THE BEE: OMATTA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL .10, 101H. e 5 , AUTOMOBILE S ( i Automobile Agent Has Thrilling Ride Mexicans, either federal or tnsurrccto. were not the only people who took Ionic chances In the recent revolution which resulted In the overthrow of the Madertst Kovernment and the death of the presi dent and vice president There was at least one American whoe life was sev eral times at stake and who escaped un harmedonly to utilize the experiences through which he had passed as an asset In his business. This man was H. Goeffery Fletcher, aiexlco City, representative of tho Ameri can Motors company of Indianapolis, Ind., ' who, In a recent letter to his firm, tells of a thrilling midnight, ride of teveral miles with a motor car load of Mexican refugees and federal soldier's carbine pressing against his side. He telle, too, how, Avhen the fighting was over, he made the same trip on an Investigating tour, and struck on an excellent means of demonstrating the superiority of under elung automobiles; a road so rough that even crawling over It at a snail's pace In the daylight, showed a thousand and one opportunities for a wrecked car. PACIFIC COAST CLASSIC PLANNED FORJULY FOURTH ' The attention of tho automobile world Is already being nttTactcd to tho road race from Los Angeles to San Francisco, to be run July 4. and which will be the most Important event of Us kind In tho west this year. This Is a contest that has been held 'frequently under varying condi tions or route and tho like and It is now regarded as a standard test for auto mobiles contending for honors In the west. The first official entry for this spectacu lar raco 1b a Cadillac, entered by Don Lee, the Paclff6 coast dealer. Tho second Is also a Cadillac, entered by S. A. McKee. who has previously achieved some start ling performances. The contest Is an undertaking of large nature, necessitating the work of several committees of a number of weeks. The exact route nan not yet been determined, but will be either the coast or the Inland, or valley route. Business men In tho various cities are clamoring to havo their cities Included on the trip and are offering many Inducements. tnako for' tho betterment of the motor car Industry. KealUIng that the home of Peugeot, De ltenault, Clmrron and other geniuses might at any time produce another who could put a distinctive mark upon the Industry If his Ideas were encouraged, the Mitchell people havo established an experimental station In Paris. Truck for nunnrn. Eight of tho largest motor trucks In the world, fitted with hugo omnlhus bodice, have been built by the White company of Cleveland, O., for the Pittsburgh Auto Transit company. They will be pluced In service In the Smoky City on May 1. The bodies, which strongly resemble street cars, were built by one of tho larg est street car builders In tho country. Tho design, however. Is such that they are more comfortable In riding. MOTOR FADS AND FANCIES. Flat limousine ruses with folding shle tlniw are new and rather an Improve ment over the old styles. They come In all colored lathers. For luncheon use there Is a now three quarter nickel vacuum carrier or Jar. It hag a glass Inset and will keep the con tents hot or cold for several hours. Air cushions for extra use come In sev eral shapes this year, with silk, leather or linen covers. The self-filling pillows nro perhaps tho most to be desired. For men there Is a stunning new dust coat made of Panama cloth. It Is In n modified raglan model with an overlap shouldor seam, which gives the effect of a Qlbson tuck, A new coat of white chinchilla cloth l In a long raglan model with drop sleeves. The rever collar, cuffs and half belt are of black velvet finished with large white pearl buttons. Lcnther sevslng emergency cases fold flat to drop Into the rail pocket and con tain all fittings needed for dainlng and other mending that Is likely to bo needed on a long trip. Very stunning coats are being inado ot bongaltne cloth, with the collars and cuffs embroidered In self-colors to match the silk. Tho thrco-quarter draped mod els nro popular for limousine wear. Women's changeable silk dust coats are very elaborate affairs this year and mny bo had In a number of good models. Hut they nro a bit too dressy for u, regular outing trip. By far tho lightest luncheon baskets ot the season are thoso fitted with alumi num utensils. Tho baskets aro square, with double leaf covers at tho top. The BUICK The Best Designed and Best Finished Moderate Priced Gar r AUTO EXPERIMENTAL STATION IN PARIS From thoMleslgnlng room of the Mlt-chell-LewIs Motor company In Racine, Wis., has gono out to tho penniless In ventors of Europe as well as the "Indus trial dreamers" of France, a message that conveys good cheer and tho cer tainty of fortune to tho man who de velops or devises something that will two bottles have snap covers. There are two sandwich cases and one suhid carrier. Motor pic otm. Tho Indianapolis Humane society has purchased a motorcycle for the use of Its humane officer. The streot railway company of St. Jo soph, Mo., has pin-chased a motoroyclo for uso In Its trouble deportment. Six hundred and thirty-three members were added to the F A. M. during March, making a total membership of iO'.M. Toronto. Can., inistofflro authorities are considering tho adoption of motor cycle vans for collecting mall. Although the owner of two largo tour ing cars, M. M. Holding, president of Jho Holding Hros. company, prefers to ride a motoroyclo on his Jaunts about his winter homo at Palm Bench, Fla, Oregon and Washington havo been added to tho list or states forming local F. A. M. organisations. It Is announced that official collectors of F. A. M. memberships must now have a certificate signed by tho secretary of tho F. A M. before they are. authoilied to collect any money for dues. One school district of Minnesota ho purchased a motorcycle for the use of thu toaoher In the agricultural depart ment, lie uses tho motoroyclo In visit ing tho farmers In connection with his school work. Throe hlghpower mortorcyclos havo ooon added to tho Minneapolis police de partment for uso In the outlying dis tricts. The chief of police says that an emergency call coming from the farthest district can now bo answered within ten minutes. P. S nodding of Hpoknne, Wash , su perintendent of county authorities, has been supplied with a motorcycle on which to make the tours of Investigation. Deputy Sheriff Hill of Mndlson county Tcnn., not only uses a motnrcyclo In running down criminals, hut he mounts them on the front of his machine and takes thorn to Jail. "I hav ridden my motorcycle 5,000 miles and havo had no mechanical trouble whatever," says George A Severance of Ware, Mass. Mr. Sever ance also snys that on examining his machine after riding this distance, not a slnglo part showed tho least sign of wear. Price $1050, Fully Equipped The Buick model 25 is the only truly high grade five-pnssenger touring cur selling for less than $1250. It rides so much easier and is so muoh bettor made and bettor finished than other cars sold at near its price that it lias proved a very popular model. The Buick motor, with its valve in tho head construction, develops more power than any other motor of like size. Let us give you a demonstration. Nebraska Lincoln uick Auto Co, Omaha Sioux City BUICK J The World's Largest Builders of Sis-Cylinder Automobiles New HUDSON "Six" WW Why a Six? Every automobile buyer should ask that question if he is paying more than $2,000. The Six is as flexible as a steam en gine. It rides with the smoothness of flying. It is motor luxury supreme no vibration, no jerking, quiet and comfortable, that more than doubles the distance you can travel in a day without fatigue qualities you immediately recognize in a Six. And Why a "54" HUDSON Motorists who know see in it the qualities which only Howard E. Coffin and his associates 48 all told were able to build into it. They have not produced a Six by merely adding two Slinders to a good Four. A good Six can't be built at way. These 48specialists, experienced in all the details of motor car building, trained in 97European andAmerican factories, started out to build a Six without being ham pered by old manufacturing equipment and old ideals. They had a new conception, the result of a combined wider knowledge than was perhaps ever before centered upon the designing of a motor car. Laymen will have their ideas as to how automobiles should be built but think you any one less experienced than these experts could build better? You naturally have more confidence in the diagnosis el ajskilled physician than you would in the conjectures of a hundred laymen. Put equal reliance in these 48 motor experts. Their reputation is staked on the "54" HUDSON. That is a sufficient guarantee for most buyers. But there also are HUDSON Sixes in every section. They aire doing the most abusive service that any automobile regardless of cost ever did. And they are standing up. HUDSONS don't disappoint. The "54" HUDSON has electric lights. It is electrically self-cranked. The famous Delco system, patented, is used. Every motor car luxury is included, speedometer, clock, top, curtains, rain-vision wind shield, demountable rims, twelve-inch upholstery, etc Equipped with a five-passenger Phaeton body, at $2450. At $1875 you can obtain the HUDSON "37" de signed by the same engineers that built the "54" and pointed to as the ''Four-cylinder masterpiece." See the Triangle on the Radiator GUY L. SMITH 2205-07 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA Thit monogram on ill uoWur sitnas jfa all jvucwtatAmmncArcur Your Chalmers Is Worth $ lOOO More but Costs Only $300 to $500 More When you ordor a suit of clothos you don't Boloot tlio cheapest. Price is not your solo standard but qual ity, looks, stylo, wearability. For thoso you nro glad to pay a littlo highor prico. When you buy or build a houso tho cost is not tho only thing considerod. You, want it woll built, attractive comfortable, pormauent. And you are willing to pay a fair prico for what you want even though you know cheaper houses can bo bought. Tho same thing is truo or should bo in buying a motor car. Do not decide tho car quostion on prico but consider carefully what you get for that price. Chalmors car will cost you $300 to $500 more than some othor cars, but it is worth to you at least $1000 more. It is worth that much more bocauso of tho extra value it gh'os. Extra value in dependable service. Chalmors cars built in Chalmors shops last longer than most cars. Eleven Chalmers oars havo been driven 1,020, 400 milos. Thousands of othors, somo in thoir 4th or 5th year, havo been driven 50,000 to 75,000 and aro still giving satisfaction. Extra value in comfort. Nowadays pcoplo ask more of a car than merely to run. Chalmors cars, with big, roomy bodies, Turkish cushions, 11 inch upholstory, long flexible springs, big wheels and tires givo you perfect riding comfort. Extra voluo in looks. Chalmers cars aro beautiful' oars. Cars you can bo proud of ,iu any company. $4000 and $5000 cars havo no hotter linos or more perfect finish. Extra value in satisfaction. It's poor economy to "save" a few hundred dollars on a motor cur which you won't take pernnuiont satisfac tion in driving. Many havo tried it. Thoy havo "saved" money and gained costly "automobile oxporionco" and havo finally purchased cars of tho Chnnilors grade. Why not puronaso now tho- car you nro sure to want lutor. Give us nn opportunity to show you tho Chalm ors is worth $1000 moro but costs only .,J0O to $500 more. Stewart-Toozer Motor Co., 2044-46-48 Farnam Street, ------ Omaha, Neb. r Electric Lights fegQJ LP Electric Starter Dreadnought Moline No. 40, $1950 Holds the World's Record for Reliability The one UNDISPUTED CHAMPION for the past four years in the WORLD'S GREATEST and most gruelling road contests. The DREADNOUGHT MOLINE has demonstrated time and again the superiority of construction and the construction of its mechanical details. This insures you 100 per cent value. Because of this, you owe it to yourself to investigate this wonderful car, which is built by a factory that KNOWS HOW. Completely equipped, electric starter and lights, $1950. Write for catalogue or phone for demonstration. Moline Automobile Co. D. M. BEAL, Mgr. 2421 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb.