Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 15

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Women Are
Doing in the World
Leaders of the Music Department of the Omaha Woman's Club
Club Meeting;.
HONDA V Open meeting of the eecond
district convention of the Federated
woman's clubs of Nebraska, nt Uhmrv
hall, South Omaha, at 8 o'clock, Meeting
oi me loung woman's class In Euro
pean history at 7:J0 o'clock, In the lec
ture rom of the public llbrnrr.
TUESDAY Meeting of the second dls
trlot of Federated Woman's club In
public library at 10 o'clock. Luncheon
for delegates to Federated club meeting
at high school, to be followed by an
afternoon meeting In the auditorium of
the high school at 2 o'clock. Meeting of
the Persian history class In the lecture
room of the public ltbrary at 10:30
o'clock. Meeting of the boad or trustees
or the Old People b home at 10 o clock
In the assembly room of the Toung
Women's Christian association. Lecture
by Dr. R. S. Towne In the lecture room
of the public library at 4 o'clock.
WEDNESDAT Meeting of the current
tonics class In the lecturo room of the
publlo library at 10:30 o'clock. Meeting
of the Omaha Suffrage association at
2:80 o'clock In Baright hall. Meeting of
the civil government class of the Omaha
woman's club in room 312 of the Young
Men's Christian association at 4 o clock
THURSDAY-JMeeting of the art depart
ment of the Omaha Woman's club in
the library at 10 o'clock. P. E. O. lunch
eon at the home of Mrs. A. R. Wells.
Meeting of the Benson Woman's club
at the home of Mrs. E. E. Murdock at
2:30 o'clock. Meeting of the Wyche
Story Tellers' league at 4:15 o'clock In
the lecture room of the public library.
FRIDAY French history class to meet
in the lecture room of the public li
brary at 10:30 o'clock.
SATURDAY Literature department of
the Omaha Woman's club luncheon at
the Commercial club at 1Z o ciock.
formerly of Chicago, was
elected leader of the musical
department of tho Omaha
Woman's club, at the last
meeting of the season on
w.rtnomlnv afternoon. Much can be sold
of the splendid recitals of this depart
ment for its work ranks among the besi
nf ih musical clubs of the country.
With the election of Mrs. Silver to the
i.ori.i-nhtn of the musical department, the
club has one of the well known musicians
of the middle west as she has been as
sociated with many prominent musical
organizations In Chicago. Upon several
occasions, Mrs. Sliver has been accom
panist for William Wade Hinshaw, who
la now basso of the Metropolitan Opera
company of New York; also for Thomas
Taylor Drill, prominent teacher In Los
Angeles; Madame Rogna Llnne, the fa
mous soprano of Chicago, and many other
well known soloists. Mrs. Silver has ap
peared In many of the well known light
operas and has staged them for bene
fit performances; aiiong theso have been,
"The Mikado," "The Bohemian Girl,"
"The Chimes of Normandy," and many
others. She has been a pupil of Mr. Hln
ihaw, Mr. Drill and Madame Llnne. Her
muBlcol experience will be of great as
ilstance in aranglng Interesting and up-to-date
'programs for the coming year.
Mrs. Silver has chosen her asslsants,
who are Mrs. J. W. Thomas and. Mrs.
John Haarmann, and with their excep
tional musical training and wide acquant
ance, it Is an assured fact that the high
tandard, which this department has al
ways maintained, will stand for as great
study as heretofore has been the case.
Mrs. Thomas is one of the well known
soprano soloists of Omaha, who has re
ceived much of her training abroad. Her
wide acquaintance with prominent musi
cians will be of great assistance to the
Mrs. Haarman Is a prominent worker
in the club as well as the musical de
partment and will be of great assistance
In arranging the programs for the com
ing year. The last year in this depart
ment of the club has been one of splen
did success, which is due to the enthusi
astic and untiring work of Miss Ruth
Ganson. the retiring leader, and Miss
Helen Sadilek, the retiring assistant
leader. At the last meeting of the de
partment each was presented with a box
of candy in whloh there was a J6 gold
piece, in appreciation of their year's
work. These young women will each as
sist with programs during the coming
year. This department will be one of the
most Interesting in the club next year as
it has been this year.
The most interesting event In Woman's
club circles In Omaha for the week will
be the Second district convention of Fed
erated Women's Clubs, which will be held
Monday and Tuesday of this week.
The opening meeting will be held Mon
day evening in Library hall, South
Omaha, at 8 o'clock. Rev. William Pol
lock of South Omaha will open the con
vention with an invocation. The address
of welcome will be made by Mrs. N. H.
Graham, president of the South Omaha
Woman's club. Bruce McCulloch will
speak of South Omaha. Other addresses
will be made by Mrs. T. J. Gist of Falls
City, president of the State Federation
of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. O. H. Mar
garet of Papllllon. Mrs. Edith L. Wag
oner and Miss Laura Peterson will have
charge of the music. Following the meet
Ins a reception will be held.
The second meeting of the convention
will be held in the lecture room of the
publlo library Tuesday morning,- May 8,
and will be called to order by Mrs. Bruoo
McCulloch, vice president of the district.
Mrs. C. W. Hayes, president of the
Omaha Woman's club, will greet the con
vention on behalf of the Omaha Woman's
club. Mrs. Carrie Peterson of Aurora will
have charge of the reports from the
clubs. Reports will bo read from the
state committees, as follows: Civil serv
ice, Mrs. W. C. Swanson; civics, Mrs. R.
E. McKelvey; health, Mrs. 1C R. J. Ed
l.olm; industrial. Mrs. W. E. Weekly;
program, Mrs. M. D. Cameron; General
Federation secretary, Mrs. F. H. Cole.
Luncheon will be served at the high
school following the meeting, which will
be In charge of Mrs. F, H. King and Mrs.
F. J. Burnett
The afternoon Meeting will be held in
tho auditorium of the Omaha High
school. Mrs. John Robinson will read a
paper on the "Cosmic Philosophy of John
Flike;" Mrs. T. J. Lees will give a talk
on "Traveling Galleries." "Literature of
the Biennial and the , Work of Mrs.
Frances Bqulro Potter" will be the -ub-ject
of a paper by Mrs. George Dorsey.
Mrs. F. S. King will give a report of the
household economics session and a paper
on "Domestic Science" will be given by
Mrs. A. J. Anderson. Mrs. J. E. Bednor
ind Mrs. Grant Fisher will also give pa
pers. Miss Grace Lennon Conklln will
give a reading and tho music will be
given by Miss EHcabeth Borghoff and
Ruben Vengrovitch. Tho clubs which
will assist In the entertaining are tho
Benson Woman's club, Dundee Woman's
club, Omaha Woman's club, Railway Mail
the South SHl sBsilP-fjBH
Service Woman's olub
Omaha Woman's club.
The Omaha Suffrage association will
meet Wednesday afternoon at Baright
hall at. 2:30 o'clock. This Is the first
meeting to be held since the tornado and
thtTo Is Important business to bo dis
cussed and a lurgo attendance Is desired.
Tho Persian history class will meet In
tho lecture room of the miblta library
at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morning.
The Board of Trustcs of . the Old Peo
ple's Homo will hold Its regular monthly
moetlntr Tuesday mornlmr at 10 o'clock
In the assembly room of the Young
Women's Christian association.
The Benson Woman's cluh will inn
Thursday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs.
hf. Murdock. The current events will
bu led by Mrs. Wrlsht. nnd Mrs. Cuvlrr
will bo tho leader of tho afternoon. Mrs.
Srarson and Mrs. Robinson are delegates
to tho Second district meeting, which will
bo' held In Omaha and South Omaha linn.
day nnd Tuesday, and will glvo a report
or mo convention at the meeting of the
club Thursday.
The current topics class will mMt
Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock In
tho lecturo room of tho public library.
The French history class will mwt
day morning at 10:30 o'clock In tho lec
ture room of tho public library.
The Wyche Story Tellers' league will
meet Thursday afternoon ut 4:15 o'clock In
tho lecture room of tho public library.
Miss Hogan will be tho leader. "Obedi
ence" will be the subject and stories will
be told by Miss Manning, Miss Mc
Elhancy and Mrs. Elliott.
On Thursday morning May 8 at 10
o'clock Mrs. W. H. Hancock, leader of
the art department of the Omaha Worn.
an's club, will give a stereoptlcon talk In
tho public library on the Detroit Museum
or Art. A nominal foe will be chorred
to add to the treasury. All Interested are
The last meeting of the class In civil
government of the Omaha Woman's club
will be held Wednesday afternoon at 4
o'clock in room 312 of the Young Men's
Christian association building. C. E.
Page will be the Instructor.
The. young woman's class in European
history will meet Monday evening in the
lecture room of the public library at 7:30
The philosophy and ethics department
of the Omaha Woman's club held Its last
meeting at the home of Mrs. T. R. Ward
on Saturday afternoon. Plans for the
coming year were discussed.
The literature department nf the
Omaha Woman's club met Wednesday
afternoon at tho club rooms and the fol
lowing officers for the coming year were
elected: Mrs. C. H. Mullln, leader; Mrs.
George B. Darr, Mrs. G. p. Bonner,
Mrs. George C. Swlngley, Mrs. Albert
Edholm. Mrs. Theodore Mayer, Mrs. Jo
seph Polcar and Mrs. W, S. Heller, asso
ciate leaders; Mrs. T. L. Coombs, secre
tary; Mrs. Henry McDonald, treasurer.
Mrs. F. H. Cole was appointed chairman
of the open day program committee, and
Mrs. W. S. Knight, chairman of library
"The Birds of Nebraska," is the subject
of a talk to be given by Dr. S. R. Towne,
Tuesday, May 0, at 4 p. m., In the lec
ture room of tho library building. Other
talks by Dr. Towne will be announced
later. You and your friends are invited
to be present.
The program has been completed for the
convention of the Sixth dlstriot of the
Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs,
which was originally scheduled to take
place In the Methodist church, Alliance,
Wednesday and Thursday, May 7 and 8.
The convention wai postponed Tuesday
by the local Woman's club . until the
latter part of the month of May.
The vesper services of the Young
Women's Christian association, during
May, will bo In charge of the various
classes In the Bible study department.
The two classes studying the "Life of
Christ," with Mrs. D. A. Foote, will
have the service, Sunday, May 4, at 4:30.
Miss Laurance will be hostess at the
social hour, which follows. A cordial
Invitation is extended to all young women.
The annual gym feste will be given
on Monday and Tuesday evenings.
May 6 and 6, at 8:15. There will be a
wide variety of dances In costume, illus
trating all phases of this work, and also
various amusing "stunts" and playlets.
All seats in the auditorium are reserved.
so tickets should be obtained in advance.
Nebraska sent a snlendtd delegation in
the national congress of the Daughters
of the American Revolution, which met
In Washington, D. C, the week cf April 19.
ueaaeu oy airs, a. k. uauit, vice presi
dent general from Omaha, and Mrs.
l hurles Oliver Norton, state recent. Ni.
tlonal Society of the Daughters of the
American Revolution, from Kearnsy, the
following women reported at the open'ng
meeting: Mrs. J. J. Stubbs from Omuha
chapter, Omaha; Mrs. Carrio E. Lovojoy,
Mrs. T. N. Buddlngton and MUs Kato
Dlckermon, from Fort Kearney chapter,
Kearney; Mrs. D. D. Potter from Marga
ret Holmes chapter, Seward; Mrs. 8. S.
Sadley and Mrs. A. E, Bryson, from Paw
nee chapter, Fullcrton; Mrs, G. W, Conner
from St. Leger Cowley chapter, Lincoln;
Miss Christian, from Thirty-seventh
Star chapter, McCook; Mrs. Xanders,
Platte chapter, Columbus; and Mrs. Paul
Beck from Joslah Everott chapter, Lyons.
The major part of the congress was
given over this year to tho election of
tho national executive officers, and ten
vice presidents general from various
states. Nebraska Daughters will rejoice
in the re-election of Miss Lake as vlco
president general from Iowa.
The consideration of the now constitu
tion and by-laws was put over until an
other year on account of lack of tlmo for
proper consideration. On Friday evening
the state regent, Mrs. Norton, enter
tained the enttro Nebraska and South
Dakota delegation at a theater party at
the National theater to see "The Gar
den of Allah," one of the remarkable
scenic productions of tho season. This
was a gala performance, the president
and his family occupying the presiden
tial box.
Following the play Mrs. Norton com
pleted a most delightful evening's pleas
ure with a supper for her party at the
Army nnd Navy club.
Most of the Nebraska people returned
home Immediately, after the close of the
congress. Mrs. Gault went on a southern
trip with her husband, who had Joined
her In Washington.
Mrs. Hadley and Mrs. Bryson, went
over to New York for a rev days; Mrs.
Stubbs to Baltimore for a" visit with
friends, while Mrs. Norton went on to
Wilmington, Del., for the annual meet
ing of the United States Daughters of
1812, where she represented the Nebraska
state president, Mrs. George B. Darr,
The 1S12 meetings were held in the
beautiful new hotel Du Pont, built by
the Du Pont Powder company, and which
was opened to the public late in January,
Mr. Lord of the Du Pont Powder com
pany gave a most delightful address
during the conference, and presented each
delegate with a copy of the valuable
painting by Howard Pyle, of the first
powder train In the United States, whloh
was sent from the Brandywlna to
"Put-In-Bay," to supply powder for Com
modore Perry In the war of 1811.
It is interesting to note that the Du
Pont company has furnished the powder
for every war since, and including, the
war of 1812.
Mrs. Norton after a few days spent
with friends In Baltimore will visit In
Philadelphia and New York, then go to
Boston for a month. Early in June she
will be Joined by her son, Oliver Norton,
at the close of his school, and together
they will go to Tennessee for an extended
visit, before returning to Nebraska.
Mrs. A. R. Wells will entertain tht
members of the P. E. O. society at lunch
eon on Thursday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. George
Lenhoff will assist Mrs. Wells.
JZiss JPizfJk Gaii son
Musical Notes
It happened at once of the last rehear
sals of the Mendelssohn Choir and all
because one of the sopranos appeared
with a new hat MUs A. and Miss B.
were standing in the dressing room mo
nopolizing the mirror when sho entered.
"Oh!" cried Miss A. soto voice, "see
the new headgear. Isn't that 'quando
Miss B. carefully surveyed the mill:
nery. "Ilia Tremenda for this season.
Isn't It?"
At this point along cume Miss C.
"Just look around to the Ult II you
want to see the latest," sold Miss B.
Miss C. looked.
"How do yoU like It?" asked Miss A.
Miss C. took a last look at the mirror
and gave her hair a final poke. "Libcrn
me," she answered emphatically, ana
picking up her Requiem she walked out
and took her seat.
Lothrop school will present a muslcnl
program Thursday at 3 p. m. at the North
Side Christian church, Twenty-second and
Lothrop streets. In response to requests
the program will be repeated In the even
ing at 8 p. m.
Mrs. Beulah Dale Turner will nlve a
song recital in Esthervllle, la., in June.
Two Peer Gynt descriptive Drotrrams of
musical Interest will be given this week
under tho direction of Mr. B. M. Jones,
Misses Luella Allen. Lillian Fitch and
Alloe. Fawcett. They will Include piano,
Violin and vocal selections from Grelg's
"Peer Gynt" and readings from Ibsen's
drama. The first program will be held
Monday evening, May 6, In studio suite
201-2-J Boyd theater, and the Tuesday
evening program will be given In tho
Bellevue college auditorium.
Outdoor Olub Life
Feature of Summer
Time in Omaha
(Continued from Page One.)
them to Lake Manawo, a few miles south
of Council Bluffs and across the Missouri
river. Few peoplo of Iowa or Nebraska
don't know the pleasures offered them,
and persons in the remotest parts of the
United States have heard favorably of It
An enterprising company has seen the
advantages of the lake and established
on one side of it a beautiful concession
park. To this thousands of people go
every summer day that It is open to them
and 'get a lasting taste of that happiness
that only such a lako can give. Through
this means thousands have come to know
Its advantages, yet they cannot realize
Its greatest pleasures as do the members
of the Council Bluffs Rowing associa
tion, which has a large club house on Us
shore a short distance north of the park.
The name of the club Indicates its
chief amusement rowing. Each member
owns a canoe, rowboat yacht, launch or
motorboat, and he prides himself on the
sailing and speeding condition 'in which
he keeps it All summer long ho reaps a
harvest of mirth from the big body of
water. His leisure days he spends making
new craft, repairing the old, testing them
out and pleasure rowing, paddling or
skulling across the depths; and again at
night, especially when the moon is out,
those glad times that only those of the
waters can know, are his.
Often the stranger may become sorely
envious when he Is sitting near the
shore and he hears the music,' the sing
ing and the laughter of these club mem
bers floating to htm from gliding craft
far out on the moonlit lake. It's'the kind
of Joy told of in Interesting books where
muilo always come "wafting o'er the
sylvan waters."
Yet that Is Just a taste of the outdoor
life of Omaha. Joy usually is coy and
must be caught unawares. In Omaha, in
the summertime, It chases you down,
wraps you In a teasing embrace and
laughs, "I am all yours."
and Thomas Orchestra Con
certs for tho Reason of 1313
nro now a thing of tho past,
and even yet. different mem
bers of tho choir arc hearing
enthusiastic complimentary comment
about them. One Interesting thing about
this comment Is that It comes from so
ninny different kinds of peoplo with so
many different kinds of musical tastes.
Which goes to show that tho choir with
a mixed program of shorti-c selections
and a few choice excerpts from tho big
ger works-a sort or vaudeville bill of
good music If you wish-succeeded In
pleasing everybody from the well trained
musician who listens to tho music for
IH Intrinsic value, to tho average llstoner,
who pursues other lines most of the time
to that his attention when It Is occas
ionally turned to real imislo Is an un
trained muscle, that can not stand too
severe a strain, nor too much of ono
kind of muslo. From the other side of
tho footlights It was an Inspiration to
slug with tho orchestra, and one thing
that Inspired the members to their best
efforts was tho way In which the mem
bers of tho orchestra would turn around
and look back at tho choir with on ex
pression of Interest and pleasure upon
their faces during tho twnccompantctt
numbers, and several tlmui tho altos
were overjoyed by a dceptoned "Brnvol"
from one of tho players In front of them.
These men play with all tho Important
choral organizations In tho country and
are qualified to Judgo of the work done
by each. Mr. Stock, the soloists and
individual members, expressed themselves
enthusiastically about our organization.
Comparisons aro often odious, but It you
want to know what some of tho Ger
man speaking members of tho orchestra
told Mr. Landsberg nbout our choir In
comparison with others, ask him. At any
rate Omaha Is gnlnlng famo not only In
a business way, but also In a cultural
way throughout tho country, and these
concerts have given tho city a big boost
in that direction.
As all tho numbers presented were of
such uniform excellence as compositions
It Is hard to tell which left the most
lndcllblo Impression, oven after tho lapso
of soveral days, Tho two principal num
bers. In which tho choir nnd orchestra
Joined forces were, of course, tho Wag
ner and Verdi numbers, which were pre
sented upon different evenings. These
worn presented In such a way that If
it rcnlly Is as Maeterlinck tells us In
tho Hlucbltd, that thoso who aro on the
other shoro awnke, when they are
thought of In this llfo, Mr. Wagner nnd
Mr. Vcrdl must havo been awakened very
pleasantly In order to receive, their hun
dredth anniversary present from the
Omaha Mendelssohn Choir, and stayed
awake long enough not only to listen to
theso wonderful Inspirations that had
como to them, but to receive tho en
thusiastic applause of tho audience,
which reflected credit not only upon
those taking part, but upon the genius
of tho men great enough to have writ
ten bucJi compositions. Tho orchestral
number portraying the murmuring of
Siegfried's forest was one of tho most
beautiful tilings that the writer has aver
heard In all tho literature of orchestral
The Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,
will give one concort only at tho Omaha
Auditorium on Tuesday evening, May 27.
A special platform will bo constructed In
front of the procentum arch and tho
orchestra will bo assisted by three
soloists, selected from the artists which
they are carrying on their spring tour.
They are: Arthur Mtddleton, basso, who
Is a great favorite with Omaha music
lovers; Barbara Walt, contralto, who has
a rich, full voice and has received marked
praise, throughout the tour for her won
derful Interpretative powers, and Richard
Crerwonky, vtollnst and concort-master
of the orchestra, has many admirers in
the city. Czerwonky Is a protego of Dr.
Karl Much, nnd an artist
tioiml reputation.
This concert by the Minneapolis or
chestra nnd soloists will be offered at
popular prices. Advanco tickets are now
on salo at Hayden Bros, arid A. Hospe's
tnuslo departments at '81.00 each. These
will entitle the holder to the very best
seats In the Auditorium and the offer
will only remain open till May 20. The
orchestra comes here under the manage
ment of Evelyn Hopper and arrangement
for sharing the obligation has been made
by Mrs. H. J. Klrschsteln whereby the
entire membership of the North Side Chris
tian church may assist In the ticket sale
and receive 25 per cent on all of their
sales, to apply on the cot of the new
plpo organ recently Installed In their
In reviewing theseason of the Chicago
Symphony orchestra In Chicago theso
points wore brought out by different lo
cal writers. That In all some 161 compo
sitions were performed by Mr. Stock nnd
his excellent band of players. Of theae
composers twenty ek-lit were German,
eleven were born In Fronce and two In
Italy. Flvo were natives of Russia and
two of Britain, whllo no less than ten
wjorks by American composers wore
presented. Critics ngreo that those who
nre glad that Mr, Stock wan generous In
these presentations should bo still more
glad that tho numbers presented should
bo of so excellent a quality. Glenn DII
lard Gunu, In speaking of n few of these,
writes as follows:
Thoso who listened with open minds
discovered In the symphony of David
Stanley Smith a work worthy to be com
pared With tlie second, third ami fourth
symphonies of Brahms, and in tho violin
concerto by John Powell an example of
melodlo Inspiration nnd characterization
that even In Its racial nspocti surpaimed
the Tschalkowsky concerto
Furthermore, this music roveated to
Americans a beauty new and strange.
For It accomplished worthy and enduring
(Continued on Page Nine.)
Hair Truths
Stop Experimenting
There are but few depilatories sold,
Tou think there are hundreds because
you havo used the same identical
preparations under several different
names. This is easily explained.
Women stop using
So-Called Hair Removers
when they learn that they are harrrW
ful. Therefore, th y can not be sold
under the same name for any length
of time. Then tho ldentloaU worth
less, harmful concoctions are given
now names and advertised again as
totally different preparation to
Defraud theStme Foolish Women
who Innocently buy them over and
over again under different names, and
this will contlnuq as long as women
aro so unwise as to experiment with
unknown, so-called hair remover.
Has Stood the Test of Time
Do Mlraclo has been sold as Da
Miracle for over eleven years, and its
namo has never boon changed. It Is
acknowledged tho world over by emi
nent authorities ns tho one sate, per
fected hair remover, thoreforo It Is
the only depilatory you can use with
out experimenting.
leaves No TcU-Tale Smell
If you use Do Miracle it will betnJ
posslblo for any curious person to
know that you havo used a hair re
mover because. Do Mlraclo evaporates
Immediately after accomplishing Its
work, thoreforo leaves no odor what
ever. On the other hand. It you use
any depilatory with a distinctive odor,
an otTonotvo, tell-tala smoll will Cling;
to your skin for hours.
if oid Permanent Disfigurement
by refusing substitutes, If your dealer
will not supply you, send 81.00 direct
Freo Information now to determine
whloh depilatories nro harmful and
worthless sont In plain, scaled enve
lopo. A
New truths In next advt V
Do Mlraclo Chemical Co., New York
Sold and recommended by
IBS I i I Shi
THE arerage is commonplace, Carry
ing; every detail of the PeerleM to fa
highest possible development has produced
the Peerless New Models. They represent
the taking of the last step to the limit of
human knowledge and skill as applied to
motor car construction.
Three Sizes
la iib4t, comfort sad fcutrty ths M38SIx
MB-SIx" sod "40-Slx" art Ideallcal fee can I
matured deUlIe. Losg stroke, elleati vtiratloaleu
motors provide eceaomrta fuel, eifkieacria eewer
tad flexibility la central.
treatment of every vital steel part) Irrcvertibls
steering En eleetric startlac and lightings perfect
welcbt balaace latentl ilcxlMIItrj laietr comfort,
Dttltn Im t Pfntua Trucks '
Victor Week
See Window Display at Hospe's
TbM Prices Absolutely
IeOWMt in United States.
$150 $200
Mo.t compressive' to
)lay ever shown. In order
x educate Omahans as to
iio true entertaining value
of a "Victor Talking Machine
we make this startling offer.
We will place in any Omaha home- any kind of a
VICTOR for your use and inspection
FREE of all Expense FOR 1 0 DAYS
How to get a Victor Phone Douglas 188 Give name and address and
hour you want machine delivered That's all. No strings tied to our offer1
No expense to you.
People who don't have a Victrola in their homes can't realize the musical
education and entertainment they are missing. Machines are furnished in
many kinds of wood. State kind of finish you desire.
1513 a unc or fn tsis
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