Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1913, PART TWO EDITORIAL, SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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2 B
Many visiting in omaha
Numerous Social Affain Planned
for Their Entertainment
Mr. O. A. Joslyn Una Hern diviner
n Serlejs ( Enjoyable Mnlel
KTrnt Mra. T. M. Orr Win
Whist Honors.
Soclnl Cnlrndnr.
MONDAY-Mr. Wilbur nlUno luncheon
at Kort Omahit Mr. W. II. wood luncn
con for Mm HarVev Flotehr r Chi
eago. Mrs. Harvey MoorliNvd Informal
bridge afernoon for Mr. Hugh Weed
of St. Louis. Ktavlrp stag party. Tom
Moore club dancing party
Tt'KBDAY Mrs. Carl F. Hartmann at
home from . to 0 o"elock at Port
Omaha. Military band concert at Fort
omaha. Air, u. is. van Jturen ana miss
Rlanche Van Kuren tea tor Mr, uar
ey Flstoher of Chicago. Mr. Qeorge
Darker, Jr.. hoites of the meeting of
the Amateur Musical club at the home
of Mr. Isaao- Carpenter, i Mr. Charles
T. Kountxe hostess of the original
Cooking club. Mr. W. a Templeton
hoigss of the Thimble club.
WEDNESDAY Wedding of Mi Fny
Thorn and Mr. Chartaa Henry Qort.
Wedding of Mia Acne Josephine Fltx
gerald to Butsner Gain Dab son. Meet
ing of the Universal Card olub at hall.
THL"USDATr-Ia Balle club dance at
Chambers. Mr. O. H. Worley hoitees
of the D. O. D. club.
FRIDAY-Mr. a N. Diets and Mr. John
Hudson luncheon for Mn, D. C, Law
of Nashville, Tnnn., at the country emu.
Omaha Guard 'annual May party. Mr.
Victor Johnson hostess of the Walnut
Hill Birthday oluh. Mr. a K. Terrlll
hostess of the meeting- of the Unonlmo
card ciud.
Numerous social affair are planned. In
honor of several visitors. One of the
larger Affairs of the Tree will be the
luncheon given b Mr. O, N. Wets and
lira. John Hudson in honor of Mrs. D. o.
.Laws of Nashville. Tenn., who will ar
rive Wednesday to be their guest.
Mr. Schmidt and. Mr. Hall are guests
of Mm. J. HI Elder, and In their honor,
Mrs. V. A. Brogan entertained at lunolu
eon yesterday followed by a matinee
rnrty given It Mrs. 3. 3. McMullen to
see Koilmova tn "Delia Donna" at the
JJrandelo theater.
Miss Helen Murray, prominent ta liter
ary and social circles In Decatur, EL,
ha been vial ting Mr. and Mrs. Richard
jCnrrlngton, Ja, and returned home last
evening. t
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Tates szpeot
their daughter. . Mr. Edward C. Smith,
of Kansas, City, to arrive soma Urn next
1-week for s few-days' visit at "Hillside."
Mrs. Hugh' WeicV of BL fcouls Is the
guest of her, parents. 'Me, and Mrs.-VbUUp
Mrs. W. ,Lk Karnes of Kansas. City win
at rive here, this month to visit Mr. and
Mrs, Francis Brogan. Mrs. Karnes wilt
he here Xorthe opening of ths Country
club, and in, her honor Mr. and Mr.
Howard Bald rise will giro" a dinner on
that occasion.
Mrs. Hacvey Fletcher of Chicago, who
is vleltlng her motheir, Mra' a a Van
Kuran. will (be honor guest at a lunch
eon Monday given by "Mra W. 8. Wood,
,nnd a tea pary Tuesday afternoon given
by her mother and her slater, Mrs. Q. C.;
Van Kuran ta Mls Dlanwe Van Kuraa.
Mr. Henri D. Retakroofc of New York,
formerly ofloaasia. Is the guest of Mr.
and Mra Xawara Porter Peek and other
friend. , ' r
Miss AliesFRawe sfTfOTeester, Mass.
1 the guest of Mrs.,SJ Cwfcra.
her apartments at thaM' WI
Supper Smm at Uaivirtity Olmli.
Instead of the dlpjasr dadoes, Which
liovo boo nj glyen at ssievrTjrstyecslfcr olub,
a supper dinoo will be gtvea a the May
f party. Dancing will start at halt after
8 o'clock, supper will be served at half
after 10 o'clock. It is expected that this
will be a popular Innovation at the club,
Tho dance -will be Informal and members
will be permitted to Invite their friends.
Mrs. T, SSVXJrr Wins Whist Honors.'
Mrs. T. Mthr, who is tho only Omaha
woman attending the 'National Women's
Whist tournament at Detroit, has made
an enviable record. Mrs. Orr has won
two pins for making high socrro at-, the
morning and afternoon play. Only those
winning pins may play for certain
trophies, tJo -Mra. Orr may have the. good
fortune to win one of the trophies. The
tournament cndodMast evening and Mrs.
Orr Will return home Immediately.
The Omaha-Whist club will entertain In
honor of Mra,(Ovr, in the near future.
At Lynuhurst.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn have
been entertaining their many friends
royally at lynnhurst during ithetlaat tun
days, when delightful musicals were- given
almost every evening by Archer Gibson,
the well known organist from New York
Aboot forty guests have been present
each evening. Mr. and Mra Joslyn are
among the most prominent patrons of
art tlnd mttslo and they -chare their pleas
ures with thuir many friends. Mra
Joslyn Is also prominent In phllanthropto
vork;and a number 'of restdonts of the
Institutions In which she is Interested
werQ entertained at Lynnhurst Saturday
afternoon. Among these were all those
able to come from tho Old People1 Home,
a number from the Social Settlement,
corns of the older children from the
Child Saving Institute and several from
the Rlvervlew Home.
The motor cars to take the gueets to
and from Lynnhurst were furnished by
Mrs. C N. Diets. Miss Jessie Millard
and Mrs. Joslyn.
Omahans. doing Abroad.
Mrs, James Chodwick will sail the lat
ter part of this month for a summer In
Europe, part of the time with Mr, and
Mra Lewis B. Reed jp Farts and pari
of It with them In Germany. Mr. Reed
who has been here, the guest of Mr. and
Mra Chodwick for several w6ek returns
to Paris at the same time with Mrs.
ChadWlck. v . .
Mrs. R. g. Hall, with Mis Dorothy Hall,
and her younger (on, Jasper, will salt the
latUr part of June to Join Miss Janet
Hsll In Europe.
Miss Bessie FTtman and Mr. and Mrs,
Jensen of Omaha will San Thursday on'
OsCar IX, for a three months' visit In
northern Europe.
At Excelsior Springi.
Ml Ella Mas Brown has been at the
Springs alnc Monday with Mra John I
Mr. C. H. Pickens came back. Tuesday
from Excelsior, and Mr. K. B. ruee
Miss Pauline. Bourk returned Monday
from tnti Sprints.
Mr, M, a Peters and Mr. 3. C. Sharp
Illinois Belle Who
arrived home Thursday mornlog from
Mr. and Mrs. Oi G. Itedlntr mn vrM
Hwortziander have spent the week at Ex
celsior Springs, returning probably today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Yot n at vari
olar Springs, havlnsr conn down Inat
to remain. until the first of this week.
r. uen uauagher returned Monday
from the ttorlnn'and "XfV Tmii ntiDh..
went down Thursday to -join hi mother,
wno naa Doen tnera two weks,and will
prooauiy return the first of this week.
Motor Trip.
Air. Elrnar Can nbtn f
In his cor for Chicago, accompanied by
Captain and Mrs. Rlfcnbertok and Mra
Eva Wallace. After a few days In Chi
oago they will return to Omaha. Shortly
ner uiptain and Mrs. Rlfenbericlc will
leave for San Frandsoa to visit hfnr
go;nsi up to Prince Rupert, B. C,
Matinee Inioheon. "
Mn). OrldenlAVllllrrt .nt.rtotn.
- - .. ...
luncheon at tho Henihnw Hatunlav. fnl.
lowed by a matinee to. see Nvutmova at
me ranaeis,uieater. The guests were;
Meadames Frank Crecdon, Guy J'ljrdy,
M. 3. Chafer, Charles Fisher, Fred Dusoh,
E. T. Hehnesy, W. W. Walker, W, W.
ChaplB, O. Leppen and Miss May Hant-
yisl.PeteTMa'dlne. t
" wouuins ook pines at the
home Of Mr. and Mra. Jnhn Palannn
.w'hea their daughter, Theresa, became the
o r. James Johnson. To ths
strains of ths .Mendelssohn wedding
march, etayad hv rri. m.ii. ri..-
the bridal party entered the room and
stooa unaer a beauurui arch of pink and
Whits roses, with showers of ferns on
either sldm reaching
white wedding bell was suspended from
ue center, utue Miss Alloe May Chris-
t CCaen entered flint, enrrrlna- Id. .Inn
In a calla Illy, Then came Miss 1911n
OaM. n ..1.1 . . t 1 . ' , .
,uaou, aia.or VI U1Q IIIIUO, u, inMO Ot
honor, gowned In pink marquisette. The
draped skirt was caunht with tiink .atin
roses. She carried an immense bouq,uet of
bridesmaid "roses. She walked with Mr.
wlllfam Karnelt, the best man.
The bride entered with her father ami
WaS attraOtlVB in' her Vhlta .ntln nntn
with trimmings of real lace. The long
tulle veil which reached to the end ot
the train was held In place with a wreath
of wfyte sweet peas. She barred a
shower bouquet of brides roses. The party
was met at the arch hv h nwim mil
Rev. George Southworth .of St. Matthew's
lapiscopai church, who read the ring arv
ice. The bride has been a member of
the choir for. several year. The vnunir
couple left for a wedding trip to Minne
apolis and upon their return will be at
home In Florence, where Mr. Johnson has
a home furnished for his bride.
Sriok-Dlnan Wedding.
Mr, Thomas W. Br)ok, COS North Twenty-third
street, and Miss Theresa Diana,
1&10 South ESeVanth 'atraat. war inll4
... . - - - v . . w iwiim
in marriage Tuesday morning at St.
I'nuomena-s onurch. Rev. J, ,w. Stenson
performed the marriage, ceremony and
celebrated the nunttsf htch nine. Mr.
iDennls O'Connor and Mies Ella BoWler
were me attendants. Many relaUves and
friends of tho br.dal tarty were present
In the Church and afterward ht th atah.
orale wedding breakast, which was
aorvcu ai me nomo ocitno uriae s parenta
The bride is the daughter 'of Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Dlnan, lSlrf SoiithEIeventhj
They were the reclnlenta of nun h,,u.
tlful weddlhg gifts from her numerous
friends. After the wedding breakfast
the VOUng CoUble left on' a bridal trlr.
after which they will reside at Twenty-
tiira ana uuraette streets.
Dabson-Fitzgerald Wedding.
Tne .weaaing or Agnes Josephine Fits-
sferald to Sumner Cain Babson will take
place Wednesday morning at l;80 o'clock
at St. Bridget's church, Twenty-sixth
and F streets, South Omaha.
Miss Mam Fitzgerald, sister of the
bride, will be bridesmaid and John Met
cell will accompany the groom. Follow
ing the marriage ceremony breakfast will
be served In the new home of the bridal
couple, 1707 Park avenue, which will be
attended by relaUves and frionds ot the
Mr. Babson Is a veterinarian In the em
ploy of the government
Mr. Babson and his bride will take a
wedding trip and will be at home after
June t.
Omaha Guards' Hay Party.
The Omaha Guards will Hive their an-
uual May party at, Chambers' iViday
evening, May S. Owing to the fire In
which many ot the' possessions of the
Guards were destroyed. Including the ,1st
of friends who hav,e for many yesr, re
ceived invitations. It Is ' impossible to
is Visiting in Omaha
remember the names of all who hava been
regular attendants at this affair. A
cordial invitation is extended to nil
friends who have attended these parties
Return from California.
Mrs, Barber arrived vnatenlav fmm rai.
I , - . ... .
iiuwiia unu will ODen the house for TiTr
and Mrs. F. P. Kirkei.dall.
tomorrow rrom Deveriv ttiil.. ni
companled by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Whar
ton ana Mrs. Lee McShane.
Mr, and Mrs. C. H. llontmm.n
have been In California for elz wk.
returned Thursday.
Efaira-Froelioh Eneaeement
The engagement is announn nt nna
ceiia Froelich. daushter nf Mr im.ii.
" ..niuim
JFroelich of Minneapolis, to Mr. louis
Jiaara or New York, Mr. Hadra Is tho
son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Hadra. ,
resided here until three years agof Ths
weauiiia- VTiii taxe piace in tho fall
Leonaardt-Baloombo Wedding,
weuiung ot aiiss Mabel Balcombe
and PhlllDD Waldamar T,I,.M. i
toka place Wednesday, May , at the
.apoiment or miss Balcombe at ths
BetroUial Eeoeptlon.
The betrothal receDtlon for Min. win
enc HUler and Mr. Sflwln Jacobs will
be held today at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry HUler. Mrs. M. Jacobs of
St. IJouts has arrived ta nr. ma
..v.. .... .,
Mra. Hitler until after the reception.
uuier oui-o.-town guests will Include
Mr. and Mrs. M. Friend end Mr. n
Mrs. Ed Guggenheim -of Lincoln and Mr.
L B. Jacob and Mr, M. P, Ye Of "St.
Lout, who arrived this morniug. Mr.
Horry May entertained at dinner Friday
evening in honor of Miss HUler and Mr.
Jacobs. t
Universal Card Club,
The Universal Card olub will meet
Wesnesday afternoon instead of 'Tuesday
afternoon at their liall at Twenty-elghth
and Fowler streets,
Centurion Club May Party.
Miss' Catherine Heafey was crowned
queen ot tho May at the Centurion club
at a May party and dance given at Rush
lngs hall. Bouth Omaha, Thursday even
ing by the olub. The festivities were
Viewed hV SOme 200 a rAOI A Inra anA w
directed by Frank Smith, master of cere
A grand" march led hv tha n.m-.
elect, followed by other officers ot the
eiuo, Dota present and past, members
and guests, began the ceramnnlaa r.,.
Ing the progress of the march the queen
made her entrance.
' "-V-T -w...a.tnvV4 Uf HUT
maids of honor, Misses Ella Sullivan and
Alice McDonald.
She was escorted to lh. iimi'. i-
end of the halt, from which ah -
short address. Afterward shs conferred
the degrees of knighthood on the officers
ot the club.
After the ceremonies the newly electee!
officers entertained the queen, maids ot
honor, past officers and ladles at an In
formal supper at the home of James P.
The following were present at the
danelng party: . .
Misses MIbkcb
Catherine Ilcafoy, Hneel Martin.
Alice MoDonald, BHnor McCarthy,
Hila 8ullivan, Charlotte Lovelr.
Anne McMahon, Loretrk Mulcahy.
M. Beck, Toss Mulcahv,
llulda Armbrush. Mnrenrtt McUovern.
Mercedes Ureen. Rosemary McMahon,!
iuargaret wnnion, Mable Aleicner,
Nell Creedon. rtnth Unnnn.
Josephine Dougherty.Anna Offerman,
Gertrude Dolleck. Maruerer O'Hara.
isaoene rianerty, Josephine O't'onneii,
nuin i'oran, uatnenne I'arks,
Marme Fltzireratd. Kdna Iteed.
Ruth I-lynn, Anna Robertson,
Uonnte Foley, Anno Rowley.
Marearet Foler. Jnnonhtno Ilnnie.
Louise Garvey, Kathleen tluscell,
Kathleen Houlton, Theresa Rlss,
Ruth Howard, Iva Bherdemnn,
Mary Horn, Veronica Sexton,
Mary Houlton. Mnrv Eheehv.
Nora Horn, A. Samuolson,
Modjeska Johnson, Claro Wrode.
Henrietta Kltch- Margaret Welsh,
, mark, Nina Weppner.
SSIta Kavanagh, Geraldtne wpbbcr,
Vena Kavanagh, Frances Willnnl,
Ella Kundc, -Catherine Welsh.
jsua juirson,
MesSrs. Messrs..
William Boyd, Claude Miller,
Jack Barrett, A. McDonald,
Ed Betlach. John Mercell,
D. Cullen, Earl McMahon,
it. u. Condon. Thomas Moore,
Edward Cahlll, Theodore Nelson,
H. R. Chevalier, Joe Offornmn,
Leo Cahlll, Patrick Ormsby,
h. uiennger, i). a. u'lory,
?'. J. de la Vega, Ray Owens,
larry Eastwood, T, J. O'Hara,
Roy Fruhcls, Art Offerman,
Joe Flttgerald, J, F. Powers,
J. N. Fiynn, John O'Mara,
E. Olas, Roy Plerson,
F. Hogan, George Parks,
ITO. Hronek, Robert Parks,
V. Haskall, Paul llerchke,
C, Horan, -wnillam Itnnle,
M. J. Heafey. sr., J. II. Robert,
Mose Howard, Eatl Russell,
M. J. Hesafey, Jr., l-oo Ryan.
J. Jacobsen, F. N Smith.
J. Jensen, Richard Swift,
W. N. Jamlcson, I. Sulllvnn,
M. P. KavamiKh, Paul Schulti,
William Keenan, C. F. Sutherland,
Frank Kearney, Mr, Stuart.
F. J. Kunce, Cyril Sheehy,
Emmett Kehl, T. F. Sullivan,
James Lowery, T, J. Sullivan,
C. A. Leppert, J, P. SulllVan,
F. J. Llchnovsky, Joe Weppner,
John Mulcahy. Fred Weppner,
Emmet McMahon, Henry Wrede,
James Mitchell, John Cavanagh,
Leo McQueen, Thomas Hoctor,
Mr. and "Mrs. J. M. Flynn.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Llchnovsky.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Heafey.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore.
Et-A-Virp May Party.
The May party of the Bt-a-virp ciud
was given Thursday evening ai unam-
bers academy. Refreshments were served.
The following were present:
Nettle Schootey,
Judith Palm,
Mildred Brunner,
Dqra Bass,
Vera East,
Muriel Jefferls,
Alma SorensSn,
Cecil Withnell,
Ella Petersen,
Agnes Lament,
Florence Dooley,
Grace Petersen,
Laura Petersen,
Mabel Kngler,
Bess Latey,
rMntte Jacksorii
D. Haarmann,
Margaret English,
Dora Olson,
norths, Merz,
Flower Alexander,
Adellno Hoecht.
Wllma Bruce,
Evelcen Spellman,
Eva Paul. ,
Charlotte Bub,
Margaret Herman,
Margaret Lage,
Gertrude Grucnlg,
Leola Granden,
Essie Aarons,
Irene Hli.'boo.
Josephine GuBsler,
Blanche McConnell,
Mary Fritcnara,
Alfle Johnson,
Hazel Johnson.
Dorothy Blglow.
Annn Neble,
M. Havens.
Frank Coulter,
Leo DuKher.
A. L. Reynolds,
Thor Anfreeen,
J. A. Flynn,
K, A. Morgan,
B. H, Hawley,
J, la Haney,
Earl Eleonhart,
F. C. Whlttemore,
W. G. Johnson,
J. W. Doyle,
C. Sundblad,
J. W. Johnson,
Roso Gordy,
Amy Nelson,
Irene Lundgard,
Stella Beselln,
Claudo Rlfo,
Frank. Spellman,
C. Haarmann,
Robert Iatsch.
Otto Nielsen,
Sam Crozlar.
Clark Cheney,
O. W. Malstrom,
W, H. Dana.
Clarence Hall,
W. S. Allen.
C. B. Cannan.
M. A, MUlor,
mil Wnack.
Dr. F. C. Lage,
L, Johnson,
Dr! N. H. Attwood, Lew M. Irvine,
Ij. Llerk.
p. J. Vorwald.
W. Craighead,
Percy Gwynne,
' Robert Bmlloy,
Carl irohwy. -L.
W. Knight,
A. U Crawford.
J, McMahon.
R. A. Nelson.
Dr. C. F. Patton,
F. W. Vapor.
John Seilne,
Mr. ana Airs, a,
r. mA xra Tl .7. Trilhn.
Mr! and Mrs. Robert Haywood.
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Go tf.
wnncrv Clnb Danolncr Party,
rrha Munirrv club enloYed a feast of
dances Friday evening at Chambers' hall.
Tha nroeram were made in menu ae-
sign. Only members and their immediate
friends were Invited. The officers ot tne
club are George Youraan, president;
Albert Irwin, vice president: Bort Beer-
man, secretary; Arthur Mohoney, treas
urer. Those present werel
(Margaret Logan,
Pauline Faulkner.
Alice Elmqulst,
Florence Baslas,
Helen Drleooll,
IC Kline,
Grace Berg,
Ruth Boyle,
Vera East,
Alice English,
Mabel Housman,
Alice Hayden,
Beatrice Foley,
Ruth Nelson,
Florence Cole,
Essie Aarons,
Van Wlokle.
W, J, Moran,
? 3. Rosbach,
I'aul Moore.
F. . Van Berg.
Harold Johnson,
hfiie Konnei.
Frances Schmidt,
Margaret cott.
Adelo Cullen,
Ida Wherry, i
Mary Welch,
uuin unieias,
Margaret Foley,
Clara Bulwan.
Viola Johnson,
William Nikon.
Lloyd Tolan,
Art Blomberg,
Ray Tarrell,
Art Mahonev.
Charles Cobry,
Jerry Van Bentzler, AhlCnapp,
George Yeoman, J. O. Van Court,
Glen Smuts,
iwy uonneuy,
Frank Flannuj
3, V. Ortnsby,
F, Hi Barpent,
A. W. Fredrioks. Ls Rue T. Hllden.
M. Foley, Bud Marrlss,
uave itourK. jr, ai, irwin.
Vance Berolas, Edward Ryan.
Carl Stadlln. Hobart Wells.
fMrs. Wells of Monte, Vista, Colo.
Air. ana Mrs. j. xetser.
At the University Olub.
Mrs. Frederick W. Clarke entertained
at luncheon at the University club and
afterwards at the Orpheum in honor of
Mra Halt of Minneapolis And Mrs.
Schmidt of New York, who are guests of
Mrs, J. E. Elder.
Those present were
J. E. Elder,
F. W. Clarke.
E. B. Carrigan,
J. J. Mxmuiien.
Triangle Olub,
Miss Goldle H, Alplrn entertained the
Triangle olub Thursday afternoon at her
home, VH North Twenty-second street
Among those present including guests,
Florence Ranchman.
Gladys Allen.
Luclle Brown,
Helen Hutohlns,
Oneida Moran,
Annabello Sinclair.
Penelope Hamilton,
Esther Bennett
Florence Andrew.
Ruby Andersen,
Msrgaret Hoffman,
Mol'le Corby,
--w-..Dvr, .
cin x-sycxe.
McCartney, I
Eva Alplrn,
Tt" Moore Club.
Invitations are out for the annual May I
party to be given by the Tom Moore club I
In the new Armbruat hall. Twenty-fourth I
4, 1913.
Popular Teacher
and Vinton
May 5.
streets, Monday evening,
Entertain for Out-of-Town Guest.
Mrs. Mark Leon and Mrs. A. Wolf will
I be at home Sunday from 8 until 6 o'clock
at 418 North Twenty-first street, In honor
of Miss Lea Kolinsky of Cleveland. Mrs.
Kolinsky will leave Tuesday for her
Luncheon for Visitor.
Sirs. W. J. Barber entertained at lunch
eon Thursday for her cousin, Mra Guy
Lockwood, of Alliance, Neb. The table
was decorated with pink and white roses
and covers were laid fort
Miss Agnes McDonald.
Mesdames Meadames
Guy Lockwood, John F. Burns,
William Richelieu, Thomas Bums,
Roland McDonald, T. J. Burns.
W, H. Burns,
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mrs. Charles Hubbard has returned from
an extended visit to Los Angeles, Cat
Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe returned this
morning from a week's visit with relatives
In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crossman has re
turned from a visit to the larger cities
of the Pacitio coast.
Mr. C. V7l Turner, Jr., has returned
from the east Mrs. Turner will remain
there several weeks longer,
Mr. Carl M. Shaw of Detroit spent
part ot last week visiting his cousin,
Mrs. G. N. Wood, on South Thirty-second
Mra B. L. Lomax, who has been spend
ing a few weeks visiting Mr. and Mra
T, J. Mackay, has returned to her home
in San Francisco.
Mrs. Roy Rothschild, who has been
visiting In Omaha and who has been much
entertained, returned to her home In
Pittsburgh last evening.
Personal Gossip.
A son was born to Mr. and Mr, a L.
Ed holm April tX
A son wag born April 10 to Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh B. Thomas of Denver, Colo, Mrs.
Thomas was formerly Miss Agnes Weller
ot this city,
Mrs. John M. Daugherty underwent an
operation at St Joseph's hospital last
I week and Is doing nicely and expects to
I return home today or early this week.
Woman Burglar
is Routed by Girl
PASADENA. Cel., May I. A woman
burglar, faultlessly attired and employ.
Ing an automobile in her work, was driven
from the homo of Mrs. P. B. Geary, a
dressmaker, by Helen Geary, 17 years
old, after a desperate encounter between
the women, late last night
Th -visitor waa ready to dnnirt tnv.
. . " - - ..vf
loot valuta at several hundred dollars.
wnen see was aetected by the daughter
of the modiste. In which a fist fleht an.
sued. The Geary girl was struck down
and the thief lumped into her automobile
and sped away, leavlnr most nf h.
P SJsjSjjyBjBslsBBB I
9RBaL V IMMWjfflSffiq33Bsl
aHsS3MHfct,'''' t.: ftiiMkCMimmSKfKKl
(HHHHHbwJhHK7" Jawssil
to Be a June Bride
Omahans Attend
Big Conference on
City Planning
The Omaha Clvio league and the city
commissioners are much interested in tho
national conference on city planning to
be held at Chicago Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. At this meeting will be
mayors from twenty-five cities and other
city officials from many cities. Engineers
who make a study of city planning and
have done wonderful work in other cities
along this line will convene from all over
the United States.
Dona W. Bartlett chairman of the city
planning commission of Los Angeles,
will be there, heading a delegation' from
that city and Virgil G. , Bogue, author
ot the "Seattle City Plan," who was In
the early days in the engineering rimun.
ment of tho Union Pacific railway at
umano, will head the delegation from
the northwest coast cities, whera
deal of work In city planning has been
aone. Mr. Bogue Is one of the speokors
on the program at the convention. Prac
tically all of the eastern cltlee win h.v.
a representation and the indications are
that this will be the most enthusiastic
city planning convention that has been
held in this country.
The Omaha Civic league has arranged
for a membership In this national con
vention SO OS to get the benefit nt ha
best information and the very latest work
in city planning. From Omaha there will
be a large delegation for such a conven
tion, probably ten In alL Tho tornado
relief work will prevent Mayor Dahlman
from going and will probably prevent
some of the other commtsal nam frvim nt.
tending. Commissioner Ryder and City
Engineer "Watson Townsend will go and
probably Commissioners Wlthnnll. Tfnt
and Hummel, with some probability of I
tran uuuer.
Other delegates from the Clvfn lum.
going are t. r. Kimball, vice omMmk
Roy N. Towle, delegate to the Clvlo
leaguo from the Forest association; E. M.
RohrboUEh. delnirata tn tha niuln l.a m , .
from the Technical club, and Georgo T
Morton, delegate from the Real Estate
exchange and president of the Omaha
Clvlo league. There may be some addi
tions to this list Several others have
expressed' a desire to be there It possible.
This Is to be the first national cltv nlxn.
nlng convention that has been held so
rnr west as Chicago and makes' the op
portunity for a study of the cltv nlnn-
ntng question for Omaha an unusually
good one. Reports will be mad at the
convention as to the progress ot city
planning work from probably twentv.five
or thirty different cities that are now ac
tively carrying out comprehensive t:ity
plana. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sol Peck, Inmates of a
soldlors' heme at Hot Springs, 8. D., have
sent Mayor Dahlman a comforter to give
to "some old couple who suffered In the
tornado." The icullt was made by In
mates of the Soldiers' home, women fur
nishing the material and the old men do
ing the work.
-The Persistent and Judicious TJu of
Newspaper Advertising Is the Road to
nusiness success.
SAVE 20 TO 40
a i
Just received a large invoice of hats
to sell at $5, no more, no less.
Remember our $5 sales.
F. M. Schadell & Co.
1522 Douglas Street
Seymour Lake Olub
House is Rebuilt
Since the Tornado
Seymour Lake Country club win be In
better condition this season than last
year In spite of the damage done the
club house and surrounding building by
the Easter Sunday tornado. A large fan
of workmon has been working steadily
since the storm repairing the damage
and the buildings have been made as good
as new. I
A boulovard from the main road to the
clubhouse has been mado and the golf
links has been Improved. The lake is
In good condition for boating, swimming
or fishing. ' ,
There are 200 members belonging to the
club, and seventy-five are life members
and stockholders. These have the right
to own lots on tho club grounds and
erect bungalows. This membership 1
limited to 100 and an effort Is being
made by the club oftlolals to secure
twenty-five more stockholders and life
members before tho season opens. A
letter has been sent to .all the members
ner, who has charge of the lots at the
club, can be found any evening or Sun
day In his house at the club.
Friday's receipts for the Ralston re
lief fund aggregated $201, The additional
list of contributors follows:
Previously acknowledged $19,012,75
Omaha Crockery company.,, , 10.00
United States Fidelity A Guaranty
Co., Baltimore, Md., through B.
L. Baldwin & Co , , W.OO
Western Reference and Bond as
sociation 10.00
Dr. II. L. Akin 1.00
Miss Wtlmr Flit Western, Neb,. 1.00
C. II. Gratton 6.00
Kramer & Chandler COO
J. E. Stockham, Ocean Park, Cat. 5.00
C. B. Liver Co 20.00
Citizens of Fort Dodge, la., addi
tional contribution EOlOd
Mrs, W. W. Blnckmar, HIngham, , ,
Mosb 10.00
Good Mfg. Co., Now York Cltyl.. 30.00
Independent Lumber Co. ' 6.00
Leo. A. Hoffman 6.00
From Sunshine club. Tilden. Neb 6.00
Dr. J. F. Mares 2M
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Leppke, 4165 Cass
street, wore called to Duluth, Minn., on
account of the death ot Balfour Lee, Mra
Leppke's father.
To Clean tie
Summer Dress
properly requires both experience
and great care. They are all Dry
Cleaned first and those contain
ing grass or perspiration stains
or are .otherwise discolored must
be Wet Cleaned.
But Wet Cleaning
As We Do It
does not Injure the goods. It Is
often. Impossible after a garment
Is finished to tell which method
has been used.
You see the dry cleaning has
taken out all of the soil 'and dirt,
and the wet cleaner, who oleana,
each garment by hand, .does not
have to use the harsh methods of
the laundry or wash' Woman. -
Just enough finish (not starch)
Is added to give It the feel and
look of new goods, And; our press
ors know well how to put on the
finishing touch.
Oh, we know the cleaning busi
ness f
tk0D Gleaners and Dyers"
1515-17 JONBS ST.
Pwowo DouaAS963lMp.Ai68
aary t. ooidman'a
wray Xalr Sectorer
um erislaU
I UId. healthful
mSttdaa a ST-, .,
Tr4. Mark K.ti.t.r.4 , 4trm- B,Ul,ly
MaaiManaMBw " trom sarttuac sit.
Us Mot Is HnuiMiL
Does t with atf ner look unnatural. Hm a
Mllmtnt. n It's neither stlckr nor stout
It's ta pur n4 cletr u water.
Don't xperlnat us what thtaauda at han lund iiit ana utllluUrr. 0o
arous aampla u comb rant tar fit. to stamps
to eater pottasa and pkln. Mention orlttnal
color ot hair, liurr T. uolAman. Ooldmas
8h fu1' M""1- lanre-au. L00
bottle soli br all dealers. Including Bheraan
& McCwnell Drus Co.. nth and Doom ui
WWW IN, ltth. owl Dfn Ca. Itth m5 Har
ner. The Harrard, tk and rsraasa.
Ask tho doctor how Important is th
druggist's part in taking care of his pre
scriptions and his answer will surprise
you. Too much a tress cannot be laid
upon our part of the work. Carefulness. ,
accuracy and absolute holdint- to exact
ness In amount and kind of Ingredient is
necessary to give tho result the physi
cian intends. Don't take chances of
getting anything but the best You are
sure of the best at Prescription De
partments. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
xvwt w Drag Stores la Omaha.
All Qood Ones.