Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1913, Daily Sport Extra, Image 1

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    HVttx "Via nr A T-r 4 Tl A IT 7 LTTATA
Daily Sport Extra
VOL. XLI1-N0. 276.
Nicholas Agrees to Give Up Scutari
Fortress Torn from Turks May
Get Compensation.
Czar's Government Fails to Protest
Against Attitude of Austria-
News of Sumbission Puts End to
Fear of General War
No Dntr for Krncnutlon of I'lly Is
Specified lint F.xper lotions Are
Troops Will llcln Leaf
ing' nt Once.
CETTINJE. Montenegro, May 6. King
Nicholas of Montenegro decided today to
evacuate the fortress of Scutari In re
sponse to the demand of the European
When he took possession of Scutari on
April 23, after a six-months siege which
cost the lives of thousands of Monte
negrins and Turks, King Nicholas de
clared that ho would hold the city until
the last drop of Montenegrin blood had
been split. As the European powers had
decided previously that Scutari was to
form part of tho futuro autonomous
state of Albania, a crisis was brought
about and the powers immediately
brought strong pressure to bear to forco
him and his troops to evacuate the place.
Somo of tho Montenegrin troops woro
withdrawn from Scutari, in order. It was
said to resist a possible Austratan ad
vance. Then word came that Austria
and Italy had entered Into an agreement
to solve the Albanian problem by a mili
tary expedition and it was known that
the Austrian army was preparing to
march forward.
The attitude of Russia under those cir
cumstances was a matter of great con
cern to Europe and when it Joined In the
pressure being exercised on Montenegron
great relief was felt, as It had been
thought Russian would resist any at
tempt to order Its army southward.
T t arm H err t .1 rinrlntr Mi n narntlo
tlons that the king of Montenegro would
other direction If he would give up
Scutari and that his majesty was prepar
ing to accept this offer.
Tension l Relieved.
LONDON, May 6. Sir Edward Grey.
the British foreign minister, announced
at today's meeting of the ambassadors
that Montenegro had unconditionally
placed tha question of the future of
Scutari. . EVUifi hand's 0f the European
power. '
The decision reached by King Nicholas
at the last mom on t had tho effect of ro-
llevlng immediately the tension in Euro-
pean politcs. It caused unbounded satis-
faction to diplomats and the public. The
stock exchange responded at once.
It Is generally hoped this action of
Montenegro will do away with all neces-
slty for military excursions into Albania,
auch as Austria and Italy were contem
plating against Easod Pasha, DJavld
Pasha and other Independent leaders.
No Condition to Concession.
BERLIN, May b. No conditions were
mentioned by Montenegro today, when it
Informed the German foreign office that
It had decided to place Scutari In the
hands of the powers.
On the other hand the foreign effico
says there Is no evidence that any con.
crete step in this direction has yet been
taken and doubt Is expressed by officials
as to the veracity of the reports that
Montenegro has already evacuated the
No date for tho evacuation of Scutari
. . ir.amj ... ,. t.
J "-w. 6i" III
i a m
J,!.. . TV . V,
CetUnJe. but there is reason to believe
that the German minister In the Monte-
negnn capuoi receivea assurance irom
King Nicholas that the first steps would
ha taken within twenty-four hours.
The news received from the German
nlnl.l.r nt CVMlnlo unit h nlmnrth of
the Vienna market confirmed the belief
of Berlin financial circles that a peace
ful settlement was In sight, but the
bourse, although firm and somewhat
higher, opened with great reserve, the
speculative Interests being slow to re
vive their optimism
vttTTV vnni.- vn,v hnni
,v .w,i ,n -inr n,w nnrt
-- '
continue unUl June 6 at least, a test In
if.d.nll. in which thev will abstain
from using cheap candles, unwholesome
pies, crullers and greasy
crullers and greasy pastry, and
soda water flavored with highly colored
syrups. The Public Schools' Athletic
league makes the request and promises
to the boys who keep their pledge that
they will excel In athletic contests td be
held in Central park on June 6, when
10.000 young athletes will participate.
The league also has obtained pledges from
the boyB not to use alcoholic beverages
or smoke.
SPRINGFIKLD. O.. May S.-The Jury
In the case of Dr. Arthur B. Smith,
charged with the murder of his wife by
poisoning, reported thl morning that it
had ben unablf to reach n verdict. Jud f
Hagan declared a mistrial and discharged
'.he Jury, which Ivid been vut more than
'orty hours. Th" 1uritn not riliplo.t
lie number of bollotf taken. It U said
.hat the' rtmf ' t ' Ir favor if
,ciultt"l of the arpul plivs'-Mnh.
Representatives of the, prosecution held
i conference after thr Jury had bwn
discharged, at which it was to be de
cided whether the motion for ball for
hfi defendant would be onnorrd and
whether there would be another trial of
the case.
College Men Will Be
Trained for Army
Reserve Officers
WASHINGTON. Mny &.-Collcgo msn.
under the latest scheme devised by the
War department, will be organized Into
a reserve, corps of officers available for
the command of volunteer troops In cns
of war. Secretary Garrison and Major
General Leonard Wood, chief of staff,
would establish two camps of Instruction,
one ?it Gettysburg and the other at the
presidio at Monterey, Cal., to which the
college students would be sent to bo
placed under the direct Instructions of
regular army officers who will bo de
tailed to the two posts.
Major General Wood believes the plan
will not meet with any objection from
those opposed to so-called "militarism "
Under the plan students volunteering for
Instruction and drawn from the eastern
and southern universities would be trans
ported to Gettysburg, while those from
other sections of the country would go to
the Pacific coast. The plan has been
carefully worked out and able-bodied
students over 17 years of age will bo
given opportunity to learn the duties of
an officer In command of men.
Letters already have been sent by the
War department to the presidents of all
the great Institutions of learning of the
country urging them to lay the matter
before the students. It Is believed that
2,000 college men will respond to the call.
Queer Error in Bond
Blank Applications
Causes Amusement
PIERRE, S. D.. May B. (Special.) In
surance circles In the state have boon
smiling broadly for several days over an
error In a policy form sent out by one of
the surety companies organized under
tho laws of this state, and the fact that
many of the men In that company are
also prominently Interested In political
affairs of tho state gives the error a
little more zest. One of the questions In
the application form Is to tho amount of
lifo insurance carried by the applicant
for a bond policy, and this was Intended
to be followed by a query as to the na
ture of such policies and to whom pay
able, but the printer, at least he Is the
one accused, changod tho word "policies"
to "politics," and the form reads: "What
is the nature of your politics and to whom
payable," in which form the application
blanks have been sent out over the State
and are In the hands of their agents.
Spooks to Get Cash
Must Pay it Back
Cramer, a State department clerk, charged
with having used "spook Influence" upon.
Fentos J. Hurd,, a Greenwich, Conn.,
millionaire . to obtain. 440,000, will have
to turn the money back to hit estate. Mm
Cramer admitted having obtained $21,000
'because Uurd was grateful for her' care
of him," and a lower court left her In
possession of the money. The court of
appeals today reversed that decision. The
next step In tho proceeding, which has
been a long one, will be to locate the
money. sald to be tied up in securities.
Hurd was declared Incompetent by the
Connecticut court.
Man Arrested for
Fishing in His
Own Trout Pond
CASHTON, Wis., May 6. Charles Cul
ver, lawyer and capitalist. Is In trouble
with tho state authorities, all because he
is so fond of fishing that he constructed
a private pond on his property, stocked It
I at his own expense and has been taking
trout from it whenever the fanoy moved
him. On his sport yesterday swooped
rtown Uftme warden uauiscn io. v,rnwe,
I put uuiver uiiuer tw itoi uu niio u. ,.
, . , , . H V 1,1m
I IIIK lUr II UUl lllk "l DGOOUII ouv ww
to the county seat at Sparta for trial.
,,, ,.,,. nlcaded not eutlty today
prornigea, if defeated In the lower
courts, to take the matter to the supreme
court of the state.
HP-pi q1 rtf .Tfl.P.lT .101111 SOT1
JUXAMIX v w w .
Begins in.Ohicago;
Public is Excluded
CHICAGO, May 6. Tho trial of Jack
Johnson, negro pugilist, on charges of
violating the Mann act agajnst traffick
ing In women, began today In the United
States district court. Johnson Is charged
wUh trani,Portlng B,e" Schrelber from
purposes in me luner iiuii ui
1910. The court announceu mm me
. . ... .. .... ...
general puoiii;, miruncu
unBavory nature of the case, would be
I barred from tne Hearing.
Member of Blackhand
Gang is Captured
READING. Cal.. May 5.-Vlth bullet
wounds In the leg and hand 1'Ietro Lis
n. who escaDed after a rifle battle
with a sheriffs posse at Wei last night
was arrested at a hotel In hiseon today
He was a member of a gang of alleged
blackhanders which was Intercepted by
the authorities as it was about to dyna
mite a house In which two women and
eight children were sleeping.
The district attorney said today th
discovery of the plot was duo to the vol
untary confession of Frank Clpparone,
who aald that he was an unwilling mem
ber of the gand and that ha had been
promised J2.000 to light the fusis.
Leo Germonl. whose home tho member
of the gang were preparing to blow up,
h a clerk In the store of the Weed Lum
ber company and was under suspicion of
having been a company spy In a strike
that occurred three years ago, accord: 113
to infoimatlon given to the district at
torney today
The alleged purpose of the conspirators
was to blackmail 110.000 from the lumber
I company on threats of furth-r dynamlt
'Ins outrages,
.it . Oirv
District Court' of Appeals Doom of
One Year for Labor Leader for
Contempt is Too Severe.
Mitchell and Morrison Ordered to
Pay Five Hundred Dollars.
Higher Court Probably Will Be
Asked to Review Decision
Holds nnlliiK Should Hp Iteremed
nnd Stntutp (if Limitation Has
nun Sor No Nred at
A notour.
WASHINGTON. May S.-Contempt of
court Judgments ngalnst Samuel Gompcrs,
John Mitchell and Krnnk Morrison, the
labor leader, for their violation of
court's Injunction In the noted Ducks
Stove and Range case, were afflromd to
day by the district court of appeals, but
the Jail sentences Imposed were held to
have been too sovcre. so tho court re-
ducd Gompers' sentence from one year
to thirty days and decreed that Mitchell
and Morrison should bo fined $500 each.
The lower court sentenced Mitchell to
nine months and Morrison to six. The
supercme court of tho United States un.
doubtedly will be asked again to review
the decision. I'nllke previous decision
In this case, which have been unant
mously against the labor leaders, the
court of appeals was divided.
Chief Justice Sheppard dissented, held
that the wholo decision should be re
versed; that contempt of a federal court
was a criminal offense and that tne
statute of limitations had run In tho case.
Justice Van Orsdel, who concurred In
the majority opinion, held that tho re
fuial of MUflfrplr to,' assure the lower
court of his ijntentton to obey the man
date of Inferior courts In the future wn
"Important In measuring tho Intent and
temper of tho respondents
With that the dissenting chief Justice
disagreed, saying in his opinion:
I am unable to see I10W the refusal to
apologize for an act, the commission of
which has been expressly dented, shows
reprehensible Intent or temper. On tha
contrary It seems to mo the natural con
duct of a self-respecting man. Having
sworn that ho' neither disobeyed or lh
tended to disobey the mandate of th
court a confession thut le had done so
would be a solemn admission of the com
niletln of wliful perjury,'" . ,
1 no'unnujiiyiUKinmion was larKeiy.'vac-
volcd to flitting out why the orlgal
sentences were held unreasonable.
The decision said:
"No one can read this record without
.being convinced thut respondent, Gom
pers, has been tho chief factor In this
contempt; hence a soverer punishment It.
merited In his caso than in tho casus ot
the other respondents."
Two Men Attempt to
Rob Station Agent
in Grand Island
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., May 5. (Spe
cial Telegram.) "Shoot and be hanged,"
or words of similar Import were hurled
at two masked men late during the night
by G. H. Barret, night agent of the Dur
llngton, In response to their Invitation
to him to open the door. Both were
pointing revolvers at Barret, but they
did not shoot through the window In the
otherwise deserted station. They then
threatened to kick the door open and
Barret told them to go to It while he
himself grabbed the phone and rang for
the police. The two holdups then fled.
Secret Trials Stopped
by House of Lords
LONDON, May 6. An end was put
today to the possibility of secret pro
ceedlngs In divorce and other suits In
tho United Kingdom by a Judgment de
livered by the House of Lords, sitting
as the highest court of appeals.
The divorce court had adjudged a Mrs.
Sco'tt guilty of contempt of court In clr
culating among her friends the report of
a caso heard "in camera," In which she
had been accused of infidelity, but had
been vindicated.
The lord chancellor's opinion, in which
the other law lords concurred, reverses
the Judgment for contempt of court
The lord chancellor declares;
"Every court of Justice In the land Is
open to every subject of the king, and a
court has no power to sit otherwise than
with open doors."
Congressman Martin
Dies Suddenly
WASHINGTON, May B.-Representu-tlve
Lewis J. Martin, democrat of Now
London, N. J., dropped dead In tho Union
station hero today. He was serving his
first terms In congress, and has served
his state In both the assembly and sen-
ate, being the minority leader In .the lat-
ter from 1KO to 1992. Mr. Marjln wiu to
years old.
Mr. Martin had Just arrived m Waili-
ington from New Jersey. A. he stepped
off the train he was taken ill and seveiul
bystanders he'.ped him Into an office
-I... t I.. JI.J Iah.
lirHlujr. u,C .i,,.,, ..n....
COlMni:8, O., May S. Martial law,
which has existed In Dayton and Mont
gomery counties since the floods which
broke on March U, Is suspended by a
proclamation issued to-day by Governor
Cox, and which Is made effective tomor
row. Tho proclamation states that nor
mal conditions now exist In Dayton and
that there Is no longer any necessity for
military rule.
Drawn for The Bee by Powell
Will Consult Mr. Bryan When He
Arrives Thursday.
MlUmfo'a Officials nt Wnshlncclon
Sny Lund Incident Una No Con
nection rrlth Order for
New Battleships.
WASHINGTON, May K.-Presldent Wil
son recevrU today by, telegraph a. copy
of the alien land Mil patsed by the Cali
fornia legislature, now awaltlnV Gov
ernor Johnson's signature. He let It ba
known that tho federal administration
would take no. further step until Secretary
Bryan returns Thursday, with first-hand
Information. Mr. Wilson told his callers
that he had not yet received tho formal
protest of Japan and Intimated that be
fore May 13, tho last day for Governor
Johnson to sign the bill, some expres
sions might be expected as to whether
It would be In contravention of the treaty
with Japan.
In the absence of Instructions to the
contrary, Ambassador Chlnda will not
present Japan's formal protest, until
after Secretary Bryan returns. In the
meanwhile the embassy will haco oppor
tunity to acquaint the Toklo foreign office
of the exact terms of tho bill and of con
ditions In California and in Washington.
Welib IHI1 l'rolmbljr Leical.
Meanwhile the government legal ex-
perts are studying tho Webb bill In an
effort to locate what may bo points of
attack. Many officials here bollevo the
lawyers of the California legislature have
succeeded In framing a bill that may
successfully resist attack on the ground
that It violates any provision of tho
treaty of 1911 between the United States
and Japan. In that case Japan would need
to reply upon the general provisions of
International law to secure relief from
the threatened discrimination It alleges.
In some apprehension that an effort
might might be made to connect with the
present California situation the plac
ing of orders for thrre dreadnaughts, the
Japanese embassy oflclals today declared
these vessels were appropriated for by
the last Diet before the land legislation be
gan In California and that placing orders
at this time was simply In execution of
plans to cover a period of years in naval
The Joint board, composed of the high
est three officers of tho army and navy,
and headed by Admiral Dewey, was In
secret session today. Whllo It was a spe
cial meeting, it was stated that It had
been In contemplation for some time and
It was to have been called as soon as
Major Wood returned from his Texas trip.
niif!Ann. Mav K. Standing on the
iPnninir board of a speeding automobile,
1 (wo detectives fired ten shots today In
j pursult 0f Kdward Warner, 28 years old,
!w,)0 had lnrown a padded brick through
1 wlndow of lnr Metropolitan Loan hank
at 4M South HaUted street Another de-
on foot re(i five shots at the
flflR overtaVen afler
'u'"c' Ki-i,.
l cnnl0 of two block'1'
I -
. .,,.iiir-r lirlll
GERMAN! LBUNbnca mew
HAMlll'RG Germany, May 6. A new
dreudnought battleship was launched here
to-day to take the place of the old Kur
fuerst Frledrlch Wlllielm, sold to Turkey
In 1910. The ship was christened Grosser
Kurfurst by Prince Oskar, a son of the
emperor. She Is a sister ship of tho
Koenlg. launched on March 1, and was
designed to displace 2T.0TO tons. It is In
tended that she Is to be urmcd with four
teen 10-Inch guns.
Quiet Sunday in London
Article by Roosevelt
to Be Read at Olympio
Congress at Lausanne
LAUSANNR. Swlticrland, May R. An
article by Theodore noosevlt on "The
Vigor of Ufe" Is, to bo read hero on
Thursday at the Olympic congress, which
will ho attended by 400 International
lQverett J. Wendell, member of the
Olympio .committee; "Allison V,ArmQHt
of the New York Yacht chili, and tho
dtiko and duchess of Somerset are among
those who have arrived, and the hotels
nro rapidly filling with delegates repre
senting six countries, among whom nrr
many American sportsmen,
Theodore lloosovelt wrote rogrottlng
that It was linpossthln for him to attend
and stating that ovi-rwork had prevented
his writing a special Olympic article.
Jumps from Third
Story and is U nhurt
moment of temporary insanity Hosca
Cook leaped from a thrcu-story building
hero Sunday afternoon. When ho was
picked up he was found to be uninjured.
Asked what Impelled htm to leap from
the building, ho replied that two men
wcro trying to kill him. Tho local pollco
received word from Cook's relatives In
California a few days ago to locatu him,
but until he attempted his aeroplaneless
flight their search had been unavailing.
He was taken to Jail and will bo held
pending examination by alienists.
Enginer on Overland
Train Torn from Cab
SALT IAKK CITY, May 8, -As Union
Pacific eastbound train No. 2, tho Over
land Limited, wus nearlng Church lluttes,
Wyo.. last night, Flremun J. R. Hurley
discovered that Knglneer Alfred Nfclson
was miming fium his post. Tho truln was
stopped and thou run back over thu road
for Bcvornl miles, but no truce of the
missing engineer could he found. It Is
not known how long the train hud been
running without un engineer, but It is
believed that Nelson wus knocked from
his scat as the train passed over a bridge
which spans Ulacksmlth's Fork creek,
I about ten miles from Church Uuttes.
After eurohlng for two hours, the train
proceeded to Granger, where another en
gineer was supplied. A searching party
Is now dragging the creek for Nelson's
Pontiff Receives
Cardinal Ferrata
HOME, May 5. Pope Pius, for the first
time since his Illness, gavo un audience
this morning. Tho honor fell to Cardinal
Dominic Ferratn, who recently returned
from Malta, where he had pnrlded over
thu oucharlstlc congress as pupal legutr.
The popo expressed deep Interest In the
congress. Inquiring minutely about thn
details of this great religious gutherlng
The National Capital
Moiutu, Mny .1, 1111.1.
The Seimle.
President Wilson submitted nominations
for confirmation.
Chairman Simmons of the flnuiiuu coin
inlttee announced no hearing on Uilff
bill would bo held.
Tilt- IIOUHf,
Resumed reading on tariff bill tor
amendment under flve-inlnute debate rule
fniur nt nirlmerH recommended Duller'
rr-ilk channel. New York harbor, be intuit:
thirty-five feet deep und 1,000 feet Wide
at a col 01 ii.vou.wu.
Senate Committee Will Allow Inter
ested Parties to File Briefs.
Ci-iicrnl Ilrltnte In Nennle Will lie.
Kin Aliont Jnnr First Repnli
Henna Will Favor
WASHINGTON, May B. No public hear
ings on the tariff revision bill are to be
rleld by tho senate finance committee, ac
cording to Senator Simmons, Its chair
man. There will bo no public hearings," said
ho today. "That question has boon Bot
The determination Is expocted to speed
up consideration of tho bill after It gots
to tho senate, probably Thursday. Sena
tor Simmons sold today thut thoso most
Interested In tho schedules were content
o flln briefs setting .forth their vlows
nnd recommendations.
H Is tho present vlow of tho finance
committee chairman that the committee
will have tho bill under consideration
about ten days or two weeks at most.
? i n I .1 . .... ... 1,. .1111. 1
r UIIUnillH llilll l. " "tna w.i. hivii
senators to prcparo for debate on tho
floor. Tho hill Is oxpected to be reported
t tho senate about Juno 1, at tha latest.
Republican leaders, It Is reported, aro
planning to move, when the bill comos
from tho house, to refer It to tha flnnnco
committee with Instructions for public
limine Dctiiilp Nrnra IS nil.
The end of the tariff debato was In
night today so far as tho house was con
cerned. With a few odds and ends ot
the sundries schedule left over, tha house.
stood ready to dispose of the free list,
tho complex administrative features and
the Income tax, all that remained of the
new tariff law.
"Tho fight Is about over now," said Mr.
Underwood, the democratic leader.
Tho debate hus been the most good-
natured In tho recollection of the demo
cratic leaders. The republicans have
avoided filibustering or demand for rec
ord votes. Tho caucus rule of solid
democratic votes has been rigidly carried
Only a few minor changes are now to
be expected and they will be to clarify
languagu. Democratic leaders expected
thut today would clear the path for con
sideration of tho Income tnx alone, to
morrow to bo followed by tho reading
of the bill for tho formal passago of the
wholo measure, a formality counted upon
to tuko lees than an hour.
Oregon Demurrage
Law Declared Void
WASHINGTON. May S.-TI10 supremo
court today declared unconstitutional the
Oregon reciprocal demurrage statute of
1W7 without opinion furthc than an
nouncing that the action wus based on
the authority of tho Hardwlck grain ele
vator case. In the latter cuai the court
held the Minnesota reciprocity demur
rage law Invalid heoausa II Interfered
with Interstate commerce.
N15W YORK, May 6. Klnsbrldge Tav
ern, a landmark of 100 years' standing
nnd a resort where Edgar Allen Po
used to wait for his manuscripts to come
back from unappreclatlve editors. Is
about to glvo way to tho inarch of pro
gress. It Is on the site of what will be
the new American leagiio base bull park
next summer nt Two Hundred and Twenty-sixth
street and P.roadway, and today
a gang of luborers took possession of the
old tavern as a shelter for themselves
and their shovels while the last guest
walked out. Efforts of Poo's admirers to
preserve the old tavern for Its hlstorlrsl
Interest failed.
By li
Package Contained Enough Nitro
glycerin and Gunpowder to De
stroy Postal Building.
There is, However, No Direct Clue
to Author of Outrage.
Prosecutor Describes Militant Tac
tics in Address to Court.
1 Miijk Itrci'lptN l'o 11 nil ti. Office
Mlnnv Unit 3irmlirrN of I ill oil
t'on victi-tl of Crime Wore
LONDON, Mny 5 -A bomb ontUnlns
sliftlcletit nitroglycerin to domoltsu tho
great building was found among tho
packages collected by tho parcels post at
tha southeastern district postofficc to lay.
No duo was obtained, but tin poller at
tach suspicion to the-mllltnnt (.lUiuiutUs.
Tho metallic sound mitdo by the parcel
nroused suspicion utnong tho employes,
(.overnl ot whom were on duty ut tho
time. Thu parknga was plunged Into
water and tho police who w -k enllod
opened It and found It litlcd with gun
powder, u quantity of slugs nnd u tuba
of nitroglycerine.
Great Interest wns taken in the pollco,
court proceedings against the suffra
gctto leaders, hold on charges nf con-
splracy under the malicious ihinuuc net,
which wcro resumed at How Street today.
Archibald Ilodklu, thu prosecuting
counsel for tho treasury, In opening tho
case, described tho law of conspiracy und,
said tho defendants had been conatuntly
meeting together. Ho referred to "Gcn
cral" Mrs. Drummond as a "violent and
unscrupulous woman." Hu said Clayton,
thu chemist, In whose possession wcro
found documents describing u plan ot
campaign for burning down buildings In
London, hud put his brains ut tho dis
posal of tho women for carrying out
cilmes and producing whnt their own
paper described at "A reign u terror,
In lindon,"
From the comfortable seclusion oC
ParlH, Mr. Uodkln added, Miss Chrlstabol
PankhurBt hud sunt un article every week
to tho BUffragetto paper, either commend
ing whnt had huppened during the pre
ceding week or inciting further acts ot
Mr, l'linkliiirsl la Dictator.
Illustrating the control exercised by
Mrs. lfiinmollno Pankhurat over tho
"Wild Women," Mr. Ilodklu culled atten
tion to her declaration- of a truce- whllo
Purlloment was discussing tho govern
ment's franchlso bill. At a word from
her, he mild, militancy stopped, only to
bu resumed at her .command when tho bill
was defeated.
"Tho doings of these miscreants, ' ho
continued, "woro openly published In tho
newspaper, Tha Suffragette, which Is uu
organ ot crime."
Referring to tho conspiracy revealed In
correspondence of tho chemist, Clayton
with Miss Annlo Kcnney, Mr. Bodkin
"It is n terrible thing for a mnn to
prostltuto his knowledge to carry out
I such wicked ucts us tho burning of build-
1, ... , , . , ,
' '"S"8 and 11,0 explosion of bombs.
"The documents seized nt tho nod
quartern of the militant suffragettes ln-i
cludo receipts for money paid to suffra
gettes convicted of crimes, which appar
ently qualified them to bo placed on thq
pension list.
"In Mrs. Harriett Kerr'H room werar
f 011 ml letters from nil engineer named,
Iluckner, living In Hamburg, Germany,
offering to sell for J700 a quantity oC
pungent powder for uso In music I ml 18,
theaters and other public places. 'J ho
powder wns, guaranteed to causo violent
sneezing and tremendous Irritation of tho
Another letter read by Mr Ilodklu re
ferrod to a proposal by tho suffruget'.es
to ilimiHge somo stock yards In Great
Urltaln, Tho cost of tho scheme, $100,000,
was probably tho reason why it wus not
Immediately accepted. Tho letter said
"Tim results of the Job will bo spl "
did." When Mrs. Beatrice Saunders was uf
rrstcd and searched at tho militant read
quarters she attempted to destroy a V .ter
giving details of thee Investments mnde b
the Women's Social and Pollticul union
(Continued on Pago Two.)
T "I was looking over some
advertisements printed la
tho newspapers of ten years
ago, and I was very much
Impressed by the difference
In the styles of that tine
and thoso prevailing now,''
remarked a bright young
woman. "I don't know a
better chronicler of fashion
history than the illustrated
advertisements In the news
papers." tr And when you look over
the fashion illustrations iu
TUB 1313B today and com
pare them with thoso that
appeared halt a dozen or
more years ago, you begLi
to realize what style won
ders are worked by the great,
fashion designers ot tho
tf You note how tho news of
tho day Is reflected in tho
fashions. Tho Balkan war
supplies one of the latest
inspirations; tomorrow
next season, there will be
some other alluring fashion