Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1913, PART THREE Insurance Section, Page 9-C, Image 31

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    TTTP. nArATTA'' CfTTVmAV T3TV17'.. xrATT A Iftii
Along the
Automobile Row
Business 1s booming along the row. It
began with a rush last Monday and was
Going at full blast all, day Saturday. The
excellent weather conditions and the tine
condition of the roads haa brought nu
merous auto enthusiasts flocking Into
Omaha to buy oars, Every house along
the row vras crowded with prospective
buyers. Nearly every dealer said, bad
things about their respective factories
when they realised the demand for oars
was in excess of the supply. Many
orders were taken for oars by the dif
ferent houses for Immediate delivery.
Henry Bchuff, proprietor of the Palmer
house at Grand Island, purchased two
Dart trucks from the Mclntyra Automo
bile company. One Is a two-ton and the
other one-ton capacity. Mr. Bchuff it
having bus bodies built on the obassis of
the trucks and he Is going to put them
In service as taxi cabs. Mr, Bchuff came
to Omaha last Monday to look over the
different trucks. When he was given a
demonstration of the Dart tracks he was
satisfied and ordered two.
J. Za. Oalbreth of Buparloiv Neb, Is
now the owner of a Rambler car, which
ha purchased last week from this local
I. B. Doty mad many deliveries ot
t Iteo and Little oars tn the surrounding
territory last - week.
"W. C Fellers of Table Rooft -bought a
Rambler car last week.
The Rumsey Rubber company ot Red
Oak, la., delivered a Rambler Sedan to
James Durbln, a prominent resident ot
Emerson, la., last week. The Iowa house
ts under the Omaha branch of the com
The Rambler Motor company shipped
a carload of Rambler cars to Boysen &
Belehberg' at Schleswig, I8-, last week.
X Rambler automobile was delivered
overland to Luko Mamammy of Walnut,
la., last week.
Several carloads of Studebaker ma
chines were received by .the E..R. Wil
son Automobile company last week. By
I Friday all the cars had been delivered
.and the factory wired to rush another
' large shipment.
April tO, 1913, was the biggest day tn
the history of the Powell Supply oonv
The Kebrasko-Bulck Auto company re
port the lost week the best of the ISIS
year to date, they having delivered
twenty-nine oars off their floor, and
twenty-two cars off the Sioux City floor
and twenty-seven cars off the Lincoln
floor, besides delivering eighteen carloads
i direct to their agents throughoat Ne
braska. W- H. Kemp, traveling salesman tor
the Nebraska-Bulck Auto company, spent
the last week In and around Union, Neb.,
where he delivered six Bulck cars.
The Nebraska-Bulck Auto company de
livered a Model ."25" Bulck touring oar
to the Hippodrome theater last weefc.
which Is to be given as a prize by the
management of the theater In Its popu
larity contest
Manager Beat of the Moltne Automobile?
co'mpany returned Wednesday night from
a trip through the western part of Iowa.
He says the prospects In the Iowa terri
tory' look fine. On his trip he assisted
dealers In his territory sell three Dreads
nought Mollno cars.
The Snyder Automobile company ot
Woodbine, la., purchased a Palge-De-trolt
"36" last week from the Burbank
Bros., local agents for that well known
A carload shipment of Ohio cars was
received by Grlslnger & Day, local agents,
last week.
Grant Chlnn of St. Paul, Neb., now
owns a Mitchell car, purchased last week
from Dick Stewart the auto roan.
Prospects ore good for a big year tn
the automobile business, says T. V,
Graves, manager of the Goodyear Tire
end Rubber company. He has just re.
turned from a visit In the state, where
ho visited dealers and retail buyers.
Ps BrDay'of the Ohio Automobile com
pany returned Thursday from a visit to
the factory. He says the Ohio factory
'has been purchased by R. XL Northway
of motor fame.
Automobile dealers throughout the cen
tral west are using every "hurry up"
agency at their command to get quick
service, according to Mr. P. O'Connor,
ealea manager of the Powell Supply com.
pany. The" Powell long distance phones
are kept going constantly and there Is
a constant succession ot messenger boys
carrying telegraphic orders for which
tTncle Sam would be too slow. O'Connor
reports taking core ot a number ot phone
cdefs switched to his residence during
the last week after 10 o'clock at night.
Btrenupus work on the part of the pur
chasing department ot the Powell Sup
ply company has kept big stocks on hand
during the spring months despite the rush,
of business. Last Tuesday a full carload
of Imperial tires and tubes was reoetved
and enabled the local company to take
care ot the big demand created by the
opening of the ' running season out
through th'e territory.
that the new tariff bill could not pos
sjbly have any disastrous effects on the
motor car industry Is the opinion of
Harry It. Radford, vice president and
general manager of the Cartercar com
pany, Pontloc. Mich. Mr. Radford says,
however, that It might, of course, enable
the manufacturers to build cars more
cheaply because of lowering the cost of
living for tha workman.
The necessity for getting out new quo
tations and descriptions to dealers often
and quickly caused Clarke Powell to In.
stall a duplicating machine with printing
attachment. All ordinary house forms
circulars and descriptive leaflets are now
being gotten out by the Powell com
pony In Us own office.
Do You Want
Smashing Arguments
Why You Should Use
Goodrich Tires?
The fact tnnt practically half the
1018 output of new automobiles is
equipped by the makers with Good
rich Tires strengthens your own
decision with the judgment of auto
mobile manufacturers,
They know what tire is best, and
they select Goodrich Tires for the
service and riding advantage they
give a car manufacturer's prefer
ence based as it is in many instances
on 10 years uninterrupted profitable
use of Goodrich Tires.
Goodrich Tires have stood np to
their work in fair and foul weather,
winter and summer, on country roads
and city pavements, on tours and
in endurance contest.
Year by year the sales of Goodrich
Tires have increased.
Year by year the reputation of
Goodrich Tires with car manufac
turers and tiro users has grown
Today Goodrich Tires are by a
largo majority the most popular with
the motoring public.
Last year we could not mako
enough Goodrich Tires to meet tho
demand for them. This year wo
have vastly greater facilities for pro
ducing more Goodrich Tires, and
this without cheapening their con
struction or hurrying their mnnufac-
xno production oi uoodnon
A V.
iff'-' . ;
Tires has never been increased
the cost of quality.
It is because of the fact that alt
Goodrich Tires are of inly an kind
and quality that this continuous
growth in popularity, sales, and sat
isfaction can bo recorded.
The Goodrich principle ot nnlt
tnolding unchanged since wo made
the original American Clincher Tire
"is one of the reasons for tho long,
uniform wear, and consistently satis
factory service of Goodrich Tires.
The extra layer of pnro robber
on the sides, where tho wear and
strain is heaviest, prevents blowouts
and insures freedom from rim
The thick, tough' Goodrich tread,
being of the tire and not simply put
tn it, naturally does -not strip or peel
from the body.
Your dealer will oupply you with
whatever style of Goodrich Tiro fa
best for your needs.( We will send
you frti our set of folders, telling
you how to get the most and best
tiro service, and how to avoid the
common tire injuries.
is nothing
in Goodrich
that isn 9t in
Goodrich Ties
1 ,t
nrt -r- t- t m 1 ll I I "
, ineB.r.uooanch 1 J ,
I Rubber Co. I .
. Omaha Branch 034 Parnsra-St. Ji l; ( . ' '.
V I Factorlttt Akron, Ohio I J l ',' J
A , I Branch Houses and Service Bt&tlons ' I
I In All Principal Cltlea. Dealers ft '
1 Everywhere.
'i V 1 I ' ' !
i, ( Write for Goodrich .Ut A, I )
i ' 11 Route Book, covering .vpHIVi '1 v ''4
' ' il I - the onto tour yon se- 5&lI'C I
V v i . ' I 1 lect. These books ore rftlj2V t i i '
'I sent free on request. ftisPtx j' '
' JPiliW i l l vu v
r T w wj mn nsm wmm . V w SSi 1 s - 'bbbbs' a mm M.
LJ-' V V. . V TsW ?
m .x . . . ....... ... vv w uw . M
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-T-: HV A.
. -Apr .
A 9 an "
n-f . ThTO. union riT
"i Tl-jr
Here is the Right Car
at the Right Price
WE want your confidence) in tho Marion confidence such as
Morion owners havo enjoyed for ten years. Wo want every
one to know tho Marion, its features and fineness, just as
Morion owners know them. Wo want you to especially know tho
value of tho big. Marion 37-A at $1475.
It is our boast that every Marion which leaves tho factory is 100
per cent efficient. Tho motor is quiet, powerful qnd economical. You'd
be amazed to see tho accuracy in its workmanship and testing. Wo
calculate to thousandths of an inch. Carburction, ignition, lubrication
and cooling are cared for in tho same painstaking manner. Wo require
perfect balance, elimination of all vibration and sound, ond economical
development of power from every motor.
Your experience has taught you the valqe of such features at
long wheelbase, easy-riding springs (ours aro mado of English steel),
reliable brakes and steering gear, and tho finest anti-friction be&riaft.
You 'got them all in tho Marion.
But wo cannot begin to describe these oars here. Call at our
salesrooms; vrr, aro sure that you will bo interested still further.
Not a Motor Car Feature Omitted
Disco Salt Starter
Prest-O'LMa Tank
Warner Spoedonkter
Nickel 4 Trimmis!
Toels, Tiro Irons
Center Control
Dyaamo Elactrio Lighting System
Q. D. DeaeuatsbU Rims, One Extra
Mohair Top, Boot, Storm Cnrtalaa
Brmhr Qroaa or Daap Wis a Coler
Plata Glass WladsM
GtacWael Tool Rosea
Aapla Power
Leal, Easy 6prtss
Contort, Depcadability
QaMaaM, Simplicity
Dfi Upholstering
Piaatr ef Room
CWsillsihoBS Elodrifl Si artsc, af t, $19 extra)
VavBS f j ; sbbVZJ aaal
SBfSsTefA ars-sesisssSr festlPS esfl asrr 9easssU4va
2101-3 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
The Midlanda Superb
Without Extravagance
Tho now Model T C-BO Midland sells for
$2,385. i
And at this reasonable price ' you get all
that you demand in a high-class car, 'fully
equipped, Even 14,000 cars can offor'llttlo
more than this.
Equipped with , Bosch magneto, " Itayflold
carburotor, Gray M Davis electric lighting
and starting syston' left-hand drive, center
control, specially. Resigned T-head motor,
136 -inch wheel base.
A Light. Economical Car
Through the perfect proportions, three
point suspension and special design of tha
Midland Six, wo aro able to decreaso the
weight sovoral hundred pounds under any
other Six of similar power and cnpaolty.
ThiB means econorajf in tires and fuel. You
always havo plenty of resorve powor in your
engine. You pay nothing for nddod, unneces
sary weight. Yet you hare tho strongth, the
power, tho durability you insist upon In a
hlgh-grado car. Autf the Midland is an ex
clusively designed Six, not a rebuilt Four, '
Spacious and Roomy
One surprising feature of tho Midland Six
is the unusually largo, roomy tonneau. No
driver will evqr feel cramped In tho
compartment No three .people aro'
crow'd in tho roar Beat
The long three-quarter elliptic rear spring
make boulevards of all roads, Tb.a deep,
curled hair upholBtoring Is luxury Itself. Tha
graceful body commands admiration from
ovpry beholder.
In ovary appointment, In every mechanical
detail, tho Midland Six measures up to your
Ideal of what a car like this should be. Koto
these specifications. Then let us demons trata
tho rotnarkablo value you get at this modest
price of $2,385.
Specifications T 6-50
Left-hand drlvo, center control; Bosch magi
noto; 136V-lnch wheel base; T-head motor,
4x5-lnch stroke; olectrlo starter and lighting;
Bayfield carburetor; circulation splash lubri
cation; three forward speeds and reverse; full
floating rear axlo; elliptic, 52-inch' rear
springs; tires 36x4 inches; body, metallic;
hand-buffed leather, 11-lnch upholstering; 17
coats; silk mohair top; Insert dash lamps;
clear vision windshield; Warner auto-meter;
rear double tire-irons; full set tools.
T 6-50, $2,385
T 4-40, $1,685
Mtdlnml In3tnnf.infnn ;prvfft A "ervlue that means a station fully equipped t6 supply any
miUiUUU lUStilUiailCUUS Servile neejei pei ts or repairs In 12 hours or less, wherever you may
be. No more waiting for parts to bo shipped from tnq factory. A Midland Service Station Is nq further
from you than the nearest telephone.
Freeland Automobile Company
1113 Farnam Street
2559 Farnam St.
The Most for the Money
w. t. wxxisoir.
Overland and Pmo
Council Sinffa Xa,
Omaha. Vekr.
Marion Automobile Go.
Distributors or tha
afarloa and Msrmoa
Gas Oara ba4 ItasA
axd Sleotrloa ' i
UOM yacaaaa