T1TB BETJ: CWAITA, SATURDAY, MAY 1913. 15 REAL EST TK city rnoi'iiiiTY von s.vi.i: IlKAIi ESTATE C1TV PIIUPKRTV l'OU SA1.K. VINELAND VINELAND VINELAND LOTS-$300, $325, $350 Water mnins laid and paid for. Located on the Northwest Boulevard, between Maplo and ,"Tirt Streets, on the hill southwest of the Deaf Institute. Convenient to two street car lines. Over half of tho lots in the addition already sold. TERMS $5.00 down and $5.00 a month. Pay ments extended in case of illness. Abstract with each lot. Take Deaf Institute car and go two short blooks west from Forty-fifth and Maplo. Salesmen on tho ground Saturday afternoon, also Sunday after 10 a. in. REED BROTHERS, 206 Brandois Theater Bldg. Phono Douglas 501. COTTAGES FOR SALE TO BE MOVED. ITor Particulars Phone Douglas 3335. $16.00 Down J WITH $16 PER MONTH ' 1 buys a. nice home. INTER-MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE CO. 1623 Douglas. Main Floor. I $100 DOWN ISO per month buys a new, elegant, -room bungalow, oak and white enamol (finish, elegant plumbing. Webster 4193. ' Owner, my home, iSOG Dlnney. TO BUY, BELL OR KlSNT, FIRST SEE) JOHN W. ROBBINB. 1802 FARNAM 81'. ACREAGE FOR SALE. ACRES NEAR OMAHA We havo the best list of acreage prop erty In and adjoining Omaha, In tracts of from one to ten acres, both lmprtoved and vacant. It will pay you to coll and let us show you what we have on our list. Wo are offering our acreage on very easy terms, so a person with small means can afford to Invest In a little piece of land near Omaha, which Is one of the best and Bafest Investments you can make HASTINGS &- 'hETCDEN, 1SU Harney Bt. REAL ESTATE LOAN'S. MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA HOMES. NO DELAY. J. H. Mithen Co., INC. 021 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO. DOUGLAS 1278. 6 flTV T riAMO T1.ml..rarlh..ir rv 0 310-312 Brande'ts Theater Bids. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O'ICEEFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2715. MONEY To loan on business or resi dence properties, 11.000 to 00,000. W. H. THOMAS. 22S State Bank Bide. LARGE loans our specialty. Btull Bros. HARRISON & MORTON. 918 Om. Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Professional Wheat Dealers Goodly Amount of Grain. Sell WE have a buyer for your house call Osborne Realty Co. Phone Douglas 1471. STEAMS HITS. ANCHOR LINE STEAMSHIPS Sail every Saturday to and from NEW YORK LONDONDERRY GLASGOW Ocean passago T& days. Moderate rates. For book ot tours, rates, etc., apply to HENDERSON DROTHERS, Gen. Acts., 35 W. Randolph St., Chicago, OR ANY LOCAL AGENT. WANTED TO BUT. Dolgoff 2d hand store pays highest prices for furniture, clothes, shoes. Web. 1607. P.EST prlceB for furniture. Call D. 7MH. ' WOULD like to buy a five or six-room house to be moved on a lot. One in the 'neighborhood of 24t!i and Clark preferred. Telephone Red 4301. REAL ESTATE 1FARM A- RANCH LANDS FOR SALE. California. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ALFALFA and FRUIT Lands. Bouthern Paciflo and Santa Fe main lines traverse our absolutely level tract. Only 16" feet to water; also artesian wells. Five hours' run to either San Francisco or Los Angeles, with a combined popula tion of far over 1,000,000. $125 PER ACRE-EASY TERMS. Join our half-rate excursion to SUNNY CALIFORNIA In May. See the FONTANA ORANGE GROVES, located on the electric lino from Lor Angeles to Riverside. Moke your retentions early and let us .ehow you the "GOLDEN STATE" from in Jtrranclsco to ban Diego. I For free handsomely Illustrated book it B on all matters Callforlun. see or Kwrlto KARL BREHME. 515 Bee Bldg. CALIFORNIA land excursions 1st and M Tues. W. T. Smith Co. SIS City Nat. Bit Missouri. ONE of the best bearing apple orchards In Missouri; I3V4 acres; 2V4 miles from St Joe. Free from Incumbrance. Will ex I Change for Income property In Omaha free from Incumbrance. Have recently become resident of Omaha and desire all 'ray Investments in Omaha. For further particulars call E. P. Buowden. care Ne braska Blau-Oaa Co. Douglas 8877. Mluaesota. In the famous Red Rlvor valley; rich, block Boll, day subsoil; 20 to $40 per acre; easy terms. Send for list. G. T. IFellond Land Co., No. 27 Palace Build ing, Minneapolis, Minn. SEND for free .list of Minnesota farms, (30 to 75 per acre. Minnesota Land .Agency, Court Block, St. Paul. Minn. Nebraska. JUNE 26. 27. 28, 1813. The biggest 3 days that Crawford, pawes county, Nebraska, has ever Known. Write Aran L. Itungerford of Crawford for complete particulars. It may mean tnousonas or. aouars to you. New York', COMB to the land of opportunity, where ,rops are sure every year; 92 acres, $24 per acre, ow casn aown. 1 mile out: buildings worth $2,000. 150 acres, $50 per acre, buildings worth 100 acros. 2 miles out. macod. road, tan per acre, $000 cash down. It. R. fare to purchaser. Write for photos. Munson The Square Deal Land Man. 2426 S. Saline St, Syracuse. N. Y. EMPIRE state farm given away; 276 acres Including 60 choice Holsteln cows, worth $5,000; buildings worth $10,000; fod der and tools; milk averages over $17 every day In the year: old age reason: price $17,000; $5,000 cash. $200 yearly, E per J cent interest; tree catalogue, u. J. tans, .Farmers bank, Sprlngville, N. Y. IVashluirton. THE WALLA WALLA VALLET, Washington, presents at the present time A most attractive field for the Investor and homeseeker. This section has never experienced a cyclone, hurricane, tornado nr flood. A diversified district, where the small tract farmer does equally as well as mo utrne grain grower, writ today for free Illustrated literature de lcrlblng fruit growing, gardening, dairy, lnit and bog raising. The Coinmorcla'. .Club, Walla Walla. Wash. HEAL ESTATE LOANS. fins to 110.000 mode DromDtlv. V. Ii Fead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. TiANH on farms and Improved r.llv property, 5, 5V4 and t per cent; no daisy. i H Dumont V Co.. 1803 Farnam at ""WANTED City loans and warrantx W Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam et GARVLN BEOS.; D. 8055. Quick buyers of furniture. LIVE STOCK MAKKWT OF WEST mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants. BYERS BROS. & Co. Strong, reliable. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 223 Exchange Bldg. MARTIN BROS. '& CO.. Exchange Bldg. WANTED TO RENT YOUNG business man desires room In strictly private home; no rooming house need answer. Address at uee. 7 OR 8 ROOM, strictly modern house at once. Tel. Harney 38s. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR REMODELING BAK- erv llulldlnir. Office of Constructing Quartermaster, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., May 3d, 1913. Sealed proposals, in tripli cate, for remodeling bakery building No. 266, will be received here until 11 a. m., Monday, June 2d, 1913, and then opened. Information furnished on application. A deposit of five ($5) dollars will bo required to Insure return or plans ana speclilca tions If removed from tho 'office. En velopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for Remodeling Bak ery Building." and addressed J. A. Cole. Major Quartermaster Corps, Constructing Quartermaster. M3-&-B-7-Z3-31 PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. CHIEF Quartermaster's Office, 556 Federal Building, Chicago, 111.. May 3, 1913. Sealed proposals will be received here until 1 o'clock p. m., Central time. June 3, 1913, for furnishing and delivering at Chicago or other prominent railroad points, 4,000 tons of hay and 3,000 tons of oats. Information furnished upon applica tion, a. l. smitn, umcr y. si. M3-5-6-7-2S-23 CORN LONGS CAUGHT SELLING Their Manipulation Could lie Seeu llnck of Quiet, but Persistent Offering to the Nhnrtu Closing Prices. OMAHA, May 2. 1913 fSorwIK' professionals yesterday. . Tlio.ta who hav.; niuivu me hum tiai oi wneat riant along raised no objicion to the general selling of this grain they knjw it wnl be an easy matter to drive the light weight speculolors to cover dt losses. An oversold market will probuhlv be scm next week unless tho nulls deoldu to five the bears nnothor liberal supply of specu lative rope, lit conditions now rontrol tho wheat market and whMovor there nio tOO 11U1 II V nnir. n , - . " -oo v.. uu niniir nutria a comp ete reversal of conditions Is certain ... '.A!10 "eung was bearish yes terday, but .t is likely 'o assume bu il&h it-cling soon. .reiwa,s almol m ontlto iitscnco ?f "J,0. rthil,ncsr ',Sst,".',,iy- ,1,J combined -bplrK ?"ly ,flV bont "f bnrd h,. " i," ii dn'' i" hero nt fiV,?iU,,'n.lLlo,RO ?ut.y.la KM. Omaha 400 fti i,i.V, . '" w.lln rcP'"l a es of Tlw? lniui ft Minneapolis miller. Bio , Jphl. ,B aooul -i-w.tw busli- tfndn nV..i it ...iii ';Kfl concerns in tne at" nn v11". 1 " ' D0J.. P"-"l . for sale as rnnl.ll v n. ,,.. vl" 00 niercliandlscd for fi u ?. bu P care to pay the price : ia huiviuny upuevca mat next ?,th? cr?" 8ltun'" in the United States, t,i1in,foreln C0J,dlt 10,18 "111 bo watched monn sensational price advances on a to're"10 l'rt "nd'inves or, cash trn,i0mJ? V"6?1, Pronounced ProVoahelp.0" f0relS" nC,0U,,t would TSwnpat wn,B. lc I"'", that lnnB.?i17aIly b""ved yesterday tnat the longs In corn wero on the selling anrt'thut y,c,.r offerns were held tight"y ?fltentiv,hM5iwere, M qulety but per wSif . Vh A.dvlc?s rom tho country, as To th VrW?,rd..f oelvers herewore iS.l a effcct tMt Incroascd offerings of fhf? "V,1, aJ" now' belnp mode, and that ""I be considerable of this grain SScU. V delivery on May con- CaBh corn unchanged to lo lower. Deliveries of oats on May contracts were 410.000 bushels In Chlew IS day, and these wero taken In by n. local elevator and will be merchandised. Cash oats were Unchanged to Kc lower. to GOO.OOtf bushels; corn, 155.000 bushels oats, none. rvVn'Cri??Si ,0,.0?0: WhCOt 'id ,ower: crn, HJMid lower. Primary wheat receipts were 687,000 bUBhels and shipments 1.140,000 bushels, against receipts of 323.000 bushels and shlpnients of 591.000 bushels last vcar. I rlmary corn receipts wero 599.000 himh. eis nnd shipments of 309.000 bushels, against receipts of BS7.000 bushels and BhlpnientR of 42S.0O0 bushels last year. Primary oats receipts were 524,000 bu. and shipments 379.000 bu., against re- 000 bu. last year. Carlot Ilvceljitn. Wheat. Com. Oats. Corn and 'Wheat Reelon nnlletin. United States Department of Agricul ture, weather bureau, for Omaha, Neb., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 76th meridian time, Friday, May 2, 1913; OMAHA DISTRICT STATIONS. -Temp. Rain High. Low. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.. 84 49 .00 Cloudy Auburn. Neb... 86 69 .00 Pt. cloudy B'ken Bow, Nb 50 S7 .61 Cloudy Columbus, Nb. 75 40 1.00 Pt. cloudy Culbertson, Nb 60 40 .40 Cloudy Falrbury, Neb. 85 60 .00 Cloudy Fairmont, Neb. 85 61 .80 Pt. cloudy Or. Island, Nb 70 62 .51 Cloudy Hartlngton. Nb 60 40 1,90 Cloudy Hastings, Neb.. 73 45 .27 Cloudy Holdrege, Neb. 78 46 .72 Cloudy Lincoln, Neb... 85 60 .35 Raining No. Platte, Nb EC 34 .00 Cloudy Oakdale, Nb. 68 41 1.15 Cloudy Omaha, Neb.... 85 63 .00 Cloudy Tekamah, Neb. 85 47 .14 Raining Alta, la. 81 49 .04 Raining Carroll. Ia 83 43 ,00 Cloudy Clarlnda, la.... 85 48 .00 Cloudy Sibley. Ia. , 74 39 .14 Cloudy Sioux City, Ia. 64 43 .62 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at 8 a, m. "Not Included In averages. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. Rain District Stations. High. Low. fall. Columbus, 0 18 80 60 .0 Louisville, Ky... 22 84 60 .00 Indla'polls, Ind.. 14 82 60 .00 Chicago, 111 24 82 64 .00 St Louis, Mo... 19 84 66 .00 Des Moines, la. 23 82 64 ,J0 Minneapolis ..... 61 63 34 ,40 Kan. City, Mo.. 26 84 60 1.30 Omaha. Neb W 72 46 ,70 Warmer weathon In general In all por tions of the corn and wheat region, ex cept the Omaha and Minneapolis districts, where It la cooler, and freezing tempera tures were reported at twenty-one sta tions in the latter. Showers were general in the western dlatrlcts and excessive falls were recorded at the following sta tions: Yankton, H. D., l.W; Columbus, Neb.. 1C0; Hartlngton, Neb., 190; Oak dale, Neb.. 1.15, and Dresden, Kan., 1.20. L- A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. 180 GO 38 77 140 (Chicago 54 Minneapolis 167 Dulnfh t-T Omaha 78 Kansas City....; 71 St. Louis 67 Winnipeg 123 Omnhn Cimlt Prices. WHEAT No. ! hnrrl fi-.l! !M,-.L. O , . - -, ' ........ uunuwnvi .u. u hard. S4Viii64ic; No. 4 hard, S2HflS3ttc; No. 3 snrlnir. R4ffR4U!! v,v i nrini nn 83Hc; No. 2 durum, &6i43S7c: No. 3 durum. 84&84Hc. CORN Nb. 2 white, 65c: No. 3 white. 64SG6c; No. 4 whlto, BH(354Wc; No. C euuw, wyc; no. 3 yellow, MykHNftc; No, vellnw. Mffifvln! Kn 9 f.lt'.-i. w 63U64c; No. 4, 63862c OATS 3B34Uc; standard, 83c; N6. 3 white. MUOSattc: No. 4 white, 32H33c;. BARLEY Maltlnir. EiifTfiSUe: Nn 1 fA,l 41JH6C RYE No. Z, 57WQ57?ic; No. 3. 66?457V4c. Tho following cash sales were rnnnrtrd today: WHEAT No. S hard winter. 2 cars. S5Hc No. 3 hard winter, 1 car, Uc. No. 4 hard winter. 1 car, 83Hc; 1 car, 83c. No .1 mlTpd. W rar. Nn a mlt.J durum, car, 84Hc OATS No. 3 white, 3 cars, 33Hc; 2 cars, 8314c. No. 4 white, 3 cars, 83c; 1 car, (n usty) 32Hc. CORN No. 2 white, 1 oar, 66c. No. 3 white, 1 car, 54Vic; 1 car, 64c. No. 2 yellow, 2 cars, 64Uc No, 3 yellow, 1 car, 63c. No, 2 mixed, 3 cars, 54c; 1 car, 63Uc. No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 54c; 6 cars. 53c. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 52!4c BARLEY NO. 4, 1 car, 65HC. RYE No. 3, 1 car, 67 Vic CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and CIoHlnur I'rlrrs on 11 our d or Trade. CHICAGO. April 2. Unconfirmed re ports of Montenegro's threat to annex Scutari In defiance of tho powers, today gave a strong close to vheat, though prices showed a net loss .of Kc to c. Corn finished a shade up to a shade down, oats closed, HfB4c lower-to !(,c higher. Provisions were ut a net loss of 2a to 16c. The war situation. In its latest develop ment, brought nervousness to trades nnd Induced buying of wheat that rallied prices to tho opening figures of tho day. A considerable lowering of values had taken place nerore the war scare made itself felt, the main Influence In the de pression being an entanglement involv ing export sales. A deadlock between English buyers and American exporters Is reported over the question ot payment lor cargoes, a recent rule was adopted by exporters that payment shall be on sight draft, but the English trade insists on a sixty-day basis. Tho weak tone of the wheat market prior to the final upturn was Increased by the fine domestic cron outlook. Prim ary receipts of wheat today were 607,000 ousneis; last year, szi.wo bushels. Sea board clearances of wheat and flour equalled 006,000 bushels. Fine weather made a heavy corn mar ket most of the day. Near tho close there was a somewhat oversold condi tion and prices made a slight rally. Late covering ny snorts neipea oats, which most of the day had been weak. Speculative buying gave strength to pro visions for a time, but values later eased off partly in sympathy with weakening 01 prices at tne yarns ana partly by rea son of a considerable Increase In tho world's lard stock. Quotations ranged as follows: Artlcle.1 Open.l qioBc.l Yes'y High. I Low. 1 wneat May. B1H 91H V0H 91(2 H S1H July. SlS-H 91H 91K 91H Bept 9074Q91 91H W BlV4 91HeVi July. &5?iftTt 63 H4fl M 66 0May;33V,54' 864 SS i5W9 July, S4H4W $3 Uji 34J4e 84ff Sept. J4H W (4V44fiSI "ft Pork. II 111 May. 19 70 19 70 119 60 19 60 I ltt 62V4 July. 10 65 19 US 19 47H HOD 19 65 Bept 19 42V4 19 42V4I 19 25 19 80 19 43V4 la'y.' 10 95 1 10 95 10 87V4 10 87M 10 &7t, July, 10 85 10 85 10 72V4 10 73 10 Bept 10 85 I 10 83 10 75 10 10 87 Rlbsi I f J I May. 11 60 11 60 11 47it 11 47M 11 60 July. 11 05 11 05 10 06 14 B7Vi 11 OS Sept. 10 86ft 10 87V4 10 87V4 10 77V4 10 77 10 874 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red. tt.OCjjl.OG: So. 3 red, 96cft41.01; No. t hard, )2ya3o; No. 3 hard, WMio; No. 1 north ern, &J4J93cj No. 2 northern, 81920; No, S northern, DOfttHo: No. 2 spring, 916S2C. No. 3 spring, Wfilo; velvet chaff, 8I B2ViQi durum. 94&osc, corn: No. 2, Doy B7c; No. 2 white, 68Ufl68c; No, 2 yellow, M'iftfic; No. 3, 5MiCTHc; No. 1 white, 67i67Hcj No. 1 yellow, 68VtO8o! No. 4, 64H&&5UC-. No. 4 white, 66S6"c; No. 4 yel low, UVt&tfVic Oats: No. 2 white, Ko; No. 3 white, 350K'c, No, 4 white, 33V4 35c; standard, 36Vi&3Wc, Ryo; No, 2, CJ&631ic. Barley, 46ij70c, Heeds: Tim othy, $3 8MI3.&5; clover, $17 OOfltt.OQ. Pr visions Pork, $19 60; lard, $10.90; rlbr. $11 2511.87. , BITTER Easier; creameries, 26V40c EGGS Steady; receipts, 1,993 cases; fresh. IV; at mark, cases ltK-ludetl. KB1 18'. ordinary firsts, tTc, firsts. Ilk 1VTATUBS- Firmer; receipts. 41 i-ars. Michigan. 434Mc; Minnesota, 3ri(fc, Wlseonsln, 4047c. IHit'LTRY-VUve, sleadyj oiilekcns and springs, ,17a OMAHA GRNnltAl. JIIAllltKT. BUTTER No, 1 Trt). carton. i3s; No t, 60-lb. tubs. 3tKo; No. 2 30c CllKESB Imported Swiss, s?cj Amer1 can Swiss, 26c: block Swiss. lc; twins. 17c; daisies, UHc; triplets. 17Hc: loung Americas, 19c; blue inbcl brick, l$c; Illn burger. 2-lb., He; 1-lb., 3c; New York white 30c BKKF Cl'TS-lllbs, No. 1, 194c: No. 2, l'Uc; No. 3. 1c, loins. No. 1, lie; No. 2. 1SJ.C; No. 3, 17V4C Chucks, No. 1. llic; No. 3, 10c; No. 3. 104c. Rounds. No. 1. 13c; No, 8, lSVic; No. S, lsc. llatce. No. 1, do: No. 3 sk; No. 3. KVia l'OULTRY broilers. Lib. to lk-lb., 4W; lli-lb. to 2-1K, Ifo; bene. ;'; mens, 11c; ducks. MV; geese, l?c, turUrys. e; pin- full feathered, itc; mie, rull leathered, 13c; squabs, No. 1, $1.50; No. z. iOa FlSH-iWhlte, frozen. 12o- fout froxon, 14c; large crapplcs, trozon, lie: Spanish mackerel, 14c; eel, lt; haddock, lie; ... V. . 1 ...... .... H ,L, liuuiiuvip, U ouiu . u, yv a-, salmon Sc; halibut 13c, butfalo, 9C; bu'i beads, 13u; oysters, bay standards, $!.('; noriuerii. i (oicn, u-u count, t-iv. ONION SlS-l-YtlIow, per bU., 33 lbs., $1.75; red. per bu,, 3i lbs., $1,76; whlto, per uu., si ids., ivnuio plants, per iw C5a, cabbage, per KV, Coc, pepper, per 100, I 75c; cauliflower, per 100, eggplant, per 100, $1.00. FRUlTS-llneappU. K 21, 30, 36 or 43 (.lie, per crate, $3.. Orunges, extra fanoy California Navels, 96, $X5u; 126, $3.75; 150, 176, 200 and 216 sixes, $4.V5; 1M. $3.60; and 324, $3.25. Apples, extra fancy Washing ton whlto winter PvarnuilnB, per box, $2.00; extra fancy Washington Wlnesups, per box, $2.00; Utah Wlnvsaps, per box, $1.60; Extra fancy Qanos and Ben Davis, per box, $1.26; extra funcy Gano, Circle brand, per bbl., $1.00; extra lutiuy Bon Davis, per bbl.. tz.: extra fancy Wine- sap, per bbl., $3.50; extra faucy .Missouri Pippin, per bbl., $3.25; Fixe X Uuuo, per bbl., $3.u0; Fulir X Gunu pr bbl., Jltxi. LcmoiiH. ixtia fancy Southland Ueautlt-s, 300s and 2C0i, per box, $i.t0; extiu choico Justrlle lemons, per bx, $7.00; Excellent brand, K) site, mr box, $7.20; SunBtdo brand, 300 size, per box, $6.75; extra faucy Messina, SU and .100 size, $6.00; extra choico Messina, 300 or SOU size, $5.50. Grnpo Fruit, Florida, lndlaii river, 64 nnd W size, $4 60; 54, $1.00; 46, $3.50; 36, $3.25. VEGETABLES Onions, largo Rod Globe, por sack, $1.IA); largo Spuulsh, per crate, $1.60. Sweet Potatoes, Kansas, table stock, por bbl., $2.50, Kansas seed, par bbl., JiOu. Potatoes, Colorado Rurul, por bu., 65c; Red River Early Ohio, per bu 60c, red new, per hamper, $2.75; white new, per hamper. 6a California Jumbo color'. Per doz., Jt.oO; California, aspara gus, por crato, about 30 lbs. net, $3.50; rhubarb, por doz., boo; shallots, per doz., 60a; new boots, carrots, turnips, per doz., 6O0; parsley, per doz., 60oj radish, per doz., 40c; head lettuce, per doz., $1.00; homegrown leaf lettuce, per doz., 40o; KTecn peppeis. per bslc, bOc; wax or greon beana, per hamper, $4.00; hot holmo cu cumbers, icr doz., Jl.CKyj2.W; cauliflower, Per crate, $3.50; Venetian garlic, per lb., 12Vfeo; Tcxus rew cabbage, per lb., 2c; New York cabbage, per lb., lVbc; beets, turnips and carrots, per bbl,, $2.00; egg plant, per doz., $2.00; horsoradUh, 2 doz. bottles In case, por enso, $1.90. MISCELLANKOLiS Dromedary brand dates, pkg., $3.00; Anchor brand dates, pkg $2.26; walnuts, No, 1 soft shell, per lb., 21c; medium pecans, per lb , 13&c; pe cans. Jumbo, per lb.. 15c; Giant pecans, Louisiana paper shell, Per lb., 25c; fil berts, per lb., 15c; Drako almonds, per lb., 15c; paper shell, ISc; Brazils, per lb., 10c; largo washed, per lb., 12u; block wal nuts, per lb., 2V4o; raw No. 1 peanuts, per lb., 6Hc; Jumbo peanuts, per lb., 80; roast peanuts, per lb., SHo; shell bark hickory nuts, per lb,, 4o: large hlckorynuts, por lb., 3c; whlto rice popcorn, per lb., 6c; checkers, per 100 pkg. case, $3.50; checkers, por 60 pkg. case, $1.75; cocoanuts, per sack, $5.00; per doz., 75c. Kniuui City Grain nnd Provision KANSAS CITY, May 2. WHEAT - Cash: No. 2 hard, 87fl90o; No. 3, 8SV48T B9c; No. 2 red, 99cCi$1.03; No. 3, S3c$1.00, CORN No. 2 mixed, 67(&Xi71Ac: No. S, 66i(U67c; No. 2 white, 67ttc; No. 3, 67o. OAT8-N0. 2 white, 86c: No, 2 mixed, 34R34Vic. WHEAT May, 85i5T85Hc; July. 85Ha CORN May, 56?4!&5Cc; July, foc. OATS May, 35c; July, 3iHfl6Hc. RYB-59ij60c. . HAY-Cholre timothy. $12.i513.00. BUTTER Creamery, 80c; firsts, Oc; sec onds, 2Sc: packing, 22c, KGG8 Firsts, 18tfc; seconds, 14c. POULTRY Hens, 14V4c; roosters, J01 ducks, 15c. JIIiniiefiliollN Grain MarUet. MINNEAPOLIS, May 2. W1IEAT May. S7?i667Tic; July, 90V4c: September. 9Hic. Cash, No. 1 hard, 91c; No. 1 north- em, syytuwJHo: no. z nortnorn, tiic; No. 2 hard. Montana. 80-Xc: No. 3. 86i& MINNEAPOLIS, May. 2. FLOUR irl .... , ..,..,. u CJ QrtrfTJ rill. . ...r. n .1 .1 n t .. 1 u lll.l , I L D . ( I fV i, 1 . WJ , 1 J V. V. 1. 1,1, (I..U(,.0, $4.15I4.50: first clears, $3.1003.40; second clears, zz.cojis.mi BRAN-$10.00iftl7.00. CORN No. 3, 55Htl56o. OATS No. 3 white, 33a RYE-'No. 2, 66(SCSV4c. S15UD-Flax. $1.31. BARX.BY 42QWC. St. liOtiln General SliirUot. ST. LOUIS.'May 2. WHEAT-Cush, No. 2 red, $.a8'Ut; No. 2 hard, 92&4WC. CORN-No. 2, 67Ho; No. 2 white, 60361c. OATS No. 2, 35c; No. 2 White, S7V4c. RYE 62c. Closing prlco on futures: WHEAT May. 91o; July, 89V4c. CORN May, 65M&44io; July, 65i4c, OATS May, 34Hc; July, 34V4c. POULTRY Quiet; choice, 14c; spring, 18c; turkeys, 14c; ducks, 11c; geese, 7a BUTTER Steady; creamery, 26dr31c. EGGS Quiet, 17o Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, May 2.-VnEAT-Spot. firm; No. 1 Manitoba, 8a: No. 2 Manitoba, 7s lid; No, 3 Manitoba, 7s 9&1, Futures, weak; May, 7s 8Vd; July, 7s OVd; Ooto bor, 7s 3Hd. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 6s iiJ ; American mixed, now. kiln dried, 6a 14d; American mixed, old, 6a lid; American mixed (via Galveston), 5s 8d. Futures, easy; May, American mixed, 4s HHd; July, La Plata, 5s IVid. 1'eiiria Market. PEORIA, May 2.-CORK No. 2 yellow, 65Hc; No. 8 yellow, 66c; No. 3 yellow, 65c; sumple, 49c; ear, 57c. OATS Steady; standard, S6o; No, 3 white, 35c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 2,-METALS-Con- per, quiet; standard spot to July, $14. 75 id.zo; electrolytic, io.io; laxe, io.; cast ing, $16.60. Tin, easy; spot, $49.25049.76; May. $19.00049.76; June, $49.00049.25; July. 14S.S7fiMS.75. Lead, steady, at $4.45 bid. Spelter, steady, ut $5.4500.65. Antimony, dull; Cooksons, $9.00. Iron, fcteady and uncnangea, Copper arrivals, 065 ton's ; exports for the month of April, 6,173 tons; London copper firm; spot, 63 6s 3d; futuius, 6S 6s 3d. London tin, steady; spot, 230; futures, 22 10s. London lead, 17 17s 6d. London spelter. 26 10s. Iron, Cleveland warranto. 67s lkd In London. ST. LOUIS, May 2. M ETALS Lead, quiet, at $4. sift; spelter, lower, at o.w. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 2.-COTTON-8pot closed quiet, middling uplands, ll.tCc; middling gulf, 12.10c. Sales, 2,306 bales. Futures closed steady. Closing bids: May, 1141c; June, ii.4cc, Juiy, u.oic; August 11.29c: September. lLOlc. October. I0.96o: November, 10.95o; December, 10.96c; Jan uary, jo.utc; Murcn ituuc. LIVERPOOL May 2.-COTTON-Spot In fair demand; prices, firm; middling ruir. i:jaa; good miaaung, .vm: miaaung, 6.72d; low middling. 6.68a; good ordinary, 6.24d; ordinary, 6.&0d; sales, 10,000 bales, Treasury Htateiuent. WASHINGTON. May 2. Tho condition of the United Stutes treasury at the be ginning of business today was: Working balance, J71.743, 4'B; in banks and Philip pine treasury. $43,056,667, total of general fund, $140,155,0X3. Receipt yesterday. $2,154,052; disbursements. $2,424,139. The sur plus this fiscal year Is $8,096,435, as against a deficit of $12,784,856 last year. The fig. ures for receipt!, disbursements, surplus and deficit exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. Turpentine unil Rosin, SAVANNAH, Ga., May 2. TURPEN TINE Market firm. 6Uc to 36'4c: sales. 495 bills.; rwcipts 1 161 libls.; shlpmants. 6t6 bblS.: StOCKB, 19.147 DDIS. . litJUIN Market firm, sales, 85 libls.; receipts, 2.UO bbls. ; shipments, 468 bbls.; stocks. 61.20 bbls, Quotations A, li i I). $4.60; E. F, $1.60; O, II. $4.70; I, $180; K. $6.00; M, $5.60; N. $6.00; WG. $6.25, WW, $6.64 OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Hardly Enough Cattle Here to Make a Market. HOGS SELL FIVE CENTS LOWER No Great Chnnae In Values nn Sheep or Lambs If Aiotlitnir, Ten lienor 1" Hauler Very I.IkM Receipts. SOUTH OMAHA, Slay 2, 1913. IteCClPts were Official Monday .... Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday Official Thursday.. Estlnmto Friday.... Cattle. Hogs. Shrep. 4.WI 6.767 12.WS 4.333 13.315 8.4t 3.SM 7.495 7.1S8 1,41 8.439 8,332 3X) 7.M1 1.H0 Five days tlvls week 14.511 4S.32S 37,V4 Same days last week. .16,176 S5.44S 41,427 Same days 2 weeks ago 16,337 43,960 43,810 Same days 3 weeks agol5,279 34.4241 39,785 Same days 4 weeks ago 11.979 62.93S JS.441 Tho following tnblo shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha ror ilia year to date as compared witn Inst year: 1913. 1912. Inc. Dec. Cattln S06.615 S3fi,l.T. 11,620 Hogs 9i,3S7 1.37S.394 3Sy,167 Hlieop 7l7s468 lfO,W 12.WO The following tnblo shows tho range of prices lor hogs nt South Omaha for tho insi rew tinys with comiarlsons: Date. 1913. 1H12 19U. 11910. 19tf. 1WS.1907, April April April April April April April April April .May 22 23 24 25 2V 27 2S 29 30 1. 8 634 8 47S 8 51H 8 58H; 8 49-Vi May 2. 7 451 7 42 7 41 7 53 7 91 7 6J 8 30U 8 1SU 7 65 8 26 7 00 8 31UI 7 Ml 7 611 8 2,S 7 23 5 74 0 01 5 W 6 73 6 74 6 83 6 ST. & 81 5 74 9 01 9 05 9 12 9 22 9 04 9 68 9 1$ 9 14 6 991 7 01 7 05 t 92 6 96 7 9S 7 01 6 OS I 6 95' 6 361 5 31 5 40, A 38 5 25 5 2S1 6 31 6 45 6 41 6 34 6 35 6 38 6 34 6 31 6 34 6 38 6 33 6 2$ 0 24 6 24 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at tho I'nloti stock yards, Soutli Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheers H'r"s. Wabash 1 Union Paclfio 1 26 3 1 C. A N. W.. cost.. .. 5 C. A N. W west.. 6 89 .. 1 C., St P., M. AO,. 3 8 1 C B. A Q east 2 .. .. C B. A Q., west.. 3 22 4 8 C. R. I. A P.. east .. 3 .. Illinois Central 1 .. 1 C. O. W 1 Total receipts... 12 106 8 6 DISPOSITION HEAD, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris A Co 68 1,206 09 Swift A Co 78 1.495 1.M8 Cudahy Packing Co.... 65 2,383 649 Armour A Co 69 1,943 U64 Schwartz A Co 3S3 S. O. P. Co 4 Hill A Son 6 V. B. Lewis 2 J. B. Root A Co 7 J. H. Bulla 16 Rosonstock Bros 4 ..... ..... Wertholmor A Drgcn.. 41 Mo. and Kan Cnlt Co.. 3 ' Cllne A Chrlstlo 4 Other buyers 46 Totals 404 7il 2,"t7B CATTLE Cattlo receipts this morning wore Very light, there not being enough In sight to make a market All told only 12 cars were reported In the yards. This makes the total for tho five days 14,621 head, a very considerable falling off ub compared with tho lost two or three weeks. There wero hardly enough beef steers hero to test tho market, but what few there wcru commanded steady prices. The market Is now ubout where It was the lattor part of last week, In some cases possibly a little stronger. Cows nnd heltors sold In about the same notches us yesterday or around lCKZflto higher than is week ago. There were no feedors hero of any con scquonco In first handa, but there wore plenty of holdovers in tho yard, tho country demand having been limited In the last few days. Owing to tho accumu lation In speculators' hands they are now around 15ii26o lower than last week's closa Quotations on cattlo: Good to choice beef steers, $3.1008.60; fair to good beet steers, $7.8&O&10; common to, fair beef steers, $7.6007.85; good to choice heifers, $7.2507-75; good to choice cows, $6.6007.80; fair to good grades, $5.8506,50; common to fair grades, $3.7&uj5.85; good to choice mockers and feeders, $7.5008,00: fair to good stockers and feeders, $6.9007.60; com. mon to fair stockers und feeders, $6.259 6.90; stock cows arid heifers, $6.00O7,0u; Veal Calves, $.76OV.70 bulls, stags, etc., $5.8507.00. .... i - Representative sales:' BEEF STEERS. No. At. JT. No. At, Fr. t MS 7 15 4 1111 I u 11 1M3 7 tO 2 100 I 40 J 7 W 1H0 t 41 i 7St I 00 It HIS I 41 10 1144 00 COWS. 2 ' 4 60 J IMS e 4S 1 tOO 4 (0 17 1144 t 10 1 6W S (0 1 1070 a as C 950 IS 4 ,1MT 7 II 1 1120 I 10 1 U40 7 14 HEIFERS. 4 841 7 10 1 TW 7 $0 BULLS. i mo 6 is i..,.; iiso e to 1 1070 00 1 150 7 10 1 1044 ii 1 141 T 10 i no a eo i uu 7 a CALVES. 1 110 10 1 140 I 71 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I CIO 7 15 41 117 7 to 1 44 7 40 HOGS Eastern markets reDortnd n. slight decline this morning, and when the local muiket ripened values looked to lio about 60 lower than yesterday's average. Receipts wero not very heavy, but there v. as very little shipping competition and Packers proceeded to put values down a little. Shlppem and speculators bought a few light hogs early, paying as high as $8.45 for some choico stuff. Aildo from these sales, however, the big bulk of tho hogs sold at $8.2506.W, with rough heavy and highly mixed loads on down. Tho market opened In fair season, but was ratner siow, ana 11 was well along In the forenoon before the last sales were made. Today's decline covers al most all of yesetrday's advance, and us a result, values arc now In almost the same notches as they were on Wednes day. The supply was moderate this morning, only J06 cars, or 7,331 head, being received. For the week to date tho total Is 88,328, almost 3,000 larger than last week, hut 20.600 smaller than tho corespondlng penoa a year ago, Representative sales; NV. AT, Bh. Ir. M. At. Sb. Pr. 60, t 10 I to 74 Ill 140 I 17V 60 Ill ... I 20 CS 117 40 I 27 H II 121 10 I 20 II 117 ... I ITM tt Ill 120 I 20 17 204 ... I I7H 60 117 10 I 22 H 164 Ill 40 I 21H' II 114 ... I 21 H 70 XI . 10 10 M M7 160 I 26 61 264 10 I 10 67 110 10 1 29 II. ...... ,210 10 I 10 10 221 110 126 61.. ,...UI ,., IM 60 271 10 I 26 II 171 ... I 10 70 160 10 I 26 II 221 10 I 10 1 19! ... I 26 II ill 40 I 10 77 MS U 11! II Ml 110 I 10 61 170 ... I 26 71 144 10 I 10 It 271 160 I 16 60 211 ... I 10 71 217 40 I 28 II 114 100 I 10 1 211 110 I 26 74 Ill 10 I 10 61 101 140 I a 61 lit 1M I 10 67 119 ID I II 74 110 ... I 10 71 211 60 I 26 II 207 10 I 10 61 Ml ... I 16 71 297 ... I 10 JO Ill 40 I 16 73 201 ... I 10 71 l 110 I 26 72 246 40 I 10 1 177 110 1 24 61 Ill 160 I 10 I Ill 110 116 t4....,lll ... t!0 4 Ill ... IK 70 110 40 1 10 41 140 ... U T 101 110 I 10 61 211 ... I 16 77 Ill ... I M 61 tl9 ... I 16 76 MS 110 I 10 71 Vi ... I 17H II HI 120 I 10 64 ISO 40 I 17H II til 10 I 90 71 Ut 160 I 11H M HI 40 I 10 M 310 ... 1 V 1 201 40 I It 7 1W ... 1 27H 71 117 40 I 20 71, Ill ... 1 "Vt II 146 ... 10 71 li: ... I 27 H 64 ttl 10 I 10 70 1U 110 I 11 Vi II., Ml 10 I 10 70 Ml 40 I 17U 60 117 10 I 10 71 Ml 130 I 27U tl M 10 I 10 17 210 10 I llti 71 HI ... 1 10 (4 1ft ,,, 1 ilVi 71 121 6 I 1IU 70 4 110 I IlVi 60 104 40 t :, 74 W It I 17H 80 lit ... Jl llli II lit 210 I fltt 11 Ill ... I MH II tt 60 I 27 U 64 Ill ... M 14 Wi 10 I tV.i II til ... N (4 I 40 I 21Vt 61 Ill 110 X 61 HI 200 I 27 4 71 Ill 10 6 X 61 171 ... 27li 14 101 110 I M 77 IH ,,. I IlVi 1 ..,.,.111 10 lit 11 111 240 I i-'i U ,,111 , . i:h 61..,.,. 141 ...'ttV 71. .,...107 1M I 17V4 77. . . lit IM I n, U lit , , I 10 II. .. 217 MO 127't 71., . 116 IM 140 62 l 1M I si t II ' 4U 11 SIIBKP Though the fresh receipts were comparatively light tt.ey wero quite large enough to meet tho demand. Apparently the market had not fully recovered from the depressed feeling In Thursday's trade, as buyers, although having a fair number of ni-dars to fill, bought very cautiously and nt prices steady to enrler As a mat ter of fact theie were scarcely enough lambs offered to afford a good test of values nnd aside from three loads of ewes held over front yesterday nothing else In the aged sheep line was placed on the market. Good Innibs of light weight brought $S.B0 as compared with a top yesterday of $.. Fed western minus soul nt n range or fs.10 !$. Ci, tho latter figure bolng the highest price for such grades. As might be ex pected at this tlmo of tho year, feeder buyers wore practically off the market nnd very llttlo support is expected from them until the range season begins. The threw loads of ewes held over from yes terday wero not very good and thoy sold nt $6.10. Though slowness wns a feature of the trade, everything In the end was weighed up at a reasonable hour. For tho week receipts have shown a slight falling off ns compared with one and two weeks ago nnd notwithstanding this trndo hits only beon fairly sntlsfni' tory from a snller's point of view. Tho market has been somewhat of a fluctuat ing nntlire with tho week closing around 15J(C50 lower on tho best lambs and pos sibly SCWOc lower on tho commoner kinds. The demand seems confined to choice grades and they must bo of light or handy weight to command the best prices. Aged sheep are practically unchanged, Quatntlqns on sheep and lambs; Good to choice Mexican lnmbs, $S.5OU8.70; fair to good Moxlcnn In nibs, $8.3JO8.50; good to choico western lambs, $i.2fiOS.50: fair to good western lambs. $8.00fi.X: shorn lambs. $7.3507.65, yearlings, light, $7.250 7,w yearlings, heavy. J7.ocvtr7.25: wethers. good to oholce, K6IHJ6.90; wethers, fair to gooa, t.Knu.); owes, good to cnoico, S6.2Mf4V.60; ewes, fair to good, $6.00O.25; ouus unci pucks, u.cuiiO-25. Representative sales: No. Av. 273 Moxlcnn lambs 81 230 Mexican lambs 61 245 feeder lambs 73 211 feeder lambs . 71 6 Mexican ones 90 05 Mexican lambs 83 315 feeder lambs 334 feeder lambs TO feeder ewes 75 feeder ewes 160 feeder ewes 71 feeder ewes 191 feeder ewes 34 cull ewes 51 cull owes 173 cull owes ...... 68 6H 99 05 09 99 102 K 85 83 Pr, 8 60 8 60 8 45 8 10 0 25 8 00 8 20 8 20 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 0 00 4 2T 4 3 Kniisaa Citr l,lve Ntoek Market. KANSAS CITY, May 8,-CATTLE-no-colpts, 600 head; market strong; native steers, $7.00O$,75; southern steers, ti.VMf o.w; suuiuuni cows mm iieuen, o. iin 1,70; nativo cows, M.wrun.btj; stocKen nnd feeders. $6.fl0fi'7.85: bulls. 13.7C4f7.60 calves, lO.kMj 10,00; western steers, $6,75 OS. 25; western cows, $4.6007.26. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head! market 60 higher; bulk, $8.ru.4u; heavy, is.w.; packers ami butchers, $8.30QS.43H; light, IS.W.nS.IS: Dies. 17. 25417. 75. SHEEP AND LAMltB Receipts. 7,000 head; market steady, muttons, $&.00Ot.7r; Colorado lumbs. $7.2fiO8.60; range wethers and yearlings, $5.6007.25; ranao ewes, $3.00 rti,w. Clilcavo Live Stock Market. CHICAGO, May a-CATTLE-Recclpts, 800 head: market steady to strong: beovos, $7.20O.W; Texas steors, $6.i0tf 7.75: western, $6.9008,10; stockerB and feeders, U.00OS.10; cows and hulfers, $3.90 08.16; calves, $6.6000.50. HOOB-Rwolpts. 19,000 hnnd! bulk of sales, 9&.IVU0.P0; iiKlll, .wu'o.iw. huawi, $8.25O-60; heavy, $8.0008.51; rough, $S.0(W B.1D. PlgB, O.UWS.U. HilElit.' AND 1-uVMHS Rccolpts, 6,000 head; natives, $6.0007.15; westerns, K'-IQ1 T.ia; yonrungs, $a.5Q0.rMX: minus, native, tu.wuo-iu; westerns, tu.nuun.eu. (It. Louis Live Stock Market, ST. IiOUIfl, May 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,600 hend; market steady; nativo beef steers, J6.75OO.00; cows and heifers, $4.5008.75; ntockers and feeders, $5.25O00; southern steors. $6.2508.60; cows und holfers, $4.0001.00; calves. $5.0006.60. HOGS Receipts, 7,000 hend; market, 60 lower: nltrs nnd llirhts. $7.00H8.6O: mixed and butchers. $S.4506.65: good heavy, $8.4008.85. rHEEl AND LAMBS Receipts, J.ow head; market steady; nativo muttons, $5,00 07.25; lambs. $7.00O.8O. Sioux City Live Ntoek Market. HIOUX CITY. May 2. CATTLE Re ceipts, 600 head; market steady; native steers. X7.603ia.60: cows nnd neirers. Vi.low 7.75: cannons, $3.7500.23; stockers and feeders. 17. 0007.75; calves, $6.7507.60; "bulls, $6.6007,60. HOGS Recelnts. 6.000 hcadi market &a lower: heavy. $S.15(a8.20: mlxod. $8.20O 8.25; light, $8.26O.30; pigs, $7.2507.60; bulk of sales, S3.20O&25. jno receipui ot sneep. St. Joseph Live Ntoek Markets ' ST. JOSEPH. May 2. CATTLE Rc celpts, 100 head; market steady: steorn, $7.00O.70: cows and holfers, $4.0008.25; calves, $7.0000.00. HOGS Receipts, 2.800 Head: market. 5c lower; top, $8.45; bulk, SS.XO&85, HIIKISl' AND LAMIltt Receipts. 2.600 head: market weak: lower: lambs. S?.60ft 8.60. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Speculation Readies Stato of Dead look Movement Irretular. SAGGING TENDENCIES EVIDEN1 NuliKlnntlnl Gain In Cash hy tin Week's Operations Is Indicated Five Per Cents Mnko I.ovr Record, NEW YORK. Mnv S Rn.ii1ln. reached a state of deadlock today. Ex tensive covering having been caused hy tho shnrn rise nf mnrk i,ini.v it,., denmnd from this sourco was diminished, .wimiumi some smaii gams wero regis tered in the early trading no aggresslvo efforts wero mndo on the long Btdo nnd h i. iiHirniii resumea its ramtllar aspects, vlth narrow ntirl Irraiminf mA..r,,nn nnd a sagging tendency. European markets wero strong on ths Innirovemsnt In the political outlook. inn Heavy tono toward the close was influenced by tho development of new weak spots among tho Inactive shares. A substantial gain In cash by the weok s operations was Indicated by known jiiutiuncm 01 ourronoy. ustlmntes oi ihSJlk' Kn,t varlctl from $4,600,000 to $7,600,000, not allowing for "over-the-coun-ter" payments on May 1, which may nffect tho result materially. Money ratei held steady on tlin lower basis which hat jirovanea recently, iiankers were of tho opinion that If tho more favorable Indi cations for the passing of the Balkan crisis wero homo out relaxation ot tho European money markets, which was ' marked temporarily by the reduction In tho Hank of England discount rate to iVi per cent two weeks ngo should bo re sumed, Somo additional low records were made by 6 per cont bonds, but the general movement was uncertain. Liquidation was checked In somo bonds which have boon especially weak recently'. Total sales (par value) $31,185,000. United States bonds woro unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks wero as follows: B4W. High. Low. ClOM. '.DO I, tug Ul) Lioo Ml 114 M 4tt 14 7H AiiulsuutiKl Uoptxir . Aintrioii Asricuuunl ... American Uett UU.... ADirrlitu Lwt , Amrlcin on p(j Ainukui U, & P.,,,.,,., Aumlutu Uulloii U1U.M. Am. lc SMurlllx AmrrlrAa Lliu4 ....... Aiurlcui Lucutuntlt ... Aiuwlcui H. A ii. Am, H. it. Hi 1UU lol Aio. Bucar iiiiuib(...... lw 111 American T, t T......... kue ill American IVUioco I.IKI4 ill AluuxiniU Allium Co..... Atohlaon Attfilaon pli Atlanllu tAul Una Ualtlmora A Ohio Uctnlahm Utal Uruokon ItapU Tr. OatudUu faolllo Central Leather Cheaapeak St Ohio CliUaio U, W Chicago, M. & BU P.... Uhlcaio & N. W Uulorado f. A 1 Corn lTuilucta Ualamaia lludaou. US 1,100 SSV4 1V0 100 2M 111 I0O IV U0 II 1.100 8H a,ou Uil 100 11 S.1W 4H 1W 1IV 2,109 lUIMi 10O 111 UN UU 100 10ft in 1U k in 4111 ..... MM loik 111 UiVi 221 17 II 100 UDVi IJ II llIM II 1414 iw ft 41 21 ft 101 H 110ft 111 121 II tl m llUft lift 1 ft llft lift 14 lift 1U414 lvra 111 12 lift 2Uk loo HH "ft 400 4.100 loo 100 1114 lift 44ft lift Wool Market. P.OSTON. May 2. The Commercial Ilul- lotln will sny ot tho wool market to morrow: With tho exception of tho sale of a few fair Btred lots of territory wools this week, the market has bcon dull and Inter esting. Tho usual hand to mouth demand has been In vcldenco. Prices are erratic as usual In 11 market like the present. one, nut generally speaking tne Business done has shown lower prices. One lot of half-blood Montana Is said to havo sold on a clean busts of about 62 cents. In tho west operations havo dropped off again nnd thorn is llttlo in tne wuy of news. Buyers and growers have not yet really como together on the price question, although soma early wools have been bought, probably with the Idea of making quiet turnB. Manufacturers are poorly employed and thera Is much Idlo labor at mill centers, duo to the tariff agitation and uncertainty. Iloston Stock Market. IJOSTON, May 2. Closing quotations on mining stocks weru its follows: Allnuei ............. Ittt Mohawk 41 Amal. Cop par 71 Nevada Con 1IM A. Z. L. & 8 14ft NIplulnK Mines Arltona Com 2H .North IlOUu n r n. A. S. M. 4U, North lAk Ctl, & Arltona eiftoia Dominion ...... 11 Cal, Heola 4&0 Osceola 11 Cantennlat HHQulnoy 17 CotmfT Iteng C. C. 41V4 Shannon IT4 uu. ..,,.. 10H Mines ,., IU Its U kt lik Ksit Putlo C H- lsnklln (llroui Om. ... Ilranhr Con. ... ilrean Cananea lal rtorale Copper Kerr lk Liks Copper La gall Cpper. Miami Copper UK Hupeiior I Superior A I). M.. li Tamarack emu. S. H. R. ft VI.. IK do cfd U Utah Con. IJ-lUH.h Copper Co... Winona 4 Wolverine 41 23H 2IH 1U 21 It 47 U 7U 1?t 7 Coffee M'arket. NEW YORK, May 2. COPFISB ru turcs opened steady nt nn advance of 4dJi 8 points In sympathy with higher Euro peon cables, Thero did not seem to be any aggressive demand, but there was some scattered covering as well as mod erate support from local or forolgn trade sources and the markets worked up an other few points. The close was a shade off from the best under realizing and barely Bteady. Sales, 64.000 bags; May, 10.P9c; June, lt04c; July, ll.OOo; August, 11.19a; September. October, November ana December, 11 30o: January, 11.80c: Febru ary, 11.31c; March and April, 11.33o. Spot, quiet; IUo, 7s lld: Santos 4s, 13Ho; mild, quiet; Cordova, 14W017C nominal. Netr York MIiiIiik Stock. NEW YOltK, May 2,-Closlng quota lions on mining stocks weie: Com Tunnel itotn . s aieiieaa 10 do bana Con. Cal. Iron Blleer ... Uadrlll Con. Little Chief ... eoiferei. Va. .. 11 .. 17 ,1 .. I .. 1 Ontario Ophlr Biuatl Hopes ...... Standard , Yellow Jacket ...ion 20 i II 10 Hniciir Market. NEW YORK, May 2. SUGAR Raw; market steady; Muscavailo, 2.h&M2.blo: centrifugal, 3.18. 36c; molasses, 2.01 2.64c; refined, steady. Town tinrn Notes, FOItT DODGE John Lundy, a carpen ter, aged co years 01a, commuted suicide last night by drinking carbolic acid. The coroner s jury returned a veraiot 01 sui cide while temporarily Insane. Lundy was discovered dead In the haymow of 1 his barn by h's daughter, who went to ran mm lor supper, a oottie, partly filled with carbolic acid, was found neat him. too its 1,000 lMft 100 U 1,000 114M 2,400 14ft 1,100 lift 100 109 1 2,100 Utft 240 lllft too his 1,440 24 1,000 lift 100 117 Deuter a Klo Urande,... lxluer A 11. U. prd Uiallllera Securitlca ..... lirle Krlo 1st ptd trie a pld...., Ueneral Mectrlo Ureat Ourthern pld. ...... Ureal Nurttiern Ore ctla. Illinois Central lnterboroua.il Met. ,. Inter. Met. pld.,..,....,. inlernaiiunal Harvester luler-Uarlne pld international riper International Pump Kansas Cltr Southern.... Laclede Uaa ., ,, Lshlih Valler Louisville tt rehvllle... M., Ut. I. A. 8. Ste. U. Missouri, K. & T Missouri l'acltlo National Dlscult National Lead N. 1U 11. ot M. 24 pll.. New York Centra),, N. Y O. W Norfolk tt Western North American TAuthern faclflo l'acltlo Mall ... I'sousrlvaola ... -I'eopira use 1'., C C. Ht.it. L.. .rittsguria Coal Frosted Steel Car Pullman raises Car 400 111 Heading 44, W lllft Repuhllo I. A S IO0 II ltepuhllo I. A tr. ptd..,. 1W 1114 Jtook Island Co 1,000 1IH Jteok Islsnd Oo. Ptd Bt. L. A B. V. id ptd,... Beabosra Air Lin Seaboard A. L. ptd 100 Sleea-Bhemeld 8. I Bouthern l'acltlo 4,100 Bouthern Hallway 400 Bo, Hallway ptd IM Tennessee (Tapper 100 Texss A Pacttle. ., Union l'acltlo 14,100 Union Paciflo ptd lili tilt 2 Ul. Hi II 112)4 14ft II IH lit ,ift 10 ft lea 111 II lift 41 34 lllft 114 lift lllft lft 11 101 Vi lilt n 1 u k lit 114 111 lilt lllft lift lift 14ft lift 111 111 ..... 41 100 II II lift oo 10 n ioift 101 ft 100 10 wti nn 300 104 ft IH 104ft 1,100 4.000 11IH ni' tt f too 400 114 iiiti ui 110ft II I II live ton 4IU Uft I1S( Uft 71 Ills 1I1H IH 10U 11 l 71 It ..... 1411a ...I, 70 Hilt 21 HtVi IM OVi Z Ut 140)4 H lift lift lift 10 Vk It 41 10 li 11 7ln lift II liiH United States itealtr tt1 United Btatca Hubber.... 1,100 United States Bteel 41,100 U. S. Bteel ptd.. IO0 Utah Copper 1,000 Va.-Carollna Chemical ,. 1,100 Wabaah , 100 Walaah ptd Western Maryland Western Union 100 Wrstlnihoui Electric) .. 100 Wheeling & L tt 400 II 40 101 ft 1 lift a UK 1ft 4ft Oft 107ft I0H Vt I Mft 1ft 4H 101 H MH Mft I H H Kft lift 4ft Total aalea (or the day, 217,100 shares. New Viirk Money Market. NEW YORK, May 2,-MONBY-On call, steady at 2HC3 per cent; ruling rate, 2V4 per cent; cloving bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2Vi per cant. Time loans, steadyj, sixty and ninety days. 4 per cent; six months, 4ft4Vk per cent. PRIMES MERCANTILE rAPER-36& per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at J4.WJ75 for sixty-day blllB and $4.8310 or demand; commercial bills, I4.8J. SILVER Bar, 60Hc; Mexican dailnri, 48c BONDS Government, steady; railroad, irregular. Closing quotations on tionda today were as follows: U. 8. ret. la. ref...lOOVeeK. a Bo. nf, IH do coupon lMK L. 8. deb. 4s 1111,. W tl. B. is. ret itiu L. A N. unl. 4 it do coupon ....... .101ft M. JC A T. 1st 4s.. 10 U. B, 4s, ref..,,.-lUtt do ten. 4 lis ,11V, do coupon ...... ..lllft MMo. Itcina 4s..,. II Panama Is coupon.. 101 Is do conr, la,.,,,.,, 14 A.-C. 1st Is... 61 eeN II tl or M 4Va ti, Ainer A. ! lOOHe.V. Y. C. . Ift eA. T. A T. cr. Is.. 100 e4o a, , ,, IIV4 exm, ToUcco Is,. .,110 N. Y. N. II. A H. eArraour A Co. 1V lift er. IVis 77H Alehlson sen. 4.. ,, 11 N, & W, 1st 0, ss, H do c. 4s 1M0,,... 11 do or, 4s 101 do cr. is MHtib. Paotflo 4s. A, C. L 1st 4s IlVi do Is 45 H Hal. A onio ts , u, a, u. nag, 10 ssnrenn. sr. ivts 1119,, it . 1IH do con. 4s ,, liH .104 Hssdlos sen. 41..,. it . I9U 8. L. A ST. V. t 4s 71 W IlVi do isn. Is TTft 7 BL L. 8. W. c 41, TIVl 8. A. L, adj. Is.... Tl 4Uso. ran, ool. 4s.,.,, M H, do sr. 4s. Il'i C M A 8 V cr 4HS..101H do 1st ret, 4s II C. It. 1. A P. c. 41. Cli So. hallway (a 104 do rfsT. 4s 14 do gen. 4s Till ec. A B. r A 4Vs 11 Union l'aolflo 4s.,.. MV D. A 11. cr. 4s M!i do er. 4s I04 D, A 1 O. ret. Is.. 17 do 1st A ret. 4a.,, igu Ulstlllera' (s 4, U, B. HubUr 1 102U. 'Erie p, I. 4s 12(4 U. B. Bteel Id Is. .,10014 do io. 4s TH4.Va.-C. Chem. Cs,,,, mi do cr. 4s, ser. D. Wabash 1st A as. 4 11 111. Cen. 1st r, 4s 11 Western Md, 4s.... t!5 Intsr. Mst. 4ft 71ft Wsst. Eleo. cv. 61.. it Inter. M. M. 4Hs... 1H Wls. Central 4a... J Japan 4Ws eilld. eeoitered. London Stock Market. LONDON, Muy 2. American securities opened steady und a fraction higher. The list Improved under the lead of Union Pa cific during tho early session and at noon prices were front U to 1V& higher than yesterday's New York closing. London closing stock quotations: da lUs Ilroftk, Tr. cr. 4a.. Cen. ot Oa. Is.... On. Leather la... . dies. A Ohio 44s.. do oonr, 4Hs. .. Chicago ft A. Ifti. C II. A Q. J- 4a.. . do ten. 4S. .74 11-11 Louisville A Kath.ISS .... T41Mo.. Kan. A Tax., itSl ... iinnis lore csoiral. iuo .. II Oonsols, money do account ,, Amsl. Copper . Atchison ....lOlWPennsylvanU Daltimorfl A Ohio.. 101 Heading- 13 Canadian Pulflo tX Bouthern Paxld 101 Chi. Oreat Weatsrn 11 Union Pscltlo lSJi Chi.. Mil. A St P.IMUU. 8. Bteel UU rover A ltlo U .. rOftWabsab. lw do 1st ptd 41 De Doers 21 Orsnd Trunk , UVslUnd Mines 7 Illinois tVntrsI ... lUVs BILVKR-Uor, steady at 27 11-lSd per ounce. MONEY 303U per cent DISCOUNT RATES Short And thrc months' bills. 4 per cent.