43,127,043; total of general fund. $II0.645.S&6; receipts Saturday; $2,784,758; dlshursomcnts. $1.K2.773. Tho sur plus this fiscal year Is $9.445,o38 ns against a deficit of $11,634,321 last year. Tho fig ures for receipts, disbursements, surplus and deficit, excludo Panama canal and publto debt trnsactlons. I New York Mlulnig Stocks. NEW YORK, May . Ooslng quota- lions on mining siocks wete: Com, Tunnel stock. Meilcan .. 71 ..too .. N .. I .. 10 do bonds .... t'on. Cal. ft Va.. Iron Silver sLeadvlU. Con. Little Chief .... Otfsred. Ontario Ophlr Small Hopes Yellow Jacket OMAHA GBNKllAl At All IS. ET. ntlTTEn No. l" 7ot. carton. iJsi Na t 60-lb. tubs. 82'.,o; No. t. 30c CHKESlv-lmportcd Swiss, 32c; Ameri can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 24a; '.wins, 17c; daisies, 17tfc; triplets, 17Vic: ioupb Americas, 19o; bluo tabel brick, ISc; llin burger, 2-lb.. 21c; 1-10., 22e; New York white, Mc 13 ICE F CUTS-Rlbs, No. 1. 19Vio: No. 3, 17Vic; No. 3, nXc Loins, No. 1, 2lq; No. 2, lSc; No. 3, 17Uc. Chucks, No. 1, UWe; No. 2, lOVc; No. 3. lOHc, Rounds. No. I. 13ic; No. 2, 13Wo; No. 3. 13c. IMates. No. 1, o; No. 2 hijc; No. 3. Vo. POULTRY broilers. 1-lb. to lv-lb., ao; 1H-Ib. tu 2-l., Zlrti; hens, leu; cocits, 11c; aucks, :o; geese, Iha; turkeys, Mc; pig eons per dos., I1.2U: rooelr-s. 30 ; auuks, full feathered, ISc; gou. ;ull tuAthorcd, 13c; sluubs,"No. .1. jl.Wi No. i, Wo. FISH White, frozen. l!ui r.'tiUt, f rosea, 14c; lurge crupples, 11 oxen, lbc; Spanish mackerul, 14u; wl, l&c; naduocrf, 12c; tlounders, 11c; shud ro, per . pu.r, J).; salmon 8c; halibut, 13u; buttalo. b: bu'i heuue, ;3o, oysters', bay stauuaras, 31.v; noillieru. l selects, counts, ti-i'i. ONION SETS Yellow, por bu., 31 lbs., II. 76; red, per bu.. U lbs., 1.7S; white, per bu 32 lbs., Tumatu plants, per 100 t&c; cabbage, per 100, uc, pupior, per luo, 7&o; cauliflower, per 100, 7(a; eggplant, per 1W, ILW0. . FRUITS 1'inenpplcs, la, 24, SG or O size, per crate, U.2u. Oruncus, uxtra tanoy California Navels, Va, 120. S3.7&; lisl 176, 200 and 216 sues, $4.tt; X3.S0; iSs and 324, 13.26. Apples, cXtra fancy Wushlng ton whtto winter t'eoiuiuins, por box, S2.V0; extra lancy VVusnlngton Vlucsaps, per box, 12. w; Utah Wlnesaps, pur box, il.bO; Extra fancy Oonos ana Bon Davis, per box, il.; uxtiu fancy Gano, Circle brand, per bbl., 34.00; extra tunuy Ben Davis, per bbl., 3.(W; extra fancy Wine sup, pur bill., W.D0; extra luncy Missouri 1'lppln. per bbl,, 3.o; Flxo X Oano, per bbl., 33.UO; Fwiir .X. a alio. Per bbl., IZ.Go. Lemons, oxtra fancy Southland Beauties, 300s und M)d, per box, 21.00; extra choice Justrltu lemons, per box, 17.00; Excellent brand, 3uo slzo, per box, S7.2G; SanBlde brund, 000 slzo, ier box, 16.76; extra fauoy i.lCBOllia, IMI UIIU .JW U.W. GMI. choleo Mcsslnu, 300 or 300 slzo, to.uO. Qrape Fruit, Florida, Indian river, ttt and 80 size, 34.GO; 64, 34.00; 46, W.W; 36, (3.26. VEQETABLiss-onions, largo ilea Globe, per suck, Sl.uu; large Spiuilsh, per crate. 31.60. Sweet l'ututoes, Kansas, table stock, per bbl., 12.60; Kunsas seed, per bbl., 2.0u. Potatoes, Colorado Iturul, por bu., 6Su; ltcd River Early Ohio, por bu., 60o, red now, per hamper, 12.73; white new, iwr hamper, oc. v.amorniu jumoa celery, per doz,, 4I.6O; California, aspara gus, 1 wr crate, about 30 lbs. net, 33.60; ihubarb. Pur doz.. 6O0: shallots. Dor doz.. Coo; new beets, carrots, turnips, por doz., 60c; parsley, per doz., 60c; laalsh, per doz., 40c; ucuu ioituco, per aoz., ii.w. Homegrown teui ioituco, yer uoz., tua; green peppeis, per bsK 00c; wax or green Leans, per bumper, 14.00; hot house cu cumbers, per doz., J1.00rJ2.0U; cauliflower, per crate, 4u.ou; venouan game, per u.( 12V4c; Texas now cabbuge, per lb., 2c; New York cabbage, pur lb., V,a; beets, turnips and carrotB. per bbl., 12.00; egg plant, per doc., 12.00; horseradish, 2 doz. bottles In case, per case, $1.90. MISCELLANEOUS Dromedary brand dates, pkg., 33.00; Anchor brand dates, ikg., jia; walnuts, jno. 1 sort shell, per b.. 21c: medium pecans, per lb . 13Ua: no- cans, Jumbo, por lb.. 16c; Olunt pecans, ixjuisiana painir sneu, per iu vac; ni berts, per lb., 16c; Druke almonds, per lb.. 15c: nnner shell. ISo: Brazils, ner lb.. 10c; largo washed, por lb., 12o; black 'Wal nuts, per id., 2ftc; raw xso, 1 peanuts, per lb., 6Hc; Jumbo peanuts, per lb.,-8c; roast peanuts, per lb,, ffa; shell bark hickory nuts, per lb., 4c; lai'gct hlckorynuts, per II. T n twfril.A .Ia. llnh.A.n 1 1. .. checkein, per 100 pkg. case, J3.60; checkers, per 60 pkg. caee, 1.76; cocoanuts, per sack, 35.00; per doz., 75c. Corn and Wheat llriglon Iliilletlu. United .States Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau, for Omaha, Neb., for tho twenty-four hours ending at S u. m., 76th meridian time, Monday, May 6, 1913: OMAHA DISTRICT STATIONS. Temp. Ruin- High. Low. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.. (X) 50 .00 Cloudy AUDurp, rtuD... in w ,ia, uiouay B'ken Bow, Nb 74 41 .0 Cloudy Columbus, Nb. 67 ' 46 .00 Cloudy culbertson, Nb 73 45 . 00 Cloudy Kalrbury, Neb. 60 4S .00 Cloudy Fairmont, Neb. CO 45 .00 Cloudy Or. Islund, Nb 68 46 .00 Cloudy Hartlngton, Nb 72 44 .00 Cloudy Hustings, Neb.. 62 44 .00 Cloudy Holdrege, Neb. 70 45 .00 Cloudy Lincoln, Nub... CO 49 .00 Cloudy No. Platte, Nb 74 42 .00 Cloudy Oukdale. Neb.. 72 46 .00 Clear Omaha. Neb.... 60 60 .00 Cloudy Tekumah, Neb. CO 48 .00 Cloudy Valentine. Nb. (A 88 .( Clear Alta, la 68 45 .00 Pt. cloudy Carroll, la 69 60 .00 Cloudy Clurlnda, la.... 05 64 .00 Cloudy Sibley, la 61 43 .00 Cloudy Sioux City, la. 68 46 .00 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-houf period ending at 8 u, in. DISTRICT AVERAOE8. No. of -Temp. Rain- District. Stations. High. Low, fall. Columbus, 0 18 Ix)Ulsvllle, Ky... 22 Indla'polls, Ind.. 14 Chicago, III 24 St. Louis, Mo... 19 Des Moines, la. 22 Minneapolis 61 Kan. City, Mo.. 26 Omaha, Neb 17 HI Arlaona la I & Hels i'rntennlal tVpper Hangs i V Kaet P all e C. M . Kranklln U I rout Con. , tlranby Cu. ....... 84 60 .00 86 60 .00 82 60 .00 78 62 .80 76 CO .60 64 62 .70 60 36 .10 64 64 .70 64 46 .00 No marked change In temperature oc curred In thn corn and wheat region during the last twenty-four hours, but It Is cooler in the Minneapolis district, where freezing temperutures were recorded at nineteen stations. Showers occurred In nil except the eastern and the Omaha district, and falls of one inch or mora occurred as follows: In Iowa Cedar Rapids, 1.00; Dubuque, 1.30;. Iowa City, 1.20; Iowa Falls, 1.10. In Missouri IxliiKton and Hurrlsonvllle, 1.30. In Kunsas-Emporla, 1.10; Fort Scott, 1.60; lola. 1.J0. In Wisconsin Prairie du Chlen. 1.60. 1 L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. ' t.'offeci Market. NEW YORK. May 5. COFFEE Fu tures opened steady nt an advance of 1 to 4 points In sympathy with steady European cables. There was very little demand, however and prices later eased off under scattering liquidation on a little pressure, Inspired by lower closing French cables and the absence of any aggressive support. Tho close was steady; sales. 9.860 bags; May, 10.96c, July, 11.06c. September, 1127c, December, 11.26c; January. 1127c; March, 11.31c. Spot, quiet, Rio No, 7. llHc; Santos No. 4, 13Hc, mild, dull, Cordovla, HVijl7c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing: Cattle Generally Strong to Ten CenU Higher. ST0CKERS AND FEEDERS BTEADY 1 1 ok Slow anil Around Five Cents Lower Woolrd I.nnilm Ten to I'lftren l.ovrrr 5horn Lnntbs Hhovr Much MtrritKth. SOl'Tlt OMAHA. May 5, 1913.. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Hheep. Estimate Mondav t.3i) ,VM ti.fm Same day last week. . 4.001 fi,7(7 12,li Sumo 2 weeks ngoi 3,fiM 5.W0 11.776 Same S weeks ago 4,897 b.OOO 13.R67 Kama 4 Weeks ngo 4.719 4.31S l,78l Same day last year . 3.M9 6.NO 441(S Ihe following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omalut for tlia year ttv date as compared with last year: 1912. 1912. lne. Deo. Cntllo S12.274 R2S.3I4 . ... 1,040 Hogs 1.010.272 1.1 307.017 .. .. IM.743 Sheep 779.R99 7in.4fiO 12,130 The following table shows tho range of prices for hogs at South Omaha for the last few days with comiwrlsons: Date. 1913. lt12.HHl.13lU.lW9.lS.lSi0T. April tt April ApVll 24 8 634 7 45 7 41 9 01 1 6 99 6 36 6 SA 6 38 6 34 6 31 34 6 3S e 6 33 6 38 6 24 6 21 6 23 25 8 47 8 MH S 0 001 7 01 6 31 7 41 f 73 7 0C G 40 April 25 April se April 27 7 M 8 74 S S3 S 8.S 9 12 9 22 S 3S 7 1 7 7 8 04 9 63 6 96 7 9Sj 7 01 9SI 5 3K 5 23 5 34 C V, April zs 8 SOU 5 81 8 74 April 29 April 301 8 IS 7 6T 9 13 X 2H 7 0M 9 It May 1., 8 3Ui 7 Rl, 7 fil I S Do 6 41 May S.f8 24 7 63 5 741 9 01 May 3.1 8 30K 7 4i!j 5 (HI 8 941 f 01 I. 5 34f May 4 May 5. I 7 Ml S 62 9 OQf 7 041 B 16 1 8 23Vi I 6 61 9 19 7 00 5 SS Sunday. Receipts nnd disposition nf llvo stock at the Union stock yards. South Omaha, tor twenty. lour hours ending at a o'ciock yesterday: 11ECEI ITS-CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Shecp.H'ses. C, M. A St. P. Ry. 17 Missouri Pacific Ry. 1 Union Paclflo R. It. 32 C. A N. W., east... 11 43. A N. AW. west... 43 1 It 3 81 7 22 C. St. P.. M. &. O. an C, B. & Q., west.. 35 t, R. I. & P., past. 5 C, It. I, & P., west. .. 17 Illinois Contra Ry. 2 Chicago U. W. Ry.. .. Total receipts ..183 W DISPOSITION HEAD. 22 30 Morris ft Co 455 swift & Co m Cudahy Packing Co.... 843 Armour & Co 743 Hchwarts & Co 896 1,208 1,756 1,912 153 36C 1,512 912 Morrell 8 L. P. Co s St. Clair 65 Hill ft Sim 69 V. V. Lewis 74 J. II. Bulla 23 L. F. Hubz 11 Ilosenstock Bros 57 McCreary ft Kellogg... 17 IWerthelmcr ft Degen.. 23S II, F. Hamilton " Rothschild ft Krehs.... 25 Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co... M Cllne ft Ohrlstlu 3 Other buyers 4th 2S0 Totals 4.031 6,025 3,637 CATTLE Cattle receipts wero very light thin mnrnlnu. nnlv elshtv-two COTS being ronorted In. At the same tlmo thore was a very fair demand, so that the trade was reasonably acllvo and practically everything in sight had changed hands hnfni-A 11 n'rlnek ln Ihn marnlnar. Among today's offerings was quite a sprinkling of beer cattle, some or tnem of very fair quality. Under the Influence of the good demand tho market was rea sonably active and tho Dens were cleared In good season. Prices ranged anywhere from strong to 10a higher than lost week's closo. What has been said regarding beet steers would apply equally well to cows and heifers, ns they, too, wore fairly ac tive at prices that wero strong to 100 higher than last week. Stock cattlo and feeders were In mod erate supply, but tho market did not show material ennngo, being generally steady with last week's finish. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 3ft.10g8.GO; fair to good beef steers, S7.85iQ6.10; common to fair beet steers, ll.iW7.K; good to choleo heUors. S7.257.75: good to choice cows, 6.767.60; fair to good grades, 3100(36,76; common to fair grades, 13.C54jC.00; good to cholcs Blockers and feeders, J7.GOfrS.2G; fair to good Blockers and feeders, I7.007.60; common to fair Blockers nnd feeders, td.26 wi.w; biock cows ana neirers, .ootf7,20; veal calves, 18.76419,76; luills, stags, etc., Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. IT. No. Ar. Tr. ..1131 8 16 ...1148 6 16 ... 878 8 16 ...11(0 120 ...1166 I 20 ...1160 8 20 ...1316 8 26 ...1271 8 26 ...1248 i 20 ...1318 8 20 ...1067 8 80 ...1213 8 38 ...1441 8 86 ...1813 8 33 ...1174 6 40 4 783 7 40 4 830 7 SO 2 810 7 80 17..., 10..., 1 980 7 M 8, 832 7 86 (30 7 40 33 847 7 83 22 893 7 70 23 1063 7 70 1 1194 7 70 1. 820 7 71 1 837 7 78 7 1180 7 78 24 7 80 11 1034 7 88 17 1033 7 88 4 1. 847 7 96 .1473 I 40 23 1278 6 4 1 16 7 36 44 1183 8 40 1 991 8 00 19 1313 8 40 1, 1370 8 00 U 1234 8 46 24 936 8 00 18 1380 8 46 43 1021 4 00 11 1317 t 60 30 1328 8 00 17 1(48 8 M 81 1241 8 10 II 160 ( 66 If 1110 4 16 BTEEIIS AND HEIFERS. 14 I 13 4 14 4 14 II 2 2 1 8 7 2 I 13 I:::-: z I 6 2 1 4 891 T 20 721 7 71 733 7 20 789 T 40 (41 T 40 113 T (6 , 601 7 60 470 7 60 760 7 60 IM 141 16..,, ..., 15..., 21.... 10.... 22.... 6..., 17.... .... Ill 7 80 .... 833 7 38 .... 816 7 66 .... 424 7 90 .... 971 9 00 .... 136 a 16 .,..1011 8 30 ....1001 I 20 ....1123 I 70 ....1033 1 70 ....1001 176 .... 800 I 76 ....1086 1 76 ....1140 I 10 ....1036 IU ....1310 I 10 .,..1041 180 ....1118 IS ....1111 I 86 ....1U0 I 90 ....1020 7 00 ....1148 T 00 1210 7 00 ....1240 T 10 .... 94J 7 10 ....IIJO 7 36 COWS. 760 4 DO T. 840 6 00 I 980 6 00 11 Ill III 1 1068 S 10 2 778 ( 76 U 940 6 76 4 1064 6 76 1 192 6 to 20 145 00 3 1066 ( 00 8 1016 4 24 2 1121 I 86 4 mo i to a 1133 1(0 1...... 1190 6 40 2 1173 I 60 a 8(0 I 40 2 1248 I 16 2... 10... 1... 1... 4... 1... 34... HEIFERS. 760 I 60 140 t 76 1.... 10i0 7 26 4 ( 3 4 1 I 4 2 1 .4 BULLS." 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .... 630 T 30 .... 180 T ii .... T50 T X .... 616 7 36 .... 653 T 38 .... Ml T 10 .... 717 T 40 .... 314 T 60 .... 190 7 60 .... 910 T 65 .... 740 7 76 ....1400 I 90 ItTO TOO ....13(0 7 00 ....1980 TOO ....133) TOO .... 440 7 10 ....1190 7 10 ....1100 7 10 ....1400 7 10 ....12(0 7 10 ...1160 T II 1130 T 15 .... 610 T 21 t0 7 26 ....1120 T . .. .lll 7 3 600 I 10 1030 7 00 fa T 00 110 T 00 IT3 T 00 776 7 16 691 7 16 607 T 20 1070 7 20 417 ! 23 1010 ('26 1190 (00 1200 I 25 1270 I 24 1240 I 26 1090 I M 100 I 26 1100 Si 1430 ( 40 lliii it!!! 1 710- 4 60 1 1 1149 I 60 1. 1. .1140 I 60 1 1 2 1 1460 I l( 1383 I SO 1330 I 78 1310 I 60 2., CALVES. 14.. (18 T 60 3 300 4 76 340 I 00 T 154 I TI 860 8 00 3 120 9 76 200 I 26 1 160 i 76 210 26 3 120 I 15 220 8 60 2 180 75 210 6 60 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 47 948 7 w 1 729 7 61 48 942 7 00 3 6(0 7 IS 2 460 T 00 4 465 T 70 3) 937 7 00 8 700 7 70 It 619 7 60 1 Ill T 76 T 712 I ew a lUf I 7 10 1 133 I (0 7 (03 7 60 ( 120 7 (6 II 103 I M) 46 1044 7 SO 41 1057 7 80 HOOK A moderate supply snowed up this morning, some 86 cars or 6,900 head fcilng reported in This Is over 800 smaller than a week ago and about 1.000 lighter thun for the same uay last year. There was a weaker tone to th6 market this morning and the first bids made by patkers looked to bn all of a nlcko below ciftttirday'B figures. Shippers ah( M'tiulaturs bought a few loads early a about the same decline, paying as high ns tsx, for some choleo light stuff Tm main causo of the decline was the gener oils supply In Chicago, and while noni of thu river mantels reported very larg runs, this was enough to weaken vniiut nt nil iKiluts. The market wns very slow and druggy nnd It was well ImvnrrU ml,! day before the yards were finally cleared 111 ino cnu, nowever, me most or the hogi sold at a reduction of nhmit fi it w. largely an W.K nmrket with soveral loads of heavies below this figure) and a sprlnk ling of Uglits and fancy butchers nbove. Shippers and speculators wero very light buyers again today nnd only picked ui such hogs as they had Immediate orden ior. inero were lew good even lOmls ol any weight on sale, the malorltv nf ih offerings being mure or less mlxvd, At. St). Pr. ..241 110 8 18 .317 120 3 11 3A8 170 8 20 ..383 ... IN ..80S ... 8 SO 3(3 280 8 20 .SO) 40 8 20 298 tOO 8 20 . .213 120 8 20 ..141 .. 6 20 ..231 10 8 21V4 ..233 ... 8 33V, 281 140 8 12t ..132 80 I Itl At. 8b. Pr. ....253 120 I 31 ....261 . U ... 148 80 I :s ....270 IN I 26 ....24 130 6 25 . . 231 80 8 23 ....243 10 8 26 . .261 . . 8 25 ... 22i no asri, .-..19 . .; a an. 70... 43.. 74.. (9.. (I.. It...'. 44.i.. 17.... 67,'. 40 a.. 74.... ,23.,.. 76.... 14. . (2. .. 34.. IS.... 71.... 71.... (0 51' : " .201 lfO 8 2714 794 ' ' 8 27H ..Zl W 8 371. ..2U 8 27V4 .'.251 '40 8 27H 77 ... ... 245 ... I 22M 83. .SHd Xttf B 1ZU 09... .24 M 8 ItU'. 70.. II 40 m.i.bi -40 8 27U II i: .174 N 8 HVl IT.. ..,,.224 10. 8 31U 248 ... 8 IS .84 117 110 I 27 It 2S3 liO 8 21 ... 8 38 Tlrf. SO ( 27H T0(. ,..,221. 80 8 27', 71 Ill 1M a 27U M.. .... 20O 120 a 30 70.. 211 ... a 80 4 203 ... 1 30 81 198 . . I 30 44. ..A. 74 . 40 8 10 M 208 M I 30 13 311 10 I 80 74 196 , 8 30 IT tod 40 8 80 II.,.. .202 80 8 !2',i 19 189 JO I 32H 86 10 40 I 3JV4 70., .,,..224 80 I 321, 62 202 40 I Jll, 88 223 ... 8 86 72.. . 303 . 8 26 31 244 81 218 8 31 78. ...... 227 110 8 H SsU" swt I a I ft I ftV 83 218 300 8 U (2 234 80 8 28 283 ,80 8 28 99 14 8 l 89 244 ... 8 21 71 .,..239 90 8 28 ...272 80 8 K ...214 140 8 23 ...MO 0 8 75 . .273 10 g 33 ...342 130 8 24 ...243 ... 8 23 .,291 80 8 IS (.. 71.. 16. . 10.. 74.. (5.. II.. t 348 8 25 SHEEP Compared With Mondnv of las week and two wcoks ngo, a very moder ate supply was yarded, but this wha enough to satisfy the packers require tnents. Aside from one or two sales of shorn lambs early In tho 'morning, noth ing else of any Importance took place until late In the forenoon. With tin first messages from other points Indicat ing a slow nnd lower tendency to brlces In the general trade the local market was also very slow nnd dull most of the time. Clipped lambs seemed to be In the best demand, be ng Picked un first at stendr to strong prices. Two cars of 73-pound cl I plied Jamba ohanged hands nt ei.iu. iu,' . w l o ' ii ...... , no ej(UIIBW 37.GO. the highest prlco toward tho closo of last "week. Tho buyers apparently did not want any woolod lambs unless at some decline, ns, they started out bid ding mostly' irfC5c lower. In tho end tun duik nt tho wooieu xinas went to tnc tuckers on a basis KMTH.c lower tnnn last nook's close. The modcrato receipt! wera not cleared until a late hour. CHJllltluiing lute lel)UHO v.ma, ui 6,600 head, comprised today's receipts. most nt which were lamDs. more oeinn only one load of clipped ewes Offered, As not enough aged sheep Wero hero to mako a market, values on room arc quotably unchanged. uuoiauons on snecn ana tamos: uooo tn chnlcn Mexican lambs. t8.60dfS.60: fair to good Mexican lambs, tR.25418.5d: good to choice western lambs; ts.254i8.33j fair ta good western lambs, ts.ooiflr&.zri; snorr lambs. t7.85fi7.6S: yearlings, llxht. 7,25a 7.60; yearlings, heaiy, 37.00fp7.2S; wethers, good to .cnoico. t6.tuXJ.'Jo; wetners, tair w good, 36.35iif6.65; nttes, good to choice, t6.25tri6.60: owes, fair to good, tS.OOtl'3.25; culls and bucks. t3.tioae.2B. Representative soles: No. Av. Prlco. 233 Mexican inmbs 78 3 00 266 Mexican lambs , 77 X CO 266 shorn lambs. 72 7 75 7 76 8 50 850 8 00 8 85 S 85 5 60 8 bO 4 00 6 25 6 ;u 223 shorn lamus ... 242 Mexican lambs 73 . 82 . 81 . 71 . 73 . 76 . 80 . 81 . 84 . 76 .116 266 Mexican lambs . i. ...... i 142 fed lambs , 81 fed lambs .., 119 fed lambs 106 Mexican lambs 141 Mexican lambs tu snorn owes 30 shorn fed yearlings ..... 110 shorn owe Kanauin City Llvo Slock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 6. CATTLE Re ceipts 7,000 head! market 10c higher; na tive stToors, 17,0008.75; southern steers, tO.2MI8.00: stbekers and feeders, js.&ou 7.85; bulls, IS.TBCl'J.W; calves, $0.60010.00; western steers, (o.jo'ns.za; western cows, 14.2M7.25. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market tenAv! bulk of sales. 1S.2M8.30: heavy, t8.2OQ4.S0; packers and butohora, tS.X8.40 light, t3.303i.4U; pigs, io. hiitcmp AND LAMBS Receipts, 9,000 head; muttons, 15.0O3.75; Colorado lambs, t7.25i.C0j rango wethers und yearlings, IS.60037.JS; range owes, S5.00tf4.60, Ht. Louis Live Stock Market. iiT ij-iillR. Mav 6. CATTLE Receipts. WaXl'head; market i steady; steers, eo.Tbry.w; cuw auiu ,it3uin. r.w-, 8.75: atockcra and feeders, $5.25(88.00; .,,.v,.-r, .tLHrs. 16.25478.60: cows and heif ers, t4.OOfy7.O0; calves t5.0036.60. IIOUO HeCeipiP, cwv uiHiu. uiaiftoi i ,lh.r. nlim and lights. I7.O08.&5: mixed and butchers, t8.48flS.65; good heavy, 8.35 S. 46. , . . ,,Tin TI...I.I. .V. SIIEtSl AI.U wo jicvcii'ia, u,ivv h.nri! market atenayt native muttons. t5.00i27.25; lambs. r7.O0(f8.. Nloux City Lire Stock Market. SIOUX CITV, May 5. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,000 head; market steady to strong! native steers, 7J0(3tl.60; cows and heifers, fa.ival.wi canners. eJ.Dtlo..;; and feeders. 17.0007.75: calves. t.757.70; bulls, 1560ir7.J3. HOQS Iteocipis, amh nraa; marxec tronsr: heavy. t8.KMfS.25! mixed. t8.22t 8.Z7H; Bht, tS.2GS8.3d: pigs, f7.0O7.25. No iresn receipts ui snecy, Ht, Joseph Llvo Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Msvy 6. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2,000 head; market steady: steers. t7.608a.76; cows and heifers, 14.0OtfS.26, calves, .60(a00. HOOS Receipts, 4.800 head; murket Bteady to 6c lower; top. 18.40: bulk, S8.25 8.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Ileceipts. 6,000 head; market slow; lambs. S7.6OyS.G0. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, May 6. The visible sup ply of grain tn the United States Satur day, May 3, complied by New York Pro duce Exchange vtoi as follows: Wheat. 47,- 157,000 bushels; decrease, 3,666,000 bushels. Wheat in bona, 4.4s,uw; increase, suv.w Corn, 7,270000 bushels;; decrease, 2,175,000 bushels. Oats. 8.704.000 bushels: decrease. 779,000 bushels. Oats ln bond, 966,000 bush els; increase, ousneis. uye, i,w bushels; decrease. 68,000 bushels. Barley, 1,706,000 bushels; decrease, 647,000 bushels. Barley In bond, 416,000 bushels; increase, 31.000 bushels. I uuon niaruri. NEW YORK, May 5.-COTTON Spot, closed quiet: middling uplands, 11.85c, middling gulf, 12.10c; sales, 6.300 bales. Cotton futures closed steady. Closing bids: May, 11.35c; June, 11.3c; July, 11.44c, August, ll.zzc; oepieniDer, ruvio; uctooer, 10.89c: December, 10.90c; January, 10.87c; March. 10.94c. LIVERPOOL, May 6. COTTON Spot In fair demand; prices easier; middling fair, 7.1Cd, good middling. 6.a; middling, 6.62d; low middling. 6.4Sd: good ordinary, 6.14d; ordinary, 5.80d. Sales, 8,000 bales. Evaporated Fruit Market. NEW YORK. May 5. EVAPORATED APPLES Quiet, but steady; fancy, TO S'.ic: choice. 640 Gc DRIED FRUITS Prunes, firm; Call foi'iitus, S4tHic; Oregons. 6HHc. Apri cots, firm; choice. HlU4c: extra choice, m4ul2c; fancy, UliOUc. Peaches, quiet but steady; choice, 6iV5?ic; extra choice. CB7c; fancy. 7H6c. Raisins, firm, loose Muscatels, 4Sl6o; choice to fancy seeded, Sig'tttc; seedless, 6Vi6a; London layers, 31.35M.40 Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA, May 5. HAY Prairie, No. 1 upland. tll.OOQ'11.60: No. 2, 1S.OOS10.00; No. 3. W.00fStl.C0: No. 1 midland. tlO.60ll.60; No, 2. t8 0010.00; No. 3, to.OOQ.00; No. 1 lowland. t9.0010.00; No, 2. S7-00ifl9.0u; No. 8, t5 00ti7.00. Straw, rye, t.06.6O; choice wheat. J5.0O86.60. Alfalfa. No. 1, tUOO, Nu, 2, S10.00; No. 3. unsalable. ' Peoria Market. PEORIA, May 6. CORN-Caah, No. 5 white, 66c; No. 2 yellow. B5Vitje&c, No. 3 yellow, 66yc. OATS-No. 2 white, 36ic; standard, iiV (f36c.